soulcluster-moved · 3 years
@linchxpin​  Caregiver for Adam, Inventor for Gamora, Teacher for Baron, and. uhh. Witness for Drax? jfiea that ended up being a lot of marvel sorry wheezes
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C - Caregiver - How do they give/receive care best? Do they care for everyone or just a small number of people? How do they react to someone in need?
Adam is definitely more a giver in regards to care. If he sees someone in need, he will jump in and help without much regard (I was just reading some pages where the narrative makes fun of him for it too lol) and most often his help comes in the physical variety. Taking care of a problem through his strength or powers. It takes him a long time to understand more emotional needs and it’s not until....like waaaay later in the comics that he actually displays more emotional intelligence. 
He’ll also care for any number of people. There’s a neat, small run where he comes across some people on a planet being manipulated by a ‘god’ and he basically ousts this figure and frees the people. He has a very debilitating need for responsibility that he takes onto himself, and that has interfered with his personal relationships.
I - Inventor - How creative is their thinking? Do they seek out the opinions of others or rely on their own ideas? What’s their problem solving approach?
On the battlefield, Gamora is certainly creative. With that she has no issue. Her problem solving approach is, more often than not, violent. Even outside of battle. When it comes to non-battle problems, she still ends up...blunt with her method? It depends on how emotional the topic can make her. The more emotional she is, the more her argument is likely to fall apart. Her solution to learn info from Quill was to tie him up in a chair and force it out of him, and that was about Thanos. 
Other than that, she does learn over time to rely on the other Guardians for planning and likes working with them. There was one notable moment where she used her regen effect to do something to save the team, and that hurt her badly but she was counting on her ability to bounce back. She’s not afraid to sacrifice for the team but she’s also used to suffering so I feel that definitely relates to how she chooses her problem solving methods.
T - Teacher - How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice?
I would say he doesn’t have the opportunity to teach often. Muta and Toto have minds of their own and often just do what they want, when they’re not bickering anyway. If he did though, he’d be a very patient teacher and probably rely more on showing vs telling, or even guiding just enough that they can put the pieces together themselves (I feel like he does this a bit with Haru?) 
Baron himself is adaptable with learning, but I think his preferred method is to study first and then put into practice. He’s not afraid to dive in headfirst if he needs to, and it tends to work out as he’s good at thinking on his feet, but he enjoys being able to learn and study at his own pace. Life just has a lot to offer and there’s so much for him to experience. 
W - Witness - What do they consider the best thing they have ever seen? What would they most like to see in their life?
The best thing is either...Yvette on their wedding day, or the day Heather was born, it’s hard for him to pick. He has so few memories of his human life and he tries to hold onto these moments. 
And he’d most like to see...Heather lol He just wants to see her happy. He’s seen all sorts of views in the universe, different planes of existence, aspects of the universe taking shape in Eternity, Infinity, and others, so many different planets, but nothing is going to beat his family. 
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