#Voxgatum Lugia
ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
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Hello, again. It’s been far too long.
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(@ask-dawnanddusk) Voxgatum@Ryuki "Ah, another Lugia! It has been quite some time since I last saw one of our kind. Out of curiosity, what is the current state of your Johto, and what role do you play within it? With our vastly different forms, I assume that our duties also vary quite a bit."
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“Ah hello there! It is a privilege to meet another of my kind, especially one that is a pokémon! Now I can gain an idea of how stunning I might have been in your world!” He chuckles a bit before continuing.
“I’m pleased to state that the current state of Johto is peaceful. I was just monitoring the waters before I noticed everyone here, in fact! It seems like everything is right as rain.” The silver haired man pauses and contemplates the next question presented carefully, before he continues. “As for my duties, well…thats a bit more complex to explain.”
“Both my friend and I protect Johto and Kanto’s skies and seas. This involves providing aid where needed, making sure no threats are present in both regions, and patrolling both areas we guard well. Often tomes we take turns aiding Kanto since we primarily protect Johto. The region has no official guardian so we do our best to provide the care it needs.”
“I also look out for my assistants, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres. They can cause more havoc than good often times, but they serve me and provide me information about Kanto as I need.”
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ghost--trails · 1 year
(@ask-dawnanddusk) "Ah, a Spiritomb!" Voxgatum said with a smile. "It's been quite some time since I've last seen one of you. I do apologize for the disturbance, I believe the one who picked you up was unaware of what you were and simply sought to examine what they believed to be an interesting rock." He explained. "If it's not too much to ask, what is your name, little one?"
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A Lugia?! T̸H̸O̸S̶E̸ ̴A̴R̴E̵ ̸O̴N̴E̵ ̸O̵F̶ ̸M̶Y̸ ̵F̸A̸V̸O̶R̶I̵T̵E̴S̸!̷ ̶I̸ ̴u̴s̶e̸d̵ ̷t̵o̴ ̶r̵e̴a̴d̸ ̴a̶ ̶l̴o̷t̷ ̶a̵b̴o̸u̶t̴ ̷t̷h̶e̸m̵.̸
[The ghost child pauses, not knowing what overtook them. He shakes it off and resumes his usual nature.]
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[The ghost child's parents are open for asks.]
[Soul Count: 5]
(( @ask-dawnanddusk ))
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
( @ask-the-rose-court ) Darby@Voxgantum: My my you are quite the might being. Tell me what role do you server in your community?
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"It's been quite some time since I've seen a hybrid pokemon, let alone one as unique as you! I suppose my job does keep me from interacting with most regular pokemon, haha."
"As for my role? Well, I suppose I do multiple things. As I have stated before my primary job is keeping the peace between different legndaries who would battle each other if not. It's a tough job, but rewarding as well!"
"Another role I take on occasionally is that of a substitute. Sometimes a legendary must leave their position for a time, or they may be missing for one reason or another. In these times I am called upon as a substitution to keep the balance and peace until that legendary returns."
"Of course there are other things I do, such as how I am also called in to manage the weather when other legendaries accidentally mess it up. However those are the main two."
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
When Maksviah and Loraifon exited the cave, the first thing they heard was the sound of wing beats, bringing with them a warm and humid stream of air that clearly hailed from more southern seas far from their current cold location. Raising their heads to look up, both smiled at the familiar figure who’d arrived.
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“Big brother Vox!” Loraifon cheered.
“It has been far too long since your last visit, Voxgatum.” Maksviah said with a smile, “It is wonderful to see you doing well.”
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“It’s great to see you too mother. And Loraifon, You’ve grown so much!” The lugia said with a smile. “I can’t wait to catch up with you both.”
Voxgatum is now open for asks!
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
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Say hello to Voxgatum, the Ambassador of Legends! His reference is below the cut and will be updated as more is learned about him.
Gender: Trans Male
Species: Lugia
Relations: Maksviah (mother), Loraifon (Little Brother)
Personality: Calm, patient, kind and clever but stubborn and hardened from his years working as Ambassador. He always tries to be understanding and open minded.
Height: 8.1 meters
Represents: Unknown
A small paragraph of description will be added as you learn more!
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
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Vox sprite vox sprite-
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ask-dawnanddusk · 9 months
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After Vox took a quick break on the shore, he once again entered the water to continue his journey home. The stinging of salt water in his still leaking wound was unpleasant, but it at least served to keep him conscious and aware, fending of the growing exhaustion that was beginning to weigh him down.
As Vox swam forward through a long stretch of particularly empty ocean, he pondered what he would say. His mother would surely be fretting over him, and he was worried about stressing Dawn and Dusk more then necessary.
As he pondered this, he slowly came to the realization that a powerful presence was approaching, and fast. He was alarmed for a moment, before he realized who it was.
It reached out to him, cautious, confused, and as gentle as a Titan of Its magnitude could be. The mere presence would overwhelm near anyone else, but Vox had long gotten used to the feeling of crushing water and hammering waves. The vast mind brushed against his, a clear question in Its intent. He so rarely passed through this section of the ocean, and It wondered why.
Carefully pushing back with his mind, Vox explained what had happened in a mixture of few words and many images. It was a more Primal way of communicating, and whilst it usually left others dazed and confused, the Presence that swam with him understood perfectly.
The sensation of foreign feelings washed over Vox. Irritation, annoyance, and a slight bit of anger, but luckily no true Wrath. A moment later ocean currents bent and shifted, an old power pulsing through the water as the world shaped itself to the other being's will. Vox found himself being pushed forward through the water at an even greater speed towards his home. Sending a quick wave of appreciation towards the Presence, he turned his focus back forward, towards the quickly approaching landmass in the distance.
And while the Lugia sped towards home, the other presence swam towards It's Opposite. There was much they needed to discuss.
Kyogre (?) has revealed itself and is now open for asks!
Best be respectful, lest you wish to be devoured~
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ask-dawnanddusk · 9 months
(asktheisle) Quetzal approached the Lugia, eyeing the injuries that were sustained.
"Ouch, you're going to need to get that checked out... do you know who would try to do this to you?"
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"No, I have no idea. Whilst I know I've had less then pleasant interactions with others before, none of them have gone as far as attacking me in such a manner as to attempt to kill. The battles I usually have are just to help others blow off steam."
"I... suppose it could have been someone new to this realm. A powerful legend could cause this damage, and it's not unheard of for new legends to enter this world. Would explain why I recognized nothing about them."
"Argh, but what reason would they have to attack? Did I startle them? I know I look far different then a standard lugia in other realms, did that throw them off? And the fire, the draining... Individually I could think of a couple mon's who fit the role, but together? This whole thing just raises more questions then answers."
"Never mind. For now, I need to get back to my family and discuss this with them. Maybe they'll have better ideas then I do. Luckily their attack missed the wing joint... mostly. It's enough for me to swim at least."
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ask-dawnanddusk · 9 months
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It seems Voxgatum has managed to pull himself together enough to exit the ocean once more.
Maybe you should ask him about what happened?
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ask-dawnanddusk · 10 months
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It had come out of nowhere, as sudden as it was blinding.
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The faint light in the corner of his eye, then a flash of intense and fierce pain, then nothing.
As he soon returned to his senses, Voxgatum was quick to feel something was wrong. His power was quickly and unnaturally draining from him. If this continued, Voxgatum would be rendered entirely helpless and at the others mercy.
The figure pinning him to the ground was much smaller and lighter then he, though incredibly dangerous considering how easily he had been blinded and quickly attacked.
But Voxgatum was called the Ambassador of Legends for a reason.
Quickly gathering his strength Voxgatum ignored the searing pain on his back and threw himself up on his feet, knocking his attacker off him and surprising the other with the amount of strength he had remaining. Taking the precious moments he had, Vox quickly fled into the nearby stream, swimming down it as fast as he could to reach open ocean.
Displeased but not discouraged, his attacker stood up slowly and dusting itself off almost lazily, a grin forming on his face.
"Well well well, it seems I underestimated you." He murmured, "But it's not too much of a loss. I'll find you, and when I do."
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"You won't escape me again."
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ask-dawnanddusk · 9 months
@ask-world-guardians Pyren: Woooooah, a Lugia! That's so- GOOD LORD, what happened to you?! You look like you fought a night terror, or something.
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"Oh dear, I do wish you didn't have to see me in such a sorry state, but I suppose it can't be helped."
"…Night terror? Well, anyway, I was attacked whilst travelling back to warmer waters. I suppose swimming instead of flying may have prevented the attack, but hindsight is 20/20, as they say."
"In any case, I was not expecting a fight, much less being attacked so brutally. It all happened so fast, I was unable to even get a look at my attacker..."
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
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The sound of familiar wing beats and footsteps drew the attention of Maksviah and Voxgatum, who turned to look at the two approaching legends.
“Heeeeey Maksviah.” Dawn said, slightly nervous “And Vox! I didn’t expect to see you here. It’s been waaaaaay too long.”
“It’s a pleasure to see you two as well.” Voxgatum said with a smile. “It’s been quite some time since you two have visited me. We just must meet up more!”
“Dawn, Dusk, I must ask.” Maksviah interrupted, turning her body to full face the two. “Very little time has passed since we last spoke, and whilst I do enjoy the company you provide, the circumstances are unusual. For what reason have you arrived in my lands?”
Dawn chuckled, “Well, it’s a bit of an unusual story, but basically...”
Maksviah inspected the egg the two had brought, head pressed to the ground to see it properly. It was smaller then her pupil. “Hmm, what a unique egg. You are correct in your belief that I can aid you, and I have already observed the strange power it possesses. However before that we must prepare.”
She pulled herself up off the ground and to her full height. “I shall prepare the cave you utilize for the egg, as I have plenty of materials from mine own nests remaining. Later I will show you how properly to make one yourself.”
“Thank you Maksviah. We really appreciate it.” Dusk said.
Maksviah nodded at the two before walking back into the cave.
While she set up the nest, Dawn and Dusk remained huddled around the egg, conversing quietly with Voxgatum.
Dawn and Dusk are once again open for asks! You should ask them about their new egg.
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 year
*Hope approaches Voxgatum, impressed by their size.* Wow! I've never seen a Pokémon like yourself before! You really do find out something new everyday. I'd love to learn more about you and your species. Who are you?
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"While I am a little surprised you couldn't recognize my species, it's nothing to worry about. Due to the unique circumstances of my birth, i was born with many traits not usually found in my kind, such as these tusks, fur, and grey scales and feathers. "
"We are legendary pokemon most often found in the ocean, myself included, and are quite rare. Only a few tend to exist in the same universe at a time, though the numbers can fluctuate frequently depending on the realm you live in."
"As for myself, I live primarily in more warmer oceans, where other legendary pokemon reside. I work as guardian and ambassador, mostly I help legendary pokemon work out their problems in a more peaceful manner for the benefit of them and all those who surround them."
"And I believe that about summarizes it, but do feel free to ask for clarification if you would like!"
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ask-dawnanddusk · 1 month
The moments after Voxgatum had arrived were hectic to say the least. They consisted of panicked shouting and a lot of fretting, mainly from Maksviah, who was horrified to see her child so injured.
"My dearest sea, who has injured you so?" She asked him, holding the lugia in a gentle hug and placing a clawed hand on his injured back, pouring some of her power into the wound. The energy was warm and soothing, and healed a little, but it was far from her specialty.
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"I'm... we'll, not alright, but I'm feeling better now that you're all here, mother." Vox answered her, "I have no idea who attacked me though. I wasn't able to get a glimpse of them before I fled." He said, leaning back as Dawn arrived with Alvarma in tow.
As the slither wing fluttered and fretted over the injuries, Voxgatum explained what had occurred after he left, the small group of legends listening with a growing sense of worry and foreboding.
"This is awful." Dusk worried, "Why would anyone feel the need to attack Voxgatum? He is well respected among the worlds legends, no one would dare lay a hand on him!"
"Yes, that is why it's most likely a legend not from this realm." Voxgatum nodded, leaning on Maksviah, tired. "The power I felt was strange and muddled, and my wound didn't heal right even after I escaped."
Maksviah craned her head to look at the one healing her son's wounds, questioning, "Alvarma, what it is you feel seeping into my child's wounds? Perhaps it is you who will be able to identify this hostile individual."
Unfortunately for everyone, Alvarma just leaned back and shook their head, exhausted. "It's like Voxgatum said, this power is strange and muddled. It's familiar, but I can't isolate what it is. It's like many different energies and types have all been mixed into one. It's... unnatural. Strange." They sighed, nodding at the partially healed wound, "It is going to take me some time to untangle the malicious magics keeping this from healing."
"While I do so, you should rest and eat." Alvarma continued, waving Dusk over to their side, "I could use some help with this, friend. Perhaps together we can decipher this mystery."
"Of course, I'd be happy to help."
"I'll go fetch some food for everyone." Dawn said, adjusting Twilight so she rested snugly on his back, "I have a feeling we won't be moving for a while."
Next >
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