#WOW weebo is so big now
sparda3g · 6 years
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma Chapter 267 Review
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The great mystery has been solved, but the case is still open. No need to call the gang; leave it to the chefs to handle the dirty work. It’s only fitting since we are dealing with the most heinous crime: illegal Shokugeki. How awful. The culprit shall be sentenced to death. Okay, too extreme, but nevertheless, the chapter unraveled the mystery and dropped an idea for this series’ next big focus.
For fans who wanted to see the beloved Erina, even though she hasn’t disappeared for long, she appears in the beginning to satisfy. Joking aside, she is set up to introduce the next potential threat. Hisako asks a sane question on why she sent Elite 10 members, let alone chefs, to solve the crime. You’d think calling a police or detective would be wise choice. Luckily, it doesn’t involve with murder. Erina seems certain that it does involve with cooking, so it’s funny yet good move of her.
Thankfully, Tsukuda didn’t pull a fast one and have Soma and Megumi to confront the criminal early in the chapter. They find the landlady on the ground, assuming she was killed in battle. It turns out she’s still alive. I’m just basing off of Soma’s reaction. The chief looks injured, possibly need a medical treatment to check his arm. Was he shot? No, it’s worst. He was challenged to Shokugeki! The culprit is the backpacker or foreign otaku guy! What a twist!
Seriously, the vibe is rather amusing with the obvious take on a mystery series with harmed innocents and a shock value. I like how it purposely makes Shokugeki as a crime. It was fun while lasted. So as expected, the foreign guy is the culprit; putting oversea otaku or weebo a bad name. Don’t think rudely...
His intention is comical because it’s clear that he watched too many anime to be this over-the-top. Even after he’s revealed as a villain, his personality is largely the same with his remixed sentences with some inserted Japanese words. It’s cringing but that’s point of it. That said he does make feel embarrassed as an anime watcher. Not that I’m like this with all due respect, but he sure put the stereotype of an otaku or weebo to the extreme.
Back to his intention, he meant what he said about the luxury and lovely atmosphere; however, when it comes to food, he is vile and can’t stand the mismatched quality with the rest. That’s like me saying, “I don’t want to work in that office because the coffee maker only makes decent quality.” He’s extremely picky; that’s a recipe for evil (no offense). In order to feel like King-sama, he uses the ultimate weapon: Shokugeki, The Very Good Super II System. I laughed at the name.
There is a clarification that Shokugeki is meant to be only for Tootsuki Academy; no one outside should know about it with the exception of alumni. This would only mean that guy is using Shokugeki dirty; creating a bad image. It’s like abusing the flawed system. The Hot Spring Town knows because it’s associated with Tootsuki, so it’s fine. It makes sense on why the town not only knows but intrigued enough to want to try one. The guy used the upmost advantage of their interest. Clever. It begs the question, where did he learn about the system?
I find it funny how a delicious looking dish is on the table just glistening. Of course, this was cooked by that guy and wouldn’t you know it, it’s in top quality; just like what a King-sama would want. Not only his dish looks top notch, but he has an incredible skill. He spoons a batch of caviars, fling it upward to the air, and slashes every one of them with a knife without breaking his posture. It’s so anime that it’s funny. He is seriously a weebo to very core. But at last, it is officially a cooking manga.
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It’s not its genre without foodgasm. Soma and Megumi are stripped away by its rich quality. See what I did there? It is so good that Megumi is basked in kingly pleasure. I have heard that the spoilers show the page of Megumi with money and harem, and left fans worried that her character altered drastically. Well, it is foodgasm and one that is familiar with how Saeki uses Megumi’s foodgasm, portraying the opposite of her persona. Besides, it makes sense with the guy being way too greedy with the king status. I heard this is based off of a Japanese meme or real event. If the latter, wow. It’s definitely a cooking manga.
Erina potentially drops a bombshell that has a good chance to be the next major arc. What Soma and Megumi are dealing with are called Dark Chefs. Supposedly, they’re shady chefs that would break the code to gain the needs to create an even more delicious dish. They are like the underground group that work for their selfish desire; portrayed like Yakuza. Even the image describes the tone of how they operate. They’re known as the Dark Continents. Okay, not really. They are called Les Cuisiniers Noirs or in English, The Midnight Chefs. It’s Yakuza now!
I’m surprised that we may start another serious arc. On one hand, this will force Elite 10 and even Erina herself to get involved when things get out of hand. I don’t know how exactly like where will it take place at, but there’s a good chance to happen. On the other hand, I would have been fine with more solitude and amusing activities solely at the academy. The difference is the academy isn’t having a civil war, but a potential war against another.
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It’s early to call since we’re still with this situation with the over-the-top weebo (redundant?). It’s possible that they won’t come in group, but more like one-by-one basis. At least it’s confirmed that this arc is a mini-arc that will leave prints of future events, like Karaage War Arc. Maybe the future, it will become like Yu-Gi-Oh!, where the stakes are heavy like world ending over a card game. Just throw a punch. Maybe food is the key to save the world. Well, technically it already is, but…never mind. It doesn’t answer why that guy knows about Shokugeki though. I wonder if the Midnight Chefs are rejects from the academy. Hm…
The one thing that the guy brings up many times is the hospitality. He’s all about the absolute, no other exception. He almost close the chapter with the over-the-top “take over the world” vibe; even his expression is like an anime villain sinisterly smile. Megumi politely objects him, ruining the ending of evil. Good going. Seriously, it does appear that Megumi is going to be the one to take him on. That’s good; I don’t want fans to think she’s only there to provide pairing fan service. Besides, she needs a win after the last time. She will be the first to showcase a development after 4 months.
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Overall, it was an amusing chapter with an info that could lead to bigger focus. I enjoyed the obvious take on another genre remixed with Shokugeki. At least this arc isn’t planning to stretch out longer on the obviousness. While I can’t judge anything just yet since nothing is confirmed, it does have potential to be fun, so long it remains true to its nature. The next chapter should be good with Megumi highly likely to step in. It’s time for the 10th member to show how King-sama looks like.
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jeckleanddean · 7 years
‘The British Invasion’
Wow this episode moved at breakneck speed and I’d like to thank Bucklemming for giving me so much story and so much to talk about. I think they really nailed the pacing and just when I thought it was over there was another 10 minutes and I was so excited because I was like ‘10 more minutes of feeeeeels’. 
I’m going to break it down into characters because I feel like that’s gonna work best with the way this was written.
Dean: a simple story. Broing out with his new bro. And now his new bro is killed dead and he’s gonna be PISSED when he finds out. I’m interested to see how he handles this Nephilim storyline.
Sam: I’m gonna go nuts on Sam today because he had me almost in tears about 4 different times during this episode. His chemistry with Eileen was just wonderful and the way he interacts with her is so wonderful. I haven’t really seen Sam connect emotionally with someone like that since Amelia, and I’m so happy for him to find someone in the life who he cares about and is strong and beautiful (like him) but more on Eileen below. Sam deserves someone like Eileen in his life, I’m glad he has her as a friend (and maybe more ;) ). Moreso, he’s always the little brother and being with Eileen he takes on this role as a mentor and protector for Eileen. It’s a beautiful and complex relationships and I need more of it. NEED. Sam’s speech to Mick about doing the right thing by your own code also bordered on preachy BUT from the lips and with the sincerity of Jared Padalecki it was incredible and really moved me - and it clearly moved Mick. 
Eileen: Eileen Leahy is, no secret, one of my favourite characters in the history of supernatural and when I heard she was coming back I was so excited. She is breathtaking as a character. A strong, clever, skilled, beautiful woman who has really stepped into the role of hunter in her own right. I pretty sure I’ve talked about her disability before but to have a disabled, female, ethnic character who is played really organically is such a relief - and all she needs is more screen time. Now to Eileen’s big dilemma - accidental murder. Now, I was not fond of that blonde British weebo as a character, and Eileen was really shooting at Daegon and Daegon pulled a vanishing act on her (props to SFX btw, that scene was cool) so like morally I think the line is not crossed. However, the taking of another relatively innocent human life, and from the sound of it Eileen’s first one, has a huge impact on anyone. I’m glad she decided to go back to Ireand BUT I hope it doesn’t make her an easier target for the BMOL.
Mick: I was just starting to like the guy. Also, they ousted him in the most British way all cold and undramatic.
Mary: I like Mary’s ‘I don’t have to choose’ speech. Even translated out of Hunter context it’s an important concept. And it’s not necessarily about having it all, it’s about the choice and not being dictated too. Also, like ever since she and Ketch shared a “look” a few episodes ago it was clear they were going to take that route but I’m going to be honest I laughed out loud when she pulled what could only be called a Winchester and told him it didn’t mean anything.
Crowley: I’m not sure if he knows what Lucifer’s planning. He pretended not too before and did so i’m waiting to see how this plays out.
Castiel: WHO??? WHAT?????? WHERE?????????????? I mean, they said his name about 27 times but apparently he is not Beetlejuice and he cannot simply be summoned like that. I guess it was to indicate that he’s in some significant strife but maybe and end scene showing us that could have set it up nicely.
Summary: Great episode that really hit the points that last week’s episode lacked. Solid 4.5/5.
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