#Virginia Civil War ?
pointandshooter · 1 year
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The Henry House, Manassas, Virginia
photo: David Castenson
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rebelyells · 9 months
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It’s Lee - Jackson Day. Still an official holiday in Virginia hearts and minds!
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alliluyevas · 2 months
to be fair i may also be overestimating the number of people on this website who know who Jeb Stuart was
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I'm looking at the American Civil War forum again since it's such a treasure trove.
So many people are trying to figure out if this one blurry af photo is Grant but it's so hard to tell because of how blurry it is. I think it'd be a great idea to try and photoshop restore it (unfortunately I don't think I'm experienced enough to try...and Grant or whoever it is will be starting at me with scary cold blue eyes the whole time [my username was deliberated on very carefully])
Someone posted a photo of potentially Stonewall Jackson during the Mexican-American War. Personally I have not seen enough photos of Jackson to make an argument for or against it being him.
OP says: "Is this a photo of a young Jackson? I tend to believe that it is, although I've only seen it recently here on the forum and lacking in attribution as to where the original can be found... The war with Mexico in 1846 which coincided with Jackson's graduation and commissioning as a Second Lieutenant in the artillery branch of the United States Army was likely the first opportunity for him to have his "likeness" taken. Supporting the identification of the image as Jackson in Mexico are of course the non-regulation headgear, but also the white buff saber belt supporting the regulation Saber for the Light Artillery, though it appears to be an enlisted model rather than one for an officer... It was not unusual in either the Mexican or Civil War for officers to carry enlisted men's swords and sabers, especially in the South and while in the field."
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LOOK AT HIS EYES!!!! The legend of old Blue-Light is true! If judging by his eyes alone I think the glimmer in his eyes is definitely a clue. Also, lovely hat and saber here. Notice the pinky ring. Maybe it is a class ring following his previous graduation at West Point? According to West Point, class rings began as a tradition in 1835, so it definitely could be so!
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rabbitcruiser · 24 days
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American Civil War: The Second Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Second Manassas ended on August 30, 1862.  
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vandaliatraveler · 1 year
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It’s not so hard to imagine the hustle and bustle of life in this historic Appalachian railroad town at the peak of North-Central West Virginia’s coal and glass industries. In the mid-1800s, the B&O Railroad completed the first trans-Appalachian line through Grafton, and the sleepy backwater along the Tygart River was transformed within a year into an economic boomtown. During the Civil War, Union and Confederate forces fought for control of Grafton’s strategic railroad juncture, which was critical to the Union’s logistical movement of troops and supplies. After the war and through the first half of the 20th Century, growth and prosperity continued, and the town was gifted with two magnificent Beaux Arts edifices to cater to a steady stream of visitors: the B&O Railroad Station and the Willard Hotel. The town also hosted the first Mother’s Day celebration, now commemorated by the International Mother’s Day Shrine. But nothing lasts forever, and with the decline of the area’s coal and glass industries, so too has Grafton seen it’s best days get behind it. But I’m a railroad and history buff, and I admire this town’s noble decrepitude - like that of almost every other Appalachian town whose bittersweet contributions to the making of America seem increasingly lost to history.
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simply-ivanka · 6 months
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April 9, 1865 -- General Lee surrenders at Appomattox, Virginia.
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karagin22 · 7 months
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tommy-288 · 11 months
Loving the fact that the first Minnesota regiment captured a confederate flag at Gettysburg and never gave it back to the south.
It’s just there, in Minnesota, and after the South asked for it Minnesota was like “no we captured it”.
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revoltedstates · 9 months
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Union pickets in West Virginia ca 1862. West Virginia State Archives.
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pointandshooter · 2 years
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Spotsylvania, Virgina
photo: David Castenson
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rebelyells · 1 year
Today is the 160th Anniversary of Pickett’s Charge.
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roscoe-conkling · 1 year
Posing as a British aristocrat with Confederate sympathies, Pinkerton detective turned Union spy Pryce Lewis was instrumental in gathering intelligence that provided the Union Army with its first major victory of the Civil War, the liberation of Charleston and rout of Confederate forces from western Virginia in the fall of 1861. As a consequence, the people of western Virginia voted to create a separate state, and the free state of West Virginia was officially sanctioned in May, 1862.
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Robert E Lee and his son Rooney Lee (1838 I think)
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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American Civil War: The Second Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Second Manassas ended on August 30, 1862.  
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araiz-zaria · 4 months
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