#Wandering off…[ooc]
(He did! And he was flung many more times that day, since Eg solves all her problems by yeeting them as far as possible
Another example of this with nameless clone (do not worry, he is fine! He is very resilient!!!)
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talentforlying · 7 months
every late november i am cursed with the knowledge that constantine hasn't done any sort of formal or informal holiday gathering since his sister died, and flat-out avoids people as soon as december starts so no one will invite him to anything bc he knows his seasonally bad mood will haunt whatever room he walks into. basically i'm saying this is your chance to ambush him while it's still november and harangue him into agreeing to attend your non-denominational ugly sweater parties or split a bottle of wine before he's cognizant enough to weasel out of it.
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iobartach · 11 months
yooo! finally made it back to the coast from dublin! a long journey, but the comic con was SO worth it!!!
i got to meet will sliney! i got mig and gambit posters signed by him!!!
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i know the gambit one is a cover, but i've never seen the mig one before? either way, holy shit, worth it for this encounter alone!!! we talked briefly about what it was like working with peter david and how sliney himself never would have thought he'd see spide.r man 2099 blow up in popularity!!!
and we even got to talk about batma.n beyon.d and how it was similar / inspired by spide.r ma.n 2099!!!
ahhh! i'm thrilled!!!
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oflolth · 7 months
istvan is not body type 2 OR body type 4 ( he's a secret third thing )
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dutybcrne · 1 month
@dcndrohime replied to your post:
well, ripperoni Alhaitham
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shiningsagittarius · 2 years
AU where instead of just saying “yea SQ is out on a walk lol” about SQ the writers actually wrote around his character absence in a way that still manages to give him (and maybe even Curtain) some character development. Like maybe the Society taught SQ to stand up for himself and he and Curtain get into a huge blowout fight once they reach Europe and Curtain does the passive aggressive “Fine you’re old enough to go out on your own now (even tho he’s a teenager) just don’t come crying to me when it doesn’t work out” because honestly he has bigger fish to fry than (what he sees as) an ungrateful and obstinate son and he doesn’t think SQ is actually gonna go all Home Alone 2: Lost in Europe on him but then he DOES but he still has his brother and the society to deal with so he just doesn’t want to admit that he actually has no idea where his son is. And speaking of his brother, maybe Benedict has heard about SQ from Reynie and the others and when he’s trying to connect with Curtain, he also desperately wants to meet his nephew, but after some needling Curtain finally has to admit what happened, eventually letting his guard down and explaining the fight and SQ’s absence to Benedict. And maybe the reason he hasn’t put as much effort into finding SQ is because of his (fast paced) “character development” in season 2, and he is truly starting to realize that deep down, maybe SQ is better off without him (a la Sticky’s parents in the books, but he’s a way worse “parent” than they are) And maybe Benedict starts to steer him towards the right path, and when Curtain joins the society, he tries to get in contact with SQ, to invite him to visit his uncle, and be part of SQ’s life again, if he’ll let him.
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drengar · 5 months
I just got back from the open house. It looks promising and already Berto and I have ideas on what to do with the space. So hopefully we get it. I'm just going to settle in a little but I'll be here to do some stuff while I do my usual chatting and gaming on the side (and chores as I need to do laundry).
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erabundus · 2 years
i’m  going  to  be  taking  some  time  to  pour  over  all  the  new  information  we  have  and  make  some  tweaks  to  my  portrayal  accordingly.  (  oh  boy!  time  to  study  dialogue  and  speech  patterns.  )  and  if  anyone  wants  to  discuss  character  dynamics  in  light  of  3.3,  by  all  means,  i’m  here  for  it.
additionally,  i’m  trying  to  keep  this  vague  but  I  MAY  BE  DROPPING  SOME  THREADS  THAT  CONTRADICT  THE  NEW  STATUS  QUO.  unless  you’d  rather  keep  them.
HOWEVER  if  you  would  like  a  ONE  LINER  (  or  maaaybe  a  two  or  three  liner,  considering  i  can’t  help  myself  )  feel  free  to  give  this  post  a  LIKE!
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oughtabeinpxctures · 7 months
Tag dump
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celestialcomedy-aa · 9 months
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//: The only time Jester had a bell on him is when he was a little kid and thats due to his hat. Pretty much the only way to find him is follow the sound of little jingling bells. If you suddenly hear a bunch of bells ringing fast, thats probably him bout to tackle
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starsdreamed · 1 year
@ofstarfleet wonders: i’ve had people out, trying to find you everywhere. why did you worry us like that?
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"...Worry?" Asa repeats, blinking as his head cants to the left. The young boy knows that the captain's words are true-- worry, anger, and fear are all swirling in their eyes-- but he's confused. He was always on his own back home and none of the Dreamers minded, so--
"You couldn't tell, could you?" he murmurs, remorse radiating from him and flowing into the surrounding air at the realization. Remembering that he has to be more clear, he continues. "That I was alright?... Back home they could. They always knew. They still do," he elaborates. The idea that people light years away know more about him-- his thoughts, his feelings-- than the crew right in front of him is so strange.
"I'm sorry," Asa apologizes, genuine. "I thought you knew, too." After a moment, the boy looks up at the captain. "Do you want me to tell you next time, before I go?" he asks, before echoing something Doctor McCoy had told him. "Use my words?"
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formshaper · 1 year
They keep coming for walks in me. Long ones. Gazing into each others eyes. Whispering sweet and (to be frank) rather embarrassing nothings. (...) My lord, and his new woman.
oh my god. Fiddler's Green I am so sorry.
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malkuvoitenoldoran · 1 year
//For a long time I thought Turgon was being stupid staying in the tower, he knew it was going to be destroyed and must have known he wasn't going to live through it so it seemed like a needlessly grand way to die.
Then I got to thinking and he actually did have a reason for it. Morgoth was the reason. Morgoth hated him and would have done everything he could to ensure that Turgon didn't escape or survive. He alone would have been a target, and if Turgon had left with the other refugees, Turgon being noticeably taller, it would have made them all even bigger targets for everything that was thrown at the city. Turgon stayed to protect them, he stayed to make sure Idril and Tuor and little Earendil and every single other person who could and would leave could do so. He sacrificed himself for them.
Maybe it was a needless or pointless action at a glance, but the thought he put into it and the emotion behind what he did? That was not needless at all.
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dutybcrne · 5 months
On one hand, I love the idea of Wanderer taking time to painstakingly research everything for his thesis in the House of Daena esp since Nahida would want him to go make friends there too.
On the other, I get a kick of him asking Nahida for info and to read/recite it out to him bc he wants to spend time with her (and avoid People). And Nahida would never say no to that. Esp since he himself is asking her to.
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soulsxng · 1 year
so ... what's up with Eluvias, because :eyes:
Eluvias is Melchior's younger brother! They're around a decade apart in age, which...all things considering, isn't really much of a difference anymore. Still, when they were growing up, it was.
Ngl, I was writing a whole big thing for this, but honestly with how intertwined Luvi's story is with Zahine and Io's, it was turning out to be more about the three of them as a group, as opposed to just Luvi. So I'll probably make a post about their whole dynamic tomorrow or something. Anyway!
Pretty much, when they were really little (Io, ~11 y/o and Luvi, ~3 or 4 y/o), their parents died, and there was a period of about a year that Io had to try his best to raise Luvi on his own. After that, Zahine came into the picture and took them in, at which point Luvi was...fairly sheltered by both Zai and Io.
Not to mention spoiled.
But, that just made it so Luvi was able to stay this sweet, loving, protective person for a long time. Even against the other factors that came from him having grown up around the vigilante group that Zai was running at the time.
Eventually though, someone took advantage of that, and sort of started...twisting all of that. And it ended up taking the form of obsessiveness.
The primary focuses of this obsession was Zahine (the one who gave his heart and soul to raise Luvi and Io, and whom Luvi believed he was deeply in love with, thanks to the person mentioned in the above paragraph), and Io (his brother that had always been by his side, and whom Luvi felt he had to protect, in return.) But Luvi has been known to fixate on others to a slightly lesser extent, as well.
This lasted for years-- to the point where it nearly destroyed Luvi's relationship with Io and Zai both. Until thy were finally able to get him into treatment in Scelure, with Aile.
These days, he's...mostly better. It's still a struggle sometimes, but Luvi has made a lot of progress, and is much happier and healthier. Of course, nobody really knows for sure what would happen if he came to love someone again, which is a cause of anxiety for him.
Now, he helps Io at Rhezar's. Doesn't do a ton of intereacting with the customers, since he's a bit socially awkward, but people are slowly warming up to him. He's still very sweet, if not a bit quiet, and a lot of his time is more or less spent trying to figure out what he wants to do, now that he's out of the Elyki group, and finished the more intensive portion of his treatment.
Still also has some of that spoiled "...what do you mean, I can't do that? I want to, though" outlook at times, and his moral compass is still a little skewed (100% the type to, if a friend said someone upset them, say something along the lines of "Should I kill them for you?" and mean it. Fr, if he says something like this, it's not a joke, don't say yes unless you actually want someone dead orz) But he's got that good bean energy.
Oh, he's also a little dumb. And very oblivious when it comes to things like flirting...and sarcasm, a lot of times. Other times though, that's more of an act than anything.
I've been told a few times that he's like an odd flavor of himbo, if that helps lmao
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elysianpristinity · 2 years
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A headcanon/canon divergence I remembered just now is that my Elysia did not make Mei let her touch her horns. Because that scene rubs me the wrong way quite a lot and I do not see Elysia as being the type who’d breach boundaries like that if REPEATEDLY and GENUINELY told no. 
If you show clearly you genuinely do not want her to do something to you, she will back off. Is she still a bit nosy and sometimes does accidentally breach boundaries? Yes, and that’s simply one of the flaws she does have since she is simply as perfect as one can be- but that doesn’t mean she is truly perfect. 
But Elysia would hate to ever make somebody genuinely uncomfortable. As much as she can be persistent she does back off if you tell her no and inform her you genuinely don’t want her to do something to you. 
Elysia isn’t flawless and isn’t incapable of making mistakes and maybe sometimes breach boundaries since she herself doesn’t have many boundaries, but if informed where somebody else’s boundaries lie she will proceed to respect them as long as you make sure to let her know where they are, as she admittedly forgets sometimes about boundaries due to her being a very touchy and friendly person.
Just communicate with her and she will understand, back off, and respect the drawn boundary from there on.
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