mewtwoandme · 4 months
When TC made a comic of Sivith interacting with TC Huey when he was a baby, Newtwo's comment about Huey seeing both of them as his mom caused Sivith to cry heavily. Was that a foreshadow on TC's side?
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It miiiiiiiiiight have been :>
I'm honestly surprised you remembered that lol. (Also damn..back in 22...yeah, like I said, this has been planned for awhile ^^;)
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ask-mirage-mews · 8 months
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@violetjazz25 | Anonymous
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
I must see baby Nico!
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Bonus Fuji~ It's gonna take me a bit to get used to drawing him lol
Nico is a nommy baby, curtesy of @justice-the-pandisaster. XD
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penumbramewtwos · 1 month
Who are all of Kanto's babytwos and what loved ones did Kanto accept the death(s) of?
Alrighty~ Down to the nitty gritty.
All of Kanto's kids ages are based around the year 2090. The first two litters he had earlier in his life. They're now adults. the next two litters around 2082. Sha is an exception, as he would be born in 2101. After Okita had Chilli.
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In regards to Who's soul did Kanto accept the death of. I went with: Pikatwo Dragonkight (dragonair colours) Celebi (just a random) Meowthtwo And, not saying, but it might be pretty obvious for Sha XD
If anyone can guess how he's named them, excluding Sha, Brownie points to you :>
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trials-of-vj · 6 months
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Oop, someone was caught a little off guard~
@startouchedfeline @violetjazz25 @psychic-nature @qpjat076 (I'm glad it was so special to you! He's one of my oldest and most beloved guys. <3) @lynndoublelegacy
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bluejay-flies · 1 month
You alright there, Blizzard? Did you get pierced by any glass shards?
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“Can’t say no to that, can ya bro?”
“Shut up…”
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I don't blame you for prioritizing mini q. A good parent always puts their baby first
Plus this is my first kid!!! I’m all kinds of first parent nervous!!!
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phlurrii · 28 days
What if Ody initiated the petting? Just shoving his head to a trusted pair of human hands to give him pets.
Then they better not mess up cuz meau will hit the delete button if they do XD
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oddestoddish · 4 months
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the-mew-crew · 11 days
Looks like it as you seemed to have come out of nowhere right between Mariah and buizel. It is interesting how powers can start manifesting slowly, or at least it is interesting to me. Anyway, I wonder how Ark will react to hearing about you teleporting for the first time? I bet he will be parts impressed and surprised.
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Who's that Pokemon...?!
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A keldeo
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Egg is confused by the hooves
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mewtwoandme · 1 month
What exactly did Jericho do with Harry Goodman's body while his consciousness was in his Pikachu? And why couldn't he have used heal pulse on Harry and instead needed Tim to show up? For all he knew, Tim could've decided not to go to Ryme City to handle Harry's stuff and just send someone else to deal with it.
I have a headcanon that he needed Tim's genetic dna in order to remake Harry's body. "With the son's return, I can repair the father." Was what he said before he took Harry. And in the movie, you can kind of see Harry's body fade away into particles as he's being lifted up by Jericho. That leads me to believe that the body actually disintegrated. Which ties into my other headcanon: Harry actually did die from the crash.
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At the very end of the movie, when Jericho turns the people and pokemon back to normal, everyone gets their bodies back, without issue. Why's that?
Because they're alive. That's why Jericho needed Tim, the closest dna match to Harry, because Harry died while crawling out of the car wreck. So Jericho needed to create a new, healthier body in order to properly transfer Harry's soul back
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ask-mirage-mews · 6 months
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Bellatrix: “I wasn’t conscious when it happened, but when I woke up there was a big Braviary and we were at the Abundant Shrine. They told me that there were other strong pokemon there that would keep me safe, and the area was well protected. They stayed a few days, showed me how to get the things I needed and how to survive there, then left. I haven’t seen them since then.”
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loupy-mongoose · 3 months
Is Eirwen also a werewolf?
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She's based on a Lupe Neopet my bro or I got from McDonalds as kids.
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I'm repurposing it into a wolf~ (Also I only recently learned that the fabrics on the side of it's mouth is a little mustache, not teeth. I grew up believing it had Poochyena fangs. XD)
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penumbramewtwos · 1 month
Wait, I just had a closer look on the green band on Chili's arm. It's got a family photo!
ye x3 a photo of mum and grandma as the wallpaper
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trials-of-vj · 6 months
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You guys have talked to the Lindens too? Huh...
I... I feel like I should be more surprised, or uncomfortable... But somehow meeting you all doesn't feel too... wrong...?
If "this place" means Shadegrove, then yeah. I know it inside and out. I know every Pokemon that lives here and hear of every one that enters the territory.
...Helps me feel safe, y'know?
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Nosy bunch, aren't you. It's none of your business.
How did... I was thinking that, how did you even hear that...?
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Peh. Good luck with that. That would be like walking through a field of Voltorbs.
Look, how 'bout this. You all are free to ask me, but it doesn't mean I'll give you the answer. I won't explode if you "hit a Voltorb", so-to-speak. You strangers just don't need to know everything.
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Y... You guys know?
Well... I'm honored that they would trust us enough to tell us... Or... I guess they really only trust Cody, and only told me by association... I don't blame them at all for their feelings toward me... Especially knowing now that they're Psychic types...
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...He is... He really is...
We... We met in Johto. I had, uh... Stolen one of the starters--Pierce, a Cyndaquil at the time. We'll meet him when he gets here.
Anyway, at the same time, he was there to legally get a starter.
I was on my way back to Elm--the Professor of Johto--when we met. He tried to talk to me, but I... Uh... wasn't very friendly with him... to put it lightly...
Well, I ended up doing the Gym challenge, and because he was doing that too, we kept bumping into each other... He was... He was always so sweet and kind and patient with me... It surprised me...
I don't know how he did it, but... I can't thank him enough for that... He really helped me turn my life around for the better...
@haycoat-art @doughbrainer @passionateclown @violetjazz25 @wolfoftheend
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