#Virtual booth exhibition London
tilluvirtualevent · 11 months
Revolutionizing the Art World: A Virtual Exhibition Platform Experience in the UK
Welcome to the future of art exhibitions! In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the art world has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the emergence of virtual exhibition platforms. These innovative platforms have completely revolutionized the way art is showcased, experienced, and appreciated by art enthusiasts and collectors alike. In this blog post, we'll delve into the exciting world of virtual exhibitions in the UK, exploring the benefits, features, and impact of this cutting-edge approach to art curation and presentation.
Embracing the Digital Realm: As the art community seeks to adapt to changing times, the UK has been at the forefront of embracing virtual exhibition platforms. These platforms have provided artists, galleries, and museums with a dynamic and immersive digital canvas to display their art to a global audience. With a few clicks, art lovers from across the world can now explore captivating exhibits without leaving the comfort of their homes.
Breaking Down Geographical Barriers: One of the most significant advantages of virtual exhibition platforms is their ability to transcend geographical boundaries. Whether you're an artist in London, a collector in Edinburgh, or an art enthusiast in Manchester, you can effortlessly participate in and enjoy the same exhibition without the need for expensive travel or time-consuming logistics. This newfound accessibility has led to increased diversity and inclusivity in the art community.
Unleashing Artistic Creativity: Virtual exhibition platforms open up a whole new realm of possibilities for artists to showcase their creativity. Unlike traditional physical exhibits, virtual spaces allow for unconventional and interactive installations that push the boundaries of traditional art displays. From 3D sculptures to immersive augmented reality experiences, artists are empowered to create without constraints, capturing the attention of audiences like never before.
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jennyvtuber · 7 months
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I am happy to announce that I am a stream partner with Vket once again!
Vket is a twice-yearly online free exhibition that takes place in multiple VRChat worlds. Along with this year's fun recreations of London, Okinawa, and Shibuya/Harajuku, there are many completely original worlds. Exhibits I've seen in past vkets all sorts of booths. Booths for selling VRChat avatars and accessories, booths showing off comic circles, and booths showing off a real-world model robot building club where they battle, and a virtual recreation of their robots that you can use in game! It is an absolutely delightful event.
Please join me on my stream December 2nd, and my friend Torracel on December 3rd to explore these worlds! It's also my first time experiencing vket with a VR headset, so I am very excited to put on hats. ;u;
If you are not interested in watching a stream of it, please at least check out the event yourself! You can find more about it on the official Vket website. VRChat will also have their worlds highlighted for the first week of the event.
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candy-floss-crazy · 6 months
Giant Christmas Bauble Photo Booth Hire
Hire A Giant Christmas Bauble Snow Globe Photo Booth Our stunning Christmas Bauble is another unique photo booth system. Not only a stunning photo booth, but a true centrepiece for any event. A quick set up system means this can be installed virtually anywhere in under an hour, and works equally as well inside as outside. Artificial snow, L.E.D. lighting and festive themed props make this a fun Christmas booth. This is also available as a Giant Snow Globe. Giant Christmas Bauble Snow Globe Comes With •Canon DSLR Camera System •Dye Sublimation Printer •Artificial Snow •Funky Themed Props Box •Themed Decoration In The Bauble •L.E.D. Lighting •Unlimited Use During The Hire Period Additional Attractions In addition to our Christmas themed photo booths we also offer a number of other Christmas themed attractions such as mulled wine and chestnut carts, white candy floss, and a range of festive fun sidestall games (shoot the snowman anyone), together we can provide a package of Christmas entertainment for your events. Although primarily a Christmas themed attraction, the bauble is available all year round and is great for Winter wonderland themed parties.Our Christmas Bauble can be combined with our Giant snow globes to present a fabulous high end centrepiece for your event. mix some of the globes in in different sizes and you can create a one off magical festive fun fest. All of our globes come with high speed print stations delivering touch dry, high quality prints in under 30 seconds. We can also custom theme any of our globes to suit a corporate event or sales promotion. SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING Social media facilities allow your guests to instantly share their images from the bauble with social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and via email. The system can also be set to collect user data via a questionnaire or email address capture for corporate promotions. PERSONALISATION Our baubles have a number of panels around the base that can be replaced with branded panels for corporate use, or with the bride and grooms names at weddings or parties. The images themselves can also be custom branded for sales promotions or exhibitions. For more in depth promotions the bauble itself can have self adhesive stickers applied to both the interior and exterior surfaces. MERRY CHRISTMAS Merry Christmas, definitely our favourite time of the year, its easily our busiest time, but after the rush we get to enjoy some of the Christmas spirit, and we dont just mean the alcoholic variety. A Wonderful Life is sure to be on the television, fabulous festive music, and that feel good factor, what more can you want. WHERE CAN I HIRE A GIANT CHRISTMAS BAUBLE NEAR ME; We can provide a bauble booth anywhere in the U.K. Our giant Christmas baubles for hire, are available throughout the U.K. and Europe, including the North East, The Midlands, Yorkshire, Lancashire, London, Scotland and make a perfect centrepiece for college balls, company fundays parties, weddings, military balls and exhibitions. 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 Read the full article
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digitalageexpo · 8 months
The Advantages of Exhibiting at a Virtual Business Expo
Virtual business expos have gained significant traction in recent years, offering a myriad of advantages over traditional in-person events. By eliminating geographical barriers and substantially reducing costs, these digital platforms provide an ideal space for businesses to showcase their products and services, connect with potential clients, and expand their reach. As a result, the Digital Age Expo-Virtual Event in London is an excellent opportunity for businesses looking to explore the benefits of exhibiting in a virtual environment.
Cost-Effectiveness of Virtual Business Expos
One of the most compelling advantages of virtual business expos is their cost-effectiveness compared to traditional in-person events. Exhibitors can save considerably on expenses related to travel, accommodation, and booth set up. With no need to transport physical materials or allocate resources to booth construction, businesses can allocate their funds more efficiently.
Moreover, the Digital Age Expo Business Club offers free exhibition stands, allowing businesses to showcase their products and services without incurring additional costs. This further reinforces the cost-effectiveness of participating in a virtual business expo like the Digital Age Expo-Virtual Event in London.
Wider Reach and Accessibility of Virtual Business Expos
Virtual business expos offer a significant advantage in terms of reach and accessibility. By removing geographical limitations, these digital events attract larger and more diverse audiences. This increased accessibility appeals to both individuals and businesses interested in the digital economy, extending the potential client base for exhibitors.
Furthermore, virtual expos provide a national and global reach, enabling businesses to connect with potential clients and partners from different parts of the world. This expanded exposure allows exhibitors to enhance their brand recognition and extend their influence within the industry, making virtual business expos an attractive option for businesses seeking growth and expansion.
Networking Opportunities at Virtual Business Expos
Virtual business expos offer numerous networking opportunities through features such as live chats and virtual networking sessions. These interactive platforms facilitate real-time communication and enable businesses to engage with potential clients, partners, and industry experts, expanding their professional networks.
Furthermore, the Digital Age Expo provides additional networking opportunities, such as speed networking events and VIP lounges. These exclusive features foster valuable connections and collaborations, contributing to the overall appeal of exhibiting at a virtual business expo.
Enhanced Data and Analytics from Virtual Business Expos
Virtual business expos provide a wealth of data and insights, giving businesses invaluable information about attendee behaviour and interactions. This data enables exhibitors to track engagement with their virtual booths, identify trends, and understand the preferences of their target audience.
Armed with these insights, businesses can refine their marketing efforts and offerings to better cater to their clients' needs. By harnessing the power of data and analytics, exhibitors can improve their strategies and optimise their performance, making virtual business expos an essential tool for businesses seeking growth and success in the digital age.
Increased Brand Exposure Through Virtual Business Expos
Participating in virtual business expos can significantly increase brand awareness and generate buzz around a business. By showcasing their products and services in a virtual environment, businesses can capture the attention of a wider audience, leading to enhanced brand exposure.
Moreover, the Digital Age Expo offers sponsorship opportunities that further boost visibility and brand recognition. By leveraging these opportunities, businesses can effectively position themselves as industry leaders and stand out in the competitive digital landscape.
Creative Opportunities in Virtual Business Expos
Virtual business expos offer unique creative opportunities for businesses to customise their virtual booths and showcase their brand in innovative ways. From interactive presentations to immersive 3D environments, the digital platform enables exhibitors to present their products and services in ways that captivate audiences and differentiate them from competitors.
Additionally, virtual exhibits have a longer lifespan compared to physical booths, as they can be repurposed for company websites, social media posts, or training materials. This extended use further enhances the return on investment for businesses participating in virtual business expos.
Sustainability in Virtual Business Expos
Virtual business expos offer significant environmental benefits, contributing to sustainability efforts in the digital age. By reducing the need for travel and minimising paper waste, virtual expos promote eco-friendly practices and align with the growing focus on environmental conservation.
Emphasising sustainability is not only crucial for the planet but also for businesses striving to meet the evolving expectations of their clients and partners. By participating in virtual expos, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices and appeal to environmentally conscious audiences.
Continued Learning and Growth Through Virtual Business Expos
Virtual business expos present opportunities for businesses to learn from industry leaders and competitors, fostering continued growth and development. By observing the latest trends, strategies, and best practices showcased at these events, businesses can stay up-to-date with industry advancements and adapt their approach accordingly.
Additionally, the Digital Age Expo offers an array of educational opportunities, including masterclasses, seminars, live workshops, and keynote sessions. By participating in these events, businesses can gain valuable insights and knowledge, enhancing their expertise and competitive edge in the market.
Embrace the Virtual Expo Advantage
Exhibiting at a virtual business expo offers numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness, wider reach and accessibility, networking opportunities, enhanced data and analytics, increased brand exposure, creative opportunities, sustainability, and continued learning and growth. The Digital Age Expo-Virtual Event in London is an ideal platform to experience these advantages first-hand.
Join the digital revolution and elevate your business by participating in the Digital Age Expo. Explore webinars, masterclasses, and live workshops, and take advantage of sponsorship opportunities for increased visibility. Visit the webinars page, learn about sponsorship options, join the Digital Age Expo Business Club, and discover more about the event features to make the most of this unique virtual experience.
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Today our class went to the Javits Center for the COTERIE Show. The Javits Center is huge and very crisp. I first found Aditi and Caroline when I walked in. Then we wandered around until we found the rest of the group.
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We got checked in and got our little badges. After that we headed inside and began wandering. One of the first booths I saw was True Religion. They had stuff out for Spring/Summer 24 and it was sooo cute. After that we kept wandering around and saw a few recognizable brands, but most were smaller that I never heard about.
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The first brand we went up and spoke to was guaj london. What caught my eye was that they had a sign about recycled fabric. Something really important to me in design is sustainable materials so we chatted with them for a bit. Then we continued on for a bit talking to various people and brands. One of them that we talked to was called Driftwood. The girl we talked to had just graduated 3 months ago and was super nice. We asked her a bunch of questions and got her info. Driftwood is a smaller brand that mainly does wholesale to bigger companies like Free People. Then we stumbled upon a brand called Print Fresh. Their stuff was sooooo cute. We asked the lady working the booth about their design process. She told us they were based in Philadelphia. They had these gorgeous prints and textiles. She told us that they have an in house designer who draws all the prints, then they scan them onto the computer, and do screen printing by hand in India. We chatted with her more and asked if they have design internships, we also got her contact information. After that we went to a booth called The Nu Vintage. The clothing was sooo cute I almost died. We talked one of the lady’s running the booth. She asked us for our info after we told her we were students. She got our numbers and email and we wrote down that we were interested in design and modeling they were based in Los Angeles. She mentioned the show in February if we wanted to work the booth, unfortunately but not too unfortunate, I’ll be in Parí.
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After that we stumbled upon this brand called Arcadia Earth. They were a company that basically blends fashion, art, technology, and theater all in one. It was really cool exhibit. We put on VR like headsets and looked around at different stations. It was interactive so at each station we would grab, poor, or click something and it would tell us more information. The exhibit as a whole about denim processing and sustainability factors of all the different stages. We got the chance to talk to the creative director of the brand and ask her a few questions. She told us they used to have a huge exhibit for 4 years, but it got shut down because of Covid and now they focus on specialized events. She says she works with the customer/event to brainstorm ideas, formulate it all, figure out all the texts (what’s on the wall in the pictures below), and then explains it to the coders who then develop it into virtual reality. They also partner a lot with smaller brands/designers like the garments and art pieces also pictured below.
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After that on our way out we spotted the Johnny Was booth. I looove Johnny Was their stuff is so cute so I kinda freaked out and was looking through all their stuff. We talked to one of the workers and she told us about the design process. They are based in LA and do a lot of their own embroidery, they have designers who plan it all out and she explains that there are different designers for all 6 of their lines. They had a home line with the cutest teddy bears! I couldn’t take to many pictures throughout because it was illegal, but I tried to get as many as I could (some sneaky ones too). So much fun!
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gagosiangallery · 4 years
Nathaniel Mary Quinn at Gagosian London and Frieze London Online
September 29, 2020
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NATHANIEL MARY QUINN Frieze London October 1–November 21, 2020 | 17–19 Davies Street, London October 7–16, 2020 | gagosian.com | viewingroom.frieze.com __________ I have always been interested in the ways that different groups of people view one another: how they internalize their own identities, how others perceive them, and how their own self-perceptions are physically expressed. Working with portraiture during this tumultuous and historic time, as we reckon with racial discrimination and violence in the midst of a global pandemic, requires me to consider these perceptions in an entirely new way.       —Nathaniel Mary Quinn Gagosian is pleased to present new paintings and works on paper by Nathaniel Mary Quinn. This will be his first solo presentation with the gallery in London, and will include additional works online to coincide with this year’s virtual edition of Frieze London. At Davies Street, Quinn will present a selection of paintings, as well as Three Months In (2020), his largest work on paper to date. With its wide plate glass window, this storefront exhibition space will act as the artist’s “solo booth” for Frieze London, while the Gagosian Quarterly online will present a time-lapse video documenting him making one of the exhibited paintings earlier this year, with added commentary from the artist about his process. While Quinn’s portraits may resemble collages, they are actually rendered in oil paint, charcoal, gouache, oil stick, pastel, and gold leaf. He begins with a vision—a flash of a face from his past—that he feels compelled to translate into reality. Collecting images from magazines, newspapers, comics, and advertisements, he reimagines them as purely aesthetic snippets detached from their original contexts, before methodically reproducing each one by hand. Using the Surrealist strategy of the cadavre exquis, Quinn covers parts of his own composition with construction paper as he works, so that no existing section influences the appearance of the next. As with his Surrealist forebears, this composite approach focuses on the nuances of the subconscious, coaxing forth repressed emotions. In these new larger-than-life portraits, Quinn turns his attention to the subtle social shifts that accompany life in a time of crisis and isolation. Each painting is born out of a specific memory or encounter; some portraits, such as Lunch (2020), are personal and introspective, evoking childhood nostalgia through soft, inviting facial features. Other paintings offer harrowing social critique, confronting the racial bias of threatening criminality that is so often thrust upon Black men. In Pig Target and Mr. Nightmare (both 2020), Quinn portrays his subjects as seen through the eyes of racist aggressors; they are dehumanized and transformed through the strategies of distortion and fragmentation into a red-clad target for slaughter, or a bestial mutant from the pages of a comic book. Concurrently, a suite of charcoal-on-paper “enhanced performance drawings” will premiere on the Gagosian website and in the Frieze Viewing Room from October 7 through 16. Quinn creates these drawings using both hands simultaneously, often “enhancing” them with colorful swaths of gouache and soft pastel. For the ambidextrous artist, the technique behind these works is a full-body performance that expands upon his spontaneous act of rendering visions, yet the end result is surprisingly and resolutely representational. Drawing is a foundational aspect of Quinn’s practice; raw, visceral, and intimately scaled, his works on paper inform the affective power and compositional rhythm of his larger paintings. Nathaniel Mary Quinn was born in 1977 in Chicago and lives and works in New York. Collections include the Brooklyn Museum, New York; Studio Museum in Harlem, New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Pérez Art Museum Miami; Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, AR; Art Institute of Chicago; The Broad, Los Angeles; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; and Museo Jumex, Mexico City. Quinn’s first solo museum exhibition, This is Life, was presented at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, WI, from December 2018 to March 2019. _____ Nathaniel Mary Quinn, Lunch, 2020, oil paint, paint stick, oil pastel, and gouache on linen canvas, 14 × 11 inches (35.6 × 27.94 cm) © Nathaniel Mary Quinn
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syldana · 6 years
Wizard World 2018
When the London Comic announced David, I confess to have had the crazy hope that, as far as it was at home, that Gill would poise his Glen Close cup at this event, but no ... 
Still missed. Frankly, I had lost all hope, was starting to think about possibly going to Orlando, but October would have been a risky time for me. Autumn (season that I adore yet) is a complicated season, I do not usually take leave because I have just returned from those of the summer, which also means that the money has already seriously spent. Not the right moment, in short ... And now, thanks to my guardian angels, and to a miraculous medal church to whom I owe 10 candles of thanks now, Chicago announces the mythical Duet. In 2016, they had already participated in Wizard World with Mitch and William, and I missed the opportunity because they were announced late and I had already invested in something else. 
This year, the same, definitely, except that there too bad, I sell a kidney if necessary but it was the occasion or never because Gillian threat to no longer do salon after this year. So I had to organize everything at the last minute, extend my scheduled dates of holidays, calculate all the budget to plan and start a good time, I will discover Chicago. 
In the end, I regret nothing. I have serious anxiety for weeks that either cancels a week or the day before the event, I must admit, but they respected this time the planned commitment and it allowed me to forgive Gillian for the previous blunder. 
This show is really nice, big in size, two rooms for derivatives, although the one in Toronto is really the largest show I've done so far, the sites are perfectly divided and reflect a good organization: the autograph stands are near the place of the photoshoot, the conference rooms are on the first floor, adding a concert stage in the large lobby with the presence in a corner of a Starbuck ... 
This Stephen Convention Center is truly beautiful local and the conference floor really makes luxury hotel lobby with ceiling chandeliers. The highlight was of course the Photoshoot. For obvious reasons, I only invested for this show for the photo that was already expensive and the Silver VIP Pass which also allowed me access to the Panel that started in the late afternoon at 17:15. 
So I start the day at 9:30, overview products, not much around X-Files like had, really cool cosplay, presentation booths or exhibition around Dr Who, Star Wars .. ., cars made famous by fictions: Jurassic Park, Ghostbuster, Supernatural ... Basics in short. I found my T-shirt booth that I meet at every trade fair, they definitely travel guys, and that offers the most truly varied choice since they sell virtually all series or films printed on fabric. The photoshoot started at 11:30 and I'm anxious of course, because this damn picture, I'm waiting to do it since I was like ... 13 years old and the teenager I was would never but never imagined that at the 25th anniversary this moment would come true. During the queue, I meet a bunch of girls registered like me on Tumblr, she asks me my nickname, we talk about Justholdinghands, she is a truly reference on this network in terms of informations... in a word, the better it occupies the mind, it prevents me from falling into tears. My Silver Pass makes me go before everyone else, so much the better, because I was having a heart attack. Behind the curtain ... I guess ... Gillian had already arrived at 10am to start his program of the day which began with a first autograph session. I took the opportunity to take a picture, but David him, the sleep in the morning like in Montreal, Sir starts his day at 11:30 with the photo ^^^^^ (the guys I swear) In short, they are both there, Gill and his lounge uniform, holding everything in black, he who displays his biceps T-Shirt and my turn comes. Well it's time not to miss, I reported it to you 1000 times. We have 1 min to talk to them, watch them, take the picture, thank them and be kindly thrown out by the staff (the session lasts like every hour and everyone has to go). So, not the moment to be nervous. I put myself behind the line, my mind is empty, I display my best smile and go: Hi, how are you ?? Gillian and David, a-do-ra-ble, welcome me with their most beautiful expressions, David recognized me (it was like the 3rd time in two months that he supported me), and there I stick between the 2 quickly done. 
Yesssssss it's done bordellllllllllllllllllllll, Finallyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I pray that the photo is not missed, I thank them 10 times for this moment and I get my shot which is superb I think. Thank you photographer, even if my adorable mother finds that the blue background behind is too aggressive (do not care!). The day is going on and ... Comes the moment of the Panel. The moment that the Gillovnies wait because it's the moment when Gill and David, when nobody is between them of course, let go. Well it was not bad in the end, honestly they were relatively themselves. Gill has responded well, David showed his usual disillusioned look, fixing a point on the horizon ... but when these two look at each other, the complicity is there, it smiles, it laughs, it is valve, Gill who still finds an excuse to touch him and whisper in his ear. Of the two, it is Gill who plays the most questions game, she shows more memory when the episodes passed for once, not of Bad Blood, and which answered the best, taking advantage of the opportunity for reiterate his contempt for the end. Good on the other hand that it is fixed in the idea that one constantly puts forward the qualities of reproducer of Scully swells me, this woman has during 11 seasons posted qualities nevertheless other by its strength, its intelligence, its courage , her determination (even if Mulder beats her at this level with her obsession), so it would be cool for her to stop raising the fact that she and Carter are divided as to Scully's fate, thanks!
And everything was going on normally until a fan found a way to ask: when Scully and Mulder practice sex, who is the master, who is above? 
Honestly, had to see their head, I thought David was going to get angry, it was a cold on stage, the speaker was very embarrassed, recalled that these are still fictional characters, Gill responded rather adroitly that we move on and David remained frozen in a look of implacable coldness. Honestly, the question you want a season 12 ?? Would have been better there for once …
I enjoyed the moment when David recovered from a fan's hands a portrait showing all Scully's hairstyles throughout the ages he teased Gill on the subject as what she was often styled the same, Gill who displays a falsely shocked expression In short, it's okay they get along as well, no worries on that side, that's fine. I enjoyed David qualifying the season of The Fall hobby, because 6 episodes (parallel with the new season format for X-Files in season 11) is very short, Gill laughed, they were relaxed ... From memory that's what comes to me for now, but there would be more to say ... In conclusion, knowing that Gillian was born in this city, it's a good goodbye I think, we closed the loop, my dream long frustrated to have this shot in Duo is realized there and it makes this perfect moment. Now it is time to have other projects and other dreams.
 2019, will be theatrical !!
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cliftonsteen · 3 years
Coffee News Recap, 13 Aug: Arabica prices projected to rise 13% by end of 2021, BOP 2021 announces winners & other stories
Every Friday, Perfect Daily Grind rounds up the top coffee industry news of the week. Here are this week’s stories.
Mon, 9 Aug – illycaffè announces Farm-to-Table Scholarship with The Culinary Institute of America. The programme will support those taking food business management and applied food studies degrees. Two to four scholarships will be given to eligible students.
Mon, 9 Aug – Royal Coffee to host hybrid palate development class in September. On 23 September, Royal Coffee will hold a combined virtual and in-person tasting event on spices and floral notes. Remote attendees can order tasting kits, while fully vaccinated attendees can purchase limited in-person tickets. Registration closes on 7 September.
Mon, 9 Aug – Chobani’s I Dream of Creamer campaign announces winning flavour. “Sizzlin’ Brown Sugar” received the highest number of votes. The new coffee creamer will be available in US stores nationwide.
Mon, 9 Aug – Arabica prices expected to increase by 13% by end of 2021 due to Brazil frost. Reuters predicts ICE arabica prices will reach US 198.50 cents/lb by the end of the year. Brazil’s 2022/23 harvest is anticipated to decrease by around 5 million bags due to extreme weather.
Mon, 9 Aug – Best of Panama 2021 competition announces winners. The Nuguo fermented coffee from Café Gallardo placed first in the natural Geisha category, achieving 94.75 points. The highest scoring coffee in the washed Geisha category was from Itza Priscila Sittón Vega de Amar, receiving 93.50 points. The BoP auction will be held on 22 September.
Mon, 9 Aug – Nestlé and JDE partner for recycling collection service with Oxford City Council. As part of Nestlé and JDE’s Podback service, Oxford residents can recycle plastic and aluminium capsules using designated curbside collection bags. Once collected, recycling services will separate the coffee grounds from the packaging.
Mon, 9 Aug – Fellow releases Shimmy Coffee Sieve. The sieve includes metal filters under 200 microns to remove microfines. The Shimmy Coffee Sieve’s design was inspired by cocktail shakers.
Mon, 9 Aug – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report claims average global temperatures will increase by 1.5°C within 20 years. The report states human activity is “unequivocally to blame” for climate change, and that rapid and immediate action to reduce carbon emissions is necessary to prevent further temperature increases. Less developed regions, such as coffee-growing countries, are expected to be more heavily impacted by climate change. The UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held in November.
Mon, 9 Aug – New tree species named after Puro Fairtrade coffee. Puro tree (Sciadophyllum Purocafeanum) was discovered in Ecuador in 2019. It is now the third tree species named after Puro Fairtrade coffee, following the Puro frog and Puro orchid. Puro Fairtrade coffee focuses on sourcing beans from environmentally sustainable initiatives.
Mon, 9 Aug – Clever Bean Coffee Company launches Kickstarter for Clever Cold Brewer. The brewing device includes a finer filter and a larger brewing chamber. The Utah company also offers a subscription service of pre-ground coffee sachets.
Tues, 10 Aug – Tiny Capital announces AeroPress investment. The Canadian holding company will support AeroPress’ product development. Alan Adler, the founder of AeroPress, will retain ownership of the company.
Tue, 10 Aug – Swiss Water releases 2021 second quarter financial results. Revenue increased by 9% to US $28.8 million compared to the same period last year. Sales volumes of Swiss Water’s decaffeinated coffee rose by 74% in Europe, compared to the first half of 2020.
Tue, 10 Aug – SOHO Coffee Co. develops online coffee product range. The UK company now sells three new single origin coffees and brewing products via its online shop. The coffee and food-to-go chain also offers a subscription service.
Tue, 10 Aug – Cauldryn launches Cauldryn Coffee Pro insulated flask. The thermal flask can be set to a customisable temperature range using an app. The 10-hour battery can also boil water.
Tue, 10 Aug – Sigep event to return in-person in January 2022. The B2B Italian coffee and dessert event will be held from 22 to 26 January in Rimini. The event will include a three-day “Digital Agenda” for one-to-one networking.
Tue, 10 Aug – Sucafina reports pallet costs have increased by over 100% since January 2021. Increases in wood prices in Antwerp have led to rising prices for coffee pallets. Sucafina also states similar price increases may occur in Dubai.
Tue, 10 Aug – London chain AMT Coffee plans rebrand under Change Please. AMT operates 50 outlets in service stations and hospitals throughout the UK. The company’s new partnership with social enterprise Change Please aims to double the number of locations by 2024.
Tue, 10 Aug – Gong cha to open Covent Garden location. The Taiwan bubble tea company operates over 1,500 stores in 21 countries. The new London location will include 40 different options for customising drinks.
Wed, 11 Aug – COE El Salvador 2021 auction results announced. Buyers included those from the US, Japan, China, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia. The highest scoring coffee (a semi-washed Pacamara) was purchased for US $70/lb by Big Face Coffee – led by NBA player Jimmy Butler.
Wed, 11 Aug – Euromonitor International report finds sales of soy milk are declining. The growth of almond, oat, coconut, and pea milks have led to a drop in soy milk sales. Euromonitor also predicts lab-grown dairy milk may become more popular in the next five years.
Wed, 11 Aug – Cecafé announces Brazil’s July 2021 exports decreased by almost 13%. Shipments fell to over 2.8 million bags, which is a 12.8% decrease on the July 2020 figures. Cecafé says that increasing freight prices and a lack of container space are to blame.
Wed, 11 Aug – Dunkin’ releases new autumn menu items. The Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew and Pumpkin Spice Signature Latte will be available on 18 August. The brand is also launching a “100% Guatemalan Coffee” as part of its single-origin Limited Batch Series.
Wed, 11 Aug – Caravela Coffee achieves carbon neutral operations. The company has become the world’s first green coffee trader to achieve the Carbon Neutral Silver Standard certification. The certification was granted by One Carbon World, a partner of the UN’s Climate Neutral Now initiative. By 2025, the company aims to certify every kilogram of coffee produced as carbon neutral.
Wed, 11 Aug – Cropster Hub rebrands as “V-Hub” after Vollers Group purchase. The commodity logistics group purchased Cropster to develop its functionalities and enhance logistics and delivery services.
Thu, 12 Aug – REBBL launches “STACKED COFFEE” RTD line. The oat milk coffee product range comes in Café Mocha, Vanilla Latte, Hazelnut Latte, and Straight Black flavours. The RTD products also include reishi and lion’s mane mushroom extracts.
Thu, 12 Aug – Brazilian government to provide R$1.2 billion (US $225 million) emergency credit line. Smallholder farmers will be able to access funds using agricultural insurance. Procafé will conduct a survey to assess the level of support required. Earlier estimates report 21.2% of 800,000 hectares of arabica may have been damaged.
Thu, 12 Aug – Tony’s Coffee releases single-use Coffee Brew Bags. The nitrogen-flushed coffee bags have a steep time of 4 to 6 minutes. The packaging is also compostable.
Thu, 12 Aug – Café Grumpy launches US subscription service. The Brooklyn roaster will now provide weekly, fortnightly, or monthly coffee and cold brew subscriptions – with nationwide delivery.
Thu, 12 Aug – ICO report finds July 2021 coffee prices hit highest levels since November 2014 after Brazil frost. Between 20 and 26 July, daily arabica prices increased by 25.4%, from US 165.65 cents/lb to US 207.8 cents/lb. The average price for Brazilian naturals increased by 8.4% to US 160.62 cents/lb – the highest monthly average since January 2015.
Fri, 13 Aug – Oatly to open third US production facility in 2023. The proposed 280,000 sq ft facility in Fort Worth, Texas will produce around 150 million litres of oat milk. The company plans to open nine global factories by 2023.
Fri, 13 Aug – Genuine Origin and Coffee Coalition for Racial Equity to host booth at Specialty Expo. Green coffee traders Genuine Origin will sponsor the booth, while the non-profit CCRE will select six black-owned businesses to exhibit at the expo’s Roaster Village.
Fri, 13 Aug – Bellwether Coffee releases 2020 sustainability report. The roasting solutions company states revenue grew over 100% as installations of its roasters doubled compared to 2019. Bellwether was able to reduce CO2 emissions by 896,096 lbs (406,462 kg) throughout the year, and sustainably sourced over 390,000 lbs (176,901 kg) of coffee.
Here are a few news stories from previous weeks that you might find interesting. Take a look.
Wed, 4 Aug – Starbucks Korea partners with MINI Korea for new campaign. New beverages include Zest Green Blended, Ruby Red Chilling Ice Tea, and Rooftop Grey Latte. The partnership will include MINI+Starbucks brewing cars – serving coffee and other beverages from the Starbucks Korea menu.
Thu, 5 Aug – JDE Peet’s publishes 2021 first half financial results. Sales increased by 4.2% compared to the same period in 2020, fuelled by the at-home market. Peet’s also launched its first range of flavoured K-Cup capsules, including Caramel Brûlée, Vanilla Cinnamon, and Hazelnut Mocha.
Thu, 5 Aug – Panera Bread, Caribou Coffee, and Einstein Bros Bagels form Panera Brands. CEO of Panera Bread, Niren Chaudhary, has been appointed as the Group CEO of Panera Brands. The three companies combined operate some 4,000 locations across 10 countries.
Thu, 5 Aug – Café Santo Domingo expands distribution in US. Dominican company Industrias Banilejas and US company Goya Foods signed an agreement for the distribution of Café Santo Domingo products in the northeastern US. Café Santo Domingo is considered to be one of the Dominican Republic’s largest coffee distributors.
Fri, 6 Aug – Ecommerce brand Meritage Coffee debuts on US market. The organic coffee company is selling four blends: Founder’s Reserve, New York Blend, Breakfast Blend, and Espresso Roast. Meritage also offers a subscription service.
Fri, 6 Aug – TORR Industries launches three new cold brew systems. The Brew50, TwinBrew, and Quadbrew are designed to accommodate small, medium, and large-sized coffee businesses, respectively. TORR claims the machines can extract batches of cold brew in under 2 hours.
Fri, 6 Aug – Coffee startup Morning closes series A funding round. The Singapore capsule machine company received US $1.27 million in its funding round from technology firm Razer. Investments will be used to fulfil back orders and international market expansion.
Fri, 6 Aug – Global coffee creamer market to increase by US $2.51 billion by 2025. Demand for plant-based creamers is expected to be significant. The North American market will contribute to 32% of market growth during the period.
Fri, 6 Aug – Fairtrade Fortnight begins to promote Fairtrade products. The annual campaign runs from 6 to 19 August, and encourages retailers to raise consumer awareness of the Fairtrade brand. Gender equity, environmentally sustainable practices, and ending child slavery are focuses of the campaign, including in coffee supply chains.
Fri, 6 Aug – Farmer Brothers appoints Waheed Zaman to its board of directors. Zaman has previously served as Senior Vice President and Chief Corporate Strategy & Administrative Officer at the Hershey Company. He will now serve on Farmer Brothers board’s audit committee.
Sun, 8 Aug – Starbucks launches two new Pumpkin Spice retail products. The Pumpkin Spice Non-Dairy Creamer is made with almond milk, oat milk, coconut oil, and pea protein. The Pumpkin Spice Cold Brew Concentrate includes arabica coffee with pumpkin, cinnamon, and nutmeg flavours. Both products will be available in US supermarkets.
Sign up to our weekly coffee news recap to get a summary of all the biggest stories in the sector, delivered straight to your inbox every Monday.
Want to keep up with current affairs in the coffee industry? Check out last week’s stories.
Photo credits: Fernando Pocasangre
The post Coffee News Recap, 13 Aug: Arabica prices projected to rise 13% by end of 2021, BOP 2021 announces winners & other stories appeared first on Perfect Daily Grind.
Coffee News Recap, 13 Aug: Arabica prices projected to rise 13% by end of 2021, BOP 2021 announces winners & other stories published first on https://espressoexpertweb.weebly.com/
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artbookdap · 3 years
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Images from 'Adam Pendleton: Our Ideas' published by @pacegallery — Signed copies available at Artbook Stores Virtual Booth @printedmatter_artbookfairs !!⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ The work of New York–based artist @pendleton.adam is animated by what he calls “Black Dada,” a critical articulation of blackness, abstraction and the avant-garde. Drawing from an archive of language and images, Pendleton makes collages, paintings, videos and other objects that seek to reconfigure received histories of culture.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ This catalog, accompanying Pendleton’s 2018 solo exhibition at Pace London, brings together new work from his various ongoing series: the Black Dada paintings and drawings, System of Display, Untitled (A Victim of American Democracy), paintings and wall works, a video portrait of Yvonne Rainer and a monumental group of 68 works on Mylar, in which certain recurring features—photographs relating to modernism in Africa, ceramics and African masks, fragments from the pages of books and Pendleton’s own drawings—are recombined with cut-up phrases and marks, weaving contemporary and historical references into a single body of work. The book includes a text by the artist, essays from Suzanne Hudson and Alec Mapes-Frances, and a conversation between Pendleton and @why80rainer moderated by Adrienne Edwards.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ Visit our virtual booth via linkinbio! Booksellers from @artbookps1 & @artbookhwla will be on live chat 12-8PM today through Sunday to discuss this and other choice titles!⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠ @suzanne.hudson.50 @adynyc #adampendleton #signedcopy #pmvabf⁠⁠ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLzFA5xpxKk/?igshid=177rs0asxszr8
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inderjeetshyam · 4 years
{ Interim research }
{ Among the trees exhibition }
Among the trees has been an exhibition at The Hayward Gallery that is an art gallery within the Southbank Centre in London. The Southbank Centre is the largest arts centre in the UK and one of the nation’s top five visitor attractions. Every year, they work with thousands of artists and musicians from all over the world, to bring arts closer to general public.
The exhibition took place between 01 August and 31 October 2020. Unfortunately, I was not able to travel to London and see it but I was happy to the virtual tour: https://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/blog/videos/among-trees-virtual-tour
The exhibition showed how artists over the past 50 years have explored our relationship with trees and forests - a period that coincides with the emergence of the modern environmental movement. The 38 artists that led this project, some of them international artists from five different continents, has been trying to show the crucial role trees play in our lives and imaginations.
Thinking that the my project theme was herbs/plants, I was very interested in this exhibition. I do like running through the Memorial Park, in Coventry, almost every day and before seeing this exhibition, I haven’t paid much attention to the trees. But after searching more about it, seeing the virtual tour and checking the Exhibition Guide https://bynder.southbankcentre.co.uk/m/5a1fe028fee14fd/original/Among-the-Trees_Large-Print-Texts_July-2020.pdf I start thinking not only how important trees are for the planet, but how many more things we take for granted, without realising that half of the objects from our house are actually coming from a tree.
Trees are more close to us than we realise, from the chairs we sit on, the tables we use, or the paper we write, all these things we use every day, come from trees and those trees exist somehow in close proximity to us all the time.
The exhibition is trying to do exactly that: to remind us of the many ways in which we have forgotten our close arboreal connections. Nowadays, we are used to replace a piece of furniture so easily, without thinking of how much hard work mother nature had to do to grow a tree strong enough for that chair, table, bed etc.
On the other hand, seeing this exhibition is like an around the world trip - from Colombian rainforests and remote Japanese islands, to the streets of New York City – and presents us amazing pieces of art, such as the ancient underground forest in South Africa. This was photographed by Rachel Sussman as part of her decade-long project to document the world’s oldest living things https://www.newyorker.com/culture/photo-booth/rachel-sussmans-oldest-living-things .
This exhibition also encourages us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of trees and forests. It allow us to lose ourselves for a few moment and just enjoy the act of looking and appreciate what mother nature has giving us.
Words count: 464
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abangtech · 4 years
Breakroom enables blockchain conference in a virtual world
Everybody says they’re tired of Zoom video conference calls, but there hasn’t been much to take its place. Now emerging tech PR/event agency EAK Digital and London-based Sine Wave Entertainment have teamed up to create a blockchain technology conference in a virtual world. The BlockDown conference will take place June 18 and June 19 in Breakroom, a social hub you can visit via virtual reality or as a 2D experience on your PC or Mac.
In April, Sine Wave announced it had shifted its Sinespace virtual world tech to create Breakroom — a 3D social hub for remote teams — as a way to counter the divisions forced upon us by the coronavirus. It aims to take video conference meetings to a new level for anyone with VR, PC web, or mobile hardware.
Above: EAK Digital’s event will have a fancy virtual auditorium.
Image Credit: Sine Wave Entertainment/EAK Digital
The space is reminiscent of virtual worlds like Second Life, with a glassy, sunlit conference space inspired by postmodern architecture. BlockDown will feature keynote addresses (including one by music superstar and blockchain entrepreneur Akon), roundtable talks, a trade show floor, networking events, and even an after-hours party with a live DJ. All of this will take place in an immersive 3D world where users can select from a bunch of premade avatars (like astronauts) or make their own.
BlockDown is a direct response to the worldwide quarantine, which effectively canceled an April conference EAK Digital had been planning to host in Istanbul. Company CEO Erhan Korhaliller said in an interview that he had worked on the event for five months and wasn’t prepared to let it go. “The current virtual events are like one-way communication, and it’s very difficult for people to interact,” said Korhaliller. “Sinespace is more like a cinema-style 3D world. It really allows people to immerse themselves in the experience.”
VB Transform 2020 Online – July 15-17. Join leading AI executives: Register for the free livestream.
Korhaliller considered simply staging the event on a video conferencing system but found the options boring — especially at a time when most people are working at home and yearning for a colorful, engaging alternative to boost their spirits. After EAK Digital partnered with Sine Wave to move the conference to Breakroom, it took a few weeks of furious work to create BlockDown.
Above: Exhibitors have virtual booths in a virtual event world.
Image Credit: Sine Wave Entertainment/EAK Digital
In April, Korhaliller held a pilot conference for BlockDown, attracting 1,000 people from around the world who paid $25 each to hear talks and network online. The pilot event also had 10 paying sponsors, who set up 3D exhibit booths that automatically grab the details of visiting attendees.
More than 600 participants have already signed up for the June BlockDown event, and the company hopes to get about 3,000 people in total. The event will have a free ticket option (along with paid VIP upgrades) and simultaneous translations into Chinese, Turkish, and Spanish.
I saw a demo of the conference space. It has an orientation zone where users can familiarize themselves with the way the exhibition and auditorium spaces work, said Sine Wave project manager Joshua May in an interview.
Above: Virtual dance floor
Image Credit: Sine Wave Entertainment/EAK Digital
“You can really personalize your character, and you can be whoever you want to be,” Korhaliller said. “You don’t have to worry about always being judged by the way you look or the way that you dress. I think that’s really important, with blockchain, about breaking down borders.”
New features include one-click selfie group photos and LinkedIn exchange — plus a networking party with live music and dancing on the deck of a swanky virtual yacht. The dance floor will have special lighting and effects that will make the experience more lively, May said. And BlockDown can be hosted at a fraction of the cost of fancy real-world events.
Sinespace is published by Sine Wave Entertainment and backed by Sussex Place Ventures and Au Capital. It’s advised by Peter Norris, current chair of Virgin Group. Korhaliller said some business deals came out of the earlier conference, and he is hopeful more will happen.
From the looks of it, this sure seems like an improvement over Zoom.
The post Breakroom enables blockchain conference in a virtual world appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/breakroom-enables-blockchain-conference-in-a-virtual-world/
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automaticvr · 5 years
We just exhibited our first Experience AlUla virtual reality booth at the World Travel Market in London, to great success. Giving tourism ministers and industry professionals an immersive feel for what we are opening to the world in October 2020 was a truly tangible platform for our guests to sample the AlUla journey.
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2whatcom-blog · 5 years
Frost Festivals, the Little Ice Age and Local weather Change
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Lucina and I crossed the Millennium Bridge discussing a person who had damaged her coronary heart, and consuming candied peanuts, which smelled much better than they tasted. From the alternative aspect of the bridge, a aromatic plume of cinnamon sugar with hints of heat nuttiness drew us over the regular Thames. On the river's heart, a hearty man with a stainless-steel cart churned a vat of glistening brown syrup and scooped crystalized peanuts into rows of clear plastic cups. For a pound, he provided us the recent, piping scorching batch. It was our closing week as visiting college students in London, and this chill, clear day was a feast. As an English literature pupil, I used to be obligated to spend my days neck deep in medieval verse. Most days, nevertheless, "endless blisse" couldn't come quickly sufficient, and I opted to stroll the streets as a substitute, typically accompanied by a classmate like Lucina. That day together with her, as we took the South Financial institution stroll alongside the Thames, making our approach by Trafalgar and ultimately to Soho, London was extra alive to me than ever. It was per week from Christmas, and the streets had been bustling with buyers and brightened with lights, banners, and carolers. The work of the semester was almost over, and a nostalgia for my time there had begun to sink in. The modernity of London dazzled me, from its seamless transport system to its weird skyscrapers and numerous neighborhoods. Conversely, for all of the hanging options of improvement across the metropolis, there was at all times a stately native pub or moss-covered smash simply across the nook. Lakes had been noticed with swans and broached with womanly stone fountains, and canal narrowboats skimmed by inexperienced water and willow material. So, even when I hadn't been studying such historical texts, the town of London felt, because it should certainly to all guests, pervasively and tangibly previous. By way of all of it ran the Thames--as many have famous, previous and regular but ever surging, altering, like London itself. Transferring briskly, maybe nonetheless discussing love, Lucina and I handed below the Southwark Bridge and observed an engraved stone mural alongside the wall. It depicted the Thames, its waters unexpectedly a setting for snowflakes, males pulling boats on wheels, market stalls and ice-skaters. An inscription that danced alongside its size learn: Behold the Liquid Thames frozen o're, That recently Ships of mighty Burthen bore... And lay it by that ages but to come back May even see what issues upon the ice had been completed. I had by no means seen snow pile up in London and even witnessed anyone sporting actual winter boots. The one "winter wonderland" I had skilled in London was the alpine-themed amusement park that had sprung up for the season in Hyde Park. In reality, these friezes, by the artist Richard Kindersley, depict a practice now misplaced to London: the Thames frost festivals. Each twenty years or so from the 17th to the early 19th centuries, temperatures dropped low sufficient in London to trigger the River Thames to fully freeze over. And with the Thames frozen thick sufficient to stroll on, the depressing chilly was remodeled right into a trigger for spontaneous celebration. Take, for instance, the 1814 frost honest, the final of its sort. When the ice solidified that winter, folks flocked to the riverbanks and slowly gained the boldness to enterprise out. A thoroughfare dubbed "City Road" was established and lined with colorfully embellished retailers and cubicles. Trinkets had been bought at thrice the conventional worth. Ten printing presses had been there to doc the event. Books and toys had been bought; there was dancing, skating and music, and loads of beer, gin, gingerbread and roasted meat. There was even an elephant. After two days' price of revelry, the river started to thaw once more, and the gang thinned, escaping the hazard of the cracking ice. It was not all enjoyable and video games when the Thames froze. Its bustling ports turned unusable, and commerce stood nonetheless. In reality, folks made up for misplaced earnings by opening honest stalls. The ice did hundreds of kilos in damages to homes, retailers, boats and bridges. And worst of all, folks generally fell by the ice and drowned. Many froze to loss of life within the metropolis and in even higher numbers within the countryside. For a second, although, the folks of London took benefit of the chance afforded by a deadly phenomenon to create a public place infused with a uncommon magic. In her novel Orlando, Virginia Woolf describes the fantastic thing about a Thames frost honest. In 1608, the king orders the frozen river to be ready for his residents with "arbours, mazes, alleys, drinking booths," and conducts issues of state and struggle proper there on the ice below "plumes of ostrich feathers." In a phenomenal passage, Woolf writes: "Frozen roses fell in showers.... Coloured balloons hovered motionless in the air. Here and there burnt vast bonfires of cedar and oak wood, lavishly salted, so that the flames were of green, orange, and purple fire ... there could be seen, congealed at a depth of several feet, here a porpoise, there a flounder.... But it was at night that the carnival was at its merriest ... the nights were of perfect stillness; the moon and stars blazed with the hard fixity of diamonds, and to the fine music of flute and trumpet the courtiers danced." On this fantastical, timeless panorama, the protagonist Orlando meets the primary real love of his life, a Russian princess he calls Sasha. His surmounting adoration of her, as he strives for the proper poetry to explain her, mimics the frilly and chic development of the honest. Likewise, the improbability of their union is mirrored by the honest's surreal and uncommon prevalence, a scene of suspended time and actuality. In order that, when Sasha leaves Orlando, the ice that had been 20 ft thick for months instantly fissures, sweeping floes, folks and cats down the frigid river to their sure demise. Orlando stands on the financial institution, livid and heartbroken, watching all of it surge away. Although doubtless not as ornate or stately as Woolf's, there have been many festivals, every of which provided its personal improvements and diversions. Some fashionable pastimes from the 1607-Eight honest included throwing rocks at chickens, getting a shave from the barber, and bowling. Bull-baiting was recorded in 1688-9, a bloody sport during which canine are set in opposition to a tethered bull. Bull-baiting turned to bear-baiting in 1788-9, a century later. That honest additionally noticed a menagerie and puppet exhibits. The goings-on on the out of doors Christmas markets I visited in London weren't as riotous, however one thing of the spirit of the frost festivals appears to dwell on in them. So, what prompted the Thames to freeze so completely again then when at this time it barely a lot as snows in London? What allowed for the frost festivals, and why have not they--like lots of the metropolis's different relics--stuck round? For one, the frost festivals occurred throughout a interval of chilly climate known as the Little Ice Age. Within the interval from the 15th to the mid-19th centuries, the typical international temperature dropped by half a level Celsius. Some locations modified greater than others, notably the northern latitudes. The annual imply temperature in England was nearly full diploma C colder than it was within the following interval of 1920-60. Elsewhere, glaciers expanded and overtook villages. Along with the chilly and ice, illness and famines additionally claimed lives. Scientists don't absolutely perceive what prompted the Little Ice Age. Knowledge from tree and ice cores means that there was a drop in photo voltaic energy--incoming radiation from the solar. The solar's exercise, together with the radiation it provides off and the variety of sunspots, fluctuates periodically. It may have been volcanoes too. There may be proof that there have been extra volcano eruptions after 1200; the ash volcanoes spew into the air cools the earth by blocking out the solar. So, it might appear pure pattern in direction of warming after the 1900s accompanied by the warming impact of anthropogenic local weather change is what makes frost festivals in 2018 not possible. However that is not the entire story. The freezes actually had as a lot to do with fluctuations in Earth's local weather as they did with structure. The London Bridge you see today--the location of the previous frost fairs--is not the identical bridge you'd have seen as one of many honest's attendees. You'll have seen the unique Previous London Bridge, made up of virtually 20 slim arches and capped with properties, retailers and a bustling avenue. The various slim arches of the Previous London Bridge--compared with the three vast arches of the present London Bridge--help clarify why the Thames used to freeze over. The arches prompted the water to stream at a way more glacial tempo, and nonetheless water freezes simpler than flowing water. Moreover, when much less water made its approach up from the ocean, the lowered salt content material raised the water's freezing level. Typically ice floes would get caught within the arches and block the river totally. Talking when it comes to huge geological time, the methods during which Earth's local weather has traditionally regulated itself and the methods during which it has so dramatically shifted could make the idea of anthropogenic local weather change appear insignificant and pointless. Why trouble desirous about local weather change when one other ice age may pop in any day now? Why trouble desirous about local weather change if now we have no management over our broader planetary destiny? However the state of affairs surrounding the Thames frost festivals gives a compelling reimagining of scale, notably relating to how we contextualize human actions in relation to the cosmos. These Londoners had been trapped in a very chilly period. They had been, like all dwelling issues, on the mercy of the weather. And so, the festivals stand as a testomony to the human capability for pleasure, resilience and creativity in defiance of troubled instances. Nevertheless, the freezing of the Thames was a largely human-made environmental situation. I prefer to think about that if the folks of London had identified concerning the bridge's function within the freezing of the Thames, they'd have contemplating rebuilding. As a result of irrespective of how grand the honest was for these with the privilege to get pleasure from it, the town may have been altered in a approach that saved the lives and livelihoods of these worst affected by the freeze. Read the full article
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candy-floss-crazy · 6 months
Telephone Box Photo Booth Hire
Hire The Iconic Red Telephone Box Photo Booth   Make someone happy with a phone call And now for something completely different, a totally unique photo booth. I guess this is kind of a booth in a box, but its definitely not boring, so technically we are still saving you from dull booths. Busby is a stunning red telephone box with a photo booth system built in,  always accompanied by its matching red postbox, which just happens to dispense the prints (so realistic we actually had an elderly gentleman trying to post his letters). Although the interior space is smaller than many of our booths, this one has a hidden trick, you can leave the door open whilst taking pictures and this allows you to get group shots into focus. This looks great inside or outside any venue. This photo booth compliments any themed event, and is one of our most popular offerings. The Telephone Photo Booth The telephone box photo booth contains a state of the art system including; •Dye Sublimation Print System •Canon Mini DSLR Camera •24 inch Integrated Touch Screen Control Panel When hiring a booth ensure that you don't fall for a cheap as chips system. With ink-jet printer and web-cam, they just don't cut the mustard. DSLR gives you vibrant high quality, high resolution images, whilst a dye sub printer turns out professional grade prints in around 20 seconds. Being instantly dry to the touch they are perfect for events. No more standing their waving your picture about trying not to smudge it.Despite its smaller size this is definitely one of our most popular photo booths. Being custom built to totally dismantle, it can be carried inside virtually any venue, as long as there is at least 9ft ceiling height. Set up once the sections are in the room, is around 15 minutes. With derig taking a similar amount of time. The booth is one of our most popular lines so don't delay if you wish to book it.All of our photo booths come with; •Guest Book. •Extra Print Pack. •Box Of Themed Props. •Booth Butler. •Custom Themed Prints. •Booths Have Video Photo Option. Additionally we offer extra options; •Larger sized prints. •Additional packs of prints. •External Screens To Display Slide Shows. •Custom Branding For Corporate Use. •Green Screen Facilities. •Facility To Leave Messages In Our •Telephone Box. This quirky photo booth, along with our classic Mini Cooper or London taxi photo booth make  great booths for Best Of British Themed Events. They have had more than their fair share of celebrities in for a selfie. SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING Add one (or more) of our social media tablets and your guests can spread some social media juice by sharing their images on Twtter, Facebook, Pinterest and via email. If you are a corporate client planning a sales promotion or exhibition, we can work with you to produce a branded email for guests to share, this can contain special offers, promotional material or just a simple thank you message. PERSONALISATION Our telephone booths can be customised for sales promotions. The control screen can be adapted to display your branding and colours, the booth itself can have custom branding applied to the window panels both inside and out, the posts box can be wrapped in vinyl to create a custom theme. We can even respray the entire booth to change the colour for your event. BUSBY IS ON THE LINE It was a tough race of men and woman that won the West. The stories from yesteryear left us with many classic icons Winchester rifles, the Colt Peacemaker gun. Apache, Sioux and Comanche Indians, and the Wells and Fargo stagecoach. We commissioned the building of a totally one off custom replica stagecoach. Designed to install our photo booth in. The original public telephone box , dubbed the K1 was produced in concrete. In 1924 a competition was held to design a new booth that would be acceptable to the London Metropolitan boroughs. The result was the K2, designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott. Scott suggested they were produced in mild steel, but they ended up in cast iron. They were painted red and became the first of the classic designs we all came to know and love. Originally the K2 was only put into service around London, with the K1 being used elsewhere. The following K3 model, reverted to concrete construction, and went back to the cream design of the original K1. The K4 designed in 1927 incorporated both a post box and a stamps dispenser on the exterior, but only a single batch of 50 were built. The K5 was a metal faced plywood construction, that was designed to be dismantled for use at exhibitions. The K6, known as the “Jubilee Kiosk”, as it was designed to celebrate the silver jubilee of King George V arrived in 1935. This was actually the first of the designs to be used widely outside London, and was deployed in their thousands, in their heyday numbering some 73,000 installations.Those of a certain age will remember Busby, the talking orange bird that was used by Post Office Telecommunications (the forerunner to British Telecom) as part of a marketing campaign. It appeared in a number of television commercials in the 70’s with the catchphrase “Make someone happy with a phone call”, voiced by Bernard Cribbins it continued in use well into the 80’s. Many of the old red booths are finding a second life as furniture, art installations, even a giant fish tank, but the photo booth red phone box is up their with the other cool options.WHERE CAN I HIRE A TELEPHONE PHOTO BOOTH NEAR ME; We cover the full U.K. with our booth hire. IS THIS HEAVY; No, it is a custom built replica phone box made from wood and fibreglass. HOW MANY PEOPLE DOES IT HOLD; Inside, 3 is about the max, but it has a trick up its sleeve, the door can be left open, and groups of people can position themselves in the shot. Hire Telephone Box Photo Booths. Available In The Full U.K. And Europe. Including London, Scotland, The North East, Lancashire, The Midlands And Yorkshire, and is ideal for military balls, college functions, parties, weddings, corporate events  and company functions. 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 Read the full article
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digitalageexpo · 3 years
Business Exhibition in London - A Multifaceted Market
Business Exhibitions UK is an exhibition that can help businesses and organisations to grow and develop. It can also help them expand their market share. The UK is home to some of the world's most important business fairs and events, including the prestigious E Festival in Birmingham, the London Toy and Exhibition (LTI) in Birmingham, the England and North West Motor Show (EU Meeting) in Liverpool, and the London Olympics (BTEX) in London. Business exhibitions in London have been a tradition and UK companies would do well to attend such events to show off their wares and gain new customers.
These are a few of the events held each year, but there are plenty more that prove to be very successful and effective ways to promote new products. Trade shows are a great place to meet with potential clients and to show your products in effective ways. Some of the most successful companies are those that go to trade shows, as this gives them a chance to make their presence known in the market. A potential customer may not be aware of the company's existence at a trade show, and when they do, they might give it a second look, seeing what additional services and goods they can get from it. 
Business exhibition in London is not limited to the traditional business exhibitions. Virtual events, which take place across the world on the internet, are another effective way of increasing brand awareness. Companies that cannot afford traditional trade show displays, or who are unwilling to spend large amounts on advertising, can use virtual events and exhibitions to boost their exposure.
By attending virtual event London, companies can benefit from multi-dimensional marketing, as these give them the opportunity to interact with consumers and get them excited about their products. This is much better than having a static trade show booth, as consumers will be much more likely to interact with it. They will also be able to get to know more about your company and its vision, as they will be able to go hands-on with your products. While business exhibitions in London are still very popular, with more companies choosing to hold their annual shows here, it is becoming increasingly popular to choose virtual events to target a specific segment of the market.
For companies based in the UK, there are several options to choose from, including London - UK Producers of Finance and Legal Services, the London Accountancy Association (LABA), London Accountants International (LAISA), and London Stock Exchange (LSE). For companies based in the uk, a suitable exhibition venue in London could include Cardiff University, the University of London - School of Engineering, King's College London, Scottish College of  Psychiatrists, Institute of Chartered Accountants, and Institute of Banking. There are also business centre exhibitions in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Manchester, and London. The choice of exhibition centre depends on the kind of product the company is trying to promote, its location and accessibility, the type of audience it wishes to attract, and its expected duration.
If you are looking to plan a business exhibition in London, you will find that your resources are much greater than you are in most of the European cities. It is possible for you to make use of a number of online resources in order to plan, organise, prioritize, and execute an effective exhibition. These include online booking systems, business consultation services, social media marketing, and event management. London event specialists are available to provide you with tailor-made solutions to help you achieve your goals, regardless of the size of your company or its budget.
One of the biggest Exhibition in London in the July Month. Do register and book your ticket.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/travel/art-review-at-frieze-new-york-islands-of-daring/
Art Review: At Frieze New York, Islands of Daring
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Getting into this year’s Frieze Art Fair on Randalls Island will cost you $57, plus the round trip on the ferry. But that’s nothing compared to what it cost nearly 200 galleries to exhibit there. And so dealers have made the reasonable decision to bring a little of everything that sells — which may account for the conservative vibe. That said, there are many islands of daring, including special sections focused on solo presentations, small galleries, the influential gallery JAM and virtual reality. We sampled them all — along with the mainland fairs that are part of Frieze Week. Our art critics Martha Schwendener and Will Heinrich pick a handful of the best booths under Frieze New York’s big tent.
Booth C2
Bridget Donahue and LC Queisser
One of the strongest single-artist booths is a joint presentation by Bridget Donahue Gallery and LC Queisser, who represent the artist Lisa Alvarado in New York and the Republic of Georgia, respectively. Ms. Alvarado made her acrylic-on-canvas pieces, each painted with a thrilling zigzag pattern, as backdrops for performances by the Natural Information Society, in which she plays the harmonium. If the fair’s not too loud, you’ll be able to hear the band’s hypnotic music, too. WILL HEINRICH
Two exceptional but very different displays are on view in the fair’s midsection. At Casey Kaplan gallery, Matthew Ronay’s carved wooden sculptures, pieced together into abstract, evocative organic configurations in various coral hues, are placed on plinths and feel like an oasis amid the fair’s chaos. (Mr. Ronay also has an exhibition on view at Kaplan’s Chelsea location.) Martine Gutierrez continues her rampage as the Indigenous Woman, a transgender alternative-fashionista at Ryan Lee. In photographs and faux-fashion spreads, Ms. Gutierrez combines traditional Mayan and Guatemalan garments and fabrics with fantastic and futuristic accessories and makeup to conjure new, fluid forms of being. MARTHA SCHWENDENER
Booths F6, F12 and F14
Company, Bank and Very Small Fires
The Frame section of Frieze, devoted to galleries 10 years or younger, is particularly good this year. Befitting the ethos of the emerging artists they represent, the booths are platforms for performance or installations, with linoleum or AstroTurf covering the floors. The New York gallery Company is hung with paintings by Jonathan Lyndon Chase that feature roughly drawn figures or graffiti, as well as crude sculptures of a toilet seat or a dollar sign. Yanyan Huang treats the booth at Bank, a Shanghai gallery, as an “immersive portal” (according to a handout) in which traditional ink drawings merge with digital applications. Nearby, Diedrick Brackens’s colorful tapestries at the Los Angeles gallery Various Small Fires join traditional materials with references to figures like African-American cowboys. SCHWENDENER
The Tehran gallery Dastan (appearing here as Dastan’s Basement) has hung more than 50 portraits by the artist and architect Bijan Saffari. A member of the royal family who left Iran for Paris after his country’s 1979 revolution, Mr. Saffari was also gay, which made his position doubly precarious. The portraits are rather simple and conservative, drawn in graphite and colored pencil. And yet they are sensitive and closely observed, and they gain by their group presentation, appearing like a narrative of his circle of friends in the ’70s and ’80s. There is an elegiac tone to these drawings; the artist died days before the current edition of Frieze opened. SCHWENDENER
Booths B36 and F9
David Lewis and Antoine Ertaskiran
In a fair dominated by painting, David Lewis of the Lower East Side and Montreal’s Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran, making its Frieze debut, stand out with presentations that could pass for gallery shows. Four cool acrylics by New York painter Charles Mayton, at Lewis, feature schematic eyes and hands in jazzy mash-ups of shelves, bars and circles. Jane Corrigan’s large wet-on-wet paintings of women on the go, at Ertaskiran, are exquisite brown and yellow collisions of impatience and poise. HEINRICH
Booths A11, B32, C7 and D1
Foxy Production, Simone Subal, Rachel Uffner and Galerie Lelong
Several New York galleries have mounted outstanding painting displays in which artists bend the medium in a variety of ways. At Foxy Production, Srijon Chowdhury, Gina Beavers and Sascha Braunig offer reinventions of Gothic romanticism, surrealism, Op or Pop Art. Simone Subal is showing the work of Emily Mae Smith, whose paintings are slick and whip-smart updates and appropriations of posters from the ’70s and ’80s. Maryam Hoseini works both on and off the wall at Rachel Uffner, but combines abstracted Persian imagery or techniques with contemporary painting. Sarah Cain’s take on painting at Galerie Lelong offers candy colors, cutouts and a floor flooded and stained with pigment. They remind you of paintings’ origins — in childhood — and suggest a kind of joyful, delirious regression. SCHWENDENER
Booths S4, S10 and S11
Galerist, Galeri Nev and Pi Artworks
The fair’s outstanding Spotlight section, curated by Laura Hoptman of the Drawing Center, is dedicated to “significant work by overlooked figures.” They include Yüksel Arslan, a Turkish painter born in 1933 who moved to Paris at the invitation of André Breton and died in 2017. His “Arture 439, Sans Titre, l’Homme,” from 1992, in a joint presentation by Turkish galleries Galerist and Galeri Nev, is a gloriously strange gallimaufry of interspecies sex acts and quotations from the artist’s scientific reading, drawn with homemade colors. Susan Hefuna makes ink drawings inspired by the intricate wooden screens of her Cairo childhood. The examples presented by Pi Artworks of London and Istanbul are done on overlapping sheets of tracing paper fastened with rice glue. The multitude of tones and textures create a fascinating tension between clarity and ambiguity — the drawings are like letters of a foreign language glimpsed in a dream. HEINRICH
The Diálogos section of Frieze includes solo presentations of Latin American art, organized by Patrick Charpenel and Susanna V. Temkin of New York’s El Museo del Barrio. I was particularly taken with Mariela Scafati’s hybrids of paintings and sculpture at the Buenos Aires gallery Isla Flotante. Ms. Scafati takes wooden bars where canvas is stretched and treats them like bones, joining the parts together in puppetlike configurations, sometimes bound or “wearing” a jacket or a pair of pants. SCHWENDENER
Booths B9, B10 and B20
lokal_30, Koenig & Clinton and Kate Werble
A vibrant knot of color and form awaits you at the intersection of New York’s Koenig & Clinton and Kate Werble galleries and Warsaw’s lokal_30. From Poland come three painters exemplifying postwar and contemporary Surrealism, among them the young Ewa Juszkiewicz, who repaints classic portraits of women, but hides their faces with cloth, ears of corn or a backward French braid. They evoke feminism, dream logic and implicit violence. Tony Marsh’s over-the-top ceramic vessels, encrusted in what look like shards of glaze, meet the eye-bending optical paintings of Anoka Faruqee & David Driscoll at Koenig & Clinton. Marilyn Lerner makes delicately complicated oil-on-wood abstractions at Kate Werble; don’t miss the unlabeled low tables by Christopher Chiappa, also in Werble’s booth. HEINRICH
There’s something magical about William T. Williams’s early 1970s “Diamond in a Box” paintings, hard-edged geometric patterns in blazing colors. The subtle misdirection of those patterns, and the complicated rhythm of the colors, mean you could look at them forever. Michael Rosenfeld presents a dozen never-before-shown acrylic-on-paper works from the same period. In these, a wiggly meander snakes in and out of concentric circles filled with vibrant brush strokes — they’re like Bauhaus takes on the Aztec calendar. HEINRICH
Booth F18
Spanish gallery PM8 presents 80 black-and-white photographs by the Lithuanian photographer Gintautas Trimakas, shot in the mid-90s and hung in three long rows. The piece shows 80 women with their heads and legs cropped out. Though the backgrounds range from white to nearly black, and the clothing and body types are all over the map, the typological presentation wears away these differences and leaves the figures all looking more or less interchangeable. It’s a deeply cynical take on both the consumerist Western freedoms available to Lithuanians after their 1990 independence and on the fate of all human bodies — the women aren’t so much living people as corpses in waiting. HEINRICH
V.I.P.s have access to the Deutsche Bank Wealth Management Lounge at Frieze New York. But nearly everyone can benefit from PPOW’s display of paintings by Steve Keene, which are on sale for $15 to $50. Mr. Keene was heavily influenced by indie rock bands in the early 1990s — his friends in Pavement, Silver Jews and the Dave Matthews Band — and the idea of selling quick, sketchily rendered paintings like cassette tapes. Using a stage in PPOW’s booth as a pop-up studio, he will produce hundreds of paintings on thin plywood panels — they are part endurance performance, part public art stunt. The vibe feels like one in a record store during an album release party. SCHWENDENER
Frieze New York
Through May 5 at Randalls Island Park; frieze.com. Tickets are limited and only available online.
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