#Wait hold the phone syk merch restock
spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
Issues with Thrawn: He goes by his first name while everyone else in the Empire goes by their last.
Which works until you're working on a regency AU where everyone calls each other by their last name unless you're super close and it's like "Am I supposed to call him Mitt? I'm not going to do that. Is his name Mitt Thrawn-but then does Eli and the girls(Vah'nya and Ar'alani) call him by his family name still? That makes no sense-they've all been friends since toddler age and are secretly negotiating an OT4. And if I include THAT plotline is Thrass 'Thrass Thrawn' then? No Thrass Mitt."
I think we just ignore the fact that everyone else in his group being referred to as Kallus and Lyste and Konstantine and then you have Thrawn being referred to as his given name.
Yeah. Thrawn Mitt and we ignore narrative issues. Cause it's not actually regency era it's a regency ESQUE era. (Also fun fact: Thrawn's father is the Marquess of Csilla in this. Thrass' title is Earl of Rentor. Thrawn is the younger son so he's just The Lord Thrawn Mitt. Also I still haven't read the Ascendary so... Yeah. )
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