#Walter Marshall x oc
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↳ Walter Marshall x OC ❀ ↬ Grumpy x Grumpy, Detective x Victim
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↳ Walter Marshall x Reader ↬ Grumpy x Sunshine, Co-Workers, Opposites Attract
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3 notes · View notes
cardierreh15 · 5 months
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Zeus Lament
Hold on to your fucking seats y’all! Things get messy! Both for good and for bad!
***I do not give anyone consent to repost, translate or copy my work!!!
Warnings 18+: Angst , Dub-Con Sex , Mind-Control/Mental Manipulation , Infidelity , Mentions of Cheating , Domestic Violence situation , Blood (Golden Celestial) , Nipple Stimulation , Cursing , Spitting , Breeding Kink , Oral (Female Receiving) , Death . PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!!
Pairings: Zeus/Walter Marshall x Angela's (Black!Plus Size Female)
Description: A terrible storm is approaching the city, wonder what could possibly be the cause?
Word Count: 5.8K
Song: Only RY X , Call out my name by The Weeknd.
The man sat across from his wife as she ate her fill and sipped on her wine. Everything but her beauty, disgusted him. But lately, even that was faltering. She was evil, jealous and spiteful. The infamous; Goddess of Marriage herself, Hera.��
‘You are quiet today husband.’ She said blandly as she took another sip of her wine to wash down the food in her throat. 
A reluctant smirk curled on his lips before he glanced away and shook his head. A small, hysterical chuckle left his lips before he rested his elbows on the golden table and rested his face in his palms. 
‘You speak to me as if you don’t know what you’ve done, wife.’ The word had poison behind it. It was no secret that Zeus had a loathe over his wife that no man or immortal had ever seen. Some would say with great reason! She’d proved herself to be murderous and invidious on many occasions. 
But, Zeus wasn’t in the right either. 
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Sleeping around with mortals in different disguises to hide his true form; impregnating and soiling the oats that have been left untamed thousands of years ago. 
Perhaps, he’d driven her over the edge that she couldn’t retract from. 
Hera peeled her eyes away from her plate of food and glared up at her indignant husband. She tilted her head to the side gently, ‘What is it now, Zeus? You’re angry about that little “accident” that you’ve created? Many of what you’ve called them yourself.’ 
Zeus slammed his palm on the golden plated table, standing up to his feet with a baleful scowl written across his dramatic features. ‘THEY WERE MY CHILDREN!’
‘Your children are here!’ Hera spat hatefully. She had no remorse, no regret. ‘On Olympus where they belong. Not with those disgusting mongrels you call humans. Such a pathetic excuse for creations. Just like-’
‘I’d watch my next words, woman.’ His face, carved into perfection like stone and marble. Zeus stood up straight and swallowed hard. 
She stared back up at him, not breaking the glare. ‘Why do you do it? Why do you constantly put me  through this Zeus? Do you think I want to act the way I do? Do you think I thrive off of being bitter and hateful?! I am only this way because you made me this way!’ 
‘No, you only do this because you don’t give a damn about nobody but yourself!’ 
Hera grimaced and slowly stood to her feet, scooting her throne back behind her. ‘Selfish?! While I SIT HERE AND YOU GO OUT AND FROLIC ABOUT BETWEEN THE THIGHS OF THOSE VILE CREATURES!’ Golden tears filled her bright blue orbs. ‘I sit here and I wait for you, ZEUS!’
‘FOR WHAT!?’ he snapped back. Thunder began to roar beyond the walls. ‘DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?! I don’t want you! I haven’t wanted you in centuries! I only married you in the first place because it was a power move. You were a mistake–’
‘Mistake?! Zeus-’ 
‘You will address me as your King.’ He placed his hands on the table and peered across, ‘I won’t stop, Hera. I will not stop until I have found happiness and created a demi-God army of my own.’
‘YOU WILL NOT STOP ME HERA!’ He exclaimed with great disdain in his voice. He began to round the table slowly, his golden heeled sandals clicking and echoing within the walls. 
Hera snatched up the golden blade she’d used to cut into her roasted goose. 
As soon as she found a good grip around the handle, he’d snatched her up by her throat looking down into her eyes. 
‘Ugh!’ She exclaimed at the sudden roughness. Golden tears had fallen down the sides of her face. 
‘If you interfere with my affairs again, My Queen.’ The word burned the back of his throat. Oh he’d do anything to strip her from that title. Hell, he really did hate her enough to kill her himself. She’d taken so much away from him. 
‘I will kill you… do you understand?’ 
Hera turned her gaze away from him, but he tightened up his grasp. 
Her lips trembled as she looked up into his stormy eyes. ‘You wouldn’t dare…’ she choked out. 
‘Then you don’t know me the way you think you do.’ He added monitorily. His warnings always went undone. Leaving ample room for Hera to continue to disobey him. 
He shoved her away from him before the both of them heard the small call of their youngest daughter, Hebe. 
She looked over at the massive golden doors that were cracked open. There she spotted the little face of the tiny goddess. Hera cleared her throat and put on her best smile, ‘Hebe. Darling-’ She approached her with open arms. 
The young one pushed the door open a little further before running towards her mother who was now on her knees. 
‘You’re supposed to be resting my sweet.’ 
‘I couldn’t sleep, mama.’ 
Zeus watched the mother speak to their daughter before he quickly spun off and walked towards the second set of double doors. 
The dark clouds loomed up above. Lightning bolts scattered across the sky like veins. The wind blew hard enough to almost tear her apartment building off of the support beams! 
Storms were quite the norm where Angela was from. The lightning capital of the world, Tampa, Florida. She’d lived through countless hurricanes and tropical storms. 
The news measured it out to be a tropical storm, the first one of the season. But something about this particular storm was different than the rest. 
Thunder shook the floor beneath her feet, causing her to stop in her tracks and wait for it to calm down. Angela had never been so anxious during a storm. Hell, this was her favorite kind of weather! But she had a gut feeling something bad was going to happen. 
The woman ripped open the big bag of ice and poured it into the cooler. Then, she began to stock perishable snacks and foods inside of it. 
Once she was done, she did a head count of her 5 gallon dispenser jugs, found her waterproof flashlight with batteries and made sure she had candles.
Angie placed her hands on her hips and gave herself a firm nod, ‘Alright! What could possibly go wrong?’ Another vociferous thunder clap erupted outside, causing lightning to flicker inside of her apartment. Then, the lights flickered off. 
The power died, causing an eerie silence to fill the air. ‘Dammit, running my mouth. I just fucked the whole building.’ She rolled her eyes and picked up her phone. The battery was on 11%. ‘What?!’ She exclaimed as she looked at the charger adaptor that had never been plugged up into the wall. 
‘You’ve got to be shitting me.’ 
She turned on the light on her phone and loaded up the flashlight with batteries and put her phone on Low Power Mode. Clicking the power on the flashlight. She walked down the hall to the electric breaker and pulled it open. 
Shining the light on the labeled switches, she shifted them to the side one and then back to their original places. But nothing. She assumed whatever generator the apartments management used had gone to shit. 
‘Cheap fucks’ she hissed before the flashlight began to flicker. ‘Uh uh! No, no!’ She began to bang on it, hoping it would keep its power but when it died, she let out a heavy huff. ‘Dammit.’
Angela walked back into the kitchen and began to light candles. 
Once the apartment was decorated with artificial light, she walked into her bedroom and took off her dress. 
She walked over to her dresser, lightning taking its own place in her room this time. Again, thunder followed. Not able to stand the blinding brightness, she walked over to the patio doors to close them. But what she saw in her backyard frightened her. 
Air lodged in her throat so she was unable to breathe out or in, she stared at the tall, dark figure that stood in the grass. Heavy, slanted rain blurred out its features but by the size of its shoulders, it had to be a man. 
Whatever the hell it was… it was massive. 
‘Close. The blinds. Angela. Close the blinds.’ She choked before quickly pulling the stick to the side and twisting them closed. 
Stumbling backwards, she let out a shuddered breath. She was afraid to walk to the kitchen and grab her phone; having the slightest belief that somehow the uncanny being would find its way inside without any aid. 
So, she just sat on the bed and stared. 
‘Wooo. It’s OK. Ain’t nobody gonna come out here in this rain…’ she uttered to herself and pulled her comforter back and tucked her chilly legs beneath. 
Every once in a while she would toss and turn. But she always brought her attention back to the blinds. Her anxiety wouldn’t let her rest for a while, until she just closed her eyes and counted. 
Zeus stood in the shadows of her bedroom. Lightning flickering across his face as he watched the mortal woman sleep soundly. Her soft snores could barely be heard over the rain that beat down against the glass slide door. 
Stepping from the safety of the darkness, Zeus crept over to her bed. His fingertips grazed atop the silky, bronze colored sheets. Once he made it to her, his bright blue eyes searched her face. 
She was a beauty to behold. Full lips, skin brown as cherry wood. Lashes so thick they almost looked like paint brushes. Then, it was her hair. Sprawled out beneath her it was coily and thick. He leaned down carefully, nuzzling his nose within the warmth of her hair. He inhaled deeply, slowly. Taking in her scent. She smelled of Rosemary and Lavender. Two scents he could get lost in forever. 
Pulling away, he grazed his pointy nose over her wide one before gently pressing his lips against hers. Letting his lips settle there, his mustache and beard tickled her chin and nose. Causing her to stir out of her sleep. 
Angela’s dark brown eyes flashed open to see the intruder with a beard and thick dark curly hair hovering over her. Her first reaction was to scream but instead Zeus had tricks of his own. 
‘Shhh, don’t scream.’ 
Her eyes reflected once in gold as she inhaled so hard she thought her head would explode. 
Zeus’ eyes continued to roam her face before traveling down to her neck and then the valley of her breasts. 
‘Wh-who are you? What are you doing in my apartment?’ Angela’s voice was rugged and shaky. But she was careful not to be too loud. 
‘Something you would never be able to comprehend mortal woman.’ His voice was much gentler than how he spoke to Hera just a few days before. 
His eyes broke from her gaze as he carefully ran his palm over her silky flesh; starting from her belly to her thighs but also pulling the blanket off in the process. Revealed onto him was her half naked body, dressed in a white sports bra and matching thong. 
Angela flinched at his cool touch, quickly shifting her hips away from him. ‘Don’t touch—‘ 
‘Don’t fight me.’ He hissed as thunder shook the apartment once again. 
Just like before, she followed his command willingly. She just laid there with tears in her eyes as his large hands began to caress her chubby thighs. ‘Wh-what are you g-gonna do to me?’ Angela stammered. 
‘Anything I please…’ he licked his lips as he looked up at her once again. She was silently sobbing. Tears falling into place of the last on the sides of her head. His thick brows pulled into one before he leaned back over her once again, ‘Oh my sweet one… don’t cry.’ 
Her sobs instantly stopped. 
‘Don’t you know how lucky you are? How special you are?’ Zeus brought his hand up and smooth out her cheek with his knuckles. Then, his index grazed her bottom lip. ‘You don’t have to be scared of me… I won’t hurt you.’
‘I—I have a boyfriend.. we’ve been dating for 3 years and—‘ she lied. ‘And-and he’ll be here soon!’ 
‘Oh? In this weather?’ Zeus said softly as he gently pinched her chin. ‘How romantic or jus plain stupid.’ He purred softly. ‘Tell me sweetheart, have you ever fuck a God?’ 
Angela’s eyes grew slightly, his words rocking her core, ‘N-‘
‘I didn’t think so… you see Angel. You need someone who’s gonna take care of you. In more ways than just… one.’ His index dropped to the valley of her breasts. 
A God?! What the hell was a God doing in her apartment? And why her out of all people? 
‘A God? There’s no way—‘ 
Zeus stared down into her eyes, his eyes flickering a bright gold for a second before fading back to their stormy blue. 
‘Oh my—‘ 
Angela stared up at him; her eyes were a cauldron of fear, disbelief, and slight adoration. She had never seen something— something so graceful. So beautiful. ‘B-but why me?’ 
‘Well isn’t it obvious my little love? I have been watching you for weeks. That little inkling you felt of being watched.. It was me. I have been in your corner. You have enough beauty to my own daughter to shame.’ 
Aphrodite would not like that at all. She was much like her mother. Scorned to hell.
‘You’ve been stalking me?!’ 
‘Stalking, watching? Call it whatever you’d like. Fact of the matter is … you’re mine.’ 
His words nestled within her soul, causing whatever frightened feeling she had left to dissipate. In an instant, she felt protected. Perhaps it was his magic, controlling her mind and messing with her chemical imbalances. Whatever it was… it made her feel good. 
Zeus leaned down once again, lips almost touching hers. ‘Let me have you.’ 
Closing her eyes, ‘Yes.’ She uttered before parting her lips to welcome him in a kiss. 
Without another moment wasted, Zeus took her lips into his. He slithered his thick tongue into her mouth as his hand slithered down between her thighs. He grasped the thin fabric into his fist and tugged it; instantly tearing it to shreds. 
Angela’s fingers instantly found their way in his soft thick, dark locks which seem never ending. She barely noticed the absence of her panties until he was pushing her thighs part. The warmth from ecstasy was keeping her warm until he pressed his cold fingertips against her sensitive nub. 
‘Ooh.’ She gasped softly, her hips buckling for a second. ‘Cold.’
‘Forgive me little love.’ He began to rub at her core before slipping his middle and ring inside of her sticky entrance. 
Angela shuddered out in a moan, goosebumps prickling all over her skin, nipples hardening against her thin bra. 
She ripped her eyes away from his haunting gaze and looked down to watch him knead her from the inside out. She gripped the sheets beneath her. Her chest caving in as she tried to breathe through the pleasure. She wanted so badly to do something with her legs, kick and flail them about but she was still under his command. Don’t fight me. 
‘Ugh!’ She exclaimed as Zeus curled his fingers up and toyed with her G-spot. 
A wicked grin curled on his face as he watched her writhe and buck her hips into his embrace. He pressed his forehead against hers. 
Angela opened her mouth to speak but her words instantly became gibberish and a bed of incoherent moans. 
‘If you want it my sweet, all you have to do is ask.’ 
She felt her lower belly twist and knot, causing her thighs to clench as she felt her climax creeping up. It felt so close yet, so far. Wait, was he controlling that?! 
‘Can I — can I cum, please?’ She placed her hand on his shoulder, her nails gently digging into it through the cloth of his shirt. 
Zeus chuckled menacingly, ‘As you wish.’ 
His words were like some kind of invisible trigger, she was the chemical reaction that shifted the bullet in place and fired off the gunpowder. 
Angela inhaled hard before a satisfied scream erupted from her lungs. Her head fell back against her plush pillow, body trembling as she tried to comprehend that kind of intensity. 
He finally pulled his fingers from the warm home of her. ‘I can provide you with so much more. Would you like that?’ His sticky fingers grazed her neck. 
‘Yes. I-I need you.’ 
That stomach twisting smile curled up once again against his beard. He was to die for. 
Zeus stood up, bringing her small hand in his grasp and bringing her up to her feet. Her legs wobbly from the previous assault on her womb and cunt. 
‘Then you have me, my little love.’ 
He towered over her like a mountain. Him sitting on her bed made him seem so much smaller that way. Zeus leaned down, pressing his lips against hers once more as his clothes disappeared. 
She wrapped her arms around his wide frame as he pulled her chubby body against toned muscles. Angela pulled away from the kiss. Her big brown eyes trailed from his face to his shoulders, and abdomen. ‘Wow…’ her hands slipped from his shoulders and down his abdomen. ‘You’re really… real.’
‘As real as you are my love.’ 
She wasn’t expecting a God, no— the infamous King Of Gods to be so… kind. History made him out to be a spineless shithead. But this being before him was everything but that. 
Or was that what he was making her think? 
‘Lay back. Get comfortable.’ 
Following his command, Angela sat back down on her bed and laid back against her pillows. 
Zeus stood at the end of the bed before crawling in and spreading her thighs. He lowered his head between her legs as he rested on his front side. Then, he planted soft kisses on her inner thighs, navigating his lips to her flower. 
He placed the flattening of his tongue on her slit before lapping up slowly until he found her clit and brought it between his lips. 
‘Mmmm, yess.’ She moaned out as she reached down and found her fingers intertwined in his locks once again. 
He sucked teasingly on her clit before letting it go with a pop, then flicking his tongue over it. He used her pussy as if it were her mouth instead. Licking, and kissing with passion and a purpose. 
‘Ooooh Zeus just like that. Mmmm.’ Angela moaned as she rolled and rocked her hips into his face.
Her words only fueled his desire and want for her. He grabbed her thighs and pushed them back so he could satisfy her in a more efficient way. More exposed, Zeus was about to dip his tongue within her walls and lick her from the inside out. Every once in a while though, his tongue would slip and tickle at her puckered asshole.
Angela leaned up on her elbows, her breathing shallow as she watched this celestial being indulge on her body in the most sinful of ways. He was just wicked in that way. Honestly, if it weren’t for the immense pleasure he was inflicting upon her– she would’ve thought this was a dream. ‘Uhhh fuck!’ 
Zeus relished in her taste. She tasted the most delectable of forbidden treats. He wanted to keep his face buried between her thighs for as long as the Earth rotated but the way his hips grind against the bed to soothe his aching member… Zeus was more than ready to claim her. 
Letting out a gentle grunt at the pleasure that burned at his lower gut, Zeus’ lips ghosted her inner thigh before placing a gentle kiss there. 
She had just begun to recover from her profound orgasms. Her thighs trembled, almost mimicking the sound of thunder outside. ‘Oh! Fuu—‘ 
Zeus brought himself up on his knees. His naked body resembled the ancient marble that were carved in Greece thousands of years ago. Except that one particular thing. 
Humans once believed that men that wielded such large members lacked intelligence and were compared to violent, brainless, sex-crazed creatures.
Actually, Zeus’ cock had been tampered to be quite the insignificant thing but now… it was no wonder he made stupid decisions.
With distinguishable veins traveling over his Adonis belt, that was a sign of healthy blood flow. He was hung like nothing she’d ever seen. The whole package really. 
‘Jesus- oh… I mean…’ Angela whimpered softly as she finally pulled her eyes away from his cock. ‘Wow… you are… not what I expected.’ 
Zeus smirked and began to crawl over her, closing that gap between them. ‘You’ve must’ve seen the statues. Are you afraid?’ His smile had grown slightly bigger. 
She let out a soft breath. Well, she had a lot of reasons to be afraid right now. One of them being that a celestial God that had been known for his treachery was laying between her legs! 
‘Mmm. No.’ She lied again. 
‘Then we shall make haste.’ He said before helping her get her sports bra from over her head. Her breasts were so round, large and supple. His tongue traced over his lips as he tried to calm the beast that was so desperately fighting to get free. 
Then, his eyes flicked up back to hers, ‘Are you ready my sweet?’ 
Swallowing hard, Angela nodded as her hands gently rested against his cool muscular back. 
Zeus had given her a sly smile before adjusting his hips. His thick bell shaped tip against her honey coated pussy. And before he made the final blow, he pressed his lips against hers. Their tongues slipped in one another’s mouth once again for a short moment before he pulled away slightly. 
‘Bite down on me if it hurts…’ 
Angela nodded one more time before bringing him back into another kiss. 
As they kissed, Zeus thrusted his hips forward only slipping just the tip in. A wince left his chest as he felt the piercing pain of her biting down into his bottom lip. It was too late to pull back now. So he began to sink his hips into her further. This earned him a loud wail from her but the piercing continued. 
Gritting his teeth to bear the pain, Zeus let out a groan as he went as deep as he possibly could. 
Angie had released his hold on his lips and looked up at him with terror in her eyes. Half from the brutal stretch and half from his lips and beard coated in shiny gold blood. 
‘Ugh! — Oh My— Zeus, is that? My God— you’re bleeding!’ 
Zeus pressed his fingers against his lips and examined it, ‘Yes. It appears that I am.’
‘Well, are you alright?!’ She exclaimed in worry. 
He couldn’t help the gentle feeling that came over him. The feeling of knowing someone cared for him. He knew that his wife did… but not in the way he felt from Angela. Hera only wanted her throne and position of power. She’d otherwise be nothing without him. But, Angela… no other human woman had shown such compassion and kindness. Even if… some of this was against her will. 
‘I’m fine my little mortal… see?’ 
Zeus brushed his thumb over his wounds and they healed in an instant. Only the blood remained and would serve as a reminder that he could also be hurt too. 
Letting out a breath in relief she grabbed his face and pressed the back of her hand against his bearded jaw. 
He brought back his hips slowly and steadily before thrusting forward once again. He held back a moan that always slipped between his lips. 
But Angela let out a whimper as her nails dug into his flesh a little. 
Zeus soon began to pick up the rhythm of his hips, creating a bit more friction. Now he wasn’t holding back his moans. She felt way too good to front over. 
Angela felt so uncomfortably full at first but then a surge of pleasure began to pump through her body like drugs. She’s had great sex before but nothing could compare to this! Her standards have completely changed and if it wasn’t him… then she didn’t want it. 
‘Ooooo! Zeus, fuck that’s so fucking good baby. Haaa! Don’t stop!’
‘Uhhhh. I’m not my love, we can go for as—URGH! As long as you like.’ 
Their moans echoed throughout her room and was enough to combat the lightning that was striking nearby and the thunder that shook the building. They were in a world of their own at this point. 
Zeus brought up Angela’s thigh and rested her leg over his shoulder. He began to pump deeper, harder and faster. ‘Ooh fuck… you feel so fucking amazing.’ He moaned out before leaning down and wrapping his lips around her hardened nipple. 
‘Zeus, just like that—‘ her fingers slipped through his hair as his tongue tickled and teased over the sensitive flesh. She could feel her womb twisting and turning just the same as it did earlier. ‘Mmm, I’m so close. Fuuuuuuck!’ She called out.
He’d begun to pump his hips faster, groaning and grunting against her breast. 
Her thighs began to tremble as an ineffable climax rocked through her, ‘AUGHHH! FUCK!’ She cried out. 
Leaving one last lick to her nipple, Zeus slowed down his thrusts and brought her lips back in for another kiss as he moaned against them. ‘Fuck you’re so warm. I can stay buried inside you forever.’ He growled before placing wet kisses under her chin and her neck. 
A sheepish grin was casted on Angela’s lips as she just tried to process that vehement orgasm that she’d just passed. Her lips quivered and her chest heaved as she gently clawed down the valley of his spine. ‘Mmmm, My God… I want you here forever.’ 
Zeus began to pick up the pace of his hips once more as his lips began to make their way back up to hers once again. He couldn’t get enough of how she tasted. He couldn’t remember the last time he and The Queen kissed. Probably centuries ago when Hebe was born. Other than the birth of his sweet child, The Goddess of Youth, there was no other reason to remember that day. 
After sending Angela in a whirlwind of mind-bending orgasms, he pulled away to stand on his knees. ‘Lay on your front side.’ On command, she rolled over and got comfortable. He leaned down to press kisses on her shoulder before his cleft nose drug across her misty, prickly skin. She smelled so good and she felt so warm. 
He carefully spread her thighs with his knees as he sat back up. Stroking his throbbing cock, he used his hand to navigate her entrance this time. Time wasn’t wasted this go around, so he thrusted his hips forward into her. 
The both of them let out a synchronized groan; Zeus threw his head back; quickly coming to his senses that he would not last long in this position. He had the perfect bird’s eye view of her ass and his cock sliding in and out. He was no better than a mortal man now. 
‘Mmmm.’ Angela groaned, feeling so much pressure and pleasure against her wet walls. She began to grip the sheets in her fist, knowing that it was going to be a bumpy ride.
Zeus caressed his hands up from her thick thighs to her chubby waist. There, he gripped tightly before he started to accelerate. ‘Ugh, shit- yeah. Haaaah.’ He groaned as he thrusted hard and fast. 
Her pretty dark brown eyes rolled to the back of her head as she could already feel her body betraying her once more. ‘Fuck yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes! ZEUS!’ Angela whined out. She slipped her hand beneath herself and began to toy with her clit as he destroyed her from behind. 
The glorious sounds of her angelic songs and his skin crashing and pounding against hers fueled his desire once more. His eyes had shifted from their humanly blue to the color of the blistering sun. His moans were deeper and inhuman. He sounded more of a beast now than he did of a man. Beads of sweat prickled across his forehead, shoulders and his torso. 
His grip on Angela’s hip grew tighter as he reached over and gripped her ponytail, pinning her into her pillow. 
‘Ooh right there baby! Fuck baby you’re gonna make me cum again. Oooh shit!’ 
And just like the flip of a switch, she’d turn into putty in his grasp. But this only encouraged him to keep going. Not like the last time when he decided to give her a break. No, he wanted to rip those orgasms away from her and have her crawling come morning. 
‘OOH DEAR FUCKING– ZEUS!’ Angela wept; tears had soon fallen down the side of her face. 
‘Uh huh! Call out for your God baby.’ 
Orgasm after orgasm, Zeus’ thrusts had become staggered and arrhythmic. He was losing the battle. So, he rested his body atop hers and slowly began to thrust his hips into her. ‘Angela…fuck. I’m gonna give you– ugh! Such a beautiful baby.’ 
She didn’t think, and perhaps she thought he wasn’t serious but when she pressed her ass into him as he nestled deep inside her.
She was sadly mistaken. 
Zeus had finally unraveled, releasing thick and rich ropes of semen inside of her. He throbbed, gently stretching her out as he bred her. His body shook as the thunder roared with a vengeance outside. ‘Uh…’ He couldn’t speak. 
Angela rolled her hips beneath him, milking him from everything he had. She looked back at him just in time to see his golden hues disappear in the darkness of his ghostly blues. His thick curls were slightly damp from the work out and his parted lips had turned up into a relieved smile. Angela returned the smile and stretched her neck up to kiss him. 
The Next Morning… 
Her eyes fluttered open, her tired eyes fixated on the ceiling for a moment. She groaned softly as she slowly turned over to see an empty side of the bed. It was messy, and a telltale sign that he was once here.
She placed her hand on the vacant sheets and ran her hand over them. Still warm… it was then when she’d noticed that her patio blinds were open. The sun had beamed in on that empty space and kept it heated. 
Funny, she had her blinds closed and her window was open across the room. 
Suddenly, she heard a booming voice… deep with a pretty and very familiar accent. 
‘Zeus.’ She uttered excitedly as she scooted herself out of her King sized bed and wrapped the sheets around her. Almost losing her footing, she rushed out her room and down the hall where the voice became distinguishable. He was here! Wow, he was still here! 
Cutting the corner, there he stood in her kitchen with a phone pressed against his ear. He flashed her a bright smile and a wink. 
Returning the gracious smile, her eyes roamed down to his belt where a flashy police badge rested on his hip. Confusion instantly struck her and her smile had faltered. She managed to walk up behind him and sneak his wallet out of his back pocket. When she opened it up, she felt as if air had been snatched out of her lungs. 
Walter Marshall. DOB: 05/05/1983. Issued Date: 07/23/2020 Expiration Date: 05/05/2026 
‘What are you doing with that?’
Almost jumping out of her skin, ‘Huh?’ She looked down at his wallet and looked back up at him. He folded his arms across his massive chest. He’d had this slightly amused smirk curled up on those lips. ‘I-... I don’t know -just…’ She just handed it back to him and swallowed her spit. 
‘Mmmm, maybe you need more rest. You worked double last night, I’m surprised you’re awake!’ He reached over and placed a kiss on her temple. 
‘Yeah? At the hospital? The storm came in and almost destroyed the city.’ Now confusion was written on his face. 
And they were confused together. 
‘...The hospital. Alright… And you were?’
‘I was at the precinct. They had us shelter in place… hey, what’s going on are you feeling alright, Ang?’ 
Angela cleared her throat and let out a sigh. She was just about to tell him about this crazy dream she’d had until she saw a little frame of them on the bartop. She was dressed in a gorgeous white dress and he wore this chic black and white tuxedo. His beard was gone and his hair was cut to perfection. 
She quickly brought up her left hand, gazing at the big sparkly teardrop diamond that sat delicately on her finger. My, it was by far the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. 
Suddenly, a flood of memories brought her back to her current reality. Perhaps the impact of working so hard and that storm had her a little delusional. 
‘I’m alright, Walter. I just had this… crazy dream.’ 
‘Hmph, must’ve been! Here, let’s talk about it over breakfast-’
Walter paused for a second as his thick brows pulled into one.
‘It’s just… Has someone ever told you that you kind of favor Zeus?’
His cheekbones turned pink and glanced to the side, ‘You mean Zeus like the God?’
She nodded. 
‘No, mama. Is that what your dream was about, baby? I was a Greek God?’
When he said it, she just felt so damn stupid. She was embarrassed for even bringing it up. ‘Just forget it.. I don’t want to talk about it.’ 
Walter reached over and grabbed her hand, ‘Aw baby girl, don’t be embarrassed. C’mon we’ve all had silly dreams before… tell me what happened.’ He pulled her close and placed a kiss on her cheek. 
‘Well… we… erm.’ 
He tilted his head to the side as his large hands traced up and down her body. 
Angela cleared her throat as she looked up at him, ‘We were–..’
‘Would you like to show me what we did in the dream? You know I've always learned better by touch and physical interaction.’ 
She stared up at him as a slow grin curled up on her lips. ‘As tempting as that sounds baby, um… i think you’re burning the bacon.’ 
And on cue, the smoke alarm blared in the kitchen. Dark gray smoke floated up to the ceiling. 
‘Shit!’ Walter exclaimed as he gently pushed her away and rushed to the stove. He choked as the stench burned at his throat and lungs. He reached over and turned off the knob and let out a gentle sigh.
‘Woman you’re a distraction…’ He turned half way with a gentle smile on his lips, ‘Get some clothes on. We’re going to breakfast. My treat.’
Inhaling deeply through her nose, she gave him a smile in approval, ‘If there are grits involved then I’m in.’ 
‘Good, I know a spot.’ He said with a smirk, watching her glide back in their bedroom. 
His smirk instantly faded, the glow of gold reflected in his gaze. 
He picked up the pan that was now coated in black soot and threw the scraps in the trash. Then, he dropped the pan in the sink. 
Walter squirted some dish soap over the scrubber and began to do away with the burnt food. Suddenly, a  soft yellow light glowed in his peripheral. He paused his movement, ‘As what do I owe the pleasure,’ he lifted his head, ‘Hera.’ 
The Goddess stood tall, her eerie gaze reflected in her eyes. Her blonde hair had specks of gold in her locks. She wore a royal white satin toga with gold trimmings. Nose and lips swollen and pink from all of the sobbing. He’d been gone for days. Living a fantasy that he’d created. 
‘The children ask of you, Zeus.’ 
‘The children are old enough to take care of themselves. And I thought I told you to address me as, Your King.’ He gently brought a dirty knife from out of the sink and placed it in his belt. 
Hera inhaled deeply, and watched him round the counter to join her in the dining room. ‘It’s Hebe. She misses you… I… miss you. Why can’t you come home? Why can’t you be with your real family? You don’t belong here.’ 
‘And you know where I belong?’
‘Why must you be so cantankerous?! You have a family. And it is your duty as a father, as a King, as a God—‘ 
‘My family is… here. I have everything I could possibly want here. Those insubordinate, spoiled and treacherous adults you call children—‘ 
‘You don’t talk about them that way!’ She exclaimed with tears filling her eyes once more. 
‘I will talk of them however I want. Now, I know when I left Olympus I told you not to stand in my way… and yet you come here… you disturb me.’ He walked closer to her as she took a few steps back. ‘What should I tell our children once they discover that you’re dead hmm.’ 
‘Zeus..’ she trembled as a tear fell down her face, ‘Please… it doesn’t have to be like this.’ 
‘Oh but my vindictive wife… it does. See— you have pushed me away for centuries.. you don’t truly love me. Not really, only when I lie with other women— that’s the only time you actually give a damn. In the meantime, you’ve taken everything’ Zeus hissed through his teeth — ‘from me. Now I have everything I want… and you won’t ever come in between that ever again.’ 
‘My King. Please, I will leave — I will — ugh!’ Hera gasped as she felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her ribs. She hiccuped before looking down to see Zeus’ hand on the handle of a kitchen butcher knife, with the blade delved between her rib cage. ‘Hyuck!’ 
‘Ive started with you, My Queen… my new wife will take your place on the throne and I will rid my bloodline of those foul, demented children you claim belong to me. They will join you soon.’ Zeus snatched the blade from the wound and watched her fall to her knees. 
Hera collapsed on her back; wheezing as her golden blood leaked from her nose and gargled out the side of her mouth. ‘Mmm—mmm.’ She held onto her wound tightly. 
Zeus squatted down, pushing her golden locks out of her face, ‘Don’t fight love. Death is such a beautiful thing. Peaceful if I might add.’ A deranged smile curled on his lips as he watched her take her last breath with a final tear falling down her face. 
Her bright golden eyes had faded to a lifeless gray, her hair turned gray as heavy rain clouds and her once lively skin was deathly pale. 
He pressed his lips together and inhaled deeply, ‘GoodBye Hera.’ 
‘Hey honey I was think—‘ 
Angela had walked down the hallway, plugging her earrings into her ears when she saw the gruesome sight. Her heart had sunk to the pit of her stomach and her mouth had fallen open in shock. 
Zeus snapped his head over his shoulder to look back at her. His eyes still shined their brilliant gold and he still held that bloodied knife in his grip. He defensively stood to his feet. 
‘Wh-wh-wh-‘ she began to hyperventilate. She grabbed the chest of her shirt in her fist as if she could grab her heart itself. Angela stumbled back as tears filled her eyes with fear. 
‘Ooooh my sweet petal.’ He smirked as he tossed the blade to the floor, then his eyes returned to their gentle blue, ‘You weren’t supposed to see that.’
‘That?!’ She gasped, ‘Oh my god— the dream… it was true! It was real! You’re toying with me!’ 
Zeus inhaled deeply, slowly blinking once, ‘As real as you are… you’ve no need to be afraid of me. I told you I’d protect you and I intend on keeping my promise, wifey.’ He brought his hand up, flashing the golden wedding band on his finger. 
‘Who is that woman on my floor?’ Angie shuddered out, placing her hand on her stomach to mellow out her queasiness. 
‘Oh… her? If you must know… Hera. She was my wife. Former Queen.’ 
Angela gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, ‘Wh—what did you do?! Why did you do that to her?!’ 
‘She sought to kill you, woman. Why must you question me!? I SAVED YOUR LIFE!’ 
‘And how do you know?!’
‘BECAUSE I KNOW HER!�� Zeus exploded, ‘Every chance she got to make me miserable and take away those who are near and dear to me, she did and without contrition! In a few days time she would’ve inflicted some rare form of cancer upon you or had one of her loyal servants come and slit your throat or worse…’
‘W-worse?’ Angela murmured. 
Zeus’ tearful gaze had fallen upon her belly before looking down. ‘You are with child, Angela. My child.’ 
Angela gasped at the news, tears filling her eyes and quickly spilling over. ‘No, no. That can’t be!’ 
‘It is Angela and I eliminated her so our child could have the best possible chance to grow and succeed in the future… so I can have the proper heir… from a woman that I truly love and truly adore— Angela, don’t you get it?’ 
He took a step forward and she took a step back. 
‘This. Is. destiny. A start of a new era, a new beginning… I never intended to be with Hera. I never loved her… she doesn’t make me feel the way you do.’ 
A sob ripped through Angela’s chest, ‘And how am I to make you feel? I’m just a mere stranger you came and took advantage of!’ 
‘No! No. You’re much more than that my little love… you make me feel… human. Gentle… fair.’ He approached her carefully with his hands out. ‘My entire ruling as King of Gods, I’ve been used… abused in all aspects of the word… I’ve never been treated normally… but being here with you, Angela. You make me feel heard. When you look at me I don’t see anger or hate.’ 
Angela looked up at him as she wiped her nose with her wrist and sniffed. 
‘I see a bright future,’ he added as he took her hands into his, ‘Where you sit by my side as my Queen… and we rule Olympus and the Overworld… just the way it’s intended to be. Just—‘
She stared up at him, not able to form words because she was so consumed by fear and confusion.  ‘I could make you a Goddess. Make all your dreams come true my little love… just say… yes.’
tags: @critfailroll @itsrubberbisquit @peternoonewantsthat @ellethespaceunicorn @deandoesthingstome @luxeydior @wa-ni @milknhonies @swiss-mrs @angreav @singeramg @ylva-syverson @amesensibles @ramp-it-up @lainiespicewrites @toooldforobsessions @kingliam2019
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missacidburn928 · 26 days
It's Tasty Tuesday! Who Wants a Sample...
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A weekly sample of what I have to offer. Be it a WIP or a completed fic, I'm here to give you a taste.
Well enough to wet your appetite at least...
Hors d'oeuvres for the week of August 26th 😈
Moonlight & Fang Ch. 5 (The Rogue): Alpha!Ari Levison x x OC Omega!Selene/Red
Strings Attached: Mechanic!Biker!Sy x POC!Reader
You Were Finished Long Before We Had Even Seen The Start: Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Fuckboy!Steve Harrington
Bittersweet (Part I): POC!Reader “Lux” x Walter Marshall
LUNATIC III: Avengers x POC!Reader "Nyx"
As all of my samples are 18+ material they can be fun under the cut. MDNI
Happy Feasting Heathens
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She wants to play with fire and tempt my wolf. Well, I’ll gladly watch her burn.
With a growl, I reach forward. Wrapping my hand around the back of her neck and pulling her forward into a bruising kiss. She tastes of wild magic and sin. Breaking the kiss, I leave her breathless. Hand placed on her heaving chest as she tries to regulate her intake of air.
“Dress. Gone. Now. Before I cut it to shreds.”
She pulls her dagger back out, turning it over with a flick of her wrist and cuts it off herself. Nicking her chest in the process. “It’s just fabric. Need further assistance with yours.” She innocently asks. Doe-eyed and sweet.
“Oh you’re dangerous, little one.”
“What better to challenge you with.” She giggles.
I kiss her once more as I unlace my pants and release my aching member into the chill night air. Gripping her thighs, I lift her up onto my naked chest. Walking forward, I allow my wolf to navigate us to the nearest tree and I slam her up against it. Affording me a nip to the lip in retaliation.
Her slick if making a mess of the thick hair trailing down my abdomen. She’s ripe and ready for me. So I notch my swollen head between her leaking folds and thrust inside her.
Only giving her a moment to adjust to the size of me splitting her open, I start a punishing pace. Slamming into her hard and deep. Hitting all of the sweet spots and grinding my pelvis down against her little bundle of nerves. As her back scratches against the bark, leaving its own mark behind. Our chests, still slick with blood, slide against one another as the very essence of our beings co mingle together.
I can feel her orgasm coming on quickly and with one more deep thrust, I watch her soar over the edge. Screaming my name to Gods, as she promised. 
This is not how I wish to claim her. No, I have something special in mind for that.
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“You’re a needy little one tonight.” He grits out. “Remember to stay quiet Peach. Wouldn't want to alert the neighbors now, would we?”
I have no chance of responding as he pulls his hips back and thrusts them forward. Gripping my waist tight, he sets a hardy pace. I bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming as his weight pushes me down against the leather and metal beneath me.
He slaps my ass, making me cry out, before clamping my mouth shut once more. “If your pussy keeps squeezing me like that Peach, this is going to be over sooner than I would like.”
So of course I purposely do exactly that. I clamp my walls around this girth and circle my hips as best I can in my current position. Rubbing my clit along the leather seat. I can feel a tingle begin to move up from my toes into my core. I’m right on the precipice of ecstasy and I want to take Sy along with me.
“So close.” I whisper out.
“I know, baby. I know.” He groans. “Be a good girl and come for me so I can fill you up. Wanna watch my cum drip out of you onto my seat.”
He picks up the pace and suddenly I feel like I’m flying. Goosebumps erupt along my skin, and I forget all about staying quiet as I come around his cock.
“That’s it, babygirl. Fuck you feel so good when you come on my dick baby.”
I lay there, riding the waves of pleasure as Sy fucks me through my orgasm. Just as the last pulses ring through my body, he thrusts in as deep as he can go. With his tip notched at my cervix, he growls and groans as he unloads inside of me. Hips twitching until the last drop is spent.
He slowly pulls out of me. Reaching forward, he spreads my cheeks. Admiring his seed leaking from my abused hole. “One of these days I’m going to have to film this. My mind never does it justice. And you really need to see just how damn sexy you look all swollen and dripping of me.”
“Why not just do it now? I won’t be moving without help thanks to that orgasm. Enjoy the fruits of your labor Beasty.”
I observe him reach into his pocket and pull out his phone. Taking his sweet time, he snaps pictures and even takes video from practically every angle.
Next thing I know his screen is before me with a video playing. My pussy, front and center, spasms. An aftershock most likely, and a fresh trickle of cream trails down my lips. I’m a mess, but I have to admit, he’s right. I do look sexy with his claim painted on me.
“Fucking perfection.” He whispers in my ear. “Now let’s get you inside and cleaned up, baby. I’m going to push my cum back where it belongs and pull your pants back up. Then I’m carrying you to bed.”
“Such a chivalrous beast.” I giggle.
“Only for you, Peach. What can I say. I’m attached. Strings and all.”
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Your mouth opens on a silent moan. Eyes rolling to the back of your head with the intrusion as you whisper a soft, “Oh fuck.”
“What is it Bunny?” Eddie, who has been watching with his own hand wrapped around his dick, asks.
“Big.” You moan out. “He’s so big. Sooo full.”
 Eddie gives a little sadistic chuckle. “Oh this is going to be even more fun than I originally thought.”
Steve turns his head. Having caught his breath from the initial shock of your tight pussy gripping him tight. Ready with a sassy reply on his tongue. A reply that never makes it past his throat, as Eddie takes his fingers coated in your slick and teases them against his hole.
With a little pressure, Eddie’s fingertip sinks in. He pushes it further past the ring of muscle until he is two knuckles deep. Pulling out he adds a second finger and begins scissoring them.
Steve groans at the intrusion. Hips grinding involuntarily from the sensations. His trimmed patch of hair along his pelvis rubbing against your sensitive pearl. Pulling quiet moans from your throat.
Eddie continues with his prep until he feels that Steve is ready to take his cock. Snapping the bottle of lube open, he applies a generous amount to his rigid length.
Pulling his fingers out, he grips Steve’s cheeks. Spreading him wide and spitting on his hole for good measure. With his dick firmly in hand he kisses the tip to Steve’s puckered hole and gently inches his way in.
Both men groan as Eddie bottoms out. Steve, overloaded with pleasurable sensations, is a panting mess.
“You gonna get those hips moving and satisfy my girl or am I going to have to fuck the both of you myself?” Eddie taunts.
“How the hell would you do that?” Steve ponders out loud.
“Like this.” Eddie pulls out almost to the tip and slams back forward. Thrusting so hard that he moves Steve’s hips. Pushing him deeper inside of you.
When he pulls back once more, Steve’s hips back out from you just a bit with them.
Than Eddies does it again. Choosing to stay still once he’s slammed home. “So again. Are you gonna fuck us yourself or am I going to be the one doing all the fucking?”
“Fuck. You. Eddie.” Steve grits out through pants.
“Maybe next time.” Eddie teases. “At least rub Bunny’s clit. Want to watch her come all over your dick before you lose it. With how taut your muscles are I expect this to go rather quickly.”
Steve turns to glare over his shoulder at Eddie. The subtle movement causes his hips to tilt in just a way that has his thickness grazing against your sweet spongy spot making you moan. Grabbing the attention of both men.
Your eyes are glazed over, and your bottom lip is being held hostage by your top teeth.
“Look at you little one. Laying here all patient like a good girl while we bicker like fools.” Steve coos. Mesmerized by how gorgeous you look underneath him.
“She’s the best girl.” Eddie says. Leaning over Steve’s shoulder to gaze down at you. “She deserves a reward for such good behavior don’t you think? How about a cream pie? Hmm. Stevie fills you up with a fat load while I do the same to him. Sound good to you Bunny?”
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Do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand.
The smile that graced my face this morning when I received the text from Walt letting me know he closed the case and to come over for our usual post case dinner and decompression; was megawatt status. This case really took over his life. Even more so than usual. I barely heard a word from him for two weeks.
Receiving that text, knowing he was okay and that I would be seeing him, was a breath of fresh air.
I arrived to his house and let myself in.
It was eerily silent. I thought that maybe I beat Walt home. That is until I stumbled upon his sulking frame on the kitchen floor, slumped against the cabinets. A highball of whiskey clutched tight in his fingers.
“Walt, is everything okay?” I lower myself to the ground to get closer to him. Uncaring of the dress that took me hours to decide on.
“She didn’t survive.” He mumbles out.
“The wife.” He deadpans. “It was a home invasion. They did horrible things to this woman in front of her husband who fought back with everything he had. They both ended up in the hospital. Beds next to each other. Something went wrong. A bleed they didn’t catch, and she lost her life. He had to watch her die and could do nothing about it.”
“Oh, puppy. I’m so sorry. That poor man. Did you get the assholes responsible?”
“Yeah. Young idiots trying to make a name for themselves.”
“Good. Now justice can be served. So what has you so upset?”
He takes a sip of his whiskey. “The husband looked so hollow when I came to tell him we caught the ones responsible for his wife’s death. I’ve seen some horrible things but nothing that will haunt me as much as that look on his face did. It reminded me of what I have to lose. I don’t know why you even put up with me and all the shit I put you through, but I can’t lose you baby. I can’t.” He confesses with tears in his eyes.
On instinct I climb into his lap and begin kissing them away until I land on his downturned lips. Where I place the softest of kisses. Barely a graze.
He sets his whiskey down and places his hand loosely around my throat as he pulls me in for a deeper one.
It quickly turns desperate. His jeans are quickly unzipped, and my underwear are pushed to the side. Simultaneous groans ricochet off the walls as our pelvis’ connect and we being to grind in tortuous pleasure. Succumbing to the need to reenforce our bond to each other.
It’s both loving and painful. Raw and unfiltered. An emotional mess of our demons dancing together before we chase them away to their dark depths once more.
“I love you.” I pant out. “Demons and all.”
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“Have a look around. Make yourselves comfortable. Get acquainted with the space. I'm still a bit of a mess from my performance. Sticky with sweat, among other things. I’m just going to wash the night away so the fun can begin. I’ll leave the door open. You’re more than welcome to join.” You give your most innocent smile, mischievous eyes giving you away.
Nat wastes no time following you into the bathroom. “Here let me.” She runs her fingers up your arms, pushing the straps down as she reaches your shoulders, letting the dress fall to the floor. She looks down and quirks a brow. “Your panties seem to be missing. I distinctly remember you leaving the stage with them on.”
“Everything about August is large. Down to the size of his loads.” You state. “Not to mention, the viscosity. I didn't feel like walking around with it slowly trailing down my thighs, so I did a quick cleanup and decided to air dry.” 
You smile sweetly at her as she reaches around and unclasps your bra with one hand. “Let’s see if he left anything behind shall we.” Her dainty fingers traverse up your inner thigh, slapping each one to get you to spread them, before sinking her middle finger to the knuckle into your dampened folds. 
She pumps her hand a few times, crooking her finger to reach all the good spots, making you weak in the knees already. Pulling out she raises her wet hand between you. “Well would you look at that, it’s all you.” 
“Thor can’t stop talking about how amazing she tastes.” Bucky speaks from the door frame. “Is it true, doll?” 
Nat licks her finger clean, moaning as your essence coats her tongue. “Fuck that’s good.”
“Guess I’m going to have to find out for myself.” He steps into the bathroom. “Turn around. Hands on the counter and present that dripping little cunt for me, doll.”
You easily comply, bending over the counter, ass high in the air, weeping pussy on full display.
He stands behind you, catching your eyes in the mirror before lowering himself to his knees. Placing his hands on your hips, the cool of the metal soothing your heated skin, he leans forward and runs his thick tongue slowly from clit to slit and back again. “I don’t think his words did you justice, doll. If I’m not too careful, I could find myself addicted to your taste on my tongue. I think I may be ruined already.”
You remain in place and just whimper at his words. “Someone is feeling subby.” Nat mentions. “She hasn’t moved an inch since you commanded her to present for you.” She looks at Bucky.
“That what you need tonight, doll? To surrender? Feel that loss of control?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You whisper out. “Yes, I just want to float away.”
“We can provide that for you.” Nat states. “Let’s set some guidelines before we begin.” You and Bucky both nod. “Good. We can go over them while you shower if you still wish to do so.”
“I do. Muscles are still tense.” You reply.
Bucky starts the shower, checks the temp, lifts you up and places you inside. “Wash up, but leave your hair dry if possible please.” He hands you a hair tie from around his wrist for you to do so.
“Okay. Now. Let’s clarify what is happening here.” He starts. “You want to partake in a scene where Nat or I…”
“Both.” You quickly squeak out.
He chuckles. “Where Nat and I Dom you. Is that correct?”
“Yes.” You nod.
“Anything specific you would like to have happen? Safewords?” Nat asks.
“I use the traffic light system for scenes. Simplest for all parties to remember.” You lather up your body. “And I do have a certain kink in mind that I would love to have utilized if you're comfortable with it.”
“Which kink would that be, doll?”
“I think I have an inkling.” Nat teases.
“Knife play. If getting a little bloody isn't an issue for you.” You look at them. “I wouldn't be opposed to being tied down at your mercy either.”
You watch the tent rise further in Bucky’s jeans. “I can most certainly accommodate that for you.” He twirls his favorite knife around his fingers.
“This is going to be fun.” Nat responds. “Anything else?”
“No that’s pretty much it.”
“Great. Now hurry up and rinse off.” Bucky states as he goes to grab a towel. “You’re to dry off and wait for us to call you into the room.” He pulls you to him by the back of your head and kisses you for the first time, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. “Marks?”
“Nothing permanent please.”
“Understandable.” He kisses you once more and heads back into the room to set up. Nat places a light kiss to your lips then follows.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 2 years
Bright Like The Moon: Chapter 1
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Chapter 1: I Know This Much Is True
Rating: M for Mature, 18+, Minors DNI
Fandom: Night Hunter
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC 
Word count: 4K+
Series Summary: Walter Marshall has urges, dominant urges to be in control of everything. Sexually and otherwise. Being a detective and father of a teen daughter doesn’t afford him those luxuries. Kamaria Mansfield left a long-term relationship where things turned toxic. She was hospitalized with extreme PTSD as a result. As a newly-hired intern with Minnesota PD, she hopes long hours will keep her mind occupied and hold pessimistic thoughts at bay. Takes place post-film.
Series warnings: past toxic D/s relationship, PTSD, therapy sessions, sassy therapist giving less than professional advice at times, unprotected p in v (wrap it up y’all), mentions of psychiatric hospitals, angst, fluff, mutual pining
Chapter Summary: The meeting of Walter and Kamaria, however brief, is enough to ignite a flame.
Chapter warnings: Therapy session, mention of past eating disorder, blink and you’ll miss it fluff, mention of fat shaming, angst, masturbation, mutual pining
A/N: Bless Grammarly for acting as my beta for this chapter. (Currently looking for a beta, if you have time and patience.) This is quite a long first chapter but I wanted to give Kamaria and Walter an even playing field to start with.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Story Art by me
Cross-posted on AO3
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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“I think you are going to be an excellent fit here, Ms. Mansfield. How about you come in bright and early Monday morning and we get you situated with a desk and show you around?” The hiring manager stood up, fixing his blazer before putting a hand out to shake.
“That sounds perfect, Mr. Lind. I look forward to it,” Kamaria took the offered hand and flashed a grin before being shown out of the building. She nods her thanks, turning to walk down the steps of the police station, her long butterfly locks swaying over her shoulder.
‘These steps are decrepit as hell,’ No sooner did that thought occur when her toe catches on a crack and she starts to tumble forward only to be caught by two very strong arms. 
“Oh my gosh, thank you so much, I need to pay attention to where I-” She stops in her tracks, moving her locks out of her face and looking up to see who caught her in the nick of time. Concerned yet gentle cornflower blue eyes stare back at her, his mocha-colored curls dance in the wind and mesmerize her just long enough to catch her breath.
“I’ve told them these steps are a lawsuit waiting to happen. Are you alright, Miss?” That accent and the timbre of his voice set Kamaria on a journey that settles on surprise. If her espresso skin could blush visibly, it would be all over.
“I’m good now. I got the job and not even an almost sprained ankle can take me out of the clouds today,” Kamaria looks away from his face finally and looks back to the building before looking back at the man. “You work here too?”
“Yeah, you could say that. Detective Walter Marshall,” Walter switches his coffee from his right hand to his left and reaches out to shake hers. He pauses for a second too long, but she barely notices when his thumb grazes the back of her hand slowly.
“Nice to meet you, Detective. Intern, Kamaria Mansfield,” She giggles at her little joke. “Anyways, I have got to be off but it was nice meeting you, and thank you again for saving my life.” She touches his strong arm, giving it a quick squeeze, and walks around him down the last couple of steps onto the sidewalk. She doesn’t notice the way he turns around to watch her walk away to the station parking lot.
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Kamaria has just enough time to return home and change clothes to make it to her therapy session on time. She sits in the waiting room fiddling with her fingers, noting that she has to get to the nail salon before work on Monday so her manicure will be flawless. Self-care is very important to her and it makes her feel a bit dainty as well.
‘Dainty is not a word I would use to describe you,’ The words of her ex burn through her mind. She closes her eyes and pictures floating through the clouds at night illuminated by the moon. She is just reaching it as the door opens to her right and her attention is being moved elsewhere.
Her therapist steps through the door and greets her with a wave. “Kamaria, right on time as usual. Come on in, honey.” 
Kamaria gets up from her chair and grabs her bag and coat then enters the office. She closes the door behind her and sits on the big fluffy purple couch opposite where her therapist sits with her trademark notebook. 
“So, don’t keep me in suspense. How did the second interview go today?” Yada can see the smile forming on Kamaria’s face as she situates herself on the couch.
“Well, I got the job!” Kamaria bounces a little in her seat, excitement about the fresh start all over her face.
“Oh, that is so wonderful. You deserve it, girl. I don’t even have to ask if you are excited, you are lighting up this entire room with that smile,” Yada makes a quick note in her notebook before turning her attention back to Kamaria.
“Now, as sensational as this news is. I do want us to get back to the grander topic at hand,” Yada clears her throat and begins to speak again, “Last week, we talked about your fresh starts. New apartment, a new car, and a new job. But there is one thing you seem to have a hard and fast answer to. No new relationships. And trust me, I understand why. You have been through so much, but you have also overcome so much. And I want you to explain to me again why you feel as though remaining at arm’s length with everyone is the best option for you.”
Kamaria was dreading this conversation at the end of her last session, but she knew that it would come up again, just not so soon.
“I will be completely honest. My trust in people has been tested to within an inch of its life. After everything that happened with Christopher and that mess with Britnee, I don’t have a lot to go on with people. I can be kind and courteous with people around me. But for them to be able to know me, they have got to assure me that my trust isn’t going to be treated like some easy thing to gain and maintain with barely anything in return. I need someone on my side who is going to want to know me for me and someone who is willing to take things at my pace.” She bites her lip, a nervous habit, trying to find the words.
“And for them to take things at your pace, you would need to allow them in to know certain things about your past relationships,” Yada says, nodding her head.
“Allowing someone in back then was easy. I was young and I was able to pick myself up after every scrape. Now, though? It seems like every little bump in the road is a hurdle that I am crawling on my hands and knees to get over,” Kamaria looks to the ceiling and the floor and everywhere but Yada.
“Do you still hear Christopher’s voice at all? I remember you saying you can still hear his snide comments when you’re anxious. Does it happen at other specific times?” Yada tries to keep the conversation going.
“A year. It’s been a year since I was in the hospital. Even longer since I’ve seen…him,” she pauses as her mind races, “I still can’t look at myself in the eyes in the mirror for more than ten seconds without hearing him call me fat or ugly or stupid. When I’m down, I feel like he’s on repeat. When I try and sleep, it’s him all over again reminding me that I can’t fit any of my old clothes. Clothes, mind you, that only fit me when I was anorexic because he forced his portion control on me,” She can feel herself getting angry and closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. “I refused to pay attention to his voice when I heard it during my interview, which is something, I guess.”
“That is more than something, that is amazing,” Yada tilts her head and tries to get Kamaria’s attention. “So, I take it restful sleep is still evading you?”
Kamaria nods, not looking up from a spot on the carpet. It is the one spot she tends to use as a focal point when making eye contact is too difficult. She thinks it would be better to find a new spot because Yada is very used to seeing her gravitate toward that specific area where heavy foot traffic has affected the carpeting.
“Kamaria, I want you to look at me and listen well when I say this.” Yada clears her throat a little too loud.
Kamaria looks up at Yada, tears unshed in her eyes, teeth worrying her bottom lip.
“You are doing swimmingly right now, whether or not you have anyone in your life to share it with. But don’t you think confiding in another person who wasn’t getting paid to listen to you would, I don’t know, be fulfilling in its own right?” Yada asks, with a gentle smile.
Kamaria thinks about it for a second before answering. “I mean, my insurance pays so it’s not like-”
“You know exactly what I mean, so don’t even play with me.” Yada wipes the smile off her face and makes a note in her notebook again.
“Ok, ok! I know what you mean. Someone who I can talk to about the little stuff and the big stuff would be nice. A friend would be nice,” She suddenly is very interested in her hands.
“I think now would be a good time to discuss your homework for next week.” Yada gets up and sits at her desk, waking the screen on her computer, and brings up the schedule for next week.
“I figured my homework would be to have a good first week at work.” Kamaria slyly says, rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, nice try,” Yada nips that one right in the bud. “Your homework next week is to make a friend. I want you to connect with someone at work. I don’t care if it’s your manager or your coworker at the next desk over. Hell, I don’t even care if it’s the mailman. I want you to let someone in. Let them know something more than your name and your position. Give them something to go on, and make them want to get to know you. You don’t need to give them your phone number or your address. But, lending someone an ear on a rough day can go a long way. And something tells me being in a police station all day is gonna have your ears ringing by the end of Monday, so keep that in mind for the others around you.” Yada adjusts herself in her chair and tilts her head to let Kamaria know she is not trying to upset her.
“So my homework is to make a friend?” Kamaria asks, thinking she couldn’t have heard that right.
“Yes, my dear. Your homework is ‘Make a Friend’. And you can do this. You are very charismatic when you wanna be. If you don’t shut people down so quickly, I’m sure you’ll find people who want to get to know you. It’s not like you need to tell the first person you see that you are in therapy for PTSD and that you have trust issues,” Yada turns her attention back to her laptop, before quipping, “You could always save that tidbit for the second person.”
“Yada, you are a mess,” Kamaria giggles despite herself. “So, if I just let someone in a little, then I complete my homework?”
“I don’t like how you said ‘a little’, knowing just how little you tend to let people in. But, yes. Just give them something. Something they wouldn’t find out from your personnel file. How’s that for specificity?” Yada winks at Kamaria over her computer screen.
Kamaria takes a deep breath and exhales dramatically. “Well, that is about as specific as I suspected you would be if I’m honest. Kinda surprised you don’t have a worksheet for this.” She smiles at the thought.
“I can make one if you just give me a second.” Yada holds up a finger at that.
“No, Yada, that was a joke. Puh-lease don’t make a worksheet on me making friends as an adult. This is already halfway to depressing.” She is already overwhelmed and she hasn’t even stepped foot in the office as an employee yet.
“Ok. I won’t make one. Yet. Don’t test me, though. You know I’m a woman on a mission with a template and a little bit of time,” Yada raises an eyebrow when Kamaria tries to roll her eyes at that. “It would be in your inbox so fast, it would make your head spin.” 
“From experience, I know that’s true.” Kamaria thinks of the worksheets currently unfinished in her email.
“So, we’ve got your homework set up. And I have your work schedule. So we will be meeting virtually during your lunch break on Friday and see how everything is going and then we will move on from there if that time continues to work for you, ok?” Yada saves the appointment time and comes around the desk to sit back down in her armchair.
“That sounds wonderful, gives me the whole week to give you the hot gossip floating around the office.” And hopefully, I will have a friend by the end of the week…
“Save the hot goss, just give me the deets on who intrigues you and feel free to keep those eyes and ears open for the singles too. No need to jump down their throats, just watch out for jealousy and pettiness.” Yada crosses her legs and turns a wide smile toward Kamaria. “Even though I wouldn’t recommend an office romance, a little office nooky wouldn’t be terrible for you, girl.”
“Wow. That is highly unprofessional but I will remember you want me to get laid.” Kamaria is once again glad she can hide her blush.
“Might be a little unprofessional, but still, you’d be surprised how good an orgasm could be to the soul when it’s someone else giving it to you. Arrangements aren’t exactly frowned upon when certain people have issues with maintaining relationships.”
“Arrangements? Are you trying to be polite about fuck buddies?”
“Call it what you want, just know you don’t have to be alone all the time. Sometimes, all you need is a soft shoulder to lean on and a strong back to realign you and yours.” Yada giggles at her own words and soon Kamaria joins in.
“I swear, this is not how I thought this therapy session would end, but I can’t hate. This is a good way to end it, I think.” Kamaria smiles genuinely.
“I agree. I will see you next week, don’t forget to pace yourself and have a lovely week.” Yada gets up to walk Kamaria to the door before shutting it behind her softly.
That woman doesn’t need to be that intense all the time, but if she wasn’t I’d be a lot quieter and she knows it, Kamaria thinks to herself as she walks down to the parking lot to get back in her car and head to her quiet apartment. She listens to the radio on the way home and thinks of the cute detective that ‘saved her life’. At least, that’s something to look forward to on Monday, seeing his smile again.
After getting some Thai takeout, she makes it home, leaving her shoes at the door. She eats while watching some old Kitchen Nightmares episode on tv. After dinner, she cleans her dishes and the kitchen and then the living room before everything is back in its place and the world seems orderly again.
She retires to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of her bed. Her eyes focus on her favorite painting on the wall, a replica of Salvador Dali’s La Persistencia de la Memoria. Memory is truly persistent. Thoughts of her time with her ex flood her senses and her mind is reeling. 
What if I have an episode while at work? What if everyone finds out I was a failed submissive and my Dom, the one that was supposed to love and protect me, hurt me worse than anyone ever has? What if…
This is the spiral she was hoping to avoid earlier in the day. It seems to have found her now, in the safety of her own home. She turns and grabs her favorite stuffed animal, Beary Allen, named after The Flash. She holds him in her hands while counting backward from 10. With each number, she lets go of a negative thought until she is back to 1.
1…her loneliness.
That loneliness drives her urge to make a friend. Yada wouldn’t like to think about what that loneliness could make her do to make a friend, possibly. But she can’t think about what more Yada might be upset about. 
She needs to do what makes her comfortable and what will keep her safe. She places Beary back on the bed and opens the drawer of her nightstand to take her melatonin. Taking off her clothes and leaving just her shirt and panties, she lays back in bed. She’s been tense on and off all day long from the interview to therapy to…Walter. 
A ruggedly handsome bear of a man. Strong arms ready to catch her like a breath she didn’t know she needed to take. She liked that feeling. That feeling of safety, however fleeting it was. That little flutter moved from the top of her head down to her toes before radiating through her most intimate of places. Usually, she would ignore this arousal until it was too much and she would abuse herself most lovingly. But at this moment, her urges demanded to be sated forthwith.
She moves her hand from the bed to her panties. Lightly rubbing her nether lips over the silken fabric, she pushes in finding her swollen button. Her light moan escaping startles her for a moment before giving in to relax again. Moving her panties to the side, she lets a finger gather her sweet nectar and circles her nub. Her thoughts move to Walter and how he would guide her through her relief. 
He might tell her to use all her force on a clitoral orgasm. Or he might even assist with his fingers and tongue, taking her care personally. She imagines his thick digits inside her heat while two of hers slide inside, the other hand focusing on her tumescent clit. She finds that bundle of nerves inside her core and massages it all but gently, her eyes screwed shut and she imagines calloused fingers and a slippery, soft tongue laving on her. 
It doesn’t take long before she feels the flames ignite within her, eyes open and aglow with surprise as Walter’s name falls from her mouth. She waits until the flutter of her inner walls ceases, then slowly removes her fingers. She moves to her bathroom to pee and wipe away the remnants of her needfulness. Washing her hands, she avoids looking in the mirror for fear of what her eyes may convey to her.
She crawls back into bed and cuddles Beary, turning off the lamp. Melatonin already working through her system, she turns to her side, smiling at how that was the first orgasm she has been able to achieve in weeks. Earlier attempts were thwarted by time, patience, or worse yet, her psyche not allowing her to feel worthy of peacefulness. 
She can’t afford to think whether she would be worthy of Walter’s touch. That would be too much. He’s probably married, just my luck.
For now, she would just bask in the chance to see him again on Monday morning. That will be enough.
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Walter spends most of the day in and out of the interrogation room and his office. His latest case is a pain in his ass, but at least the day is almost over. Closer to the weekend and closer to Monday morning to see Kamaria again. 
Those few moments with her weren’t enough. He could tell her smile didn’t reach her eyes and he wanted to know why. He wanted to know more about her. Whatever she was willing to give to him, he would embrace.
He could still feel how soft her hands felt, he could still see the look in her eyes when he caught her before she fell. That tiny moment of vulnerability had his heart racing. She felt so small and so in need of his help that his protective instincts were moving him before he could even think to move.
At the end of the day, he leaves his office while grabbing his belongings. As he enters the doorway, Rachel walks up to stop him.
“Hey, I was hoping to catch you to see if you wanted to grab a drink?” A hopeful smile graces her face.
“I’m knackered. I will be lucky if I manage to shower before passing out.” He steps around her, offering a sincere smile.
She steps closer so only he can hear her. “Look, I know we didn’t exactly leave things in a positive light, but I think if we could just talk some things out, we could-”
Walter stops her dead in her tracks and puts a hand on her shoulder, leaning down to make himself appear smaller and less intimidating. “There is nothing to talk out, Rachel. I told you what I wanted. You told me you couldn’t give it to me. From this moment on, we are nothing but colleagues. Maybe one day we can be friends but not until you realize that being around you is hard for me right now. Only time will help that. I’m going to go home. You should too.”
She moves her shoulder and his hand falls. “And I told you, I do what I want when I want. You will never get to tell me what you think I should do again.” She practically snarls at him, all but running back down the hall.
It was true. Rachel was not submissive. If anything, she was just as dominant as he was. And, if he wanted that, that would be perfect. Rachel was nice, attractive, and intelligent. But, as it was, he wanted a true submissive. Someone who would look to him for guidance. Someone he could take care of and dote on.
His mind returns to Kamaria to rid his thoughts of Rachel and her sour attitude as he walks to his truck. His thoughts scream of her amber eyes looking up at him in surprise and her lovely hair cascading back over her shoulders. How he would love to sweep her hair behind her ear to make her smile at him once again. 
As he turns the key into the ignition, the radio comes on playing ‘Beggin’ by Maneskin. He tries not to let his mind wander too much on the idea of Kamaria begging on her knees in front of himself, but even a strong man knows when his mind is winning out over everything else.
He makes it back to his home, barely pausing after putting the key in the lock and unlocking the door, closing it behind himself. He kicks off his boots by the door and peels off layer after layer on the way to the en suite shower. He turns on the water, allowing it to get to the right temperature while he stretches his back and feels a few knots untangle.
He steps into the spray and lets the water cascade over his hairy chest before turning around and tipping his head back to quickly wash his hair. He grabs his body wash and starts to lather all over but makes the mistake of lingering too long over his cock. It wakes to his touch and his thoughts go back to how small Kamaria felt in his arms.
As he fists himself, he thinks of how he describes her as small. She has wide hips, a deliciously juicy ass, and a hefty bosom. He wonders if she knows the effect she has on him. If she even gave him a second thought after she left him gobsmacked on the steps. He ponders if she always smells of fresh fruit or if that was just a scent she picked out for the day. Something peachy or perhaps apricot?
He imagines her supple lips wrapped around his cock and soon he’s breathing heavily and spilling over his fist as Kamaria’s name stumbles out his mouth. The water starts to run cold as he watches the evidence of his ministrations slide down the drain. He exits the shower and towels himself off before walking back to his bedroom to what will probably be another night of fitful sleep. At least the orgasm helped him relax a bit.
He pulls the covers down after pulling on a pair of clean boxer briefs and practically falls into bed as his mind settles on that sweet smile and the way her hips swayed just for him, at least that’s what he decides to believe.
Until that nagging little voice in his head tells him that she would never be interested in him or his desires. She probably has a boyfriend anyway, he thinks to himself while tossing and turning in bed all night long.
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A/N: Thank you for reading and please comment with your thoughts on this chapter, and do be kind, it is my first time writing in over two years.
Chapter 2
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Bright Like The Moon Masterlist
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC 
Series Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film.
Spotify Playlist is here.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Cover Art by me
Support/Reblog banner by me
Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (TBD)
My Masterlist 
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lainiespicewrites · 4 months
Hey Yall!! I just wanted to let you know that more of my stories ARE COMING! HOWEVER, I promised @hey-its-roseaurum I wouldn’t work on anything else until I finished and posted the next part of “The Atreides Era” because we were supposed to have posted our part 2’s already by school put me behind! But there is more of my Sy and Walter content to come!! ❤️❤️
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I will slowly be adding my previous stories over time. New stories will be up the same day as ao3.
What I currently have posted:
Time After Time: Modern!Eddie Munson x POC!Reader
Moonlight & Fang: Alpha!Jax Teller, Dean Winchester, Captain Syverson, Ari Levinson, Bucky Barnes x OC Omega!Selene/Red
You Were Finished Long Before We Had Even Seen The Start: Indie Rocker!Eddie Munson x POC!Indie Rocker!Reader “Sug” x Fuckboy!Steve Harrington (Drabble I) (Drabble II) (Drabble III)
LUNATIC: Avengers x POC!Reader "Nyx"
That First Night: POC!Reader x Nomad!Steve Rogers
Why Did Love Put A Gun In My Hand: Mafia!Avengers x POC Reader “Jinx”
It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way, you're happy without me...: Hunterverse AU, Sy, Walter, Curtis (Lumberjack & the 2 bears) x POC Reader "Havoc/TG" Ex Dean x Reader
Let Me Spell It Out For You: Jax Teller x Rockstar!Reader "Firefly" Ex Bf!Rockstar!Steve Rogers x Reader
Why You Calling Me Tonight: Ex!August Walker x POC!Reader Walter Marshall x POC!Reader (Challenge Accepted/Part 2)
Sandalwood, Leather, Mead & Honey: Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky. Thor x POC Singer!Reader “Honey” x Bucky x Steve.
Bittersweet: POC!Reader “Lux” x Walter Marshall (How Do You Love Me/Part 2) (Go Ahead And Lock Me Up Drabble)
Affinity Series: Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Steve x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader, Alpha!Bucky x Sweet Little Omega!POC!Reader x Alpha!Steve
Don't Care If It Sounds Cold. It Is, What It Is: Bucky x POC!Reader, Ex!Steve Rogers x POC!Reader
Badda Boom Universe: Alpha!Jax Teller x Omega!POC!Reader "LuLu"
I got all these issues. Will you be my prescription?: Bucky Barnes x POC!Reader
Sinners Prayer: Mafia!Stucky x POC Escort!Reader “Sin”
Strings Attached: Mechanic!Biker!Sy x POC!Reader
Eff Being Friends: Steve Rogers x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”, ? x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader “Ci”, Ex!Thor x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”, Ex!Loki x POC!Goddess!Avenger!Reader "Ci”
Off To Never Never Land: Eddie Munson x POC!Reader
From The Jump: Dean Winchester x POC!Reader "Wildflower"
Please Believe Me: August x POC!Reader, Andy Barber x POC!Reader
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darkpeacemusic · 2 months
ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕪𝕡𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕒 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤: 𝔽𝕦𝕝𝕝 𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤
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Jeff the Killer - Jeffrey "Jeff" Alan Dan Woods
Homicidal Liu - Liuis "Liu" Victoria Woods
Sully - Sullivan "Sully" Akira Woods
Randy - Randall "Randy" Allen Warren
Keith - Keith Harvey Davis-Green
Troy - Troy John Green
Ben Drowned - Benjamin "Ben" Scott Lawman
Jane - Jane Todd Richardson-Vaughn
Mary - Mary Annabelle Vaughn
Ticci Toby - Tobias "Toby" Erin Rogers
Masky - Timothy "Tim" Buck Wright
Hoodie - Brian Hunter Thomas
Skully - Jay Gabriel Merrick
Kate the Chaser - Kate Eleanor Milens-Hayes
Charlie - Charles Matheson Jr.
Laughing Jack - Laughing Jack in a Box
Eyeless Jack - Jackson "Jack" Nicky Nyras
Slenderman - Simon (middle and last name unknown) (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Splendorman - Jim (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Trenderman - Beau (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Tenderman - Cedric (Human name prior to his experimentation/death)
Sally - Sally Maryam Dawn (formerly Williams)
Dr Smiley - Azerael Jesse Smiley
Nurse Ann - Annie "Ann" Lusen Mia
Nina - Nina Selene Hopkins
Candy Pop - Unknown
Candy Cane - Unknown
April Fools - Unknown
Jason the Toymaker - Jason Caleb Meyer
The Puppeteer - Jonathan Cole Blake
Clockwork - Natalie Priscilla Ouellette
Rouge - Heather Bridget Marshall
Wilson - Wilson Liam Marshall (neé Jones)
Zalgo - Z͠a̛'l͘ga̶t҉ot̡h
Queen Blackheart (oc) - Elizabeth Cindy Phillips (name prior to death)
Lazari - Lazari Natalie Swann
Stripes - Eloise Sarah Bellarose (name prior to her death)
Nathan - Nathan Maxwell Lux
Bloody Painter - Helen Delilah Otis
Kagekao - Unknown
Laughing Jill - Laughing Jill in a Box
Sadie - Sadie Marie Bennett
Hobo Heart - Unknown
Cat Hunter - Rodrigo Milo Ortiz
Chris the Revenant - Christine "Chris" Wendy Meyers
X-Virus - Cody Larkin Drake
Dollmaker - Erina Jezebel Kerenzalys
Frankie the Undead - Frankie Hades Asher (his real name prior to his death)
Judge Angels - Dina Angela Clark
Lifeless Lucy - Lucy Ava Jones
Lost Silver - Ethan Kin Fuji (his real name before his death)
Glitchy Red - Red (his real name remains a mystery)
Strangled Red - Steven Garrett Stoughton
Dr. Locklear - Evander Agnar Locklear
Lulu - Lucille "Lulu" Tiffany Greatfeil
Killing Kate - Katherine "Kate" Evelyn Knight
Screaming Dawn (oc) - Dawn Evelyn Woods
Will Grossman - William "Will" Gordon Grossman
Lulling Lauren - Lauren Robyn Ross (neé Evans)
CR - Carl Morton Ross
Emra - Emra Amelia Blake (neé Albridge)
Zero - Alice Marie Jackson
Slendrina - Charlotte (first name prior to death/experimentation)
Lily - Lily May Kennett
Nightmare Ally - Adeline "Ally" Ashley Abendroth
Zachary the Proxy - Zachary Julius Gibson
Oliver - Oliver Gorgon Henderson
Alex Kralie - Alexander "Alex" Joseph Kralie
Amy - Amy Callie Walters
Jessica - Jessica Ellie Locke
Seth - Seth Apollo Reid-Wilson (neé Wilson)
Sarah - Sarah Cassie Reid-Wilson (neé Ried)
Third Base - Richard "Doby" Vincent Doggers
Vailly - Vailly Suki Evans
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unknownbirdie · 10 months
Behind the white picket fence
A brand new Story
Henry Cavill!Character x oc!Madeline x oc!Naomi
In the quaint suburban town of Lake Hills, police officer Walter Marshall and his wife, Naomi, lead an idyllic life until a new girl moves in next door. The arrival of the enigmatic and alluring Madeline sends ripples through their seemingly perfect world. Walter is increasingly drawn to Madeline, whose charm and charisma captivate him. Naomi, an aspiring writer, also feels a magnetic pull towards Madeline, finding solace in her company amidst her isolation. However, their infatuation with Madeline comes at a cost, unravelling their once-stable marriage and raising questions about their values and desires. Walter and Naomi find themselves entangled in a web of passion, deceit, and moral ambiguity, forcing them to confront the darkness lurking behind the veneer of suburban perfection.
Torn between duty, loyalty, and forbidden temptations, they navigate a precarious path where lines between right and wrong blur, leading to unexpected twists that challenge their perceptions of love, trust, and the fragile nature of human connections.
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mdemontespan1667 · 2 years
HUNGER (conclusion)
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This is a hot fucking mess. I really wanted to post it before or on Halloween but that didn't happen. So I'm posting this part tonight and will post the ending tomorrow night. I apologize for any mistakes, I was typing in a hurry.
I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes. I wanted to make sure I got this posted tonight.
“Have you seen to her companions?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Very good Mr Pronge.”
Even though the trance was fading you kept your eyes closed, limbs slack, suspended in Alesha’s former position, listening to the men speak behind you.
“With your permission I’d like to have the whore with the big titties.”
A grim laugh was uttered.
“Try not to make a mess this time.”
“Of course Master.”
Muted footsteps shuffled down the hallway.
“I know you’re awake.”
You startled, jerking frantically at the bindings.
“Did you have a pleasant rest?”
His breath on the back of your neck was sour, fetid, a combination of damp earth, rotted flesh and, oddly, vanilla.
“Where are my friends? What did you do to them you sick fuck!”
Pain exploded as Walter bit down on your neck, pointed teeth breaking the skin.
The pull of his mouth threatened to overwhelm you.
You felt yourself floating, fire radiated from the bite, pooling between your legs.
“Sorry, Love. I couldn't help myself. I’ve smelled your scent since you drove up.”
He caressed your ribcage with his icy fingers.
“Your friends have been made comfortable. Except for Alesha. My human associate has taken a liking to her.”
He tsked.
“She’ll wish he hadn’t.”
“You, you won’t get away with this,” you screamed, “Thousands of people know we’re here. They’ll have the cops looking for us.”
“Due to technical difficulties the rest of the live stream is canceled. We’ll let ya’ll know a new time and date when we get back to fucking civilization. Sorry Kits and Kats.”
Jenn’s words spilled from her phone.
You gasped, “How…..”
“Mr Pronge is a fountain of information.”
Walter’s hand cupped your breast.
“Your cellular phones will show you left here at approximately 11pm. Your car and personal belongings will be found in a ditch outside of Chamberlain, along with alcohol and assorted opioids. It will be assumed the four of you, drunk and under the influence, wandered off. The police will search, of course, but the woods are dangerous, full of deadfalls and sinkholes. In a year or two a hunter may stumble on skeletal remains. Or not. Mr Pronge is very reliable.”
Tears sprang to your eyes.
“No, this, this is just a dream, a fucked up dream, not real, just a dream..not..”
Walter turned you towards him, lifting your chin. 
“I assure you, this is very real.”
You were sobbing now, vision clouded.
“Why? Because you wanted this. Why else would you be here.”
“We’re sorry, so so sorry. Just let us go. We, we won’t tell anyone.”
He dropped to his knees, slinging your leg over his shoulder.
“We both know it’s too late for that.”
You shrieked when he bit down on the tender skin of your inner thigh.
“Oh God, please, please stop.”
Lifting your other leg, spreading you wide, he grinned.
“There is no God here, Only me.”
Your body bucked as he lapped at your cunt. 
His tongue was freezing, like a twin popsicle.
The thrill of it against your heated folds was unlike anything you’d ever experienced.
Walter swept your nub, catching the sensitive tip, his canine prinking the delicate skin, the pulling sensation forcing you to orgasm with a jolt.
He lashed your clit recklessly, licking between the swollen lips.
A thumb replaced his tongue, swiping, while he pushed two digits in, puncturing the other thigh.
He tore orgasm after orgasm from you, alternating his hand and mouth at your core, blood and slick staining his beard, running rivulets down your legs. 
Body limp, arms numb, your head fell forward. 
Despite the crisp Autumn air you were drenched in sweat.
You felt Walter’s cock at your entrance.
“Please no, no…”
He ignored your pleas, wrapping your legs around his hips, his hands supporting your ass.
In one violent shove he impaled you. 
His cock was huge, cold, unyielding as granite, stretching you beyond reason. 
Walter gave you no time to adjust, thrusting with preternatural speed.
“It hurts….plea….please stop..”
Capturing a nipple, he pierced your breast. 
It seemed like eternities passed, your body ragged out and torn, drained.   
You fought the twelfth impending orgasm that now brought more pain than pleasure.
The command echoed in your head.
Your nerve endings fired, sending tendrils of ecstasy outward.
Every sense was heightened, dissolving you into a delirious mess of longing.
Keening, you tightened your legs, desperate to force him deeper.
He pistoned faster, nipping and sucking your exposed flesh.
“NO..NO..NO..,” You wailed, unsure if it was in denial of the impending crash or a last ditch effort to save your soul.  
Tremors built in your belly.
Walter’s fingers found your nub, circling the tender flesh.
You came with a gut wrenching cry, body shaking with uncontrollable spasms.
Barely conscious, you felt his hips falter.
With a grunt, Walter came, slamming into you as he rode out the tremors. 
Vaguely you wondered at the warm liquid filling you up, dripping from your center.
The image flitted away, brain recoiling at the possibilities.
Gently he freed your arms, gathering you close.
An unfamiliar electricity clawed along your veins.
He kissed your forehead.
“Sleep. Later we will visit your companions.”
Your eyelids heavy, visions of writhing bodies bathed in blood danced behind them.
An awful, unholy hunger grew. 
@fanfic-fangirl @caffiend-queen @americasass81 @lokislastlove @ironlady1993 @nildespirandum @jennmurawski13 @xoxabs88xox @imanuglywombat @starynighty @sapphirescrolls @xsapphirescrollsx @momc95 @sagechanoafterdark @jtargaryen18 @demonsandpieohmy @dangertoozmanykids101 @lizzystuffsthings @shikin83 @km-ffluv @punemy-spotted @sinceimetyou @rustytricycle @imdarkinme @titty-teetee @saiyanprincessswanie @littlefreya
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
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Summary: How are the Marshalls doing?
Former Professor!Walter Marshall x Penny Townsend (Asian ofc)
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: Implications of sex, but not really significant.
But professor… masterlist
If you had told Walter ten years ago he’d be a doting father and a loving boyfriend—and husband in the near future—living in a suburban area in Maryland, he would’ve laughed at you, right in your face. But yet, here he is: a loving relationship with his Penny, a lovely five and a half year old and darling twin girls Layla and Emma, who just turned two years old a month ago.
Walter considers himself the happiest and luckiest man on earth. He never pecked himself for a man who turned into a pile of mush whenever he sets foot into his house, however when he is greeted by his three happy kids, who are such a mix of both Penny and Walter, it happens. All of their kids have Walter’s curls, but the same pout as Penny. They’re all pretty tiny, however Walter thinks they’ll get their growth spurt later on.
After a long day of work, he finds all three of his kids and his beautiful girlfriend sitting on the couch. They’re still in their pj’s, however they manage to tear their gaze away from the television.
‘Dad!’ Declan exclaims, jumping off the couch and straight into Walter’s thick arms. ‘I missed you.’
‘I missed you too, buddy,’ he says, giving the little boy a kiss on his cheek.
‘Daddy!’ Layla and Emma yell, carefully sliding off the couch.
After he gently places Declan on the ground again, he lifts up the twins and he’s peppered with kisses. ‘My darlings,’ he says. ‘I missed you two.’ He places them on their feet again and walks over to the couch. ‘Hi princess.’
Penny gives him a peck. ‘Hi honey.’
Despite the fact they both want to get married, Penny wanted to wait some more, because she wants the twins to be a bit older, so they can also remember the wedding. As long as Walter is with her, is able to share this life with her, he is satisfied.
But seeing Penny in a wedding dress? That he dreams about from time to time.
He plops on the couch and within no time he is surrounded by all the people he loves. While their couch is large enough for each one to have their own cushion, they like to cram onto one cushion. The three kids all babble, Declan a bit more coherent than the twins.
‘Daddy pj,’ Layla says, who is the more talkative one of the two girls. They both have the identical light brown curls and Penny’s large doll like features. It’s adorable and with the identical pout, he is quick to tell them yes and to change into his pajamas.
By the time he has changed into his plaid pajama pants and a sweater, he finds them all sitting on the couch, with five mugs (all different sizes) of hot cocoa on the coffee table in front of them.
‘How was everyone’s day?’ he asks, as he plops on the couch again, only to be buried underneath his kids again.
‘We watched three movies,’ Declan tells him, still a little lisp. He keeps on babbling about what the movies were about, the twins also speak at once and he can’t help but smile.
Coming home to his family, is always the best part of his day. He loves them so much. It’s scaring him sometimes, realizing how much more vulnerable he became. When he and Penny were in their first stages of their relationship, he felt so protective over her and realized that if anything were to ever happen to her, he’d be a mess. Now, he not only worries about his Penny, but also about his three kids.
Four apples of his eye, all in this shitty messed up world. He hates it sometimes and he wants to protect them from all the evil.
Penny snakes her arms around his shoulders, pressing a kiss on his cheek. ‘I love you,’ she whispers in his ear.
He looks over the side and smiles. ‘Love you too.’
✎ ✎ ✎
That night, the twins are asleep and Declan is in his own room. Penny and Walter are downstairs, finishing up some cleaning. ‘Honey,’ Penny asks. ‘You okay?’
‘Yeah, I’m fine,’ he says.
‘Tough case?’
He nods, before he leans against the counter, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Over the last few years, Penny has grown pretty thick skin when it comes to his cases. Normally she’d pretend not to be grossed out, but failed miserably. But as she grew older, she became a lot more resistant to his work experiences.
Penny walks over to him and wraps her arms around his waist, placing her head on his chest.
‘I’m just so lucky to go home and be with all of you. Our lovely little family.’
She chuckles. ‘You sure you’re able to miss them tomorrow afternoon?’
He holds her face in his hands as he looks into her eyes. ‘What?’
‘My parents are watching them tomorrow. We agreed on that last week? Remember?’
‘Right, right,’ he is quick to say, pretending he did remember that agreement, though he has no recollection of it. Despite his best efforts, she pokes right through it, he can see it in her eyes. ‘What shall we do that afternoon?’
‘I know plenty of ways to fill that in,’ Penny says, standing on her toes to give him a kiss. She hums in content and whispers: ‘So, it’s a deal then?’
‘Of course,’ Walter chuckles darkly. ‘Can’t wait.’
‘Great, because I really wanted to deep clean the bathroom.’
He lets out a laugh. ‘I know you’re messing with me. Good one though.’
They hear one pair of footsteps carefully walk off the stairs and they both look at the door. ‘Mommy,’ Declan says, as he walks into the kitchen, ‘I’m scared.’
‘Oh, baby, why is that?’ Penny asks, already walking over to him, crouching down in front of him.
Penny wraps her arms around the little man and lifts him up. ‘How about you sleep on our bed?’ she proposes. ‘Than dad will check your room and tomorrow night you can sleep there, safe and sound.’
Declan nods and from the looks of it, he is really tired, because he places his head on her shoulder, eyelids heavy with exhaustion.
Walter walks up to the two of them and says: ‘Dad’ll go check, okay?’
‘Okay,’ Declan mumbles.
By the time Walter has checked Declan’s room, he hears soft whimpers coming from the twins’ room. He opens the door and sees they’re wide awake, both with tears in their eyes. ‘No, no, no,’ he says, ‘what’s wrong?’
With one twin on each arm, he hears them mutter something about a bad dream, about monsters as well and how they want to sleep in their bed. When he walks into his own shared bedroom with Penny, he sees Declan deep asleep against Penny, who runs her fingers through his tiny curls.
‘Oh, sweeties,’ she says, when Walter sits in bed, the twins glued to him. ‘Bad dream?’
‘Yes,’ Layla and Emma say in unison. ‘Bad dream.’
It doesn’t take long for the two girls to drift off to a deep sleep as well and Penny places her head against Walter’s arm. ‘We sure have a lovely family,’ she says.
He smiles. ‘Oh, princess, we sure do.’
✎ ✎ ✎
But professor taglist: @diegos-butt // @crazybutconfidentaf // @gearhead66 // @thelastsock // @legendarywizarddetective // @toomanystoriessolittletime // @chaiwithchrisevans // @sofiebstar // @cherry-gemz // @eldarwen333 // @cynic-spirit // @wehrguhyhggg // @shamelesssoff // @i-less-than-threee-you // @ana-13-sousa-bog // @needmorereading // @little-brattyangel // @historicallyyours // @islacharlotte // @sunflowersturn // @dougles-everett-penha1987 // @princesscassashoneypot // @sunshine96love // @lyrarodriguez // @enchantedbytomandhenry // @liecastillo
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❀ WIP Wednesday! ❀
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Thank you to @hederasgarden for the tag (like a week ago whoops lol)!
All of these are F!Readers and more information on them can be found via the masterlist/WIPs list found in my pinned post here.
If I take a while to respond to your choice - don't worry. My WIPs are in different levels of completeness so some are fully ready to go, some need to be fine-tuned, and others need to be written.
(Yes, I have a stupid amount of WIPs. No, none of them have titles yet. I tried to break them down and give them identifying factors to make it easier for y'all if I had multiple fics that would have the same pairing.)
WIPs: Fics - OC
August Walker x OC
Bucky Barnes x OC
Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x OC
Jack Castello x OC
Peter Maximoff x OC
Scott Miller x OC (FWB to Lovers)
Scott Miller x OC (Tyler's Sister)
Spencer Reid x OC
Walter Marshall x OC
Warren Worthington III x OC
WIPs: Fics - Reader
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x Reader
Scott Miller x Reader
WIPs: One-Shots - OC
Boone Rodriguez x OC
WIPs: One-Shots - Reader
August Walker x Reader (Sex Pollen)
August Walker x Reader (Friends to Lovers to Enemies)
Boone Rodriguez x Reader
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (Childhood Best Friends to Lovers)
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Bradley Bradshaw x Reader x Jake Seresin
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Friends to Lovers)
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers
Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x Reader (Breeding)
Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x Reader (Mistaken Identity)
Henry Cavill!Clark Kent x Reader (Co-Workers)
Jack Castello x Reader
Peter Maximoff x Reader
Robert Pattinson!Bruce Wayne x Reader
Scott Miller x Reader (Second Chance Romance)
Scott Miller x Reader (CNC)
Scott Miller x Reader x Javi Rivera
Scott Miller x Reader x Tyler Owens
Steve Rogers x Reader (Sex Pollen)
Steve Rogers x Reader (Friends to Rivals to Lovers)
Tyler Owens x Reader x Boone Rodriguez
Walter Marshall x Reader
Warren Worthington x Reader
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cardierreh15 · 5 months
Hey yall! I’m still working on that Zeus!Walter one shot ⚡️ if you’d like to be tagged please comment under this post or reblog 🤗⚡️
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diegos-butt · 3 years
Wrapped like a buritto
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Summary: After a long day, Walter can't wait to sleep next to his girl. The thing is, is there room for him underneath the blanket?
Walter Marshall x Melody Williams (plus size/curvy/thick OFC)
I didn’t mention her name (he calls her doll y'all) so you could see this as a reader insert I guess! I also didn't describe her body, but it is written with a plus size/curvy/thick babe in mind.
Warnings: mention of sex? blink and you miss it tho. But basically fluff, don't worry
Wordcount: <600 words. It's a lil drabble.
A/N: enjoy my loves. This takes places in the same universe as Electricity, but I can be read on its own. ❤️
I was slowly drifting off to sleep when I heard the front door open. Heavy footsteps walked inside, and I knew Walter had finally come home. Glancing at my phone, I saw it was 2am. I had gone to bed by 11pm, but even though I was really tired, I couldn’t sleep. Honestly, I blamed Walter. After sleeping next to him for a while, I was unable to fall asleep without his body heat. He was my own, big, space heater and I loved nothing more than to wrap myself around him and feel his arms squeezing me tight.
Walter walked up the stairs after he locked the front door. He stopped by the bathroom, and a few minutes later he walked inside the bedroom, not bothering turning the light on. After I had checked the time, I snuggled back into my comfortable position underneath the blanket. Better said, inside the blanket. Knowing he was home, made me calm and I could feel the sleep finally washing over me.
I heard Walter chuckle next to the bed as he got rid of his clothes. He slept in his boxers and I wanted to take a look at him, but my eyes wouldn’t open anymore.
“Doll, you still awake?” he asked.
“Make some room for me sweetheart.” He sat down on the bed, feeling it dip beside me.
“There’s room,” I managed to say, my words barely coming out as a whisper.
He chuckled again. His fingers brushed over my cheek, and he pressed a soft kiss on my forehead. “Yeah, but it would be nice to lay underneath the blanket for once.” Walter gently tried to untangle me from the blanket, but I was wrapped tightly in it. “You’ve taken over the entire blanket doll, again. Just let me get in there with you.”
“No,” I whispered. I was too tired to untangle myself, besides, I was way too comfortable even though I wanted him to join me.
“Baby, don’t play with me here.” He pressed another kiss on my forehead, and another one on my cheek. My eyes still closed.
“I like to be warm, and because you weren’t here, I had to take the entire blanket.”
“So, you’re saying this is my fault?” he laughed. His hand stroked my face, and I leant into his touch.
I hummed in approval.
“Come here doll, let me keep you warm. You know I’m comfier than the blanket,” he said softly. I knew he wanted to cuddle, especially after a long day.
Slowly, I opened one eye and peeked at him. He smiled at me, and I noticed how tired he looked. “Fine.” I rolled myself out of the blanket and he crawled next to me underneath it.
“Did you really wrapped yourself in here like a burrito?” he laughed. He wrapped his arms around me, and I wrapped my limbs around his warm and furry body. His warmth welcoming me. I placed my hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss. And another one.
“Yeah, but now I get to be the tortilla and you the stuffing that keeps me warm,” I joked.
“Oh, I could fill you up doll,” he growled, and his hand started to wander to my behind.
“Shut up, babe. Now do your job and keep me warm.” I nuzzled my nose into his neck, and felt his beard prickle my cheek. “In the morning perhaps,” I mumbled.
He chuckled and pulled me even closer. “If that’s what the lady wants, that’s what the lady will gets.”
Taglist: @keanureevesisbae / @klaine-92 / @xxxkatxo / @stxlemate / @oddsnendsfanfics / @amberangel112 / @seriouslygoodlookinggents / @sillyrabbit81 / @pixie88 / @cynic-spirit / @rn7rocks / @daddys-littlewhitegirl / @little-brattyangel / @omgkatinka / @myloveforhenrycavill / @eldarwen333 / @kebabgirl67 / @mansaaay / @memoriesat30 / @marantha / @everleigh44 / @themanfromu
276 notes · View notes
Bright Like The Moon: Chapter 8
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Chapter 8: I Was So Much Younger Yesterday
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Fandom: Night Hunter
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Black!OFC
Word count: 3K
Summary: Kamaria Mansfield is hired at the Minnesota Police Department as an intern. Detective Walter Marshall is overworked and unsatisfied. Takes place post-film.
Chapter Summary: It’s time to celebrate Faye’s 16th birthday. Also, Walter works out a way for Kam to practice expressing her needs. 
Chapter warnings: crying, Daddy kink(if you don’t like this, turn back now because damn), slight dumbification kink, oral (f receiving), vaginal fingering, p in v sex, creampie, creampie tasting, the term ‘cumslut’ used lovingly
A/N: New Story Art! *cheering and applause* Now, it’s time to get to serious business. Um, I like Angie. And I wrote her like I see her. Also, this chapter gets quite kinky so heed those warnings, please. Un-beta’d, we die like people who tried their best.
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me, model for Cover Art credits
Cross-posted on AO3
Spotify Playlist
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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Kamaria’s POV
Three Months Later
“...Happy Birthday dear Faye, Happy Birthday to You!”
We all cheer as Faye blows out her sixteen candles. Her parents stand by and film their child celebrating with her friends. Angie starts to cut the cake and gives Walter slices to hand out. They work so well together. You’d never know they went through such a rough separation.
Sweet Faye with her curls and her chubby cheeks, looking for all the world like the baby she was. Her purple cocktail dress matches the flower in her hair that I helped her with. 
It was nice to feel like a part of the team, working with Walter and Angie on organizing the party for Faye. But, let’s face it, it was mostly me and Angie doing the planning and Walter nodding along. Angie and I got along well enough, I think she just appreciated that I cared about Faye and that meant more than anything.
Angie says goodbye to the last guests leaving while I finish tidying up Faye’s gift haul. She dozes on the couch curled up on Walter who is snoozing as well. Angie moves a blanket over both of them and comes to help me clear away dishes and any lingering trash.
“I have to thank you for helping out with Faye earlier. She’s in that stage where everything I say is just not ‘cool’ enough,” Angie wipes her hands on a dish towel and looks from Faye’s sleeping form to me, “I remember this time in my life where my little girl valued my opinion above all else. And now it’s like she chooses the exact opposite of what I suggest.”
“Don’t worry. She’ll realize one day that she is so lucky to have a mother who actually wanted her,” I squeeze my eyes closed, deciding to open this old wound, “My mom never wanted to be a mother and she made that abundantly clear by leaving me and my Dad when I was a kid. He was never emotionally available so I had some interesting times in life, to say the least. But, just know that I’m sure she’ll come around. It may be in a year or two, but for now, you have a Daddy’s girl on your hands.” I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. 
I don’t notice Angie coming to my side until she puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder. Having a loving mother next to me offering me comfort is suddenly too much to handle and my eyes start to blur from unshed tears. I begin to protest my emotional reaction but then Angie speaks.
“It doesn’t make you weak to cry when you’re upset.” 
Her hushed words are like a soothing balm on a decades-old burn. One shaky breath is all I take before the tears are streaming down my face. Angie’s face crumbles as well and she wraps her arms around me. I realize that it has been a long time since I’ve had a “Mom hug” and I cling to that warmth as I quietly weep. 
When my sobs turn into sniffles, Angie rubs my back in calming circles. We separate and she cups my cheek in a display of affection. I nod and smile in appreciation before taking a deep breath to collect myself.
Walter and Faye pick this moment to finally wake up. Thank goodness for small favors, they missed my little moment. I wipe my eyes and face quickly before smiling at my boyfriend and his daughter. While Faye is none the wiser, I can see the gears working behind Walter’s eyes. He can always see right through me, but he won’t make his suspicions known until we’re alone. Something I truly love about him, he is not a scene-maker.
I walk over to Faye and give her a big hug before sitting down next to Walter and holding his hand. “How did we do on your big day, sweetheart? I’ll take you falling asleep as you had quite a time.”
“It was perfect. It was everything I wanted. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Thank you, Kam.” The grin never left her sweet face. It is all worth it to see her happiness. 
“You’re welcome, love,” Walter cupped Faye’s face and she beamed back at him. Truly a Daddy’s girl.
“Alright, birthday girl. You are welcome to stay up as long as you like. Just for tonight, that is,” Angie walks over to us and kisses the top of Faye’s head before smiling at Walter and me, “I am going to bed. Thank you both for your help today. Goodnight.” She pats my shoulder before heading upstairs.
If Walter notices our non-verbal exchange, he doesn’t mention it.
“Alright, girlfriend. Who was that adorable kid with the curls? He was cute.” I can’t help but make Faye blush and make Walter roll his eyes. It’s like my talent. 
“That was Albert. He’s in my English class. He likes Federico García Lorca and Mission: Impossible movies. That’s all I needed to know.”
“Which means he either knows enough to seem intelligent or enough to actually be intelligent,” I smile and yawn before stretching.
“On that note, I think it’s time for us to get home and for you to get to bed.” Walter ends the conversation without adding his two cents about this Albert kid. Faye gets the hint and follows suit.
“Yeah, I’m tired anyway. Thanks again, you guys.” Faye yawns sympathetically.
Walter and I leave after hugs and final birthday wishes. On the car ride back to his place, Walter decides to bring up his worries. 
“So, did something happen while Faye and I were out?” He broaches the topic carefully.
“Angie was feeling a bit left out of her daughter’s life. I simply told her that she has a Daddy’s girl on her hands.” I smile at the side of Walter’s face and look back at the road.
Walter surprises me by pulling the car over and turning to face me. “You want to try that again, Princess?” The pet name is enough to put my brain in gear and answer fully.
“I told Angie about how my Mom never wanted me. And then I cried. A lot.” I hated how he was so good at getting me to say what I didn’t want to say. But I had to respect his abilities.
“Why do I always have to work so hard at getting the truth out of you, Princess?” He reaches over to hold my chin between his thumb and forefinger, “You’ll work on that tonight, do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy. I understand.” Suddenly out of breath, I slip into subspace with ease.
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Walter’s POV
I love this woman, I do. But there is nothing harder than getting her to face her emotions. Getting her to tell me when she’s dealing with sadness or anxiety is like pulling teeth. I have literally been in the line of fire before. But getting her to admit when she has cried is harder than any S.W.A.T. mission I have ever been on.
We get back to my place and after her shower, I instruct her to stay undressed. I have her sit on the bed against the headboard. While I undress, I deny her the ability to touch herself. I watch her squirm while I slowly remove my last piece of clothing.
My dick throbs between my legs as I lock eyes with her. She licks her lips and fights the urge to reach out and touch. I settle on her punishment and a little piece of me actually feels sorry for her. This one might wreck her.
“Since it’s so hard for you to be honest about your feelings, we’re going to work on that tonight. You have to express when you have needs. All you have to do is tell me what you need when you need it. You must use your words, Princess. Is that clear?” I cross my arms and look down at her.
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” I smile as the praise washes over her, “How do you feel about restraints, baby?”
She shifts on the bed a bit and plays with her hands. “I like being restrained.”
“Good,” I reach into my nightstand and pull out a silk sash before beckoning her to sit at the edge of the bed, “Put your hands together for me, palm to palm,” She does as she’s told and I tie her hands together. “How does that feel? Not too tight?”
“Feels fine,” She scrunches up her nose and looks up at me, “I won’t be able to touch you, though.”
“Yeah. That’s kind of the point, Princess,” I push lightly on her shoulder so she lays down flat and her hands stretch above her head, “Just lie back and let me work. And you tell me when you need more or less, alright?”
She nods and I raise my eyebrows. “Yes, I’ll tell you what I need.”
“Good girl.” I lean down and capture her lips in my own. I poke at the seam of her mouth until she lets me enter. I lick into her mouth, tasting and sucking on her tongue. Moving my kisses to her jaw then to her neck, I suck and bite at her sweet spot until she lets out that precious little moan of hers.
Trailing my tongue across her clavicle, I kiss down her chest and lavish attention on her breasts. These perfect fucking tits I love so much. I kiss both nipples and knead the soft flesh but don’t go any further until I hear a whine. “Use your words, Princess. What do you need?”
“Your tongue…can you suck on my nipples, please?” Her breathing speeds up.
“That’s my good girl.” I swirl my tongue around one nipple while running my thumb over the other. I suck the pebbled peak into my mouth and tease it with my tongue. Suckling at her for a few moments more, I switch to the other side to give just as much attention. I feel her thighs rubbing together in search of friction, so I kiss down her soft belly, stopping to nip at her hips. 
Pulling her legs apart, I can finally see my prize. I want to dive right in, but this is an exercise to have Kamaria tell me what she needs so instead I kiss at her inner thighs for far longer than I normally would have to prove a point.
“Daddy, please eat my pussy.” She pleads, moving her hips closer to my face. Such a good girl for me, and I tell her as much before I kiss her mound and then slide my tongue up and down her wet slit.
“Fuck! You taste amazing, Princess.” My hands grip her thighs tight before I begin to lap at her like a man starved. Her sweet nectar is more than enough to satisfy me and I want to drink her in and never look back. Her whimpers only make me work that much harder. Sucking on her clit, I let my tongue dance against the swollen bud and am rewarded with a squeal. 
“Need your fingers, please.” Such a polite little thing, isn’t she?
“Yes, baby.” I reward her good manners with two fingers straightaway. She’s soaked and they slide in easily. We both groan and I massage that inner bundle of nerves before returning my attention to her clit. I flick my tongue on her button before working my fingers in and out of her core.
“Just like that, don’t stop!” Her words go straight to my dick and I curve my fingers. Before long, I can feel her channel clamp down on my fingers but I keep working at her as her juices coat my hand.
“Too much, too sensitive!” She cries, her body shaking under me. I lift off her clit and still my fingers before licking them clean and wiping them on the comforter.
“You did so good, Princess,” I kiss up her body and nibble at her neck, “But I’m not done with you yet, baby.” I get up from my spot between her legs and move her to the center of the bed. Maneuvering her on her side, I slide up behind her and lift her leg. I enter her swiftly and we moan in tandem.
I pull back out until just the tip is inside then I slam back in. Gripping her hip, I start a punishing pace inside her walls. The way her cunt squeezes me is like paradise. She was made to take my dick. I was made to claim her pussy.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” All she can utter is a string of curses and I feel triumphant that I fucked language right out of her brain.
“That’s right, Princess. Let this dick fuck you stupid, baby,” No sooner do I finish that sentence do I feel her walls flutter around me, “Oh does my baby like being fucked dumb on Daddy’s dick?” The answering whine tells me all I need to know. Adding ‘dumbification’ to the list of kinks my baby girl has.
Pulling out and moving Kam onto her back, I get to my knees and push her legs open, Entering her again, I reach up and hold her bound hands in one fist. From this angle, I can slam into her and stimulate her clit at the same time.
“Need to…touch you. Please…Daddy?” Her words are punctuated by thrusts, the look of yearning in her eyes.
I pull the knot free on the sash. Her hands immediately go to my hair to tug me down for a kiss. I can taste her desire and hunger for closeness. I growl into her mouth and she whimpers back. Her legs wrap around my waist and pull me in deeper. We pull apart from the kiss and rest our foreheads together.
“Tell me what you need, baby girl.” At this point, I am panting. So close to release. I just need to hear her say she needs it.
“Look at me while you cum inside me, Daddy,” This little brat actually smiles up at me as she shatters me.
“Fuck!” The dam breaks and my hold on reality fucks all the way off. My eyes search hers while I empty my balls into her waiting cunt. I keep stroking inside her and the sensation is heightened once I feel her come around me. She could gonna be the death of me, and I’d love every minute of it.
I lean down and slot our mouths together as I pull out. I swallow her whimper at the feeling of emptiness before I look down to see her thoroughly ruined snatch. My cum still leaks out and I can’t help but feel proud to see her so full. I smile down at her before getting up from the bed.
I clean up a bit in the bathroom before fetching a damp washcloth. Entering the room again, I find Kam lazily playing with herself. “Enjoying yourself, Princess?” I reach down and clean her gently.
“I love how sensitive I am right now. It feels so good.” Her eyes roll back in her head as my hand moves over her folds.
“Do you think you can give me one more orgasm, Princess?” I know I might be pushing it, but seeing her so aroused is making it worth asking.
“Yes, please, Daddy. I wanna cum again for you.” 
That was all I needed to hear before I’m between her legs again. I lean down to lap at her slit. Tasting my spend and her juices mixed together is heavenly. Can’t believe I’ve never done this before. By the surprised moans coming from Kam, I’d say she was enjoying this as well. 
After making out with her pussy for a while, my fingers find their way inside her tight wet heat. Curving my fingers as I move them in and out, I’m rewarded soon after with a strangled moan and her walls fluttering around my fingers. I wait until the convulsing stops to remove my fingers. A dirty thought enters my head and I run with it.
“Open your mouth, Princess,” As she follows direction, I lock eyes with her as I put my slick-coated fingers in her mouth until they disappear, “Such a good girl for me. Sucking our cum off my fingers like the hungry little cumslut you are.”
She moans around my fingers and if I didn’t literally just cum a liter, I’d be balls-deep in her again. When I remove my fingers from her mouth, she actually whines in protest. I can’t help but kiss that adorable pout before grabbing the washcloth again to wipe away the evidence of her arousal.
I throw the cloth in the hamper and lay down next to my love. I check her wrists to make sure the sash didn’t dig in too deep before kissing her forehead. “How’s my baby feeling?”
“I feel amazing. Spectacular,” She stretches and cuddles into my chest as I wrap an arm around her, “I think that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“I’m right there with you. I probably fried a few brain cells but it was so worth it,” I hold her chin and bring her gaze up, “I’m also proud of you for saying what you needed. Now, we just have to get you to do that out of the bedroom.”
“Practice makes perfect, right?” There’s my little brat.
“Cheeky. But not wrong. We’ll work on it together, yeah?” I say, pulling the comforter over both of us as Kam’s eyes start to close, “Love you, Princess.”
“Mhm,” Her short answer lets me know that she is absolutely fucked out and I’m chuffed, “Love you, Daddy.”
Her fingers work their way through my chest hair, something I’ve noticed as a comfort activity for her. If I was a cat, I’d be purring every time she does it. But if she ever found out how much I liked it, she’d probably use it against me somehow. Little minx.
I listen as her breathing evens out and I’m not far behind. I can safely say today was a good day. Nothing can ruin this feeling.
Can it?
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Chapter 9
A/N: Ehehehe, that ending sounded menacing at all, did it…? Well, anyway. This chapter’s song was “Starving” by Hailee Steinfeld & Grey. “Starving” is about a relationship that’s getting more adventurous in and outside of the bedroom. I really enjoy writing in Walter’s POV, especially the kinky stuff. Hopefully, you enjoyed it too. 
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@enchantedbytomandhenry @astheskycries 
@deandoesthingstome @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @foxyjwls007 @rosiesluv7 @livisss @slut4henrycavilll
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
First Date
Based on this gifset by @demivampirew​ and the tags I left on it. Havent felt like writing much and threw this together real quick.. 
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Walter Marshall x Cassie (OC)
I made Cassie pretty blank but just know if I keep writing her she fat and black. 
Wordcount: 722
Warning: None, pure fluff, mention of gun I guess...
First Date
Cassie paced the small living room, she was beyond nervous. Her first date since moving to small town Connecticut. She left the hustle and bustle of Atlanta, wanting to leave her past behind. She was lucky enough to find a job in a coffee shop owned by an ailing woman, so she bought in, putting all her savings into buying half the shop. It was fun, something new, kept her busy. That is where she met Walter Marshall, the town’s quiet cop, who just happened to be drop dead gorgeous. 
Cassie smoothed her hands on the dark green flora dress, she had grabbed a jean jacket just in case, it was spring, but spring this far north was still a little cold. There was a soft knock at her door, and she waited a heartbeat before answering it. She looked up at Walter, a smile on her face. 
“Hey, you look...great...it really just complements your skin.” and curves Walter thought. 
Cassie looked down at her outfit, dark green was her color, against her pretty brown skin, it was the perfect choice. Her twist out came out perfect and she complimented it with a gold headband. 
“Thank you Walter.” 
Walter Surprised her by giving her a hug and Cassie breath caught in her throat. She smelled great, like a man, warm, oak, coffee, she inhaled deeply. He pulled her out the house, only letting go of her hand so she could lock the door. Walter opened the door for her, before going around to his side. 
“You didn't have to pick me up.”
“It's fine, I wanted to spend more time with you.” he gave her his signature shy smile. 
The same shy smile that came into the coffee shop day after day for black coffee, one cream and one sugar. The same shy smile that started to linger instead of taking his cup right back to the station or his patrol car. When that shy smile asked her out, of course she said yes, after a little stuttering. 
“So where are you taking me?”
“It is a surprise, I hope you are up for a drive, it’s in the next town over.” he glanced at her. 
“I have nothing but time Mr. Marshal. How was your day?”
They broke into a smooth and comfortable conversation, peppered with Walter pointing out things along the way. Watching Connecticut bloom was breathtaking to her. 
“No way, I have heard about this place.”
“My daughter says it's fun, so let's see.” 
Once again he opened the door for her before holding her hand to the entrance of the arcade. At the door their hands were stamped to show they were older than 21 and Walter was told he couldn't bring his gun into the arcade. 
“Sorry. Let me run and put it in the truck.”
“I'll wait here.” 
Cassie watched his back as he jogged to the car, his curls bouncing in the wind, she wondered what they felt like.
Once inside they made a beeline for the coin machine, this was still an old school arcade, coin machines that might take your quarter if you weren't careful.  They found a packman in the corner and set to work, Spencer getting the two bears and some fries to share. They circuited around the arcade, trying their hands at different games. 
At a zombie shooting game, Walter tried to correct her stance. Standing his strong lean body behind her. His muscular arms, circled her, fixing her elbow, 
“I can make you shooting one day, if you like, I think everyone should know how.”
“I would like that, a lot.” It was beyond time she learned, probably would have helped her back home. 
“No problem princess.”
Cassie smiled at the princess, being around Walter made her feel safe and protected, something she never felt before.
After the arcade he took her to dinner, once again everything was easy going and flowing, unlike anything she had ever felt before. Walter was the perfect gentleman, keeping a smile all over her face the whole night. 
Walter walked her to her door, giving her a kiss on the lips before bidding her goodnight. He didn't move from the door until he heard it lock. Cassie stood on the other side, with a dopey smile on her face. 
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