carpeomnes · 5 months
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
I'm genuinely curious about your "Black Eagles most to least favourite" list.
Here you are.
#1: Hubert
Could there be any other? I remember back when there was a promo introducing the house retainers (well, Lorenz for the Deer) and everyone was saying that Hubert looked so obviously evil that there had to be some deeper explanation, that someone who took design cues from a two-dimensional villain like Fates’s Iago couldn’t possibly be Edelgard’s retainer. Then the game came out, and we all realized that Hubert was exactly as advertised and then some: a cold and calculating murderer and war criminal with his fingerprints all over almost every terrible thing that happens over the course of the story, as comfortable with chloroform and a razor as dark magic and down to perform unspeakable experiments on innocent civilians to turn them into war machines and then backstab his co-conspirators because he will suffer no rivals for his title of the Most Evil Man in Fòdlan. And yep, he looks like Dracula and Severus Snape had a one-night stand and their mpreg love child went to an anime convention...but when Ferdinand looks at Hubert he sees Mr. Darcy and the Phantom of the Opera and Edward Cullen/Christian Grey, and soon enough that snake in Hubert’s breeches will be singing quite the aria indeed. You do you, Ferdinand.
Ok, I’ve already rambled at length on Hubert’s bisexuality and the interesting things it reveals about both him and his two primary love interests, but I do also have to admire the sheer audacity both of Hubert as an incel/Nice Guy-flavored romantic false lead for Edelgard who never had a serious chance because of the self-insert fantasy and of the decision to follow that up with a trope-laden queer romance that perfectly counterbalances Hubert’s attraction to Edelgard and puts Ferdinand firmly in the place he was destined to occupy by choosing to side with the Empire. It’s nearly as outrageous as just how casually evil Hubert gets to be, as well as the immense potential for dark humor that lies with that. You have to bend over backwards to say that Hubert isn’t unapologetically, irredeemably evil, and if you try there will be significantly more fans just waiting to tell you that you’re wrong - myself included. He’s the Manfroy to Edelgard’s Arvis but so much than that, and I look forward to the point in the CF postgame where he effectively takes over the Empire in true evil chancellor fashion and unleashes the full extent of his horrors upon Fòdlan. He somehow got even better in the DLC too despite being absent from CS and getting no new supports, because the Abyssians in CF just can’t stop talking about his nefarious antics down there. I just can’t get enough of how good this guy is at being bad, and I love that FE gave us exactly what was advertised here.
#2: Ferdinand
Now here’s a case of the opposite, where what’s on the packaging didn’t prepare me for what was to come. If I remarked on Ferdinand at all during pre-release it was only to think that he might be part of a Christmas knight duo with Sylvain since the game looked like it wouldn’t have one of those. Early on there wasn’t much else to be said about Ferdinand; he was like Claude in that his popularity ran off a meme (except just the one rather than several), and in appearance and personality he was basically Lorenz with less ridiculous hair. But then came his supports, and his post-timeskip look, and suddenly Ferdinand blossomed into the subtext-laden fem with very bizarre taste in men - see above - that he could have only dreamed of being if he’d stuck to such well-trod ground as the Christmas knight archetype. We learn of his love for opera, his complicated relationship with his father, his worship of the hot mess diva Manuela and how he learned swordplay specifically to imitate her roles on the stage, and - yes - how some backhanded compliments and expensive gifts of tea turn him into a blushing Regency heroine. It all casts his unusually rote romances with women in a performative light (as opposed to Lorenz who is similarly performative but seems genuinely interested in the marriage market), to say nothing of his one-sided rivalry with Edelgard that brushes against jealousy over Hubert’s devotion to her more often than against romantic attraction to her, and that toys around with gendered behavior in a manner complementary to Edelgard’s own bucking of the gender status quo.
And while not to the same extent as Felix, I do appreciate that Ferdinand has two distinct arcs depending on the route - and unlike some who feel that one or the other detracts from his character as a whole I personally find that they complement each other well. In SS and if recruited to AM and VW he makes the hard choice to oppose his homeland, spending the timeskip waging a solitary battle against the Empire with his private militia and then joining back up with Byleth’s army at Garreg Mach because he knows Edelgard is in the wrong even as it pains him to depose the Adrestian emperor and leave his own status uncertain...not to mention fight Hubert, which merits a curious boss conversation as well as some extra lines in SS (plus the infamous Huge Hole™ remark that I will never stop referencing because it is hilarious) that, while not elevating Ferdibert anywhere near the level of Dimidue in terms of cross-route canon endorsement, nonetheless are suggestive of something deeper between them that exists even if they find themselves on opposite sides of a war. In CF by contrast Ferdinand gives into his craving for the title and holdings that Edelgard has just stripped from his father and embraces nationalism and his long-held ideal of what the office of the prime minister should to do as a means of justifying the Empire’s conquests. Of course in the process he also succumbs to Hubert’s, er, charms(?) and becomes the charismatic bureaucrat who is presumably saddled with the task of putting a positive spin on the Empire’s dystopian atrocities while Edelgard and Hubert do all the actual work...and Hubert does all the actual actual work, which includes a lot of murder and kidnapping and all manner of other things that he doesn’t share with his pretty lover and about which Ferdinand quickly learns not to ask. Two Jewels of the Empire, indeed.
#3-4: Edelgard and Dorothea
I go back and forth on these so I’m not going to bother putting them in a definitive order, particularly because I like them for very different reasons that are difficult to compare. For Edelgard, it would be most accurate to say that I enjoy her potential much more than her execution; she gets some meaty material to work with as a lord and as the driving antagonist of the whole game outside of CF, and while I still prefer Micaiah for female lords there’s something darkly satisfying about her need for control and domination and her utter refusal to compromise or remain stagnant...except where Byleth is concerned, and Edeleth drags her down so badly that it would be painful if I cared more about that type of strong female character. Had the game axed the self-insert obsession (even if that meant axing her bisexuality along with it) and focused on her experiences during the Insurrection as the source of her worldview and motivations I’d be inclined to like the final product far more, because that’s a hell of a lot more in line with what she actually does and conveniently also maps to the life of a real world ruler with whom I’m relatively familiar and whom history regards in appropriately ambivalent terms.
Dorothea on the other hand is someone I can relate to on a more personal level, mostly as a sex worker. She’s similar to Primrose from Octopath Traveler, both of them prostitutes and playing coy with the implications of the RPG dancer class archetype, although Primrose hits a few more of my buttons for being former nobility and being motivated by revenge. Then again, I fully understand Dorothea’s anxieties about growing old without a man to take care of her, even if she loses me (and Yuri picks up from where she leaves off) when she dips into lesbianism as an alternative option. She’s got her ups and downs for me - I love that she brings up incest kink with Caspar as opposed to this series’s usual outright incest, while I love less her strange Ferdinand supports that are suspended oddly between friendship and romance and...something else undefinable - and I don’t have much to say on her life as an opera diva except that it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest that she’s been turning tricks on the side and even got a sugar daddy to pay her way into the academy. Theatre and sex work have always gone hand-in-hand like that.
#5-7: Linhardt, Caspar, and Petra
This is why I couldn’t make up a list like this for the Lions or Deer, because most of their students would be in big clumps like this. I have no strong opinions on any of these characters; they each have their moments, but not enough to elevate them to where I actively like them or drop them down into real dislike. I suppose you could say I’m disappointed by how Caspar and Linhardt are visual allusions to Ike/Soren who do absolutely nothing else with that similarity except eloping in their paired ending...which is preceded by virtually nothing in the way of real chemistry. If I enjoy them for anything in particular it’s Linhardt’s wit and Caspar’s occasional bouts of emotional vulnerability, like his mini-arc in AM where he has to deal with his feelings surrounding Randolph’s death and then later gets an apology from Dimitri for it.
Petra is awkward all around as the game dances around her delicate political situation, and I also happen to agree with the VA who (if I recall) thought the character should have some sort of accent but wasn’t allowed to do one. (If anyone is wondering, based on her last name and Brigid being an island nation I headcanon it as a Celtic-derived culture, but as with my personal reading of Dedue and Duscur I know that doesn’t play well to the fandom at large).  All in all Petra feels like a more self-aware rendition of the exotic swordswoman archetype begun by Ayra in Jugdral, but there’s clearly still some work to be done on that front.
#8: Bernadetta
Ugh. With apologies to @capriciouscorvid for explaining how even unintentional disability representation can be taken as a positive, I just don’t see how Bernadetta’s character could possibly be considered a good thing when she’s so grating in almost all of her supports and most of her story and exploration presence outside of CF. All the screaming and high-pitched pronouncements of impending death get very old very quickly, and the part where she’s meant to be romantically appealing in her neediness and isolation is as lost on me as it would have been had it stemmed instead from a massive rack. Her supposedly sympathetic backstory doesn’t help much either, as it leaves me mostly with the thought that her father is an idiot because his methods obviously did not make her suitable to be a good wife. I also don’t care for how she’s one of several characters used to soften Jeritza (and that the way she does so is I think rather insulting to people with social anxiety, to liken it to a compulsion to commit murder), or even worse that people point to her Hubert support to try and say that he’s not such a bad guy and they’d be total besties just like Ferdinand and Dorothea (another pairing that doesn’t exactly scream BFFs). I mean, really....
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wuxian-biscuit · 5 years
hi, do you have any mdzs fic recs? thanks!
haha sorry for the long wait for my reply!! im still pretty new to the fandom and still have a lot of fics to go through! heres my favourite finished & ongoing wangxian fics:
first of all, anything by hyunbun
Monotone by seredemiaeveryone and their mother rec’s this fic but it is really that good. modern reincarnation AU where LWJ & LXC are immortal, and after thousands of years, WWX is reincarnated. JC & LXC side ship
Down To Your Core by ShinocchiWWX marries LWJ, and the reputation of the great YL Patriarch lessens some. that is, until some shit goes down at Meng Mansion. dual core angst time!
If One for you, then One for us by KusakabeNAyakoWWX is brought back from the dead after his death as the YL Patriarch (very unwillingly so), and his self-sacrificial nature drives him into some... problems. absolute whumpfest, which is perfect for someone like me. lots of diff POVs for angst-fuel.
a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikketo save him, WWX is arranged a marriage with LWJ. also lots of that good angst!!!
Duet by lo_n_beholdmodern AU where LWJ and WWX are BFFs!! they’re pretty much co-dependant on one another. then, WWX is asked out on a date by another man. still a long way to go with their fic but looks promising!
and the calm is deep where the quiet waters flow byizanyasABO AU, an interesting take on a universe that adapts to such an environment. Omega!WWX and Alpha!LWJ
Crack of Dawn by Shinnochicase fic where LWJ solves the problem of his haunting dreams by returning to the past and finding the connection within YL Patriarch WWX. excellently written, very moving fic.
asymptotic by chinxethrough his playing of inquiry, LWJ meets WWX, a ghost, and of course, falls in love with him.
all i know is you by synonemous WWX and MXY are friends who are involved in a car accident. WWX is killed. the man they assumed was MXY, wakes up. lovely little 2 chapter fic.
Blink by Menuridae modern AU where MXY asks WWX to go in his place on a date with LWJ, so WWX pretends to be him. things dont exactly work out when WWX catches feelings. side WN/MXY
Swipe Right by BowandtieWWX matches with LWJ on Chinese Tinder. the rest, as they say, is history. hilarious fic. 
A Little Happiness by Suspicious_PopsicleLWJ is age-regressed by a curse, WWX looks after him and gives him part of the childhood he never had. a very cute, LWJ-focused fic.
the price of a home by JemTheKingOfSassalso known as whipping boy AU. WWX takes the brunt of all punishment for him and JC both to repay the Jiangs back for taking him in. angstfest. 
Second Chances by Yumi_chan_Hamano after they die, everyone comes back to life in the past, to fix what went wrong. they recount their memories of their life before. fix-it fic.
To Worship Or To Not Worship by Yukinia NSFW fic where LWJ tries to find new ways to satisfy WWX, who is growing increasingly more sexually frustrated
Heartstrings by Shinocchiproducer LWJ & ex-actor WWX have domestic shenanigans. chapters in no particular time order
extra mention: Being an Uncle is Anything but Easy byTheWildJokerXiCheng fic with side wangxian. JC struggles to cope looking after JL and managing his duties. LXC is there to help. very cute!!! 10/10
Jiang Cheng and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Wedding by hyunbyunJC’s POV on wangxian’s wedding. WWX has much anxiety about impressing the Lan family
Our Hearts, Intertwined byxuantimeWWX and LWJ are doctors. today is their anniversary. cute little fic.
Desiderium by seredemiaroyalty AU. prince LWJ reunites with his childhood friend WWX and quickly catches feelings, even though he probably shouldn’t.
Phoenix RisingWWX and LWJ go undercover in a BDSM club.
A self-promo for my own wangxian ficSmitten by Me!modern AU from LWJ’s POV, who is head over heels in love with WWX. they go on a date!
theres a lot here but im still reading! ive still got lots to read! im probably forgetting some... anyway, enjoy! hope you find something you like in here :)
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drsilverfish · 5 years
DrSilverfish S14 Meta Masterpost
Well, what a wild ride S14 has been. An extremely rich season for meta, and one of the best seasons of the show, ever (in my view, YMMV). It’s been a blast sharing it with all of you, week by week, on the hoof. Thanks for all the discussion, shared sleuthing and musing, gifs, art, fic, meta and more. 
And thanks also to all the readers of, and commenters on, this blog. Reading the tags and replies on Tumblr is still one of the best things. 
High points? The writers’ room’s use of mythology (Greek, Biblical, folktale) this season has been rich and satisfying, but in particular their borrowing of Jung’s psychological drama of the encounter between the Self and the Shadow-self, and his interpretation of alchemical writing as representative of the journey of the psyche towards self-integration (for the alchemists, the journey of the soul to God) has been really beautifully crafted. 
Also, all the call-backs to previous seasons and episodes of the show, as part of Dabb’s Ouroboros narrative, used to shed light both on the past and the present; even down to matching the call backs numerologically for more snake-swallowing-its-own-tail symmetry. 
Stand out episode for me was 14x14 Ouroboros. Steve Yockey is a kick-ass writer and a master of subtext. Noah Ophis the Queer Gorgon was not only a fabulous queer villain but the call-back to Nick the Siren and 4x14 Sex and Violence really reflected on and demonstrated the show’s evolution, as we near the end of the spiral (it’s ages since any female characters have been called a “bitch” or a “whore” for one thing - phew).
Also a shout-out to Meredith Glynn’s 14x08 Byzantium for its lovely re-encounter re Castiel’s relationship to Heaven, his heart-crushing (and uber fairy-tale romantic) deal with The Shadow, as well as for revisiting the awesome Lily Sunder and adding Anubis to the SPN God-machine! 
And to Davy Perez 14x11 Damaged Goods for the most subtextually obvious but also tragically heart-breaking, reference to the Ma’lak box as the closet, thanks to Dean showering sparks all over Donna’s 1970s cowboy porn poster collection whilst building it. 
Andrew Dabb and Meredith Glynn’s 14x13 Lebanon was excellent too; lovely script, outstanding performances from the original Winchester family, a beautiful little side-meditation on who Castiel would have been, if he hadn’t raised Dean from perdition, and some more alchemical symbolism via the “pearl of great price” (AKA the Philosopher’s Stone). 
Meghan Fitzmartin and Yockey’s 14x15 Peace of Mind, was also stand-out, for its biting satire both of MAGA and Heaven, its hilarious whammied Sam (truly one of Jared’s great performances, up there with his Lucifer in The End) and its lashings of queer subtext (from Dean’s fascination with, and anxiety about,  the “snake”, to Castiel’s mirrored heavy improv involvement with Sunny’s dick-worshiping erotic epistles). 
Finally, Dabb and Sgriccia delivered a gorgeously shot, and epic, finale in 14x20 Moriah, the culmination of Dean’s long and painful encounter with the internalised Ghost of John Winchester in his psyche, as he faced, Ouroboros style, a yellow-eyed “monster” who had (apparently) killed Mary Winchester (again) and THE Father, ordering him to continue his own father’s revenge cycle. Chuck Shurley, avatar of God, ultimate dead-beat Dad and author of the SPN multi-verse, is set up to be the meta villain for the final season, as his characters struggle for true free will. 
Here’s hoping MIRROR UNIVERSE and all those zombies busting out of their graves are indeed a giant neon metaphor for the culminating revenge of SPN’s eternal queer subtext.    
Low-point of the season; re-fridging Mary Winchester as part of the Ouroboros narrative, even though Glynn and Berens handled her “death” episodes (14x17 and 14x18) beautifully. Re-staging the drama of Azazel, fathers and sons, as part of the story spiral was, of course, irresistable, and profound for our male hero characters; I get it. But, as I am still convinced this is a fake-out, Mary is not really dead, and we will see her again (see my meta from 14x17 onwards) I’m willing to wait before I write my final meta on the show’s relationship to the feminine principle (spoiler alert, a load of suckage along the way, with the possiblity for a, somewhat contingent, writers’ room redemption arc!). I am hoping both Amara, as the feminine God-principle, and Mary (they are already fundamentally linked) will return in the culmination of the narrative. Symbolically, even given this is, indelibly, a narrative about men and the bonds between them, that return of/ integration with the feminine would be the alchemical and Jungian culmination of the journey, and I’m hoping that’s what Dabb is going deliver; via Jack (Hermes/ Mercury) as the mediating principle.  
As I’m sure you all are, I’m in equal measure gutted and excited that S15 is to be the final turn of the spiral. 
Look forward to sharing all the highs and the lows, as TFW go up against Chuck Almighty himself, with Death, The Empty and metaphysical key Jack Kline Novak Winchester in the mix.  
All my meta of the season (with thanks to many of you for enlightening and fun discussion) under the cut this time, because there’s a LOT!:
1) Stranger in a Strange Land (14x01)
2) Queer Gods and Monsters (14x02) 
3) Dramatic Irony and Castiel in 14x02
4) Jack and Killing Dean in 14x02 (parallels with Dean and Killing Jack in 13x02 The Rising Son)
5) 14x03 The Scar - Dean Confronts Dark!Kaia (Dopplegangers, Mirrors and John Winchester’s Ghost)
6) Batman vs Superman: Connection and Conflict in Mint Condition (14x04) (Plus more John Winchester’s Ghost)
and some added discussion and further meta with @dimples-of-discontent
7) Nightmare Logic (14x05) The Winchester Family Crypt
8) Uhmmn... 14x05′s Text Reference Is...? (Nightmare Logic) 
and some added discussion and further meta (on Dean and the bi-dent) with @paperwhitenarcissus
9) 14x05 Nightmare Logic and 13x14 Good Intentions - Dean’s Wardrobe Parallels -  a discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
10) Inside Dean’s Head - 14x03 The Scar and 14x05 Nightmare Logic
11) 14x06 Optimism - Cock Meta (end comment on a multi-authored discussion)
12) 14x06 Optimism - a discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
13) 14x08 Byzantium (Castiel’s Relationship with Heaven)
14) The Shadow 14x08 (first in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
15) 14x09 The Spear (wounds, penetrations, scars: Destiel)
16) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition) (second in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
17) 14x09 The Spear: Ode to Joy
18) The Dean/ Cas Spiral Narrative - S13 and 14 Edition (so far)
19) Pamela Barnes in Nihilism (14x10)
20) AU!Michael and the Closet (14x10)
21) Rocky’s Bar: A Closer Look in Dean’s Mind (14x10) 
22) Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester (S11 Parallels - Jungian meta adjacent)
23) Pamela, The Guardian (this is actually @shirtlesssammy ‘s great meta, to which I added something on Pamela as Dean’s psychopomp and anima - Jungian meta adjacent) 
24) What the Light and Shadow Tells Us (some meta on the S14 promo poster and S13 and 14′s use of light and shadow - Jungian meta adjacent)
25) A Fridge-Locker, An Enochian Puzzle-Box, and the Closet (14x11 Damaged Goods) 
with some additional discussion with @magnificent-winged-beast and @verobatto-angelxhunter on subtext, canon and the show’s own closet:
26) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods (third in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
27) Damaged Goods (14x11) 
28) Cosmic Order and Entropy: What’s Death’s Game? (14x11) 
and some additional discussion with @emblue-sparks
29) The Riddle of the Sphinx: 14z12 Prophet and Loss (a guest meta for @metafest ) (including more on the Ghost of John Winchester - Jungian meta adjacent)
and some additional meta and discussion with @verobatto-angelxhunter
and some more with @emblue-sparks
30) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12) (fourth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
31) Dr. Sexy of the Lord in Prophet and Loss
plus self--reblog with more on the “Dr. Novak” alias
32) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon (fifth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14) 
with some additional discussion and meta with @mittensmorgul and @paperwhitenarcissus
33) 14x13 Lebanon - Some Silent Storytelling Notes on the Pawn-Shop
34) The Bruise as a Kiss: Cinematic Queerness and the Violence Between Dean and Cas in 14x13
35) An Angel, and Lucifer’s Kid? Queer-Coding and Dean’s “Found Family” in 14x13 Lebanon
36) Movie Poster Meta for 14x13 (end note to a multi-authored discussion with @paintmeahero @mittensmorgul @shirtlesssammy @justanotheridijiton )
37) Old Timey SPN: A Fresh (Queer) Look at 4x06 Yellow Fever
38) 14x14 Ouroboros Promo: Procrustes Greek Myth Meta-Spec (part of a discussion with @mittensmorgul @postmodernmulticoloredcloak - Jungian meta adjacent)
39) The Man Who Would Be King - Edlund’s Literary Allusion and 6x20
40) 14x14 Promo Meta Spec (a discussion with @elizabethrobertajones and @hum-bee - started Destiel, became @hum-bee ‘s meta on Castiel’s depression, then mine on the separate, but related, queer subtext narratives for Dean and Cas this season) 
41) The Kiss of the Queer Gorgon in 14x14 Ouroboros
42) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros (sixth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
43) Perseus, Jack and the Gorgon in 14x14
44) The Siren and the Gorgon 4x14 and 14x14
And with an addition:
45) Noah Ophis 14x14 (Meanings and the name of the Gorgon)
And some further discussion with @justanotheridijiton and @mittensmorgul
46) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14 (seventh in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
Plus additions and discussion with @mittensmorgul  and @trickster-archangel :
47) The Justin Smith/ Dean Smith Ouroboros (14x15 and 4x17)
with additional discussion with @mittensmorgul @a-bit-of-influence @verobatto-angelxhunter and @magnificent-winged-beast :
48) Yellow Fever Redux in 14x15 Peace of Mind
and with additional discussion with @magnificent-winged-beast and @verobatto-angelxhunter
49) Oranges are not the Only Fruit (part of a multi-authored discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak and @verobatto-angelxhunter )
50) Do Snakes Like Bacon? (Queer-Coding) (14x15)
51) The Satire in Charming Acres (14x15)
52) The Book of Life in Donatello’s Kitchen (14x15) with thanks to @postmodernmulticoloredcloak for the heads up!
53) “AU” Past Episode References in 14x15 Peace of Mind (and the Theme of Fate vs Free Will)
and with an addition thanks to @mittensmorgul
54) A Call-Back to 4x01 in 14x15 (this is an addition to a meta by @poorreputation about Charming Acres as a Metaphor for Heaven)
55) The Bird Represents God (14x15) (an addition/ discussion on bird poop to @verobatto-angelxhunter ‘s S14 meta-spec master-post)
56) Dean Made me Watch the Lost Boys Like 20 Times (14x16 Don’t Go in the Woods)
57) The Ghostfacers in 14x16
58) The Kohonta, The Wendigo and..... The Winchesters? Cannibalism in 14x16
59) More Musings on the Signifiance of Bird Poop in 14x16 with @elizabethrobertajones @mittensmorgul and @neven-ebrez
60) Lucifer Rides Again?.... Games Within Games in 14x17 Game Night
61) A Discussion on Alchemy and the Season’s End with @occamshipper
62) Sixteenth Century Burmese Blood Rubies (14x17)
63) Cindy’s Waffle House in 14x17
64) Nick’s Spell in 14x17 (A Bit of Body-Snatching Spec)
65) Castiel and Food: A Discussion with @bluestar86 and @tinkdw (14x17)
66) Is Anael in League with Satan?: A Discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak  
67) The Scapegoat: Speculative Musings on S14′s End (Moriah) (Linked to the Season’s Jungian Themes - Scapegoating and the Unacknowledged Shadow)  (eighth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
with an additional note:
68) You Can Still Be a Cookie-Baking, Cardigan-Wearing Big Softie Without a Soul (14x17 Game Night)
69) Dutch Camera Angles in 14x17 - A Discussion with @mittensmorgul
70) 14x18 Absence: The Games Continue? (14x18)
with additional discussion with @shirtlesssammy
71) Re-Fridging Mary Winchester: The Ouroboros Narrative Swallows its Origin Story (14x18 Absence)
72) Dean Would Never Tell Cas He Was Dead To Him (14x18 - end comment on dramatic irony on a post by @superduperdestiel33 )
73) Jack, Godstiel and Jesus Parallels - A 14x19 Promo Discussion with @trickster-archangel (Jungian meta adjacent)
74) A Spec Discussion on the Snake, Chicken and Egg Story (14x14) in Relation to Jack and 14x19 Jack in the Box and 14x20 Moriah with @neven-ebrez and @mittensmorgul
75) A Pillar of Salt in 14x19 Jack in the Box
and with addition discussion with @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
76) Hallucifer or Lucifer? (14x19 Jack in the Box)
77) The Wraith at Mary’s Funeral (14x19) (end comment on a discussion with @mittensmorgul and @postmodernmulticoloredcloak )
78) “So, Who’s Ready to Take on The Book of Samuel?” (14x19  Jack in the Box)
79) A Discussion on Dean and Cas and Chuck and Faith (14x19) with @norahastuff
80) Mary is Watching Over You.... From a Mirror Universe? (14x20 Moriah)
81) Fate vs Free Will - “Welcome to the End” (14x20 Moriah)
with additional discussion with @emblue-sparks
82) More Bird-Poop Meta: A Discussion with @trickster-archangel
83) “MIrror Universe” Meanings (14x20)
with additional discussion with @trickster-archangel and @occamshipper 
84) Dean’s Jungian Shadow Arc in S14: Confronting the Internal Father (2x22 to 14x20 Moriah) (ninth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
85) Jack Kline Novak Winchester: Son, TFW Mirror, Trinity and Key; Quaternity, Ouroboros, Caduceus and Harbinger of The End (14x20) (tenth in a series of meta on the Jungian themes of S14)
86) So Who Has Been Resurrecting Castiel? (Post 14x20 Musings)
and with added discussion with @mittensmorgul
87) Chuck and Reno (14x20 plus S15 Spec on Chuck and Amara - end comment on a discussion by @tarend and @hi-im-dazey
All My Meta on the Jungian Themes of S14 Collected Together in a 10 Part Series:
1) The Shadow 14x08 
2) 14x09 The Spear (Jungian Decoder Ring Edition) 
3) Jung and Dean’s Journey Towards Self-Integration in 14x11 Damaged Goods 
4) Ouroboros in Prophet and Loss (14x12) 
5) A Pearl of Great Price - 14x13 Lebanon 
6) The Serpent and the Egg: Snake and Eye Symbology in 14x14 Ouroboros 
7) Another Alchemical Easter Egg in 14x14 
8) The Scapegoat: Speculative Musings on S14′s End (Moriah) (Linked to the Season’s Jungian Themes - Scapegoating and the Unacknowledged Shadow) 
9) Dean’s Jungian Shadow Arc in S14: Confronting the Internal Father (2x22 to 14x20 Moriah)
10) Jack Kline Novak Winchester: Son, TFW Mirror, Trinity and Key; Quaternity, Ouroboros, Caduceus and Harbinger of The End (14x20) 
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themagnusbane · 6 years
I know I haven’t written a drabble in forever. I am so sorry. Also sorry about this. Blame it on the episode and next week’s promo.
“I am not a child Magnus.”
“Then stop acting like one!”
The minute he said it, he froze, eyes flicking up to meet Alec’s, cringing at the rage, the hurt, the pain, that flared in those hazel eyes. They turned cloudy, emotions flickering through them, fast as a shadow, the silence hung between them, draping the moment, spiking the blow, making it all hurt.
The words formed on his lips, an apology, and a plea, to take it all back, to temper the angry words with a softness, to take the edge out of the bite. But Alec’s lips thinned, his back straightened as he rose.
Magnus made to speak but Alec had turned sharply on his heel, long strides taking him out of the loft, the door closing behind him with a resounding bang.
Magnus sank back into the chair, unaware that he’d even stood up in the first place. How had a breakfast to help mend the tension that had seeped into their everyday life, turned into such a mess? How had his peaceful morning turned into a nightmare?
He felt the wards around the loft pulse, and then they gave. Seconds later, the fire message landed on the coffee table.
Still up for lunch? I finish my shift in ten.
His breath hissed out in a sigh, relief washing over him. He reached for his jacket, and almost grabbed the stuffed toy he and Alec had gotten on their trip to Kuala Lumpur. Seeing the stuffed ferret made him smile, his mind drifting to Alec’s delighted face when he’d spotted it, his determination to pay, and the subsequent promise to hand it over to Madzie when next they met.
The promise drew him short, and he returned the toy back in the bag and then the drawer he’d taken it out of.
Alexander was a man of his word.
He stepped out through the portal, smiling at the sight of Catarina waiting for him on the rooftop of The Towers, a picnic spread out before her. Knowing her, she’d probably put up a privacy ward all around the rooftop.
He clucked as he took his seat, accepting the martini with a nod of thanks. “Really Catarina? You couldn’t get us a seat at the restaurant downstairs?”
Cat rolled her eyes. “Not all of us used to be former high warlocks, Magnus.” She cringed immediately the words flew out, eyes softening apologetically. “Sorry.”
Magnus waved it away. “I’m… It’s getting… easier.”
She gave him a pitying look, but changed the topic when he shook his head, silently asking her to stop.
“What’s wrong?”
Magnus smiled. “Why would you think anything is wrong?”
Cat shrugged. “Because I know you.” She tilted her head and studied him. “And the lunch invite was to you and Alec.” Her voice gentled. “What happened Magnus?”
Where did he start? “He asked to move in.”
It was always best to start at the beginning.
“Oh, Magnus,” Cat sighed, fingers snapping as she refilled his glass.
He hadn’t even noticed that he’d finished it. He drained the glass in a gulp, nodded in thanks as Cat refilled it yet again.
“He’s not Etta you know.”
He paused, glass half raised to his lips as he glared at Cat. “Don’t.”
But Cat was Cat, and she pushed on. “He is not Etta. He is not going to leave you.”
“He is not going to choose to have a family separate from you.”
“The boy loves you Magnus.” A wave of her hand and their picnic disappeared. Not like he minded. He hadn’t been hungry in the first place. But he did hiss when his glass also disappeared. He glared at her, only easing up slightly when she enveloped her hands in his, her magic, grounding them both. “You have nothing to fear.”
Magnus shook his head. He had everything to fear, and everything to lose. Immortality spent alone, the memories of past lovers who refused to even consider immortality with him. Lovers he had to watch age and die. Lovers who had forgotten him.
“You have nothing to fear,” Cat repeated, causing his eyes to narrow. Did she know something he didn’t? She laughed. “No, I haven’t spoken with your Shadowhunter. That conversation is yours to have. But I do know that you shouldn’t pre-empt his words, or his decision.”
Magnus scoffed. “Like a Shadowhunter would ever agree to be immortal. You know as well as I do that immortality comes with downworlder blood. They aren’t pureblood angels who can live forever. No Shadowhunter will agree to that.”
“He just might surprise you.” He must have looked as disbelieving as he felt because she chuckled. “He just might. After all, before he did it, no Shadowhunter had ever left his future bride at the altar to declare his interest in a warlock, and the High Warlock of Brooklyn at that.”
She had a point.
Cat continued. “Whatever the case, let him be the one to make that decision.” He tried speaking but she held up a finger. “And yes, things might be moving fast, but it is his first relationship.” She smirked at him. “Don’t think centuries have done anything to make me forget your first love.”
They looked at each other for a long beat, and then burst out laughing, their chuckles echoing on the rooftop. “Don’t remind me,” Magnus gasped.
“You were ready to marry him. Nineteen year old Argo, with his dark hair, and that mischievous smile.”
Magnus chuckled. “Lilith’s teat, I was so gone.” He smiled, eyes staring into the distance as he remembered his teenage self. “I  worshiped the very ground he walked on.”
Cat nodded. “But then, he broke your heart.” There was no sting in the words, just a matter-of-fact pointing out of what happened.
“Yes he did.”
“Be kinder to him Magnus,” she said softly. “We have all been there. Spinning headlong into a love that took our breath away and was a surfeit to our senses.” She smiled, hand reaching out to run her fingers through his hair. “And we both know, you can be very enthralling. It’s not his fault you are the center of his world, or that he has fast become the center of yours.”
It’s not his fault you are the center of his world, or that has he has become the center of yours.
The words rang in his head as he portalled into the loft, sinking into him with tiny claws, digging in and stripping him of every pretense he’d put up.
He looked up, drawing to a stop at the sight of Alec, standing in the middle of his living room, arms crossed behind his back, feet planted wide.
Magnus cautiously approached, mind working fast, searching for something, anything to break the silence, the best possibly way he could apologize.
“I’m sorry.”
The words stopped him in his tracks.
Alec turned to look at him, his hands drawn to his side as he looked down, seemingly avoiding staring Magnus in the face. “I’m not… I shouldn’t have… You were right. We were moving too fast, and I let my insecurity get to me, and there is nothing wrong with waiting till we are both ready. And I’m…” He released a slight huff and finally glanced up to meet Magnus’ eyes.
The pain still flickered through. But it was the shame in them that had Magnus reaching to cup Alec’s face, giving a relieved sigh when Alec automatically leaned into his hands. “I’m sorry Alexander. I was…” He trailed off, searching for the right words, how best to explain his thoughts when the entire conversation had happened. “Being centuries old doesn’t necessarily mean I handle everything with tact, as Catarina has rightfully pointed out to me.” He stroked slowly stroked Alec’s cheek, grounding them both as the words came to him. “I had a new client that morning. She wanted a potion she could give to an ex-lover so he could forget about her, and rightfully concentrate on what mattered to him. And that meeting brought back, old memories. Of George, and our parting because…” he shrugged. “I am immortal, and he chose to be mortal and we decided it was best we live separate lives. He was…” He gave a sad smile, mind caught in the memory of so many past lovers. “Yet another, in a string of lovers I had to let go.” His eyes met Alec, the tension unknotting when he saw understanding in those hazel eyes. “And then you were talking about moving in, and it just… it got too much. I felt fear, Alexander. Fear that I haven’t felt in over a century. I am sorry I took it out on you.”
The silence hung over them for a long while, with him staring at Alec, and Alec staring right back at him, except the glazed look in his eyes, showed that he was lost in thought.
But then Alec’s eyes met his and he stepped forward as he cupped Magnus’ cheek in turn and whispered against his lips. “I hear you Magnus.” He pressed his lips to Magnus, their tongues gliding together in a lazy exploration, like they had all the time to spare, and he had no intention of hurrying things along. They broke apart, and Alec whispered. “But I am not going anywhere.”
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kingloptr · 7 years
I thought i’d like to do a bit of fic self promo--
even tho i’m not exactly saying it’s the best writing and this is all old stuff for the most part and i like to think im a bit better now...? but whatevs 
Horde: There's so many children now. Thor doesn't mind more. Loki can't bring himself to complain. 
Enchantment: Thor wants babies. Loki's not so sure, but Thor is pretty convincing. 
Hold: Thor holds his child for the first time, and reviews why Loki is so overprotective. 
For You: Loki has created a magic gift that he needs Thor to keep a hold of. 
One Who Wants For Nothing: Loki is pregnant and happy, and really that's all Thor ever needs.
Gift: Loki asks Thor if Midgardian Christmas means that any type of presents are allowed. Thor says yes, and Loki knows what he wants. 
Truth of Indifference and Lies: Thor is courting Loki. Actively. Loki hesitates to respond but eventually he can't help giving in. Thor's thunder draws him outside and he falls to his most basic desires. 
Beyond Death: It is said in the lore that Thor, after battling Jormungandr, will take nine steps and fall dead. Loki will kill, and be killed by, Heimdall. Thor takes those final steps toward his ex-brother/unstable lover so they may have their last moments together. 
Give and Take: Loki makes his choice and gives equally, always equally, eternally equally, for want of this. 
Solace: Sometimes he can find Loki hiding in some obscure room in the tower, calmly writing down spells in one of the large dusty journals he brought from ‘home’. Tony always walks in quietly—Loki doesn’t like to be startled or disturbed when reviewing his magic. But he can’t help bringing Loki things he loves, like sweets, or more books, or the occasional obnoxious distraction in the form of relentless flirting (or more obvious affections). 
Of Gods and Avidity: 
a·vid·i·ty. noun.
1. Ardent desire or craving; eagerness.
"Worship me, Anthony."
Hux discovers something unusual about Kylo, and his curiosity gets the best of him.
Hux is totally Kylo Ren's body pillow and there's very little Hux can do about it.
Perchance to Dream
A Prompt fill for Kyluxsoftkinks:
"Hux really loves to cuddle but he is ashamed to admit that to Kylo so he usually waits until Kylo falls asleep to snuggle into him. One night Kylo is still awake when Hux clings onto him. Hux is mortified, but to Hux's relief, Kylo just kisses Hux goodnight and wraps his arms around him tightly as if it was not a big deal."
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ironqueendom-blog · 7 years
"My Goddess"
Requested by @wwespongebobfan - Bray Wyatt smut: which I don't write often, so maybe don't set your expectations too high - including some light bondage, (brief) choking, body worship, and other adult things!
(Also, it's a little long. Sorry not sorry.)
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You wondered into the darkened room - and rolled your eyes. You had been dragged into this feud between Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton, and quite frankly you were sick of it. You weren't a toy: weren't either man's possession (not that anyone would know it from how they'd been talking in their promos) and, quite frankly, neither man was of any real interest of you. Orton was known by all the women in the back as a nasty piece of work, and Wyatt was...well, nobody seemed to know anything for certain about Wyatt, but the rumours weren't pleasant, and as far as you were concerned that was reason enough to avoid him as much as you avoided Orton.
But, even with that in mind, you were stuck in this pitch black shipping container, with the sound of a rocking chair slowly rocking back and forth, wanting to  strangle someone.
  "You know, I do have better things to do with my time than be stuck in the middle of you and Psycho-Snake." you declared into the shadows, knowing full well you weren't alone...and soon hearing the low, amused chuckle that confirmed your thoughts.
And, if nothing else, Bray Wyatt wasn't one to pass up an opportunity to talk: "My dear, it's as if you think the only reason I brought you here was to further my game with Randy."
"Well, that's because I do think the only reason you brought me here was to further your game with Orton." you rolled your eyes, just feeling incredibly done with this whole situation: "And quite frankly, I think you're out of order for doing this: both of you. I'm not some kind of doll for you two to fight over, and the pair of you acting like you own me is getting old. Fast. So, if you think you can manage it, I'd like it if you just left me the hell alone. For good."
"I know you're not happy with me." Wyatt responded, sounding almost...self-conscious, worried even: "Which is why I...I asked you to come here. I wanted to apologise. And make things up to you."
You were, of course, instantly suspicious: "Oh really?"
      There was the sound of wood creaking, the rocking stopping as Wyatt moved towards you...you presumed. For a man of his size, he was surprisingly silent. And it was creepy as fuck.
Despite that, you stood your ground. You didn't want to show Bray Wyatt of all people that you were scared: especially scared of him. If that happened, he would never leave you alone, and neither would Orton. You couldn't afford that, and so you had to stand here and just wait. Wait to see what in God's name Wyatt was planning on doing. And hoping that you weren't going to regret listening to Eric Rowan when he said Wyatt wanted to talk to you.
...You probably were, though.
   "Do you want me, to make it up to you?" Wyatt asked, his tone quiet and breathy just underneath your ear. You could feel the heat radiating off of his body, was aware of his hands holding his weight away from you: even though he was being very careful not to touch you.
But, still, you weren't giving in: "How stupid do you think I am? I'm not agreeing to any vague promise to 'make things up' to me - I'm not agreeing to anything without knowing exactly what it is."
Again, there was another chuckle: "So smart, darling."
"Oh, I know." you smirked: "So...what do you think you can do to make things up to me?"
One finger reached out to trail lightly down the middle of your chest: moving down, down until his hand was resting on the buckle of your belt: "How many times would you say that I, personally and alone, had wronged you, my dear?"
"Four." I responded, after a thinking back over the last month...all while trying to keep your breathing steady, your blood starting to heat up at the feeling of Bray's hand resting just above your crotch: "Four times."
"Then I will bring you to your pleasure five times, once for each time I have wronged you, and then again as an apology for allowing you to be caught up in my little game with Randy." lips brushed against the skin under your ear, making you tilt your head to the size: giving Bray better access: "Is that acceptable to you, my dear?"
You smirked: "You know what? Yeah. It is."
  In seconds, you found yourself stripped down to your underwear, pressed as tightly between a shirtless Bray and the wall of the shipping container: gasping as your back hit the cold metal, before the sound was swallowed by Bray: both of your lips clashing against each other’s in a brutal kiss.
Bray closed his teeth around his lower lip, tugged, and then used his tongue to soothe the sting: making you groan low in your throat: your hands clenching in his hair. Your reaction made Bray smirk against your mouth, before leaning down and kissing down your neck - nipping and sucking and tasting your skin as he moved down: between your breasts, over the curve of your belly, and finally until had one leg slung over his shoulder, his breath hot against the material of your underwear.
  "You're so pretty, darling Y/N. So very, very pretty for me." Bray murmured, pressing a kiss against your inner thigh: "So beautiful when you're soaked through your panties: all flushed and hot and trembling, all. For. Me."
  You moaned when Bray teasingly pulled your panties down, his tongue sliding up through your heat, and making you gasp, and the man between your legs chuckle, before wrapping his lips around your clit. Your back arched against the cold metal behind you, your hands tangling in Bray's hair and urging him closer. It didn't take long for you come apart under his tongue and teeth, and when your orgasm hits you: you cum chanting his name.
Even as you were riding out your first orgasm: Bray thrust two fingers into you, making you scream in shocked pleasure, Bray barely having to work to get you off for a second time.
You slid down the wall, Bray’s arms bring you to straddle his lap as he trailed a line of kisses up from your neck to just below you ear, letting you feel the smug smile he was wearing against your skin. His thumb rubbed loose circles over your clit, even as Bray teasingly rocked his hips up against your centre: making you moan and squirm.
  “I do so adore the sounds you make,” Bray murmured: “Adore the way you respond as a goddess should when she is worshiped by her faithful.”
“Wyatt…” you bit out when the teasing continued: “Your ‘goddess’ is getting frustrated.”
“And we can’t have that…”
  All of a sudden, Bray lifted you and settled you in his rocking chair. You could hear the sound of him shedding the rest of his clothes: before once again his head was between your legs. You felt him trace the letter ‘W’ over your clit, while he slowly slid just one calloused finger inside you. You were still aching from your last orgasm, almost over-sensitive, and Bray being careful with you felt so good: like you were important. Like you were indeed being worshiped.
His finger crooked inside you, blunt nail scrapping across sensitive nerve endings, making you shake and whine. Almost tenderly, Bray slide a second finger in with the first: scissoring them and stretching you open as you were pushed over the edge again, shouting Bray’s name as you came.
You slumped back against the rocking chair, panting as Bray knelt between your legs: hands resting on your feet and thumbs rubbing soothingly over your ankle bones. You were touched by the gentleness Bray was showing, alongside the occasional chaste kiss against the inside of your knee: waiting for you to come down slightly before trying anything else. It was as if he really cared about your comfort…which, you grudgingly admitted, he might. This might be more than just ‘making things up to you’. Not that you were assuming anything yet.
A few moments later, you were being lifted again: being laid carefully on the floor, and Bray leaning over you. You could feel him, hot and hard, against your inner thigh when he leaned down to kiss you: the gesture soft and sweet.
Slowly, as if waiting for you to tell him to stop, Bray carefully thrust inside you: every inch making you feel more and more full, until he was fully inside you. Bray groaned deep in his chest, forehead buried against your collar bone, and his muscles tense. You ran a hand down and up his back, cupping the back of his neck and pulling him up for another kiss before he slowly started to rock his hips against you.
  “Oh, darling. You’re so perfect: so perfect for me,” Bray babbled, the words fading in and out of coherency as both of you tightened around him: nails of your free hand digging into his back, begging Bray to speed up – which he refused: “Oh no, Y/N; I’m not done with you yet…”
  Keeping up the steady pace of his hips, Bray pushed you closer and closer to the edge: until you couldn’t take it anymore, and reached down to touch yourself - only to have your hand caught.
Bray tutted playfully, before catching your other hand and lifting them above your head and pinning them there. Both of you froze when you felt the leather of his belt under your wrists…Bray tense, while you were just filled with anticipation: something that Bray seemed to catch on, when he carefully wrapped the leather around your wrists, securing them together. He stilled seemed nervous when he started moving again: slower than before, one of his arms moving to your lower back to support your weight: lifting you up, and changing the angle of your hips so that he hit just the right spot inside you and finally - finally - pushed you over the edge, making you cum for the fourth time.
Not stopping, not even hesitating, Bray flipped you over: bringing you up onto your knees and elbows, and speeding up his thrusts until neither of you could maintain a rhythm, just trying desperately get off. Your stomach tightened, and you moaned: begging Bray to let you cum again, unable to touch yourself to get off
  One hand reached up and wrapped around your throat, Bray leaning down to whisper: “Goddesses don’t beg.”
  Your body tightened, and you threw your head back against Bray’s shoulder as you came again, stars exploding behind your eyes: and this time forcing Bray over the edge with you. Both of you slumped against the floor, Bray carefully turning you so that he was spooning you on your sides: sated and purring in contentment as he untied your wrists.
  "Thank you for forgiving me, my darling." Bray whispered in the dark, his tone...soft: "I do not deserve your benediction…but I appreciate it all the same."
I smiled, pressing closer to Bray and smiling when he inhaled sharply in shock: “I think you more than deserve it, Bray.”
“I resent being treated like a toy. But I don’t dislike you – never had, and it’s unlikely I ever will. Especially if, you know…we could maybe do this again some time.”
I could hear the joy in Bray’s voice when he replied, arms tightening around me and nuzzling his face against my hair: “Whenever you want, darling. Whenever you want.”
 I know it's not the best ending, but it was getting close to 2000 words, and I wanted to bring it to a close. I hope people enjoyed it anyway, and please please leave comments and likes and everything because I crave attention! Thank you all for reading, and goodnight!
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greyliliy · 8 years
Well, I’ve come back from the new Beauty and the Beast and I am a solid...neutral. There was a lot of stuff I liked, and a lot I didn’t, so it all evened out into a “I liked it well enough & glad I saw it, but I’m just going to put in the DVD of the animated version now.”
If you’re curious, I’ve got stuff I did and didn’t like under the cut, so have at it! (And I guess spoilers? I mean, they didn’t change *that* much. Heh.)
I’m going to go back and forth between things I did like and didn’t like, just so it doesn’t feel like I’m ranting about the movie too much. XD
The Beast - Loved him. I really loved his “I’m gorgeous” shiny make up and big parties at the beginning of the film, and I liked how he was played after he became a beast. Very charming in his own way, even if they downplayed his temper a bit (he seemed scarier at times in the Animated feature). And I really liked how Belle got the library in this version -- the Beast going “Yes! There is plenty of other things to read, here ya’ go!” was a lot better than “Oh? You like books. I can give you books” though they’re both charming in their own way.
Belle - I did not hate Emma Watson’s performance. She wasn’t bad. But I also think she probably wasn’t the best choice for this role. She had this air of self-confidence that made her seem “I’m better than everyone here” that I think conflicts a little bit with Belle’s total-kindness thing. She had a lovely singing voice though.
The Enchanted Castle & Servants - Loved all of them. I was scared of Uncanny Valley, but it ended up looking much better than I originally thought it would. So, good job. The casting of everyone was also wonderful, and I’m upset I didn’t notice Lumiere was Ewan McGregor. I’ve been waiting forever for him to sing since Moulin Rouge and I DIDN’T NOTICE IT WAS HIM. *cries* But no, they were all great.
Gaston & LeFou - I don’t even know where to start with these two. The fact LeFou had to pay everyone in the Pub to cheer up Gaston was the big “I hate this” that tipped me over the edge. One of the things that was always great about Gaston, was that he was genuinely loved by the town. He was actually that skilled and that good at everything. There was a reason he had an inflated ego - he could back it up. The part of Gaston that was a monster, is that he couldn’t take “No” for an answer, and his obsession with Belle grew and grew until he went from “Stuck up town favorite” to “Obsessed monster willing to murder.”  And LeFou being a “good guy.” I don’t know. I don’t mind that they made him less of a straight up slapstick punching bag, but part of his charm in the original was the zealous hero-worship that represented the rest of the town. Well, that and I’m always upset when Villains get...written out of being Villains. Which is what happened here. Anyway, I had feelings about this part because Gaston is one of my favorite movie villains ever and this just did not deliver.
(Also: Why the heck was it LeFou who caught Mrs. Potts in the final battle!? There was a huge missed moment there when her HUSBAND WHO SHE RECOGNIZED could have caught her.)
The Music - Loved all the added songs & Everyone had a wonderful singing voice (even Emma - my iffyness with her casting aside, she had a wonderful voice). I especially loved the Beast’s solo there near the end. Good stuff.
The Dress - Yeah, I didn’t like that Gold Dress in the ballroom scene. It...next to all of the wonderful period costumes it looked even worse than when I just saw flat promo photos. It was so flat and well, boring? The dresses in the opening sequence with the Prince’s ball were all so much better and I just. *sigh* It could have been better. If you’re not going to recreate the dress from the Animated Feature, it could have at least matched the costumes in the rest of the film.
The Costumes - I loved everyone else’s costumes. They all looked fantastic. (And I need a million fanart of the Prince from his scene in the opening with the make up and the coat and the outfit and just man was he pretty.)
The End Fight - I have mixed feelings. Most of it was great, on the enchanted objects end. However, Gaston was...lacking. His Villainous breakdown in the original was almost perfect. And it just wasn’t there in this one. He didn’t sneak off without anyone noticing. He wasn’t full of passion and jealous anger. He just...shot the beast a few times and had a scuffle. It could have been better. Also, “I am not a beast” felt unneeded. The simple “Get out” he uttered before was better. But yeah.
The Enchantress - Breaking the pattern. This is another thing I didn’t quite like. I mean. I did and I didn’t. I like that they got around the “Wasn’t the prince like 12 when she enchanted him?” thing by making him an adult, but on the other hand, her upping the curse to “Hey, if you don’t get the girl by this point everyone in your castle dies” is a lot more harsh than “You just stay enchanted.” That and to make her more important to the plot, Belle’s “I love you” came after the last petal fell which made me want to throw something. She beat the petal. That was important. *SIGH*
Maurice - I really liked Belle’s dad in this movie. He just...really worked. Good stuff.
Overall - I think the movie looked amazing & I really liked the cast (mostly) and the music. But some of the changes they made are why the original Animated Feature is always going to be my favorite big-changes-from-the-original-story Adaptation.
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