missfinefeather · 3 years
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Don't be alarmed, I checked, it's not 'all', but there were some issues.
This is because Tumblr has changed their tag system
Tags have spaces now, not dashes
So for example
Your liveblog for The Question is tagged as "https://missfinefeather.tumblr.com/tagged/The-Question/chrono"
This no longer works, now it needs to be "https://missfinefeather.tumblr.com/tagged/The%20Question/chrono"
This goes for every tag on your Tumblr that has a space in it. Y i k e s
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I’ve since went back and fixed the Steven Universe Master List, so it should be all linking now.
Now, the Homestuck Master List I haven’t gotten to. Hundreds upon hundreds of links now broken, fuck me.
Homestuck was before I got a system down for liveblog tags so, yeah I’m going to have to go fix all that eventually. Siiiiiiiiiggghhh....
I guess that’s what I’m working on tonight. Hopefully it won’t take long.
EDIT: Fixed the Homestuck Master List. Let me know if I screwed up or missed anything.
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Omg, he’s been driving towards Beach City this whole time and now he’s driving away...
Sigh... so, like, in a perfect world, the show would have ended with Change Your Mind. Steven sitting on the beach with his family as he sings about knowing himself, to me that was a perfect end to the series.
But, it’s not a perfect world, so we got SUF.
I’m not going to lie, this season was ROUGH watch for me.
I didn’t like a lot of the episodes in the first half. Some of them were clumsily written with forced conflicts or even plot threads that go nowhere. Anyone remember that Aquamarine/Eyeball fusion? Bluebird? That sure just kind of, stopped being a thing. Or that episode where Steven goes around forcing gems to do random jobs because he didn’t like how they were doing stuff they were original made to do. Or that episode where they babysat Onion and he wound up dying and the whole thing wound up being a PSA (that episode felt really half baked.)
Then the Gem Graduation happened and it was just a downward spiral towards pain.
Like I’ve said many times before, it’s important we depict stuff like this. I know that logically but... it was still not fun to watch Steven self-destruct while all his pillars of support get knocked down one by one.
They even go out of their way to give us false senses of security. Like how they gave us a happy Stevonnie episode before Steven botches a marriage proposal. How Greg help Steven out of his magic growth spurts the episode before the two of them have that fight. It was all place to set us up and then knock us down. It felt really deliberate, and I still kind of feel the sting of betrayal there.
I dunno, other people seem to like this show and it’s direction, I don’t. Maybe, I’m biased because I have trauma myself, stuff I’m still dealing with. I don’t know, my readers try really hard to convince me to give this show a chance and that kind of made things worse? I mean, it just made me feel alone in my feelings.
...you know in that sense, didn’t I kind of go on the same journey as Steven while watching this show.
That said, the final two episodes of the season were the only times I actually felt like I was watching Steven Universe during my time with SUF and not some dark deconstruction. Only those two episodes managed to capture the right tone and feel that made me go back to my time watching SU. Because of that, I wound up loving the ending.
SUF was rough and I may never watch it again, but I’m glad I did finish it at least.
And, I think I can rewatch Steven Universe again someday, now that I don’t have this season hanging over me.
Steven Universe has been in my life a long time and it’s been, one of the reasons I’ve been able to pull myself from a really dark place in my life. It’s open and honest depictions of trauma and love helped me develop as a person.
And because of that, to Rebecca Sugar and her team who made this show possible, thank you.
Thank you from bottom of my heart!
I may not have liked SUF, but it’s their story to tell and I can’t deny them the right to tell the story they wanted to tell! I’m not entitled to have a story happen the way I want them, and I have utmost respect for them an their creative choices.
I wish the the best of luck in their future endeavors!
And to all of you reading, thank you too! I’m sure this hasn’t been a fun ride, watching me drag my feet getting to liveblogs, seeing me suffer through the episodes like they genuinely hurt. For all of you sticking with me to the end, thank you for everything!
Well, this may be the end of my time liveblogging Steven Universe, but it’s not the end of this blog! Next up we’ll get caught up in Homestuck2 and Paranatural, then we’ll move onto RWBY volume 8! That’s the schedule going forward! Hopefully I can liveblog tomorrow, but I have dog watch so we’ll see!
Once again, thank you for everything! I love you! I really, truly do! <333
Edit: Oh yeah! BTW! She-Ra will be taking SUF’s spot in the rotation going forward! I’ll be needing my emotional support bear while watching that too xD
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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That’s, really sweet Greg. Thank you for that!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Yep, waterworks ;-;
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Very much true!
Honestly, it’s your actions that matter, not how you feel!
...then again, Steven’s emotions turn him into Godzilla, maybe he isn’t allowed petty feelings?
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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I dunno anymore!
I still wonder why any game still has single save slot things anymore!
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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You know, they got Estelle to sing about Ice cream as her final job on Steven Universe.
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Awwwww! And the people of Beach City are giving him one last Goodbye! That’s so sweet!
Gog, this town was Steven’s world for so long.
He’s not really leaving, he’s just expanding his world. ;-;
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Okay, yep, I’m crying now ;-; full blown crying.
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Gog, and now you’re hitting me with a new song? I can’t take this...
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Now I’m laugh crying ;-;
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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So the gems are going to be stars of an isekai?
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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JASPER: My one true Kismesis.
STEVEN: What was that?
JASPER: ...nothing...
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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Damn, going to visit every state?
That’s something I’d never do.
Just, not a safe thing for a trans woman to do ^^;
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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missfinefeather · 3 years
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How did you cut a circle like that? xD
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