#WB StrangerVille
memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Meanwhile, outside... 👀😱
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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The Westbrooks stood on the platform looking down at the Mother, they were in awe of their achievement. Alonso embraced his wife tightly. He was so proud of her for the strength and courage she had shown during this whole operation.
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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With the vaccine tested and plenty on hand, Celeste confronted the Mother with her small team. Upon opening the final door she threw a vaccine bomb at the Mother and then gave her a dose of Mega Spray. Meanwhile her team took their positions and waited for instructions.
StrangerVille Mystery
vaccinate 3 sims ✔
recruit 3 sims to help stop the source of the infections ✔
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Celeste tested her vaccine out of an infected sim, the results were it needs more testing. 🙄
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Enjoying celebratory drinks, games and dancing after their successful defeat of the Mother.
Final Summary below.
Final summary: Second time around playing the StrangerVille Mystery and I still found it super fun! The only downside is, technically, only one sim can really play the main part in this aspiration. The game simply does not allow more than one sim to play it at the same time. But! I found some work arounds and cheats that helped me do this.
Basically the first two milestones several sims can complete in the one household without you having to cheat. The last two milestones you will need to cheat for other sims to complete them.
At first I wanted just Bessie to play the main part, but then I messed up by having Celeste open the final door with her key card (3rd requirement in milestone #3), which then meant she was responsible for creating the vaccine, vaccinating sims and gathering a team to help fight the Mother (& fight the Mother!). I could also only get one sim one scanner device which meant only one hazmat suit & spore filter. I cheated these items for the other sims.
Good thing to note too is you cannot cheat & place a hazmat suit/scanner device on a vacation rental lot, the game told me 'your sim doesn't own this item'. Frustrating! But I just ended their vacation and then sent them back after adding a hazmat suit to their personal inventory while they were on their home lot. Also you will need a mailbox on your vacation lot as that's how the spore filter gets delivered to the main sim who asked for it.
I'll admit it was a bit chaotic at times playing this mystery with three sims but I did have a lot of fun. It's a great little mystery and if you haven't played it I would definitely recommend giving it a go!
Celeste, Alonso and Bessie all completed their aspiration and they all received the Hero of StrangerVille trait, but only Celeste received the milestone of defeating the Mother.
Thanks for following along! 💗
Cheat used for milestone's: Aspiration.Complete_Current_Milestone
Other references used: Carls Sims 3 guide - StrangerVille Mystery Story, Acts 1, 2 & 3
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Hazmat suit, check. Spore filter, check. Courage... um I think we left back that at the motel.
StrangerVille Mystery
traverse to the deepest part of the secret lab ✔
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Back to the secret lab to gather more spore clusters and create more test vaccine. Celeste has maxed her logic skill so she can pretty much do this with her eyes closed. 😁
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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When your wife opens the final door to the Mother plant and she is now responsible for creating a test vaccine, while you and your daughter wait not so patiently at the top of the stairs taking hazmat suit selfies.
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Bessie used her key card to open the sealed door, but not thinking what might be on the other side, they immediately breathed in floating spores and became infected. Thankfully their infection didn't last long, but now the sealed door had been opened the strange purple and pink flowers suddenly bloomed and a strange circular cloud gathered above the secret lab.
StrangerVille Mystery
open the sealed door in the secret lab ✔
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memoirsofasim · 5 months
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After an obligatory selfie, because Celeste and Bessie bought matching hats for their trip, the Westbrook's travelled far and wide finally arriving in StrangerVille by mid morning. They checked into their motel and then explored down town and chatted with some of the locals.
StrangerVille Mystery
talk about StrangerVille with 5 sims ✔
buy Curio from the Curio shop ✔
(This post and future posts, StrangerVille motel & bar by @lilamausmaus 💗)
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Celeste instructed her team to charge and use all their Mega Spray. Their infection levels were low and the Mother's health was rapidly declining, this was there only chance! Just when they could feel their arms beginning to ache the Mother suddenly collapsed in a heap. They had finally defeated her!
StrangerVille Mystery
defeat the source of the infection ✔
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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In the short hallway that leads to their kitchen Celeste hung up photo's from their StrangerVille vacation. Later, Bessie discussed with her parents what her future plans were. She told them she has decided to move to StrangerVille to live where she would pursue a career as a Scientist. Luckily with her current set of skills she was given a job as a Junior Tinkerer (L3).
Gen 1 details below.
Occult Legacy Challenge - Gen 1
Colour: orange
Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery (complete), Nerd Brain, The Curator
Live in: StrangerVille
Spouse: none
Children: by abduction only (must be an alien baby-heir)
Skills: logic and programming
Other: grow the bizarre fruit, build a rocket ship, visit Sixam, become good friend with an alien
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memoirsofasim · 5 months
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After chatting with the locals in town the Westbrook's travelled to the Secret Lab where supposedly this was the spot to find plenty of evidence.
StrangerVille Mystery
examine sealed door at secret lab ✔
gather 15 pieces of evidence 4/15 (each)
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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The blooming flowers could now been seen all over town. After sweet talking local military personal, Bessie managed to get several scanners on her hands and they worked into the night gathering spore clusters.
StrangerVille Mystery
collect 15 spore clusters 15/15 ✔
assemble the hazmat suit ✔
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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The next morning they gathered all the evidence they could from the Secret Lab and then headed to the library to check the archives. Books were read, bugs were planted, more evidence was gathered, dossier's were created and key cards were sneakily exchanged.
StrangerVille Mystery
gather 15 pieces of evidence 15/15 (each) ✔
compile a secret dossier ✔
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memoirsofasim · 4 months
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Back at the motel and doing their own thing. Celeste cooked a Cottage Pie and over dinner they created a plan on how to get more evidence to create their dossier's. Bessie suggested hacking the computers at the Secret Lab, except she and Celeste would need to get their programming skill to level 3.
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