A Different Fight II
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Warnings: None!! This is a continuation of another short piece of writing that you can find here 
Pairing: Reader x Peter Parker 
Genre: Angst but also finally some fluff 
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: HOLY CRAP GUYS!! I’m so blown away by your reactions to the first part, it’s absolutely nuts. Your kind words and feedback are appreciated, I hope this lives up to your expectations 💕
It had been two days since your fight with Peter and you were still really messed up about it. It was a Sunday afternoon and you had refused to get out of your bed since you had gotten in it over 48 hours ago. You had no motivation to do anything, only getting up to use the bathroom when you really needed to or to stock up on snacks. You slept a lot, trying to avoid the feeling of guilt that rotted away in the bottom of your stomach. Your only other super close friend Michelle was blowing up your phone with texts even though you really weren’t in the mood. You told her so, and she decided that she needed to come over (against your wishes). 
“This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in my whole life.” Michelle’s voice woke you up from yet another nap, and you opened your eyes to find her standing over you.
“Yeah, this is the most pathetic I’ve felt in my whole life so I guess it’s fitting,” you mumbled.
“Seriously, are you this bummed out about a tiny fight with Peter?” she asked. “What did you even argue about anyway?” You groaned at the memories replaying in your head. 
“I don’t even know what really happened,” you said, running your hands through your hair. “I was just so mad and I took it all out on him. Not only that, I also got super jealous.” Michelle listened to your words carefully and you could see the gears turning in her mind. 
“Who is it that you were jealous of?” she questioned. 
“Oh god, this is so embarrassing,” you complained. “It was Liz Allan, the senior. Peter’s been hanging out with her a lot lately and he ditched me to go to her stupid party. Man, what does he see in her anyway? Other than the fact that she’s pretty, smart, and just about everything I’m not… Not that it matters, I just miss him since he’s, you know, a busy guy.” The two of you were silent for a moment. You hadn’t really meant to say all of that, but Michelle had a way of getting you to open up to her. She stared at you for a long time and you raised your eyebrows at her, puzzled by her strange look. 
“Y/N, you totally love Peter,” she declared. You started to argue, but she cut you off. “You like him so much and you’re jealous of Liz because you think he likes her! This isn’t because you were mad, this is because you won’t admit you have feelings for him! I called it!" 
"MJ, that’s crazy…” you said. “He’s just a friend." 
"A friend that you love,” she corrected. You rolled your eyes but didn’t say anything. She was right. Of course she was right, she always was. Thinking about Peter with Liz made you feel like a wave had washed over you, suffocating you in a mix of insufferable envy and sadness. Every time he said her name your stomach dropped, similar to how it did during roller coaster rides or when you drove over big hills. You knew you needed to fix things with him, he was way too important to you and you couldn’t let things stay the way they were. Michelle left, spewing out kind words of support and advice as she went. You finally stood up, ready to face your problems. 
Tracking Peter down was hard. You didn’t want to text him because you weren’t sure he was going to answer. Even if he did, would he really want to see you? You tried his apartment but his aunt was the only one home. May usually loved seeing you, but today she seemed a little off. You didn’t blame her, Peter probably had told her what happened and her opinion of you must have changed. You decided to try one other place, the spot where you and Peter had spent most of your time together. 
The rooftop was a little chilly and your ears stung a bit in the wind, but you barely noticed since you were so preoccupied with finding Peter. Sure enough, there he was, sitting with his legs dangling off the ledge. He was in the Spider-Man suit but the mask was off, discarded behind him on the cement. You took a deep breath and approached him quietly. He must have heard you, probably from his super senses, because he turned his head to face you. He looked just as awful as you did, if not worse. His hair was a mess and he had deep purple circles beneath his eyes. His skin was blotchy and it seemed as if he had cried recently. 
“Hi,” you said, willing your voice not to crack. You fidgeted with your hands, unsure of how to begin. 
“Hi,” Peter echoed, his tone lacking all of its usual enthusiasm. He swung his legs back over the ledge and stood up. 
“I… I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry,” you started. “I was totally out of line, I should never have said any of those things to you-" 
"Yeah, no kidding,” Peter said. He furrowed his brows, looking at the ground. “Look, I want to accept your apology and for everything to be cool…" 
"Great!” you said, relieved. It felt as if a boulder had been lifted off of your shoulders that you didn’t realize you had been carrying. 
“I want to,” he continued as if you hadn’t spoken. “But I don’t know if I can. It’s just… Well, it’s complicated.”
“So tell me how I can fix it,” you begged. If you had any tears left you would have been crying, but you had already shed them all. You were completely empty and the only thing you could do was stand there like a statue. 
“Y/N, you said some pretty bad things,” Peter reminded you. As if you had forgotten. “Honestly, it was bad enough for you to take swings at me, but Liz? What did she ever do to you? I just don’t get it.” And so it began. You couldn’t stop yourself, the words started tumbling out of your mouth before you could contain them. 
“I don’t like her,” you blurted, your hands falling to your sides. “I don’t like you hanging out with her, I don’t like you talking about her, and I really don’t like you choosing her over me. It makes me feel like garbage. All you do is pine over her and the worst part is that you don’t even realize that it upsets me!” Peter’s mouth was a thin line, his eyes darkening. You felt a surge of dread flow through you. Not again, this wasn’t supposed to happen again. 
“Has it occurred to you that I can have other friends?” he asked loudly, his voice making your legs shake from under you. Panic seized you, the terrifying thought of having a repeat of what had already happened filling your brain. 
“That’s the problem!” you croaked, your voice betraying you. “She’s not just a friend! You were willing to beat me up over her. Peter, you pinned me against a wall! It’s not like you were taking down a criminal, you were arguing with me. Do you have any idea how scared I was?”
“I didn’t mean to,” he said quietly after a moment. “You know that. I’m not used to being so mad at someone I’m close to. I forgot what was happening for a minute, I forgot it was a different fight…” He looked away, sniffing as he tried to hide his face. You got a short glimpse of it and it was enough to know that he was crying. Abandoning all of your lingering anger, you walked over to pick up the mask he had left behind. You held it in your fingers, moving your thumb over the soft fabric absentmindedly. 
“Peter,” you said suddenly. “I’m not mad about Liz. I wasn’t mad to begin with. You were right, I’m jealous of her. I’m so insanely jealous and it made me say such horrible things to you. I’m so sorry, I know that doesn’t change what happened…” Peter rubbed his eyes, finally meeting you gaze.
“But why would you be jealous of her?” he asked. You took a deep breath and took a cautious step forward. 
“I like you,” you finally admitted. “Actually, I more than like you. The way you feel about her, that’s how I feel about you. It’s awful, really. Everything you do makes my heart soar and it’s so hard because I can’t do anything about it!” He opened his mouth to say something, but you shook your head. You just wanted to get this off your chest before you chickened out. 
“The truth is, I love you Peter. I always have and I always will. You can date Liz, I don’t care. Just… Just please don’t hate me anymore. I can’t live with it.” Peter stared at you for a moment, his mouth open and his eyes wide. 
“I-I never hated you,” he said finally. “And I don’t want to date Liz. You’re 0 for 2, want to keep trying?” You were caught totally off guard, especially by how light and joking his tone and gotten once again. 
“But I thought-” you started but stopped as he held out his hand for you to hold. You hesitantly reached out to him and he gripped it gently, lacing his fingers between yours.
“You’re ridiculous, crazy, and have no clue how to deal with your temper,” he said with a small smile. “Why would I ever want to date anyone other than you?”
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I’m very sorry if I missed you on the list, please don’t be offended!! Today has been a mess for my tumblr haha I hope you understand!! If you want to be added shoot me a message and I’ll gladly do it :) 
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