#WSJ 7 to WSJ 14 (1992)
yyh4ever · 3 years
Togashi's Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
WSJ #7 to WSJ #14 (1992)
Volume 7: Chapters 56 to 63 + "TWO SHOTS"
ᐊ Volume 6: Chapters 46 to 55     Volume 8: Chapters 64 to 72 ᐅ
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°7 (February 3, 1992)  
★ Chapter 56. "Blood-Stained Flowers!!" (恐怖の炎熱地獄!!, Kyōfu no Ennetsu Jigoku!!)
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"It's not good. I'm still in the New Year's day mood. I'm longing for the next year's New Year!" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 まずいです。 まだ元旦気分気分がぬけません 。今から来年 の 正月を 待ち望んでいる私です〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°8 (February 10, 1992)  
★ Chapter 57. "The Fearsome Hell of Blazing Heat!!" (恐怖の炎熱地獄!!, Kyōfu no Ennetsu Jigoku!!)
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"I read a collection of short stories a long time ago and they were in an interesting sequence. When I reread them, the order changed completely." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 昔読んだ短編小説集に面白い順番がふってあった。再読したら順番が全く変わってた 〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°9 (February 17, 1992)  
★ Chapter 58. "Drunken Master: Chu!!" (酔拳士・酎!!, Yoi Kobushi-shi - Chu!!)
★ One-Shot: "Yu Yu Hakusho Gaiden: TWO SHOTS. The secret story of the encounter between Hiei and Kurama " (外伝. TWO SHOTS)
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*The 31-page side story “Two Shots” was being announced on the cover. To know more about this one-shot, read the Trivia About TWO SHOTS.*
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The introductory pages of “Two Shots” are colored. The opening page says:
"Almost parallel
Sometimes they cross...!"
(ほとんどパラレル ときどきクロス…!)
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"I can listen to the news and music at the same time by wearing the headphones over the earphones. The day when my head breaks is near." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 イヤホンの上からヘッドホンをしてN(ニユース)とM (ミュージック)を同時にきいたりする。頭壊れる日も近い。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°10 (February 24, 1992)  
★ Chapter 59. "A Close Game!!" (互角の勝負!!, Gokaku no Shōbu!!)
*Yu Yu Hakusho is on the cover of this issue*
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"Before I knew it, I seem to have subscribed to the three major newspapers. After being away for a few days, there was a pile in the entryway...!" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 いつのまにか新聞を三紙もとっていたらしい。数日家を空けると、玄関に山積み…!〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°11 (March 2, 1992)  
★ Chapter 60 (Colored). "Knife-Edge Sudden Death!!" (ナイフエッジ・デスマッチ, Naifuejji Desumacchi)
*A part-color chapter.*
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*The results of the 1st "Yu Yu Hakusho Character Popularity Poll" were also revealed in this issue and later published in volume 7.*
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"I've already gained 5kg this year. All the hard work I did last year went down the drain. But, I'm looking forward to the meal." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 今年に入って早くも5kg体重が増え、去年の苦労が水の泡。でもメシだけが楽しみ。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°12 (March 9, 1992)  
★ Chapter 61. "The Top Eight Line-Up!!" (ベスト8出そろう!!, Besuto Eito Desorou!!)
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"Thank you always for the fan letters. I don’t get to reply much, but I'm reading them all. I am also grateful for the Valentine's chocolates." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 F・Lいつもありがとう。返事はあまりかけないけど全部読んでます。バレンタインのチョコレートも感謝〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°13 (March 16, 1992)  
★ Chapter 62. "The Second Round Begins!!" (2回戦開始!!, Ni-Kaisen Kaishi!!)
*Main heroes, including Yusuke, are on the cover around "MON MON MON", welcoming the new series that was debuting in this issue.*
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"Recently, I feel like going back to my high school days when I drew pictures only for myself that didn't need to be finished."  - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 高校時代に戻って自分のためだけの完成するあてさえない絵をかきたくなる昨今です 〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°14 (March 23, 1992)  
★ Chapter 63. "The Despicable Blood-Slaver Node!!" (卑劣!操血瘤!!, Hiretsu! Sō Ketsu-ryū!!)
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"I was asked to review a book for Jump Novel, and I was keenly aware of my recent aliteracy. How about listening to an audio book?..." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 JN(ジャンプノベル)での書評を依頼されて最近の自分の活字離れを痛感。CDブックでもきくか…。〈義博〉
*On August 4, 1992, Volume 7 (Chapters 56 to 63) was published!*
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▼ Togashi's comment from the dust jacket of volume 7. Translation by VIZ Media.
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▼ Fun Fact: When Naoko was pregnant with their first child and they were deciding the child's name, she brought up Togashi's comments from volume 7, about giving his kids obscene names. Yu Yu Hakusho volume 7 is from 1992, Naoko and Togashi first met in 1997.
Source: "Punch!" series by Naoko Takeuchi. "Young You" magazine, March 2001 issue. Scans and translation provided by missdream.
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ᐊ Volume 6: Chapters 46 to 55     Volume 8: Chapters 64 to 72 ᐅ 
27 notes · View notes
yyh4ever · 3 years
Togashi’s Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
WSJ #45 (1992) to WSJ #1 (1993)
Volume 11: Chapters 92 to 100
ᐊ Volume 10: Chapters 82 to 91     Volume 12: Chapters 101 to 109 ᐅ
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°45 (October 26, 1992)
★ Chapter 92. "The Day Before the Storm!!" (嵐の前!!, Arashi no Mae!!)
*Part 3 of Togashi’s 4-koma about the Dark Tournament Teams. This time, it’s about Team Mashoutsukai. For translation, check: H☆S Award - Special Advice from Yoshihiro Togashi* ▼
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Chapter opening: “I’ve been in trouble, whose fault is it...?” ▼
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"Thank you all for the many letters. It's hard to write back to you, but I have read and kept all of them. I'm grateful." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 沢山の手紙有難う。返事はなかなか書けませんが全て読んで保管しています。感謝。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°46 (November 2, 1992)
★ Chapter 93. "Leveling Up! Rules" (レベルアップ!, Reberuappu!)
*Part 4 of Togashi’s 4-koma about the Dark Tournament Teams. This time, it’s about Team Uraotogi. For translation, check: H☆S Award - Special Advice from Yoshihiro Togashi* ▼
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*Anime promo has been appearing at the beginning of the chapters: "Every Saturday at 18:30 ~ TV animation is on the air on Fuji TV Network!!"*
Chapter Opening: “The battle of the century begins!!” ▼
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"I was riding my bicycle and when I looked away, I hit my knee against a guardrail. Daaamn guardrails, get outta the way!" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 自転車のよそ見運転でガードレールにひざ打った。ガードレールてめェよけろよ! 〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°47 (November 9, 1992)
★ Chapter 94 (Intro Color). "The Rules Rule!!" (ルールの壁!!, Rūru no Kabe!!)
*Final part of Togashi’s 4-koma about the Dark Tournament Teams. This time, it’s Team Toguro. For translation, check: H☆S Award - Special Advice from Yoshihiro Togashi* ▼
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*Lead pages in part-color*
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"This is a new record. I went to the bathroom 33 times in a day. Don't take strong medicines on an empty stomach." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 新記録です。1日 で33回トイレに行きました。すきっ腹に強い薬は、やめましょう。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°48 (November 16, 1992)
★ Chapter 95. "The Invisible Feat!!" (見えない技!!, Mienai Waza!!)
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"Wake up Araki and destroy everything ♪ This song is dedicated to manager Nomura by a Hanshin fan" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 荒木を起こしてすべてをこーわすの♪ この唄を一阪神ファンより野村監督にささげます。〈義博〉
T/N: Araki refers to the baseball pitcher Daisuke Araki. After being away for approximately 4 years due to injuries, he came back at the end of the 1992 season and helped the Yakult Swallows win the league championship after 14 years without winning a league title. Manager Nomura refers to the then supervisor of the Yakult Swallows team, Katsuya Nomura.
The song Togashi is singing is a reference to the famous hit "Arashi no Sugao" (The True Face of the Storm) by Shizuka Kudo, released in 1989. The beginning of the song says: "Wake up a storm and destroy everything…"
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°49 (November 23, 1992)
★ Chapter 96. "An Exchange of One-upmanship!!" (秘技応酬!!, Higi Ōshū!!)
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"For the first time in two years, I finished a manuscript by myself. 19 pages in two and a half days was really tough. I'm dead." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 2年振りに、1人きりで原稿を上げた。2日半で19Pは、さすがにきつくて死んだ。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°50 (November 30, 1992)
★ Chapter 97. "Sacrifice...!!" (身を捨てて・・・!!, Mi o Sutete...!!)
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"In V JUMP's 'Yu Yu Anime Special Feature' on sale now, the secret story of the birth of Yusuke and his friends is revealed for the first time. If you're interested, take a look." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 発売中のVJの幽遊アニメ特集で、幽助達の誕生秘話を初公開。興味ある人は見てね 〈義博〉
T/N: Some of Togashi's mini interviews revealing "Yu Yu secret stories" to V JUMP magazine can be read here: "Togashi-sensei talks about Yu Yu" (V-JUMP, 1992-93)."
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°51 (December 7, 1992)
★ Chapter 98. "The Reason Behind the Armor!!" (鎧の理由!!, Yoroi no Riyū!!)
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"My bicycle stolen in Ogikubo seems to have been found in Tachikawa. It was goddamn used by an unspecified number of people." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 荻窪で盗まれた自転車が立川で発見されたそうだ。不特定多数が利用しやがったな。〈義博〉
T/N: Tachikawa is a city located in the western portion of Tokyo. Ogikubo, where Togashi worked and lived at the time, is a residential area of Tokyo, in Suginami City, also located in the western part of the ward area of Tokyo, approximately 30 km away from Tachikawa City.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°52 (December 14, 1992)
★ Chapter 99. "Eat or be Eaten!!" (喰うか喰われるか!!, Kuu Ka Kuwareruka!!)
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"In judging the awards, I saw many works. Considering your age, you guys are too good. I'm a little bit anxious." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 賞の審査で多数の作品を見た。年齢から考えると君達うますぎる。ちょっぴりあせる〈義博〉
T/N: Togashi is talking about the Hop Step Award - H☆S. He was one of the judges of this edition and wrote some advice to the participants. Read: H☆S Award - Special Advice from Yoshihiro Togashi.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°1 (January 1, 1993)
★ Chapter 100. "Kuwabara Snaps!!" (桑原切れた!!, Kuwabara Kireta!!)
*Yu Yu Hakusho is on the cover of this issue. 1993 was also the year of the 25th Anniversary of the magazine, announced on the cover: "25th Anniversary Appreciation Year starts".*
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*This issue also announced the results of the 10th Hop Step Awards (1992). Togashi was the judge of this edition. (photos by @katsura_00)*
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"In addition, the bicycle that was stolen a year ago was found in Imagawa. Gori-san, head straight to the crime scene immediately!" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 さらに一年前盗まれた自転車が、今川で発見。ゴリさん早速現場へ直行してくれ!〈義博〉
T/N: Detective Makoto Ishizuka, known as "Gori-san", is from the television detective series "Taiyou ni Hoero" (Roar at the Sun), which ran from 1972 to 1986. He is called by the nickname "Gori-san", short for gorilla, because of his tough personality.
Imagawa is a neighborhood from the Iogi Area, in Suginami City. Ogikubo, where Togashi's apartment and workplace were located at the time, is also a neighborhood from the Iogi Area.
*On April 2, 1993, Volume 11 (Chapters 92 to 100) was published!*
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▼ Togashi’s comment from the dust jacket of volume 11. Translation by VIZ Media. 
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ᐊ Volume 10: Chapters 82 to 91     Volume 12: Chapters 101 to 109 ᐅ
28 notes · View notes
yyh4ever · 3 years
Togashi's Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
WSJ #34 to WSJ #44 (1992)
Volume 10: Chapters 82 to 91
ᐊ Volume 9: Chapters 73 to 81     Volume 11: Chapters 92 to 100 ᐅ
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°34 (August 10, 1992) 
★ Chapter 82. "The Fox Demon Awakens!!" (目ざめた妖狐!!, Mezameta Yōko!!)
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"Last week's answer was 'Glass Mask'. By the way, I'm a fan of Ms. Aamin Okada." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 ジャカジャン。先週の答えはガラスの仮面。ちなみに私は岡田あーみんさんのFです 〈義博〉
T/N: "Glass Mask" by Suzue Miuchi is an ongoing series since 1975. It tells the story of Maya Kitajima. Togashi probably named Kurama's junior high school friend, Maya Kitajima, after her. Aamin Okada is a mangaka famous for her shoujo series "Otousan wa Shinpaishou".
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°35 (August 17, 1992)
★ Chapter 83. "Shishiwakamaru's Skill!!" (妖技・死々若丸!!, Yōgi - Shishiwakamaru!!)
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"The CDs I've been listening to a lot lately are Sway and Carcass. I listen to the former when I'm working on a manuscript and the latter when I'm working on the storyboard." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 最近よく聴くCDはスウェイとカーカス。前者は原稿、後者はネームの時に聴いてます。〈義博〉
T/N: "Carcass" are an English extreme metal band from Liverpool that was formed in 1986. "SWAY" is a Japanese female vocal duo formed in 1985.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°36・37 (August 31, 1992)  
★ Chapter 84. "Identity Revealed!!" (正体判明!!, Shōtai Hanmei!!)
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"The pen becomes dull in the heat and the air conditioner doesn't work either. My smoking increases and my appetite decreases. I really hate summer." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 クーラーもきかない暑さにペンが鈍る。喫煙量は増え、食欲は減る。夏は大嫌いだ。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°38 (September 7, 1992)  
★ Chapter 85. "Calls of the Dead!!" (死霊の呼び声!!, Shiryō no Yobigoe!!)
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"I've decided to keep a stag beetle. They are expensive. In Yamagata, we used to be able to get them by shaking off a tree." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 クワガタを飼う事にした。高い。山形じゃ、木をけっとばせば手に入ったもんだがなァ 〈義博〉
T/N: People used to say that the scene in which Hiei falls from the tree was inspired by a beetle falling from a tree. Sorry about the totally random note XD.
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➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°39 (September 14, 1992) 
★ Chapter 86. "Enemy Leader: The Old Bloke!!" (敵将・怨爺!!, Tekishō - Onjī!!)
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"I apologize before I get into trouble, but what Hiei said on page 28 of volume 7 was not rock-paper-scissors, but lottery." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 つっこまれる前に謝ります。7巻28ページの飛影の発言ジャンケンでなくクジ引きです。 〈義博〉
T/N: Although Togashi's mistake was corrected in the anime and in most of the foreign editions, this contradiction was famous among the Japanese readers. Hiei says in volume 7 (p.28) that Team Rokuyukai must've decided each one's turn to fight by playing janken (rock-paper-scissors). But then, in this chapter 86, volume 10 (p.31), when Kurama suggested playing jaken to decide who would fight against Shishiwakamaru from Team Uraotogi, Hiei didn't have a clue what jaken was. To know more about it, read "The story about Hiei and the janken". 
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°40 (September 21, 1992)
★ Chapter 87. "The Man with a Thousand Faces!!" (千の顔を持つ男!!, Sen no Kao o Motsu Otoko!!)
*Big announcement on the cover: a Yu Yu Hakusho anime adaptation has been decided!*  
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There’s a page dedicated to the anime, introducing the story, character design, the premiere date on October 10th, 1992 at 18:30 on Fuji TV, and the cast. (shared by @katsura_00)
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"As you can see, an anime adaptation has been decided. Everyone is working hard on it. Please, do take a look." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 ごらんの通りアニメ化が決定しました。みんながんばってます。ぜひ見てください。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°41 (September 28, 1992)
★ Chapter 88. "The Logic of the Powerful!!" (強者の論理!!, Tsuwamono no Ronri!!)
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"As a result of the summer fatigue, I took a defiant attitude and start losing weight. I lost 10 kilograms in August, and I can move around easily." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 夏パテを機に開き直って減量を始めました。8月中に10㎏体重が減って動くの楽です〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°42 (October 5, 1992) 
★ Chapter 89. "A 50-Year Reunion!!" (50年ぶりの再会!!, 50-Nen-buri no Saikai!!)
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"I wandered around the new Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. I like it because it doesn't feel like it was built for humankind." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 夜明けの新都庁あたりを徘徊した。人類のために作られた感じがなくて私好みです。〈義博〉
T/N: The new Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building was designed by Kenzo Tange and finished in December 1990, replacing the old city hall at Yurakucho. The building is known for its impressive postmodern architecture.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°43 (October 12, 1992)
★ Chapter 90. "The Dreadful 80% Power!!" (恐怖の80%!!, Kyōfu no 80-pāsento!!)
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*As the judge of this H☆S Award Term, Togashi started drawing these 4-koma about the Dark Tournament Teams to give advice to the participants of the Hop Step Awards. He had conversations with Alien N, an E.T. who lives in Togashi’s head and makes him draw manga. The first team he talked about was Team Rokuyukai. For translation, check: H☆S Award - Special Advice from Yoshihiro Togashi* ▼
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"As a person who tends to find things troublesome, I don't write down the titles of the videotapes. It turned out to be more troublesome later." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 面倒臭がりの私は録画したビデオテープの題名を書かない。後でもっと面倒なことに〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°44 (October 19, 1992)
★ Chapter 91 (Colored). "Unforgivable!!" (許せない!!, Yurusenai!!)
*Yu Yu Hakusho is on the cover of this issue. Thanks to @ayane_yyh who shared photos from the magazine.*
The anime premiere was being announced on the cover: on October 10th at 6:30 pm, broadcast on Fuji TV. ▼
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*Special Poster*
"Yu Yu Hakusho - Commemorating the Anime Adaptation"
"Just before the finals! The Warriors's Intermission" ▼ 
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*Togashi continues drawing the 4-koma about the Dark Tournament Teams. This time, it’s Dr. Ichigaki Team. For translation, check: H☆S Award - Special Advice from Yoshihiro Togashi* ▼
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*There’s a page about the anime, introducing the latest information, such as the characters and their voice actors, before the airing on October 10th, 1992.* ▼
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*To celebrate the anime adaptation, this issue comes with a part-color chapter with lead color pages.* ▼
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"A record has been made. I slept for 22 hours straight. The next day after pushing myself too hard, it seems that my body doubles in size." - Yoshihiro 
🇯🇵 記録ができた。22時間眠りっぱなし。無理した次の日は倍になって体にくるようです 〈義博〉
*On February 4, 1993, Volume 10 (Chapters 82 to 91) was published!*
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▼ Togashi’s comment from the dust jacket of volume 10. Translation by VIZ Media.  
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ᐊ Volume 9: Chapters 73 to 81     Volume 11: Chapters 92 to 100 ᐅ
25 notes · View notes
yyh4ever · 3 years
Togashi’s Comments from the Table of Contents (1990-1994)
WSJ #13 to WSJ #21・22 (1993)
Volume 13: Chapters 110 to 118
ᐊ Volume 12: Chapters 101 to 109     Volume 14: Chapters 119 to 128 ᐅ
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°13 (March 15, 1993)
★ Chapter 110. "Full Power One Last Time!!" (最後のフルパワー! の巻 !, Saigo no Furu Pawā!!)
*Editor's lines at the opening of the chapter: "There is no "next" anymore...! ! It will be decided by this one shot...!!!"*
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"Tuna sashimi is my piranha's favorite food. They're eating better than me and growing up well." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 家のビラニヤはマグロの刺身が好物だ。オレよりいい物食って、よく育っていやがる〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°14 (March 22, 1993)
★ Chapter 111. "The Most Fervent Wish!!" (一番の望め!! の巻, Ichiban no Nozome!!)
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"Contrary to my goals, I've being buying more and more aquariums on impulse. I'm addicted to the splendor in the underwater microcosm." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 目標と裏腹に、衝動買いで水槽が増える増える。水中の小宇宙に見事はまってます。〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°15 (March 29, 1993)
★ Chapter 112. "Toguro's Repentance!!" (戸愚呂の償い!! の巻, Toguro no Tsugunai!!)
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"① Thanks for the Chisa Yokoyama CD. I like the 6th track. ② Yu Yu's CD, thank you all in advance...!!" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 ① 横山智佐さんCD感謝です。 6曲目が好きです。 ②幽遊のC D、 皆さ��よろしく・・・ !! 〈義博〉
T/N: Chisa Yokoyama is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer from Tokyo. When she was a high school student, she was an assistant of Jump Broadcasting Station of Weekly Shounen Jump. On January 1993, she released the album "Nanatsu Koi no Monogatari" (7つの恋の物語). The 6th song is Get it! "LOVE".
"Yu☆Yu☆Hakusho Original Soundtrack" was the first BGM album from the anime, released on February 1993.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°16 (April 5, 1993)
★ Chapter 113. "Welcome to Our Territory!!" (「領域」にようこそ!! の巻, "Teritorī" ni Yōkoso!!)
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I like Blankey Jet City. I listen to loud music when I don't want to think about anything else. "Bad People" is a must-listen." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 BJC(ブランキー・ジェット・シティ)が好きだ。何にも考えたくない時にデカイ音で聴く。"悪いひとたち"は必聴。〈義博〉
T/N: Blankey Jet City (BJC) was a Japanese rock trio from Aichi Prefecture, active from 1987 to 2000. "Warui hitotachi" (Bad People) was a single released on November 1992.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°17 (April 12, 1993)
★ Chapter 114. "The Peculiar Ability!!" (奇妙な能力!! の巻, Kimyōna Nōryoku!!)
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"1:30 a.m. I discovered a group of boys in their early teens wearing the same caps and numbered tags affixed to them. What the heck!?" - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 深夜1時半。同じ帽子をかぶり、番号札をつけた10代前半の少年達を発見。一体何!?〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°18 (April 19, 1993)
★ Chapter 115. "The Ability of "Taboo"!!" (「禁句」の能力!! の巻, "Tabū" no Nōryoku!!)
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"Bowling is a way to relieve stress, but it is also ruined if the person next to you has bad manners. At least put the balls away." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 ストレス解消のボウリングもとなりの奴のマナーが悪いと台無し。ボウルくらい片せ。 〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°19 (April 26, 1993)
★ Chapter 116. "The Taboo is One Letter!!" ( 「禁句」は一文字 !! の巻, "Tabū" wa Hitomoji !!)
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"It seems that the number of late-night TV programs will decrease. I'm afraid it will affect my work as my shot in the arm in the middle of the night will decrease..." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 深夜TV番組が減少するらしい。夜中のカンフル剤が減って仕事に影響しそうだ…。 〈義博〉
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°20 (May 3, 1993)
★ Chapter 117. "The Abilities of the Other Two!!" (残る二人の能力!! の巻, Nokoru Futari no Nōryoku!!)
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"The Spring High School Selection. There was no one from Yamagata, but the workplace was abuzz with ulterior motives." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 春の高校選抜。山形からは出てなかったが、仕事場は不純な動機で盛り上がってた。 〈義博〉
T/N: "The National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament", commonly known as "Spring Koushien" or "Senbatsu" (selection), is an annual high school baseball tournament. It takes place each year from late March to the beginning of April at the "Hanshin Koushien Stadium" in Nishinomiya, Hyōgo Prefecture. The winner of the 65th edition in 1993 was Uenomiya High School from Osaka, and no high schools from Yamagata Prefecture, where Togashi was born and grew up, competed in the tournament. That year's edition also had some problems with pranks and fake calls during the selection meeting held on February to decide which schools would participate.
The Kisaragi High School baseball team from Togashi's next manga "Level E" also plays in the Koushien Stadium.
➤ Weekly Shounen Jump N°21・22 (May 10・17, 1993)
★ Chapter 118. "The Executors of a Dying Wish!!" ( 意志を継ぐ奴等!! の巻, Ishi wo Tsugu Yatsura!! )
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*This issue also comes with a "Yu Yu Hakusho Hyper Tropical Poster".*
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*According to the "Yu Yu Hakusho Artbook", the illustration below was used in a reader gift playing card that came with this issue* ▼
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"Fan letters were sent by the editorial department. I'm looking over them without fail. They will be very helpful." - Yoshihiro
🇯🇵 編集部から送られてくる、ファンレター。欠かさず目を通してます。参考になります。〈義博〉
*On August 4, 1993, Volume 13 (Chapters 110 to 118) was published!*
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▼ Togashi’s comment from the dust jacket of volume 13. Translation by VIZ Media.  
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ᐊ Volume 12: Chapters 101 to 109     Volume 14: Chapters 119 to 128 ᐅ
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