blackkatdraws2 · 5 months
Han Myungoh and Han Dareum~ [Omniscient Readers Viewpoint]
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My personal headcanon is that Han Myungoh had to consult a cosmetologist to teach him how to style a woman's hair so he could make pretty hairstyles for his daughter, Han Dareum.
Because I'm sure he wouldn't know how to do a girl's hair since he's never done it before!! ----------------★ [The scenario below is inspired by the future events of the novel // might contain spoilers!] [Content Warning: Injury, Angst, Hurt]
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He clutches at his daughter's limp body. Her frail body was weak, but still breathing, albeit faintly.
"You'll be alright, sweetheart. You're alright, I'm here. Appa is here, sweetheart. I came back for you like I promised--"
He mumbles words of comfort into his daughter's ears. Hugging her, making sure she's safe in his arms, making sure she's still alive.
By now, he wasn't sure whether these words were for his daughter or for himself. But he repeats them anyway.
His Han Dareum was finally home.
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valkblue · 3 years
Tarot asks!! 😍 How about... Strength, The Sun, and The world for Elara? 👀
You think you know a character, and then someone asks pertinent questions that makes you ponder for days! Thank you so much, Phoebe!!! 🥰👌
So, here we gooo!
💪 XI - Strength : Soft and deliberate control, guidance and influence, compassion, enduring, reliability.
There has been a few strong influences in Elara's life. First, there were her parents and her big brother who taught her at a very young age all the ropes of a Lantillian traders family business; how to handle money, stocks and cargo, what to do with them, that everything is worth something for someone, what are the needs of the customers of the Outer Rim, when to invest in something, when not to… And, even if she's not thinking it herself, she's good at it. And she had to, in order to survive when all her family died.
Then, there were the Mandalorians of the local covert, with whom her parents had regular business. The tribe were here for her when no-one else was anymore, and she learned a lot from them. Especially Crahl, the instructor, and later, the Armorer.
They taught her other kinds of skills; how to fight, how to shoot, another kind of perceptiveness and quick thinking — those of a hunter.
Fighting was not something that came easily to Elara. And it's still not. But she's strong-willed and went through it, and never regretted it. Even if it earned her some scars…
🌞 XIX - The Sun : Enlightenment, finding the truth, a moment of glory or vitality, trusting your abilities.
I think I have an already-written scene that could very well answer that question. 👀
A few hours of translation later…
At this point in her life, this is the first time she actually was in a situation in which she needed to use all the training she received years ago, and in which it made a difference for someone else than her.
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The pain in Elara's back was growing with each step on the cold, cracked plain. She and the farmhand boy had walked for a while in companionable silence; him, muttering some half broken sentences to himself once in a while, and her trying to ignore the pain, imagining how wide and black that bruise would be before the sun had set.
Who knew how painful the parts of a speederbike exploding against rocks could be when received at high speed in one's face?!
She had known worse. She didn't really care. About the bruise, the pain, and the wrecked speeder… That boy was safe now. And he would be even more so as soon as they'd be back in town. Still many klicks away…
The boy's voice pulled her from her thoughts.
"What for?"
"For... for helping me," he stuttered with a brief shrug.
For all answer, Elara smiled to him when his eyes searched for hers. They walked for a few more meters when the boy added:
"I mean… This guy killed Mudros! A-and now, he wants to kill me 'cause I saw everything!"
This kid was on the verge of a panic attack. And he had all the reasons to be, honestly! But there was nothing to answer to that, so Elara stayed silent. At least to let him process everything without interfering.
"He could have kill you too! Kriff, he was about to!"
"Don't worry about that…"
But the boy went on:
"That's none of your business, that's-that's…"
He let out a little, nervous yelp and Elara clasped his shoulder in a supportive gesture, slowing down a little. The boy came to a stop.
"And now, you're gonna get killed too ! He will find us, and he's gonna finish the job, to-to silence us, and—"
"Hey, kid," Elara called to him to distract him from his own panic. "Hey, listen…"
He blinked once or twice but looked attentive enough.
"Once we're back in town, you'll tell everything to the marshal and he will either be arrested, or he'll have to flee. The town, at least. He won't bother you, or your family, ever again. Mmh?"
The boy nodded, convinced. Elara didn't know everything about the inner workings of crime syndicates but she was pretty sure that a henchman wouldn't miss the opportunity to leave the planet and disappear somewhere in the galaxy, or to get back grovelling under his overlord's protection as soon as possible, rather than insisting on making all witnesses vanish, and risking to get caught.
"You're just the courier!" the boy cried out still, waving his hands. "Why d'you even care!?"
His bewilderment fed Elara's.
"Why, this... is the way."
Both stared at each other, confused. Then, the boy cast a sweeping look around them.
"Wh-what way ?"
The words came to her so naturally that she didn't even need to think them through. Why wouldn't she have fought when she could do so? Why would she have let that boy be killed by that dirt bag when she had the ability to stop him, that she had every reason to stop him, that it was the right thing to do?
Maybe Crahl's teachings were more ingrained than she dared to hope after all. And maybe the Armorer had hit her hard enough to shape her into something better than just back into human form.
"Nevermind," she dismissed after a perplex silence. "Let's go…"
With a hand on the boy's back, shivering from the cold, she incited him to continue walking.
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🌍 XXI - The World : Integration, synthesis, accomplishment, blossoming, fulfilment and wholesomeness.
The whole galaxy is wide and full but it feels too big and too empty when you've lost everyone you loved and cared about. Or at least it's how Elara feels since the loss of all her family in one fell swoop.
After that, she couldn't feel at home anymore, all alone in that empty house she grew up in. She found a bit of comfort for a time with the covert, during her training, but she couldn't stay even if they offered her to take her in.
So, she left the planet and started drifting from world to world, ship to ship, crew to crew for quite some time, never finding a place to call her own, nor was she really seeking one at this point anyway.
Eventually, her path will lead her back to someone she thought she had lost too and, with him and his tiny foundling, she will find a new purpose and feeling of belonging.
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