#Vixen (they/them)
bizlybebo · 6 months
it’ll be 2030 and i’ll still be opening ao3 posting dsmp fic btw. the world may forget but i won’t let it. i’ve silenced my fears of this fandom dying by simply deciding to Become the fandom if it ever gets too small. i will be dragged out of this shitty minecraft role play kicking and screaming because you Cannot stop me.
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sunreisets · 10 months
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the0retically · 1 month
What do you mean it’s been 130 days since riptide………….oh captains my captains please come home
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moominpopzz · 24 days
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hey guys these are my never-married never-truly-dating divorced moms,,, ya see one of thems yearning for what they could’ve been if she spoke up sooner and the others yearning for what they could’ve been if she didn’t go so long without realizing she felt the same…. Yeaaa…. They’re both too scared to speak up now incase they ruin the unnamed thing they have
vr wo words under ^_^
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hella1975 · 10 months
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jorts neil isnt real and cant hurt you jorts neil isnt real and cant hurt you jorts neil isnt real and
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fiction-vixen · 1 year
Give me Obi Wan who has come to terms with not falling in love again. He believes he’s never going to find that feeling again. And he keeps true to that, grounding himself in the Force and finding acceptance. 
Then he meets Commander Cody. Smart soldier with unshakable morals who has the same goals as him. He always has Obi Wan’s back and stands by his side. They become a team. A stronghold against the Separatist Army. They become inseparable.
But Obi Wan thinks nothing of it. They are partners, comrades, and nothing more.
But that doesn’t stop him from push Cody out of the way and take a blaster for him. Or running to Cody’s when he is injured. Or how gradually he ends up seeking Cody’s company. At first it’s at a professional level for strategy and meetings. But then it’s sharing tea and meals in the mess.
Everyone starts to notice but Obi Wan. The 212 see the longing looks, the too long touches, and the closeness. As does the 501st. Of course Ashoka makes off-handed comments that Obi Wan ignores because she’s Anakin’s padawan. It isn’t till Anakin tells him to stop being a love sick fool and focus.And suddenly Obi Wan has the realization that he’s in love. The one thing he promised himself never to do again….
Cue angst of Obi Wan denying these feelings and trying to cut Cody out his life. Which is the hardest thing he’s done. It ends up getting so bad that Cody confronts him and asks what he’s done wrong. And Obi Wan says nothing. So Cody asks for a chance to be together after the war.
Obi Wan ends up agreeing because the war is coming to close. He’s being sent to kill Grievous on Utapau. So they both promise to have an honest conversation after the battle…. Except it never happens…💔
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dolxiba · 27 days
Druxy beat me to the punch in requesting for f!Avery so i guess... Then one of my PCs? Either Foxy or Ronnie, the toxic yuri sisters (hope ur having fun dogsitting also!!)
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LATE AS HELL but i had to doodle both of them i luv them..
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christaspirit · 6 months
All current designs I’ve done for my fic, Black Cats Bring Bad Luck! (Minus a secret future one)
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Bella Blue:
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Hulí Noir:
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Honey Bee:
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bklynmusicnerd · 4 months
Today was yet another day of CG coming to the rescue when it comes to character arcs, in the middle of C&D's month long temper tantrum, and I'm thankful. Trina and Ava scenes are always important because they're the best relationship on the show, but today was especially important because it was a full circle moment for them.
The reason why Trina breaking down in front of Ava about how she's drowning in her grief is so impactful is because Trina and Ava started with Ava drowning in her grief over Kiki until Trina showed up in her gallery and gave her a sort of lifeline.
This was the first time since the presumed death arc started where the grief being written felt grounded in the specifics about who these characters are. Trina trying to prematurely put a pin in her grief process, declare herself "all cried out" and try to distract herself with gallery work is very Trina.
Desperately trying to escape this perpetual vulnerable state her grief puts her in, just to be triggered by the painting and forced to accept that she can't control her grief. It actually parallels how Trina used to be when she didn't want to accept her feelings for Spencer. Her love for Spencer wouldn't stay buried and neither will her grief. And it's fitting that Ava is once again there to give her the harsh truth that she has to let herself feel it in order to get through it.
TA and MW always play beautifully against each other but there was something really poignant about Ava promising that she'd guide Trina through her grief when a lot of this found family unit between these two characters is rooted in Ava's grief and the hope and kindness Trina gave her in the middle of all of that.
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iiscpr · 4 months
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you must make aus of your own ocs, you must
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drc00l4tt4 · 2 months
Oc x canon cringefail moment hi guys
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bizlybebo · 4 months
rb’ed something that gave me a vision so i had to draw it and come back
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vixenlavinia · 2 months
I'm fertile and trying for a baby
Hubby just finally agreed that it doesn't have to be his. My womb is officially first cum first served.
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nonameorous · 7 months
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there's just something about her that was completely lost in the redesign
i feel like i can't capture that vibe at all lol
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sockich · 2 years
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I already regret this.
Vixen: NYC #9 by Jasmine Walls, art by Manou Azumi
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boltun-tkn · 6 months
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png of the boxers because why not
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