#You’re all the absolute cutest I can NOT wait to see the rest of your gushes!!!
libertys-lovers · 2 years
Guess who's back! Back again! I hope you're doing well and staying healthy☆
I am here with another round of the good oll' 'Gush syndrome', and this time the victim is..*drumroll*
H n g h, this man- Okay, first of, BOLD move walking into my kingdom completely unannounced when Licorice and Caramel Arrow are right there! (And Crunchy Chip too now☆) And secondly.. He amuses me.
Is he suspicious? Yes. Is he still power-hungry and definetly will try to take over my kingdom? Absolutely. But is he funny to me though? HOLY DOUGH-
Look, i know he's probably giving me those sweet compliments just to butter me up and i know the coffee and medicine and everything he makes "Special, just for you." is super cunning and conniving, but- Yeah no i have no excuse, he has charmed me and i think he's funny, especially when i jokingly asked if he's poisoned anything and he has to hurrridly assure me "Oh no no, my liege, i promise everything is perfectly safe!" He thinks he's stringing me along to his whims, but i'm letting him! And seeing him slither around all suspiciously is just *chef's kiss*.
Regardless, he is a wonderful asset in battle and is an amazing advisor - i tell him this every time, since i noticed just how taken aback he was when i first said it.. Maybe his search for power is just.. a search for recognition? Bah, it might be yet another act he puts on..
Oh well, everyone's calmed down a bit from the snow, so i'm very much not suspicious of him at the moment☆
Though speaking of suspicious individuals!
I've opened up a bakery for my lovely kingdom, and i'm making all the cakes myself! It's all very nice.. but Licorice.. He's been to my shop twice in a row! Ordered a 4-layer choco cake, went out anad came back for a 4-layer strawberry one.. And then some suspicous person with a VERY familiar cloak came in for a 4-layer blueberry cake..! Please keep an eye on Licorice, it would be a shame for him to get sick from all the cake!
(Live footage of me hearing that you’re coming back for another gush session)
I’m doing quite well, thank you!!! Still kicking, still got a pulse lmao. I hope everything’s going well on your end too!
But LMAAOOOO- He’s such a lil bastard BWAHAHA 😭. Good for him though; that’s a power move, honestly. I hope he hasn’t caused too much turmoil over there-
Omg though, not you teasing him about his stuff being poisoned 😭😭- I’m almost tempted to suggest that you pretend it actually DID somehow poison you, but that’s probably a bit far. Sounds funny on paper though; he’s be so caught off guard by that lmao. No, for real though, it’s nice to hear that he’s actually helping your kingdom out! That’s already a bit of progress for him, considering his… last project SKSJWKD
And MATE?!? You’re already cracking through his shell, hmm?! Like yeah, you’re right, we could consider that as another part of his act, but I don’t knooooooowwww~! I’ve had the pleasure to see him lose his composure once or twice (one of the many benefits of following both Gingerbrave AND Licorice around; I got dragged to Dark Cacao’s kingdom and saw almost everything go down myself). It’s definitely possible that his… shall we say… flustering is a genuine reaction! He doesn’t seem to hide his true thoughts the best when he’s encountered with an unexpected situation, and I’m sure genuine light-hearted praise was one of those situations! Still, I’d keep an eye on him! Though, I don’t think ya need me to tell you that for you to do it 😉
Also hUH?!?! What the?!?! You mean to tell me he’s been buying all of that and I have yet to see a single slice?? Jail! Jail for him for a thousand years!!! ( / j & lh of course)
No, for real though, that sounds absolutely lovely!! I bet you’re making the finest desserts out there! Gee, maybe I’ll head over there myself and pick one up lol. In any case, the kingdom I’m at rn just opened a bakery too… I’ve volunteered to make some cakes once or twice, but I haven’t had much time to do it consistently! Ya know, dimension-hopping nonsense sure takes up a lot of my schedule lol.
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whoahoney · 1 year
Eddie from Chili’s Pt 2
Waiter!Eddie x Shy!Reader
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Part 1 Part 3
Summary: You go back to the restaurant to make your move on the cute waiter.
Warnings: fem!reader, no use of Y/n, fluff, reader is oozing anxiety, flirting, a couple allusions to spicy things, a kiss
A/N: As usual, you guys are amazing, and I always look forward to seeing your comments and hearing your thoughts on my silly little writings 💖
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You sat perched on the barstool, eyes wandering towards the familiar doors that led to the kitchen. The tables in his section were full so you sit at the bar.
There, you waited for the bartender to show up, staring down at your nails as you wait and began to wonder why the hell you didn’t paint them. You hear footsteps approach, shoes scuffing on the carpet behind the counter as the bartender— the brother— stepped up with a familiar smile, “Hi, there! What can I get for you?”
“Uh, can I get a Tito’s and lemonade?” You ask, thinking of the first drink you remember your friends loving.
He nodded, “For sure!” and grabbed a glass to fill with ice, and then asked to check your ID. “Awesome— Texas lemonade coming right up.” He nodded and handed it back to you, his attitude much more outgoing than Eddie’s had been, though both men were perfectly personable.
He set to work making your drink silently, nothing but the swish and rattle of the drink being poured over ice and the idle chatter of the dining room to be heard.
Your eyes scanned the room, checking all the moving bodies for that familiar head of hair, wondering if he was even here, for all you knew he could’ve quit by now.
“—Looking for someone?” The bartender asked. His name tag read Dakota.
You swallow and shake your head before looking down, “Oh! No, not at all.”
Dakota chuckled, “You sure? Your eyes are practically peeled.” He sat your drink in front of you and smiled.
“Thank you.” Is all you say before taking a tentative sip and trying not to wince at the tartness.
“Well, if you need anything, let us know.” He said before slipping away and into the kitchen.
You groan to yourself before resting your head on your fist and stirring the drink with the skinny straw you never use.
Absolutely pathetic. You sit and berate yourself for a minute, concluding that you’d drink half the glass before asking for some water to drive home.
“Long time, no see!”
Your head popped up to find Eddie behind the bar, walking towards you. Looking at you. Speaking to you.
You were at another loss for words, your mouth gaping and closing involuntarily as you searched for something to say. Eddie’s smile grew as you struggled and he leaned over the counter behind the bar. “I was hoping I’d see you again.” He muttered with twinkling eyes.
Your eyes flicker up to his, your heart warming and chest unclenching, “Oh?” You suddenly play coy, “Why is that?” you say, and take a drink.
Eddie’s eyes brightened at that, “Well, you’re the most polite customer I’ve had in months!” His eyes ran down your being. He snickered at your blush, leaning closer on his elbows as his brother left the kitchen with a platter in hand— working Eddie’s tables. “Not to mention the cutest.” He winked with that smug smile.
You give a breathy chuckle before you take another swig, earning a genuine laugh from him as you set down the half empty glass.
“Are you nervous?” He asked quietly, pressing back up on his hands, somehow even closer and not close enough. He oozed confidence and cool, like he did this all the time. Like he was so used to girls practically swooning for him, unable to speak.
You could only nod in response.
“Well, why’s that?” He shrugged, eyes trailing down your face as he appraised you.
You swallow and hope it wasn’t too loud, “I’m here to meet someone.” You cringe inside of yourself, what the fuck? This isn’t the plan??
“Oh.” His smug grin falls along with the twinkle in his eye. You hate how it makes you feel inside to see him disappointed.
“A friend.” You shrug. His eyes perk at that.
“Just a friend? —I mean, like, i-is your mom coming too?” He faltered, your smile rising as his cheeks reddened and he cleared his throat nervously before looking away.
“Mhm. Just a friend. Though my mom will be thrilled to hear Eddie from Chili’s asked about her.” You smile at the sound of his laugh.
“So you do remember me?” He asks with a smile of relief.
You nod shyly at your glass, stirring the water with the other useless straw. “Kinda hard not to.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He leans on his hands, hoping you’ll keep talking.
You sigh and roll your eyes before meeting his gaze, “You’re a … a really good waiter.” You settle.
Eddie chuckles heartily, something you wanted to hear over and over and over again. “Thank you, I try my best. My goal is ultimate customer satisfaction.” He widens his eyes for emphasis and takes note on your hitched breath. “So is there anything else I can get for you?”
“Oh! Uh…”
He watches you as he picks up a menu and sets it down in front of you. “I could just bring you some chicken fingers while you wait.” You look back up at him under your eyelashes, “Four of them, right?” He asked with a hidden smile as your cheeks burned.
“No, no it’s okay, I’m not hungry.” You shake you head. Eddie cocks his to the side in question but takes the menu back without a word.
“Well, uh,” he began as another patron sat down at the bar on the other side, “—I’ll be right back!” He said, happy for an excuse to leave and stay close.
You let out a sigh of relief as he walked up to the older man, easily striking up a conversation as he took his order and went about pouring something dark into a short glass.
Your phone chimes as a message comes in from your best friend, asking for a progress report. Before you can type a coherent response, you manage to send a thumbs up paired with a melting face as Eddie walks back over to you.
“Is there anything I can get started for your friend?” He asks. You put your phone face down on the bar, meeting his eye as the perfect excuse comes to mind, “No, actually, she isn’t coming.”
Eddie tsks though it’s apparent he isn’t bummed to keep you to himself for the rest of your stay. “Well, ain’t that a shame.”
You nod down at the counter top again before the words came spilling out of you unwillingly, “—Actually she wasn’t ever coming. I lied.” You feel like you’re going to throw up. Like actually. Your stomach knots itself, ready for the cute boy in front of you to look at you in disgust and have you escorted out for harassment or something.
“Oh?” Is all he asked, leaning on his forearms, getting closer to you.
You nod shamefully.
“So you did come for me?” He clarified.
You close your eyes as the blush worked up your cheeks, giving into your smile as you nod, again, but smaller. “That’s what you care about? Not that I lied?”
Eddie’s own smile grew, “Well, you’re a shy little thing, I don’t blame you.” He winked at your burning cheeks as he leaned closer, lowering his voice and letting you peek at the man behind the cool facade, “But, if you would’ve asked for my number, or left yours on the receipt like I wanted you to,” he chided, “I would’ve called, y’know. Or answered.” He shrugged.
You manage to look at him— really, look at him. The unease in your body began to uncoil as you observed how he looked at you; not like a meal, but with intrigue.
“And what if I asked for it now?”
“I don’t think you’d call me.” He shook his head with a knowing smile.
You scoff and ask, “Why not?”
He gave you a pointed look and let his neck go limp a little as if to say ‘really?’
“Okay, wrong question—well, if you wanted my number, why didn’t you ask for it?” You ask as you twist your glass idly on the coaster, trying not to look as curious as you felt.
“Pfft, yeah, and freak you out? Be the weird skeezy waiter— at a Chili’s, no less? Uh-uh. I’m above that.” He shook his head assuringly. You chuckle and look down at the cubes floating in your glass.
“I’ve never had to try to get a number here before,” He began, his eyes on the wood you’d been so focused on for the duration of your visit, “— kinda just happens for me, so… I was counting on that receipt having a name and number on it but…” he tsked and shook his head pointedly at you, “—Nope! Nada. Just a fat tip from your mom—which I totally appreciate, by the way.”
Your cheeks redden, “So…do you want me to ask for your number…?” You ask in confusion.
“Actually, I think I should ask for yours.” He said, idly wiping at the counter, “Since you’re scared.” He teased.
Your mouth gaped, “I’ll have you know I can be very courageous.”
He snickered down at the counter before looking back up at you, “Courageous enough to join me on my break in about ten minutes?” He nodded back into the kitchen.
You exhale, “Am I.. allowed?”
“—Yes, you’re allowed.” He scoffed and pushed your drink forward. “C’mon, Chicken Fingers, drink your liquid courage, and I’ll show you where I go hide about 10 times a day.”
“Ch-Chicken fingers??” You question, leaning forward with wide eyes and an incredulous smile struggling to be shoved away by the corners of your mouth and failing miserably.
Eddie beamed as you chuckled, a blush of his own warming his cheeks, “Well, I don’t know your name, so,” he shrugged, “It was either that or Quiet Quinn.” He managed with a plain face.
You narrow your eyes at the man until he breaks into laughter, the sound charming enough to make you smile along with him before you told him your name and he smiled again and reached out his hand for yours, clasping it firmly, “Nice to meet you, I’m Eddie.”
“I know.” You chuckle as you shake his hand.
“Ooh, I’ve never had a stalker before— how flattering.” He almost purred as he kept your hand in his, running his thumb over the back of your hand as he laid it on the counter and made no move to let it go.
You scoff and roll your eyes, letting him keep your hand, “My moms been hounding me about coming back for the last month.” You roll your eyes and take a sip.
“Oh, you’ve been talking about me with your mom?” He asks.
You wanna spit out the drink but instead your eyes widen and you tip it back farther until you finish it with a hardy gulp and set it down. “I’ll be taking the check now.” You say shamefully, closing your eyes.
You open them when you hear his laughter again, watching as he releases your hand and takes your cup, “That won’t be necessary, sweetheart.” He says it, even though he now knows your name, and begins to wash the glass.
You watch him quietly, the way the water splatters on his forearms and how his rings look when they’re glittering under the added shine and clanking against the glass he cleaned. “So what do you do?” He asked as he collected the old man’s glass without as much as a glance to him.
You jump slightly after being so dialed into his movements you have to quickly piece together your response, “Oh! Well, I’m in school for graphic design. And I work at a chiropractor's office scheduling people and whatnot.”
You study how he clutches the towel in his hand and turns the knobs of the sink before turning to dry the glass. “A secretary slash designer,” he mused as he polished the glass in his hands, “So you’re creative and good with computers, I’ll jot that down.” He smiled as he looked back up at you.
“What about you?” You ask as he puts away the glass and prints a ticket to hand to the gentleman waiting patiently. Eddie slides it over and watches at the man digs out cash and some change. You watch as he smiles and thanks the old man before sliding the cash off the table and scraping the coins into his hand and counting it before shoving it in the register.
Almost forgetting you asked a question, you watch as he washes his hands again and begins to replenish the supply of lime wedges—something you suppose is his brother's job. Maybe they switched jobs a lot because Eddie moved about the bar with an ease that felt practiced.
“Well, when I’m not being the world's best waiter, I work at a body shop installing glass on cars, sometimes some side jobs pulling dents if I can get ‘em.” He shrugged as he sliced them into perfect wedges.
You nod, “Do you like it?”
“Makes good money! Lets me do the stuff I’d rather be doing.” He chuckles to himself. You cock your head slightly before he finished putting the rest of it away and turning to the computer as he dried his hands again.
You watch him press a few buttons on the screen before it printed your ticket and he threw it away in the trash below and sent you one of those dazzling winks of his.
He leans forward on his elbows again, “Ready, Chicken Fingers?” He asks before glancing to his brother, busy taking an order at one of his corner tables.
You roll your eyes and glower with a poorly repressed smile as you give him a timid nod and hop off the seat.
Eddie walks around the counter, waiting for you at the kitchen doors. He takes your hand and guides you, opening the door and keeping you close, your hand fitting perfectly in his. He kept a firm hold on you as he dodged people in black and white, more people than you thought could fit back here.
“Hey, Eddie!” A line cook greeted him.
Eddie shot the guy a charming smile and wave with his free hand without stopping, “How’s it going, Hal?” He called before facing forward again, headed for the black door at the back.
The man answered Eddie but he didn’t care to continue the conversation, he just wanted out of there— wanted you out of there.
He opened the door to the back, where the dumpster resided with walls surrounding it— keeping divers from picking through their trash, you suppose.
Eddie lets go of your hand to reach for his carton of cigarettes, “You smoke?” He asked as he pulled one out.
You shake your head, “Sorry, no.”
Eddie pauses before idly flicking his lighter twice, “Don’t be! You mind if I…“ he gestures to the stick and bic in his hands.
“No! No, go for it. I don’t mind it, just never tried it.” You assure as he burned the end of the cigarette til it glowed. His cheeks hollowed as he sucked and nodded.
“Don’t ever do it!” He warned, mumbling around the filter before pulling it away, “You’re too pretty to smell like an ashtray.” Smoke slithered out of his mouth around his teeth as he spoke and stepped forward, blowing the rest of it to the side and waving it away from you and taking another pull and keeping his eyes on yours.
He was so close you had to look up at him, your bottom lip hiding between your teeth for a moment before releasing it. “Doesn’t stop you.” You quip almost proudly.
Eddie looked impressed, “Ooh! That was smooth, pretty girl.” He blew his smoke up into the sky, exposing the adams apple jutting out of his thick neck, oh so perfectly.
You wanted so badly to know what it felt like against your lips…
Caressed under your loving hand…
His face tilted back down to yours, a brilliant smile stretching across his face bit by bit. “You think I’m pretty?” He asked. You nod, a vacant smile on your lips, “Or is it the alcohol talking?” His brows pinched in the middle as he leaned down closer to you, as if to examine you for drunkenness.
You roll your eyes and cross your arms, “It was one drink! Besides— I thought you were pretty ever since I first saw you.”
“You been thinking about how pretty I am?” He asked in false curiosity.
That bashful smile crossed your face again before you nodded, “I already told you that.” You look down again and notice how he takes another small step forward.
“I’ve been thinking about you too.” He smiled, the scent of his citrus cologne was muddled with the ribbons of cigarette smoke he blew into the air around you. The warm and spicy scent practically swarmed you the second he got closer, and you never wanted to smell anything else again.
“Why?” You shake your head.
“Cause I have that same Nirvana shirt you wore.” He shrugged one shoulder and your heart sank. “Like it better on you though.” He added.
You peek back up at him, brows raised in question as your eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips. “How do I know this isn’t something you just ‘do’?” You ask, crossing your arms and looking away from his stupid, handsome face.
“What, talk to pretty girls? I do all the time, it’s part of my job.” He took a toke, talking about the pretty girls he served like art on a wall he’s seen a dozen times. “But I can honestly say I haven’t brought any of them to my secret hiding spot.” He shrugged easily, no sign of defense lining his tone. “—Not to mention had any of them swallow their tongue at the sight of me and still come back! Maybe you are courageous, Chicken Fingers.”
You roll your eyes and push his chest playfully, sending him backwards a couple steps. He chuckled as he recovered and you crossed your arms with another smile you didn’t realize you wore, “So now what?” You look around the area, stray garbage littering the wet ground and the scent of the meat cooking on the grill wafting out of vent on top of the building.
“Depends.” Eddie takes another puff on the dwindling menthol.
You tilt your head, cocking it to the side and shift your weight to your hip, narrowing your eyes the slightest bit and appraising him, “On?” You scoff with a playful smile.
“On… if you wanna go on a date with me.” He rocked on his heels and threw the butt on the ground, almost hiding under his curly bangs.
You smiled and nodded, “…and if I say yes?” You can’t help but glance to his lips again as he smiled, shuffling forward, only inches away from your face.
“If you say yes… I can guarantee you’ll have the time of your life.” He analyzed your face, searching for the same hesitation that riddled your being the last time he saw you.
He didn’t find a trace of it. You kept your eyes on him, not shying away from his gaze.
“Then I say… we should go out sometime.” You smile shyly.
Eddie’s mouth hangs open in pleasant surprise, his eyes twinkled in excitement. “Ohh, you are smooth! How could I say no to that?” As if you’d asked him out in the first place.
If he were to get any closer your chests would be touching, he’d have to straddle his feet on either side of yours—getting that close he’d have you against the wall of the restaurant.
And you wanted him to, so badly.
He leaned down to your ear, “You gonna show me the time of my life?” He asked lowly.
You inhale deeply, trying not to shudder at the way his breath grazed your neck and ear, and nod, “I’ll give it my best.” You said almost breathily.
Eddie chuckles softly as he leaned back to appraise you, tracing your collar with his finger before curling it into the ends of your hair and twirling a strand for a moment, savoring the texture.
His gaze turned more serious as his other hand came up to your other shoulder for a warm and affectionate squeeze before he tsked, “I gotta get back in there, pretty girl.” He said glumly.
You nod understandingly, “Yeah, I should head out too.”
He nodded again at you and his eyes dipped down to your lips again, lingering like he had at your table a month ago. “I, uh, I can walk you to your car.” He nodded towards the gate in the wall, an almost shut padlock through the metal rings to keep it closed.
“Yes, please.” You say softly.
Eddie’s hands leave your shoulders, with a smirk, “So polite—y’know you say please more than anyone I’ve ever met.” He chuckles, taking your hand to lead the way around to the customer parking, only releasing it once to open the gate for you and shut it back.
The walk was quiet, and you relished the feeling of his hand in yours again. You refrained from holding onto his arm with both hands, wanting his hand in both of yours as you arrived at your car.
“This is it.” You say, coming to a stop in front of the hood. He nods at you, still keeping your hand in his.
“Well, thank you for coming back.” He smiled at your sheepish grin and stroked the back of your hand, “I look forward to seeing you again.” He added.
“You too.” You say cordially before squeezing his hand and turning to go before you can throw up everywhere.
“Wait a minute!” He tugged you back to face him, “I still need your phone number.” He pulled out his phone and promptly unlocked it, opening his messages and starting a new thread for you to put your number in. “Unless you wanna come back, again.” He smiled, charming the socks off you yet again.
You take it from him and type your number, noticing his use of a cute emoji next to your misspelled name. You chuckle to yourself and fix it for him, reading it all back to yourself twice before calling it good and hand it back to him, watching as he smiles at the screen.
“Fuck, strike one, huh?” He blushes and looks up from the screen as his thumbs hovered over the keyboard.
You chuckle and dismiss it with a wave, “Nothing that hasn’t happened before. Now is it Eddie with two E’s or three?” You question playfully and watch as he bites the inside of his cheek and sigh.
“It’s actually three E’s, an I, and one D— in that order.” He types a message before locking it and putting it back in his pocket.
You’re giving him a real laugh, and an eye squinting, cheek aching, smile that has him smiling right back at you as the chime of your phone in your pocket goes off and you just can’t stop smiling at him, your cheeks burning but loving every second.
You see the way he looks at you, like he wants to say something, maybe— looking kinda bummed, even. You flutter your eyelashes at him before tilting your head, “Is there anything else I can get for you?” You say just above a whisper, your heart pounding so hard you don’t know if you’re trembling or not.
Eddie’s smile quirks up higher on one side as that twinkle reappears in his pupils, licking his lips with a knowing in his eye that said he knew what he wanted, he just couldn’t say it. He just stared at your lips for a moment longer before shaking his head dejectedly.
“Are you sure?” You ask again, shamelessly looking at his lips before meeting his eyes again.
He parted his lips before he leaned in slightly he hears his name called across the lot, “Get back in here, man, Damon’s gonna be here any minute!” His brother hollered from the door.
“Just a second!” He turned away to call back, his hand still in yours. You decide the moment he turns back to you, you’re gonna go for it— you’re gonna kiss him.
“Sorry, he’s worried about our manager coming—“ You watch intently as he turns back to you, taking his other hand in yours before pushing up on your toes to press a lingering kiss to the corner of his mouth, tingles surging up through your body.
You pull away as he freezes, alarmed. Your eyes widened, “Oh my god, is that not what you wanted me to do? I’m so sorry, I—“
He interrupts you by cradling your face in his hands, your face suddenly so warm in his touch. His hands were so soft and the rings were barely cool to the touch as he pressed them to your face in his gentle hold.
“—No! No, I mean, yes! Yeah, that’s what I wanted, just…“ his thumb brushes your bottom lip and your chest heaves as he pulls you in close and presses his lips squarely on yours, kissing you deep and slow before releasing your lips with a pop and lingering close to your face as the haze he cast out wrapped you up in warmth and content.
“—Oughta hold me over til I see you next. And you better text me, okay? Don't make me wait a month.” He warned.
You smile and nod as he releases your face.
“I work here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday— noon til closing, in case you miss me too much.” He winked before pressing another kiss to your mouth and running across the lot as his brother stuck his head out the door to yell at him again.
You watch him until he’s back inside, breathless before sighing to yourself as you dig out your keys and hop in your car. When the engine turns over and your playlist connects to Bluetooth, you unlock your phone to find a message waiting for you from an unknown number.
You smile and tap on it, ready to add him to your contacts as ‘Eddie 🖤’, when you read the message you can’t help but let your head fall back and bring your knees to your chest as a Lizzie McAlpine song plays.
Eddie 🖤:
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You blush, your heart swelling with the growing hope he’s as dorky and sweet on the side as he is handsome and gritty on the outside.
Another message came in just as you were about to type a response:
This is Eeeid, by the way. 😘
(If I couldn’t tag you please check your settings 💖)
@annikin-im-panicin @am1031 @cutiecusp @ms1oftheboys @eddie-hero-munson @navs-bhat @akiratoro420 @unfocused81 @middle-of-the-earth @episcogoth @miarosso @morgthemagpie @forksloree @heavymetalbabyy @theteabrush @blubearxy @sheneedsrocknroll92 @pilgrimharry13 @heytherehowdyworld @softyutae @parkersroses @avalon-wolf @pedroschka @voguesir
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chrisevansonly · 11 months
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐫’𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
ʚcharles leclerc x female reader
ʚit’s baby Lilah’s first halloween and who can resist giving candy to the sweetest little bear in all of Monaco
ʚno warnings, very cute dad!charles and overall sweetness
ʚhere is fic number two for halloween!!! thank you as always for all the support and love, it means so much to me!! this is a little cutie so i hope you enjoy<3
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There was no cuter sight than seeing your daughter Lilah dressed in the cutest fuzzy bear outfit, it wasn’t technically a costume but it would do for her first halloween. She lay comfortably on yours and Charles’s bed, a gummy smile on her face as you made her giggle, snapping photos of her on your phone
“Hi sweet girl, yeah look at your smile…oh you’re so cute I just wanna squish you!”
Leaning down and kissing her face she began to squeal happily, your hands moving to pick her up gently and rest her on your hip
“Should we go show papa how cute you are? I think so!”
As Lilah babbled away you walked down the stairs, Charles starting to pack a few things to head over to Pascale’s for their annual halloween party and trick or treating. The two of you weren’t doing costumes this year, but Lilah in her bear suit was cute enough to distract everyone of that
“Say bonjour papa!”
Lilah giggled, her arms flapping as Charles turned to see her, his eyes lighting up
“Regarde-toi! Mon petit ours, tu es si mignon!”
He was quick to take his little girl when she reached out for him, kissing her cheek
“What do you think? Cute right?”
“I just want to put her in my pocket”
You let out a laugh as you watched the two of them, Lilah’s eyes never leaving her dad, she absolutely adored him in every way
“Maman made you look so precious petit amour”
“I’m hoping it keeps your family distracted from the fact that we aren’t wearing costumes this year”
Charles nodded, sending a smile your way
“I definitely think she’s cute enough for that chérie”
“Good, because it’s too late to figure something out now anyway”
You leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek, finishing the last of packing before putting everything at the front door, your heart melting when you looked to see Lilah resting her head on her father’s shoulder. Cuddled up in her bear suit, eyes fluttering shut, truth be told you really weren’t sure if she’d be able to stay awake for candy, but it was more for you and Charles than her
“It’s her first halloween and she’s falling asleep, I think we are boring her”
Charles laughs softly, his hand rubbing her back
“Well we are skipping out on costumes…”
“Oh and whose fault is that?”
You watched him shrug, before looking away
“Not mine” he mumbles
“No? Because last I recall you couldn’t pick one to save your life…”
Charles turns away from you, walking towards the front door where you’re now waiting with the bags, his free hand covering Lilah’s head
“Bébé, n’écoute pas ta maman, elle essaie juste de faire passer papa pour un méchant!”
“You are so dramatic!”
Rolling your eyes teasingly he comes over, pressing a kiss to your lips, Lilah still passed out on his shoulder
“Don’t worry, if you apologize i’ll share some of her candy with you baby”
“Oh? And who said you were getting her candy?”
It might have been Lilah’s first halloween but for the two of you, it was another year of fighting over candy, Pascale always putting together special buckets for everyone, this year you’d be going home with three.
Charles would be lucky to see even one of them…but when it came to you and Lilah, it didn’t take much to earn his forgiveness, besides he took payment in cuddles and kisses, which was more than enough for him
Well maybe a kitkat too…
english translations:
Bonjour- hello
Regarde-toi! Mon petit ours, tu es si mignon! - Look at you! My little bear, you are so cute
Petit amour- little love
Bébé, n’écoute pas ta maman, elle essaie juste de faire passer papa pour un méchant! - Baby, don’t listen to your mother, she’s just trying to make daddy look bad!
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carolmunson · 1 year
let's go, don't wait: part II (e.m. x f!reader)
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inspired by this prompt by @edsforehead - it's not exactly the same but i did my best! series masterlist summary: modern!eddie's been single since 2020 and aside from getting his dick wet after weekend shows at the hideout, he hasn't been going out of his way for love until his friends make him. cw: 18+ for adult themes. alcohol use, swearing, phone sex, smut, oral (f receiving). some sad childhood talk, all around this is a fluff piece so nothing too bad. (19K words.)
With how easy the first date had been to make, Eddie wasn’t expecting it to be so hard to pin you down for the next one. Neither of your schedules had lined up for the rest of the week, and up until next Friday neither of you had much free time. You either had to stay at work late or he had to stay late for the three extracurriculars he was running (jazz club, D&D club, and co-runner of the school’s GSA) – which he’d only be annoyed about running if he didn’t absolutely love the kids. The extra overtime didn’t hurt either, perks of working at a rich kid private arts school.
At first he was nervous you were busy going on dates with other guys until he called you one night and he could hear your boss in the background waxing poetic about the shift to lab grown sapphires. Then he’d feel bad for feeling so accusatory to start – you’d never said anything to each other about being exclusive. Hell, you’d only been on one date. But you talked every day, and fuck did that feel good for Eddie. 
g’morning pretty  ew you’re obsessed with me. good morning, boy
He’s happy he knows you’re joking because he’s certain no other guy would get it. He knows you read his text and screamed into your pillow, cheeks hot and chest thrumming. That’s why you always have to respond so mean so that he doesn’t know how much you like him back. This backfires, because he can tell that the meaner you are, the more you like his attention.
what’s your weekend look like? i know you leave for AZ on sunday but i’d really like to see you before you go. 
You were headed to a gem trade show in Tucson on Sunday for a few days. You went every year you’d been working for your boss, you told him all about it on the phone. You’re cute when you’re excited but he didn’t want to embarrass you by saying so – just let you rattle on about all the things you get to see. You promised to send him pictures of some of the cool fossils you might come across, all of the big crystal furniture.  “You were a weird dinosaurs kind of kid, right? You’d be into pictures of fossils?" “Why are you so mean? Would you go up to nine year old me and call him a weird kid that’s into dinosaurs?” “No, he’d be so sad.” “So next time you wanna say some mean shit, imagine you’re saying it to nine year old me.” “I bet you were a cute kid,” you thought out loud, “You’re a really cute adult.” 
“You think I’m cute?” “The cutest.” His face burned at every compliment you offered him, flushing dark pink at every sweet word you said. He was a mess. Embarrassment would flood him when he’d check his phone during class, the kids would never let him hear the end of it.  “Did you meet her on Tinder, Mr. E?”  “This is not appropriate class discussion guys,” his eyes would shut tight in frustration when they’d catch him texting you back and he’d reluctantly tuck his phone into his back pocket. They were way bolder than he was at their age. “No because like, you’re so happy though. Look how you’re smiling when you text her.” “Mr. Munson’s got that W rizz.”  “Is she hot?” “Be fucking forreal. He’s blushing so hard right now.” “Smash or pass, Munson?” “Guys, can you relax? You literally have a test right now." Bzz. Bzz.
i gotta run errands on saturday and go then leave sunday night :( working late friday cause we need to take gem inventory essentially He sighed, he didn’t want to wait until next Friday to see you again. 
i could run errands with you if you’ll have me. i’ll drive! you sure? it’s not super exciting stuff. you make it exciting. :) i’ll take you out to lunch. sound good? okay :) okay :)  see you saturday, cutie omg shut up 🙄 but yeah. see you saturday. :) 
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He was nervous you’d notice he got his interior detailed the night before, but he was too embarrassed to let you get into the car in its original glory. He honked the horn in three short bursts, being mindful of the neighbors even though it was around 9:30 in the morning.  You inch out of the door of your place, the first floor of a quaint three family home, in your Princess Diana best. You dressed for errands and his heart swells, leggings and a big sweatshirt, little white sneakers and socks. You look cute like this, hurrying outside with your paper Old Navy bag blowing in the wind, relaxed and laid back. But you aren’t for long, you take a step outside only to feel the chill in the ‘second winter’ air of March and raise a finger to him before running back inside — reappearing with a lightweight parka haphazardly thrown on. You patter to the car and he tries to ignore his heart rate speeding up while he leans over to open it for you. “Hey you,” he smiles, “Good morning.”  “Morning,” you say with a coy smile. His chest leans forward slightly to kiss you as you settle in but he stops short. Are you there yet? You only kissed that night last week. What if you weren’t ready to kiss again? He swallows, settling back into his seat but recognizing how his car fills with your scent. You smell so fucking good he could eat you.  “So what’s the agenda, sugar?” he asks.   “Okay, agenda: Target, Old Navy for a return,” you say, raising your bag, “I have to run into Sephora to pick up some sunscreen for my boss, and um…I think that’s it? They’re all in the same shopping center over by um – by the movie theater.”  “Oh yeah,” he nods, “I know the one.”  He reaches for the sound system, turning the volume up a little, Lamb of God’s Vanishing crunching through his speakers. He watches for your reaction and can tell you don’t know it, but you don’t seem appalled or repulsed.  “Do you have a tunes preference?” he asks, voice velvety smooth, eyes catching on your parted lips, “It’s a long drive.”  “Uh…” your knee bounces faster, “I mean it’s your car. We should listen to what you wanna listen to.”  “Honey, I’m like your Uber driver today,” he offers, head tilting while he looks over at you. Eddie’s gaze lingers on your face with soft eyes, lashes a shadow over his irises, “How’m I gonna get a five star review if you don’t like the music?” 
“I do!” you assure aggressively, “I do like it.”
“Here, I have a plan,” he nods, holding his hand out, “Gimme your phone.” 
You toss him a look which triggers an eye roll from him, “Just trust me, give me your phone.” 
“Here’s the bargain, I connect your tunes to my car,” he mumbles while he disconnects his phone from the car’s Bluetooth and connects yours instead, “But I get to pick the songs. Deal?” 
A giggle bubbles out of you, shoulders shaking loosely, “That’s ridiculous.” 
“But is it a deal?” he asks again. He takes a breath that inflates his chest, while you consider it. It’s not fair that you look so cute this morning, it’s not fair that he doesn’t have the confidence to just reach over and lay one on you like they do in the movies. He wasn’t lying when he said you were so kissable. 
“It’s a deal,” you nod. He watches your knee slow down to stopping. Eddie swallows, eyes traveling from your knees to your full thighs sitting fat in his passenger's seat with a quick scan that you don’t notice. 
“Okay, so let’s see…” he mutters, going into your music and scrolling through your artists, landing pretty early on with an enthusiastic nod that makes his waves bounce around his face. 
“Blood Brothers?” he asks, “Wow, you really did hate your dad, huh? I haven’t heard this album in years.”
“I started liking them for a boy back in high school,” you shrugged while he thumbed through the tracks, “Then started liking them forreal.” “That’s okay,” he smiles over at you, “You’d be surprised to see my Spotify wrapped every year. Never as mean and scary as you’d expect.” 
“No?” your brows raise, “Not a bunch of ‘Stabby Metal Scream Crunch Stab’ in your top ten?” 
He scoffs, settling on ‘Set Fire to the Face on Fire’, the opening Fire! Fire! Fire! leaking through the speakers, “I married the head cheerleader at my high school – I’d like to think my music taste is pretty eclectic. Metal’s just, y’know, the main course. Plenty of side dishes on my roster.” 
“You a big fan of having something on the side?” you quirk a brow at him through the rear view mirror while he puts the car in drive. He scoffs again, lips twitching up into a smirk. You’re quick and it makes his blood rush, his fingers drum nervously on the wheel while he keeps the car in place.
“Why’re you so mean, huh?” he teases, “Do I look like the kind of guy that’s had a lot of side pieces?” 
“Oh,” you start, giving him a once over, “Not even close.” 
“You’re here with me, aren’t you?” he asks, putting the car in park again. He turns down the volume, turning his body completely towards you. “Yeah, yeah, you’re right,” you drone, turning yourself toward him in return,  “I guess I am.” Eddie clears his throat, tongue flicking over his full lips to wet them. 
“So uh…before we hit the road,” his voice cracks, heart rattling in its cage, trapped in his chest, “D’you-think-I-could-steal-a-kiss-good-morning?” It pours out of his mouth while his body goes numb – like the bandaid was ripped off but someone else did it for him. His hopeful voice when he presents the offer sounds foreign to him, but he knows what he’s asking you. Blood rushes in his ears, the steady thump of his heart pounding through his veins. Your bottom lip tucks into your teeth, eyes shutting briefly with anticipation, a tiny chuckle huffs through your nose. Your knee starts to bounce again. 
“Yeah, but it’s not stealing if I’m letting you have one,” you reply, your own voice becoming delicate and girlish, teenage nerves coasting down your throat through the back of your neck. He leans close to you, engulfed again in the scent of your perfume, head leaning to the side slightly while your movements mirror his. Eddie brings a hand up to hold your face, keeping you steady while he goes in for the kill, one he’d been hoping to make since he saw you last. Heart stuck in his throat, he almost feels a sob shoot through his chest when his lips touch yours. It’s as soft and warm as he remembers. As soft and warm as the moment he’s been replaying in his head since last Monday. 
You both break apart but he doesn’t move away from your face, hand dropping from your cheek to your bouncing knee where he gives it a gentle squeeze, “Are you nervous?” 
“I don’t know,” you shrug, “I think maybe, yeah. But I’m excited, too. Y’know, to spend the day with you.” 
It’s his turn to feel giddy and embarrassed, a flush building steadily on the apples of his cheeks, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m nervous, too. But it’s  just gonna be a nice, chill day, okay?” 
“Okay,” you nod, both of you wearing matching smiles. 
“I do have a rule, though,” his brows furrow, implying he’s serious. You look very seriously back at him. 
“I gotta kiss you every time you’re startin’a look a little too good,” he gives you a shrug of one shoulder before settling back into the driver’s seat while he pulls onto the road, “Cause I don’t know if you saw, but the way you look this morning is fucking illegal.” 
You let out a soft tsss from between your teeth, shaking your head while you settle back into your seat, “You’re so stupid.” 
“I’m just a man, sugar,” he tilts his head, readjusting behind the wheel before putting the car back in drive. He restarts the song before pulling onto the road, feeling like maybe this errands date would go much, much better than he’d planned. He drums on the steering wheel again, head softly bouncing along with the beat of the song while the lyrics scream through the car. You mouth along with them, staring out the window while you do. 
‘Those cold hooks, cemetery claws raking at the infant's jaws,Set fire to the horse on fire,Set fire to the dress on fire,Set fire to the stage on fire,Set fire to the stars on fire!’
“Damn, me and the band shoulder cover this,” he nods to himself, “We’d fuckin’ crush.” 
“Can you scream like that?” you ask, turning your head to face him, “I feel like I’d blow my vocal chords.” 
“Eh, sorta kinda,” he tilts his head from side to side, “I got plenty of practice. Do plenty of screaming with our own stuff, you sorta train your voice up to do it. I might not be able to scream as high but, I could harmonize with Jeff – lead guitar if you remember –” “I remember,” you smile, “And his wife Alycia.” 
“And is wife Alycia! Damn, look at you,” he smiles, “You should write my memoirs. But yeah, surprisingly Jeff can get pretty high up there – it’s super impressive.”
“Well when you cover it, I’ll come watch,” you nod, “You still haven’t really told me about your band.” 
“Corroded Coffin?” he asks, turning into a coffee shop drive-thru and pulling up behind a short line of cars, “Not much to tell. We play shows every couple weeks, in the summer every week, at a few bars around the city that are into that scene. We have fun – still play at our old stomping grounds in Hawkins, too. Same five drunks cheering us on for the last twelve years.” 
His eyes widen at the realization, “Twelve years, Jesus. I’m so fuckin’ old.”   
“Oh, thank god I only have two years until I’m fuckin’ old,” you laugh, “You don’t look old.” 
“You don’t look old either,” he smiles, giving you a once over that you immediately feel shy under, “What can I get you?” 
“Oh no, no,” you shake your head, reaching for your wallet in your Old Navy bag, “I’ll get it, seriously. You’re driving me.” 
“No, please, I’ll get it,” he says, pushing your hand down gently while you offer your card. 
“I wanna pay for it, you’re already going out of your way to do all this boring shit,” you offer again. He plucks your card from your fingers and flicks it into the backseat. He shrinks when your smile falls, you’re very obviously not taken by his actions. 
“Look,” he shrugs, voice lowering, “I didn’t wanna say anything cause I didn’t know how you’d react. But this location actually doesn’t accept money from women. I know, crazy right? So sexist. Its so gross of me to still go here when it’s totally against all my shit. But since they don’t accept any payments from women, I’m gonna have to pay or else we can’t get coffee.” 
You roll your eyes but can’t hold back your laugh, “Fuck, why do you have to be funny about it?” 
“You think I’m funny, huh?” he grins, pulling up to the microphone box. 
“Yeah, funny lookin’,” you tease. Eddie ‘tsks’ a few times with a shake of his head, looking back at you. 
“What can I get you?” he asks again. 
“Medium, iced, caramel. Almond milk if they have it, regular if not,” you respond, crossing your arms. He orders and can feel your eyes on him, he wants to turn back around and kiss that pout right off your lips. You’re not used to having someone take care of things and he can tell, you don’t like it either. Or at least you don’t know how to let yourself like it. Two givers stuck in a car running errands with each other – he wonders if you’ve ever known how to take. 
He gets the coffees, yours with your milk and flavor, his iced and black. You say thank you when you take it, there’s something about your face when you do, a softness he feels like he’s not supposed to see. 
“Hey, you know my rule,” he says, leaning in again, “You’re startin’ to look at little too good right now.” 
Your embarrassed smile says enough when you close the gap between the two of you, lips pressing together in a soft and gentle peck. 
“Thank you,” he expresses, big brown eyes looking into yours before pulling back onto the streets. He turns the sound system up again, the opening of Cam’ron’s Hey Ma flows through the speakers, he nods enthusiastically. 
“Another banger,” he exclaims. 
“You know this song?” you ask with surprise. 
“I grew up in a trailer park, baby. You hear a lot of different music out there,” he shrugs. Eddie feels his throat choke up when he realizes he called you baby. But at least if you hated it, you weren’t showing any sign that you did. 
“Got drops. Got coupes. Got trucks. Got jeeps. Alright, 'cause we gon' take a ride tonight So ma. Wassup? Let's slide. Alright. Alright, and we gon' get it on tonight.” He likes that you’re impressed that he knows the words, of course he does. He grew up hearing this song all of summer 2002, running through the hose with the little kids, while his old baby sitters sat out in lawn chairs to work on their color. Playboy Bunny stickers on their hip bones to show off their tan lines. 
You both sing the opening verse to the windshield, windows coming down an inch as you turn onto the parkway, voices booming over Juelz Sanatana’s. 
“Now I was down town clubbin’, ladies night, Seen shorty she was crazy right, And I approached baby like, ‘Ma, what’s your age and type?’ She looked at me and said, ‘Yous a baby right?’” He hits the last red light before the long stretch of the drive, turning to you to deliver a passionate line reading of the lyrics. He’s surprisingly smooth, even impressing himself at how actually cool he’s being about it. 
“I told her, I’m eighteen and live a crazy life, Plus I’ll tell you what the 80s like, and I know what the ladies like, Need a man that’s polite, listens and takes advice. I can be all three, plus I can lay the pipe. Come with me, come stay the night.” 
He winks when he finishes the line and by the way you stop singing, he knows he’s got you flustered. You are easy. He wants to see how much easier it is. 
“You better be careful,” you warn, tongue caught between your teeth. “Yeah? I better be careful?” he grins, car pushing forward when the light changes so he can turn onto the highway. 
“You’re trouble, Munson,” you shake your head, turning your attention back to the stretch of asphalt ahead of the both of you, “You’re big trouble.” 
“She looked at me laughin’ like, ‘Boy your game is tight.’ I’m laughin’ back like, ‘Sure, you’re right.’” 
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“D’you need a cart?” Eddie asks, taking a side step over to the push carts neatly pushed into each other in between the double doors of Target. 
“Nah, if I get a cart I’m just gonna use it as an excuse to buy more stuff,” you pull a face, shoulders dropping dramatically, “And while I’d love to have an excuse to buy more stuff, I just need a basket.” “Basket it is,” he grins, hand wrapping over the hard plastic of one of the handles, tugging a basket loose from where it’s encased with its brothers. You reach your hand out, taking a step closer to the entrance, our step triggers the automatic doors and he files in after you. 
He looks at your outstretched hand behind you and then up at your face, “I can hold it, Ed.” 
He gives you a small shake of his head, “Nah, I’ll carry it. You lead the way. What’s on your list?”  “I mostly just need to get travel stuff…like toiletries,” you think out loud, “I guess this wasn’t really much of a big errand now that I think about it.” 
“That’s okay,” he says, and he means it. 
You don’t go straight to the beauty section. You’re taken by the $5 and under shelves at the front of the store, full of small decor knick knacks that he recognizes from his own apartment. This is where Tati’s always picking up those little gold tchotchkes for the coffee table and bookshelves every other month. The same way Chrissy would always have new, tiny holiday themed pieces every year to sneak onto their mantle.
“So, do you want me to keep you on task?” he asks, falling in step next to you, watching your fingers toy over a felted bunny figurine for Easter, “Or do you want me to aid in you not being on task?” 
You look over at him, eyes scanning over his frame. He catches the way your eyes linger on the way his t-shirt fits him under his leather jacket and denim vest. Dark olive green, a touch too tight in the chest, collar worn out just enough so that the ends of his collar bones peeked through. 
“We have all day, right?” you smirk. 
“All day,” he nods, “You a walking through the aisles type of girl?” 
“Is that a deal breaker?” you ask, attention captivated by a lavender ceramic pencil holder in the shape of a rainbow. 
“No, not at all,” he assures, taking you by surprise when he presses a kiss to your temple, “I’m a walking through the aisles type of guy.” 
“Was I looking a little too good while perusing the five dollar shelf?” you tease while you move onward into the store, stopping to thumb through a rack of jeans.
“Well that’s the thing,” he says with a tilt of his head, “You’re always lookin’ a little too good.” 
He hums when you roll your eyes, “Hmm. How’d I know that was coming?” 
“Why’re you so nice to me all the time, huh?” you fake argue, bored with looking at clothes and taking deliberate steps towards home goods to the bath section. Eddie hurries to keep up, basket clicking and clacking in his hand. 
“I guess I can be mean to you, but I feel like that would make me a shitty date,” he jokes back, “And an even worse Uber driver.” 
“So true, actually. Zero stars,” you nod, running your hand over a towel that matches the color of his shirt, “Y’know green’s a really good color for you? Makes your eyes pop.” 
“Oh…” he can feel himself turning red when you say that. So she’s been looking at my eyes? Is she always secretly sort of checking me out the way I’m always secretly sort of checking her out? Does she think I’m cute or something? Why am I trying to propose to her right now? Is it ‘cause we’re looking at towels? 
“Um, thank you. I’ll um, I’ll wear it more often,” he runs a hand over his face while you continue to look at towels, turning the corner to look at the fancier ones. You laugh at his jittery response, not so much at him, not teasing, but – this guy covered in tattoos, stomping in combat boots, definitely has a knife in his back pocket, chains dangling down the side of his pants, is blushing bright red just because you said he looks good in green. This guy? 
“You should,” you encourage, turning to see his reddened face, “What happened to not being nervous?” 
“That’s a rule for you,” he says, walking a few steps ahead of you. His eyes catch on a soap dispenser, it’s the same one he had in the master bathroom back with Chris, “I can be as nervous as I want.” 
“Ah, I see, rules for thee, not for me,” you nod slowly. 
“See! Now you’re getting it,” he says over his shoulder. He reaches his free hand back toward you, eyes meeting yours, tossing you a smile when you look at his hand and back at him, “Yeah, I want you to hold it.” 
When your fingers slide in to lace with his he realizes his hands are a little sweaty. They weren’t last time you saw him, with your hand cradled in between his on his knee at the bar. He was a couple drinks in then, not forced to face the action fully. Not aware enough to realize he was holding a pretty girl’s hand in public on a domestic date and all he can think about is railing you in the backseat of his Honda Civic and also making a mental note of all the color choices you like so when you eventually move in together he already knows what you — Jesus fucking Christ you have soft hands. You guide him through the rest of the bathroom section, stopping briefly to consider whether or not you need more hand towels for your apartment and then shaking it off. He let’s you take him around the corner to mattress covers, you talk about your Casper mattress and how you still aren’t sure if you really like it two years later. He hears himself respond in a fog but he’s caught up on how right it feels to be here with you, to be holding your hand, holding your Target basket for you, listening to you talk about whatever. 
You get to bedding and stop at the throws, Eddie’s fog lifts when you let go of his hand to take one of them off the shelf. A dark green knitted blanket replaces his hand, folded up neat and tidy in its wrap-around casing. 
“This is so perfect for my living room,” you murmur to yourself, “It’s so cute.” 
Eddie leans against the shelf while you let your senses absorb the knit: touch, sight, smell. You peer at the other colors, unhappy with the rest, balancing the blanket on your hip while you look back at the empty spot where it once sat. Your eyes roll again, shoulders slumping for real this time.
“Not seventy five dollars cute,” you grumble, putting the blanket back on the shelf. 
“Seventy five dollars?” he asks, aghast, brown eyes rounding in surprise, “What, did they shear the sheep here or something?” 
“That’s capitalism for ya,” you click your tongue, giving the blanket one last look with a little pout, “Oh well, I’m sure I can find a dupe or something at TJ Maxx.” 
“M’sorry, sweetheart,” he consoles, taking your hand back and giving it an apologetic squeeze. 
“Sweetheart…” you repeat back, “That’s cute.” 
“That’s cute? Okay,” he smiles down at the tile under his feet, teeth showing, “I’ll keep note of that.” 
You both continue your journey through bedding, crossing through the Hearth & Hand showcase where he listens to you gripe about how you swear it’s a scam. None of this shit should be this expensive. Like, I could get all this shit at H&M Home online for twenty dollars less. What, just cause they’re on TV? Frickin’ ridiculous. He still stands by thinking that you’re cute when you’re mad. He can’t let go of your hand. He doesn’t even care that you’re both so far from travel toiletries, that you likely forgot why you were even here. He just likes this, being in Target with you, holding your hand while you yell about something. 
“Oh, hold on, I gotta look at these,” you squeeze his hand before you let go again, walking ahead of him while Matchbox Twenty’s 3AM fades into Des’ree’s You Gotta Be. 
“Decorative wicker baskets?” he asks, stepping back to look at the wall of wicker baskets of all sizes in the back of the store. 
“I need two for under my dresser,” you say, reaching up to grab one and looking at the tag for the dimensions, “S’for my socks and stuff.” 
He tosses you a look and you look back at him, “Don’t ask.” 
You get lost in the task, two stepping with a little sway to your hips, small movements. You sing along to the song while you pull one basket down and put it back, and so on. You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together. You aren’t mocking him when you sing along but the lyrics feel like they are. You’re so into it, too. He guesses this is what you’re like when no one’s around to watch you. How unfortunate that you’re so kissable even when you think no one is around to see it. 
“Hey,” he says, putting the basket down, “What did I say about looking too good?” 
“What?” you turn around, eyes rounded, almost startled, “Am I taking too long?”
“No,” he says with a furrow of his brow, approaching you gently while he crosses into your personal space. His voice drops a little lower, lips lingering close to yours, “No baby, not at all. Just looking really cute over here.” 
You can’t help but feel girlish when he’s like this, giggling while heat floods your cheeks and chest. 
“C’mere,” he whispers, pressing you back with his body so you’re flush with the shelves against the wall. His nose brushes yours, fingers finding your chin to tilt you up toward him where his mouth can taste you and you can taste him. He starts slow, just a test, shrouded in the lower light of the back decorative basket aisle, lips parting slightly to see if you’ll match it. He puffs a small breath against the ridge of your upper lip and it’s enough to send you into a frenzy. His body presses close up against you, kiss gaining fervor, hands coming up to cup around your cheek and neck to guide you with him
“Wait, wait,” you gasp, breaking away, “We’re gonna get in trouble.” 
“You think I’m scared of getting in trouble?” he clicks his tongue before grinning at you. Looks like you don’t do trouble. His lips ghost over yours, skating softly over your cheek to get to your ear, “I’ve been gettin’ kicked out of Targets since 2007, sweetheart.” 
His teeth graze your ear lobe, your hands reaching to clutch the soft leather of his jacket, a small sigh puffs out of you. He’s not sure if it’s pushing it, but the aisle is empty, and whatever he’s doing, he’s pretty sure you like it – his lips drop from your earlobe to the edge of your jaw, settling on a slow, wet open mouth kiss on your neck before meeting your mouth again. 
“Ed,” you mumble quietly, “I can’t be turned on at Target.” 
“Yes you can,” he giggles, stealing another gentle kiss from you. 
“Uh…hey folks,” a timid voice calls from the end of the aisle. You both break away, embarrassment clearly taking you over while you cover your face in your hands. A younger guy in a red t-shirt and khaki slacks waves awkwardly when he has both of your attention. 
“Sorry to uh, to interrupt but, um – y’know, this is a family friendly store and we just – yeah, I’m sorry. You’re not in trouble or anything,” he offers, stumbling over his words. 
“Thanks man,” Eddie says genuinely, giving him a wave back, “Sorry about that, just uh, caught up in the moment I guess. Baskets really do it for her, y’know?” 
The guy nods, walking away when a small thwap of the back of your hand hits his chest. 
“You’re so fucking annoying,” you laugh, changing your voice to mock him, “Baskets really do it for her. Fuck all the way off.” 
Eddie laughs with you, picking up the Target basket and placing it in your hand, “Look, I gotta pee so bad. Do you think you can man the aisles yourself while I go and take care of that?” 
You nod, “Just text me when you’re done and I’ll tell you where I am, okay?” 
“Cool,” he nods back, leaning in to press a kiss to your cheek, “See you in a bit.” 
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hey, where are you at? easter stuff, i got distracted  very godly of you
He bustles through the aisles, realizing now that you’re on the totally opposite side of the store than you were before. He spots you where all the candy is, your basket full of your toiletries.  “Easter candy?” he asks. 
“It’s the best holiday candy, easily,” you confess, “I know people will probably say Halloween since that’s the candy holiday, but dude, there’s something about Cadbury eggs.” 
“Yeah?” he reaches out and takes the basket out of your hand gently, you don’t protest when he does, “Isn’t it supposed to be from the UK? Don’t they have better chocolate by proxy?” 
“I think so,” you agree while Eddie strolls a little further down the aisle, “Have you ever had them?” 
“I’m sure I have,” he says, fingers tracing over a chocolate bunny in a box, “I guess I’m more of a Halloween guy.” 
“Boring,” you sing, holding two small bags of Cadbury eggs in your hands. Eddie holds the basket in front of him while you gear up to toss one in. 
“Kobe!” you shout, the candy leaving your fingers in a lay up toss, floating through the air only to fall at Eddie’s feet on the tile. 
“Too soon,” Eddie shakes his head solemnly, reaching down to grab the chocolate and put it in the red basket in his arm, “How’re you gonna call out a legend’s name and then miss?” 
“I feel like you moved it so that I’d miss,” you accuse playfully. 
“I kept it exactly where it was, I think you’re just not very good at basketball,” he says, making his way towards you. You put the other bag in with the rest of your stuff and look up at him through half lidded eyes. He matches your gaze while he looks at you. 
“You just don’t wanna see me be great,” you tease. 
“Oh, stop,” he tutts, “You’re very great.” 
Neither of you can help but kiss again. It feels natural to do it at this point. 
“You get everything you need to get?” he asks against your lips. You nod, a little ‘mhm’ squeaks out of your throat, “Good, cause they can’t yell at us for making out in the parking lot. So we should head out of here soon.” 
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The remainder of the errands and lunch go by like a blur to him. Saturday meant busy restaurants so instead you opted for fast food in the parking lot, starting the drive home sharing Wendy’s waffle fries over the center console. 
Before you pull out of the lot, he flicks your music on again, opting to just leave it on shuffle because he feels like he learns you better that way. What’s going to come up next that’ll surprise him? What’s he gonna find out about you? 
‘Baby, I know you’re hurting, Right now you feel like you could never love again. Now all I ask, is for a chance, to prove, That I love you.’ 
Eddie barks out a laugh, takes a sip of his Sprite, and then laughs again, “Oh shit. I haven’t heard this song in years!”
“You know this song, too?” you ask, surprised again at his music repertoire. 
“You really don’t think I’m cultured, do you?” he jokes, “I have a deep affinity for the Backstreet Boys, though I will admit I was an NSYNC boy myself growing up.”
“Of course,” you murmur with an eye roll, “What’s your favorite NSYNC song?” 
“Ooh, let me see,” he thinks while he turns onto the highway, “Definitely Drive Myself Crazy. I’d always try to hit JC’s runs.”
“You knew their names too?” 
“I told you already, I grew up in a trailer park. I had the same babysitter from two to eleven,” he explains, “Mrs. Grandy watched me until her daughter Summer turned thirteen and then I’d go and pal around with her and her friends. I was like her little brother, I practically lived there.” 
“Were you always there?” you ask, “At your babysitter’s house?” 
“Yeah. My uh, my mom died when I was seven but she was always working and tryna stay out of the house when my dad came home so I was always at the sitters. He’s y’know – he’s in jail but he was in and out of it when I was a kid, too. Got arrested for beating on her a couple months before she died and my uncle moved up from North Carolina to take care of me. But he worked nights so – if I wasn’t at school I had to have someone watch me while he slept and then someone had to be at the trailer while I slept. It was way easier when I was in school – but anyway – wow – off topic there – yes, I spent a lot of time with my babysitter and her mom,” he finishes.  
“I’m sorry,” you offer, reaching over to give his knee a reassuring squeeze. 
“No, don’t be. It’s okay. I’m okay – I turned out pretty cool, I think,” he shrugs.
“You’re really cool,” you smile, Eddie smiles back. 
“What’s your favorite Backstreet Boys song?” he asks. 
“Hey Mr. DJ, easy,” you tell him, “It’s the most fucknasty song they’ve ever made and it still holds up. Like, I want it played at my wedding. I’m trying to make a child to that song.” 
Eddie loses it at fucknasty, head falling back on the headrest while his chest bounces, “The most fucknasty song? We’ll have to play that next.” 
“You won’t be disappointed,” you say, “AJ sings it and he was my favorite.” 
“Oh, baby, that does not surprise me at all,” he grins. Calling you baby sounds comfortable now, even after just talking for a week. He’s not sure how fast or slow these things are supposed to go, but your little smile every time he says it makes him wanna say it more. 
“I saw them in concert, when I was like, nine or ten or something,” Eddie says, “For their Millenium Tour – was when I Want It That Way was huge.” 
“You got tickets?” you ask, a teasing grin splitting your face. 
“Summer was a huge Backstreet Boys and NYSNC fan, like, posters all over her room. Had every magazine they were in that she could find, everything. So all we would do when she would watch me was listen to them and talk about them, so I liked them because she liked them and I thought she was cool,” he starts. 
“So anyway, she finds out on the radio that they’re giving away tickets to a show in Columbus – cause like, no one fucking comes to Indiana to play shows – and she calls in and wins! She literally went into shock. But we ended up going and she brought me instead of her friend because she was like ‘Mom, he’s family’. Which as an adult, makes me fucking melt y’know? But as a kid I was like ‘Damn you’re gonna drag me to Ohio to see a boy band? I wanna see Tool.’”
“Not Tool!” you laugh.  
“But it was cool cause we got to stay in a hotel for a night and all that other shit. It felt really special, her mom got us t-shirts which I’m sure cost her a fortune but – damn. I had a lot of fun.” 
“It sounds like you did.”
“The most crazy thing though – which I’ve never told anyone so, I hope you feel special – was when I saw them perform, I thought like, ‘Wow, I wanna do this when I grow up.’ So in a way, if it wasn’t for the Backstreet Boys, I would’ve never realized I wanted to be a rockstar,” he confesses, “And I mean, obviously I was really into rock, and metal, and folk-punk stuff ‘cause of Wayne, but seeing those guys on stage? Everyone screaming? I was like ‘Damn, I wanna be up there! I wanna be shredding up there!’” 
“I love that,” you reply, a warm smile spread across your face while you watch him relive the memory in his head. 
He shrugs, “It was a cool dream to have but, I don’t know. That ship has long sailed.” 
“What do you mean? Long sailed? You can still be a rockstar,” you argue, a fry crunching soft between your teeth. 
He shakes his head, slight defeat caressing his tone, “No I can’t. I’m too old now.” 
“Too old? Shut up,” you assert through a mouthful of waffle fry, “Metallica’s still out there playing. Iron Maiden is literally on tour right now. And they’re all like – in their sixties for fuck’s sake.” 
“Okay?” he huffs back, the red from the hazard lights of the car in front of you flashes against his face, “And? They all got famous when they were like, twenty or younger. I’m fucking…thirty-two.” 
“Exactly! You’re only thirty-two,” you exclaim while he rolls to a stop at a red light. Your hand reaches out to squeeze his arm, “You have so much time. You can literally be a rockstar whenever.” 
Eddie’s chest gets tight when you say that – it had been a while since he heard that type of encouragement. He’d missed the feeling of someone cheering him on from the bar while he was on stage, Chrissy’s praise when they’d get home. Wayne calling to tell him he saw a review of their set in the paper. Lately the shows felt sad to him, he felt lonely, even though he was always the happiest when he could make it on that stage. 
“You can’t be saying shit like that to me,” he says knowingly, maneuvering his arm so that he can take your hand in his. 
“Why not?” you ask, your voice holding a hint of sullenness that breaks his heart. He kisses your knuckles before resting his and your hand on your thigh, the light changing to green. 
“‘Cause you’re gonna make me fall in love with you.” Your eyes cast down at his hand on your thigh, your smile tight, stretching painfully across your cheeks, “Oh, okay. I’ll be meaner if that’s not what you’re going for.” 
“It’s definitely what I’m going for,” he murmurs, squeezing your hand softly. 
The mood in the car shifts to comfortable silence, I’ll Never Break Your Heart fading out into the opening croons of Leon Bridges’ Coming Home. You lean your head on the window, looking at the cars passing you on the highway, the light flecks of rain hitting the glass as the car keeps its speed. Eddie lets go of your hand, palm stretching over the mass of your thigh, running soothingly up and down on your leggings. His thumb rubs soft and slow over the outside of your quad, he just wants to touch you. It’s a comforting touch, no implications other than – I like being here with you right now. 
‘The world leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, girl. You're the only one that I want, Wanna be around. Wanna be around, girl, Wanna be around, girl, Ooh, wanna be around, girl...’
“I like this,” Eddie says, his voice soft, “Who is this?” 
“Leon Bridges,” you answer, “The whole album is so good. It honestly sounds even better on vinyl.” 
“I was just about to say, I bet it sounds great on vinyl,” he enthuses, “I like the old timey vibe.” 
“It’s cozy, right?” you ask. 
“Very cozy,” he nods, tossing a look over to you. Your eyes are heavy lidded, breath steady in your chest,  “You gettin’ sleepy?” 
“Kinda,” you yawn, “You’re not boring me or anything, I promise.” 
“That’s okay,” he offers you a soft pat on the thigh, returning back to the slow back and forth that was putting you to sleep, “We’ll be home soon-ish, just take a nap.” 
You frown, “You sure? Am I being lame?” 
“Nah, you’re not being lame,” he assures. Your eyes flutter closed, the warm cascade of his hand continues while they do. 
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After a long stretch of highway, Eddie turns the car into your part of town, a sadness washing over him that he has to drop you off and then go home to his apartment for the remainder of this rainy evening. For a flicker of a moment he wants to be selfish and ask if you wanna just kick it at his house, but he knows you have stuff to do before this trip. Envy seeps into his sadness that your boss gets to spend so much time with you, gets to watch you laugh, gets to watch you solve problems, gets to watch you do anything all day. Is it healthy to feel like this so quickly? I don’t know her like that, he wonders, Is it that sort of thing where like, if you know you know? Or am I being kind of insane right now? 
“What’d I miss?” you ask, rising from your mini-nap in the car. You frown when you see your surroundings, so much closer to home than you hoped. 
“A few showtunes and Mariah’s Vision of Love,” he says, your sleepy voice tugging on his heart and lips, “I’m partial to My All but that’s cause I’m a professional sad boy.” 
“My All is on there, but it’s probably good I was out for Vision of Love – you didn’t have to hear me screlting it in the small confines of this car,” you laugh.
“Do you sing?” he asks. You shake your head no. 
“I did musicals in high school, as you can see by the showtunes,” you explain, “But I wouldn’t call myself much of a singer.” 
“I’m sure I’ll find out if that’s true sooner or later,” he offers. It’s part way through Good Charlotte’s Girls & Boys, volume low so he didn’t disturb you sleeping. 
“This song makes me laugh,” you say, he feels your hand find his, still sitting firm on your lap. You play with his rings, twirling them around his fingers, he swallows hard. 
“Like, so many songs that came out around this time, even a couple years after – now they just sound like women’s empowerment.” 
“Tell me more,” he says, turning onto your street, the ache creeping back up again. 
“Like, ‘Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money.’ Is that supposed to be a dig? Of course I like cars and money – I’m a person. ‘Paper or plastic, don’t matter, she’ll have it.’ Like it’s a bad thing! Sounds like she’s thriving, he’s paying for everything and she didn’t even ask him to, she’s just sitting there looking hot!” you continue, “Sounds like a dream to be honest!”
“Yeah!” he nods, mulling it over in his head, “Fuckin’ – good for her!” 
“I’m happy for her!” you laugh, he laughs with you. It’s nice to laugh so much with you, he likes that you’re sort of goofy in your own right. He pulls up to your house, pulling in to park in front of the walk way. Both of your laughs quiet down, you both look at the house through your window and the air in the car changes. 
“I don’t wanna go,” you frown, shoulders slumping, “I wanna keep hanging out.” 
“I know,” he says gently, “I wanna keep hanging out, too – but you got stuff you need to get ready for tomorrow.”
“I know,” you scrunch your nose, “So stupid.” 
“So stupid,” he agrees, “How dumb that you have to go to a really cool expo where the weather’s nice.” “Well when you put it like that,” you say with a tilt of your head and a smile. 
“Let me get your stuff out of the trunk,” he offers, getting out of the car into the smattering of rain. He pops the trunk and grabs your bags, coming over to your side to open your door for you. 
“Here,” he says, offering you your toiletries, Old Navy exchange (and a few other purchases), and a Sephora bag with definitely more than just your boss’s sunscreen in it. You thank him and lean in for a kiss but he grins, turning away from you to go back to the trunk, “Sorry, forgot a bag.” 
He reappears with the trunk closes, another Target bag in his hands that he passes to you. The weight reveals what it is before you look, but you peek to be sure, “Ed…”
“I didn’t really have to pee,” he confesses, “You just really liked it and you looked so sad when you put it back so, you know, I just wanted to do something nice.” 
“It’s really nice,” you smile, looking down at the green Casaluna blanket nestled in the bag, “I just don’t want to like…feel like I owe you something.” 
“No, no, no,” he hurriedly shakes his head, “Please don’t feel like that. This really was just like – it’s not like a power move or anything I’m not like that, I promise – I don’t want anything in return, seriously.” 
“Except maybe a picture when it’s all set up nice in your living room,” he grins. Your eye rolls make his heart flutter because so far, you always kiss him after you do it and this time is no exception. 
“I’ll see you when I come back,” you say, wincing as the rain starts to pick up. “You act like you’re going to war, sugar,” he teases, “Like you’re not gonna text me in five minutes.” 
“Ew, bye,” you scowl, giving him a peck before hustling up the walkway to find refuge on the covered porch. 
“Bye,” he calls out, bottom lip tucking between his teeth in the afterglow of another good date. He gets back in the car and waits for you to get in safely before driving away towards his own apartment. At a red light, his phone goes off, just five minutes since he’s pulled away. He opens his texts, a full belly laugh barking from his mouth.  it looks great in my living room. oh shit it’s only been five minutes. 😡 fuck you. 
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By day two of your trip, Eddie was already homesick for you. Savoring every message you could send his way when you weren’t busy, but also trying his best not to text you back immediately so he didn’t seem needy. Or worse, desperate. He liked it the most when you’d send pictures: big pink quartz bathtubs, amethyst arm chairs, huge chunks of malachite that were the size of his hand. 
these would make cool dice for d&d, right? the coolest. you should buy that and then hand carve the dice for me. let me pull a grand out of my ass real quick so i can get to work on that. so needy.   oh, so you miss me?  of course i do :) i miss you, too :) 
“So when’re we gonna meet your mystery girlfriend?” Robin asks, swirling her rum and coke with her straw, “Or does she go to a different school in Canada that we wouldn’t know about?” 
Steve snickers with Robin, two mean girls who always mean girl together. It was a Tuesday, which meant Robin and Steve would meet up for Happy Hour at a bar near Nancy’s office for the paper and then bother everyone else to come meet them until everyone showed up. The three sat at the corner of the bar, Steve in the center in his business casual. Patagonia vest over his blue button up, hair perfectly windswept with his sunglasses tucked into his t-shirt collar. Picture perfect finance bro with his mean lesbian guard dog to bark at any woman who might hurt his feelings. Eddie was convinced that if Robin wasn’t gay, they would’ve gotten married the day that they met. 
“Well she’s not my girlfriend yet, for one,” Eddie starts, defensively, “And if you wanna know if she’s real, here’s her Instagram.” 
He passes his phone to Robin who swipes through your photos with a nod, a smile pulling across her face, “Not bad at all, Munson.” 
“Let me see,” Steve demands with a slight whine, plucking the phone from her hand. He scrolls, a touch of a salacious smirk spreading across his face, “Oh, smash. Immediately smash.” Steve passes Eddie’s phone back to him on the table, screen open to a risque picture of you on the beach, “You didn’t fuck?” 
“Not yet, Harrington,” Eddie sighs, “I’ll be sure to let you know the moment I slip it in, okay?” 
“I’m just saying,” Steve shrugs, “I would’ve fucked her already.” 
“Yeah, we know loverboy,” Robin teases. Eddie’s shoulders tense a little because if Steve wanted you, he’d definitely be able to take you. He’s hot and charismatic, he has more money than he knows what to do with, and at the end of the day – Steve loves women. All kinds of women. Eddie swore Steve would leave college with a taste for thin blondes that were in his frat’s sister sorority but every night it was someone new. And every night, Steve Harrington got what Steve Harrington wanted. 
“Tell her to follow me,” Steve winks. 
“It’s the first thing I did when I met her, actually – told her to follow you,” Eddie jokes back. 
what’re you doing? happy hour with the group. well right now just rob and steve but everyone else is on the way. fun! i bought a new bathing suit at a vendor because i have bad impulse control. also look at these cool rocks. oh, sick – what kind are they? the vendor said they’re ocean jasper do you want one? will you get a matching one with me? also linger is playing at the bar right now and it’s…making me think about you? stupid as hell. absolutely will get us matching ones. i love that song. who said you could be this cute? pretty sure i did. steve says hi by the way, he’s ‘linger’ing over my shoulder. lmao you’re so corny “Is she gonna send you a picture of her in the bathing suit or not?” he asks impatiently. “She’s still working, man,” Eddie flips his phone over so the screen can’t be seen, “And even if she does, I’m not gonna show it to you.” “Yeah, don’t be such a perv Steve,” Robin sasses, “Get me another rum and coke instead.” 
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After an hour, the rest of the group has made it and Eddie’s had three beers in a short span of time. Not enough alcohol to feel drunk, but enough alcohol that he keeps getting lost in the thought of your thighs on that barstool last week. The little overflow of your tummy in your jeans, your hips, what you might look like out of those jeans. What sounds you might’ve made if he went to your house after Target and he peeled those leggings off you. You’re busy and he’s bummed out about it only because he selfishly wishes you were here at happy hour instead of looking at cool rocks. “You look so sad right now,” Tatianna says from across the table the group has gathered round, “You miss your girl?” 
Eddie pouts dramatically, nodding, “I do.” “Guys this is the one, I’ve never seen him like this before,” Tatianna grins, “He’s down bad.” 
Tati reaches next to her to hold hands with Gareth giving it a squeeze, “Hinge is the truth, I’m telling you.” 
“I mean, you sure? He thought Chris was the one and look how that turned out,” Mike says from the other end. Everyone sighs and groans, whines of ‘C’mon Wheeler,’ sound out of a few of them. 
“When you know, you know, kid,” Gareth offers softly, “And I think Ed knows.” 
“When’re we gonna meet this girl who likes your nerdy ass?” Erica giggles next to him. “Exactly what I was saying earlier,” Steve adds. 
“I don’t think you need to meet her, Steve,” Dustin laughs, “Let him have something, for God’s sake.”  “Well,” Nancy starts, “I mean, Steve’s party at Barcade is next week. Might be a good sort of low stakes way to ease her in.” 
“That’s actually such a good idea,” Tatianna agrees. 
“But I have the jazz concert for my kids that night,” Eddie sulks. 
“Yeah but that ends at like, eight thirty,” she argues, “You should tell her to come. We’ll take care of her before you show up.”  “I’ll take realgood care of her, Munson,” Steve grins.
Eddie’s head is down on his forearms so he doesn’t know how many people started scolding Harrington over his head. This was overwhelming again – this part. Eddie thought maybe all the fussing over starting to date would be the worst but now it’s every day that they ask about you. At least twice a day in the group chat – Your girl coming to D&D? How was your date last weekend? Is she with you right now? Tell her we all said hi. Are you gonna bring her to Tati’s art show?
He doesn’t have all the answers yet and he doesn’t know where you’re at either. Do you want to meet his friends? Would you even like them?
Everyone yelling at Steve is satisfying, but it would be cooler if you were here to see it.  
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The following night he was up late grading papers he should’ve graded a week ago but he was too caught up in his personal life to care. Conversation with you had dwindled quickly last night as he spent more time at the bar and ended up planning the next campaign. You hadn’t reached out at all today and he felt too proud to be the one to text you first, a twinge of resentment plucking at his heart strings in his chest. Hollow loneliness drumming at his ribcage. 
The papers were graded, neatly stacked and put away in his bag for tomorrow, red pen capped and put back on his desk. Eddie groans as he stands up to stretch, peeling off his t-shirt and slipping off his sweatpants, tossing them haphazardly in the corner of the room by his hamper. He kicks off his socks, finally comfortable in his boxers and silver chain, before trudging down to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He comes back to a quiet buzz on his phone, screen glowing to life while he swipes it off his dresser. 
hey, sorry i was so MIA today. things got really busy and hectic, surprise zoom meeting with bloomingdale’s and then a second surprise offer call with bergdorf goodman and then a few vendors wanted to get dinner and schmooze. it’s no excuse honestly but i should’ve messaged you to let you know i was busy. i’m sorry, handsome :( thought about you all day if that helps 
Eddie’s heart leaps in his chest, cheeks already hurting from the smile splitting his face open. You thought about him all day. You thought about him all day. The same way he thinks about you all day. He climbs into bed, snuggling in under the covers with the glow of his phone illuminating his grinning face in the dark. 
don’t apologize, sweetheart, i know you’re busy. glad that your hectic day is over at least, now you can relax! thought about you all day, too. one of my kids kept trying to play juicy by doja cat on the sax at jazz practice, so you came to mind immediately. LMAO. i’ll take that as a compliment. what’re you doing up so late?  grading papers, but i’m done now. i’d ask why you’re up so late but it’s only nine thirty there. what’re you up to? trying this bathing suit on, finally. do you wanna see it?
“Do I wanna see it?” he murmurs, exasperated with an eye roll to no one, “Of course I wanna see it.” 
yeah, show me :) 
He waits with bated breath, trying his best to swipe out of the text conversation and do something else instead of counting the minutes until you reply. His heart hammers in his chest while he waits for the familiar buzz in his hand. 
And there you are, dark red spandex hugging you tight, cinching you in all the right places. His eyes linger on the high cut of the bottom, the way some of the pudge of your hips pokes out at the seams and he bites his lip. ‘Fuck,’ he mumbles quietly. Your thighs on full display for him, thick and begging for him to grab, you’re so fucking grabbable he can’t even stand it. 
jfc you know what you’re doing  whaaaaat? what do you mean?  ‘what do you meaaaannn 🤪’ you know what i mean.  do you not like it?  i like it a little too much  you wanna see it from the back? 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mutters into the darkness. He feels the blood rush to his pelvis like an army command, cock partially at attention while his hand palms delicately over his boxers. 
of course i do 
He gulps when the picture comes in, you posed like that on purpose. One ass cheek propped up on the bathroom counter, the other lifted and perky from your stance. The soft rolls of your back on display from how you’re turned to still have your pretty face in frame. He’d fucking wreck you. Lovingly, of course.
do you want me to hop on a flight or?? how much are tickets to az? i’m about to come thru.  you got enough blood in your brain to make that trip rn?  lmao you know i don’t 😏 sorry i’m all the way in a different state, i’d help take care of it. 
“Yeah?” he chokes out, palming turning to full slow strokes over the fabric, “You wanna take care of it for me?” 
yeah? you’d take care of it?  only if you asked nicely :) 
“Fuck,” he whispers, tossing his phone down to reach for his side table drawer to reach for the tiny bottle of lube he kept there. He tugs down his boxers hastily, squirting some of the liquid in his palm before picking up the phone again with his clean hand. 
i’d ask very nicely. i’d even say please.  what a good boy. :) 
“M’such a good boy,” he huffs, hand wrapping tightly around the base of his cock and dragging upwards, “I’ll be so good for you.” 
would you want me to use my hands or my mouth? 
“Oh my fucking God,” he groans, brain short circuiting at the thought of you on your knees while he stands over you. Eyes looking up at him with a hand tangled up in your hair, desperately trying to not thrust deep into your throat while you go to work on him. He bites his lip while he fucks his fist, palm and fingers gliding in time with his foreskin, teasing his tip. A fire lights in his belly, cooking up thoughts in his head on how he’d want you first. 
i like the idea of keeping your mouth full  oh you wanna shut me up? is that it?  i don’t think it takes much. 
His head leans back on the wall behind his bed, eyes closing while his hips roll up to meet the speed of his hand, slower now to stave it off. 
“Yeah, suck it just like that…” he hums out, “Please more.” His brows pinch while he looks back at the picture you sent, your glossed lips gleaming back at him. They’d look so good around his cock, your eyes would look so good filled up with tears when you tried to deep throat him.
“T-take all of it,” he stammers out, unsure of his own dirty talk to himself. Would he actually say that? 
Bzz. Bzz.
oh yeah cause you’re soooo big 🙄
“Psh,” he hisses out with a roll of the eyes, hand lifting off his cock to type back. He guesses when it comes to you, he would say that. Just so you’d stop being such a brat. 
you’re gonna feel so stupid when you see it  you sound very confident  because i am  is it big? 
He looks down at himself confidently, laying fat and dense up his stomach, kicking up at the thought of you seeing it for the first time. Chrissy always gawked at it, despite how many times she’d seen it, it was always like she was seeing it for the first time. The girls he’d pull into the bathroom at The Hideout and other bars would whine at the sight. Both him and them slurring together about how they can make it fit. 
its big, sweetheart. but i think you can take it.  i know i can take it.  so sure of yourself tonight, huh? bet you wouldn’t be so cocky if you were here.  so i could watch you jerk it in your bedroom? puhlease. 🙄 i can tell by how you’re talking that you really like the idea of that.  so you are jerking it in your bedroom?  the same way i know you have your fingers between your pretty thighs
He doesn’t know that, but it was worth the shot. His mind reels, thinking of you barely changing out of your swimsuit into nothing to lay back on your hotel bed to touch yourself to him talking to you. He grunts when his hand wraps around his length again, fisting himself with more intention, thinking about your hips writhing in time with his. He wishes he knew how you sounded when you felt good, how you’ll sound when he makes you feel good. And god does he wanna make you feel good. 
🙈 stop  yeah? i can stop.  don’t actually, i’m just embarrassed 😩 how come?  cause i do have my fingers between my thighs 
“Fuuuuuck me,” he groans into a whimper. He shudders a gasp while his hips buck up to meet his hands thrusts, imagining you on top of him, under him, below him, above him. Mouth, hands, pussy, anything of yours bobbing over his cock. Wiping the images clean and starting over with you splayed out on the hotel bed again, trying to keep quiet so your boss won’t hear you through the hotel’s thin walls. 
does it feel good, sweetheart?  it would feel better if you were doing it for me.  can i call you?
“Can I call you?” he reads out loud, in a whisper, “Can I…call you…” 
Your face pops up on his phone within the minute, phone buzzing rhythmically in his hands. His heart rate jerks alive, stomach dropping like he’s on a roller coaster while it continues to ring. 
He accepts, swallowing thickly as he does. 
“Hey there,” he murmurs. 
“Hi,” your voice is shaky on the other end, he holds back a moan. 
“Hi,” he says back to you, squeezing himself softly at the base again. 
“Do you wanna hear something embarrassing?” you laugh, following up with a soft needy sigh. 
“Always,” he swoons out, low and warm. 
“Your voice is so hot to me,” you giggle, “I don’t think I could finish if I didn’t hear it.” 
“Ah, there you go again, thinking your compliments to me are embarrassing,” he smirks. You sigh again and he lets out a heady breath while he strokes himself, teetering towards a climax. 
“Sorry,” you smile, and he can hear it in your voice, “You having a hot voice isn’t embarrassing. Me getting off to it is embarrassing.” 
He pauses, hearing your shallow breaths pick up, waiting for the right time to strike. His thumb trails over his tip to smear the precum oozing out of it over the head — his eyes roll back as he thinks about your tongue there instead. 
“S’not embarrassing,” his eyelids lower, settling deeper into his pillows. He groans low in his chest before speaking again, “You all wet for me, sugar?” 
“Yeah,” you whine to him. 
“Wish I could be there to take care of you,” he huffs, “I’d make you feel so good.”  
“How?” you ask breathily. 
He smirks, biting his lower lip, letting out a low laugh, “I’d take my time with you. Sounds like you get real needy.” 
“I’m not needy,” you protest. 
“Not needy, but calls me from the other side of the country to cum to my voice?” he argues playfully, “Oh yeah, not needy at all, baby.” 
You whine again, a few huffs of breath sound in the receiver. 
“You like that?” he asks lowly, “When I’m a little mean to you?” 
“Fuck…” he whispers back, blood rushing to the tip, twitching while he works his hand up his shaft.
“Wait – are you actually jacking it right now?” you ask with a laugh. 
“Yeah,” he sighs back, “Are you surprised?” 
“How long have you been doing it?” 
“Since you sent me that picture with your whole ass out,” he confesses with a giggle, it just makes sense to him to answer honestly. 
“Is that how you wanna fuck me?” your voice is laced with depth and sex, his hips buck up at the sound, “From the back?” 
“Maybe not at first,” he starts, imagining he’s in the hotel with you, eyes locking on yours while you touch yourself. Meeting your pleading eyes with a salacious grin while he pumps his cock, climbing on top of the mattress. Climbing on top of you. 
“I’d probably want you on your back so I could see your pretty face,” he offers, “Watch you take it.” 
You sigh into the receiver again and he groans quietly while pleasure starts taking him over. 
“But if I’m being honest…” he starts again, voice lightly teasing. Your breaths pick up, and if he thinks he’s hearing right, you’re very wet. Just because of him, the way he’s talking to you. He shudders before regaining his composure, voice dropping dangerously low. 
“I can’t wait to get my mouth on that pussy,” he slurs out, drunk on the idea. 
“Mmm, fuck,” you mewl out. Okay Munson, maybe you still know how to do this shit. “Oh, you like the sound of that, huh?” he asks, a light raise to his voice, “You like thinking about me between your legs?” 
“Yes,” you huff through gritted teeth. He feels his orgasm creeping up on him quick, your little whines hitting his ear and gliding down his chest to his pelvis. Every soft puff of your breath feels like he’s the one making it punch out of you. 
“I know you’d take it so good, too. You’d get so messy for me,” he groans again when his palm grazes over the underside of his tip, cock leaking cum unceremoniously, sending shockwaves through his system, “Just like you are right now, hm?  Waiting for me to come over ‘n’ fuck you stupid?” “Please,” you whine into a growl, “Please fuck me stupid.” 
“Oh baby, I will,” he moans while he feels his balls tighten, closer and closer to the edge, hearing you pant and beg like that. Just for him. He grunts, breath huffing from his nose like a bull while his orgasm takes him over, cum shooting onto his belly in thick ropes, “F-fuck till you can’t fuckin – mmmf – can’t fuckin’ think.” “Oh! Oh my god, fuck. Fuck!” you cry out into the receiver. He grins, satisfied at that reaction, both of you taking deep breaths into your mics while you both come down. 
“Did you cum for me, sugar?” he drawls. 
“Mhm,” you squeak out. His grin doesn’t fade, it turns dirty, filthy, “Good girl.” 
“Don’t say that.” He can hear your embarrassed smile in your voice, it makes him laugh. He’s normally not like that, that’s not something he thinks he’s ever said in bed – at least not sober. 
“I won’t say it, I’m sorry. You don’t like that?” he asks thoughtfully. 
“I like it a lot and you’re too far away,” you say softly. 
“Poor thing,” he offers. 
“I am a poor thing!” you exclaim. You quiet down a little, both just listening to each other breathe on the other end, “I’m excited to see you again, when I come back.” 
“I’m excited to see you, too,” he smiles while he speaks softly into the receiver, “But lucky for me, I have these pictures of you to hold me over until then.” 
“Visual learner?” you tease. “Physical, too,” he counters. 
“You really are trouble,” you laugh, “And um – I don’t want you to think that like, the only reason I wanna see you is just to have sex or anything. I just really like spending time with you.” 
“I don’t think that at all,” he assures, “I really, really like spending time with you. I’m – and this is gonna sound super lame – but I’m excited to keep on getting to know you.” 
“Lamest thing I’ve ever heard,” you laugh, “But also, same. We can be lame together.” “Oh – uh, by the way,” Eddie’s voice reverts back to normal while a reminder jolts his body awake, “The group really wants to meet you and I know it’s gonna be the day after you get back and you might want to rest, but Steve’s birthday party is Friday if you wanna come. Totally understand if you’re gonna be too tired.” “Oh no, I’d love that!” he can hear you shifting on the mattress, likely getting ready for bed, “Steve’s the one whose Instagram request I shouldn’t accept, right?” Eddie laughs, “Right.”
You both talk for a little longer before he tells you it’s getting late and you should get some rest since you had such a long day. He doesn’t want to hang up, but you’re both too old to be doing the ‘falling asleep on the phone’ thing. Plus, he had to be up for work in five hours. 
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Eddie slides into the seat on his Honda Civic and sighs – he’s tired. He doesn’t want to go to Steve’s party where everyone is gonna be loud and drunk by the time he gets there. He hates playing catch up, but you’re gonna be there so he’s doing his best to hype himself up before he starts the car. He cracks the Monster Energy sitting in his center console and chugs it, heaving a deep breath before starting the car. Mayhem’s Freezing Moon blares through his speakers and he nods to himself, Good, good, good. It would be a hype enough song to get him excited on the way there. He gives himself a once over in the rearview mirror, looking the same as he did when he freshened up in the teacher’s bathroom after the Jazz Club performed during the Spring Concert. His slim fit black slacks still kept their crease, his wallet chains still dangled from his pocket. Eddie took your advice and started wearing more green, a hunter short sleeved linen blend button up laid open and loose over a clean and expensive white t-shirt. If he didn’t know any better, he would say he looked hot. His hair was coiffed and coiled – he made sure to get a trim before you came back just to touch up the shag. His tattoos were the showiest you’d ever seen them and deeply moisturized, his silver chain and small rings were recently cleaned. 
He wants you to lose your mind when you see him, but when he walks into the bar he knows he already lost. There you are, standing at the bar with Nancy, Robin, Steve, and Dustin while they laugh with you at some story you’re telling. You’re all legs in your little black skirt with a cute cropped ‘ARIZONA’ sweatshirt cinching you in right at the waist. Your little white sneakers were shining purple in the black light of the bar, you probably wear these everywhere. 
“Eddie!” Dustin calls out, giving a big wave to call him towards the party. You whip around, beaming while he makes his way over, meeting him part way with a drink in your hand. He can smell your perfume immediately and he’s surprised he hasn’t already fallen to his knees. “Started without me, huh?” he asks, nodding to the drink in your hand. “I tried to get Steve a drink but he said it was a better gift for him to buy me one…or two,” you tell him sheepishly. Eddie catches Steve’s eyes over your shoulder when he pulls you in to say hello and shakes his head. Steve smirks, blowing him a kiss before mouthing, ‘Her ass? Insane.’ putting his hands out to show off the size of it. Eddie flips him off while he lets you go. 
“Everyone’s been really nice though,” you smile, giving him a once over, “You look really good.” 
“Thank you,” he says in your ear, kissing your cheek, “You look too good. Don’t think I can let you stick around here too long.” 
“S’kinda hot when you’re like that,” you grin sloppily, biting your lip. The tequila’s blurring the filter in your head a little, he can tell you’re just saying what comes to mind, eyes a little glassy. 
“Like what?” “A lil’ possessive,” you shrug. He tucks a knuckle under your chin, lifting your gaze toward him for a moment.  “Okay,” he smiles, leaning in to kiss you much more passionately than you expected. Your mouth is cold against his, tongue sliding in to taste the tequila on yours. He snakes one arm around your waist so that you’re chest to chest, both of you laughing against each other’s lips while Tati and the group whoop and holler over your makeout. He breaks away, looking down at you, eyes sparkling. 
“I missed you,” he says confidently. 
“I missed you,” you smile, pulling him tight against you. This was what he was waiting for. An ounce of clinginess so that he didn’t feel so insane for wanting to be close to you all the time. He leads you back over to the bar, hand on your lower back while you put yourself back in your little group. 
“What’re you having tonight, big boy?” Ed asks Steve, clapping him on the back in a brotherly hug. 
“Surprise me – you doing shots?” he asks. Eddie nods, getting the bartender’s attention when she makes his way over. 
“Can I get four shots of Jameson and then two for my buddy over here?” he asks, pointing at Steve with his thumb. The bartender nods, lining up the shot glasses and starting the pour. “I don’t really like Jameson,” you scrunch your nose. 
“Well baby, they’re all for me, so don’t worry about it,” he grins playfully, white teeth shining, “I’ll get you something else when you finish that drink.” 
You nod lazily, pulled into conversation with Robin while Steve and Eddie start taking their shots. The whiskey feels good hitting his throat, burning just enough to reinvigorate him for the rest of the night. He clicks his tongue when he downs them all, the scent of Tatianna’s vanilla perfume overtakes him before her hands cover his eyes from behind. 
“Guess who it is,” she laughs. 
“Someone who used my Warm Vanilla Sugar hand lotion today,” he answers, his fingers running over hers while he peels her hands away. He turns to her to pull her into a hug and then hugging Gareth behind her, already with their drinks in hand. 
“Look, it went with the fragrance I was wearing today. You used my curl cream again so – you can’t even be mad,” she shrugs, beckoning him over with her hand, “Come sit with us really quick.” 
Eddie turns to get your attention but Tatianna stops him, “She’s a big girl, she’s been doing fine on her own without you here, so far. Let her make friends.” Eddie pouts and Gareth pats him on the back after passing Tati’s drink to her, guiding him over to their booth close by the end of the bar. Eddie sits in the middle of the bench, looking like a kid who just got in trouble and is about to get a stern talking to by his parents. “So…” Eddie starts. 
“I really like her, dude,” Gareth grins, “Came in and immediately knew who we were, introduced herself, offered to get us a round. All around seems very much your vibe.” 
“And you, mom?” he asks, eyes lifting up through his lashes to look at Tatianna who has a smug grin on her face. 
“All I’m saying is that you should always be listening to me when I tell you to do something,” she shrugs, “‘Cause what if you had deleted the app that night? Would’ve never met the love of your life right there.” 
“Love of my life? You think?” he asks, eyes widening. “I know. Her energy is exactly what I thought it was gonna be,” Tatianna explains, gold rings in her twists flashing back the neon reflecting on them, “And you’ve been down bad for the past few weeks so I knew there had to be something about her that was really good.” 
“So you like her?” Eddie grins. 
“We love her,” Tatianna nods, “Consider her adopted.” 
“Steve loves her too, it looks like,” Eddie huffs, looking back over at the bar to see Steve showing you something on his phone, a little too close for comfort. 
“He’s behaving himself, don’t worry,” Dustin says while he slides in next to Eddie, “We all gave him a warning before she got here. Plus, he’s got two girls on his radar right now that he’s trying to take home if he doesn’t get too drunk – but y’know, we’re banking on the getting too drunk part.” 
“Always banking on the getting too drunk part,” Gareth laughs. 
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The night continues on, people coming and going, getting up to dance, getting new drinks. He watches you blend in seamlessly, swaying with Tatianna at the bar while you wait for a rum and coke for you and water for him. He still has to drive home after all. 
“What do you know about this song?” Tatianna laughs while Victoria Monet’s Coastin’ booms over the speakers. You both walk back over, two stepping in time until Gareth pulls Tatianna in tight to him, rocking back and forth with each other and stealing kisses. 
Eddie watches you approach him while you lipsync the words playfully, hips swaying in in time with the beat. 
‘Think of the waaaays, The ways I wanna give you this ass, Just how you liiiiike, Feel like a Thursday how I’m throwin’ it back.’ “The ways you wanna give me this ass, huh?” he smirks, eyes flitting over you while he takes the water yor offer him. You keep up with your sway, pressing up close to him – you look up with a fake unamused quirk of your brow and he knows you’re about to say something bitchy that’ll make him fall for you even harder. “I don’t think you could handle it,” you flirt. 
“You know something?” he starts, putting his water on the table of the booth, catching you before you can sit down, “I think I can handle you just fine.” You burn at his words, a shy grin pulling at your lips when he sits down at the edge of the bench next to Nancy and across from Steve and Robin. It’s fun to flirt with you like this, right on the precipice of something a little dirty. He wants you so bad and if he knows women as well as he thinks he does, he knows you want him so bad, too.  He pats his thigh, encouraging you to sit on his lap. You hesitate at first but he nods encouragingly, a silent Please, it’s okay. You settle in, the table high enough that both sets of your thighs fit under the table. He takes a breath before letting his hands settle on your skin, imagining what it might be like when he gets to put his hands on all of it. 
Everyone banking on Steve getting too drunk to take someone home was right, him and Robin were already in their codependent best friend phase of the night where they only want to hang out with each other, hands cupped tight on the table. You’re talking to Robin about a game that’s like Sims but 8-bit – 
“It’s called Unpacking and it’s so cute, you basically unpack a house or a room and you learn more about the person’s story by unpacking their boxes – sort of like Sims but with actual feelings that you don’t have to make up,” you enthuse. 
“Is it on Steam?” she asks, “I’ll literally buy it right now.” 
“We’re partying, Rob, don’t play a dumb game,” Steve whines. 
“She’s not gonna play it right now, Steve,” Nancy chides, “She’s gonna play it later. Don’t worry, we all know tonight is about you.” 
Lucas comes over to the table looking aggravated, Max grinning next to him in a smile that Eddie knows too well. Lucas lost a bet and has to pay up, Eddie wonders what they bet on this time. 
“Why does your Dragon’s Lair score have to be so fucking high? Can you literally let anyone have anything?” Lucas huffs. 
“Don’t be so sad, Sinclair – you can always try to beat Red’s score,” Eddie shrugs, smirking smugly at the pair. 
“She’s 250 points behind you, and you’re both like, seven thousand points ahead of everyone else,” he huffs. 
“What’d’you owe her this time?” he asks. 
“I can’t even tell you out loud,” he sighs. Max cackles, offering her hand and leading him back over to the Party at the bar, fingers laced with each other while they talk. Eddie adjusts under you, groin shifting under your ass by accident but he savors how delicious it feels to have you on top of him like this. 
“Are there any other games in there that you have a high score on?” you ask, breath hitching slightly while his hands coast teasingly over your bare skin under the table. Your posture straightens when his fingers glide up your inner thigh, brushing his fingertips past the hem of your skirt. You like that, he thinks, your body language tells him all he needs to know to keep going. 
“The Dracula pinball machine,” he replies confidently. 
“I’m gonna go beat it,” you grin up at him. 
“Oh yeah?” he asks, hand sliding off your thigh when you get up to head to the arcade room,  “You even know how to play?” 
“You can show me,” you shrug. He doesn’t really have to show you, pinball is pretty self explanatory, but he doesn’t want to give up a chance to have you alone. He leads you to the machine, pointing out where you want the ball to hit for the best chance at extra points. The music on the sound system is loud and the machine’s music matches it so he has to get close to your ear to explain. 
“Do you think I don’t really know how to play or do you just wanna get close to me?” you ask, turning your head to look at him while he chin hooks over your shoulder. “You caught me,” he blushes, hand resting on your hip while he fills the gap between your back and his chest, “I’m sure you’re gonna do just fine.” 
And you do, in fact, you’re really fucking good at pinball and he’s almost mad about it. “Where did you learn to do this?” he asks after you rack up nearly three fourths of his high score in one go, the ball just narrowly missing the lever before sinking down to be propelled again. 
“Summers on the boardwalk in New Hampshire,” you grin, “My uncle lives over there so we go visit him every year. Played one pinball machine every summer – my high score still stands, like, eleven years later.” “That’s so hot to me, oh my god,” he laughs while you get the next ball rolling onto the board. You lean forward, hips jutting out against him while you really get into it, concentrating hard. Eddie’s breath hitches when you slowly move your hips against him, so slow that he’s not sure if you’re doing it on purpose or not.  Rihanna’s Work starts over the speakers and  that’s when he knows it’s on purpose. Your movement’s pick up a little, lost in the game and in the beat. You’re a good dancer and that makes his mind wander to other things you might be good at. Your fingers work quick on either side of the machine, lights flashes against both of your faces while you keep trying to win and he keeps trying to not pull your skirt up in the middle of Barcade. 
While the song continues, he stops paying attention to you playing, so caught up in how your waist winds and ass bounces against him that he doesn’t realize you aren’t even playing any more. His hips grind slowly back against you, one hand on your lower back, the other gripping your hip to keep you in position. This isn’t new territory for him, pulled into clubs by Tati and Gare, Robin and Steve, everyone else, from the moment things opened back up again in Indiana. When you look back at him he short circuits at first, but he knows you’re surprised he can dance like this. Maybe you forgot, but he does teach Music Theory – rhythm is kind of his whole thing. Of course he has it.  
Your hips roll, making your ass run painstakingly slow and firm over his hardening cock. A groan gets stuck in his throat, reaching out to your shoulder to pull you up right again with your back against his chest. 
“You like bein’ a tease?” he asks, voice deep and daunting. 
“Just getting you back for what you did under the table,” you say matter-of-factly, turning around to face him with your butt leaning against the machine, “You’re not the only one here who knows how to be a slut.” “Also, I beat you,” you grin. 
“Looks like you did,” he says, eyes passing yours to look at the new high score glowing on the outdated screen. 
“Do I win a prize?” 
“M’sure I can think of something,” he murmurs, lips pressing against yours while both of your eyes flutter closed. He takes your hand, leading you to the dark corner close by, both of you hidden by the now defunct change machine to press you up against the wall. “What do you think you deserve?” he purrs before catching your mouth in his again. His kiss is a little sloppy, a little needy, it’s the four shots of Jameson. Not too drunk to drive, but buzzed enough that he doesn’t care about his kissing technique, he just wants to taste you. “Oh, it’s like that?” you giggle mischievously, “I don’t think we can do what I think I deserve in a public place.” 
“Hmm, okay, not into exhibitionism I guess,” he huffs a laugh while his kisses trail to your neck, knee slotting between your legs where you eagerly press up against him. He feels one of your hands fall into his hair, making his assault on the crook of your neck more intense when you give it a slight pull. “Kiss me,” you whine softly. “M’sorry, sorry,” he smirks, meeting your lips again, “You just smell really good, I like being in there.” “You’re a really good –” Kiss. “Mmm--kisser.” “Thanks, sugar, you’re –” Kiss. “Not so bad your –” Kiss. “Mmm shit – yourself.”  He can barely think like this, so close to you but not close enough. Hands on your waist and hips to guide you against part of his thigh while a little whine pulls out of you. He can’t hold off much longer, feeling his pants grow unbearably tight. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he mumbles against your jaw, a satisfied smile blooms on his face when you roll your hips against his knee again. 
“You don’t wanna hear everyone drunkenly sing Steve happy – oh, mmm – happy birthday?” you pant out while he presses kisses at the curve of your jaw back to your mouth. His hand entwines with the hair at the nape of your neck, giving you a soft tug to keep your head in place. 
“The only thing I wanna hear right now,” he purrs in your ear, “Is what you sound like when I’m making you cum.” 
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The ride home is quick, barely saying goodbyes while he pulled you through the crowds building at the bar and paid the tab. Gareth shot him a wink as they left, tossing you both a wave but neither of you could think of anything else except each other. 
He dropped his keys twice trying to get in the door of his first floor apartment, “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” you smile, “Just breathe. I’m still gonna be here.” 
The door opens and he takes a millisecond to rip your coat off and kick off his shoes, instructing you to kick off your sneakers or Tati would likely emerge from the walls and kill you both for walking into the house with your outside shoes on. His lips immediately attach to yours. There’s no time to waste for him, pulling you over to the couch and plopping down with an excited puff of breath. “C’mere baby,” he beckons you over with two fingers, grinning up at you while you climb over his lap to straddle him. His kiss is searing, hands exploring you with abandon, all the ways he’s been thinking about touching you were now fair play. No one here to see either of you, no one around to interrupt. You can feel how hard he is under his dress pants, the material leaves little to the imagination. The gentle curve of it, its thickness, the length, all pressing up against you with every mutual roll of your hips. 
You choke out a whimper when it hits just right up against your clothed slit. Eddie looks up at you mischievously, greedily sucking on your neck for a moment before catching your gaze a little.
“That’s all it takes? Just pushing my hips up like that?” he purrs, rolling them up again slowly, “Is that what you want?”
“Uh-huh,” you breathe. He bites at the skin on your chest, not hard enough to hurt. He grips and grabs you but not hard enough to bruise. He’s testing the waters, seeing what you like and how you like it. His hands travel down past your hips, gripping the fat of your ass.
“Fuck, baby,” he moans into your mouth, exploring you more, his palms flattening against your skirt while it rides up, the curve of your cheeks warm in his hands. 
“Finally got to grab it the way you wanted to?” you tease between breaths. 
“Mhmm,” he groans, “Now I just gotta smack it around.” 
You take his lower lip between your teeth, making his cock twitch when you let it go to click back against his gums. 
“Ooh, you wanna spank me?” you laugh into your next kiss. His hand reaches up to pull at your waist, pushing you tighter up against him. His fingers graze between your legs from behind while your head falls back in a breathy gasp. 
“Do you want me to spank you?” he asks, brows raised inquisitively.  
“Maybe not tonight,” you shrug with a smirk, hips winding over him in a way that makes him really feel you. He growls when you do it, hands guiding your hips to do it again, “Maybe only when I’ve been bad.” 
“Jus’lemme know,” he grumbles, pupils taking over the brown in his eyes, “So I can  — mmm, shit — teach ya a lesson.” 
“Next time,” you huff into his next kiss. He manhandles you so that your back is to the cushions and throw pillows, switching your positions so that he’s on top.
“Next time,” he nods, pulling your sweatshirt off and dropping it to the floor, “But since you’re so good, it only makes sense that you get a reward, right?” 
“I did beat you at pinball, so…” you grin. He grins back, kissing your neck hungrily, slotting his knee between your legs like he did at the bar. 
“You did beat me at pinball,” he nods, a soft growl brewing in his chest when he feels you start to grind against him. Insatiable, he thinks, Greedy girl. But he doesn’t know if he can say that to you yet. He doesn’t know, all the way, what you like. He feels his heart hammer in his chest at the fear of realizing it – you aren’t Chrissy. What if he was only good because Chrissy thought so? What if he wasn’t actually – 
“Oh!” you squeak out, hand reaching out to grip his bicep. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, pulling away from your neck to look at you, big brown eyes blown with nerves. 
“Y-yeah that’s just…where you’re kissing…that’s a spot for me,” you admit bashfully, unable to look at him. 
“Sweetheart,” he shakes his head with a knowing smirk, “Shouldn’t’ve told me that.” 
A kiss on the lips is his only consolation to you before he goes back to your neck, tongue trailing down to its last spot where he parks his teeth and lips. You like that. He hears you like it. And fucking God is it good to hear you like this, to hear you in person, moaning and whining in his ear just from kissing and sucking this spot on your neck. 
“Eddie…” you breathe, high pitched and desperate, hips still pressing against his knee for friction. He can’t help but go back to your lips, but before he does, he peeks to see the marks he left behind. 
Lips become neck, neck becomes chest, chest becomes stomach, stomach becomes hips, and before you know it he’s on his knees on the rug in front of you. Eddie’s eyes find yours when he’s kneeling between your legs, the center of your thighs looking him in the face. He places a kissing on the inside of your knee, gentle and soft. 
He opens his mouth to ask, but you nearly read his mind, tugging up the hem of your skirt over your thick thighs. He helps, pushing the fabric up over your hips and ass so he gets another chance to touch and feel you. Once he settles back down he takes a breath, smiling up at you while he readjusts your legs to open a little wider, mouth making contact with your skin soon after. His lips capture the fat of your inner thigh, traveling down in passionate kisses, like your skin is divinity that he’s found for the first time. 
“You’re so soft,” he whispers, lips ghosting over your underwear to reach the top of your other knee, planting a kiss there too. 
“Thank you,” you breathe out. He lets out a low, teasing giggle at the state of you, head lolling back on the couch while he kisses the inside of one thigh and runs his hand over the outside of the other. His kisses stop and he looks up at you from between your legs, big brown eyes begging you to let him in. A ringed finger teases over the gusset of your underwear, the way you bite your lip gives him the approval to keep going. His slides your panties off, run of the mill black cheeky cut cotton that he wished he could’ve stripped you down to. Just to see that ass swallowing them, to see the way they sat on the curves of your hips. 
“You nervous?” he asks with a smile while your legs close, your underwear placed on the floor next to your shirt.
“A little,” you giggle. 
“Don’t be nervous, baby,” he coos, hands cupping under your knees to spread your legs again, “Just gonna make you feel good.” 
He sighs when your legs open up for him, already wet and puffy, you’d been thinking about this all night. Eddie nips softly at your inner thigh again before he lets his lips linger over your folds. You squirm your hips closer to him, a whine leaking out of your mouth. 
“Okay, okay,” he laughs, “I won’t tease you, I’m sorry.” 
But he’s lying. Leaning in to get close, only to ghost a breath over your clit. Fingers sliding to your slick lips to separate them slightly for more access to you. He pauses, leaning back away from your pussy and looks up at you quizzically.
“Actually, should I put on Hey Mr. DJ to set the mood? Since it’s so fucknasty…” gesturing his thumb towards the sound system on the other side of the room. You let out a mix of a laugh and a groan while his kisses coast on your thighs again.
“You said you wouldn’t teaaaasssseeee-oh my God,” you moan out when his mouth meets your clit without warning, soft, slow sucks and licks. 
“You like that, sugar?” he asks, voice dropping down to a bassy gravel. 
You nod feverishly, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” 
“Mmm, don’t stop?” he asks, tongue gliding from your entrance to your clit. 
“Please,” you gasp, hand reaching out to run through his hair, bangs pushing back to reveal the soft lines of his forehead. 
“Well you’re asking so nice, seems a little mean to keep you waiting,” he coos, fingers replacing his mouth while he talks, “But I thought you liked it when I was a little mean.” 
“Don’t be mean, Ed,” you pout. 
“Okay, I won’t be mean,” he smiles, opening your legs a little wider. He’s confident about his skills here, Chris loved getting eaten out so he dedicated a lot of time to getting it right. It helped that he loved going down, watching his partner gasp and whine while he serves her on his knees. Feeling the tug on his hair when he’s doing it right, making her feel good. The press of her hand to push him closer to her when she’s getting close, giving it to her over and over again. 
“Oh fuck, Ed — oh my god, baby,” you mewl, hips grinding up against his mouth. He smirks into the next stripe of his tongue, latching onto your clit to suck softly while his fingers press against your entrance. His eyes gaze up at you, your own going glassy while you look down at him. 
“I like when you look at me like that,” he confesses quietly, mouth returning to its actions immediately. He keeps his eyes on you while his first finger pushes in, he groans at the feeling — snug, warm, wet. He drags out slowly, a high pitched moan escaping you when he pushes back in with little resistance. His head moves with his mouth, tongue laving over your clit, lips pursing over it when he feels your pulse over his finger. 
“You’re so good — fuck — you’re so good at this,” you sigh. The praise runs down his chest and along his spine, he moans gratefully into his next kiss against you. He stripes his tongue again, using his other hand to keep your lips spread for more access. Your thighs twitch while he goes back to soft deliberate sucking, alternating between that and gentle fluttering flicks from the tip of his tongue. 
“That’s good for you?” he mumbles. 
“You’re so good for me,” you whisper back, gripping his hair hard when he pushes his second finger in, “Just…unhm, just like that.” 
He keeps a steady pace with his fingers, evidence of his skill coating them while he does. He wants to drag this out a while, take his time with you like he said he would. He breaks his mouth away for a moment to really look at you, just in your bra and skirt. His heart skips a beat, breath caught in his throat. You’re so beautiful, he thinks. Too afraid to say it outloud. What if you don’t like that while you have sex? You said you like when he was a little mean, does that mean he should be mean all the time? 
“Earth to Ed…” he hears you say, your hand waving in his face. He looks back up at you, startled, “You okay? You stopped and sort of just…stared for a second.” 
“Oh my god, I’m sorry,” he laughs to himself, taking his fingers away to massage the inside of your thighs with both hands, “Just got caught up staring at you.” 
“Ew,” you giggle with a smile, “You think I’m pretty or somethin’?” 
Eddie leans up between your legs on the couch where you come down to meet him, noses inches apart, “Well I don’t wanna be too forward…” 
“You’re literally eating me out, you can’t get any more forward,” you both laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Of both being shaky and shy even this far into the game. 
“Like I was saying — I don’t wanna be too forward, but I think you’re honestly so beautiful,” he blushes bashfully, looking down so all you can see are his full lashes, “And I didn’t wanna be corny and say it while I’m like, neck deep in your pussy.”
“That’s very sweet, baby.” You run your hand through his hair, pushing back one side when he looks up at you again. Baby. He likes when you call him that. He likes when you call him baby. He’s excited for you to call him other names like pretty boy, and babe, and honey. He wants to hear ‘em all. He wants you to spend the night so he can make you breakfast in the morning — for like…ever. You kiss him and he shudders, cock jumping in his slacks for a hint of attention — but he has a job to finish. 
“You’re very sweet,” he says, nuzzling your nose before kissing your cheek, then your jawline, your neck, your chest, down and further down until he’s between your legs again — he doesn’t tease this time. He licks at your entrance, replacing his fingers with his tongue to lap up what you have for him. Your thighs tremble he trails back up, swirling his tongue over your clit when his fingers snugly sink back inside you. 
“You gonna cum for me?” he asks, voice smokey and deep. He lets his fingers search inside you for your g-spot, grinning when he finds it. Your moan is loud when he massages it, hips pushing down into the couch cushions, head thrown back while you grind against him. 
“M’so close,” you huff, “That feels so good, please don’t stop. Don’tstopdon’tstop.” 
He grunts, feeling your thighs jump while he keeps up his pace. His tongue gets sloppy with it, wet and filthy, pooling spit out of his mouth in droves to mix with your slick. He fills you with a third finger, legs parting further again while you huff into the stretch. 
“Ooh, you can really take it, baby,” he encourages, “Look at you takin’ all these fingers.” He glides the flat of his tongue over you once before leaning back to watch you. The pads of his fingers press in slow circles against your g-spot again, smirking when your eyes roll back. 
“M’gonna cum…oh shit  — oh fuck Ed I’m g.. — ohfuck — fuckfuckfuck — mmm-ah!” Your hips jump, lifting off the couch, writhing to pull away while you feel your orgasm rush rapidly to its peak. 
“Thaaaat’s it,” he smiles, mouth returning home to its place latched over you. He holds your hips down with his free hand, eyes fluttering closed while he continues. A slight flit of his tongue right as he pumps his fingers in puts stars in your eyes, thighs snapping closed on either side of his head — exactly what he wanted.
“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod,” you chant with strained, shaking vocal chords, tears pricking your eyes. Eddie groans when he feels your walls clench down hard over his fingers, flooding over him down his hand. You hiss while he keeps going, fingers easing out of you but tongue licking up as much as he can while you come down in shivers. 
“You okay?” he asks, when your thighs release him. You reach for his hand, still covered in your juices and pull it toward you — but he knows your game. He knows you’re gonna lick it off and give him those eyes — so he pulls his wrist away, “Oh, no baby.”  
Eddie delicately puts his fingers in his mouth, eyes on yours with a glint of satisfaction, and gently sucks them clean instead. 
“I don’t like to waste it, sugar,” he croons, “I can make you something if you’re hungry.” 
His sexy act breaks when you roll your eyes at him, clearly flustered by his antics in your post orgasm glow. He snickers when he stands up, leaning down to peck you with your arousal still smeared on his mouth and chin. 
“Don’t laugh at me,” you pout. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he pouts back. A peck turns to a kiss, a kiss to something passionate. 
“Why don’t I go get cleaned up,” he starts, before catching you in another kiss.
“You should pee since that’s the smart thing to do before and after,” he presses a kiss to your neck.
“And then I’ll take you to bed,” he murmurs huskily, “How’s that?” 
“That’s really nice,” you rasp back, turning so that you’re nose to nose, “But I am a little hungry now that you said that.” 
“You’re funny,” he smiles, another kiss, “I’ll get us a snack and then I’ll take you to bed, is that better?” 
“Much better.”  
Eddie passes you your panties and shirt, and points out where the bathroom is down the hall. While you traipse along, he opens the fridge, taking out the tiramisu he got as dessert with his takeout last night but didn’t get around to eating. He slices the generous cut in half, gently placing it on two tea plates and grabbing two forks. 
“Do you like tiramisu?” he asks when he hears your socked feet pad into the kitchen. 
“I do. My mom’s is the best actually,” you brag. He turns around to see you, your bright smile, your refreshed face. 
“Will you still eat it if it’s not your mom’s?” he asks, offering you the plate. 
“Yes, of course,” you nod, taking both plates out of his hands and placing them on the table, “But first I gotta –” 
Eddie’s taken aback by the kiss, but you don’t notice. He’s swift at the pick up, matching your pace expertly and hoisting you up onto the counter with surprising ease. He grunts when you pull him forward between your legs by the belt loops because he knows you’re trying to fuck just as much as he is. 
“Baby…” he starts, regretfully breaking away, “Are you hungry or not?” 
You don’t answer at first, you just look at him and kiss him again. When you pull away, your gaze lingers. Fear coasts icily over his chest when you almost look forlorn. 
“Shit…” you whisper, shoulders drooping. 
“Wh-what? What is it?” he asks, hands getting clammy where they rest on your thighs.
“I…” you take a deep breath, it shakes when you exhale, “I really fucking like you.” 
He smiles, but he knows why this is your response, why you look like this, why your shoulders sulk — because he’s also there, “Does that make you scared?” 
You nod, but instead of going in to kiss you again he pulls you close, smooching your cheek before leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“It’s okay that you’re scared,” he murmurs, “But if it’s any consolation…”
“I really fucking like you, too.” 
When you kiss again, he’s overwhelmed. 
“Fuck the tiramisu,” you breathe, “Let’s just —.” 
“Mhm,” he breathes back, hoisting you off the counter, balancing you on his hips, “I fucking need you.” 
Jingle. Click. Creak. 
“HONEY, WE’RE HOME!” calls the voice of a sloshed Steve Harrington, from the front door, “Put your clothes on, sluts.” 
But it’s not just Steve, it’s the whole party — the group filing into the living room while you hurriedly slide down Eddie’s form. Tatianna and Gareth follow in after everyone gets their shoes off, laughing and joking with Robin and Dustin while they stumble through the door. They halt when they catch Eddie’s expression from the other room, a stare so cold it could freeze them both. ‘I’m so sorry,’ Gareth mouths, realizing with deep regret what they’ve interrupted. Tatianna makes her way over, making a face of pure guilt when she makes it into the kitchen. 
“So here’s the thing, my phone died and Steve was using Gareth’s phone to change the music and I forgot to text you,” she explains to the both of you, “I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s seriously okay,” you laugh, “Please don’t feel bad. It’s you and Gareth’s apartment, too.” 
“Are you mad at me?” Tati pouts at Eddie, who could not stay mad at Tati for even a second. 
He puffs a dramatic sigh, crossing his arms, “No, no, I’m not mad at you. It’s okay.” 
“Okay,” she smiles, opening her arms for a hug which he obliges without question, “Gare’s sorry too, but unfortunately he’s busy babysitting Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum with Nance.”  Eddie looks down at you when he lets go of Tatianna, reaching his hand out to rub your back, “She means Robin and Steve.” 
“I figured,” you smile. Tatianna makes her exit and you’re both alone in the kitchen again. 
“I’m sorry,” Eddie offers, using the leverage of his hand on your back to pull you in close to him. 
“What, why? There’s nothing to be sorry for,” you furrow your brow, forearms leaning up the length of his chest. The opening bass of Dua Lipa’s One Kiss starts to thump from the soundsystem in the living room into the kitchen, along with Steve’s passionate This is my favorite fucking song, holy shit. 
“Everything got ruined,” he frowns, “I’m like, kind of embarrassed.” 
“Don’t be embarrassed,” you urge, pulling him a little closer to give him a reassuring kiss, “There’s always next time. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” 
“No?” he asks, leaning his forehead against yours, “You’re stayin’ right here?” 
“Well, until I have to go to home,” you shrug. The music gets a little louder and Eddie throws his disappointment to the wind. There is always next time. For now, he has you here in his kitchen, lips on yours, hands on your cheeks, the steady thump of the beat of his heart. And of course, Steve drunk crying to Robin in the living room – You’re literally my best fucking friend. You’re my best fucking friend Rob, I love you so much. 
Eddie giggles against your mouth at the sound, an ache caught in his chest. He really fucking likes you. 
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Hot to Go!
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“It’s Chappell Roan Day!” you nearly screamed at the crack of dawn. You’d been waiting for this day for a month and a half, eager to see your newfound idol. “Cakey, baby, it's 6 a.m.,” Vernon mumbled into your chest, still half-asleep. “But I’m so excited! I can’t believe I’m going to see her!” you say, a little quieter but with the same enthusiasm. “I’m excited too,” he says, lifting his head. “But we need to sleep.” You give him the cutest pout, clearly not wanting to go back to sleep. “If you wanna be the loudest in the crowd, you gotta rest, Cupcake,” Vernon says with a soft chuckle. You let out a scoff but obey, snuggling back into bed. Vernon places a light kiss on your forehead, and soon, you both drift back to sleep.
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“We’re going to be late, Babycakes,” Vernon calls from the doorframe. You’ve been getting ready for the past three hours, determined to look your absolute best. You’re currently putting the finishing touches on your makeup. Glitter decorates your eyelids, and a bit on your puffy cheeks—everything has to be perfect. “One sec,” you whine, applying shiny lip gloss to your pillowy lips. You glance at your outfit in the mirror for the hundredth time that evening. You’re wearing a pink mini skirt, a leopard print top with pink detailing, and your signature gold necklace—Vernon’s gift—with “Cupcake” written in cursive. Vernon can’t help but admire how beautifully everything fits you. “My heels!” you exclaim, grabbing your thick leopard print heels from the closet. As you bend down, your mini skirt rides up, revealing your pretty pink panties. Vernon walks over, scoops you up, and places you gently on the bed. “I can do it myself, Bononie,” you protest, handing him the heels. “Can you, though?” he teases with a smirk. You roll your eyes, but he just smiles and gives you a quick peck on the cheek as he helps you with the heels.
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5, 6... 5, 6, 7, 8! A loud shriek escapes your lips. “It’s Hot to Go! She’s playing Hot to Go!” you yell with all your might. Vernon smiles at you, watching as you jump up and down, singing along to the song. While Vernon likes Chappell Roan, it’s obvious he doesn’t adore her as much as you do. H - O - T - T - O - G - O Snap and clap and touch your toes Raise your hands, now body roll Dance it out, you’re Hot to Go “H - O - T - T - O - G - O,” you scream the lyrics, moving your arms to form the letters. You glance over your shoulder for a second to see your "npc" boyfriend. Vernon is standing there, smiling back at you. “Baby, you have to do it,” you yell over the music. “Okay, okay,” he laughs, brushing it off. “Do you know the choreo?” you ask with a giggle. “Yes,” Vernon laughs with you. “H - O - T - T - O - G - O,” you sing again with all your might, moving your arms to the choreography. Vernon stands slightly behind you, doing the same. You can take me Hot to Go “Louder! Sing louder!” you yell at him. “H - O - T - T - O - G - O, you can take me Hot to Go!” Vernon’s now singing much louder, making you smile from ear to ear. “I love you, Bononie!” you yell. “I love you too, Cupcake,” he replies with a grin.
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Authors note: OMGGG if you’re seeing this, this is my first ever drabble!! I’m so excited to see how people react to it. This post is also the first ever appearance of a lil character of my own, Cupcake!reader who is almost like a golden retriever character that will most likely only be used when I write abt Vernon. But that may change in the future. Anyways thank you sm for reading it and i hope you liked it 🩷🩷
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ooffies · 1 year
Hi!! Could I request g/n reader accidentally confessing to Floyd? (I don't request a lot so this might be kind of janked up lol)
Hi nonnie, thank you for the request! I had so much fun writing this and I'm sorry for the wait, school as been taking up a lot of my time :,). I decided to add a few more characters and divided the audio into sections for each of the characters. I hope you're okay with that! Anyways I hope y'all enjoy ~
Surprise Confession!
❥─➤ Characters: Riddle, Floyd, Rook, and Malleus x gn! reader (separate)
❥─➤ warnings: none!
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Riddle Rosehearts:
“I’m going to confess to you on valentines”
He’s shocked, absolutely flabbergasted. How can someone have so much confidence? Are you pulling a prank?? But he sees how serious you look. Oh god you’re not joking. He’s burning bright red, not exactly sure if he’s flustered or embarrassed. How could you be so bold? He wants to scold you for your bold statement but he can’t even get words to form because of how hard his heart hammered in his chest. 
You just ruined your own surprise due to your scattered brain prefect, goodness you are such a klutz. How silly. But I wouldn’t want you to be any other way. Wh-What? I said nothing of the sort I- I AM NOT BLUSHING!!
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Floyd Leech:
“You’ll be available right?”
He’s one happy little eel man. His shrimpy was so silly. You’re now locked in the cage of his embrace, swaying back and forth to the rhythm of his happiness. His chin rested on your head. His mouth wide open with a big smile, it was only proper of him to do so at this moment. Afterall his mother had taught him that if he ever liked someone he needed to show them by opening his mouth as wide as possible (fun eel fact). Forget the romantic valentines day confession your his now and he isn’t planning on letting you go. Best to change the plan to take him on a date now for Valentines.
Shrimpy look at you going and messin’ up your confession to me. But good for ya to know I don’t care that ya messed up. I’m much happier knowing how ya feel about me now rather than later yeah? So forget me being available I’m already all yours and now you're all mine~
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Rook Hunt:
“You’ll be prepared?
He’s been ready for this moment since he first fell in love with you. He is absolutely overjoyed by your accidental confession. You were just the most magnificent, loveliest thing in the whole wide world. His belle rose, la prunelle de ses yeux, son véritable amour!! Scratch you being prepared to confess to him, this man was a thousand times more prepared than you. He could shower you with all the love and affection he had at this very moment, but he’ll wait to do that till your valentines day confession. He wouldn’t want to ruin the lovely surprise you had planned so intricately for him.
Oh my little trickster you are just the cutest!  You’re planning all this for me? Merveilleux!! You are like a star lighting up that night sky that is my heart, you burn so brightly I cannot get enough of your light. But ma précieuse étoile, I'll show you more love than you could ever imagine mi amor, I hope you’re prepared for it~
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Malleus Draconia:
“Why is your face so red?”
“Cause you already confessed”
“AH!! I forget I said anything…”
Both of you are blushing red idiots. He’s having so much trouble processing what just happened and you’re beating yourself up for letting your plan slip. You were planning to confess to him? He never expected it. All these new feelings coming over him were overwhelming. His face was hot, his heart felt like it was about to burst and his stomach was tying itself in an array of knots. Was he sick? Coming down with something? But the most overwhelming thing of all was that he could not get you out of his head. Thoughts and images of you plagued his now lovesick brain. He wanted to take you in his arms and show you how much he loved you. He wanted to whisk you away and keep you all to himself.
How brave you are, child of man, confessing to someone like me. You are truly fascinating. Although I’m sure you can see how happy I am to hear that, can you tell by the red on my face.? I hate to make such a greedy request but can we perhaps not wait until valentine's day? I don’t think I can wait that long to officially become yours.
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© ooffies 
Please do not repost or translate my work without permission and credit. Thank you!
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propertyofyoutube · 5 months
HIIII okay so i wanted to say I LOVE your stories! I haven't come around to reading Our Time is Now yet but I really want to. Also I have one request, but I'm not sure if you'd be comfortable writing that one, so I have another one just in case!
So, would it be comfortable to request a Dom!Reader x Colby? Like, they're both in the "do I like them or not" stage and they're at a party, and Colby ends up trying to make Reader jealous, but she's having none of that?
If you're not comfortable writing something like that, I would also LOVE a fluff fic with Sam x Reader, where like Reader's on her period and Sam takes care of her? And it's just so so sweet?
Again, absolute ADORE your fics, and can't wait to see more of what you have in store for us! ^^
Authors note: FIRSTLY… OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 🥺🖤 and secondly I loveee these requests! So here is the Colby one and I will also do the Sam one very sooon! I also may do a part two to this where reader really does hard on him in a more controlled setting. Again, thank you I’m so glad you’re enjoying my stuff! Xx
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You’re this close to cracking - EXPLICIT
Summary: you and Colby had been best friends for a while now. You began to think there may be something more between you after, on the last night out, Colby ‘scared away’ the guy you wanted to take home. He thought you didn’t notice what he did, but you saw the whole thing… flash forward to a party and after you turn Colby down, he does everything in his power to make you jealous…
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, dom!reader x Colby, sub!colby, unprotected sex, bad language, creampie, bit of filth, Colby making reader jealous, using someone, argument.
Not edited.
The music blared as the colourful lights bounced around the club. The entire room filled with sweaty bodies among the machine induced fog. You were on another night out with your best friends. This had became a weekly occurrence for the friend group, as you were all so busy, Saturday night outs were the perfect way to ensure that you could still stay in touch amongst the chaos of your lives.
The night was going amazingly. You had hit it off with the cutest guy, he was hot as fuck and actually seemed like a nice guy. You had just headed to the bathroom after telling the girls how hard you were going to rock his world later on tonight. But all of that changed as you walked out of the bathroom to see Colby, near the bar, stood with the guy. And the way he was talking did not seem very nice. The guy stepped back from Colby before holding up his hands and walking away. Your blood boiled as the guy headed in your direction.
“Hey! Where are you going?” You said trying to mask your confusion.
“I.. uh… I gotta go sorry.” He said abruptly as he walked quickly away from you. You look back at Colby after watching him leave, your face dropped massively as you began to walk over to him. Your body rising with both confusion and anger. Colby noticed you heading his way as his eyes fell wide.
“What the fuck are you doing, Colby?” You shouted over the loud music as the guy you had hit it off with hurried away.
Colby looked at you wide eyed, he didn’t think he would get caught chasing that guy away, “I- I just…”
You stood, shocked as you waited for him to speak, but he didn’t, “what did you say to him?”
“I just… you don’t want to be banging a guy like that y/n!” He shouted back.
You covered for eyes trying to comprehend what was happening, but the truth was… you had no idea. “Why on earth are you telling me who I can and can’t bang all of a sudden!” You shouted.
Colby downed the rest of his drink, trying to find the right words to say, but the truth is, he didn’t know either. “You deserve better than that, y/n…”
You froze, confused. Was it the alcohol that was making him act like this? “Colby… I don’t get it. I’m not looking to marry that guy!”
Colby’s heart began beating fast as he felt his stomach do a flip, thinking of you being with that guy… or any guy, “you need to just… stop sleeping with the first guy you see!” Colby shouted, his feelings all over the place and the alcohol certainly not helping. You heart broke as you tried to understand what he meant by that comment. Your eyes started to fill at his whore insinuation.
Colby froze, he realised just how bad that sounded, “y/n… I didn’t-“
“Fuck you colby…” you said your eyes almost pouring. You quickly pushed past him heading for the door of the club.
Colby sighed feeling frustrated with himself, hurting you was the complete opposite of what he was aiming for tonight. “Y/n! Wait!” You couldn’t hear him over the music as you finally reached the door, pushing past the crowd into the street. The fresh air hitting you refreshingly as you stood. Your tears beginning to roll down your makeup covered cheeks.
“Y/n!” Colby shouted as he manoeuvred around the people entering the club.
You spun around, more annoyed than ever, “what Colby?” You shouted, fed up.
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean it like that.” Colby said grabbing your arms as you looked everywhere but at him.
“Oh really…” you said rolling your eyes, “because it sounded like you were calling me a whore, to me…”
“No no no…” Colby said with panic on his voice, “I don’t think you’re a whore, I could never think that… you’re not!” He babbled.
“Then what the fuck Colby?” You shouted, as you walked away from him. You couldn’t take this confused situation any longer.
“I just… the truth is…” Colby said his voice softening as he looked at the back of your head, “I couldn’t stand to see you with him.”
Your stomach filled with butterflies as your brain fumbled for an answer to what Colby meant. “I don’t get what you mean Colby! So what… I can’t fuck somebody because… what? Because you don’t like the look of us together?”
“No it’s not that I-“ Colby couldn’t speak, his heart was telling him one thing, but he brain was saying another.
“Then what Colby? What the fuck are you doing?” You said annoyed, “why are you being like this?!”
Colby suddenly grabbed your face with both hands and before you realised what was happening, his lips were pressed tightly against yours. He caught you completely off guard. So you pulled back, looking at him shocked. Granted that yours and Colby friendship was predominantly late night drives, sexual tension and flirtatious banter, but you had already had this conversation before… your friendship meant too much to you both to risk.
Colby looked at you, slightly embarrassed and annoyed at himself, “I’m sorry…” he said letting go of your face taking a step back.
“What is going on Colby?” You asked, desperate for some answers at this point.
“I couldn’t stand to see you with him, because…” Colby took a deep breath before finishing, “because I think I… I like you.” He looked at the floor, his cheeks flushing red. You had never seen Colby like this. Not with you, not with anymore.
You chuckled nervously, “Colbs… we talked about this…” you said softly, your anger melting away.
“I know…” Colby said, slightly disheartened as he looked at the floor.
“Our friendship, it’s too great for us to lose…” you said honestly. But all you could think about was how his lips felt on yours. And how deep down, you wanted nothing more than to feel that all over again. After all, throughout your friendship you often had dreamed of what it would be like.
Colby stopped, his hands on his hips as he took a deep breath to look at you. He sighed as he spoke, “no. You know what? Fuck that.” He said as your eyebrows frowned in confusion. “I think… wait no I know that I want you, y/n.”
Your eyes fell wide. You didn’t know what to do, or feel.
Colby took a step closer to you as he continued, “I think you should give me a chance.” He said with a smirk.
‘The alcohol… I must be the alcohol’ you thought to yourself as you chuckled, “Colby… your drunk-“
“So what, doesn’t mean it’s not the truth!” Colby said with an excited smile on his face.
“And… you know you couldn’t handle me.” You said back with a smirk.
Colby bit his lip, loving the flirtatious banter, “I think I’ll be just fine, sweetheart.”
You couldn’t lie, the way he called you sweetheart made your heart twitch and your clit to pulsate. You took a step closer to him, looking deep into his eyes. You could hear Colby swallow hard, maybe he did really want you after all. You smirked as you spoke, “no Colby… I ain’t no one’s submissive.” You could hear Colby’s breath shake as his jaw fell slack.
You winked before walking away. As Colby snapped back to reality he quickly shouted after you, “you watch y/n! I’ll have you cracking in no time!”
You didn’t turn back but you couldn’t help but smile at his words as you continued on your path.
Throughout the following week, Colby truly tried his hardest. The flirting turned up to 100, the glances across the room, the carefully placed hands on your body as he moved past you. You must admit, you were close to cracking multiple times this week. But the truth was, you didn’t even know if you did want Colby in the same way. You’ve seen for yourself, how he could be with other girls, and you yourself usually slept around with no strings attached. But not with friends, especially Colby. He meant far too much to you, and you really weren’t willing to risk what you already have.
The next Saturday rolled around rather quickly, but this time, you were all invited to a party at the old trap house. Everyone was going to be there.
As you pulled up outside the house, Sam and Jake quickly jumped out from the backseats as you unbuckled your belt, “y/n, wait.” Colby said before you opened your door.
You turned to him quickly, “yeah?” Your excitement for this party having your mood so high right now.
“This is the last time I’m going to ask this…” Colby started as you sighed with a smile. “Please will you go in there as my date tonight?” You could see the plead in his eyes but you couldn’t shake the feeling.
You rolled your eyes with a smirk and a slight chuckle, “Colby, we’ve talked about this…”
“I know! But I know that…” Colby hands lifted up to move the hair out of your face, your breath catching in your throat, “you’re this close to cracking.” He said with a smirk.
You quickly snapped yourself out of his gaze. He was right, you were that close to cracking but you were terrified of it would it mean for you both, your friendship if things didn’t work out. “God Colby!” You laughed, “why can’t you just go in there and you know… be your normal self for me?” You said with puppy dog eyes. Colby has had enough of the game and the chase, he was making you crack tonight. Then it hit him, this was his opportunity. The thing that would really make you crack after everything he’s tried this week.
“Fine.” He said with a smile, “you have your wish, sweetheart. I will be my normal self.” Colby said with a mischievous look on his face.
“Thank you!” You said with a sigh, “now come on!” You laughed as you climbed out of the car.
The party was going great, the alcohol flowed nicely as you and your friends danced and socialised. You were very tipsy at this point, not quite drunk yet as you looked around for him. Colby. He was no where to be seen. You quickly found Tara who was taking shots with Jared in the kitchen. “Hey guys, have you seen Colby?” You asked as Tara excitedly spun around at the sound of your voice.
“Hey!” She smiled as she handed you a shot, “yes! He was right here…” Tara looked around confused as he suddenly seen Colby heading your way, “oh there he is!”
You turned around to see Colby walking over to you with the smuggest look on his face. “Oh hey y/n.” He said with a cheery tone.
“Hey! I was looking for you!” You shouted over the music with a smile.
Colby bit his lip as he began making a drink, “oh I’m sorry!” He said with a tone you no longer recognised, “I was just busy my new lady friend over there.” He leaned down to you and pointed over at the tall brunette girl, with a figure out of this world. You couldn’t help but feel your heart sink slightly. Colby noticed the look the on your face as you looked at her. “Isn’t she hot?” Colby said with that smug look back on his face.
‘What is he up to?’ You thought to yourself. And it wasn’t long before you figured it out. He was trying to make you jealous. You chuckled to yourself as you refused to let him win this way. You turned to face him. “Yeah she is, I guess I’ll leave you to it.” You said a smirk. Colby was taking back slightly, he thought he had you but I guess he needed to go harder.
“Thank you,” he said with a patronising tone, “I think I’m in for a very good night tonight.. don’t you?” He said as the corners of his mouth turned upwards.
You looked back at the girl who sat taking selfies on the sofa, waiting for Colby’s return. “Oh yeah,” you nodded, “make sure you get her STD results.” You said with a smug look on your face. Colby’s mouth dropped wide at your comment. This was getting to you, it was working, and Colby could see that. But before he could reply, you quickly downed the shot that was in your hand, throwing the cup to the side. “Later Colbs.” You smiled as he quickly hurried away from him.
The Evening was moving quickly as most of the party had began to disperse. You all sat around the living area, Colby and that girl directly on the other side of the room from you. You couldn’t help it, your teeth began to grind and your heart began to beat fast. He was really pushing every single one of your buttons. His eyes constantly glancing at you. The way his stare buried into you made your body rise in heat and the need to rip his clothes off more and more intense. But no. You are not giving in. That is until now. Colby looked at you once again as your eyes met his, he gave you a ‘last chance’ look as you rolled your eyes shaking your head.
Colby sighed slightly, this was it. This was his last chance and if what he does next doesn’t work, then maybe you really don’t want him. He looked back at the girl sitting close up beside him, who was still talking away. He took a deep breath before checking that you were looking, and once he felt your eyes on him, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face, “yeah that’s really great!” He said as he wasn’t listening to a word she said. He quickly leaned in, connecting their lips.
Your eyes fell wide as anger and jealously filled your entire body. You really didn’t realise just how badly affected you were by this until right now. Seeing him, his lips on another. You bit your tongue. Your jaw flexed as you quickly stood from your seat heading for the staircase. Colby pulled away from the kiss and looked in your direction. He saw the look on your face and guilt hit him like a truck. As you reached the stairs you stopped, looking back him one last time. You tilted your head signalling that you wanted him to follow you. He had practically fawned at your feet all week, and tonight he tortured you with the deadly sin jealously. Enough was enough.
You headed upstairs into the room that used to Colby’s many years ago. As you looked around the room and saw how different it looked suddenly you heard him enter, his presence making your body cover in goosebumps.
“Y/n…” he said softly as he walked up behind you. “Look, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-“ as he spoke he lifted his hand up to touch your back.
You spun around quickly, cutting him off as you stood on your tip toes connecting your lips, in a deep kiss. After a moment, Colby sunk into the surprised kiss as he grabbed your face with both hands, deepening the connection. Everything got heated. Quick. As you pulled away catching your breath as you spoke, “I’m so pissed at you right now.” You said as you leaned back in.
“Oh yeah…” Colby mumbled against your lips, lifting his arms to grab your jacket, quickly pulling it over your shoulders and down your arms.
“You’ve tortured me all night.” You spoke into the kiss as you also began to remove his clothes. Colby’s hands trailed all over your body as you walked him over to the bed. Just as the back of his legs hit the frame, you pulled away looking at the hungry look on Colby’s face. You quickly pushed his chest with force as he landed on the bed just left in his boxers. You looked down on his, so much frustration and passion fuelling you as you spoke, you voice dominant, “if we’re doing this… we’re doing this my way.” Colby eyes fell wide as he watched you climbed on top of him. He had been waiting a long time for this. He wasn’t use to not having control, but damn. The way you moved, the way you spoke, he was under your spell.
You connected your lips once again in another deep and passionate kiss. Colby pulled you closer as he thrusted his hips up into your pelvis. He groaned into the kiss and you could feel how desperate he was becoming as his bulge hardened against you. You leaned up, looking down at him as his hands gripped your hips. “So You did all this, because you want me?” You said with a smirk. Colby nodded his head as he bit his lip. You thought for a moment as you sat up on him, your core pressed down on his rock hard dick. You moved slightly earning a desperate wince from him, “would you have fucked that girl tonight? Be honest.” You asked in a demanding tone.
Colby took a deep breath, “yeah.” He said softly. But fuck, that turned you on even more.
You looked down on him as his heart pounded out his chest, the view of you sitting on top of him being the best he’s ever seen you. “What do you want Colby?”
Colby’s eyes looked up and down your body as he hands traced up to your waist, “you…” he said softly. “Fuck, I want you so fucking badly.” He said as he buckled his hips.
You licked your lips as you saw Colby swallow hard, you leaned down, your lips pressed against his ear, “oh yeah.” You placed a kiss just below his lobe.
Colby inhaled sharply as he nodded, “ye-yeah.” You kissed along his neck, grinding your hips down on him more intensely, “then beg…” you demanded your lips kissing and sucking down to his collar bone.
Colby gasped, he’s never begged before… he’s always had girls begging for him, he was completely out of his comfort zone, however, the way he felt about you, compared to no other. “P… please, y/n.” His voice shook as he spoke.
“Please what baby?” You mumbled against his skin.
“Fuck…” Colby breathed out as you began to move your hips quicker, “please ride me… I need to be inside you.”
The desperation in Colby’s voice made your clit ache and your entrance drip. You wanted to punish him for the way he’d been acting, but the truth was, you also needed him now. More than anything. You quickly jumped up off him, “boxers off. Now.” You demanded as he nodded, taking them off as quickly as he could. You slid your panties down your legs as you threw them to the side. “Come here.” You said as Colby sat up on the edge of the bed.
You quickly straddled his lap as you felt his dripping tip tease your soaking core. “Fuck, you are so beautiful.” Colby said as he reached his hands up to cup your face. You quickly wrapped one arm around his neck as the other held his dick in place as Colby gasped, feeling your hand around him. You slowly slid down on him, earning groans from the both of your mouths. You began to move up and down on him, as you both groaned out in unison. This was everything you’d both ever dreamed of, if not better. Maybe he was right, maybe you two should risk it all, because damn, so far… it was so fucking worth it. Your speed picked up as Colby kissed along your jaw and down your neck, his hands kneading your breasts as you bounced on top of him. “Fuck y/n… I’m so glad you crack.” Colby spoke between moans.
“Shut the fuck, and make me cum.” You spoke with a forceful tone. Colby loved this side of you. He never thought he would enjoy not having the control for once.
Your head flung back in pleasure as you bounced on his cock and your walls clenched around him, “fuck, yes mam.” Colby said excitedly as he quickly stood up flipping you both over. His dick still exactly where it needed to be.
He wasted no time and began pounding into you, both of you already so close to orgasm after the night you’ve had. “Fuck… Im not gonna last much longer baby.” Colby said as he groaned deeply, he breath shaking from each thrust.
“Don’t you fucking dare cum yet,” you demanded as your words made Colby melt and his dick twitch. You grabbed his hand as you moved it towards your clit, “touch me.” You gasped. Desperate to be sent flying over the edge.
Colby didn’t hesitate and as he pounded he rubbed your clit vigorously, your head flying back in pleasure as you moaned louder than ever. “Fuck, that’s it baby.” Colby said as he groaned, his thrusts becoming sloppier by the second as he tried his hardest not to cum.
“Fuck Colby!” You cried out as that familiar knot appeared in your stomach.
“Please baby, cum for me. I can’t hold it any longer.” He begged as moved quicker and deeper, his fingers rubbing quickly as he could.
“Fuckkkk.” You groaned, “now!” You cried out as your orgasm hit you fulled speed and a string of expletives left your mouth mixed with moans.
Colby dick twitched as he called out, “fuck y/n!” His hot cum filling you up as he groaned deeply. His thrusts slowing down as he rode out both of your highs. You both tried to catch your breath as he slowly pulled out of you, his cum following along. He quickly dropped himself, lying next to you on the bed. “Fuck…” you whispered with a smile from ear to ear.
You chuckled, “tell me about it.” Your heart pounded as heat radiated through your body.
Colby turned his head to look at you, “never thought I’d enjoy being a sub so much.”
You laughed looking at the ceiling, “after the shit you pulled tonight…” you turned to look at him, “you’re in for one hell of a night.” You said as you bit your lips.
Colby’s eyes fell wide with a mixture of anticipation and excitement. “Bring it on baby.”
AUTHORS NOTE: I hope you liked it! Remember requests are open! Get them in now! Xx
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Hello 👋 I really love your writing like very very much 😊 ❤ 💖 if I can request can I ask for Ateez first "I love you " moment?? Like who said it first and the reaction ?? It's okay if you didn't though , i just want to tell you that you're amazing 🤗
Absolutely you can! Thank you so much love, that literally means the world to me 🥰🥰🥰 making things that people enjoy is my number one goal & hearing this is why I keep going 🥹 (also, I want one of those pearl teddy bears so bad 🥺 where's my man at)
First 'I Love You' With Ateez (Gender Neutral)
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It was date night. Nothing fancy, just a night in, but with a boyfriend like Hongjoong, even that was one of the most beautiful evenings you could imagine.
He squared off one of his building's balconies, draping the whole thing in fairy lights. He gathered an assortment of the most delicious hors d'oeuvres he could find, laid them out like art on a little table for you too, and finished it off with some of your favorite dessert from a little corner bakery you two had been dying to try.
You ate, you talked, just catching up on your days and your goals, Hongjoong’s free hand occasionally traveling across the table to run affectionately over the arm you had rested there. It brought a shy smile to your face each time, which brought a proud one to his in turn.
When your meal was finished and your conversation had lightened, Hongjoong rose from his chair, crossing your little paradise to a speaker, which he turned on to play some music. He made his way back to where you sat, stopping right next to your chair and extending his hand.
“May I have this dance?”
How did you get so lucky? “Of course,” you breathe, placing your hand in his.
He pulls you up, steadying you by the small of your back as his other hand slides out to hold yours. The music is soft, intimate as you sway together and gaze into each other’s eyes. Several songs pass like that, each blending into the other as Hongjoong draws your focus, expertly turning and dipping you, even stealing a kiss on one of them.
Finally, as one song ends, he speaks again. “There’s something I want to tell you.”
“Of course,” you whisper, daring not to break the fairy-lit magic of the night.
“I’m so glad you’re mine,” he says, and that’s when you know the magic will never break, not when you’re here with the man of your dreams, “you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. My hear, my muse. I love you, (y/n).”
Not a thought is needed before you reply that you feel the same, that you truly are his and only his. If you had any doubts, the smile he gives you shatters them completely, replacing them with the same butterflies he’s always made you feel as he pulls you flush against him. You’re barely dancing now, but neither of you care.
“What a beautiful night,” you gush.
Hongjoong turns, a hand tilting your chin towards him as he leans in all the way. “It’s trying to compete with you.”
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What did Seonghwa do to deserve someone like you? Someone who made him tea, sat with him while he built legos and recorded his ASMR, someone who gifted him with the greatest, most natural and unadulterated laughter accidentally recorded into said ASMR mic, someone who sent him the cutest pictures with encouraging words every day just because he was on your beautiful mind. How lucky.
With you, he felt...light. Euphoric. Like he was shown more and more sides of a big heart every day that you took care of him. And darn it if he wasn't going to be the one to take care of you, too.
He claimed the dorm kitchen, shooed any potential intruders out. Googled all your favorite things, made sure he wasn't missing a single bit of it. Called you and told you to be over for a surprise, that he couldn't wait to see you.
And tell you how much I love you, he wanted to say, but that was to come later. For now, he had work to do.
You arrived just as he finished, making the way toward the kitchen with widening eyes, first at the smell, then at the sight of Seonghwa laying out your favorite meal at the table, which was centered by a vase of your favorite flowers. With an exclamation of endearment you shuffled across the kitchen, jumping into his arms for a big hug.
"I know today was a long day," he told you, "so I wanted to surprise you. Make sure you didn't have to lift a finger for dinner after it all."
"Seonghwa, this is amazing," you breathed, making him smile with the way your body visibly relaxed, "I- I-"
"I love you," both of you said at the same time.
You felt your eyes widen, saw Seonghwa's do the same. Your hands shot up to your face in surprise, fell to reveal the big, gorgeous smile he loved being the cause of. Reaching out his arms once more, he pulled you into his chest, holding you gently there against his beating heart.
"Thank you."
"You're the one who did all this, I should be thanking you," you protested, though you made no effort to leave his embrace.
You feel his head shake on top of yours, the motion ruffling your hair a bit. "No, thank you," he insists, "you've just given me a much better gift. Now, what say we enjoy some dinner, hm?"
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Yunho knows he loves you when even a text from you changes the trajectory of his day. He knows he loves you by the way you know him so well, remembering every little thing about him. He knows he loves you by the way your smile is the first and last thing he wishes he could see every day.
He knows he loves you, now all that's left is to tell you. He asks you out to a nice dinner, and beyond your pleasant surprise at the proposed fancy outing, you don't seem to catch on to anything special. Yunho's just glad you can't feel how rapidly his heart is beating, even though he knows it's all anticipation. After all, once the decision came to his head, it was as natural as breathing, one of the easiest he's made- it feels right.
You walk into the restaurant dressed to the nines and the sight takes his breath away. It seems to show, and he's glad, because as his eyes land on you you give him the biggest smile, fondness and gratitude already present in your eyes. Yunho wants those things to always stay there when you look at him.
When he tells you he already ordered your favorite appetizer, you clap adorably. When he presents you with the bouquet and the pearl teddy bear, you light up even more, shining brighter than the crystal chandeliers adorning the ceiling.
"Yunho, this is all so wonderful- what is it for?" You finally ask.
He was going to wait until after dessert, maybe even until your goodnight kiss, but he's swimming in the highlights of your eyes and the opulent walls of the restaurant have faded out completely and he can't help himself. The moment is right.
"Because I love you," he replies simply, "no other reason than that."
You take his breath away again, this time by launching yourself half out of your seat and into his arms, crushing him in a hug he's happy to reciprocate. You're both warm, you're both giggling, and your scents are pleasantly mingled as you speak again.
"I love you, too."
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Yeosang wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he was sure why he was doing it. Shifting the box in his hands, he reached one up to ring your doorbell.
Your eyes widened at the sight of him standing at your door, but your lips immediately curled into a smile that went straight to Yeosang’s heart. If he had needed any more encouragement, he’d just gotten it. “Surprise!” He exclaimed sheepishly.
Your eyes travelled from his down to the white box he was holding. “What’s this?”
“It’s a surprise,” he teased, “you have to let me in to find out~”
“Oh, right,” you chuckled, stepping out of the way, “I’m sorry. Please, come in, go set it down! I hope it wasn’t heavy.”
Even if it had been, it would have been well worth it. Your adorable look of surprise, the way your home smelled just like you- even if that was weird to say, it was true and Yeosang loved it. Resting the box on your table, he swiveled to face you, to reach for your hands at your sides.
“I wanted to share this with you,” he told you, nodding at the box when you gave him a confused slight frown.
“Alright,” you nodded back, eyes not leaving his, “what is it?”
Fumbling toward the table, his hands found the top of the box. “I hope you love it!” With a proud smile, he unveiled the most beautiful cake you’d ever seen. Pink and white ombré frosting was piped along the top and bottom and dotted with heart-shaped sprinkle. Edible glitter dusted the white top, which had gorgeous calligraphy swirled on top. I love you, the words read.
Your hands just shot up in surprise. “Yeosang, I… this is beautiful. It’s really for me?”
“Well, as long as I get a piece too,” he replied, giggling as he pulled you in closer by your hands, feeling his heartbeat pick up the longer you went without addressing the words, “what do you think?”
You finally peeled your eyes off the cake, and when they fell on him it gave him all the answer he needed, the dull thud within him crescendoing into a soar. Your gaze darted between the loving stare he’s giving you and a bit lower, sliding along his profile eagerly.
“Well, I didn’t prepare a cake, but hopefully this’ll do as an ‘I love you’,” you answered, one of your hands leaving his to find the small of his back, bringing him as close as you could get him as passionately kissed him.
He giggled again when you separated, one of his hands gently playing with your hair.
“You’re sweet,” you whisper, doe-eyed at Yeosang’s affection.
He leans in to press his lips to your cheek. “Speaking of sweet…”
“Yes, we can cut the cake now.”
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Complete and utterly lost in you- that's the only way to describe how San feels. There are city lights and a gorgeous breeze and the smell of the sea all on different horizons of his little orbit, but they're barely perceptible in the face of your laugh, those eyes that San doesn't know what he did to earn such looks from. All he knows is that he wants to do it again and again in this life and the next.
You're warm at his side, an arm tucked in his as you stroll along the beach, another successful date in the books. You're telling him everything you love about the sea, how powerful it feels to you, how close to the very forces of nature themselves, and all San can think of is how you're describing is how his heart feels in the presence of yours. He can't keep this to himself.
"I know that feeling," he says.
You smile and his heart bursts all over again, his arm tightening just so around yours. Just enough to pull you a little closer.
"Right? The ocean is such a magnificent creation, it's just-"
"No," he shakes his head, "it's something far more beautiful."
Your eyebrows shoot up. "Oh? What's that?"
"You. You're far more magnificent than the sea could ever hope to be, and my heart feels just as drawn to the waves of yours."
Your free hand rises to your chest. "Wow. Is that from a book?"
He shakes his head again. "Just from me to you. Too much?"
"Oh, uh, no," you stutter, an adorable, just-barely-visible in the night's dim light flush dusting your cheeks, "I just wasn't expecting you to get so poetic."
"Neither was I," San laughs, reaching up to pinch your warming cheek, "but being in love makes us do funny things."
"It sure does," you agree, "like this."
Your free hand rises again, this time to smooth his hand over your cheek, holding it there as you kiss him. San releases his grip on your arm to pull you in closer by the waist, wasting no time in returning the passionate seaside kiss.
"No, seriously," he tells you as you pull apart, forehead resting on his, "I really love you."
Your gaze falters a little, but you smile wider and echo his sentiments as his hand finds yours, pressing them in their joined state over his heart.
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"Don't you want to finish the movie?"
Your whispered words tickle Mingi's cheek and the side of his neck as you lean down to his horizontal form. You two have a love seat to yourselves as Ateez hold their movie night, the film about halfway through now. Mingi, though, has just laid down, his head having drooped against you a few times before he stopped fighting it.
"Mm-mm," he shakes his head against the love seat cushions, snaking his arms against your waist to pull you closer into him, "you're comfortable. Better than the movie."
Having already been half laying down, you surrender, dropping completely to your side to assume the position as Mingi's little spoon. As soon as you've done that, though, he turns you around in his arms to face him, nestling his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder. Warmth rises to your cheeks at the feeling of his breath, leading you to exhale in a little chuckle as you reach around to hold Mingi, too.
"Well, good night, then," you tease, tilting your head to close your very tiny gap with a peck on his lips.
"Good night. I love you."
You briefly stiffen in his hold, leaning back to see if he's fallen asleep already, just saying whatever in his stupor. The moment you scan him, though, his eyes open wide, one falling shut in a wink. Suppressing a giddy laugh, you just smile, settling back down and snuggling even closer to him.
"I love you, too, Mingi."
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The stars hang high in the sky and everyone is fading fast save for Wooyoung and you, his other half. His better half, if you ask the rest of Ateez. The one who manages to simultaneously pump him up and calm him down.
Except right now, there's no calming him down-it's the last song of the night, but despite its many predecessors, your boyfriend is as hyped as if he'd just picked up the microphone. Grinning, you glance at the screen, expecting a party song, so surprise flits across your face when you see Wooyoung choose a song from a musical. He points at you with a wide smile, beginning an ostentatious, goofy comedic love song that has the other seven guys cringing and groaning.
You for your part just pick up a microphone and give it right back to your boyfriend, matching every sweep of his arm, finger heart, and ridiculous miming gesture as if you two had coordinated. He turns it into a skit, your singing melting into a very corny sung conversation that has your audience shaking their heads in amused exasperation. Only those two, you see their mouths saying, and that gives you a rush of joy. They may be embarrassed, but to you, it shows you that there's something special about you and Wooyoung.
He feels it too, clearly, as he grabs you and dips you the moment you finish your thought, sending a chorus of cheers soaring over you two.
"That was so much fun," he leans down toward you.
"It was," you agree with a big smile, gazing into his eyes.
"We play so well together," he continues, leaning even further.
"We do," you all but sigh, anticipation fluttering in your eyelashes.
"I love you." Your noses are almost touching now.
A fiery wave of joy crashes over you and you can't help yourself any longer, your hand finding the back of his head to tangle in his black locks and pull him all the way into you. Even more tired exasperation and mock-disgust sounds off around you, but beneath the dim purple light of the room and the dreamy red haze cresting your heart, you can't care less. They get a show.
"I love you, too," you whisper as your lips separate, Wooyoung's hand on your back gently raising you to your feet, where he wraps both arms around you.
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"Thank you for agreeing to this," Jongho says, turning to face you, to get a look into your eyes.
"Agree to this?" You snort. "You make it sound like some sort of procedure, not a date."
A smile rises to his lips. Alright, he'll give you that one. It did sound a little funny. "Well, not everyone enjoys going on hikes."
"With you, someone could sit us down and read us the phone book and I'd still have a good time."
Jesting as they are, something about your words strikes a cord deep within Jongho's fluttering chest. They're playful, but they boil down to a very specific essence what your presence is to him: comforting, the highlight of his day, easy, the joy of being in his element no matter what the situation, what went wrong, simply because it was you.
Should he say something?
"Well, come on!" Before he can, your fingers are intertwining with his, pulling him forward along the trail. Laughing, he picks up the pace behind you, stopping just as suddenly when you reach the trail sign and take a selfie with him.
Life with you is an adventure. Ugh, that sounds corny, Jongho thinks, but it's so true and he has to admit he loves it. No, not it. You. He loves you.
The hike is quiet, peaceful for the most part. Every now and again, one of you will point out a butterfly or a bent tree, stop to take a picture, crack a joke. No pretense, just the bracing air, the sunshine, and your hand in his. Jongho's heart is beating a little faster, but you aren't on a strenuous enough trail for him to play that off as exertion.
Soon enough, you reach the top, the trail bottoming out into a meadow of waving grasses dotted with adorable little wildflowers. Jongho stops to take it all in, but you run headfirst in, frolicking like a deer set free, and he can't help but smile and give a fond shake of his head as he follows you. When he reaches you, you've picked a mini bouquet of the tiny pink and yellow flowers, holding it so gingerly, clearly having the time of your life if your expression of pure joy is anything to go off of. Once again, it's like cupid's arrow is shooting straight into his heart.
"Isn't it cute? ...Jongho?"
He'd been staring off into space. Heck, he still is. You're not used to the dreamy look in his eyes, and it still feels new to him, but it takes him over anyway. "I love you."
Your jaw drops. "What?"
He blinks, snaps out of his love-drunk state a little, but all that does is return the words to his chest with a new fire. "I love you," he says, this time more loudly, firmly. Proudly.
You giggle, clutching your flowers a little tighter, still a bit giddy yourself. "And somewhere so beautiful, too?" Your eyes are shining more than ever, full of more love than Jongho had ever seen them shoot his was. "I love you, too. So much!"
The moment you turn around, he's ready to catch you, pulling you up from your hug until your feet lift off the ground and you give a little squeak of surprise. It's all a little corny, a little sappy, and yet as your foreheads, and then your lips, meet, all Jongho can think is how perfect it all is, how all he wants is to feel you in his arms.
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dangerkittenclaws · 7 months
I have kind of a cute request for you! What about iii and IV from sleep token noticing the reader has been sad and they have a movie night together to cheer them up? :)
This was so cute to write, thank you! Also thank you for requesting III and IV, I haven’t gotten to explore them much / how I want to write their personalities so that was fun! You didn’t specify f! or m! or gn! reader so I went with gn! to be safe. Hope that’s okay! Enjoy my brain waves. <3
III x IV x gn!reader
warnings: none, just the cutest of fluff with two eepy boys
You are exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally. You give the boys a small smile and wave as you pass through the doorway as you get in from class. You walk upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes and take a nap. Your depression has been getting to you a bit more recently. Coursework will have to wait until you have more energy, more willpower. Surely the boys will understand.
“They’ve been acting kind of distant lately.” IV prompts III.
“No, I know, I realized that too yesterday when they left lunch early,”
“I just wish they would tell us what’s bothering them.”
“I know a way to cheer them up!” III says, dangling a bag of popcorn in front of him.
“Movie night?” IV guesses.
“Movie night!” III puts the popcorn in the microwave and gets the largest bowl they have out of the cabinet.
IV gets the picture and starts in too. He grabs various snacks from the pantry, along with drinks for each of them. He takes the Red Vines and Skittles that are stashed away for nights like this into the living room. The smell of freshly popped popcorn fills the kitchen and wafts through the entire downstairs. IV sees the empty couch and gets an idea. He turns back around to find III setting the giant bowl of popcorn down on the table.
“I think we set up a fort,” IV says with a mischievous grin.
“That's why I love your brain!” III starts up the stairs as quietly as he can to gather blankets and pillows from his and IVs room. He throws down the biggest blankets over the banister onto the couch. IV takes the fluffiest one and lays it down on the couch first.
“Bring me two sheets too!” IV whisper yells up to III. IV goes to pick up two chairs from the dining room to put them on each side of the couch. The sheets land in front of him and he smiles up at III in appreciation.
III comes down, arms filled with pillows and stuffies, a giant smile across his face. IV grabs an edge of a sheet and spreads it out across the two chairs, the back of the couch, and the top of the television. He parts an entryway with two stuffies on each side, appointing them as guards. III packs in all of the pillows and smooths out the rest of the blankets inside.
“Okay! Done! Let’s go get them!” III pleads as he crawls out between the couch and the chair. IV holds out a hand to help him stand to his full height, smiling as he does.
IV knocks on your door lightly.
“Sweetheart? We have a surprise for you, wanna come see?”
III gently twists the knob and pushes the door open. You’re practically hidden behind a multitude of blankets, a few fingers pulling them down just in front of your face in answer. Your eyes look tired and glassy, like you just woke up. Not feeling like moving, you make grabby hands at IV.
“You wanna see it?” IV comes to the side of your bed, scooping you up in his arms. You nod into his neck.
The three of you make your way downstairs and IV sets you down once you’re in front of their fortress. You have an instant smile on your face as you look up to them.
“You did this?!”
“Yes! Would you like to go inside?”
You don’t even say yes before you drop to your knees and make your way inside. There’s no doubt that the boys are absolutely looking at your ass from behind. They follow you in, climbing with you up onto the couch.
“Ready lovely?” IV asks.
III hits play on the remote and the screen comes to life.
“Yessss,” you recognize the movie within seconds, The Lord of the Rings, starts to illuminate the white sheets above you.
III pokes your arm to grab your attention and procures the giant bowl of popcorn from the side table, “For you, my love.”
IV is sitting on the other side of you and presents drinks like fancy wine bottles. “We have the finest available tonight; Cherry Pepsi and Dr Pepper. Which will you have?”
“Pepsi please!” IV hands you your can before he distributes snacks. III pulls up the big blanket to lay it across the three of you.
You snuggle in to watch intently with a smile still on your face.
“We know you’ve been stressed with classes and winter isn’t your favorite season. Just wanted you to relax and enjoy tonight with us,” III explains.
“Thank you, III. It means a lot. And you too, IV. Really. I love it.”
IV kisses your forehead before snaking an arm around your middle to pull you into him closer. III steals a few Red Vines but you steal some Skittles and kisses in return.
Eventually you curl into IV’s chest, clinging on to consciousness and you let out a yawn. It’s only thirty minutes into the second movie.
“Well that was adorable.” IV whispers.
“You can go to sleep, love, we’ll still be here.” III says from behind you as he rubs your arm. He’s been watching you fight sleep for the past 15 minutes. IV just smiles down at you, seeing that you have “permission”, your eyes immediately shut.
IV catches III’s eyes, as if to say, “We did it, look at them, they’re ours.”
So III cuddles in behind you, an arm above your head just so he can be touching both you and IV’s shoulder. He lets out a sleepy sigh and IV watches his eyes close as well a few minutes later. IV is amazed at how the two of you got to be his, more so when he thinks of Vessel and II. He wonders how their own date went tonight as he drifts off to sleep, the TV casting shadows over the three of you.
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milkemie · 28 days
Hi Kemie!!! This isn’t a question but I just wanted to say you’re an amazing content creator!! I hope a lot of people come to understand that at the end of the day Shin/Maya and The Patchy family and the rest of your sims are on YOUR save file not theirs. They can simply scroll away and ignore your content or even block you that’s alright ! With everything that you’ve been facing regarding your content I hope you’re alright because things have taken a turn and became very personal :( Please take a break if needed and I hope you don’t see it as letting those losers win because they won’t you’ll just have peace playing with your beautiful households while they’re miserable over a save file that’s not even theirs❤️If they wanted your characters to have certain stories they should make them and you shouldn’t be attacked for that! You’ve honestly sparked my joy to play sims again from making the cutest of outfits to having interesting stories and there’s countless others who’ve been inspired by your content creating journey🫶🏽 Always wishing you the best and you deserve all the recognition you get for your stories !╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
oh you're so sweet, thank you so much ♡ you're absolutely right, the sims is a single player game so if they didn't like what i was doing they shouldn't have even been following me & keeping track of everything i do, they should've blocked me and went on with their lives instead of acting like they liked me in public and then criticizing & insulting me in their groupchats i'm so glad i talked about all this publicly, i don't regret it one bit, others deserved to know what these people were truly like since i had a lot of mutuals in common with them
so i'm doing good now, i got a lot of support and i can't wait to continue sharing content about shin & maya's lives! and i'm very happy to know that my content made you play the sims again, it truly is an amazing game once you find things you like doing in it as well as cc/mods that fit your style perfectly! again, thank you so much and i hope you're having an amazing rest of your day 🫶🏾♡
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mrsjobarnes · 2 years
I just want to wobble 
Hey, y’all! This is my first time writing smut so be kind! I was inspired by this TikTok!  Hope y'all enjoy it!
Warnings: P&V, spanking, breeding kink, brat, pregnancy, and fluff
Word ~ 622 
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Rooster had no idea what he was walking into. The last time he talked to you was this afternoon, when you asked if he was planning to go out with the team tonight. When he responded with ‘Maybe, why?’  you sent him a photo of you in his favorite black lingerie set and one of his Hawaiian shirts. He had a hard time focusing the rest of the day. As he turns his key in the door he is met with the smell of his favorite dinner that you made. He walked into the kitchen and saw that you were still wearing everything from the photo but you had put pants on much to his dismay. “Why hello, Mrs. Bradshaw,” he said, kissing your shoulder. “To what do I owe this special occasion?” he said, spinning you around to face him. 
“Im ovulating so I thought ” is all you got out before he threw you over his shoulder. He quickly looked at the stove and oven to ensure it was not on. He’d made that mistake before and never again. “Bradley '' you said as you wiggled in his arms. 
“You’d better stop moving, you're lucky you're ovulating because you’ve been a brat.” he said with a smack to your ass. You let out a moan, that only encourages him to do it again. He throws you on the bed and begins to strip you of all of your clothes. “Do you understand how hard it was to focus at work because of your little stunt?” he said while you rid him of his clothes. “God I am the luckiest man alive to have you naked in my bed” he said kissing down your body. 
“Don’t tease Bradley” you whined squirming in his hold. He flips you over and smacks your ass. As you moan he starts playing with your clit, preparing you for him. As he slides in you are met with the pleasure and burning sensation that he always brings. As you moan he kisses the shell of your ear. 
“Ahh Y/n you’re always so tight, it’s like you were made for me.” he starts thrusting harder, grabs your hair, and pulls you up to his chest. As he plays with your clit you begin to climax 
“Oh god, I’m” you start to feel the burning need to cum. “Bradley” you whimper out.  
“Let go, baby, I’ve got you” he said thrusting into you. He works you through your orgasm, you can tell he is getting closer. 
 He is absolutely feral, he flips you over. Now you are in missionary with both of your legs on his shoulder. 
“Im going to cum so deep in you,” he grunts while becoming erratic and fucking you so hard. 
“Oh god, Bradley I’m going to cum” you say seeing stars. He cums with a loud moan, falling onto you and kissing you passionately. He pulls out and goes to get washrags. When he gets back he collects his seeds and pushes it back into you as you moan from the stimulation. 
“Can’t let anything go to waste” he said with a smirk. He kisses you and lay’s down. He grabs and cuddles you. 
“I can’t wait till I’m pregnant, then I can just wobble around,” you said in a sleepy voice. 
“Me neither, I can’t wait to see you waddle. You’re going to be the cutest pregnant woman around”
“I won’t waddle, that’s for penguins. Im going to wobble” you said cuddling into him. He rolled his eyes and kissed your head before you both fell into a deep sleep. 
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sainzfilm · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a carlos sainz x reader where the reader is a bookworm? I feel like he would find it so cute. Just like small scenarios? I dont know what the name is for them :)
pairing: carlos sainz x bookworm!reader
a/n: …..bye this is going to be the end of me. well actually anything carlos will be the end of me he’s the loml ok thank you good day
“You know,” You looked up at Carlos, swaying your hands together as you walked along the streets of Madrid, “We should walk more often. I like it.”
Carlos chuckled as he shrugged, “Maybe, cariño. It’d be nice to walk around during the night, hm?”
“See, you get it,” You grinned and nudged his shoulder, “Plus, it’s so cozy to walk around at night. The stars above us, the night breeze, and walking with my boyfriend.”
“Ay, you’re so cheesy,” He laughed as he squeezed your hand, “You wanna stop by the bookstore?”
You squealed as you nodded eagerly, “Please! I feel like they’ll have new copies of the books I’ve been waiting for.”
“My little bookworm,” He replied, letting go of your hand to put it around your shoulder, “Have you finished the ones we bought last week?”
“Duh, of course,” You said, crossing the street to walk towards the bookstore, “A book a day keeps your girlfriend sane.”
“It amazes me how quick you read,” Carlos laughed as he opened the door to the bookstore for you, “Go on, mi amor. Take all the time you want.”
Grinning from ear to ear, you tiptoed to kiss his cheek as you wandered off to the shelves, finding various titles of your comfort blanket.
You mumbled as you skimmed your fingers through the spines, “Which ones should I take home today…”
Pulling a book off the row, you flipped it over to read the summary and had your eyebrows scrunched in concentration, “Feels like a good read.”
Carlos watched you in awe, a smile forming on his face as he looked at you skimming through different titles and how your eyebrows scrunched together so cutely.
“Love, can you come here for a second?” You kept your eyes on the book in your hand, the other waving your boyfriend over, “I need some help.”
Snickering as he walked over to you, Carlos wrapped an arm around your waist, “Hm? What is it?”
“I don’t know what I’m in the mood for,” You frowned as you held up one book, “I want to go with this newest crime and mystery book trilogy, which reminds of Knives Out.”
“But then, I also want to try and get this set of Franz Kafka’s books,” You mumbled as you grabbed the box of the books, “I’ve been waiting for a while to get these.”
Carlos chuckled softly as he rested his chin on your head, “I doubt that these are your only choices, amor.”
“You’re right. I have a few more,” You smiled sheepishly as you grabbed another set of books near the shelves, “My friend recommended Gabriel Garcia Márquez, so I wanted to try it out.”
Frowning as you set the books down on the table, you turned to wrap your arms around Carlos, “I have a spending problem, don’t I?”
“Absolutely not,” Carlos laughed as he kissed the top of your head, rubbing your back, “You know you can get them. My treat, cariño.”
“You treated me last week!” You looked up at him as you shook your head, “I just need you to help me pick a book.”
“So? What if I treated you last week?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked back at you, “If you want those, then I’ll get it for you.”
You pouted as you fumbled with your fingers, “I’m not forcing you to do it, okay?”
“Ay, so hard headed, Y/N,” Carlos clicked his tongue and squished your cheeks with his hands, “You’re my girlfriend. For the record, seeing you with your nose up in a book is possibly the cutest thing I’ve seen.”
You rolled your eyes jokingly as you pushed his hands away and held onto them, swaying them side to side, “You’ll build another bookshelf for me in our apartment?”
He smiled as he nodded, “Of course. I should definitely allot a room as your library when we get a house one day.”
“Smart move,” You smiled as you kissed him softly, pulling away shortly and grabbing the books you’ve had your eye on, “A little help?”
Carlos laughed as he shook his head from you trying to hold up all the books in your arms before grabbing some, “C’mon, my little bookworm.”
bonus scene!
Carlos sighed as he dragged his feet up the stairs to your shared apartment from a day of training with his teammate and friend, Charles.
“Cariño, I’m home,” He called out the apartment as he closed the door behind him, “I was thinking that we could go out for dinner tonight?”
There was a lack of response from you, making Carlos frown. All he heard throughout the apartment was the soft sounds of jazz coming from the living room.
Walking towards the area, Carlos smiled softly as he saw you soundly sleeping on the accent chair with a book in your hand.
Carlos gently took the book from your hand, grabbing the bookmark from the table and putting it on the page you stopped on. He crouched down to push your hair out of your face, whispering, “Guess the book lulled you to sleep, hm?”
“You know…I always heard mamá read fairytales to my sisters growing up. The guy getting the girl kind of thing,” He mumbled as he rested his chin on his arm, “I guess I’m lucky you’re the girl in my story, huh?”
Leaning up to kiss your forehead, he smiled, “Te quiero mucho, mi princesa.” I love you so much, my princess
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mango-bango-bby · 2 years
For the trick or treat 🦇prompt, I think it would be really cute if it was platonic Yandere Dabi taking his little sister out trick-or-treating on Halloween. I can just imagine a very menacing man with burnt skin and a trench coat holding hands with a little girl dressed up as a princess.😆
♡ Pink Princess ♡
(A/N: Hallooo (ween!!) I love the idea of Dabi with a very girly and feminine little sister, she would definitely force him to have tea parties with her!! Also I definitely relate to reader in this, I was a princess almost every Halloween as a kid lol!! Hope you like 💞💞)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, children, platonic yandere, Dabi is a good big brother to reader 🥺
Summary: You go trick or treating with your brother, Dabi (Platonic!Yan!Dabi x GN!Sister!reader)
Halloween Event ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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Dabi knew he wasn’t exactly fit to raise you. But he would do anything to keep you with him instead of letting his family raise you. He even kidnapped you when you were to young to remember it just so you wouldn’t grow up in a loveless home, so you wouldn’t end up like him.
One of the things he never had was the ability to celebrate any holidays, his father was alway to busy training him, so that meant he was going to celebrate every single holiday with you.
“Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!” You whine, bouncing on your feet as you wait by the door. You hold a pillow case in one of your hands, ready to collect as much candy as possible. Dabi doesn’t respond only sticking his tongue out at you as he puts on his hat. He hid his appearance with a large hoodie, sunglasses, and a hat. People would just assume it’s a costume anyway.
You had picked out your own costume. You had seen it while out one day with your brother, it was in the window of the Halloween store and it caught your attention so much you stopped walking.
To you, it was a beautiful pink princess dress that sparkled in the sunlight. Dabi could see what it really was, which was a cheap princess costume that was covered in sequins and glitter that would eventually just fall off. But of course the moment you were captivated by it, he had gotten it for you.
“Before we go- what are the rules?” Dabi asks, watching think for a moment before answering. “Hold your hand, no running away, no talking to strangers, and don’t eat any candy until you check it!” You recite perfectly, not even taking a moment to think. Dabi only nods, taking a hold of your hand as you two walk out.
♡ ♡ ♡
You did follow all the rules. You held his hand the whole time. Not a single person could resist awing at how absolutely adorable you were when you rung the doorbell before saying the cutest “trick or treat!”. You had practically gone to every apartment in the building for candy.
Of course after a while you began to whine that you were tired. Dabi mumbled something about you being a dramatic brat before grabbing your candy in one hand and picking you up and holding you in one arm.
He can only imagine how strange you two look next to each other. A tall man wearing something to conceal his identity taking a small s child dressed up as a princess trick or treating. As long as you enjoyed yourself it didn’t matter.
He’s honestly just grateful that you fell asleep before you could force him to watch anymore Halloween movies. Not that he would’ve minded though, if you enjoyed it then he could deal with it.
Dabi looks down at you as you rest your head against his shoulder. He can only imagine he’s covered in glitter from your costume by now. He’s just glad he can raise you so you’re happy.
Thank you for reading, darling!!
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leonhardt-simp · 2 years
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Kiriko and Mercy with a Short S/O
[canonverse] | headcanons
author’s note: IM TRYING OUT A NEWISH LAYOUT LMAO. Also wanna thank the homie Mage for requesting, I appreciate you. 🛴💕
reblogs welcomed ! : requests : open !
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MERCY WITH A SHORT S/O?? I can absolutely see her trying her hardest not to find you absolutely adorable in her eyes. She likes to remain professional after all.
She offers to help you if you struggle to reach for certain things, she will hold off a little just to watch you try though. She likes to see you try before you start climbing furniture.
“Do you need help with that, liebling?”
If your feet dangle off a chair or slightly are off the ground when you sitting together, she will always smile to herself cause she thinks it’s the cutest thing.
“I think your height makes you an easier catch. I will sweep you off your feet much easier.”
She doesn’t look like it but she teases you. Expected it a lot more when it’s just the both of you.
She loves to have you sit in her lap, mostly so she can rest her chin on your shoulder while she takes a break from work.
“Should I start measuring you ever month?”
She absolutely finds you charming no matter your height but she can’t deny that she’s very attracted to how you work.
The height difference definitely makes it easier for her to sneak in pecks whenever you both are alone since she’s a private lover.
If you’re standing together?? She’s quietly comparing your height to her whenever you’re not looking.
The type of girl to compare hand sizes just as an excuse to be able to hold your hand. She was shy to ask you.
“liebling, I think you got just a bit taller.”
“You think so?”
“Or maybe, you just got cuter.”
She definitely is the type to rest her hand on your shoulder whenever you’re near, the height definitely helps with that.
Mercy loves you and your height, even if she can’t spot you easily in a crowd, she’s very happy to call you hers.
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Kiriko is a menace. I can see her being the type to move stuff to a higher place just so you have to ask her for help.
“Kiri? Can you help me get this?”
“On my way!”
Piggyback rides for days, she just loves having her small gremlin near. Nothing makes her warmer than just you holding onto her.
She is a playful banter type, I can see her definitely calling you a name and you both just go back and forth before you’re both just shutting each other up with a kiss.
“You’re kissing me to shut me up, ne?”
“Yeah, your beanstalk self won’t let me live.”
“No, I will. I just love how cute and small you are.”
She’s always standing behind you like a guardian almost, but it’s mostly cause she loves to wrap her arms around your neck from behind.
Sneaky bastard when it comes to stealing kisses, she’s a fox after all.
Likes it whenever you have to hold onto her whenever you both are walking together, she just knows you’re doing cause you don’t wanna lose her.
“You good to keep up?”
“Yeah, I just need to hold onto you.”
You wearing baggy clothes makes her absolutely swoon, mostly if it’s anything she’s given you. She just enjoys the difference in height.
Lean on her whenever you’re both together and expect to be held in close. She loves it a lot more if you both just lean on one another whenever you’re both waiting on something.
In all seriousness though, she finds you absolutely gorgeous in her eyes. Your height just adds to the cuteness.
Please let her rest her chin on your head. She’s gonna do it anyways.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
Hiii 🌼 spring fic for Carol Danvers, I don't have a plot idea really just anything you want xo
hi! i hope you enjoy this :)
words: 776
carol danvers masterlist
A Little Competition
Whenever you were cuddling with your girlfriend, you cat decided that it was now the perfect time to ruin the moment. 
It had to have been some kind of specially developed skill that Apple Pie was gifted immediately before she was born, because the timing of every single interruption was nothing less than impeccable. She was normally a fairly independent animal, and other than the times she was hungry or thirsty, tended to leave you alone, usually content to just hang out in the same room as you and do her thing while you rested or relaxed. 
Unless Carol was visiting. 
The first few times it happened, you thought it was a fluke. It was simply a coincidence that she had run out of water or that Carol had come over right at the time when it was time for Apple Pie’s nightly meal. Your girlfriend had jokingly suggested that your cat didn’t like her, and at first you waved her off, until it didn’t really seem like just a joke anymore. 
“I don’t know what it is!” you had complained one day, laying face down on the couch as you spoke to Carol on the phone. “Does she hate you for some reason I don’t understand?” 
“Babe, your guess is as good as mine,” Carol responded, and you could hear the smile she wore over the phone. “I still think it’s just a coincidence.” 
You sighed. “If it is a coincidence, the universe really likes to torture me.” 
At that moment, Apple Pie was laying on the floor across the room, minding her own business as you wracked your brain to come up with potential reasons why she despised Carol and apparently had made it her life’s mission to never let you two cuddle. 
The next time Carol came over for dinner, you had a few meetings that were keeping you late at work, so you just sent her a text to let herself in and that you would be home in a little bit. She texted you back saying that she would put in an order at your favorite pizza place (and of course you were going to agree to that, she was an angel). 
By the time that you actually made it back to your home, there was nothing you wanted to do more than curl up with Carol and sleep. Absolutely nothing had gone right today, and even the traffic on the way home from work seemed like it was designed specifically to make you angrier. When you finally arrived home and stepped inside, you expected to see your girlfriend come out and greet you, or at least to hear the sound of the TV playing as she waited for you to get home, but the apartment was completely quiet. 
“Carol?” you gently called out, wondering if she had been called away on Avengers business and simply not had the time to let you know. You could smell the pizza that she said she was going to order, so you guessed that if she did have to leave, at least you still had something for dinner tonight. But as soon as you set foot in the living room, you almost laughed out loud at the sight. 
Carol was fast asleep on the couch, her mouth hanging open as she slept, and sitting comfortably on her lap (and also fast asleep) was Apple Pie. Your cat was flopped over on her back and also had her mouth slightly open as she slept, and the two of them looked so similar you could feel the tears of laughter start to form in your eyes. It was quite possibly the cutest thing you’ve ever gotten a chance to see, and you made sure to snap a few photos on your phone before you walked over and gently tapped Carol’s shoulder. 
“Hey,” she said sleepily. “You’re home. Sorry I fell asleep.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” you said, keeping your voice low so neither of you woke Apple Pie. “Honestly, I’m tired too.” 
“Then why don’t you come here?” Carol asked, patting the spot next to her on the couch. “We can all cuddle together.” 
You didn’t need to be asked twice, and after a quick stop to change out of your work clothes and into your pajamas, you were settling in on the couch. “You know what I think?” you said to Carol right before you drifted off. “I don’t think Apple Pie hates you, I think she wanted to be included in the cuddling.” 
Carol laughed as she leaned in and placed a kiss on your cheek. “I think you might be right about that.”
- the end -
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mustlovemassiffs · 3 months
Could you explain the anatomy of a Massiff?
Also could you rank Grizzer's favorite spots to get petted?
Gladly! Let’s use this diagram of my lovely girl:
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1.) Those teeth are gonna be just about the only body part they don’t want scratched. Be afraid if you’re someone they’re hunting, but if not the worst they’ll do is hook their teeth into your sleeve to lead you somewhere. They also make good jewelry when the baby ones fall out!
2.) The spot right in the middle of their noses is about the perfect size to rest your hand, and they love getting scratches there. Also, it’s good for holding treats if you’re trying to teach them to wait before they eat. 10/10 would balance treats on there again just to see them go cross eyed and get all drooly.
3.) Those are their spines, they’re real useful for defending against predators, not so much for sharing a bed with you, though. Not only do they jab you in the stomach, but they can tear up a set of sheets pretty bad. Nevertheless, they butt ‘em up against you for… you guessed it, scratches. Make sure you keep it clean between their spines, dirt and germs can accumulate there and it gets itchy for them.
4.) The claws - once again, a good tool, not so great for soft things. Trim them and file them frequently to avoid pain and your couch being shredded to bits. Paint them if you want them to feel pretty.
5.) That’s gonna be the potbelly. Prime scratching spot. I prefer seeing them nice and chunky, that means they’re getting fed well. Skinny ones make me sad :(. Beware the spines digging into your leg when they flop into your lap for belly scratches.
6.) Can’t really see it in that picture, but they’ve got tiny, stubby little tails. Cutest things, since they’re so small they get their whole butt involved when they try to wag ‘em! A happy massiff is one that’s walking funny cause they can’t keep their rear end still.
7.) Underrated feature: Chin pouch. Very floppy and scratchable. Good for squishing and squeezing and poking and prodding. It looks funny when they bark because it wiggles around :)
Grizzer’s favorite scratchy spots, ranked:
1.) Just to the left of the hinge of her jaw, a bit lower than her teeth. She goes crazy for it, drooling like a maniac and ramming her face into your hand for more. Turns her brain into a big mushy puddle :)
2.) The top of her head, just above/between her eyes. This might not be her absolute favorite but it’s one of mine cause she looks up at me with her sweet little eyes and sometimes she blinks them closed so I can scratch harder and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
3.) Belly, of course. Nothing beats having a massiff in your lap drooling over belly rubs. Very warm and soft and fun to squish around, plus it gets her wriggly and it’s fun to watch her be happy. It makes me happy too.
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