rossalotus · 1 year
Wallaby Love Stories - Chapter 2 - Draught
So dating apps are harder than I expected. I mean, I knew it wouldn’t be easy but god I didn’t think it’d be this hard. As of this week there were a total of ZERO dates but I do have some updates on learnings and potential dates in the horizon.
Number one, did you know, dear reader, that Australians who play football (soccer) or like it a lot call themselves footy? Well, I did not and let me tell you how impressed I was by the amount of people with a foot kink in the dating app - not that I have anything against it, I just found it curious since I had never seen it in any other country I had lived in - and I commented my surprise with a gay friend who just so happens to be my neighbor. He told me footy meant a person who plays football and not someone with a foot kink and the gossip I wanted to tell my friends in Brazil vanished with his words. What a loss.
Another thing I had never seen before is a huge amount of people requesting a video call before meeting in person and honestly? I get it. I mean, no one likes being catfished and “wasting” their time but bro this is a dating app not an interview and we can meet in person and decide we don’t click over a drink, which is way less traumatic and more interesting than doing it via video call.
I have tried to keep conversations with all my matches but it proved to be harder than expected. Maybe it’s that I’m not used to even talking to more than one friend at a time or maybe it’s because I’m not made to be a girl with many dates at the same point in time but I just couldn’t make the conversation flow.
Then, yesterday, during my swiping time I came across a profile of a man who’s not really my time but wrote in his bio “Love me, feed me, never leave me” and me being the biggest Garfield fan, swiped right and asked if that was a Garfield reference which he replied it was but he had never had anyone mentioning it before. I replied that I had never seen a person mentioning Garfield on their dating profile but I liked it.
From then to now, I learned he’s also a Lord of the Rings fan and very funny. He asked me what I was looking for in the app and I said I didn’t know (again, didn’t think it was the moment to say I’m looking for a companion to conquer the universe together) and he said he wanted to take me on a picnic date to see if we clicked. And then he added (please buckle your seatbelts you’re not gonna believe this): “You sound like a nice person to have around, even if we don’t click romantically I think we could be friends.”
So yeah, I’m not sure where this will take me but in the worst case scenario I’ll make a new friend which isn’t bad at all considering I created a Bumble BFF profile and had a total of ZERO matches. Yes, the draught extended to the friendship realm as well though hopefully next week I’ll bring nicer news hehehe
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