#//But he Refused bc it must be a SURPRISE
dutybcrne · 8 months
On one hand, I love the idea of Wanderer taking time to painstakingly research everything for his thesis in the House of Daena esp since Nahida would want him to go make friends there too.
On the other, I get a kick of him asking Nahida for info and to read/recite it out to him bc he wants to spend time with her (and avoid People). And Nahida would never say no to that. Esp since he himself is asking her to.
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moonstruckme · 9 months
i cannot stop thinking about oblivious reader and remus where she’s talking about how she’s never been with anyone before bc no one likes her so remus is like i like you!! but she’s like haha ok yeah bc we are friends!! and he has to be like no i like you but she just thinks he’s taking piss but he’s actually being real with her i’m so 🤧
Thanks for requesting :)
cw: mention of alcohol
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 870 words
“Ugh, they’re disgusting.” You take a sip of your drink, looking at James and Lily over the rim of your cup. Lily’s eating an ice cream sandwich she’d found in Sirius’ freezer, offering James bites while he traces lines between her freckles with his pinkie. “I want to be them so badly.” 
Remus hums. It’s the tail end of one of Sirius’ parties (or his soirees, as he insists upon calling them), and the atmosphere is heavy with a pleasant lethargy. The music is still playing from his record player, some slowish, bass-heavy rock, but most everyone has cleared out, and Sirius himself has fallen asleep on the opposite side of the couch from Lily and James, his mouth hanging open. 
“I wonder what it’s like to be in love,” you sigh. Remus turns to you, catching the longing in your look just before you hide it away. 
“You’ve never been in love?” he asks you. 
You give him a funny look. “No.” You shrug. “I’ve never dated anyone before.” 
Remus hadn’t known that. He has to remind himself, again, that he doesn’t know all that much about you. You’re new to their little group, a coworker of Lily’s that she’d started bringing around recently. Remus doesn’t know you very well, but he’s found the learning process surprisingly enjoyable. He likes being around you. 
“How’s that?” It slips out before he can think it through, brash and unlike him. He backpedals immediately. “Sorry, that was rude, I only meant that I’m a bit surprised. You don’t have to answer.” 
“No, it’s okay.” You give him a smile, infinite in your benevolence. “People just don’t seem to think of me that way. No one’s ever liked me.” 
You sound so casual about it, but Remus can’t help but think that must not be a nice way to think of yourself. He’s sure you’ve been considered romantically by plenty of people, even if they never had the guts to tell you about it. You’re lovely. You deserve to know it. 
He musters his courage. “I like you.” 
You laugh, and he thinks Sirius is going to have to mop his self-esteem up off the floor tomorrow morning as part of his party cleanup. 
“Thanks,” you say, “but you don’t count.” 
 Why the hell not?
“I mean, I’m glad you don’t mind me,” you go on, taking another sip of your drink, “but it’s different when you’re friends. I meant that nobody’s ever liked me, like, romantically.” 
You go a bit shy at the last word, self-consciousness pulling your shoulders almost imperceptibly upwards. Remus forgives your oversight instantly. 
“Do you really think it’s so unlikely that anyone could like you romantically?” he asks, refusing to lower his gaze even when you shrink a bit at the question. “You’re a catch, love, trust me.” 
You shake your head and smile, frustratingly good-natured. “Easy for you to say, you don’t have to date me.”
“Have to?” Remus’ voice rises incredulously. He glances towards James and Lily on the couch, lowering it. “I would love to.” 
“Ha ha,” you monotone, rolling your eyes and raising your cup to your lips. 
He can’t believe you think he’d joke about this. He can’t figure out what’s more cruel, the way you keep inadvertently shooting him down or the fact that you seem so heart-wrenchingly prepared to be made fun of. “I mean it.” Remus lets his voice drop into a more genuine register, and something in your look softens. “I would date you. I want to, if you do. You’re far from impossible to like.” 
Your lips actually part in surprise. “Seriously?” 
“Yeah, I…” He looks over at the couch, but James and Lily are effectively as dead to the world as Sirius, and at the volume you’re both speaking he doubts they’d be able to hear you over the music anyway. “I think you’re really lovely. I’ve been meaning to do something about it, I just…I didn’t know how. But would you want to?”
“To go on a date?” you ask, looking a bit dazed. Remus smiles, but before he can confirm you laugh at yourself, the sound rich and sweet as dark chocolate. “Sorry, that might be a stupid question. I haven’t done this before.” 
“I can’t believe that.” He shakes his head, astounded. For a girl like you to never get asked out? Well, it makes things a bit easier for him, jealousy-wise, but objectively it’s criminal. Remus supposes he’ll have to make up for it himself. “But yeah, I’d like to go on a date.” 
You nod, smile sticking on your face. “Me too. I’d like that.”
“Good,” he says, finding that your smile seems to have stuck to him too. “Tomorrow, maybe? We could go for coffee.” He looks out the window behind you, where a faint line of gold on the horizon shows promise of sunrise. “I think we’ll both be needing it.” 
You laugh again. Remus decides that he likes it better than any song Sirius has played all night. “That sounds perfect. Thank you, Remus.” 
He’s not sure what you’re thanking him for. He’s the one who gets to take you to coffee tomorrow. He ought to be thanking you.
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duke-daemon · 8 months
hazbin hotel redesigns wooooooooo
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okay so. i'm gonna discuss my thoughts about them n shit, putting under a readmore bc it's gonna get long and rambley. sorry in advance for the shit formatting, i'm on mobile </3
just some general shit about how i would rewrite it. i think the premise of redeeming sinners is entertaining but is executed horribly. i also am a fan of the "heaven isn't great either" idea but again, executed horribly. i'd make the hierarchy of angels more accurate because it's cool as hell and i have autism about it. the characters from hell would swear still (albeit not as much), but the angels would outright refuse to swear or make vulgar jokes ever. this would be partially to further the gap between heaven and hell and make the differences more stark.
hell would also be more like dante's inferno (again because i think its cool). the ars goetia would get a full redesign and would be more prevalent in demonic society.
now for the characters!
starting off with vaggie, or Valtiel as i've renamed her because let's be honest her original name sucks. Valtiel (Val for short) was an aspiring power angel who wanted to be an exorcist. she looked up to lute and thought the idea of killing demons was really cool and badass. however when she actually was on the field for the first time she discovered how awful this actually was. she tried to help a few demons but lute figured it out and felled her right then and there. the rest of her story is relatively the same. personality wise she's more stoic and less prone to all-out aggression. she still get angry, sure, but it's in a quieter and more menacing way. you DO NOT want to fuck with Valtiel.
next up is charlie! i had two ideas for her. the first one (unsettling drawing) has her as a mannequin/doll type demon. lucifer and/or lilith was unable to conceive and as such they built a kid from scratch. she's overall similar to og charlie personality wise, very kind and cheerful despite her unsettling appearance. she struggles with empathy sometimes but really does mean well. her motive for rehabilitating sinners is so they get to see their family again. being able to see heaven from where they are in hell must make them sad, so she wants to help make them happy again!
the second idea for charlie has her as an angel. specifically i casted her as a dominion angel due to their reputation as holy judges. she was once a demon but has been rehabilitated and has risen into angelhood! she now wants to help her former kin do the same and redeem themselves in heaven's gaze. again, similar cheery personality, but a bit more prudish in this rendition
tangent time!
as a side tangent, valtiel and charlie would have a different relationship in this rewrite. their relationship felt shoehorned in in the original show, like it was just there for the hell of it. we didn't see much development between them and it just felt kinda bland. so in my rewrite, charlie and valtiel are amiable exes. they tried dating when valtiel first fell (when charlie was still a demon in the charlie-angel version) but realized their feelings for each other were much more platonic than romantic. they ended things off on good terms, deciding they were much better as friends. they are still besties to this day! later charlie ends up with emily (or 'ellie' as i plan to rename her)
back to the characters
note: i made alastor mixed-race, which could be seen as bad by some due to vivzie saying he's black. however, as many have pointed out, he has no ethnic features whatsoever and i honestly wouldn't be surprised if she said that just to get away with using voodoo symbols (a closed religion) in his imagery/design. like viv, i am incredibly white and have little to no knowledge of voodoo, and even if i did i would not use it for something like this anyways due to the stigma the religion already has and (again) it being a closed practice. as such i removed it from his concept altogether, but made him mixed race (white passing) because.. why not i guess, i forgor my actual reasoning
with that being said...
alastor is by far my favorite of the redesigns and i'm honestly tempted to turn him into a legally distinct oc. i imagine he's somewhat reserved, along the lines of norman bates albeit a bit more extroverted. during his life he was a serial killer with a day job as a radio announcer. he took pleasure in reporting about his own murders on the radio, but that is eventually what got him caught (ie accidentally letting slip info that wasn't released to the public). as a result he was sentenced to death. upon arriving in hell, he quickly rose through the ranks to borderline overlord status and is a feared presence by demons and sinners alike. why is he bothering to assist in the hotel project? who knows... his motives are a mystery, like the rest of what he does
(he isn't actually alastair crowley i just thought the naming convention was ironic. however he may have also dabbled with satanic magic in lifetime..)
Angel Dust:
TW: brief discussion of SA
this is definitely my second favorite redesign. i loooove insect themes and wanted to do more than just Extra Arms, so he now has fucked up legs and a lot of eyes too! story-wise, angel used to be a criminal mastermind, hated by both the mafia and the feds. he was a gentleman thief, arranging massive heists under the cover of night while also partaking in the occasional drag show. he ended up a cocaine addict later in life, which caused his work to become sloppier. eventually he was killed in a heist gone wrong, specifically shot by the police.
i'm not gonna go too in-depth on the SA part of his story, but he is hypersexual due to being assaulted in both his life and afterlife. it would be something he'd be working on in the rewrite. his reason for coming to the hotel in the first place may have even been for help with this trauma. underneath his sultry exterior is a broken guy who really just needs someone to care about him for who he really is and not for what his body can do.
so lute and adam are some of the characters i have the most gripes about. the biggest one being why viv chose adam as the leader of the exorcists in the first place. if she wants a biblical figure tied to demon killing, Archangel Michael is RIGHT THERE, aka the one destined to kill satan during the events of Revelations. if she wants the first human to die, that would be Abel, not Adam. and i kinda doubt abel would want to do the stuff that HH!adam has been doing. if she wants an angel related to torture, Dumah is her guy! an angel that rules over wicked souls and tortures sinners every day except sabbath. so many better options...
with that out of the way, Lute is still the lieutenant of the exorcist, who are a specially chosen group of powers sent to purge hell once a year. think navy seals. she's pretty much the same as in the show, albeit more muscular and visually different from other exorcists (seriously why do they all look exactly the same?????) she's a very repressed lesbian who hasn't had time to work on that due to her duties
i also redesigned the exorcist uniform/armor because those LED purge masks are fugly as hell and their clothes don't even look remotely like armor.
Adam + Final Thoughts
i did start a redesign of adam but got bored of it. regardless, i think he'd be the head of C.H.E.R.U.B. instead of the exorcists. he doesn't want his children to make the same mistakes he and eve did, so together they started C.H.E.R.U.B. to help lost souls stay out of hell
final thoughts uhhhh i'm tired. show sucks, it had so much potential but viv ruined it by being a shitty writer and an even shittier person. the designs are fine i guess but they all look exactly the same and are in desperate need of variety. the humor is dogshit, saying dick and balls and penis over and over and over again doesn't make it any funnier than the first three times you made that joke. anyways that's it, i hope you liked my inane ramblings. gonna go vanish for another forty years or so, adios
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fairyhaos · 7 months
how seventeen make the shot after saying "this one's for you"
requested by anon! im actually terrible at basketball so even if none of them made the shot then id be impressed at them for trying lmaoo. also chan is in 2 bc i think he fits both!
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seungcheol, hoshi, mingyu
makes the shot, is endlessly pleased with himself. will not shut up about it. it's going to be the story he tells during nights out with the others for the next five weeks straight. he's so genuinely delighted and he's all “did you see that? you saw that right? it's because i did it for you babe that's why it went in—” pls give this man a pat on the head and tell him that he did well bc otherwise there's a chance he'll keep pestering you until you compliment him. no but in all honesty, it really is quite sweet how excited he gets about it, and it does make you feel all kinds of loved.
jeonghan, minghao
makes the shot, and looks at you all weird when you're genuinely surprised. he knows how to handle a ball, okay? why are you so shocked? is the teensiest bit pleased on the inside though bc your reaction genuinely helped fuel his ego hugely. takes about 5 more shots in a row and is now grinning a little bc the wowed expression on your face does not fade. he has to eventually stop because he is starting to get a little embarrassed at how genuinely impressed you are.
joshua, junhui, dokyeom
doesn't make it, but he's so adorably embarrassed that it has you collapsing into a laugh and automatically going over to him to squish his cheeks, endeared. there's that tense moment where you think the ball is gonna go through the hoop, but when it ends up just bouncing off the side and shooting far away to somewhere else, he's turning away in embarrassment and you're grinning and reaching over to hug him and coo that it's okay because he made the shot into your heart long ago, and that's a shot that he definitely did not miss
woozi, seungkwan, (chan)
isn't able to make the shot right up until you finally drag him out of the court. he's normally good at this, but he swears that it's bc of the pressure he put on himself by declaring that he's gonna do it. woozi doesn't make it bc he gave up after three times. seungkwan doesn't make it bc he keeps talking between every shot and eventually you laugh and drag him home. chan tries his best, but apparently the ball must have had an argument with the hoop or smth bc it just refuses to go in and it's definitely not his fault
wonwoo, vernon, (chan)
either misses the hoop by miles or makes the shot and then gets all surprised at his own abilities. “holy shit did you see that? i'm basically a basketball god now. woozi can be the god of music and ill be the god of basketball” he is not basically a basketball god, but it was a good shot, and you laugh at how proud he is for making it as he gestures to the hoop and re-commentates the entire act for you like you weren't watching him the whole time. his reward for successfully wowing you is head pats and the promise of whatever ice cream he wants once you finally leave the court and go home.
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @jeonghanfr
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limpfisted · 11 months
A WYLL poll to cheer me up bc I keep thinking about all the wyll polls I've seen in the tag where he loses
There are many more things to love about wyll.... but of these things, which are ur faves..... reblog add ur own favorite things in the tags... perhaps I will make a part 2 of more things such as "approves when a goblin kisses ur toes" "refuses to engage in bdsm with a strange white man in a goblin camp, but supports ur decision anyway." "Gets kind of horny when u lick a spider." "Believes in the rights and dignity of the disabled like himsel and will tolerate nothing else" "THE BLADE OF FRONTIERS SALUTE!!!!!" "Ex-president of the dribbles fan society (of which he was the only member) this is a joke however if u pick up the clown pieces he goes 'sorry dribbles' and is the only one to laugh at dribbles joke and pretend he doesn't but still goes I love a good clown... [blade of frontiers vc] and dribbles.. is THE BEST!!!" "Meows in public." And so many other wondrous things....
Wyll warriors, ravenguardians. I know... truly an impossible choice to pick just one thing... but u must.
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pedroshotwifey · 5 months
hi hello mi amor 🥹 i'm in my feelings tonight thinking about mi bebe marcus pike 🥴 mostly like... being really good friends and hooking up and kind of gradually becoming fwb but he falls in love like instantly bc of course he does and-
Hey, honey! So sorry this took so long! I kept it short and sweet. Hope you like it! ❤
Pairing: fwb!Marcus Pike x f!reader
W/C: 840
Summary: Can you really just be "friends"?
Rating: Explicit
Toeing the Line
“M-Marcus,” you whimper, back arching as he forces his cock deep inside of you. “Please.” 
You don’t know what you’re begging for at this point. For him to slow down, because you’ve come on his tongue and fingers and cock so many times tonight that you have tears streaming down your cheeks, or more, because you’re so close to falling apart yet again. 
He just huffs a laugh and nuzzles his face to the side of yours. His hips keep thrusting, tauntingly dragging his dick in and out of your soaked pussy as he uses your pinned wrists for leverage. 
“I know, baby,” he coos into your ear. “You’re doing so good, you can take it.” 
Even as your body trembles in exhaustion, you nod for him. You only register your eyes have been closed when you’re surprised as his plush lips cover yours, his tongue prying at your own for entry. You can taste yourself on him as he makes out with you, softly, sensually. It makes you wish he didn’t have you pinned so that you could thread your fingers through his soft hair and hold him closer to you, grant him permission to devour you whole. 
It’s toeing the line of what the two of you claim to be—friends. 
Friends since you met six months ago. Friends who started to hang out outside of work on the weekends. Who started to kiss hello and goodbye. Who started to fuck like rabbits every spare second you had. Neither of you have bothered to define what it is you’re doing, so you touch each other, consume each other as friends. 
But god if your best friend doesn’t fuck you good. Better than you’ve ever had. And you refuse to let your mind wander, to let it ask if it’s because it’s him. 
Marcus doesn’t break the kiss as he uses his free hand to trail down to your clit, rubbing tight and slow circles as your hips buck and your whine into his mouth from overstimulation. You feel him smirk against you. It’s no secret that he enjoys seeing you like this. So fucked out and overstimulated, but refusing to stop. He knows you’re addicted.
He just wishes he knew if you were addicted to him, or the way he makes you feel.
What you haven’t realized is that he’s fallen for you. Hard.
You haven’t seen the way his gaze lingers on you for as long as he can get away with, the way he wears an uncontainable smile when he greets you, and has to hide his frown when you leave. Haven’t noticed how deeply he fucks you recently, how he holds you close and slides into you so slowly, savoring your touch, your scent. 
He’s fallen fast and he’s fallen hard. How could he not? You're so kind and funny, not to mention gorgeous. You look out for him in the office and are always there for him when he needs you. You hold him so gently and give him exactly what he needs without him having to ask. You know him inside and out, just as he knows you. 
He can feel you start to squeeze around him, your tight cunt convulsing as you’re pushed closer to the edge. Heat begins to circle in your abdomen, then spread throughout your body, making you weak and limp and consumed with pure euphoria from your head to your toes. You have to focus more heavily on Marcus’s lips against yours in order to continue. 
It’s dizzying—the haze he manages to put you in. Your head seems to go completely empty every time, only focused on him and how good he’s making you feel. 
He deepens the pressure on your clit, and you dissolve into bliss. You moan deeply into his mouth as your body shakes and your pussy convulses around his cock. He must have freed your hands, because you can suddenly feel flesh beneath your nails, and hear Marcus’s groan as the pain sets him off. He twitches inside of you, his cum painting your walls in thick ropes—finally. 
He slows his thrusts to prolong his pleasure and you crack your eyes open to watch the way his jaw goes slack and his eyelids flutter shut. Heat prickles up into his cheeks and chest, pinking his skin. He clutches your hip with one hand, the other fisting the bedsheets as he lays his forehead between your heaving breasts. 
Your trembling hand comes up to pet his hair, holding him close to you as you both try to cool down despite still being interlocked. You close your eyes, knowing good and well that you’re both going to want to relish in the tender silence for a while. As friends, of course. 
He’s going to confess his feelings tonight. You have no way of knowing that, and he has no way of knowing that you’ve been wishing to hear those words since the day you met him. He doesn’t know that you’re painfully in love with him, too.
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postmodernbeliever · 5 months
little darling- fox mulder x female reader (SMUT OH MY GOD…)
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fox mulder knows how badly you want to be touched, to be taken care of, and he is obsessed with being the first and only guy to do it.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
my ao3 | word count: 6,071
content tags: smut, smut so good in my brain it came out poetic?, loss of virginity, virginity kink, dom fox mulder, protective gentle extremely horny fox mulder, embarrassment, sexual fantasy, plus size reader gets sooooo much love, im blushing just posting this aaaaaaa, oh some religious bits bc catholic girls are freaky and also his sex is THAT good, cross-posted on ao3
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
fox knew it was wrong, and he didn’t care. he knew how he thought about you, how he touched you in his mind, how he wanted to possess you was culpable- but then again, how shameful could it truly be? how bad was it to want to take care of you, to teach you the right way, to want to show you how good love is supposed to feel? well, maybe it wasn’t completely pure, because he nearly came untouched just thinking about you sometimes, but he just couldn’t help himself. he wanted to. he wanted to be the one you chose to give yourself to. the only one. 
it was always in the most mundane moments, like this one, that he needed it most, which played into his guilt. soft moments where you were unaware of what you were saying or doing, clueless as to how you were making him feel. now, as you sat watching the sex scene from basic instinct while fox pretended to be filling out a case file at his desk, was one of those moments. you squirmed in your seat with a sweet blush on your cheeks, watching the slight caricature of sharon stone on top of michael douglas, pupils blown wide and trying to hide your interest. fox was doing his best not to move a muscle, but he felt like a vein would pop if he didn’t turn around to look at you. his stomach was twisting itself into hot, trembling knots just wondering what the scene was doing to you. 
you’ve been dating him for a few months now, and upon meeting him, you fell in love in a way you still didn’t understand. he did, too. he idolizes you, he holds you up above everyone else to his detriment. after the first few dates, you told him that you wanted to take the physical aspects of the relationship slow because you had personal obstacles to overcome; he promised to do so, because when you look at him, his entire world glows, and he refused to jeopardize that heaven you unraveled. but he’s learned a lot about you since then simply through deduction. the few risqué movies you’ve watched with him proved through the surprise on your face that you hadn’t seen much video porn, let alone been touched; the books you tried to hide in your purse had absurd covers with the lustful silhouettes of cowboys and prairie girls, corporate bosses and assistants, big looming over small against some dark backdrop– all of it meaning that when you were alone, you fantasized. but the most telling was when fox himself touched you, albeit innocently. it was like you’d never been touched by anything before. when fox’s fingers ghosted over your knuckles as he held your hand, you’d giggle like a schoolgirl, hiding your face in your shoulder. even better, when he brought those same hands to the soft, warm apples of your cheeks, you’d shudder, melting into his touch like you’d lost your volition. it didn't matter how he did it- if his hands were on you in some capacity, your breath hitched in your throat like a fool. 
you wanted to let him touch you. there wasn’t a thing in the world you wanted more than to let him give you all of the things you’d dreamed, all of the things he must be aching to, but it was difficult for you. it seemed no amount of love was enough to break down your walls– you’d never let anyone that close. you’d always struggled with your body and your worth, and the little dating experience you’d had wasn’t much to boast about. you weren’t what people wanted, even if you were deserving. you knew fox was different, and that to him you weren't too big or not pretty enough, but you had just about every anxiety about physical affection. he had no idea you were a virgin on top of it all, which only made the pressure greater. you just couldn’t get over the fear. but you yearned to have it, so much so that even the smallest instances set your body aflame. you had the most lewd things running through your head when fox did just about anything. once you watched the man reach for the cereal box on the top shelf in his kitchen, and his sleep shirt rode up to reveal the dark happy trail that disappeared down his pants, and you felt so dizzy you could’ve dropped dead. and whenever he was close, it was unbearable. you replayed the sensation of his strong, lean hands resting protectively over your hip at his friend’s house. you thought about the way his lips felt on your forehead so often you could’ve written a book based solely on the texture. it drove you insane, the way you wanted him, and you drove yourself insane every time you didn’t act on it. but what did you know of hands, of mouths, of letting someone see what you shroud in fabric every day? what did you know of making him feel good, too, of being worth the wait for him?
now, as you curled up on his couch, you watched michael douglas’ hand grip sharon stone’s leg. it was big, but not big like fox’s. you imagined it was your boyfriend on the television, dark and brooding, as you saw how the man dove between the blonde’s legs, starving; her back arched, propelling her hips forward into his face, and she let out a soft moan. in your head, you saw yourself on that bed, and fox as hungry. you squeezed your thighs together and gathered the blanket draped across your legs in your palms, trying not to look as overwhelmed as you felt. but the agent who listened to the heavy breathing on screen saw exactly what was happening to you. he saw the blood rushing to the tips of your ears, tinting them the color of your bitten lips; he saw the way you shifted rhythmically beneath the blanket, almost undetectable, but absolutely undeniable. fox looked up at the ceiling as if to thank the god he didn’t believe in for playing basic instinct on cable, and he stood up from the desk, stalking over to sit beside you on the couch. as his body made the cushions dip, you smiled nervously. through a cracking voice, you said, “i didn’t know this movie was all… y’know.”
‘oh, yeah, it’s pretty heavy,” fox nodded, attempting his best unassuming expression. “still good, though, huh?”
“i mean, sure,”
“yeah, i think so, too.”
fox sighed just a tad too loudly and let his hand fall on your thigh. nothing but the blanket was between his palm and your skin. you looked to him with a pleading pair of eyes, though you didn’t really know what you were pleading for. the moaning from the television got louder, and you felt so warm, and his hand wasn’t going anywhere. you had no idea what to do. fox grinned at you and let his head tilt back over the couch as he swallowed thickly. you stared at the curve of his stately neck, how his adam’s apple bobbed, and every inch of your body pined in his wake. fox gazed at you, lounged wide like a lion, and his hand slowly traveled up your thigh to the crease of your hip. he slid his fingers across the soft crevice, and you were still at a statue, stuck between craving the friction and terrified to feel it. 
“can i ask you something personal?” fox’s voice was gentle. husky.
“has anyone ever, uh,” you followed his gaze to the tv, where michael douglas was doing things that made your hands sweat. “have you ever done it like that?”
you prayed that a black hole would open up in the floor and suck you in, so you never had to admit the truth. but his hand was still in that soft spot, and his minty eyes were made of looking glass, and the image of him that fucked your mind was so boggling you were on the edge of giving up. 
“just out of curiosity,” he added, lips curling into a cheshire smile.
you ran a hand across your burning cheeks and murmured, “uh, no. no, i haven't.”
“it’s interesting, y’know, how they can make it look so real,” fox pursed his lips, pushing his hand back down your thigh to rest on your knee. 
before you could bite your tongue, you confided, “i wouldn’t really know.”
fox’s hand paused at the crest of your kneecap, a chill running down his body. he thought of you, his pretty, quiet, gentle girl, and he never once stopped to think why you were so reserved. he always blamed the little silver cross that hung from your neck and some guy from your past, but he neglected other options. but now, his mouth watered. 
you tugged the blanket up to your face. “is that a bad thing?”
the man turned to face you, pulling your hands away to reveal the flushed face beneath. you were breathing so heavily. a need rattled his bones, one he wished he could stifle. pictures flashed in his brain- you, writhing beneath him, the feeling so new, making pretty faces as he did what the people in movies do. him, defiling you, ruining the girl you’ve been, clutching to your cross as your mouth bled with his name. maybe he was a monster, but his cock twitched in his dress pants at the humiliated expression you bore.
“no, baby, of course not!” he chuckled, “no, that’s– that’s a good thing.”
“but i-”
“everyone does things at their own pace,” 
“but what, sweetheart? i don’t expect anything from you.” fox sweetly lied. he wouldn’t force it, but he wanted it. badly. 
“i just wish that, uh, that i had by now. sometimes. i guess.” 
your eyes darted between the television screen and the way his nimble fingers encased both of your wrists. it only took one hand for him to hold you down… what a career he could make with his other hand free. 
“have you ever tried?” 
“do you want to?”
you let out a nervous hum. something came over you like it always does, and you leaned over to hide in his shoulder; in a way, that was better than letting him see your face. his hand rested at the nape of your neck as he cooed, “awh, baby, it’s okay.”
“it’s not really okay,” you mumbled into his shirt. “it’s embarrassing.”
“i don’t think it is. i think it’s cute.”
you felt his hand run down your back, and you pushed yourself a little closer, so you could rest against his neck. fox kept talking since you were at a loss. 
“nothing embarrassing about that, i promise. truthfully, you’re better off. so many guys out there just wanna take advantage, y’know?” he reasoned, tracing little things at the small of your back, fingertips like pens. “probably would’ve wished you didn’t, because you’re so hard on yourself… i would hate to know you lost your virginity to some guy who didn’t care about you. not the way i do.”
the heat of your breath against his neck was maddening. everything about you was maddening. how you curled into him for protection, for reassurance, how your palms tugged at the wrinkled cotton of his work shirt because you didn’t know where to put them. the little nods of agreement you made with every opinion he voiced. he wanted to knock you on your back and fuck you right there, but he couldn’t. he couldn’t spring it on you. you had to want it, you had to let him. and he knew you wanted to let him because it was all over you. 
he asked again, “baby, do you want to?”
he raised his wandering hand to tuck your hair behind your ear, and you felt this urge inside you, an indulgence just begging to be released. acting selfishly, you pressed a kiss to the side of his neck, and beneath your lips, you felt the vibration of a little growl. fox tangled his palm in your hair, and as gently as he could, he pulled your head back so you had no choice but to look at him. 
“is that a yes?”
your stomach churned. “yes.”
“good. come on.”
fox rose from the couch and tugged you up with him. he watched the blanket fall from your legs to see that your sleep shorts had ridden up and tucked themselves in the chub of where your thighs and legs met, that sacred spot he’d touched before, and he rolled his eyes in ardor. with your shaky hand in his, the man led you into his bedroom, where he motioned for you to sit at the edge of the bed. 
“fox, i…”
“what, love?”
“i… i don’t know.”
you watched him walk over to his closet and open the doors, revealing the shuffled-around mess inside. with his back turned to you, you saw his hands disappear to unbutton the dress shirt that crumpled on his shoulders from a day’s work. as he pulled it over his head, the spotless skin of his sculpted back smiled at you. your hips were warm. 
“you’re nervous,” he said, still facing away as he threw the shirt into the basket. “i know you are. but it’s not so scary. plus, you’re with me. i’m nice, aren’t i?” “you’re very nice,” you smiled, “but you’ve done this before. you… you know so much more than i do.”
“are you sure?” fox’s laugh rumbled low in his throat, “because i’ve seen the books you read. bet you’ve got all kinds of ideas i’ve never even tried before.”
you shifted on the bed, tucking your legs into a crisscross. “w-well, that’s different!”
“no, it’s not!” the man teased, shaking his head like you were hopeless. he crossed the room, back to you, where he stood like a pillar before the bed. when you didn’t meet his gaze, he tucked his finger beneath your chin and made you. “you’ve been thinking about it for so long, haven’t you, sweetheart? about me? must be so lonely, just thinking, never doing.” 
he passed his thumb over your trembling chin, admiring your starry eyes, how they reflected so much love. you were so pretty, a pretty he couldn’t have imagined if he’d seen all the most beautiful women in the world. none of them could hold a candle to his girl. “you’re so smart, so good at handling things when they’re hard. but you never let anyone handle you, do you? not even me, baby, and i could be so good at it.”
you couldn’t control how you let him sway you. you gave yourself over, basking in the rush. he settled on his knees, so you had to look down, and he pressed his hands to where your love handles dipped, passing the skin over in his hands. 
“i’ve wanted to let you,” you sighed, “i’ve… thought about it.”
fox’s eyes, eager as a puppy’s, looked up at you as he asked, “well, when we’re in your head, where do i start?”
you shivered. “you kiss me first.”
the man decided that you deserved to have your fantasies fulfilled; if in your pretty mind you’d dreamed up a routine, then he’d follow it, and he’d prove to you that nothing was as good as the real deal. he pushed up on his knees and leaned in, thankful for his low-set bed, as he pressed his lips against yours. you disassembled against his touch; he moved with a cadence that had your head spinning, fingers behind your ears, tongue swiping against your bottom lip. you’d kissed him plenty, but never like this. never so messy, so desperate. he tasted warm, and kind, sunshine in a mouth. you let out a soft whimper as he caught your bottom lip between his teeth.
“i think you’re a bad girl in that head of yours, angel,” he mumbled into your mouth. “what do i do next up there?”
you were too afraid to say it, and you didn’t want to pull away from his lips, so instead you reached for the wrist that held his hand to your face. fox’s throat tightened as you guided his hand down to your stomach, a place you didn’t let him touch often. 
“so pretty, baby,” he admired, knowing exactly what it is you needed from him. he paraded his kisses down to your neck, where he got so much sloppier. he licked a stripe over your throat, nipping at the soft skin of your jaw, and he passed the chub of you over in his devastating hands. you keeled forward, resting your forehead against his shoulder, and he littered your ear with little pecks. “so soft. i love your tummy, y’know. how it looks when you wear those pretty dresses, and how when you wear my shirts i can see the shape. fuckin’ adorable, you have no idea. prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.”
“fox,” you whined. he was barely even touching you, but the weight of his words anchored your lungs to the floor. 
he took a little liberty and leaned down to tug your shirt up, and began brushing his lips over you, spit for paint. you let your hands wander to his hair, and your stomach flipped at the noises he made. 
“now what, sweetheart?”
“y-you… agh,”
fox pulled away, and you swooned at the sight of his pretty lips already swollen. “forgettin’ already?”
“well…” you trailed off, feeling a mental fog roll in.
fox stood up and pushed at your shoulders, tilting you back onto his bed. laying down, he had more access to pushing your shirt up and seeing you for real. he sucked at his teeth, handsome face overtaken with want; you curved like a muse beneath him, and he wondered why you hid all this body beneath clothes. you felt his hands like a compass, mapping the cascading mountain ranges and slow, dipping valleys of your hips and thighs, as if his whole world was discovering you, as if his purpose existed within the endless confines of your flesh and bones. and his hands roamed freely, nomadically, through your land, committing every road that made you shiver to memory. 
“where do you touch yourself, princess?” fox smiled. you whined, and he clicked his tongue. “come on, show me.”
your hand shook, but you rested it over your shorts, and you curled your fingers in to prove you knew how. 
“good girl. bet you know just what to do, huh?”
“but your fingers aren’t enough, are they?” fox pouted playfully as he hooked his thumbs beneath the elastic band squeezing your waist. 
“no,” you wheezed, “never.”
“fuck. you sound so pretty when you need me. let me see you.”
trying to stop himself from rushing, the man clambered on top of you and grabbed you by the back of your knees, pushing you up the bed a bit. when your head hit pillows, he tucked them behind you, and he crawled back down to your legs with a mission. gently, he tugged your shorts down, and beneath were little black boyshorts that cut into the skin of your thighs. he looked about as starving as michael douglas as he flattened his palms against your hips, adoring the sight. 
“y’know, most girls hide lacy things,” he teased, “i like this so much better.”
breathlessly, you said, “lace is itchy.”
“god, you’re just dying for it, aren’t you?”
you pushed up into his palms and whispered, “please.”
“please what?”
“do it,” you heaved, “i need it, fox.”
he didn’t need to be told again. he slid your panties down in one sweep and practically drooled over what you had kept from him all this time. he could’ve cried. this must be what people felt when they saw the mona lisa for the first time, or had a prayer answered. this was his very own da vinci original. this was god’s divinity trapped in your lower half. you were an irritated pink, your pussy plump as the rest of you; as he pushed your thighs wide, he found a sheen already coating your skin. “fuck, sweetheart, is this from the movie or me?”
“y-you.” you kicked yourself for all your stammering, but the glow of his cheeks soothed the embarrassment. 
“oh, yeah?”
you didn’t know how easy it would be to let yourself be touched before you just tried it. here, with the one man who might be the direct work on god on earth, you wanted to spill every secret now that you knew something of hands. your heart beat against your ribcage relentlessly as you admitted, “was imagining it was you on tv, fox, you and me,”
“jesus christ,” fox grunted, eyes dirty and dark. “i can fuck you better than he ever could.”
fox pressed his thumb to the bundle of nerves that throbbed between your legs, and just the pressure alone drew a dangerous moan from the back of your throat. he relished in the sound as he began to circle his finger, leaning down to kiss the searing skin. you rolled your hips against his touch, begging for more friction, and he wordlessly rewarded you with a new motion, one that needed two fingers for rubbing. you grabbed at his forearm as it came into reach, and he felt like he could explode from how you tugged at him. you held onto his arm like it was a lifeline. any other girl would’ve grabbed the bedsheets or touched her body, but your inexperience meant you were acting on instinct, and that quite possibly was the best thing he’d ever seen. watching you feel so good for the first time in your life had him panting like a dog. you were all his now, his pretty girl under his spell. an angel who knew only one name. 
“good, baby?”
“mm-nngh,” was all you had to say. 
“what a pretty girl.”
“good girl. only i can make you feel like this, right? not those guys in your books, none of those movies. just me, my hands, baby, my mouth,”
you used your grip on his arm to try and get him to go faster, but he refused. he wriggled free from your grasp and left a ghostly kiss on your stomach, tutting, “oh, no, angel. i’m gonna make this last. want you out of your mind when i’m done.”
you’ve felt powerless all your life, and you do even now, but this is the first time you’ve ever needed more. you were engrossed in being taken. you’d been too afraid to pray for this because you weren’t sure how the man upstairs would feel about you breaking his technical rules, but you had to have yearned to let fox take your virginity every night since you met him. you knew he’s done this before, but you didn’t know he was so gifted; but even he could tell you that it wasn’t so much his experience as it was how he wanted to ruin every other guy for you. and how could you want another when his hand– that which wrapped around the neck of a pistol, that which choked the air of men’s throats– circled your clit so gently, working a new kind of love into you that you never thought imaginable?
“been dreaming about this, y’know,” fox drawled, leaving stinging kisses on your waist. “been thinking about how our first time would go. and you’re doing so good, you’re taking it so well right now.”
you couldn’t speak. every word got caught in your chest. so instead you tugged at his hair, trying to get him to kiss you. he giggled, hovering over you and slowing his fingers so he could give you what you wanted. you moaned into his mouth, lips gnashing against his teeth in your eagerness, and just when you felt like you were starting to have some control, you felt two of his fingers push between your folds. they went so much deeper than you’ve ever gotten your own, and as he curled them inside you, your entire body shook. gasping against his cheek, you exhaled, “oh my god,”
“be careful, baby, you don’t want him to hear you,” fox warned, voice thick with lust. 
you grabbed at his chest, fingers running through the little curling hairs that grew in a thicket over his heart, and you felt it beating, keeping time with his hand. you wondered if sex felt like this for everyone the first time around, but then again, how could it? unless fox was there for them all, they could never have had it this good. 
“you’re so pretty,” fox cooed, “so pretty on my fingers. d’you feel pretty, baby?”
“tell me you feel pretty,”
“i- i feel pretty.”
“mhm. what about me, love, you think i’m pretty, too? my hands feel pretty?”
“fuck,” you squeaked, “fox!”
“i know you do. say it.”
“you’re so pretty,” you droned, trying to catch his lips in a kiss, but he rerouted to your neck. 
you ground into his palm over and over again, and he felt you burning up on his fingertips, contracting, squeezing, shaking. he moaned into your shoulder, “do you wanna cum, baby?”
your hands scratched at his arms, and to his surprise, you shook your head violently. “not yet,”
“mm-mm. not… not time yet.”
fox’s pupils swallowed the green of his eyes. the man licked his lips and slowed to a stop, letting his fingers rest inside of you, and he asked, “what comes next, then?”
even in a position so lewd as this one, you were too embarrassed to explain. so you reached up to his mouth, swiping your thumb across his slick bottom lip, and with pretty little doe eyes, you popped your finger into his mouth. you watched as he wrapped his lips around it, swirling his tongue over the salty taste of your skin, and you whispered, “i need you.”
fox pulled off your finger with a pop. “how?” 
he followed your lidded gaze as it traveled down to the bulge in his pants, and he nearly passed out. 
“you sure you’re ready for that?” his eyebrows knit together in true concern, but he knew he was the one who had to answer the question, too. he wanted to do right by you– you couldn’t regret this, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you did. “i can wait, you know. this is about you.”
“no. i’m ready,”
“mhm,” you sighed, “just… don’t hurt me.”
the man above you melted like putty, and the hunger he’d touched you with went soft. you saw that toothy grin again, the one that gave you butterflies, and he promised, “i’d never hurt you, angel.”
the scruff of his jaw even tinted a lovesick pink as he kissed you. your fingers scratched at the back of his ears like you would a dog’s, and you confessed between breaths, “i love you, foxie.”
his hands flew to his waist and he rushed to undo his belt and shimmy the slacks down. he wanted to scream, he wanted to stand at the edge of the world and tell every soul about the way you coated his entire existence in sugar, but right now, it was just you. he was alone with his girl, and if he couldn’t tell the world, he could at least make you sick of hearing it. 
“i’m so fuckin’ in love with you,” he swore, marking your face with invisible prints of his mouth. “i’m all yours, princess.”
“oh, god,” you groaned, watching how he spilled out of his boxers with glazed eyes. you had no idea where he was hiding all that. you felt a little dorky for the surprise, but who could blame you?
fox was too far to reign in. he grabbed your wrists and pulled you up, and he made you scoot up against his headboard; you pressed your back against the cold wood, and you yelped as he raised you in the air, pinning you to the wall. 
“fox, i-”
“you’re not too heavy,” he stopped you, knowing what you were going to say. “you’re perfect.”
you couldn’t complain- truthfully, you didn’t even get the chance to think about it, because he was all over you. with one hand holding you up by the leg, and the other gripping the headboard with white knuckles, he pushed himself between your legs, and you knocked your head into the wall at the way he stuffed you. 
“fuck, fox!”
it didn’t hurt, but god, was he big. pinned to the wall like this, you had no bearings. he had you suspended, stapled down by his sheer strength;  you never thought you could be fucked like this, some little ragdoll he could throw around, but clearly you underestimated how much he could handle. you felt the wind leaving your lungs as he pulled out and snapped back in, pelvis rolling hard against your swollen clit. he moved like a wave crashing down, managing to soak every part of you with his skin.
“fuck, sweetheart, so much better than i imagined,” he croaked, “feels okay, right?”
“s-so… so big…”
“oh, baby, i know,” he babied, leaving pinprick kisses on your jaw. “you can take it, pretty girl.”
his big hand tangled itself in the hair at the base of your neck as he fucked you into the creaking headboard. you were an endless machine of moans and profanities, head lolling, trying to keep your eyes open to watch the way his lips parted at the feeling of you encircling him. he tugged at your hair, and a guttural groan escaped your lips. 
“always wanted to get fucked like this, huh, baby? you’re such a good girl, you deserve it,”
“fox, please,”
“such a pretty girl,” he moaned, “jesus, you sure you’ve never done this before?”
as you bucked your hips against his swelling length, you offered a drunken grin. “only in my… dreams.”
“oh my god. you’ve got no idea how hot you are.”
he was everywhere, he was heaven, he was the pounding in your head as you collapsed against his body, letting him use you like a toy. you scratched at his shoulders, mouth all over his sizzling skin, and he flooded your ears with pretty praises. you hoped to god that by the time he was done you’d have the print of his hands tattooed on your hips, or that he’d never be done and you could float on by in this bliss forever. but his hips were thrusting hard, and falling out of time, and you felt your tummy squeezing like it was running out of air. he drowned in you, mouth full of dirty whines and strings of i love yous, and you knew you couldn’t hold back.
“f-fox… oh- oh god…”
“gonna cum for me, princess?”
“i… i’ve never…”
the feeling in your stomach was foreign and hot, and it was backing up all the functions of your brain. all you felt was fox between your legs, terrorizing this little spot that short-circuited all your nerves, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, trapping his mouth with yours– and when he hit it one last time, with eyes rolling back, and you let everything go. fox felt the warmth of you spilling over him, and the silent scream you let out had him unraveling in seconds. his hands were all over your face, fingers on your teeth as he came inside you, feeling himself mixing with you, and nearly bursting again just knowing he was. 
“oh, baby,” he fussed, “good girl, atta girl!”
pulling out slowly, so you didn’t feel too shocked, he slid you down the headboard softly and helped prop you up against the pillows again. you couldn't see straight, and everything twinkled, but you did catch a glimpse of him sneaking back down the bed. the man admired the mess he left behind. the smallest dribble spilled out of you, and all of a sudden he was lapping it up with his tongue, thirsty as a castaway. your entire body buzzed with overstimulation, and in what felt like screams but only came out strangled, you exclaimed, “fuck, oh my god!”
his tongue split you open, collecting all the juices between your hips and smearing the inside of your thighs, the pretty little mound of your pussy, making you shimmer like an angel. he sucked, and he swirled, and he dug his tongue between your folds like a freak, and you grabbed at his sweaty hair, so full of him you wanted to thank your angels for sending you someone so perfect.
“come on, i know you’ve got more,” fox coaxed, “one more, baby, one more.”
black spots crossed your line of vision as you watched his face disappear in your legs, and the tidal wave rose again, drowning you in a feeling that had you bucking against his tongue like a rogue horse. you’d never been able to make yourself cum, but all it took was fox mulder to pull two loads right out of you. you felt disgusting, you felt drunk, you felt so good you could’ve died this way. you didn’t ever want to leave the bed. fox made his way back up, heaving, and he kissed you with milky lips. you tasted yourself on his tongue, and you needed his palms to pin your hips down as you trembled, stuck on your high. 
“good girl, didn’t that feel good?” kiss. “you did so good, baby,” kiss, “so good for me,” kiss, “m’so proud of you, sweetheart.”
“mm… agh,” 
“i know, love, take a deep breath.” you felt his hand press against your warm tummy, and he told you again, “take a deep breath for me.”
you smiled, trapped beneath him, and you breathed like he wanted you to. anything he wanted, for the rest of his life, he would get. through fuzzy vision, you saw his glittery eyes, the grecian curve of his face, the little white strip of teeth behind his handsome smile, and you felt so in love you didn’t know what to do with yourself. he started to blush under your gaze, so he laid down on top of you, resting his head on your chest to listen to your racing heartbeat. 
“foxie,” you whispered.
“m’not a virgin anymore,” you giggled, the joy bubbling out of you. 
his warm laugh echoed in your ribs. “not anymore.”
“all yours now,” you swooned, “are you happy?”
you felt his hand slither behind your back, and he scratched at your spine, making you squeal at the ticklish feeling. then he attacked your neck and shoulders, mercilessly going after all the spots he knows are most sensitive until you lost your breath again from his innocent touch. “stupid question!”
“ah!– fox– agh, stop!” you swatted at his hands, a blissful wreck.
“‘course i’m happy,” he chuckled as he relented. “are you?”
in a huff, you rested your spinning head on his pillows and blushed. “mhm. very.”
“worth the wait?”
“definitely. thank you.”
“my pleasure,” he teased, flopping down beside you and lacing his fingers with yours. and when a comfortable silence fell, he couldn’t help himself: “you know i’m never gonna stop thinking about this, right? i’m ruined for life.”
“shut up,” you laughed. 
“no, seriously. get ready for a life of me drooling over you doing absolutely nothing.”
“i’d like that life, i think.”
you curled up in his side, and he drew you close, letting you hide in the crook of his neck the same way you did in what felt like a lifetime ago on his couch. there was still a little devil on his shoulder, applauding him for taking a piece of you that no one else could have now, but more than anything, his heart ebbed and flowed in his chest, blossoming each time he looked down at your pretty face. he meant it when he said he was ruined. you ruined everything by letting him fall in love with you, and he has never felt so lucky. 
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°
inspired by this ask ;)
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socks-nb · 14 days
“I saw someone comment how ford was forcing himself to hate stanely bc the moment he got burnt, ford immediately asked if he was okay as a reflex”
POOKIE (hiii POOKIE <<33) Sent me a comment on a tiktok video that had me sobbing at work and I’m not letting this character analysis get lost to the void because god dammit stan deserves so much better than the fucked up cards he was handed in life.
Ford definitely had to force himself to hate Stanley. Every time he started writing anything positive about him in journal 3 he’d immediately cross it out. I think that if he put any thought into it hat happened between them and his part of what he’d done it would have broke him. Because really what did he expect to happen to his brother after he got kicked out at 17? He knew it would be nothing good, but if he wasn’t angry he’d have to feel bad instead and that anger was a lot more palatable than the alternative.
Stan’s entire life has been nothing but living for and loving ford. As kids it was him who protected him from the other kids. It was Stan who was always so proud of him when their father couldn’t give a shit. It was Stan who after 10 years of being homeless. 10 years of being ignored. 10 years of his other half seemingly not caring where he was dead or alive. 10 years of horrors that “I had to chew my way out of the back of a car!” can only elude to. 10 years of either being chased out or chased down. But when he got that post card from Gravity Falls? He dropped everything and went straight there in the middle of winter. He had to travel several states to get there with what little money he might have had, gas alone must have been a nightmare. It was cold, his jacket was old asf, the Stanmobile couldn’t have been in the best of shape, and neither was Stanley himself. But he still came. And after all that he was just?? What? Threatened with a crossbow, immediately told to fuck off again, and then branded for fucks sake?
(Who else thinks about the fact that Stan probably never went to a hospital to get it treated so he had to deal with the infection on his own 😍🔫)
I’m surprised he didn’t have an even bigger crash out than he did in canon tbh.
And then when all was said and done, this highschool drop out spent the next 30 YEARS teaching himself quantum physics with a third the notes he needed, filled with ramblings of a paranoid lunatic, all to bring the only person who made his life worth something home.
Not just bring him home but making sure Ford had a home to come back too. Yeah he converted part of it to the shack but who does ford think was paying the electric bill? His mortgage? All of it was Stan. And what did he get in return? A fist to the face before later being told that at the end of the summer he’d be back on the streets. A 60 year old man, who’d lived in gravity falls, lived in the shack, for longer than he’d ever lived anywhere. Longer than Ford had even lived there. The first and only stable place he’d had since glass shard beach. He’d be back where he was all those years go, accept he wouldn’t have what he had the first time. Specifically, he wouldn’t have his youth, and he wouldn’t have his reason. The only thing that kept him going all those years was the thought of his brother and a blatant refusal to die. 60 year old stan has a hearing aid and cataracts, and is also legally dead. He wouldn’t have made it out there. Stan would have died.
Stan never got to have a life of his own. His life is and always has been his brother. Sure Ford didn’t get to go to the college he wanted, but he had a life and a pretty damn good one at that. He was never even guaranteed to get into that school in the first place.
As smart as Ford is, a perpetual motion machine is impossible. Physically and mathematically it can not happen. It was never going to happen. It would have never worked. Weather Stan was there that night or not, it would have stopped eventually.
Ford went to college, made a best friend, got 12 PHDs, got a large enough grant that he was able to move states again and build his own custom home from the ground up AND STILL ended up studying what he’d always dreamed too. And with bill he got to experience shit that he assumed no one else ever had before. His life really only god fucked up after bill showed his true colors.
Yeah, pushing ford into the portal was a fuck up. A MAJOR fuck up. But Ford acts like he’s not the reason fiddleford fell in, another person he had to lie to himself about and convince himself that they were the problem. He never even checked on fiddleford afterwards and Ford ruined his life. He took a father away from his wife and child, he made Tate grow up watching his father slip further and further into madness until he was unrecognizable. His mind was so fucked not even bill could handle being there. Or he acts like he doesn’t understand how easy the roles could have been reversed. How easy it would have been for Stan to fall through the portal instead of him. After going through the portal I don’t believe for a minute he didn’t run into at least one portal stan.
They both fucked up, but the difference is that Stan spent his entire life trying to atone for what he’d done, and Ford spent his entire life blaming Stan for everything that had gone wrong in his life, (which was practically nothing before he decided to make a deal with a demon because he thought he knew better than anyone who had ever met bill before) for a mistake he made when he was 17, like he everything Stan did for him before that point meant nothing. One fuck up was all it took for him to look at Stan the same way their father did.
I think allowed himself a minute to think even for a minute about the situation in its entirety he’d break. Being angry is easier than being hurt and afraid. It’s easier to deal with than guilt and regret. It’s so much easier than looking at yourself and having to question where you went wrong and acknowledging than you fucked up and hurt someone. But Stan spent his entire existence doing just that. Looking at himself and knowing that he fucked up and had no way of making it better. Feeling guilt and regret for a fuck up anyone could have made. Because he was a teenager and afraid of losing the only person he had, and he had t even meant to touch his project!! He hit the table and that was enough to make fords machine explode into nothing???? That always seemed strange to me. I genuinely believe that even if Stan hadn’t been there it would have broken anyways. Not that it makes it right what happened. Stan should have told Ford when it all went down. But Stan didn’t deserve what happened to him for the next 40 years after than.
These old men own my entire soul. All of it. I love their relationship so much despite how bittersweet and tragic it is but god I could talk about them for hours. I don’t know what I would have done if they didn’t get their happy ending.
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briebysabs · 6 months
Lu Guang is a hypocrite and that’s okay (great even)
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I must stand ten toes for this man because I’m noticing the slander that went on in September and I cannot allow it. I know I’m six months late but just bear with me. We are introduced to Lu Guang as a rational, stoic, sort of wise protagonist. The brains of the operation if you will (although Cheng is clever in his own right but that’s a whole other discussion). Qiao Ling and Captain Xiao describe him as more mature. Shiguang’s relationship is strong but it’s structured, especially for their work, to where Cheng has to depend on Lu Guang. Should only do as he says and not do anything impulsive.
And it gets to a point where Cheng doesn’t know what to do without him and when LG isn’t there he relies on his past words to guide him. The thing is, we’ve seen that CXS can come up with great plans and make good decisions without Lu Guang’s voice in his head. Like how he caught Min Liu or planning how save Lu Guang from Li Tianchen. But the story has built LG up so much to be a reliable character so it can’t be untrue. But then the s2 finale happens, Cheng gets shot and Lu Guang loses his mind.
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And then the ending basically tells you that he’s been winging it and gambling this whole time. Experimenting with god knows how many timelines, simply using his knowledge from the previous one to see if he’ll get lucky this time. Lu Guang has been playing a crane game. So in a story that is all about mistakes, guilt and regrets. Of showing the imperfections of people. Of showing the struggles of moving forward, of being satisfied with the present. Of sacrificing your sanity, your voice, your desires, and happiness for the people you love. How is this bad writing?
Link click has been tricking the audience to believe Lu Guang is an infallible character.
But Link Click was never about perfect people.
What he’s trying to do is no different from Li Tianchen, one of our antagonists. And I love CXS to fucking pieces but this show raises the question of a life’s value. LG is trying to save Cheng and so refuses to change the past for anyone else. Bc it may alter things and doom CXS in the process and ruin all he’s worked towards. But then you ask yourself, is CXS’s life worth more than the twins' mother? Is it worth more than Chen’s mother? Is it worth more than Emma?
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It doesn’t matter because it is to Lu Guang. It’s like the question if your sibling and a mailman are trapped in a burning building but you can only try to save one. Unless they’re the absolute scum of the earth, chances are and possibly even despite that, you’re going to pick your sibling. That don’t mean it’s objectively more valuable than the mailman or you didn’t have sympathy for that person, they have loved ones, hopes and joys too. “Lu Guang is a hypocrite, selfish, unreliable, and a liar” yes he is. Because there is something called ‘flawed characters’. It’s okay for your protagonist to not be the best person. It’s okay to write a protagonist whose trauma has defined some of their actions.
If you’ve been forced to have someone you love die in your arms over and over, why is it surprising that you would lie to them? How is it surprising that you’d try to keep secrets? That you’d set things up to be in a position to control the situation? That’ll force you to plan better so maybe, just maybe things will be different? You think Lu Guang lacks self awareness and doesn’t know what this makes him? Of all things you can call LG, he’s not delusional. He knows the weight of his actions.
Link Click has and always will be a story about people. Where our emotions and choices take us. Lu Guang isn’t a robot so why would he be an exception?
Plus everyone should’ve been knew Lu Guang was sus anyway. Idk how that’s mischaracterization, there’s proof of him lying and keeping secrets from CXS in s1. It doesn’t ruin anything it recontextualizes what we were shown back then.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 8 months
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Summary: Javi's rough start to the work week is turned around when he finds a surprise from his daughters in his lunch
Word Count: 3.1K (oops)
Paring: Dad!Javier Peña x Wife!reader (no use of y/n, reader's nickname is Osita)
Warnings: Literally nothing but sweet, sickening fluff, Javi being so in love with his family, Javi being the ultimate girl dad, a lot of glitter (?)
A/N: Our favorite family is back! I am a firm believer that Girl Dad!Javi keeps every single piece of artwork his daughters give to him and has a wall at his office dedicated to all of their drawings and crafts because he refuses to get rid of any of them 😭 I love them so much, they make me sick, your honor 🫡 unbeata bc that's just who I am, apologies in advance for the mistakes
Series Masterlist. Never Too Late Masterlist
4 hours into Monday and Javier Peña was already counting down the hours until Friday. It seemed like this week was going to have no problem giving Javi a swift kick in the ass back to reality after another blissful weekend with you and the girls, a grumpy frown falling upon his face, wishing he could rewind back just a few hours to when the biggest problems he was trying solved revolved around which book his daughters were picking out for bedtime, rather than strategy meetings on how to solve the better half of the southern drug trade still ranging in Mexico. 
Rubbing his hands over his face and pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers, Javi let out a sigh, grumbling low in his chest before running his hands through the dark curls of his hair, praying that the closed door of his office was enough to give his co-workers at the Laredo Sheriff's Department enough of a clue to let him at least try to enjoy his lunch in silence.  
Shuffling and stacking a few stray papers left out on his desk, Javi cleared a space for the brown paper sack he mindlessly pulled out of his work bag, plopping it in front of him without a second look. He shuffled through the pocket he knew he had an extra fork in somewhere, considering he was at the point of eating his lunch with nothing but his hands before venturing out to the common kitchen where the rest of his co-workers were, ready to disrupt the sacred silence and peace that was his lunch time. 
“Of course I forgot a fucking fork…” Javi grumbled to himself, abandoning his search in his bag after a few minutes, letting out another disappointed huff, leaning back in his chair and staring up at the speckled tiles of the ceiling. Javi was just about to get up, bracing himself for the perilous journey for a plastic fork he was about to embark on, when the corner of the lunch bag perched on his desk caught his eye. 
Was that… glitter?
As his gaze shifted down the rest of his bag, Javi’s impatient and bothered demeanor had quickly shifted, a soft smile growing between his cheeks, picking up the lunch sack that had very clearly been given a makeover by his daughters before disappearing into his work bag this morning. 
What was once a plain brown paper bag had somehow been turned into a hodgepodge of arts and crafts- glitter, pink and purple hearts, several stickers from separate collections of puppies, Star Wars, and unicorns, doodles and drawings from each of the girls, and a stray Batman band-aid that Harper must have added, considering the 17 she had covered herself in last night for fun. 
Quietly laughing to himself at his girl’s creation, Javi spent a few moments thoroughly examining all sides of the bag, his heart melting to read “Daddy’s Lunch- From Lucy, Elliot, Harper and Mommy” scribbled across the front. 
Carefully, Javi opened the top of the crinkly brown paper, revealing a plethora of surprising goodies inside, the first being a tiny stuffed cow and a fruit-by-the-foot that he obviously had no recollection of packing for himself last night. Setting the things down on his desk, Javi shuffled through the next added layer, this one consisting of another fruit-by-the-foot and a half eaten granola bar, which one of the girls clearly had gotten into before his lunch had departed from home.
 The last thing hiding lunch was a piece of paper that had been folded several times to fit inside the bag, Javi gently removing it with the rest of his surprise treasures. As he unfolded the now somewhat crumpled paper, the grin on his face began to grow wider and wider, seeing the colorful crayon creations doodled on the page. Before him, sat a paper with drawings of each of the girls done by themselves, perfectly embodying their tiny personalities. Lucy’s was neatly sketched and colored, and then outlined in a darker color to make the inside colors pop, Elliot’s had crazy scribbled hair and was holding a hockey stick in not one, but both hands, and Harpers was done in every color that the Crayola crayon box had to offer. 
As if their adorable self-portraits weren’t enough to have him in a puddle, in the middle of their artwork was a drawing of Javi standing between them with the words “We love you Daddy!”  etched in big, pink bubble letters above them. 
Javi had been so enamored by the art his daughters had made him, taking in every stroke and scribble on the page, he hadn’t noticed the smaller note that had fallen to his desk, your neat and careful handwriting etched across the paper. 
3 little munchkins were very insistent on re-making Daddy’s lunch last night, and even more insistent on decorating your very boring brown bag. They told me that they were adding a few surprises to your lunch, so this is me apologizing in advance for any half eaten snacks or stuffed animals that may have ended up in there. I hope you have a great day, we all miss you lots and can’t wait to see you later. 
Love you lots, 
Even though it was nothing but a few words scribbled down on a piece of paper and a drawing similar to one he had seen a thousand times before, it never failed to surprise Javi how something so small really did mean everything to him.  
Years ago, still working for the DEA, in the midst of chaos and corruption in Colombia, one of his former agents had always insisted on carrying his “lucky” drawing from his son in his back pocket on every mission he was sent on. Back then, the idea of carrying a colored, crumpled piece of paper in his jeans for good luck seemed like a somewhat ridiculous notion, but now, as Javi stared up at the bulletin board next to his desk, overflowing with drawings, paintings, and projects from his 3 daughters, he couldn’t imagine a world where he didn’t hold any gift from his girls so near and dear to his heart that he ever dared to let it go. 
Overlapping his newest artwork over the most recent crafts given to him to hang in his office, Javi hung today’s drawing at the front and center of the board, your note nestled next to it, beaming with pride at the love and and joy at how full his heart felt from a few simple pieces of paper. 
Admiring just a little longer before reaching over to the phone at the corner of his desk, Javi began to punch the familiar pattern of your home phone number on the receiver, patiently tapping his fingers as the line rang, the other hand grabbing his actual lunch food out of the flamboyantly decorated bag. 
“Hey baby, it’s me.” 
“Hi. Is everything okay?” You questioned cautiously, somewhat surprised by his mid-day work call. 
“No, everything is-” He paused, smiling back his lunch bag, “everything is great. I just had some time during lunch and wanted to see if the 3 stooges are around so I can say thank you for my lunch.” 
“Oh God, I almost forgot that was last night’s surprise project. How bad was it? I was only there to supervise lunch bag decorating because they were adamant they were more than capable than packing extra snacks for you.” You snickered, Javi practically almost able to see the hysterical look plastering your face through the phone, laughing right along with you at the adorable gifts they had left behind for him. 
“Well, I got…” Javi stopped, reaching back over in his pile of goodies, “two fruit-by-the-foots, a stuffed purple cow, and a half eaten granola bar that has Elliot written all over it.” 
“Is that Daddy? Did he get our lunch?! Did he like it?!” A chorus of little voices squealed in the background. 
“Why don’t you ask him yourself.” You snickered, the muffled and muted sounds of the phone being passed off to the girls rustling through the other end of the line as Javi nestled his phone between his ear and shoulder, beginning to open up his food as he waited for a response from his daughters. 
“Hi Daddy!” The 3 shouted through the phone in unison.
“Hola, pollitas! (Hi, little chickens) Thank you so much for my lunch today!” 
“Did you like the bag, Daddy? It was my idea to make it look pretty because the brown is so boring.” Lucy boasted, in her lovingly know-it-all tone, making sure her dad knew she was without a doubt, the ringleader of the lunchtime antics. 
“I added the extra snacks!” Elliot chimed in, making sure her voice was well pronounced through the phone ensuring that Javi could her her contributions. 
“I helped-ed too!” Harper interrupted, trying to butt in over her sisters. 
“Well, Mommy helped a little bit too, but it was mostly us!” 
“Was it a surprise, Daddy?” 
“Best surprise I’ve had in a very long time. I already put your drawing up on my board so everyone can see your beautiful artwork. I think everyone at work is gonna start thinking I have professional artists that live in my house.” Javi’s cheeks were already sore from the goofy grin that was only getting wider every second he listened to his daughter’s sweet little voices on the phone, the girls erupting in a fit of giggles at his compliment. “Los amos mucho, morritas (I love you so much, kiddos).” 
“Hey Boss, you gotta second, I-” Agent Carter half knocked, opening Javi’s office door, stopping in his tracks as he met Javi’s cheerful grin turned death glare upon his arrival, slowly retracting his steps while Javi let out a scornful sigh, holding his hand out to get Carter to at least let him wrap up before dealing with whatever bullshit was coming his way. 
“Hey pollitas? Daddy has to get back to work, but I’ll see you in a little bit when I get home, okay? I love you so much. Can you pass the phone back to Mom?” 
“Okay, bye Daddy! Mommy! Mommy, Daddy wants to say goodbye!” 
“The gremlins said you wanted to say goodbye?” You laughed over the clatter of the phone being handed haphazardly back to you. 
“Yeah baby, I gotta go back to work, but I just wanted to say I love you and thanks for helping them with lunch, it was really fucking cute. I’ll see you later, okay?” 
“The cutest 3 stinkers that I’ve ever met. I love you too, Jav. Bye, babe.” 
“Love you, bye.” 
As the dial tone went silent, Javi hung up the phone, taking in a deep exhale, still holding his hand out at his co-worker to preemptively prevent whatever what stupid remark was about to come out of his mouth. 
“I wasn’t gonna say anything!” Carter winced, holding up his hands in defense at Javi’s death glare, trying his best to hide the sly smirk spreading between his lips. “…. I just never really struck you for a rainbow glitter type of guy.” 
“Fuck off, Carter. Give me 10 more minutes to try and eat my lunch in fucking peace.” Javi groaned, trying to shoo him back out the door he had barged in from.
“Okay, okay, message received! I will say…I do think the glitter really does capture your bright and sparkly personality though, the unicorn stickers are really a nice-” 
“Sorry, sorry, I’m leaving! “ 
As the door clicked shut, Javi let his annoyance slip back to content, letting the colorful sparkle of his lunch back serve as his beacon of hope for the rest of the work day, thankful for the extra piece of home he got to keep with him until he got to see his girls again. 
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“Hey, I’m home!” Javi’s familiar voice rang through the hallway, barely 3 steps through the front door before the girls were rushing through the house, barrelling towards their dad to attack him with the biggest bear hugs their little bodies could muster. 
“Daddy!” They screeched, wrapping around every free inch of Javi’s body that they could reach, giggling as he crouched down to greet them, peppering them with ticklish kisses all over their faces. 
“Hola, Pollitas! Oh, I missed you guys! Did you guys have a good day today?” Javi grinned, now letting the bags he was holding in his hands drop to the floor, collecting his daughters in his grasp, wrapping them up in the tightest hug he could manage through their excited squirms and wiggles. 
“Yeah, we went to the park with Mommy and then we came home and played soccer and then ran through the sprinkler!” Lucy beamed, her sisters nodding in happy agreement, excited to tell their dad about today’s shenanigans while he was at work. 
“I scored two goals on Mommy!” Elliot added, her face lighting up with pride at her accomplishment. 
“No way! Nice stuff, Ellie Bellie!” Javi grinned, holding his hand out for a ferocious high-five from Elliot, pretending to shake his hand in pain at her strength, making the girls snicker at their dad’s overdramatics. “Hey, can you tell me where Momma is, I gotta go say hi to her too and then you can tell me all about the rest of your day, okay?” 
“She’s in the kitchen making dinner!” Lucy replied, giggling as Javi pressed a long kiss into the top of her head, nestled between her messy hair. 
“Mommy’s makin’ ‘pisgetti!” Harper cooed, Lucy and Elliot trying their best to keep from laughing at their youngest sister’s inability to pronounce spaghetti. 
“Thanks, lindas (cuties). Why don’t you guys go clean up your stuff and then we can help Mom with the rest of dinner?” 
“Okay!” The three agreed, dashing back through the house and disappearing down the hallways, Javi laughing to himself as he kicked off his shoes and picked up his bags, heading into the kitchen to find you at the stove, happily humming and swaying your hips to the radio playing in the background as you cooked, so wrapped up in what you were doing that you hadn’t realized your husband’s presence. 
Quietly setting down his bags on the counter, Javi rested his hip against the stone ledge, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you work, wondering to himself if he would ever get over how even the simplest things like watching you make dinner made him fall more and more in love with you, the familiar warmth of home and you creeping through his cheeks in a soft smile. 
“Hi, Momma.” He smirked, making you squeal in surprise as he snuck behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing a soft kiss into your shoulder, rocking you back and forth in his grasp. “I missed you guys today.” 
“Hi, handsome. We missed you, too. The girls haven’t stopped asking when you were going to be home since you called at lunch time. They were so excited you liked your lunch. Sorry if it was a little obnoxious. I tried to tell ‘em to go easy on the glitter, so hopefully none ended up in your food.” You chuckled, shaking your head at the image of the finished lunch bag that had made its way to work with Javi this morning. You turned around to face Javi, his hands still resting on your hips as you draped your arms over his shoulders, pressing up on your tiptoes to let your lips meet his, his mouth lingering just a little longer than usual as you felt his smile growing amidst his kiss. “What was that for?” You blushed, butterflies swirling in your stomach as his lips gently pulled away from yours, his thumbs rubbing soft circles on your skin in the space where your t-shirt and shorts parted. 
“I love you so much. You and the girls, I just- I’m just so thankful for all of you.” Javi grinned, the soft brown of his eyes sparkling in the kitchen light, looking you up and down as if in awe of the fact that you were the woman he got to hold in his grasp at the end of each day for the rest of his life. 
“I love you too, you goof.” 
Before your lips could meet again, the happy giggles of your girls flooded through the kitchen, their little pitters and patters of their feet tumbling the hallway to greet the both of you again. Peeking over Javi’s shoulder, you cocked your head in confusion at the plastic bag your girls were now rummaging through on the counter, wondering what Javi had been shopping for on his way home. 
“What’s in the bag, Jav?” 
“Well…” He paused, making his way over to the kitchen counter with the girls, picking up the bag and tipping it over, shaking its contents out in front of them, “I figured, since the munchkins did such a good job with today’s lunch bag-” 
The girls shrieked, picking up the various brightly colored craft items Javi had brought home with him, along with a pack of brown paper bags, making the reason for his pit stop abundantly clear, and making you smile even wider than you already were. 
“...I figured, I still have 4 days of lunches left, and you guys did such a good job with my lunch today, that you could decorate the rest of my lunch bags for the week.” 
“Really?!” The girls squealed, their faces lighting up in excitement. 
“Really, really.” Javi beamed, reaching his arms around the girls to pick them up, the 3 laughing and squirming in pure joy, your heart bursting at the seams watching just how much Javi loved his little girls and the silliest, smallest things he would do just to make them smile. 
“Mommy, can we start right now!? Please, please, pleaseeeeee?” Lucy begged, Elliot and Harper joining in with their silent plea of sweet puppy eyes. 
“Let’s help Mommy with dinner and then we can-” 
“It’s okay, I think spaghetti can wait a little longer.” 
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@cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadress @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @nastiasnow @vee-bees-blog @hopplessilse @mxtokko @its-nebuleuse @mandoisapunk @msmorningstaarr @amyispxnk @honeyedmiller @mountainsandmayhem
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citystars · 1 year
If requests are open/accepting requests, can i ask a platonic!Diasomnia with a Dragon child!Reader who Crowley accidentally transported to TWST/NRC? They're very oblivious to the outside world, social cues, and how to interact bc of factors that you can make!
Only if you want to/accepting requests, if you aren't feel free to delete this =D
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(★)―――includes: Diasomnia dorm
(★)―――synopsis: Diasomnia boys with baby fae!reader
(★)―――warnings: all platonic! Characters, if there any let me know!!
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Lilia was ecstatic when his eyes landed on your adorable large pair of eyes that glistens with innocence. Of course, Lilia is the first one to volunteer to take care of you! I mean, who can resist your adorable baby face? Certainly not him! It takes him back to when both Malleus and Silver were babies. He immediately swipe you from Crowley's arms and cooed at you adoringly.
Spends the majority of his time with you and has a variety of tricks in his sleeve for getting you to do things like getting you to laugh, going to sleep, or stopping crying. he skill in babysitting.
spoils you rotten. You will get whatever you want. You are too adorable to be refused, even if it meant breaking one of his rules to not give you snacks after bedtime! especially if you make the "I'm about to cry" face. Lilia is indeed in danger.
The others would make every effort to prevent Lilia from feeding you with his homemade "food." ALSO PICTURES! There are so many pictures of you two together
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When Lilia arrives holding you in his arms, Malleus first keeps his distance. You seem so small that if he isn't careful, he would crush you in his arms. He keeps his distance from you in light of this. Not until you made a decision to approach him.
He was first surprised when he sees your tiny legs run toward him with your arms flapping in the air and your tail dragging behind. He carefully takes you in his arms, and from that point on, he never let's go even Lilia is unable to convince him to let go of you.
When you're tired, he lets you lie on top of him, taking you to his own space for a nap after a long day. You were lying on top of Malleus when Lilia barged into his room to find the two of you fast asleep, which had Lillia squealing. (Lilia has a whole photo book of the two of you-).
Also, let you ride on his shoulders. He doesn't care if you hold onto his horns too. (He likes it when you compare your horns to his) Another person who spoils you rotten. You also have your own little treasure chest filled with little trinkets. Brings you along for one of his nightly strolls, and even if you end up dozing off he doesn't mind. He does, however, receive a lecture from Lilia for keeping you up past your bedtime.
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He was talking (screaming) about Lilia having brought a child to their dorm (saying that they might endanger Malleus). But when your hood falls off revealing your horns, he was taken by surprise. This boy worships you. You get anything you want
You enjoyed being carried, he found that out pretty fast. You followed him around the school grounds. You tugged at his pants, arms up in a ‘hold me’ motion. He doesn’t know how to deal with kids baby fae’s, especially not a incredibly small one.
I feel like he's always holding you in some way, either if he is holding your hand, you are being cradled in his arms, or having you preached on his shoulders he always makes sure that you can't go far and get lost. Imagine a baby fae perched on Sebek's shoulders who is giving anyone a murderous glare when they dare to look your way.
He notices that his voice tends to scare you so he makes the effort to quiet himself so that you won't have to cry due to his harsh voice.
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Silver and baby you, were often found dozing off around trees on campus by Lilia. If Silver is watching after you, then you go everywhere with him. He is too afraid to leave you alone even for a moment. Furthermore, you must be by his side at all times.
At first when you would hold onto his leg, then he would ruffle your hair with a small chuckle. They were always special to you. Loves to tease your ticklish spots. To the dismay of the others, you always go to Silver first if you need help from anyone.
lets you play with the forest Animals he made friends with. He will support your antics and act as your devoted knight if you desire to be the dragon king, queen, or royal. He really enjoys the tiny chuckles and smiles that you give him as he lowers one leg to bow to you. (He also doesn't mind if you want to be a knight.)
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ok I overdid it on Malleus's part, but I love this, it was so much fun writing it, I see him absolutely loving you as his own baby sibling!! Thx for requesting I hope I did them justice!! Sorry this took some time I have been a busy bee lately -Astra★
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tojisun · 1 year
heaven to him
dilf!jake sully x na’vi fem reader
!! fluff and smut - minors dni; kind of accidental voyeur; slight exhibition kink (it’s jake’s teehee); so much pet names (sucker for them); banters <33; jake and his insatiable desire is its own warning // 1.7k words
: so it came to me in a vision; started fluff and ended in smut idk why (im a liar - i do know why and its bc of jake!!!); i dont mention any dilf!jake aspects but the whole fic screams dilf!jake and i need yall to see my vision; hope you guys would like this <33; title from off to the races - lana
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your ears twitch, having only managed to catch the tail end of the sound. you frown, your head rising from where it’s pressed on jake’s chest, thinking that by doing so, you could hear better.
jake rouses from his near-sleep, blinking exhausted eyes open to watch as your ears flick up, straining to hear the unusual sound.
“ma’yawntu?” he asks, rubbing your shoulder in comfort at seeing how tense you’ve gotten. 
you fumble with your hand to press it on jake’s lips, non-verbally telling him to quiet down. he blinks, confused, and his brows furrow when he notices your tail begin swishing behind you in agitation.
a squeak resonates again, this time louder and clearer. you jolt, your hand leaving his face to clutch at the straps of his dagger’s sheath, not expecting the drawled out sound it made or how it pitched higher at the end. you turn to jake, wondering if he heard it too.
jake coughs because he did. oh, fuck, he did.
his cheeks tingle, his eyes ducking away to look anywhere but you. you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion, realizing that jake knows what it must be that’s making that sound, but he is refusing to help you out.
you think he is playing with you; that he is making a game out of this to hone your skills in stealth and hunting. so you grin to yourself, slinking out of his hold and ignoring his protests to creep closer to the entrance of the clearing.
“sweetheart, no-” but jake is interrupted by another drawn out squeal. 
this time, you recognize the sound and you gasp, turning to jake, your eyes blown wide in surprise. your cheeks burn, the heat rushing down to your neck, and you rush back to jake’s side, hitting his shoulders with the underside of your fist to tamp down your embarrassment.
jake gathers you in his arms, muffling his laughter on the top of your head as you bury your face on his chest to hide your burning cheeks. 
“aww, yawne,” he murmurs. “you feelin’ shy?”
you peek up from his arms, humming softly. jake smiles, brushing your braids away from your face and tucking the stray strands behind your ears. you huff, feeling yourself settle as you enjoy his warm embrace. 
you part your lips to suggest to your mate that you two should leave soon, if not to save yourself from the immense embarrassment, then to finally crash before the hunt tomorrow, but jake purses his lips before saying, “wanna fuck too?”
you whip your head to look at him, a hiss trickling from your lips as you swat at his stomach in surprise. it only made his endeared chuckles rumble louder so you pinch his skin instead, giggling to yourself when his smile vanished quickly, a wince creasing his face.
“you will shut up,” you say, playfully glaring at him but jake just shakes his head at you softly, patting his stinging skin while you attempt to crawl away from him.
you watch the way he parts his lips to respond to you but another drawn out moan echoes past the clearing, followed by distinct rhythmic slaps, and you choke on the air you breathe, curling to yourself in embarrassment. jake’s hand finds purchase on your waist, gripping, his own breath hitching.
“jesus,” he murmurs, his eyes blown wide. “they’re really going at it, huh?”
“ma’jake, stop commenting!” 
jake opens his lips, a retort ready, but he is cut off once again by a wet sob. this time, his face does end up scrunching as he throws his hands up in resignation. “i swear to god, why’s it every time i’m tryna talk huh?”
you sit up, giggling, unable to hold it in anymore. you slap your hand over your mouth to muffle your sounds but hiccuped gasps of your laughter slips past your fingers, making jake smile so wide.
goddamn, baby, jake thinks as he watches you, his eyes full of reverence. how can i be so lucky to have you, ma’muntxate?
he follows the trail of your tanhi, watching the way they trickle down your supple skin and glitter like stars. he studies the way your eyes crinkle, your full lips quirked up in the most beautiful smile as you turn to him. 
jake reaches out for you, opening his arms again because he wants you in them, and you readily dive into them, nuzzling your face on his chest. 
his rumbling chuckle reverberates in the space between you two, the exhaustion of today’s date night and the ongoing embarrassment settling into both of your bones, pulling you two into a lazy embrace. you cuddle up to him and jake easily slots your body to his – two parts of a whole.
you watch the slow trembles running across his body, his skin sensitive to your breath. you giggle to yourself again, peering up at him and biting your giddy smile when jake tips his head down to meet your eyes. 
“what’s got you so happy, yawntu?” he asks.
you do not reply to him, instead choosing to quietly shuffle closer to him to press your lips onto his collarbone. you hear his sharp intake of air, his hold on you tightening, and you feel elated at seeing what you do to him. 
you pull away and look up at him, cheekily grinning, and jake just tuts before he plants a kiss on your forehead. 
“naughty girl,” he murmurs, his voice muffled by your head, and the awkward sound he made makes you laugh again. 
you bask in the silence, your eyes feeling heavy and your body calling for sleep, before jake ruins it again. “how’re you so giggly after hearin’ people fuck?”
you groan, pinching his side again and rolling your eyes at his answering hiss. 
“just pretend that we don’t hear them,” you reply, trying to find the spot you were just in, accepting the fact that you and jake might have to stay the night out here. 
“really hard to do when all my sensitive ears could hear is them fuckin’, sweetheart,” jake grumbles, one of his hands travelling down to your waist. 
“ma’jake, please. any more comments from you and i’m going to start thinking that you want to mate out here too.”
jake doesn’t reply. 
his silence rings loud and you crane your head up to look at him, gaping, feeling the telltale signs of heat spreading across your cheeks. 
he groans, embarrassed, as he hides his face away from you. “forget about it,” he murmurs, his voice sounding so weak to your ears. 
you stare at him, watching his cheeks darken. his ears are pressed flat to his skull and his tail, you belatedly realized, is loosely looped around your leg, twitching lightly in reflection of his tumultuous emotions. 
you bite your bottom lip, thinking, your own ears flicking in interest. 
jake still refuses to meet your eyes so you take the chance to study your surroundings. it is still ways away from the busy clearing and the hometree, and it is safe, hidden underneath the plush leaves of the trees. 
okay, you think, now feeling the thrums of excitement coursing through you.
“just fingers.” your voice wobbles and it is now your turn to look away when jake whips his head to look at you. 
“yeah,” you hear him say, his voice dipping into a near rumble. “just fingers.”
you hiccup, sobbing as jake sinks his cock in your cunt again. jake is quick to push his lips back over yours, engulfing your moans before they could break the tranquil silence. 
“shh, yawntu,” jake murmurs, his hips unrelenting as they pound into you. “not too loud.”
you claw at his back, trembling at the overwhelming pleasure racing through you. your eyes roll back to your head at a particularly angled thrust, your walls spasming as they tighten around jake’s cock. 
“jesus,” jake hisses, pressing his head against yours, ragged breaths slipping past his gritted teeth. “fucked you so many times already but y’r still so fuckin’ tight.”
“ma’jake! too mu-!” you cry, holding onto him, squirming when he grinds his cock against the same spot that had you squealing.
“i know, sweetheart, i know.” jake kisses your neck, parting his lips to lick a stripe along your throat. “y’take me so, so well.”
your hands fall to hold onto his arms, your head tipping back for a silent moan, as your legs tremble at the increasing pleasure. jake follows, covering you with his bigger body, his hands mapping your sides until they fall to your pelvis, his thumb dimpling your skin. 
jake nuzzles his face on the side of your cheeks, his eyes closed in the throes of pleasure. it is too warm now and everything is bathed in the luminous trees, but you are too lost in the euphoric ecstasy that is building within you.
“ma’jake,” you whimper, your voice wobbling at another hard thrust. “‘m close.”
“yeah?” jake begins, blinking his eyes open to gaze at you. he smiles at what he sees, his fangs peeking through. “cum with me?”
you nod, unable to mumble anything any more, feeling like your words are perpetually stuck behind your teeth amidst the pleasure. 
jake’s hips don’t stutter, thrusting wildly as he grips your hips tightly, hissing apologies for the marks that they would certainly leave. you mewl, your raspy moans filling up the space between you and jake, scratching at his arms as your orgasm builds. 
“i can feel y’r cunt spasmin’,” jake murmurs, a chuckle piercing through your hiccuped moans. “you must really love me, huh?”
jake just laughs again when you just glare up at him, your tear-stained lashes clumped together. he coos at you, rubbing his nose with yours. 
“y’r so precious, y’know that, baby?”
“ma’jake, please,” you whine, arching your back with a gasp when jake grinds his cock deep again.
“fuck, yeah, okay baby, i’ve got you,” jake says, pushing your braids away from your damp face. then, he grins, something so beautiful and utterly dangerous. “but we’re just not done yet, yawne.”
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bokutosbiceps · 9 months
‘tis the season | kengan ashura
gaolang wongsawat/kanoh agito/kure raian/tokita ohma x gn!reader | fluff | ~1k words
warnings: some suggestive/18+ themes but nothing explicit + obviously cursing bc rai is involved my piece of shit man
a/n: welcome to my xmas special for the kengan boys !! as usual, i chose to write for my fav men. it was sooo hard to decide wtf raian would do because he would refuse to do any of these activities but i think what i chose fits him p well LOL.also I’M SORRY OHMA’S IS SO SHORT BUT I THINK IT’S CUTE, m’kay, so pls enjoy 🎄
18+ MDNI | under the cut for length
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gaolang wongsawat finds going to the christmas market with you to be the perfect way to spend his evening. the first stop that you two will make, which is a must, is the coffee stall. he’ll pay for both of your coffees and tip the stall attendant just a little bit extra since he’s feeling the holiday spirit. then he’ll tuck his hands into his pockets and you’ll thread your arm through his and thus begins your journey through the stalls.
gaolang holds you close as you trudge through the market, appreciating all of the pretty stalls decorated with lights and tinsel. you two will stop at every single food stall, and gaolang insists on sharing all of his food with you. he thinks it’s cute the way that your smile reaches your eyes and scrunches your nose when you bite into something that’s hot and tasty.
otherwise, it’s mostly silent, save for the quiet murmur of the crowd around you and your excited comments at anything cute your eyes may land on. gaolang is silently taking note of these things, because he will be coming back to the market without you to buy you each and every one of whatever you showed any interest in. 
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kanoh agito is a man of many, many talents, including chopping down the christmas tree for your shared abode. you and kanoh make the long drive up to the mountains to pick out your tree, and you stand back and let your eyes rake over you man while he swings his axe against the poor tree of your choosing.
he sheds his coat and his long sleeve, leaving him only in a tank top to allow for full range of motion, spits into his hands, and grabs the axe like his life depends on it. agito, all rippling muscles, swings the blade of the axe against the tree like a pro, using his hips to add extra power into his swing until the tree is hanging on by a mere, woody thread.
“were you a lumberjack in a past life, babe?” you joke as you watch him tie the tree down to the hood of your car with twine.
“lumber…jack?” agito doesn’t stop what he’s doing but he throws a questioning glance over his shoulder at you. you giggle, remembering that this towering hunk of man still has much to learn about the world around him. you walk up to his side and give the twine a good tug to ensure that it’s secure before turning around and leaning your back against your car.
“don’t worry about it. you were just chopping down this tree like such an expert, i thought maybe you’d done this in a past life.” you watch as agito shrugs his layers of clothing back on and comes back over to you, leaning on the car next to you.
“i’m surprised you noticed my axe technique since you were too busy ogling me.” agito smirks at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pressing you into his side. you gasp in fake embarrassment.
“i don’t know how i’m supposed to resist! you took off your coat on purpose!” you tease.
agito just chuckles and leans down to place a kiss to the top of your head, whatever you say, doll.  
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kure raian’s least favorite thing about moving back into kure village is the fact that he is required to decorate the house with christmas lights. erioh gets on his ass, starting in september, to remind him that he must decorate his villa to keep the village looking nice and uniform for the holidays.
“the fuck do i care about uniformity and niceties? we’re fucking assassins, not little ass elves.” raian grumbles as he untangles the string of lights. he continues to mutter and and whine while he fights with the cord and you’re watching in pure delight as you lay out the corny, tacky decorations you bought for the front yard.
raian brings the ladder down from the garage wall with one arm, his muscle flexing and relaxing as he brings it to the spot under the peak of the roof. 
“get over here and hold the ladder for me.”
“can i get a please?” you raise your eyebrows at him, knowing full well you’re in dangerous territory as it is.
“i ask my bitch to do something for me and i get lip?” raian huffs a laugh, throwing his head back in an exaggerated manner. “just get over here before i lose my shit.” 
you laugh and obey your husband, dutifully holding the ladder steady while he quickly and cleanly hangs the lights on the edge of the roof. you’re surprised at how efficiently raian works, and how it actually doesn’t look like shit when he’s finished.
“i’m proud of you, rai.” you smile at him and press a quick kiss to his lips when he comes down from the ladder. despite the annoyed frown on his lips, he’s quick to snake his arms around the small of your back as he looks up at the roof, seemingly proud of his work. he nods in satisfaction before turning back to you.
“now, why don’t we go back inside and you can show me just how proud you are, hm?” raian’s hand drifts down the small of your back till it reaches the top of your butt. you just shake your head and smack his hand away. 
“we’ve still got the yard to decorate, stud.”
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tokita ohma is okay with the holidays, because the holidays mean it’s gonna get cold, and the cold means you’re gonna turn on the fireplace, and turning on the fireplace means he will be napping by the fireplace. ohma really only finds it comfortable enough when you’re with him, though, so he’ll wait for whenever you’re not busy to pull you onto the carpet in front of the fireplace.
he wraps his body around you, tucking your head underneath his chin and bringing his knees up behind yours to effectively keep you trapped. lastly, he wraps his arms tightly around your waist and pulls you backwards until you’re flush against his firm chest.  he lets out a deep and content sigh, and you can imagine that his lips are curled upward into a soft smile as he closes his eyes.
“don’t leave, ‘kay?” he mutters before letting out another sigh. you chuckle softly at his request, wondering how on earth you’d ever even be able to escape the strong embrace of your lover. but it’s not like you’d want to anyways.
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taglist: @ohmaswife | @kamesama | @thebigevilsamp | @itbitesback | @aloelotustea | @hoe4rairai | @himbo-in-limbo
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v4mpgutz · 10 months
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Seven, Ethan Landry [ DRABBLE ]
— soft, non-gf ethan bc i love him sm i will give him the world
non-ghostface ethan landry x fem reader
warnings ! — hurt/comfort, angst (oopsie), implied child neglect, brief richie mention (mf is a whole warning himself idk)
ethan landry who knocks on your door during the early hours of the morning. his eyes are red and swollen from crying, his cheeks blotchy and his lips all puffy and pouting.
hes crumbling, falling apart, right in front of you. he almost almost regrets knocking on your door when he sees your surprised face but all that doubt instantly washes away when you're wrapping him into a hug, your face tucked into his neck as you gently card a hand through his hair. he immediately begs to come inside and who are you to refuse?
ethan landry who pours his heart out as the two of you sit on your couch, a salt lamp on in the corner of the room that emits a soft, orange light. seven by taylor swift is playing on your speaker at a low-ish volume. he's sobbing, his hands shaking as he splays his fingers out on his thighs. he's mumbling something about his father that is just barely coherent and it breaks your heart to see him this way.
"i wish he was proud of me", he tells you.
"i wish he loved me as much as he loved my brother — as much as he loved richie."
"i wish he listened when i told him things and came to my award ceremonys and watched me get my stem awards."
"i wish i was someone else, anybody else."
"i wish i wasn't anybody at all."
"your dad is always mad and that must be why, and i think you should come live with me and we can be pirates, then you won't have to cry"
he's sobbing harder when that line plays and you curse taylor swift and her depressingly relatable lyrics, shushing him softly and you pull him into a hug. he's coughing and spluttering and sniffling something awful but you don't mind. he needs a hug. he needs you.
ethan landry who is laying against your chest after crying, so quiet as he smells the faint scent of a cinnamon and vanilla candle from somewhere in your apartment. one hand is gently clutching at your shirt like a scared child, not wanting to let go.
his eyes are closing slowly before snapping open again, he's trying to avoid sleep like usual. he's scared that he'll be plagued by memories in his sleep — it happens almost every night. he hums to himself when he can feel your body shift underneath him.
ethan landry, who realises he doesn't have to be afraid. who realises he can sleep knowing he is safe from almost everything when he's in your arms — even his own mind.
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i love him so much i'm going to puke violently !!!!!!! i'm sorry ethan community, but at least we gave him cuddles right? .... RIGHT?
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
Imagine reader's child with yan!tighnari turning out like their dad
Like imagine reader hinting to their children that they weren't happy with the marriage by telling stories but their children snitched on them and told yan!tighnari Abt it bc they saw it as their mother trying to leave them
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tw: yandere, non-con, implied kidnapping, spanking, orgasm control, breeding, knotting
yandere Tighnari breeding reader that rejects them part 1
part 2
this is amazing... who doesn't like being punished by Tighnari - with the fox babies it's much harder for you to leave🤭💕
With Tighnari and the fox cubs, life in the forest is peaceful. Fox cubs love to snuggle up to you, mutter "mama" in soft voices, bury their heads in your arms, and the fur on their ears always tickles your chest - and your heart too. You brush and clean the tails of the Tighnari and the babies and apply plant-based waterproofing oil. You like to pet their tails and ears. Every time you do this, the fox cubs involuntarily purr but then deny this.
Tighnari has produced some learning materials for children and you are responsible for teaching them to read, one of the ways is to tell bedtime stories.
"What did you dream about last night?"
"In the past, people in this country could not dream, but now when the God of Wisdom enters the dream, all of us weave dreams…"
One of the cubs said they dreamed of inexhaustible padisarah pudding on the table, you smile. Unfortunately, you find out that all the storybooks have been read. They have inherited the wisdom of their father - they never forget a story they have heard once. You must have new stories to lull them to sleep…
You have an idea, speaking with metaphor.
"In the kingdom of forests and deserts, there lived a bird.
They have wonderful singing voices, and their goal is to become the lead singer among the thousands of birds, offering songs to the sky and stars. However, this is too difficult. They lived with songs, and in the woods there were larks, nightingales, canaries… some of them were mean, but some were kind, and their songs were said to be the best.
They thought they were one of them.
But one day, they found out that they were just ordinary finch, bouncing around the ground, sharing food, singing with other companions - that's their usual life.
They still don't give up, dreaming that they too can achieve their goals.
At this time a fox told them: Do you want to live with me? The life of a bird is too ordinary. Life is more than singing.
They refused.
What they don't know is that the fox has a big cage ready for them. At night, the fox sneaked into the forest quietly. He found them resting on the tree, and the cage covered their bodies. Their singing has since disappeared into the woods.
Living in a fox cabin, they don't need to compete with other birds, there is enough food, gifts and beds, but they kind of miss the sky and the smell of rain. That's what they lost.
One day, they escaped from the fox's house and took to the sky while the fox was not looking. They flapped their wings and sang in the sky, attracting the attention of other birds - they were surprised to find that one of them had such a melodious song.
However, they no longer care about other people's evaluation - they left the forest where they lived, flew over towns, mountains, and fields, leaving sweet songs everywhere for everyone. "
After hearing this story, the fox cubs pouted, a little sullen. "mama, why is the fox in this story a bad guy?"
"That's just a coincidence. The little lion was the villain last time." You smiled and kissed their little foreheads. "Good night, my babies."
The next day, Tighnari returned to the forest from the seminar, and the fox cubs jumped into his arms, yelling "papa!". He hugged them and gave them presents - some new toys. Under study, they are already smarter than many children of the same age at this time.
"Papa, are foxes bad?? Does mama want to leave us?" one of the cubs asked. The cubs recount last night's story to Tighnari - though they don't quite understand parts of the story, they have a vague sense that you want to leave the forest.
"Oh, there's such a thing." Tighnari raised his eyebrows, and there was unknowingly meanness in his tone, but then disappeared, comforting the babies gently. "It's okay, mama is just telling you stories, and won't leave us."
For you it's another attitude - he's away for two days and you're signaling to the kids that you want to leave? Does this mean you already have a plan? unacceptable. Entering the house, Tighnari greets you and casually asks what story you told the babies last night. He notices you avoiding his gaze - "You really don't have anything to confess to me?"
"Wait, my- my story doesn't mean that!" You panicked in denial.
Tighnari does not accept excuses of any kind - punishment is a necessary part of your education since you are so stubborn, chasing your unrealistic dreams.
He orders you to bend over, slips a vibrator into your wet inner wall, and rubs his thumb along the edge of your glistening flesh. The little machinery buzzes and vibrates deep within you. You whimper and beg him to stop. "Please- please- Tighnari I'm sorry- I won't do this again…" You try to keep your balance in the shock, but the ruler appears and smacks your ass hard. The slapping lands on both of your ass cheeks, and it's never in the same rhythm - when you think your left ass is about to get spanked, Tighnari smacks three times on your right.
Tighnari rubs between your legs after a round until orgasm is imminent, then starts a new round, leaving you in deep despair. You can't remember exactly how many times you took it, basically a mess of tears, legs shaking and a stooped posture. "I- I'm so sorry…!!" he asks you in a mean, veiled, sinister voice. "Do you still want to leave? Is there anything more comfortable than getting my cock? Hmm?"
"No- no! I just need you - Tighnari-" you gasp, unable to choose your words. You just desperately want to be released, to be filled.
"Okay," he muttered, sinking his already swollen long cock deep inside you, pounding you hard, rubbing his fingers on your clit. You scream, tears and juice splattering the table, pleasure flowing through your body, your walls contracting.
"Maybe I should give you some other babies." Tighnari announced as knotted inside you. "You won't have time to leave."
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st6rly · 1 year
Okay it’s kinda cliche, but imagine being a famous criminal and having him be the one who always captures/arrests you. The banter and annoying him to no end augshsjs it’s so
And then after a while, he stops reporting you and you two just end up getting closer like that (with occasional meet ups in the prison) (you just missed him a little)
- tired
wriothesley x gn!reader warnings: reader pulls a clarity meme (iyk you know: aka falls off a bridge), can be seen as mildly suggestive but that’s not he intention, ALSO NOT PROOFREAD BC BRAINROT MODE notes: YES IM SAT. I AM SITTING. I AM STARING AND SIPPING ON THIS ASK LIKE FINE WINE. i see you tired 👁️ if i’m stuck here i shall drag you down this rabbit hole with me 🤗🤭
“why must you insist on being so difficult?”
“what’s a game of cat and mouse without a chase?” wriothesley sighed, an annoyed grimace to his face as he watched you twirl a pair of broken handcuffs around your finger; it’s the third pair of his you’ve broken this week.
“i’ve caught you how many times this past month, no scratch that, past week, alone and yet you still refuse to cut your loses,” he said through gritted teeth.
you laughed and tossed the cuffs in the air, catching them with ease before slipping them into your pocket. at this point, you had enough of these to start up a business. maybe one day you’d sneak into the prison and drop them off in a nice gift wrapped box as a little surprise for your dear friend.
“oh, don’t be that way wrio,” you cooed sweetly and walked up closer to him, “i’m just having a little fun.” you placed a hand lightly on the collar of his vest, nonchalantly finding interest in smoothening out nonexistent wrinkles. he stared at the way your hand trailed down the buttons before hooking under his chin and tilting his head to face you.
“don’t call me that,” he replied, voice lacking the usual firmness of authority.
“it’s a shame i’ve been so sloppy lately,” you hummed, lips curled into a grin, “but what can i say? i missed seeing you.” as soon as those words left your mouth, you’d backed away just as fast. you sprung up to the ledge of the bridge, balanced like an acrobat.
“as much as this has been lovely, i really must be going,” you said with a fake pout. “i’ll see you soon, yeah? can’t be without my favourite duke for too long now.”
“wait-“ you sprung off the edge as he rushed towards you, left with your laughter as a reminder of missing once again.
“shit,” he rumbled, hitting his fist against the railing. running his hand through his hair, he reached for the key ring in his back pocket, only to come up blank. instead, he pulled out a note.
prison entrance to the south when the moon is bright. maybe then you’ll get what you’re looking for ;P
“you little-“
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