#Wakraya liveblog
missfinefeather · 3 years
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Don't be alarmed, I checked, it's not 'all', but there were some issues.
This is because Tumblr has changed their tag system
Tags have spaces now, not dashes
So for example
Your liveblog for The Question is tagged as "https://missfinefeather.tumblr.com/tagged/The-Question/chrono"
This no longer works, now it needs to be "https://missfinefeather.tumblr.com/tagged/The%20Question/chrono"
This goes for every tag on your Tumblr that has a space in it. Y i k e s
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I’ve since went back and fixed the Steven Universe Master List, so it should be all linking now.
Now, the Homestuck Master List I haven’t gotten to. Hundreds upon hundreds of links now broken, fuck me.
Homestuck was before I got a system down for liveblog tags so, yeah I’m going to have to go fix all that eventually. Siiiiiiiiiggghhh....
I guess that’s what I’m working on tonight. Hopefully it won’t take long.
EDIT: Fixed the Homestuck Master List. Let me know if I screwed up or missed anything.
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
Apparently Pesterquest IS relevant because Wakraya points out that there’s an intentional inconsistency pattern being followed that mirrors one of the routes in Pesterquest (spoilers)?  Where intentional plotholes and inconsistencies are happening Candy-side, most noticeably the kids dropping Gamzee’s too-slippery-to-hold body and running off without him in one Candy update and then having it with them in the closet in the next one.  Which indicates some specific non-canon-timeline instability with plot implications that happened at one point in Pesterquest.  FUCK.
Inconsistencies covered by this Pesterquest-explained effect might include the divorce papers discrepancy that the authors have explicitly said they’re aware of and knew up front, or the eyepatch Vriska suddenly has to cover the head-wound-induced blurriness she was having in that eye in the Epilogues, or Harry noticing that John shaved his Epilogues mustache -- which could be just stuff that happened offscreen being explained, or could be further intentional inconsistencies.  The Gamzee’s body thing seems INCONTROVERTIBLY intentional inconsistency, not offscreen-events-explainable and CERTAINLY not an accidental mistake.
(I so, so hate that this is a thing.  We in the theory community spent ALL OF THE LAST THIRD OF HOMESTUCK pointing out pre- and post-retcon inconsistencies in things such as the conversations with Caliborn and alpha players that wouldn’t have happened the same way, only for Andrew to essentially tell us we were chasing our tails and should get over the small stuff.  Now even the MILDEST continuity error is a PLOT POINT, meaning they’re expecting us to waste time and energy scrutinizing every single one when they can’t even get the age Rose had Jaspers’s funeral right?!?  FUCK ME.)
((EDIT: From Wakraya regarding my above paragraph, "I don't quite think this is like that, and you're a bit heated! James talked about stuff regarding some of this but, again, spoilers, but it addressed exactly what you're talking about." So there's some hope that my pessimism is unfounded, but I'll only find out later.))
I know a bit about them pulling this in a certain Pesterquest route, and I was hoping theories that they were pulling it here were just overblown, but the Gamzee thing proves we have to watch out for it, which sucks.  Especially since I can’t give you the FULL DETAILS of what the implications are of this new type of timeline-decay shittery yet, because I haven’t played Pesterquest.
Which means I HAVE to play Pesterquest.  Fucking.  Dammit.  I wasn’t ready to swallow yet another piece of Homestuck media all at once.  CERTAINLY not ready to blog my way through it like I did Namco High. (Which I literally video recorded myself playing through the entirety of.)
Maybe I’ll play it offscreen (this weekend, next weekend, or fuckknowswhen) and only share stuff from it that’s relevant when it’s relevant.  That’s probably the best compromise.
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wakraya · 7 years
God dammit, now that the actual date of Hiveswap’s release dawns, I don’t know if I should do a stream of it, a let’s play of it, enjoy it just in my spare time without anyone involved, or sorta liveblog it on my blog and talk about my theories on what’s going to go on and such. :Ic
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A Fine End
I did a bit of artwork in honor of @missfinefeather completing her Homestuck liveblog!
(Also starring @wakraya, @nobrandminda, and @prinxe-with-no-crown )
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ask-missfinefeather · 6 years
1/5 What a lively liveblog you have! The only joy in life of someone who already finished reading Homestuck is to watch others suff... um... enjoy it too. Don't forget to prepare yourself for this strange state of mind while you're getting closer to the end )
2/5 Here's a lyricstuck video for a wee bit later: Discord (watch?v=GPyUyiwATQs) Maybe Wakraya can find a better version, but at least pictures are shown whole in this one. Damn, that shot of Rose running... [Screener: That’s the Discord Lyricstuck, as I told you before, MFF, I’ll send it at a later date since it’s still slightly Spoilery]
3/5 About gendered classes: in addition to not having a full picture UU uses rather simplistic wording, which is compelled from narration standpoint since UU is not a character who would dive deep into philosophy [Screener: Debatable]. But it sparked the whole dispute between "gendered classes are a thing" and "gendered classes are bullshit". [Screener: Not really a debate, Hussie himself said that they are not gendered] There exists pretty logical middle ground: this whole conflict is bullshit, classes represent *symbolically* masculine or feminine archetypes and patterns of behavior.  [Screener: I kind of HEAVILY disagree with the ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ patterns of behavior]
4/5 Not a big stretch since HS is loaded with classic mythology among other things. While males and females usually embody male and female archetypes respectively, the symbolic nature of classes would give enough flexibility if a hypothetical narrative need arises to bend things in interesting ways. So this whole conflict ruse was a distaction. On the other hand, when you become closely acquainted with [Redacted], you'll see that any flexibility has its limits [Screener: ?].
5/5 It seems, some encouragement is in order. A good therapist would nudge you towards the uncomfortable to help you learn how to confront and deal with it. If a therapist keeps you comfy and safe all the time, that's really not a good sign. Matter of balance though. [Screener: That’s sort of really NOT that good advice imho? Like if you do not feel ready or comfortable tackling something, it’s only going to cause you more distress...] BTW, you might want to take a second look at Homestuck pages 3097 and 3252 for some surprisingly valid psychological advice. You can confront problems and be assertive if you put your mind to it, you can do it! I believe in you!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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This is a mini-liveblog of me watching an early cut of the animatic I did in private DMs with Wak! ^^ See the rest under after the cut!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Thank you for letting me know! :O
I’ve gone ahead and fixed it! Please let me know if you find any others!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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A Jade can sense when another Jade is taking control xD
At least I’m assuming that’s the reason she can detect Wakraya.
And steering people away from a doomed fate is a perfect role for a Seer of Doom! She’s done the same for me many times over the years! ^^
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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You know, I kind of forgot I was reading a fan comic. I thought I was reading Homestuck2 for a while there.
I mean, I’m not just saying to simp, I genuinely was lost enough in the conversation to completely forget :O
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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And with that, we’re caught up!
Thank you for the entertaining show, @wakraya​! I’ll definitely be following this as it goes forward! ^^
If you haven’t read it in the discord conversations, I won’t be following this on the main blog any further than this as I kinda want to enjoy this with my girlfriend rather than just, holding off for a month or so to liveblog it.
I want her to be able to talk about it freely, ya know? Because she’s proud of it and I’m proud of her, and it’s something I want us to share together! :D
But everyone else, please ready Homestuck2: Redux! It’s truly great!
Next up is Paranatural! We’ll either do that tomorrow or... whenever. My schedule is so spotty now-a-days... >.<;
Anyways, thank you all for joining me today! I love you!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Sometimes you just need a moment...
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Omg, she just keeps a case of her blood around hahahahaahahaha omg
I could totally see Rose consenting to that xD
Even finding it a bit sexy! >:)
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Oh wow! The captalogues! It’s been forever!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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I mean, giving you utmost freedom wound up with the Candy timeline.
It’s... hard to say which timeline had it worse, though then again, Candy certainly had more deaths on the grander scale considering war.
And they’re literally trying to give up their freedoms because freedom is killing them.
...now that I think about it, the implications of all that is kind of...
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Gog, I wish there was a link to what Jade was listening to...
Also, that photo omfg xDDD
It’s been a while, but isn’t that Roxy’s trollsona? Forgive me if my memory fails me...
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