giganotus · 6 months
favorite thing about playing a DnD campaign module: finding out how much we deviated from the original module's plan
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eponymous-rose · 5 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E98 (March 10, 2020)
Be warned: there are spoilers for the most recent episode below!
Tonight’s guests are Ashley Johnson and Travis Willingham!
Announcements: On Monday at 7 PM Pacific, there will be a special Doom: Eternal one-shot! VOD will be on YouTube on Wednesday. We’re one week away from the release of the new campaign book, Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount!
Episode 98: Dark Waters
Stats! 124 days passed between the Nein’s voyages at sea. It’s been 77 days since Fjord’s pact was broken. Fjord took 40% of the damage taken by the Nein and the crew (Yasha took second-most at 21%).
What’s it like RPing dream sequences with Matt? Ashley: “It gives me the fear.” They both agree it’s a panic feeling first, and then you get excited to see where he’ll go. Travis: “All cognizant thought goes out the window.” Ashley feels like she rushes it sometimes to avoid keeping the attention on her too long, and Travis dreads the open-ended questions: “What do you do?”
This is the first time Travis has had to wait a week to find out if his character will be revived. “Aside from analyzing the fight, it’s been okay, just because we’ve got two dope-ass clerics who feel pretty strongly about Fjord, so I hope we’re in a good place.” He’s mostly concerned about the intangibles and what they don’t know. He didn’t know the orb was still in him---he thought it was destroyed or reset when he threw away the sword. He’s worried that if they try “the normal cleric stuff”, it’s not going to work. He does almost prefer fights that are just dropped on them out of nowhere, because the anticipation is often the most stressful part.
Ashley’s still not sure if she has the feathers or not, since that was in a dream. “Building the character, I didn’t know that would be a possibility for that to change.” It’ll have to come out in the game. “Outside of that, I think-- obviously there’s a lot of healing with the group, but I think in terms of Yasha’s relationship with the Storm Lord, she’s still figuring that out. It’s very tough love, which she’s getting the tough love from the Storm Lord and the familial and kindness and love from the Mighty Nein. So that combo is going to be really good for her to turn things around. I don’t think she’s ever really had a feeling of worthiness outside of maybe being loved by Zuala. So I don’t know what that looks like for her yet, but we’ll see. I think she doesn’t fully know what her purpose is yet.”
Did Travis anticipate a confrontation with Uk’otoa back on the sea? “No, I’m a fucking moron. I didn’t think of that at all! I don’t have anything the ol’ snea snake wants anymore.” Brian: “Yes you do!” Travis: “I didn’t know that!” Dani: “The dark seed of power in you the Wildmother saw?” Travis: “I thought it was metaphorical! Well, now that you say it like that...” He wasn’t upset at all. “More than anything I was just trying to plan my branch narrative for what was going to happen next. More than anything, it became clear that they had just massive intent to come and kill me. I mean, Matt played it beautifully, so even in moments where I was disappointed in myself, like forgetting that enemy characters can hold their turns.”
Cosplay of the Week: a dramatic cape-flaring Fjord! (Ming.of.mings, photo by Rsellos, makeup by Omglobnunu, all on Instagram)
Travis: “The thing that hit me the most was when it came over and it grabs Fjord’s body and starts to walk him off the side of the ship, I was like, Mercer, what the fuck, man! I’m already dead! Give me a second!” He notes that they haven’t done a resurrection ritual yet in this campaign, only revivifies. Losing the two death saves when getting stabbed while unconscious was the moment when he realized how significant the intent was here. Everyone notes how clutch the Counterspell was.
On Jester and Beau showing concern for Yasha’s wellbeing: “I think for a lot of people, sometimes accepting compliments makes you uncomfortable. I’m one of those people. It’s a weird thing for Yasha to hear, because even in her tribe it’s not like that was a normal way of communicating with each other. Only compliments she would have gotten about how she looks or her character as a person were from Zuala. I think, especially with Jester, she’s such an open character that has so much love to give, just bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, just refreshing to be around, they’re all teaching Yasha very, very positive ways to feel and accept that.”
They talk about the way the improvisation can lead to poetic parallels like Yasha and Fjord falling/rising. Ashley: “I feel like so much of that is Matt, and he’s such a masterful storytelling.” Travis: “It’s such a gift, too. He’s giving you something new in the story that you created, and so you have instant ownership of this thing he made just for you.” Ashley: “You just hope you can meet him where he’s at.”
On Yasha’s harp: “Music is a very huge part of my life. I’m using the harp as, yes, for self-care for her, but also I think music can be a form of therapy. There was a moment where I was like, man, it would be so fun to multiclass as a bard, but then I remembered my wisdom is so low... it wouldn’t work. And I actually had talked to Matt about it. There’s more that I want to explore with that, and I don’t quite know what it is yet. I think where it sits right now, it’s a form of therapy for her. I’d been wanting to give her positive things to do to try to pull her out of this place that she’s in, and I think it’s really helpful.”
Seeing the sword again: “I think more than anything, it just unsettled Fjord. There was nothing about that that was easy to adapt to: seeing the sword, and then seeing multiples of the sword, just wondering who is this, what do they have, do they have abilities, what am I missing, how much do I not know about it?” He was initially worried that it was Avantika come back to life.
Fan Art of the Week: Caleb, Caduceus, and Fjord during the fight! (CreativeBleu on Twitter)
On Yasha having a lot of run-ins with creepy people: “I think a lot of that is because of the way I rolled the character, I rolled really low for Yasha’s stats, which is a bummer. She’s very susceptible because of that to being swayed, as we have noticed with Obann and things that have happened in her past. That’s maybe something that she puts out there, where people pick up on that. There’s obviously still and probably will always be a bit of darkness in her. I think people like Icky-thong and Lord Sharpe and people like that can pick up on it. I wanted to play a character like that anyway, I wanted to play somebody with a little darkness in there. I do think it is a source of frustration for her, and that’s where a lot of the guilt comes from.”
Has piecing together Caleb’s past changed Fjord’s opinion of him? “No, not at all. Maybe it’s just me, but seeing how much pain Caleb carries with himself from his past-- if he was flippant about it, that might give him pause, but he’s so fucking tortured about it. He can’t harbor any ill-will or confusion about where his heart lies. He’s full of regret, there’s a real person in there. I think also Fjord is like, I don’t want to be defined by my past, it really, really sucked. Every day since Fjord started with the M9 has been continually the best days of his life, and I think the same is probably true of Caleb. There’s no judgment because that doesn’t help anything. He just want to observe, absorb, acknowledge. You’re making positive changes, and that’s everything. That’s heroic, despite what you think is monstrous. That’s not who I see.” Brian talks about how life can end “when you choose to be defined by your worst moment”. Travis: “People that chain themselves to their past obviously haven’t moved beyond that past, and that process looks different for everyone.” But he believes you should get to define who you are after you’ve moved past that.
On the few new lighthearted moments with Yasha: “I think it’s the comfortability of the people around her. I think it’s just getting more comfortable with everybody, and also it’s just... I don’t know. If I think of something that I think would be funny, I’ll probably say it, but try to keep it in whatever Yasha’s sense of humor would be.” She notes some similarities to Grog. “She’s absolutely a teddy bear on the inside. She sees so much beauty in the world. I love playing those contradictions. She’s always had a sense of humor.”
How does Fjord define being a “good man” now as opposed to the start of the campaign? Initially, it was Vandren: “tough love, not overly emotional, not really available in that way, but conveyed a strong sense of leadership, knows what he wants, is focused, driven, stalwart, dependable, a lot of those bullshit male ideas. Some have value and some are just misplaced. If you try to live up to the idea of somebody else, you’re often going to find yourself going down a path that doesn’t look very familiar. Fuck it, I’m going to be me and see what that is. He’s got the agency. Maybe you just try and be you and hope that’s a good man.”
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jq37 · 4 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 19
The Ties That Bind
The penultimate Fantasy High: Sophomore Year episode is upon us and not a moment too soon. Seems a little counter-intuitive to seek comfort from these objectively wild current events we’re experiencing from a fictional Nightmare Forest but we know what we’re about so let’s jump back in and start with the death of a beloved main character.
Rewinding back to two episodes ago, last we saw Kristen, she got stabbed through by a skeletal unicorn and died. We pick back up there and, as she’s dying, she feels a sense of pain, betrayal, and anger--very similar emotions to what Brennan told her the goddess was feeling with her Nat 20 Religion Check. Kristen gets a vision of the goddess being destroyed in cracks of lightning by her own followers--the same vision Fig saw in the dream scrying pool when she scry-ed on Kristen last week--and then she wakes up on the chapel floor.
She’s not...dead exactly. But she’s not super alive either. She’s bleeding, but more oozing blood than the normal mechanical way of bleeding out because her heart isn’t beating. There’s a hole in her chest and, within it, her heart is crushed. Her skin is pale because the blood isn’t pumping through it properly anymore. Her breathing isn’t regular. And a piece of her finger tip (the piece taken by her friends for a possible Revivify) is missing.
She sees evidence of her friends having been in the room--footprints and the smashed wall--and to place this in the timeline, she can’t remember Fabian right now. When she checks her crystal, she sees it’s been 90 minutes since they walked into the forest. She does Cure Wounds on herself to stop the blood from dripping. Then she heads out towards the forest, passing the Oracular Pool Fig used in the last episode as she goes. She stops as she sees it and something in her heart glows with golden light. When she looks into the pool, she sees the sun reflected in the pool (and also Fig’s boot prints leading up to it). That’s weird because it is super not a Sol/Helio aligned Chapel/Area they’re in. She also sees the moon reflected and she feels like she’s being called in. It doesn’t necessarily feel safe but it feels like she might get some answers and also she already died today so how much worse can it get? She dives in and come up and when she does, she’s suddenly in the outer planes. Specifically, she’s in Elysium which is like the Neutral Good heaven. She hears a voice that she mistakes for her dad’s because of the major dad energy she’s getting from it: You can come home.
As she walks, she finds herself--as Kristen weirdly often does for some reason--in the presence of gods. Specifically, Sol (god of the Sun) and Galakaya (goddess of the Moon and his sister as we find out). Helio is also there, like the screw-up son of a CEO, hanging out in his office. Both of them are good gods but not neutral good so Kristen gets the sense that they brought her here to have a neutral place to talk to her. 
Kristen is hilariously nonplussed by being personally Uber-d to heaven by arguably the biggest gods in the pantheon and when she is asked to take a walk with Helio so she can get some important information, she’s like, “Nooooo, can literally anyone else do it?” Galakaya agrees to do it instead. 
They take a lap and she asks about Tracker. Galakaya says that Tracker isn’t dead but she’s in major danger. Then, she changes the subject. Has Kristen ever wondered where her spells have been coming from when she’s been between gods? Because, as Galakaya says, doubt is nothing. She reveals that even though Kristen rejected him, Helio has been providing Kristen spells this entire time. He sent the philosophers and the grad students to be her spirit guardians. Kristen rejected him but not the light. Galakaya likens it to a child running away from home to the front yard. Kristen isn’t too far gone. She can still come back to the fold. And, if she doesn’t want to be Helio’s champion, she can be hers instead and become a Moon Cleric, which would still be keeping it in the family. But that’s the problem Kristen has with it. Helio to Galakaya? It seems like more of the same--especially the way she’s been acting, like she would fit right in at a brunch table with Arianwyn and Anguin. Except, when Tracker comes up, Kristen notices she gets a little snarly, almost like a tic she’s trying to keep under control. 
Kristen asks for her pitch, and it’s basically the same deal she was getting with Helio but with different window dressing. The Moon, sisterhood, and unquestioning obedience. Galakaya can’t see into Sylvere to check on Tracker like Kristen asks but if she had a Champion, say Kristen, she could send her all kitted up with new powers. She says she wants the Nightmare King dead more than anyone seeing as the Nightmare King killed her baby sister (the Mystery Goddess). She calls her baby sister sweet and sometimes confused, seeing as she thought destroying her name would make her more powerful. But Kristen knows that’s not what happened. It was her followers who destroyed her name as she desperately warned them not to. Some chicanery is going on.
She says she will take the job as Galakaya’s champion and when she makes like she’s going to pray to her to seal the deal, she instead reaches out to the mystery goddess again. The golden light in her chest disappears and is replaced with cool shadow. She feels shock from the goddess, that Kristen would still choose to reach out to her after she died at her hand. The goddess says, emotionally, “I’m sorry, I’m just so scar--” But, before she can finish the word, Galakaya grabs Kristen by the shoulder and snaps her out of it, face snarling and wolfed out. After a second, she composes herself and seems almost embarrassed that Kristen saw that, which makes Kristen realize what’s going on with her. Tracker is a cleric of Galakaya, but knowing Tracker, she wouldn’t worship someone so reeking of high elven prim and proper-ness. And she also knows what the number one rule of godhood is: As above, so below. Galakaya has basically been claimed as a high elven goddess. Which means that the vast majority of her followers aren’t like Tracker. They’re snooty high elves. Which means so is she and her wolf part is still there, but it’s buried and distasteful to her now. 
Which, coincidentally, is how Kristen feels about this entire godly family. She “respectfully declines” both of their offers. And by “respectfully declines” I mean she socks Helio in the face and makes a run for it. Sol, full of rage, says, “I told you that kid was trash! Now get her!” The philosophers on Sol’s payroll look at each other and instead mob him (why is the literal sun god so easy to 1v1?) and help Kristen escape. As she does, Helio calls out after Kristen something she kind of already sensed upon arriving in Elysium. Most people are a soul in a body. But Kristen, at the moment, is a soul *as* a body. If she dies again, with no god to intercede for her, she’s dead-dead. No afterlife. But that’s not enough to make her stay. She keeps running and makes it to the pool. For the first time, she feels herself fully cut off from her spells. 
Back in the cave in Sylvere, Kristen chats with the Philosophers. They tell her they were working for Sol so they couldn’t tell her what the deal was but they were always rooting for her. One of the philosophers quotes her own words back to her: Doubt can’t be a belief but it can be a practice. And as she says this, she turns Kristen’s Shepherd's Crook cool and metallic and turns it into a question mark. She can’t hold doubt in her heart but she can hold it in her hand (stats for the Staff of Doubt below; also what a sick line from Brennan).
She knows that to get to the center of the forest where she needs to be, she has to follow her fear, so she goes in the direction she doesn’t expect to find Tracker. 
Shifting gears, we find Gorgug and Fabian at the mouth of the cave (and no longer high on duskmoss) in their floating rock island surrounded by the others. They see that there are other openings and decide to check them to see if they can find any of their friends. They spend a good two hours, tied together and climbing this rock face which is some extremely solid male bonding. When they reach the cave they were aiming for, they find Baxter, riddled with arrows they know to be Sandra-Lynn’s. He’s dying but not dead. I am outraged at Brennan until I learn a fact that I don’t think has come up until now: Artificers get spell slots. Which means that Gorgug has Cure Wounds. He only cures him for 3 points but that’s enough to stabilize him at least so we can all stop sharpening the pitchforks. However, Baxter is clearly dejected and confused. He has no idea why Sandra-Lynn would suddenly turn on him. So maybe the pitchforks are still called for.
They want to leave Baxter in the cave so he can rest up but, on a 1 Animal Handling, Baxter absolutely demands to follow them. It’s faster than climbing at least. They do so.
And we switch again, this time to the Abernants. 
Adaine is still trapped in a prison orb and barred from doing most of her spells. She can, however, do the Message cantrip and Aelwyn is still in the room along with Anguin. She Messages Aelwyn and asks, What’s going on? Why is she working with their parents still? Aelwyn replies that she doesn’t like her parents but she does love them. Doesn’t Adaine? “They don’t love me,” Adaine shoots back. Aelwyn parrots back ideology that she’s clearly learned from her parents: Love has to be earned. What value does something that hasn’t been earned have? Adaine, fresh off of therapy and with full knowledge of Aelwyn’s broken psyche, fully calls her out. She is so closed off to love, to everything that abjuration is her school of magic. Aelwyn tries to wave her off but Adaine, very seriously, says, “I don’t love our parents but despite the fact that you have not earned it, I do love you.” Aelwyn fully dissociates (and I’m not far behind). 
Adaine notices that Anguin is readying some kind of Sending spell and that he’s wearing a sword that he usually doesn’t have. He tells Aelwyn to ransack her sister’s brain for the info they need from her while he prepares her punishment. Aelwyn, clearly in a slight panic, tries to (not at all) casually persuade Anguin to just leave Adaine in the orb, unharmed, when they are done with her. She tries to do it in a, “This isn’t worth our time,” kind of way but betrays herself when she blurts out, “She’s a baby!” Anguin raises a hand at her and she flinches, apologetically casting Detect Thoughts on Adaine who has already (via Message) said she’d support her no matter what she did. 
Enter, Adaine’s Mindscape: A series of interconnected rooms--and her Aelwyn’s rooms--repeated over and over. Adaine has her surface thoughts be all of her memories of Aelwyn *almost* being nice to her and then pulling back at the last second for fear of her parents. Aelwyn doesn’t press deeper than these thoughts and says that if Adaine’s goal was to humiliate her then she’s done so. But that’s not what Adaine wants. She wants to rebuild their relationship. They’re gonna be sisters for the rest of their quasi-immortal lives. These memories suck but they can make new ones.
And then, through a window, Aelwyn sees another memory. The memory of herself in the hot-tub post Calethriel Tower rescue mission. She doesn’t remember this because of the events in the memory itself. Adaine went into her mind and, at her written instructions, reboot her memory and personality. They’re able to Inception themselves into Adaine’s memory of Aelwyn’s mind and they walk through it. Aelwyn is confronted with the knowledge that this is how she is and that Adaine knows this. Siobhan, from her sniper perch, gets the kill order from Brennan to take the shot directly into my chest.
“Would you be my big sister? I would really, really love to have you as a big sister.”
So now it’s both Kristen and me who have crushed hearts this episode. 
Aelwyn fully loses concentration on the spell and snaps out of it. When Anguin asks for the information, she, on full glassy-eyed autopilot, says she didn’t find it. Anguin decides to go for the nuclear option, readying a bolt of magic to throw at Adaine. “Prepare to be better, dear, sweet daughter.”
The magic races at her, ready to do something Stepford-ian to her mind I’m sure, but, suddenly, Aelwyn steps forward, still out of it but following her true, deeply buried but natural protective instincts. Protective magic covers Adaine and the spell is Counterspelled. 
Adaine quickly dispels her orb but then it’s Anguin’s turn and he goes for Aelwyn. Adaine attempts to return the favor she has just been given and Counterspells but Anguin Counterspells her Counterspell and Lightning Bolts Aelwyn. The second before she’s hit, Aelwyn looks at Adaine and says, “I’m sorry”. She goes down. 
Adaine’s turn.
And, if you recall, Adaine just received two boons: A bonus to her Strength score and a little spell called Adaine’s Furious Fists. 
And, my dude, if Adaine has ever been furious in her life, it’s now. 
5th Level. And it’s a strength saving throw but, just to be certain of her success, Adaine gives her undoubtedly weak father her 4 Portent roll. That’s 10d10 damage.
77 points of damage.
She charges forward at Anguin.
“Guess what bitch? I’m strong now.”     
And she full Dragon Ball Z energy punches her dad, dealing more than double his max HP. You know what that means? Ding Dong the bitch is FULLY DEAD. 
Deed done, she rushes to Aelwyn’s side and gives her her 11 portent roll for her first death save (super clutch use of a mediocre portent). Then, on an 18 Medicine check, stabilizes her without the need for any more checks. Aelwyn is immediately weepy about how she doesn’t deserve the kindness she’s being shown. Adaine, again, gently says that love isn’t about deserving or not deserving, though she definitely doesn’t deserve the crappy situation she’s in right now. And, maybe when this is over, she can exchange her bed for a bunk bed and Aelwyn can move in? If Aelwyn wasn’t crying before, she super is now, and spilling her guts. She’s the one who sank she ship the previous elven oracle was on, she worked for Kalvaxus and Kalina--things Adaine is willing to attribute to being under the thumb of evil, abusive people but that Aelwyn seems desperate to atone for. She gives Adaine an important piece of information for their mission: In the past, heroes going after the Nightmare King have failed because they failed to undo all five curses. They need to make sure they do that.
Adaine gives Aelwyn the tincture she has on her, freeing her from Kalina’s influence, and then Aelwyn gives her one more piece of information before she slips into unconsciousness. Before Aelwyn had the previous Oracle killed, she was sure that Adaine was going to be the next Oracle and she told Kalvaxus that. Why was she sure? Because the elf that becomes the next Oracle is always the most skilled Diviner alive at the time.
“I love you too,” Adaine replies.
Then she nicks the dope sword (and 30 gp) off her dad’s corpse, leaves Aelwyn there to rest, and goes to find her friends.
And, speaking of, let’s pop over to see how Riz and Fig are doing.   
In a word, bad.
They’re still tied up and cornered by the skeletal unicorn who says they’re captured and soon their friends will be too. Nightmare Fig shows up with Baby (who is shortly tied up as well) and reveals herself to actually be this many-armed, snake-woman demon. A whole army of demons show up, ready to start wrecking house as soon as they’re ordered to. 
Fig wants to try and use her lighter to set her bonds on fire and Riz wants to use his spy-watch to laser her bonds off. They both fail but Riz notices they’re not being stopped from trying. It’s like the demons want them to escape so they have an excuse to chase and kill them. He also notices a jiggling from his briefcase.
At the same time, Fig gets a Sending from Bill saying he just hawked all of Gorthalx’s stuff, including the six suits of magic armor. But, wait a minute. There were seven suits. On a Nat 1, she thinks Bill is screwing her over.
But then.
All of a sudden. 
Riz’s briefcase of holding springs open and out pops a figure in gleaming gold Pride Armor. The armored figure, holding a brilliantly gold halberd, cleaves through some demons and the raises his visor showing that it’s none other than the chosen one himself--GILEAR! You see, the Deadly Sin armor feeds on its respective sin in the user and consumes them, but, as Gilear puts it, he has no pride. 
He absolutely wrecks house, killing demon after demon. Riz records it on his tie-camera for posterity. Gorgug and Fabian on Baxter see the commotion and fly down, seeing the tail end of the fight. Gilear kills the last of the demons then gets spit out of the armor like it’s an Iron Man suit, fully dead. Again. He may have had no pride when he put the armor on but watching himself kick ass have him just enough to be fatal.
Fig gets free from her bindings and, on a 27 with Bardic from Fabian, beats the 25 DC she needs to make an illusory diamond (which turns into a real one) of high enough quality to cast Revivify. She does so, after a heartfelt statement about being proud to be like him and a sick lick on her bass.
Gilear comes back up and we learn that he’d been hiding in RIz’s briefcase with the armor since they sent him away because it was the only way he could think of to be useful to them and protect Fig. Fabian and Riz (along with the audience) also unfortunately learn that Gilear is hung like a horse when they fail their saves to look away quickly enough. 
Adaine rushes in with her new sword and the information that she killed her dad which everyone congratulates her for. She then ritual casts Identify on the sword. Aelwyn told her earlier that it’s the sword that belongs to whoever the current Oracle is and she also learns it’s called the Sword of Sight, it can be used as an arcane focus, and was made by Fabian’s Grandad (full stats below). 
Riz gets the footage from his tie onto his crystal and posts it on Fig’s account which has got to be the wildest social media account on Magic Facebook.
The Bad Kids are mainly reunited, but let’s get back to the final missing member. 
Kristen, alone in the woods, starts using her blood to draw a picture of the Mystery goddess. She hears a creepy voice say, “Be careful what you give a face,” and some other ominous stuff. But Kristen ignores it as she lies prostrate in front of her drawing because she understands something extremely important. 
As above, so below.
Galakaya is worshiped primarily by stuck up high elves, so she has become that.
If Kristen is now the only follower of the Mystery goddess and she says that she’s real and she’s good then as above, so below. The math checks out.
The bloody image changes to a beautiful woman’s face. The Mystery goddess. She says she only ever wanted to comfort her followers and tell them that the night itself was nothing to fear. Kristen sees flashes of the chained Court of Elders--the representatives of the five races who worshiped the Mystery Goddess and were convinced to destroy her name (ignoring her warnings not to). Among them are the unicorn and the decaying elf Adaine saw in her Scry. 
Fear of the NK breaks her out of the vision and she finds herself surrounded by Twilight (that she’s generating) with Tracker in front of her, fully wolfed out with a bloody muzzle. Tracker is going feral, all, “You’re so selfish, everything is always about you.” Something is going wrong with her. Now, good news/bad news:
Good News: Kristen is fully committed to this Mystery Goddess so she gets her spells back and she is now a Twilight Domain Cleric.
Bad News: She goes Invisible (eliciting a, “Why are you running? I knew you would leave me. Why won’t you accept me like I am?” from Tracker) and tries to cast Greater Restoration but all she needs is a 4 and she rolls a 3. Tragic. 
She finds that she is insubstantial still and is whisked away from a snarling and lamenting Tracker. As she is traveling, she sees the face of the Nightmare King who asks why she would follow a dead goddess whose path is just going to make her life harder. Kristen feels a pang of doubt and fear that she has just done exactly what her religious upbringing warned her against and put herself and her friends in grave danger for no reason by straying from the path, but then she has another classic Kristen-ism: Everyone is basic and wrong. She’d rather follow a goddess who is like, “Hey y’all, I also don’t have it all figured out but I will for sure do all I can to help you navigate it,” than a god who demands unquestioning faith and loyalty. And with that, she finds herself floating above her friends.
She feels the pull of her missing finger bone in Adaine’s pocket and she feels like it might be impossible for her to fully, properly, come back but on the other hand, she’s died like three times at this point. What does impossible even mean? She gets the sense that she can cast Raise Dead on herself and she does so. 
Welcome back to the Bad Kids, St. Kristen Applebees of [REDACTED], halo aglow, newly reattached finger shedding a bit of light.
(“That’s hot for being gay,” Ally says about Kristen’s new glow.)
Everyone hugs everyone and catches up everyone on everything. Kristen heals up Baxter for 20 HP and gets a +2 bump on her Intelligence mod for her ordeals in the forest. They all make a plan to get everyone in one place so Kristen can put some of her new AoE healing spells to use. Fig wants to go on Baxter to get Ayda. Adaine, bringing us full circle, invites Fabian on a rescue mission to get her sister. 
And we take a break. 
Deep breath y’all. 
Brennan for Cursing us With Knowledge About Gilear’s Penis
@allsevenmaidens put this very reasonable request in and I have to concur because what’s the alternative? Giving Anguin this spot AGAIN? Like, I don’t even want to give him the satisfaction of being the best of the worst. Adaine gave him the death penalty which is what he deserves and all he’s gonna get. 
So, Brennan gets this spot for forcing me to hear the words “Gilear” and “hung like a horse” in the same sentence.  
Honor Roll
Gilear for Kicking SERIOUS Ass
Listen, SO many Honor Roll-worthy moments happened this episode. Kristen’s Amazing As Above, So Below moment. Aelwyn finally stepping up to protect Adaine. Adaine absolutely obliterating Anguin in a single punch. 
But, at the end of the day, I have to give it to Gilear “Just a Guy” Faeth for cramming himself and a suit of cursed armor into a mostly airless briefcase out of desperate need to do whatever he could to help protect his daughter and her friends who are basically demigods. He truly is the Anti-Anguin and I’m so glad Riz got that on tape for posterity. Way to go man. 
Random Thoughts
I already wrote so many words and we have a five hour finale tomorrow so I’m going to try and keep this section brief. 
We’re staring down the barrel of the last episode (coming Friday at 8PM EST) and I want to say this now rather than later: thanks for reading these and leaving nice comments in the tags and stuff like that. I’m not always the most confident person and the support really means a lot.
We’re also staring down the barrel of a global crisis right now so, you know, be nice to yourself and escape through fiction when you need to, reach out to people, and eat a vegetable if you can. Read a 5000 word recap of an episode you presumably already watched. Whatever you need to do.
The Staff of Doubt has ten charges and can cast the following spells at the cost of the amount of charges listed: Detect Magic (1), Lesser Restoration (2), Dispel Magic (3), Banishment (4), Greater Restoration (5).
The Sword of Sight gives +1 to attack and damage rolls. It gives a base 12 AC which bumps Adaine’s to 15. It lets her cast Divination cantrips as bonus actions. She gets to take the Dodge action when she casts a Divination spell. And she gets no disadvantage on attacks on Invisible creatures (seems very useful against Kalina possibly).   
EDIT: I forgot to say! Gorgug saying very sincerely to Kristen, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there,” “there” being, “at her most recent death” broke me. 
Where in the World is Ragh Backrock? We have at least an approximate idea of where the rest of the hirelings are but nothing on Ragh. I’m concerned. His vision was asking Gorgug if he was his dad. Maybe it has something to do with that?
Very curious about what the mechanics of the final confrontation will be. What Aelwyn said seems like it could be setting up for some shenanigans. Plus, there are still all the hirelings to worry about.  
Another question, I feel like we still have almost no idea what’s going on with the NK. Half of me is almost expecting some kind of Te Fiti/Te Ka situation. On another day I might try to speculate and play detective but that’s not where I’m at today so I’m just gonna leave it at that.
I feel like Kristen is always negging deities to their faces. Like, girl. Her Axe/Dove metaphor was *chef’s kiss* though. Anyway, when (hopefully) Tracker is back to normal, I hope Kristen has a take that’s different than, “I met your goddess and she sucked.”
Kristen makes me feel bad for Helio. He’s just a surfer dude who likes corn, OK. He never did anything to her except give her magic! 
Didn’t have a good place to mention this earlier but Fig alerted Bill to their situation and location so if there’s a Bill Ex-Machina next ep, it’s not out of nowhere. 
(Also, just a small point of order, Gorgug did say he had a bone from Kristen last ep but so did Adaine. Doesn’t really matter but just wanted to explain the mismatch with my last recap). 
Making everyone roll a save to not see Gilear’s dick is so funny. As was Zac invoking danger sense to roll with advantage. 
“I cast Spare the Dying on Gilear’s Penis.”
“I am no man,” from LOTR but instead it’s Gilear saying, “I have no pride.”
“Drink deeply Gilear.”
Why is Kalina working for the NK? She’s supposed to be the Mystery Goddess’s familiar, right? Just another thing that doesn’t add up. Where’s that puzzle piece we’re missing?
The thought of Baxter being so confused and dejected and fatally injured, not understanding what he did so wrong to have his mistress riddle him with arrows makes me wanna throw down with Brennan IRL. Also, I’m Concerned about Sandra-Lynn.  
I need to say this on the record. Ally Beadsley does some bonkers things in D&D that I could not even begin to understand but that As Above So Below Gambit was Galaxy Brained. 
You knew this was coming. Abernant Time Bay-Bee (the abridged version because I need to get this out before Friday)!
First off, I am very happy to say that basically exactly what I predicted/hoped for in my last recap for this scene is what happened, with Anguin making Aelwyn cast Detect Thoughts on Adaine. And basically EVERYTHING I had on my Abernant Sisters Reconciliation checklist was checked. The Detect Thoughts. The pointing out that they’re gonna live for a long time and do they want to do it at each other's throats? Aelwyn finally stepping up to the plate and leaning into her Abjurative Instincts in a positive way and shielding Adaine from their father. And then the stuff that I wanted so bad but didn’t know it. The bunk beds moment? The “I love you too” moment. “She’s a baby!” I mean, “Will you be my big sister?” F off Siobhan. That was beautiful. 
A little concerned about Adaine having left Aelwyn unconscious so close to where their mom is but I am glad she remembered to cure her of Kalina. 
When Brennan said, “In Aelwyn’s last moment,” for a second I thought he meant she was about to be perma-dead and my heart legit stopped. 
I was up until about 2 AM last night, popping bottles with @camwritery (my Abernant Sisters confidant) about Brennan and Siobhan giving us everything we wanted and I’m going to get yelled at by her if I don’t mention something I said while we were talking. Last week, during the fireside chat, all of the players talked about what future lives/jobs they’d want for their characters. I posited the same question for Aelwyn and offered my answer--CPS Case Worker. Because, like, think about it. She is an extremely protective person. She wants to atone for what she did and failed to do for Adaine. When she gets all the therapy she needs, she’s going to be equipped with deep, personal knowledge of what abuse looks like/what it can do to a child and an extremely long lifespan. Can’t you see an adult Aelwyn, in the living room of a well appointed house, speaking cordially to some high class A-hole with his terrified kid sitting next to him, trying not to say anything or do anything that will get them punished and Aelwyn does a surface level Detect Thoughts at the same time so she can mentally kneel before the kid and tell them, “I’m on your side. You can be honest with me. I’m here to protect you. I promise. Don’t be scared.” This is all I want for her.   
This episode Fig rolled one Nat 1 and Gorgug rolled two but one was cancelled with advantage. No Nat 20s were rolled.    
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
I can’t believe it’s time to find out the consequences of Fjord’s accidental mistakes and bad decisions
lol I almost panicked when Travis wasn’t at the table like he HAS to be here for this
I like the “oh nos” coming from the rest about Sam’s ad
Sam doesn’t know what any of his Scottish means he probably just insulted his own mother
He’s gonna give Cad Molly’s necklace IT’S FINE IM NOT EMOTIONAL EXCEPT I AM
Wow okay Cad and Caleb can y’all chill and not give me emotions? Thanks.
B: *hands over Frumpkin*
C: “You have three or four more days you know”
B: “DO I?!” *grabs Frumpkin back and sticks him in her pocket*
I sure hope Sprinkles is alright after almost drowning along with the rest of them, poor thing
This whole interaction is super cute im dying
Fjord listen no pressure but try not to break her heart
Nott somehow always makes me a little sad
LOL oh this advice Nott. Amazing.
lol the clerics spoiling Matt’s plans for a supply stop
Marisha looks so excited
y’all need those
for revivifying or whatever
listen though, they absolutely all need matching sparkle tattoos someday though I want it real bad
OOO are they gonna do pirate shit??? Attack the ship and steal stuff?
This is a test if I ever saw one
Guys don’t do it please it’s such a bad idea
I just feel like Avantica is testing Fjord with basically everything
Guys please just don’t
Cad’s right it’s a bad decision
this is such a bad idea
Jester giving him the salty shoulder
“I feel like this is somehow connected to your previous bad decisions” yes Cad please keep shaming him
lol Not going crazy with the canon stuff
oh damn fjord
lol buddy Nott doesn’t even need that anymore goofy boy
Sam’s gonna roll really bad and Nott’s gonna hit the ship I can feel it
okay it didn’t fire okay
Nott darling you’re going to blow up your own ship
“fire boy! go, gogo!”
“Alright, so you owe us a canon.”
Oh lord
20 thank god
They’re gonna end up with wanted posters when they get back to shore
Fjord honey what are you doing this isn’t even like you. Is this about gaining Avantica’s trust? At what cost??
Caduceus the Cool Calm Guy
God this is just… so bad
I’m serious they’re going to end up being wanted criminals
why the fuck did you give him your real name
Caduceus is the only smart one, hiding his face
stop using you’re real names Fjord for fuck’s sake be smart
Caleb plz stop
oh god guys this isn’t worth the trouble
this is gonna be so bad im so on edge
this is where the fight will break out
Jester what are you going to do oh no
Poor Liab
here we go I hope you’re ready to live with your bad decisions Fjord
Are they even considering that whatever this magical item is, it’ll probably go straight to Avantica?
“I don’t trust Avantica” Beau says to Caleb through Frumpkin while members of Avantica’s crew are present.
Frumpkin being able to attack is cool as frick I like that
Don’t die Frumpkin
“twelve renegade points, one point paragon!” lol Matt
I like how Beau’s like “we’re trying to be good people” but then threatens to slit his throat. Like FYI Beau, threatening someone over something you don’t have a right to, that you’re STEALING, after ATTACKING THIS GUY, is not how good people act.
Beau leave him alone
Somehow this was only a minor disaster. So far. If they don’t end up with wanted posters because they’re pirates I will be shocked.
I don’t like anything that Avantica approves of. I don’t trust her.
She knows. She so knows they’re hiding something.
Caleb so cute talking about cats and books
They need to not look right now. They need to put it in the bag and leave it until they get far away from Avantica.
The Not There Fairy, cousin to the Metagaming pigeon
Ohhhh Beau you gonna get a tattoo like Molly’s??
Okay… darling… but maybe not an eye though that just seems like it’s inviting trouble
“But you know he’s dead” WOW
Jester. I’m begging you. Save that paint for when y’all actually need a door.
(Also @Taliesin just tell us all what Molly would think of it please Inquiring Minds want to know)
Let Caduceus have the shield
I hope you all feel like guilty fucks tbh that was just not necessary
Oh no mediocre perception check….
Beau please don’t try sneaking into her office my god that’s a terrible idea
lol Laura you little shit xD
“You should seduce her” and Fjord’s over here like lol right uh sure totally that’s a good idea uhhuh
B: “I think if we don’t do anything, it means your eventual demise.”
F: “Well that’s… fucking dark.”
At least they’re finally thinking and really really realizing how bad things are for them right now.
Cad: “If we want to find the ship I think I can help.”
F: “With the seducing?!”
Cad: “What…? no!”
Beau really wants to seduce Avantica.
Caduceus with his naps. He is me.
Fjord and Caleb conference! It’s been a while.
“Have you ever sacrificed anything to achieve a greater goal?” OHHH FJORD IF YOU ONLY KNEW
Talking about Papa Widogast
“I have tried to live up to the man that he was, and I have… largely failed, but I picked up what I could.” IT’S FINE IM NOT CRYING (yeah i am).
“I think traveling with all of you has emboldened me some. I was alone for a long time. And I… I like this group. I like traveling with you, Fjord.”
Okay Fjord what are you trying to get at now?
“can i count on you to… right the ship, if need be?”
oh i don’t like the sound of that at all.
I don’t like this conversation
What is Fjord asking? That Caleb take him out if need be? That he makes sure the group gets out if Avantica manages to kill Fjord?
I don’t trust him at all
J: “We’re pirates”
TT: “I know. :)”
TT: “That seed of chaos” DO NOT LIKE
“Well there are many different enchantments—“ RED FLAG RED FLAG BIG RED FLAG
he’s such a creep i hate him someone protect jester from him
he has literally gotten more and more creepy every fucking time
this is absolutely a sinister voice Matt is using too
“Preferably where it will be the least expected… and the creepiest to find” okay that was kinda funny
“the time is coming soon when you will meet the rest of your brethren” DO NOT LIKE
Like I’m not sure he’s EVIL but he creeps me out and I don’t like him
Fjord dream Fjord dream Fjord dream
Fjord dreaming about them bare naked ladies.
From ocean to sky to ocean again.
I don’t think I like this.
Watching, learn, reward.
Nope don’t like.
Smart move grabbing the map
But shit, did Avantica see the same place? If she was in the dream too I bet she did.
Nott, my darling, can you not
a handful of pepper made into a pepper bolt
“The Revelry” oh lord it’s a pirate colony with a court of captains or something isn’t it. Like in PotC3.
Or like Tortuga.
“The Plank King” I KNEW IT
pirate court
Avantica is absolutely gonna challenge the Plank King?
“Welcome to Dark Town” thanks Matt
I’m loving all this history/lore stuff Matt is so good at this kind of thing.
“Takes some notes” I do NOT like that
Poor Orli and the crew.
I thought for sure Avantica was gonna stab Gimati.
Caduceus really wanted to have some Words with Gimati.
B: “Marius the Mariner…. LePua…. LePain….?”
Cad: “That was really good, do me! :D”
B: “Caduceus the… Juices…?”
Listen, Fjord, guys, you owe these people. You hired them and then dragged them into SO MUCH SHIT you didn’t tell them about. And you can’t just leave them here, or refuse to pay them
Like you hired all these people and dragged them into your shit and now you're like "you can keep working for no extra money or you can stay here on pirate island" wow Fjord I’m massively unimpressed. Like I know the whole moral leanings of the whole group have been shifty but come on. This is really not cool.
“By the way, you guys are members of the Revelry.”
So first they joined a crime lord's syndicate and now they joined a pirate gang
*insert faceplam gif here*
James Tybalt, assistant to the Plank King
lol Fjord is the worst pirate, forgetting to deal with the money.
As much as I enjoy having a less than perfectly heroic group, I do wish they'd try to be just SLIGHTLY less awful sometimes
Harpy jerky as a gift. I love Nott.
Yasha is very Done with all of this.
Cad: “I serve nature and I’m the maker of fine graves.”
N: “I just love water so much.”
Y: “I like to punch things?”
Hnnn why notes
I’m glad y’all didn’t ALL give them real names
Oh lord, so now if they attack Avantica (and don’t manage to kill her and everyone else) they’ll have the Revelry after them
They’re super doomed
Oh lord he took the previous king’s hair
Oh man don’t try hitting on Beau
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SHIT he asked Beau to keep an eye on Avantica and to snitch on her
That’s good. That’s a good. They finally have something going for them (as long as Avantica doesn’t find out)
God this night was a continued disaster. But it was super good. Stressful but fun.
“How did this happen?” The question we all want to have answered, Sam.
“Good shit, Matt.” Agreed!!
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friendshipcampaign · 6 years
Session Recap 4/22/18
When the party knocked on the door of Auntie Eyren Keep’s hut the next morning, she flung it open enthusiastically and offered to make everyone breakfast from her cauldron once she’d fed the animals that lived in the pens near her place. Everyone seated themselves inside to wait, and when she returned, she grabbed some things intended to be useful to the party on their upcoming mission to check on the demiplane’s heart.
First, she showed them a new map, with the layout of the island as she had arranged it the previous night and it would hopefully remain for their journey. She also mentioned that she’d been successful in finding 12 water-breathing lozenges, as well as a handful of lozenges of protection which could grant them resistance to certain kinds of damage if they sucked on them and a shorter burst of full immunity if they crunched the candies. At this point, she also pulled out some other odds and ends that she thought might prove helpful -- a bottle of changeling’s tears for seeing creatures on the Ethereal Plane, a an alphabetical spinner ring that could be used to modify the capabilities of a spell to something else that rhymed, a scarf that could grant the wearer blindsense (but only if they tied it over their eyes), and a ball of regenerating string. She also pulled out the iron token one of them would be able to use to communicate with her again, which Kriv recommended that Voski take since she was the only one of them to not have gotten knocked out at some point.
That comment reminded the hag there was something else she’d meant to give them, which she rummaged around to find. This final object she presented them with was a dark red egg, that looked as though it had once been broken and repaired with gold and resin. It had curling elvish script engraved across it, with a warm light shining through the letters. She explained that it was a phoenix’s egg that could be cracked within a minute of a creature’s death to revivify them, and she wanted the party to have it seeing as she was asking them to do something very dangerous. Kriv accepted it to put with his healing things.
Ditto excitedly took the rhymer’s ring, and Kriv asked if it would be alright for him to take the blindsight scarf, since he was the only party member left without a way to see in the dark. Amaranth picked up the changeling’s tears, and everyone divided up the water-breathing lozenges so that they would each have two. There was some discussion of who should take the lozenges of protection (Kriv made a comment about maybe giving the one for protection from cold to one of the two party members who’d had bad experiences with cold damage already, looking pointedly at Voski and Erwyn, but neither of them said anything), but ultimately they all went into the Bag of Holding, along with everything else that hadn’t been claimed by one of them specifically.
As everyone had breakfast (with the exception of Erwyn, who’d quietly said he didn’t feel particularly hungry and just asked for something for the road), Kriv headed over to the gear and crystal ball to have a look inside. He was presented with a vision of his aunt and some of his old coworkers in the Mews. They all looked happy.
When he sat back down with the others, Amaranth asked Kriv if he’d seen anything good. He replied that he had, which lead Erwyn to sink a little lower in his chair. Auntie Eyren muttered that she really ought to cover that thing up, and Voski offered her a scarf to hid it with that she’d stolen off of a guard in Soreth.
As the party prepared to leave, everyone but Ditto seemed to have some trouble locating one of their belongings as they packed. It was almost as if they’d disappeared for a moment. But fortunately, all of the missing things were eventually located, and they were able to head out. Ditto croaked at the giant frogs in the pond as they left (not trying to actually talk to them, just to mimic their noises). The inevitable near the hedges asked them if they’d gained any knowledge from their “parley” with the hag. Voski told it that they’d gained string.
There was a bit of deliberation over which entrance they should head for -- clearly not the one in the area full of elemental fire, but most of the others seemed like they could be fair game. Erwyn suggested that if they headed towards the one along the coastline, he might be able to be of a bit more use navigating, since he had a degree of familiarity with that sort of terrain. Since the current organization of the island meant it would only lead them towards difficult territory (bordering on arctic temperatures) at the end of the trip, it was agreed this was a decent idea.
As they started walking along the coastal dunes, Kriv noticed that Erwyn seemed to be lagging behind quite a bit again and asked if today was another day he needed to ride on top of Volfred instead of trying to keep up the pace with everyone else when he was clearly struggling. Erwyn conceded, saying that he didn’t want to be a liability, and Kriv helped him to get atop the giant goat.
Voski and Amaranth both noted some oddly realistic stone statues along the rockier outcroppings as they traveled -- in particular, one of a seagull that looked frozen mid-flap. They alerted the others, and concerned that a dangerous creature might be loose, Kriv cast Aid on everyone. It had a tangible bolstering feeling, which prompted Amaranth to ask “Did you just learn that?” Kriv replied “No, I just forget the things I can do.”
Erwyn indicated through gestures that he would like to get off of Volfred and got down to examine the area around the statues. He made an effort to track any creatures that had passed through to area, but only managed to glean that there were two paths traveled by something heavy, as well as some odd circular parts of the rock that looked as though they had melted an reformed. He suggested that they head in the direction where there were no signs of other creatures and stayed off of Volfred to try to keep an eye out for such trails, though he apologized for slowing everyone down. 
It wasn’t too much longer before the party reached the next line of fog, stepping through it into an area that felt much more “real” than the last had, with brighter colors and more solid ground. As they headed forward, they noticed something small and pink in the grass off to the right, but everyone agreed it would be wisest to leave it alone, and they skirted past it. Shortly afterwards, they heard the sound of barking, though no creature was visible. Voski glanced at Ditto and told her “Don’t” to which the gnome replied “I wasn’t!” (though she seemed clearly interested in whatever this creature might be).
Just as Kriv was putting the scarf he’d been given over his eyes to try to spot the creature, it materialized before them as a large dog, bounding up to the party. He seemed very nervous about it. Voski contacted Auntie Eyren to ask about it and was told the creature was a blink dog. By the time she was done inquiring, Kriv had gotten up on top of Volfred to avoid it. Erwyn mentioned being somewhat familiar with blink dogs when Voski asked if anyone else knew anything about them, saying that elves were known to breed them (he actually said “we” and then pointed at his own ears, seeming reluctant or nervous or both to mention his race aloud) and said that it probably wouldn’t hurt one. Ditto happily petted the dog all the way to the next fog boundary.
Everyone experienced a strange feeling of disorientation as they stepped through into the next area, which proved to still be coastal, but blending with a marsh that was covered in a less-supernatural-looking light fog. They hadn’t been walking for very long when Amaranth picked up on a buzzing sound in the air and a swarm of mosquito-like creatures with fleshy wings started to swoop down towards the party. Amaranth asked if they were going to fight them and Erwyn pointed out they’d sort of been asked not to, so she instructed everyone to run instead.
Kriv picked up Erwyn before he could react and tossed him back on Volfred, telling his mount to run, but to listen to what Erwyn asked of him. Voski dashed forward after casting Dancing Lights into the midst of the creatures to try to disorient them at around the same time Volfred bolted. Ditto also tried making a distraction, casting Major Image between the party and the swarm in the shape of a fire elemental, then ran herself, shouting “I’m doing this!” to try to let the party know what was happening.
Some of the creatures were thrown off, but others pursued, with three each managing to latch onto Kriv and Amaranth, who were the furthest behind, and start sucking their blood. Amaranth pulled one off herself and stabbed one of the ones latched onto Kriv with her dagger, shouting “Okay, let’s go!” -- Kriv followed suit by ripping another off himself and running after her. Seeing that other party members were attacked, Voski skidded to a halt and cast Shatter in the middle of the swarm, exploding nearly all the monsters. Hearing the sound, Ditto stopped in her tracks in surprise, dismissing the “fire elemental” when she turned around and saw the carnage. Erwyn told Volfred to stop running as well, jumping off (though doing so a bit wobbly) to join the others.
Four more of the creatures descended on Kriv and Amaranth, but when they reached the others they were relatively easily removed (Voski swatted one of the ones on Amaranth while Kriv punched some others off of himself.) A few remained, which Ditto put to sleep -- at which point Kriv gently set the one that had still been on him on the ground. Both Kriv and Amaranth were fairly injured by the ordeal, causing Erwyn used Cure Wounds on the rogue and for the paladin to heal himself with Lay on Hands.
As they started to walk away, Erwyn quietly told Kriv that he could “at least ask” before tossing him out of danger, and Kriv apologized, saying he’d panicked. Erwyn still seemed upset. Ditto meanwhile asked Voski to try not to hurt the creatures here like that, and Voski defended herself by saying that they’d tried peaceful solutions that hadn’t prevented the swarm from putting them all in very real danger. Ditto conceded that she was at least grateful that she’d protected them, but Voski didn’t seem to hear.
While walking, Kriv tried talking to Erwyn again, confronting him about the fact that they both knew he wouldn’t have been capable of keeping up with the others had he tried to run on his own. Erwyn once again called himself a liability and Kriv disagreed, saying that he’d been using other strengths, but that if someone was going to be taking big hits he’d rather it be him and not Erwyn. The elf quietly said that even if that were the case, there were methods of helping someone with their weaknesses that threw them in their face less.
An eerie silence fell across the marshlands that set everyone one edge. Voski began to notice a massive, multi-headed shadow looming from behind everyone, but nothing appeared to be casting it. She quietly contacted Auntie Eyren, who said it might be something like an ethereal filcher, marauder, or something even bigger, which she couldn’t control and the party would be alright fighting if they ran into one. Voski then suggested, via Message, that Amaranth might want to put the changeling’s tears on her eyes and take a look behind them. The rogue did so, and saw a giant hook-shaped creature with six writhing, tentacle-like mouths and another larger mouth hanging above them. When it noticed her looking at it, it tensed, then charged.
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anwenduskvale · 8 years
The Final Decision
Nammith, Lilith and I had just finished having breakfast, when Jimmy came running into the barracks out of breath and looking panicked. He told us we were to go with him for a final quest. Maronae had split the votes between our group and Corbeau’s and wanted us to retrieve a gem that purifies the waters in Topkapi. We rushed to the teleportation circle and arrived in a swamp. As we trudged through the mud, I regretted not having prepared Waterwalk and Freedom of Movement for the day. The Corbeau group was way ahead of us, but they did clear out all the monsters in the area, so we didn’t have to deal with that.
We caught up to them in a cave only to find they were fighting a giant frog. They looked rather winded and distracted. I suggested Jimmy sneak around and try to get the gem while they were busy with the frog and we would set up for an ambush in case they had already found it. Celia spotted Jimmy however, and asked for our assistance. We quickly killed the thing, but not before it was able to deafen Nammith. Just as I figured out what was wrong with him, Celia had already walked right up and restored his hearing.
Welby greeted us and slipped what appeared to be the gem into Arc’s mouth and gave him instructions to return it to Maronae. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I knew we had lost. I didn’t want to let the opportunity pass us by, but I didn’t want to fight people I considered friends either. Jimmy tried to talk Welby into giving us the gem, but Welby just brushed him off and continued walking.
If they had put the gem anywhere else besides inside of Arc, I had thought it would be easy to ambush them and steal it while they were distracted, but this situation seemed hopeless. At this point I was ready to let them go despite my desire to win. Welby began walking past Jimmy, and as soon as his back was turned, Jimmy took the opportunity and stabbed him then ran away like a coward. I was so shocked. Were we really doing this!?
Welby then attacked Nammith who put his hands up and said he didn’t want to fight. Nammith began backing up. But before I could cast a spell to calm the situation, they attacked Lilith. After that, all hell broke loose as Nammith went into a rage and I took a fireball to the face. This was bad. It seemed as though it was us or them. All I could hope is that Celia would stay out of it, which she managed to do for the most part. I was so busy trying to keep my party alive that I didn’t have time to catch her eye, which was perfectly fine with me. Even participating in the fight felt like a personal betrayal of her.
The fight raged on with a flurry of strikes, spells, flames and fists. I was healing as fast as I could, but Lilith and Gheleon still went unconscious a couple times. After what seemed like hours but was more likely minutes or seconds, it appeared as if we had won. Most of their party was unconscious, and Welby was bleeding out on the ground, when their wizard blasted off a final fireball, catching Welby in the flames and snuffing out what was left of his life. A haunting scream came from behind his body, echoing around the cave, Celia was wide-eyed and tearful at the sight of her fallen friend. I turned away. I couldn’t look at her. This felt like my fault, and he was clearly beyond just regular healing.
My team quickly finished off the wizard and were about to deliver a final blow to Arc, when Celia came out of hiding and begged us to stop. I was already preparing a revivify spell and walking towards Welby’s body when she told me to stop. She said we could take Arc back to Maronae with the gem. She looked so scared and hurt. I tried to apologize, but the words got stuck in my throat. The only thing I could think to do was help her revive Welby and heal her friends. I told everyone to go on ahead. They tried to protest, but I stood my ground. I had to help her. I had to make up for what we had done.
After everyone left I sat down across from Celia as she knelt over Welby’s body. I knew she was out of spells and that it would take her a day to do what I could easily have done in an hour.  I offered to revive him once more but she quickly shushed me and refused the help, “I can help my own friends…”she said quietly. Tears of regret poured down my face as I begged her to let me help him.
“Don’t tell Welby about this, ok?” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the blue gem.
“How did you- we saw Arc swallow it…”
“Arc swallowed a rock.” she said matter-of-factly, placing the small, glowing gem on Welby’s chest.
“Anwen...Do you think that man deserves to win after stabbing him in the back? I don’t think so…”
“I-I’m not going to make excuses for him...I...He wanted to win so badly and I did too. I didn’t want this to happen. I’m so sorry…”
“You only tried to help. You didn’t attack, you didn’t stab anyone in the back. I know you can make the right decision.”
I didn’t want this. Why had I stayed? I could have left and she could have taken it back to Maronae with her friends and I wouldn’t have been faced with this. The prize was right in front of me, but at what cost? My greed told me to take it. Afterall, I’d worked so hard to get here. My pride told me to leave it. I have an image to maintain of being benevolent and kind. No kind person would take it after what just took place.
“Celia I’m so sorry…” was all I could say as I stared at the gem on Welby’s still, silent chest. We sat there in silence for a while. I couldn’t turn away, and before I could change my mind I picked up the gem and stood up in one swift motion. “I’m sorry…” I offered to help revive Welby once more, which she again declined. I couldn’t meet her eyes as I turned away and walked out of the cave. I pushed all thoughts of her aside and focused on catching up to the group.
My regret quickly turned to anger when I finally caught up with the group as I saw the smug look on Jimmy’s face. It made me sick. This was all his fault and he didn’t seem to care a bit. But I had the gem and I did want to win. We had come this far...So I pulled him aside and shoved the gem into his hand without a word and walked away. I had many things I wished to say to him, but I didn’t want to make a scene.
Neverember was made King, but I felt so numb I barely cared that we had won. I wanted to forget everything that happened that day, so I went straight to the bar after the proceedings. Nammith joined me. He looked as upset as I was. We didn’t talk much as we slammed drink after drink. I don’t even know how many I had, but we showed up to the celebratory feast wasted and continued to drink there. The rest of the evening was a blur, but I will never forget the cold, unforgiving stares we received from the other questing parties as we sat up there next to our new King. I don’t blame them at all. We deserved to be hated.
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