prettyvacanttt · 10 months
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Just got back from Seattle/surrounding areas and ummmmmm where is my fucking ocean?????? The sea???? All the fucking waves???? tHE COLD SAND AND HUGE MOON AT NIGHT WTFFFFF
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flytotherain · 7 years
I just need to vent for a second. So I rent a house with two roommates (lets say X and Y), and there is only room for one of us to park in the back. We decided that it makes the most sense for X park there because she comes home late at night and it’s more comfortable for her to park right up next to the house. She also drives a large vehicle that can handle the alleyway when the weather gets rough, my vehicle cannot so I’m perfectly fine not parking there, it makes the most sense for X to park there. That leaves Y and me to park on the street. Technically there is enough room right in front of our house for two cars, but  our neighbor has a marked off handicap spot in front of his house, and whenever he parks he pulls wayyyyyy forward and then backs into his space, so Y is afraid that if we take the space to park both of our cars he may either hit whichever car is in front of his spot or he may get angry with us for not leaving enough room for him to pull into his spot. Obviously he needs the space to park, we’re not arguing that, but even then I think it’s possible to get both cars there and leave enough wiggle room for our neighbor. Our neighbor to the right has a driveway so we obviously can’t block it and parking on the other side of the driveway starts to get out of the sightline of the house, and I like being able to see my car from the house, and I also like not having to drag all of my things a house or two down the street whenever I go to and from my car. So how it ended up all of last year was that Y parked right in front of the house, and I parked on the other side of the street. Usually I could snag the spot under a tree directly across from the house but not always, several times a week actually I would have to park farther down the street. So this year I thought it would be fair if Y and I switched parking arrangements. She got a year of a pretty much guaranteed parking spot, now she can fight it out for a spot on the other side of the street right? Apparently not. So I brought it up with her. I said I didn’t feel it was fair that everyone else had a spot but me. That I was frustrated coming home every day not knowing for sure where I could park my car, that I often ended up parking down the street somewhere I could not see my car from the house. I didn’t like that my “spot” was furthest from the house, which can be especially uncomfortable if I come home after dark. Well Y doesn’t want to give up her spot. She parks right in the middle of the area big enough for two cars because she likes lining her door up with the sidewalk so she doesn’t have to walk through the grass and snow (oh but you know I just LOVE walking through the wet grass and snow). And her dog omfg her stupid dog that she got WITHOUT ASKING before we all moved in. She says sometimes her dog bolts for the car, and if her car was across the street then the dog will run into the street and get hit by a car. I asked if she could carry her to the car, and she said she usually has her on a leash, it’s just when the leash gets off (so get a better leash that won’t fall off your dog??) Also it’s really not my problem you have a dog, it’s not my responsibility and I could not care less how the dog gets to and from your car, figure it out. She says that two cars won’t work there in the winter. She doesn’t want our neighbor hitting one of us when he pulls in. We tried parking both of us in front of the house over the weekend, but she texted me earlier that I need to give her her spot back and things need to go back to how they were last year. Verbatim: “its not fair that you started taking over my spot when you have one you park at” (wow someone took your spot, tell me how that feels I have NO IDEA) She talks about it like she has ownership over the space, like it has her name on it, but it’s street parking?? Technically it’s all a free for all but everyone is more likely to park in front of the house they live in so it’s a more secure space and I’m feeling a little cheated here. It’s not an equal parking arrangement and she knows it. She won’t give it up because she doesn’t want to is the bottom line. I genuinely feel like I’ve made more compromises than her in this roommate situation. My bedroom doesn’t have an attached closet so i took the big one in the hall outside of it, which makes sense, but my roommates use it to store things too. It’s a big closet, I’m okay with sharing some of the space, X has ONE box of seasonal decorations in there, but Y has literally HALF of the closet storing god knows what, so she's constantly going in and out of it and leaving the door open and I don’t like how much of a public access free for all it is when my personal things are in there. 
I’m just. Really. Really sick of Y being entitled to everything about the house. Biggest room. One and a half closets. A pet. A parking space. Gets up in arms when we ask her to wash her dishes in a timely manner or not leave her laundry strewn across the dining area for days. Like God I’m complaining so much and it’s not good to keep score in a relationship but am I really that crazy, would it be that bad for her to bend on one thing???
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