libertys-lovers · 2 years
Guess who's back! Back again! I hope you're doing well and staying healthy☆
I am here with another round of the good oll' 'Gush syndrome', and this time the victim is..*drumroll*
H n g h, this man- Okay, first of, BOLD move walking into my kingdom completely unannounced when Licorice and Caramel Arrow are right there! (And Crunchy Chip too now☆) And secondly.. He amuses me.
Is he suspicious? Yes. Is he still power-hungry and definetly will try to take over my kingdom? Absolutely. But is he funny to me though? HOLY DOUGH-
Look, i know he's probably giving me those sweet compliments just to butter me up and i know the coffee and medicine and everything he makes "Special, just for you." is super cunning and conniving, but- Yeah no i have no excuse, he has charmed me and i think he's funny, especially when i jokingly asked if he's poisoned anything and he has to hurrridly assure me "Oh no no, my liege, i promise everything is perfectly safe!" He thinks he's stringing me along to his whims, but i'm letting him! And seeing him slither around all suspiciously is just *chef's kiss*.
Regardless, he is a wonderful asset in battle and is an amazing advisor - i tell him this every time, since i noticed just how taken aback he was when i first said it.. Maybe his search for power is just.. a search for recognition? Bah, it might be yet another act he puts on..
Oh well, everyone's calmed down a bit from the snow, so i'm very much not suspicious of him at the moment☆
Though speaking of suspicious individuals!
I've opened up a bakery for my lovely kingdom, and i'm making all the cakes myself! It's all very nice.. but Licorice.. He's been to my shop twice in a row! Ordered a 4-layer choco cake, went out anad came back for a 4-layer strawberry one.. And then some suspicous person with a VERY familiar cloak came in for a 4-layer blueberry cake..! Please keep an eye on Licorice, it would be a shame for him to get sick from all the cake!
(Live footage of me hearing that you’re coming back for another gush session)
I’m doing quite well, thank you!!! Still kicking, still got a pulse lmao. I hope everything’s going well on your end too!
But LMAAOOOO- He’s such a lil bastard BWAHAHA 😭. Good for him though; that’s a power move, honestly. I hope he hasn’t caused too much turmoil over there-
Omg though, not you teasing him about his stuff being poisoned 😭😭- I’m almost tempted to suggest that you pretend it actually DID somehow poison you, but that’s probably a bit far. Sounds funny on paper though; he’s be so caught off guard by that lmao. No, for real though, it’s nice to hear that he’s actually helping your kingdom out! That’s already a bit of progress for him, considering his… last project SKSJWKD
And MATE?!? You’re already cracking through his shell, hmm?! Like yeah, you’re right, we could consider that as another part of his act, but I don’t knooooooowwww~! I’ve had the pleasure to see him lose his composure once or twice (one of the many benefits of following both Gingerbrave AND Licorice around; I got dragged to Dark Cacao’s kingdom and saw almost everything go down myself). It’s definitely possible that his… shall we say… flustering is a genuine reaction! He doesn’t seem to hide his true thoughts the best when he’s encountered with an unexpected situation, and I’m sure genuine light-hearted praise was one of those situations! Still, I’d keep an eye on him! Though, I don’t think ya need me to tell you that for you to do it 😉
Also hUH?!?! What the?!?! You mean to tell me he’s been buying all of that and I have yet to see a single slice?? Jail! Jail for him for a thousand years!!! ( / j & lh of course)
No, for real though, that sounds absolutely lovely!! I bet you’re making the finest desserts out there! Gee, maybe I’ll head over there myself and pick one up lol. In any case, the kingdom I’m at rn just opened a bakery too… I’ve volunteered to make some cakes once or twice, but I haven’t had much time to do it consistently! Ya know, dimension-hopping nonsense sure takes up a lot of my schedule lol.
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