sparingiscaring · 2 years
Girl (Gender Neutral) Help I gave my throwaway Seeker OC a Tragic Backstory and now I'm attached
#WHISM HOW COULD YOU#I MADE YOU TO EAT WEIRD STUFF AND HAVE BILLY LENZ-STYLE LAUGHING BREAKDOWNS EVERY DAY#WHY ARE YOU. BACKSTORIED NOW#WADIYA DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING BACKSTORY BEYOND ~~VIBES~~ AND YET-#new theory- whism stole wadiya's backstory#anyways I don't like smen so it's okay i'm attached <3#I can make them bail at whatever point kills me the most and then we can set them up with a nice little redemption arc#not quite redemption?#bettering themself#just. having a better time. yeah. enjoying life and the like#anyways lol i swore i wouldn't give anyone a tragic childhood backstory but dammit#anyways kids if the voices in the mirrors start telling you to steal dad's Special Honey from the cabinet and lick it and come play with em#it's a Bad Thing To Do#and then whism woke up 19 years later in an alley with basically no memories beyond Babyhood#and. AND#literally unable to recognize themself anymore because. 5~ year old to Adult especially when hair style completely different and also#Vitiligo Moved A Lot#and i just keep thinking of a tragic moment of them seeing a photo of themselves with their parents and just. not even recognizing it#not even realizing that's them#that they're the cute little kid in braids#or that the name on the back is theirs#or that this home was once theirs too#or why seeing that dusty mirror makes them feel so... wrong...#whism come on what THE FUCK-#fl#my ocs#oc: whism#i am. SORRY for the long tags#something something forbidden food snake and Consequences idk i got kicked out of catholic school for queer-
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Imma be honest part 2........Most Alphas would be horrible people
Like listen:
You ever been bullied? You ever knew someone who was? What did every bully have in common?
Were they Stronger? Bigger? Taller? All of the above? Well. Now imagine if that kid sometimes had the ability to make others follow his command at a whism?
Ok now imagine everyone inculding around you, being like "Oh that kid is the coolest" and "He's gonna be super strong!"
Even if they dont say it outloud? Everyone knows this is generally true. Theyre not only the "Best" class you could get. They're highly respected or feared.
As children knowing that their literally the coolest thing to be. Thats like spawning in rich.
You're IT. AND you know it. Telling a kid that would be a nightmare. But you dont even need to tell them, being treated differently ALONE would be enough. Most parents probably want one as who wouldnt want their kids to be THAT special???
Imagine being the neighbor's kid, youre a Ω or a β doesnt matter, and quickly your life os overshadowed as your new neighbor is an alpha.
Adults wanting you to befriend them if youre a β and if youre an Ω youre being either warned or encouraged to date them.
And the kid? Would be EATTING this up, who wouldnt? If youre the only alpha in miles EVERYONE wants you and EVERYONE wants to be you.
Alphas would be DEMON SPAWN. It doesnt matter how "Protective" their insticts are. Inflating someones ego that big (more so as children) is gonna do some damage. Maybe a few would grow out of it but most??? are gonna raise hell.
And whose gonna stop them? Teachers? Not if their a β or Ω which most are. Parents? Why would they? Their kids special, wouldnt they push for them to be treated as such?
Other then other alphas, (which most of the time their childhoods played out like that.)
So realitically most would be nightmares.
(I'm not even gonna add in how ruts and heats would upgrade these nightmares)
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snowiii95 · 4 years
Heya! Absolutely love your traits and how inclusive they are. Im incredibly happy with the blind trait especially, and was wondering if you could maybe do mute/deaf traits as well? I dont really know how they could affect the gameplay, so if you dont feel like making them I completely understand. Regardless, keep up the fantastic work!
I can’t actually script the game so sims are actually mute/deaf, but I can limit their whisms and autonomy (do things that only mute/deaf people would do).
I do want in the future to actually work on a collab mod for disabilities though!
Meanwhile I’ll do the trait ^^
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sparingiscaring · 2 years
🎂and ☀️ for your OCs :)
🎂: when is their birthday?
☀️: what do they miss most about the surface?
🎂 Wadiya's birthday is April 23rd! Original W. and New Wadiya are. Entirely separate characters and I refuse to force Wadiya into sharing that day with em, so they get the Date Of Name Change as birthday!
☀️Wadiya misses a lot about the surface, but really, it's the light. No matter how much deep-lore they learn about the nature of sunlight, it's something they deeply miss. Just to go above, and enjoy the sunrise one more time.
🎂 Leigh's birthday is July 19th!
☀️ Leigh misses the food, most of all. So many more options, when you can rely on there being a greater variety of crops, and of course, none of his familiar foods survived the culinary shift. Mushrooms are an ick to him, and for that to be a new stable food source? He's paying so much for Normal Foods. Please help.
🎂 Emery counts his birthday as January 11th, though his creation was a few weeks prior. It's the same day he changed his surname, too!
☀️ Emery has memories of the surface, but has never physically been, (and never will, as he is an affront to nature!) but he does wonder how the sunlight would feel. It's an "if I'm dying anyways" type dream, to him.
🎂 Eliza's birthday is November 30th!
☀️ Eliza misses... I honestly can't say. It doesn't care about it's family, culture, it's moved beyond it's old place in society... It misses something small, innocuous. The wind. The feeling of just getting to enjoy a nice, breezy day, without having to duck and cover to make sure no wax globs get stuck in its hair.
🎂 Whism's birthday is January 26th!
☀️ Whism was actually born in the Neath, but if they could experience the surface, they would want to see all the different plant. What needs sunlight to grow, and how does it differ from the Neath? How is life different? Can They Eat The Plant?
🎂 Damodar's birthday is January 18th!
☀️ Honestly, Damodar misses her old home. It's less the building, and more the feeling- living in the quarters above the law practice, only a door away from her brother, if she ever needed him. She was taken from the house directly down to New Newgate, after his murder, but a part of her wonders, if she could have stomached to spend a night there without him.
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sparingiscaring · 2 years
21 or 23 for your blorbos of choice?
Decided to split my guys up between the questions!
21: their favorite place to be?
Leigh - The Suite of his lodgings at the Royal Beth, honestly. He loves going all the way up, and using the telescope to seek out a particular False-Star. It's something that never fails to make him happy.
Wadiya - The Flit, in the Urchin Rookeries. Crowded around by kids, being pestered into telling hunting stories, as they roast her latest kill over a fire. It's one part practical, and ten parts emotional and safe. It's a break, and light, and the comfort of not having to have a guard up, thanks to the circling shadow of a "guard dog" above.
23: how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
Damodar - Her voice was decided for me long ago!
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Genuinely, her voice is just a few variations off of TMA Jon Sims in my head, spoken softer and with a slight stutter. She doesn't sing often, and knows only a few basic tunes, but it's still a pleasant sound.
Whism - Oh look, the other one with a voice claim! 1974's Black Christmas's main antagonist, Billy, has always been my Whism, especially his giggly laugh. "Oh please stop me, oh God please help me" also in particular is something that. Yeah that's Them. Also, coincidentally, proof Whism can sing! Is it good? No. But that won't stop em.
(Take care looking this guy's voice up- there's a reason the second video result uses the world obscene in the title)
Emery - This guy just has my voice, so one that is regularly mistaken for a pubescent boy. I affectionally call him a Little Squeaker, and he hates it. He could sing quite well if he wanted to, but his attempts taking everything down 4 octaves are... laughable. He can get on testosterone when I get on testosterone.
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