#[Eluvias -headcanons-]
soulsxng · 7 months
For most of his life, people tended to call Zahine by the nickname "Zae". This changed when Io and Luvi came around, and they started calling him "Zai", specifically because neither of them wanted to call him the same thing that Mattias called him. That was before they even started to notice some of the ways Mattias would treat Zai, too, so that's just a little extra "Fuck you" to Mattias that I think is really petty and hilarious.
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soulsxng · 7 months
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First Io, and now Eluvias! I had to stick the two's charts side by side, because I'm nothing if not a sucker for comparing siblings to learn more about their similarities and differences.
Even though a lot of the stuff I've been posting about him suggests otherwise, Luvi is actually pretty chill overall with people he knows and is comfortable with. Kind of gives off a very curious, but kind of timid puppy vibe-- one that changes to a very excitable, eager to please puppy after he decides he's found his person.
One thing that I think I've mentioned on discord before, is that another thing about Luvi's leaving Elyki means that he's still sort of figuring out his hobbies and that sort of thing. He's lowkey enough to be willing to at least try anything once, if it's with someone he enjoys being around-- (not necessarily just people he views romantically) and he'll usually be able to find something that he enjoyed about it, too! Still, this does mean that he's at a point where he's pretty easily influenced, so any partner of his (that wants a healthy relationship, anyway. If they don't care, then go nuts I guess!) would have to give him a little space to figure out some of that stuff one his own. Otherwise he'll end up being really dependent, which...is going to cause a lot of not-so-good things.
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soulsxng · 8 months
GUYS, I CAN NEVER TELL WHAT MORAL ALIGNMENT THIS LIL' SHIT (Eluvias, my lovely little problem child) IS. I'm putting the rest under a read more because I know it's gonna end up super ramble-y.
So first, the way I look at the alignments is loosely this: - Good = Would save someone in trouble without promise of reward. - Neutral = Would leave someone in trouble to their fate. Might intervene for reward. - Evil = Would harm/kill/otherwise detriment person in trouble. and then: - Lawful = For principle - Neutral = For necessity - Chaotic = For impulse
And I can never tell if he fits best as true neutral, chaotic neutral, or neutral evil. Which...look, I know that technically no character should fit perfectly into an alignment. Different situations, and pressures, and whatever else could always make a character act outside of that alignment after all-- if they didn't, it would make the character kinda flat and predictable. (Plus, examining what would make them act out of that "norm", how they would do it, and how they would react to it afterwards is one of the most interesting parts of writing a muse imo)
But with Luvi, it always just feels like he decides how he's going to react to everything on a whim. Which...immediately points me toward chaotic. But good and evil don't really fell like they completely fit him, so I always sway towards chaotic neutral.
Except that he has done and will do some really fucked up shit. Sometimes just because he felt like it. Other times because he felt it was what he had to do, or even because it was what he should do in that situation.
And sometimes it's a little frustrating when I write him, because I feel like he can come off so all over the place at times that I worry that he doesn't come across as a consistent muse...like he does whatever, because...well, whatever. Which wasn't the case when he was still in Elyki.
Noticing that is what made me realize that it's because of that, that Luvi is so unpredictable now, though. Even if Zahine spoiled the hell out of him when he was young, he still grew up under very strict rules. Pretty much everything he did was heavily regulated. (With Zahine, it was for Luvi's health and wellbeing at a time when he was very frail and weak. With Mattias later on, it was just because Luvi was a tool that was potentially very dangerous to everyone in Elyki as well if he wasn't...essentially "holstered properly")
Now that he's away from that, he's suddenly bombarded with choices that he's never had to make before. He wants to be nice, and good-- partly because that's what he views his older brother and Zahine as being, and partly because he wants to make friends. (and then not have to worry about feeling like he has to or wants to hurt them)
His upbringing with Zahine taught him more that he needs to watch out for himself, and that-- while he should be cautious of others, he shouldn't hurt them unless he actually has to. That, as long as it won't detriment him, he should help people in dire need, but to generally let those in lesser need take care of their problems on their own. Kind of a good/neutral bordering.
But his upbringing with Mattias also taught him that...essentially, the lives of others that he doesn't know shouldn't ultimately matter to him. And that if he wants or needs something, he should just take it, regardless of how he has to get it. That if someone slights you even a little bit, or even if you just don't really care for someone. They annoy you? You can get rid of them.
And so really, he's just caught in this really confusing limbo where...kind of like a child that's just trying whatever comes to mind, seeing what happens from there, and deciding "Wow, that worked out pretty well!" or "That went really poorly..." from there.
Io and Zai try to help him with all of this, because they know he's overwhelmed, but neither of them can (or should, since that was a bit of an issue in and of itself; Luvi's obsessive nature definitely didn't help any of this) be there to hold his hand all the time.
Anyway, all of this is pretty much to say that I don't think I can put Luvi in any alignment, at the moment. He's got too much learning to do.
It also makes me wonder if Io was ever that way too, but I honestly don't really think he was. Not only was he old enough when Zahine went missing that he remembered a lot of the things that Zai stood for, but he was always especially defiant with Mattias. So while there might have been a little bit of figuring things out in that manner when he was taken under Pythius and Rhezar's wings, it wasn't anywhere near what it currently is with Luvi.
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soulsxng · 1 year
Because I saw it kind of going around, muses that would stalk their s/o:
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Eluvias -This used to have a very big element of Danger to it, since depending on what he saw, it could lead to a whole possessive break in which Luvi could get very violent, very fast. I...don't actually know if he'd get to that point these days, but I know he's the type to stalk an s/o to get more information about them, follow them around, "borrow" things from them, etc. He wants to know everything there is to know, on top of just wanting to be close to them, wanting to make sure they're safe, wanting to make sure they're not getting into trouble--
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Pereux -Mostly just likes watching, and likes when her partner does the same with her. Aside from that, she's also the type to have things set in place that allow her to know exactly where her partner is at all times-- and again, vice versa. In her mind, these are behaviors that show her desire for another person, and their desire for her, in turn. Also, this is kind of normal where she's from (The Otherworlds), so...*shrugs*
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Baphomet -With Baet, he's prone to stalking just about anyone/thing that he finds especially interesting. With an s/o, he doesn't care how long it takes, he'll take his time gathering information about all sorts of things. It's kind of like a game to him, unraveling secrets bit by bit and getting the immediate reward of learning more about the person he loves. He does respect boundaries pretty well though (as opposed to when he was younger), so if there are things his partner doesn't want him poking around in, he'll respect it. Also lots of following them around/showing up places that they're at.
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Ezra -His is more...situational, I feel. It would largely depend on who he's with, and would manifest mostly as check ins or periodically showing up somewhere that his s/o is to surprise them. A big reason why is the whole addictive personality thing-- it's not that he doesn't trust them, or anything like that, but more that he just feels like he needs to see them. It feels good to see/hear/be around them.
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Niesal -In the event they actually ended up in a relationship, there would be a lot of monitoring of their partner being done pretty constantly. And/or a lot of anxious checking in. They'll poke around in their partners secrets and such too, though not too bad. Most of this is, for them, caused by relationships in general are terrifying to them, and knowing more about their partner/what they're doing/where they are is comforting to them. Like Ezra, this might be fairly situational, or depends heavily on who they're with.
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soulsxng · 8 months
...I'm also learning that, while he's (probably) not as bad as he was, Eluvias is definitely still obsessive about his partner in some ways.
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soulsxng · 1 year
I like thinking about Luvi's type of obsessiveness tbh. Like...I have other muses that have obsessive traits, but they're far more controlled. Secondary (or even lesser) traits, really. But I have two who always come to mind with that obsessive trait as a huge, primary part of who they are. One is a muse of that some of you will recognize-- either from discord, or from when I had him as a main muse in the past-- Varius. The other is Eluvias.
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Vari is the softer, more "presentable" (read: sneaky) sort of obsession. Charming, calculating, and manipulative, he's the type to slowly convince the object of his affection to give away their connections and freedoms all of their own volition. Until he's the only thing they have, and they're not able to escape. Rarely violent unless there's a real threat that whoever he's obsessing over is going to leave him or something. And even then, he's more likely to get violent with someone else, than with them.
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Luvi, on the other hand is (was?) the opposite of that. He didn't care about how it looked. He didn't care about how the object of his "devotion" felt toward him at the time. They belong to him. He shouldn't have to share them with anyone. If they try to leave before he's ready to be away from them, he'll almost immediately start to get rough and cold. Grabbing at them, or blocking their way to try to keep them from leaving. Eventually, if they continue trying to leave, he'll just get fully violent with them. At that point, he really doesn't care if he kills them, because at least then he'll be their last.
Thinking about that though, that's a big thing with him. Luvi doesn't care if they don't love him back. If they come to love him eventually, it would make him happy, but he'd also be fine as long as they chose to stay with him.
He doesn't care if he isn't their "first" kiss/date/love/whatever else, either. (and really, if the person isn't in love with him/interested in that sort of thing with them, he won't push it. He just wants to be around them. Which also means that his obsessions can be non-romantic, as well. Like with Io, or like with a few old friends.) "What matters most is that I'm their last. If anything, doesn't that make it even better, if they've had others before and still ended up choosing me?" type of outlook. Which is part of the reason why he won't hesitate to kill someone he's obsessed with. Because at least then, even if it wasn't the way he originally intended, he ended up being their last. And that's something he feels he can be satisfied with.
All in all though, I just like Luvi's type of obsession a lot. I like Vari's too, but there's something about the way Luvi's is really raw, and wild, and messy, and frankly just...ugly. It's obvious, and unsettling, and intense, and he would never make any attempts to hide it. Even now, it's something that he's pretty open about discussing.
What his thoughts about the people he obsessed over were usually like, how it felt, how it made sense in his head, all of it. Because even now, he doesn't really believe that the way he was before was necessarily bad...but it wasn't really right, either.
Or maybe it's more that he didn't really care whether it was right or wrong. The only reason he was willing to make the effort to change in the first place, was because Io and Zai asked him to. He didn't want to lose either of them, so he made the effort to change.
Which, if you think about it...isn't really the healthiest reason, when you consider the fact that both Io and Zahine were subjects of Luvi's obsession. So I'm constantly getting that "Oh, he's doing a lot better! ...Or is he?" vibe from him orz.
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soulsxng · 1 year
I got hit with the sudden urge to do Tank/DPS/Support/Healer for the muses yesterday, and so that's what we're doing now, strap in y'all. (Just 10 at a time though, because god knows I'm gonna end up rambling about some of them longer than I meant to, and if I did all of them at once it would be the length of a soccer field or something)
Jaspern - Pure DPS; phys (He does fight with a big fuck off scythe, so midrange usually) with a little magic-- usually death oriented magic that has the added benefit of a slow but constant strength sapping effect on those it hits.
JJ - DPS/slight support; phys (He fights with his dual-bladed spear, Ahzeel more often than not these days, but is a nightmare with just about any weapon in his hand), uses more magic than Jas does, though that's usually for the support side than outright attacking.
Ber - Support/Healer; doesn't really like being part of a fight, so he will bubble himself at the back of the battlefield, and just focus on buffing and healing his comrades. Side note, but just because he's not a DPS, that doesn't mean he can't DPS. Piss him off too much, and he'll be insta-casting about 50 meteors at the back of your head in 2 seconds flat.
Melchior - Tank/Healer; my dude really is like a weird sort of paladin. Technically, I feel like he doesn't have the defense stat to be a full-on tank, but he's that type that doesn't want to have anyone else on his team get hurt, and he can mitigate damage with his healing easily enough, so here he is. Making himself the tank anyway. Damage is phys/magic balanced.
Eluvias - DPS/Tank; Luvi goes absolutely berserk in a fight, which is why DPS is primary. He pretty much just leaps at whatever is attacking, and starts shredding regardless of if he's taking damage too or not. That's evidently why he could also be a tank. Even if he's hurt, it's like he doesn't notice it, he just keeps going until he legitimately can't. Technically he can use magic, but usually he gets so carried away with the physical side that he forgets to even use it unless he's really in trouble.
Zahine - Healer/DPS OR, pure DPS. Zai is pretty much the healer with a gun meme. Usually he'll stick to just healing, and will pick people off with magic-based DPS here and there...but man. MAN. If he goes pure DPS it's because he's angry, and then whoever is against him is better off just running away, because he's not above fighting dirty, and he's completely ruthless. Especially when the charming powers start coming out-- that's when even Io and Luvi (Or Pythius, in the few times that he's fought alongside Zahine) just take a big step back and let Zahine do his thing.
Orin - Pure support; they really couldn't fight well to save their life (literally, in this case), still, they actually are capable of using quite a bit of magic that can protect allies, or essentially debuff opponents. Baby doesn't wanna fight though, so please don't make them.
Vanyllo - DPS/occasional Support (surprisingly); his main focus is always going to be DPS, but if things are going south, he's trained pretty extensively to be able to use his magic for all kinds of different traps/ensnarements, so he'll dip into support sometimes, too. Can also use magic that limits opponents range of sight and that sort of thing.
Darrow - Tank/DPS; one of his domains is protection, after all! Aro knows how to take a hit just as well as he knows how to draw (and keep) an enemy's attention on him, to keep some of the heat off of his allies. On top of that though, he's very accurate with both sword, as well as fang and claw, so the amount of "critical" strikes that he tends to land on his foes means that he has a pretty high overall damage output too. Primarily phys damage, but he tends to bolster that with fox fire and divine damage, as well.
Eleare - Tank; another one that might be surprising. Most of the reasoning is just because they feel it's easiest to control the flow of battle from that position, but another reason is that Eleare has a lot of magical abilities that create barriers for themselves, can diffuse or weaken some magics, etc. So they're pretty tough to land consistent damage on. Most of their damage is more close-ranged magic, but they're not shy about getting more physical with their claws or fangs, instead. Or, what usually happens, is that they just shift into a massive fox/dragon/hawk/what-have-you, and they just go ham like that.
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soulsxng · 1 year
I would like to request the love headcanons for Luvi please ... all of them.
@desiderium-eden | Love headcanons | Accepting!
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When they discover they’re got a crush: He'll start paying closer attention to them. Taking in as much information about them as he possibly can, because he wants to know every single thing he possibly can about them. Mannerisms and habits, likes, dislikes, schedules, family, friends, job, hobbies, whatever he can figure out, really. He knows it’s not something that isn’t really healthy, but it’s still something that he unconsciously does.
How they confess/hint: Luvi is very obvious about his feelings about things in general, and feelings toward another person are no exception. It wouldn’t be at all surprising for him to just walk up to the object of his affection one day, and just flat out say-- as though it were the most obvious thing in the world-- that he likes them romantically. Or just flat out that he loves them.
Big/little gestures of love: I combined these two, because honestly they’re pretty much the same thing for him. Once he comes to love someone though, he will be at their beck and call any time, anywhere. He’ll bend over backwards doing whatever he can to ease their burdens, and make sure that they’re happy, and feel that they’re well loved. Anything to make them want to stay around. Attention, affection, gifts both small and extravagant, helping with day to day tasks, affirmations, he doesn’t really care what he has to do, as long as it makes them happy. Though at the same time, two potential points where this can become an issue: Luvi can and will go overboard, to the point where he exhausts himself if he’s not told to tone it down. The other is that if allowed to do so, he’ll do literally everything possible for his s/o, which...would more or less end up trapping them with him, when it’s allowed to get to that point.
How to win their heart: This is actually a tough one, and I don’t really have a straight answer for it. I was going to say that people that are supportive of him. Those that are patient and kind. But that’s kind of broad, and honestly isn’t always a sure way to catch his interest. There’s definitely a need for a certain type of enablement almost? Something that will make him feel like, no matter what he does, the other person will stay by his side. Really, I think proving that last thing is the way to do it-- the how isn’t really as important.
How to break their heart: Leave him alone. Start avoiding/ignoring him.
Tiny little turn-ons: Hands running through his hair. Tracing his scars. When they’re out together in a group setting, and his s/o comes to check in on him or lean on him for a little while without prompting. A display of strength/ability. Boldness/confidence. I will also add onto this, by saying that not only does Luvi not have a super high sex drive normally, but due to various circumstances, he can sometimes be reluctant to touch someone he loves at all, let alone have sex with them. He believes that his touch might “taint” them, though in what way, he couldn’t really say. It’s something he’s going to have to work through with his s/o.
Big turn-ons: Possessiveness. Call him “my Luvi”, or tell him that he belongs to them. Stuff like that.
Things that make their heart flutter: Boldness/confidence is probably the biggest. Someone that isn’t afraid to take charge of a situation...but also when that same person is willing to rely on him for things. When his s/o is obviously watching him when he’s busy doing something.
Their type: I know I’ve said this before, (both on here, and on other headcanons for him) but Luvi is a very blunt and straightforward person. He also isn’t the most obvious with showing his emotions through tone or expression. So someone that won’t misunderstand any of that for him being disinterested/not liking them. Someone confident, that is able to be a little stern with him when he’s doing his usual “Do what I wanna do, not realizing (or flat out not caring) when I’m about to walk into danger”, or when he’s starting to get overbearing/obsessive. That’s also pretty important, because sometimes he does need people to be upfront with him about boundaries that they have.
Ideal date: He’s never really put that much thought into it before. If asked, he would probably say that his partner’s ideal date is his ideal date. That, as long as he gets to see his partner happy and having a good time, and he gets to share that experience with them, he’ll be just as happy.
Past relationships: He’s only had two or three. They’re all dead now. Yeah, he did it. Pretty much, they were all people that he grew obsessed over, and they either tried to break up with him, or did something that otherwise triggered the more violent parts of his obsessiveness.
How they might affect current relationships: His past relationships probably won’t, so much as his obsessiveness in general. He’s the type that never really “gets over” an obsession, so his s/o will probably be able to tell somewhat, when they hear him talk about/to one of them, or see him interact with them. It’s not nearly as pronounced as it used to be, but it kind of goes back to his whole openness about his feelings thing.
‘Goals’ in a relationship (marriage, kids, a house, etc): This is one thing that always makes me really sad to think about, but Luvi’s biggest goal for love, is simply to spend his life beside the person that he loves. It doesn’t matter if they love him back, so long as they let him stay. Obviously he would be elated if they did come to love him, but it’s not something that he expects, for a multitude of different reasons.
Other love headcanons: He hasn’t had any relationships, or been on any dates since he’s gotten out of treatment. It’s something that he’s a little nervous about, because he knows it’s going to be a lot of trial and error for him to figure out how to be comfortable and happy in a relationship that isn’t just him defaulting back to his obsessive ways.
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soulsxng · 1 year
so ... what's up with Eluvias, because :eyes:
Eluvias is Melchior's younger brother! They're around a decade apart in age, which...all things considering, isn't really much of a difference anymore. Still, when they were growing up, it was.
Ngl, I was writing a whole big thing for this, but honestly with how intertwined Luvi's story is with Zahine and Io's, it was turning out to be more about the three of them as a group, as opposed to just Luvi. So I'll probably make a post about their whole dynamic tomorrow or something. Anyway!
Pretty much, when they were really little (Io, ~11 y/o and Luvi, ~3 or 4 y/o), their parents died, and there was a period of about a year that Io had to try his best to raise Luvi on his own. After that, Zahine came into the picture and took them in, at which point Luvi was...fairly sheltered by both Zai and Io.
Not to mention spoiled.
But, that just made it so Luvi was able to stay this sweet, loving, protective person for a long time. Even against the other factors that came from him having grown up around the vigilante group that Zai was running at the time.
Eventually though, someone took advantage of that, and sort of started...twisting all of that. And it ended up taking the form of obsessiveness.
The primary focuses of this obsession was Zahine (the one who gave his heart and soul to raise Luvi and Io, and whom Luvi believed he was deeply in love with, thanks to the person mentioned in the above paragraph), and Io (his brother that had always been by his side, and whom Luvi felt he had to protect, in return.) But Luvi has been known to fixate on others to a slightly lesser extent, as well.
This lasted for years-- to the point where it nearly destroyed Luvi's relationship with Io and Zai both. Until thy were finally able to get him into treatment in Scelure, with Aile.
These days, he's...mostly better. It's still a struggle sometimes, but Luvi has made a lot of progress, and is much happier and healthier. Of course, nobody really knows for sure what would happen if he came to love someone again, which is a cause of anxiety for him.
Now, he helps Io at Rhezar's. Doesn't do a ton of intereacting with the customers, since he's a bit socially awkward, but people are slowly warming up to him. He's still very sweet, if not a bit quiet, and a lot of his time is more or less spent trying to figure out what he wants to do, now that he's out of the Elyki group, and finished the more intensive portion of his treatment.
Still also has some of that spoiled "...what do you mean, I can't do that? I want to, though" outlook at times, and his moral compass is still a little skewed (100% the type to, if a friend said someone upset them, say something along the lines of "Should I kill them for you?" and mean it. Fr, if he says something like this, it's not a joke, don't say yes unless you actually want someone dead orz) But he's got that good bean energy.
Oh, he's also a little dumb. And very oblivious when it comes to things like flirting...and sarcasm, a lot of times. Other times though, that's more of an act than anything.
I've been told a few times that he's like an odd flavor of himbo, if that helps lmao
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soulsxng · 1 year
🎮 for Io and Luvi?
@desiderium-eden | Details about ocs | Accepting!
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
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- Wood carving: Mostly started as something he did to keep his hands busy, so he wouldn't fidget too much. Io has a hard time staying still for very long if he doesn't have something that he can keep himself focused on, and this helps him a lot with that.
- Theatre: Watching, that is. Because really, what's a play if not dramatic story-telling? He's picky about the kinds he goes to see, though.
- Going out with/being around friends: Honestly this is probably the top of the list. Io is just...an outrageously outgoing and social person, honestly. He thrives when he's around other people-- especially his friends! That's why even when he's not actively working, he can usually be found hanging around in Rhezar's. He's just hanging out because he enjoys it. Swapping stories and catching up, listening to other people talk, watching what kinds of shenanigans people get up to...he really just enjoys that kind of stuff.
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- Crafting: I...really wasn't sure what to call this. He just likes being able to make, or fix things. And he's actually really good at it! From building a table from scratch, to sewing a patch on clothes, it kind of started when he was younger, and Zahine would let him help with fixing (the plethora of) broken or malfunctioning things around wherever they were calling their base at the times. After all, their group was pretty infamous, so it wasn't like they could usually risk just running out as they pleased, and grab fancy new things to replace the old ones when they broke or wore down. Anyway, I think something that he could probably get into, is having a little workshop where he can make/repurpose things as he pleases. - People watching: SImilar to Io, and yet also the exact opposite of Io, at the same time. Luvi is definitely not the most social person in the world, but he doesn't really do well being alone for very long, either. Instead, he prefers to just sit back while watching and listening to whatever is going on around him. He finds it relaxing, to the point where he actually tends to use clips of people talking about different things, or just like...general people moving around and doing things types of noises, when he's going to sleep.
- Gambling: ...Yeah. They both kind of have a problem. Luvi's isn't as bad as Io's though, which is why Io can't really go to any gambling establishments these days, while Luvi can. (It's also why gambling can be listed as a hobby on Luvi's and not Io's, haha) He's especially good at card games, but also tends to have good luck with things like roulette!
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soulsxng · 2 years
This is a lot of headcanons and appearance posts for one day, but bear with me, because I wanna show y’all what Io, Luvi, and most other Shevulich demon’s horns grow in like.
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If they’re left alone long enough, and aren’t trimmed and shaped, they’ll naturally grow to be roughly this shape. As you can imagine, they can be pretty dang heavy when they’re that size, not to mention how much they would get in the way/get caught on stuff. Because of this, a lot of Shevulich will cut them down regularly, and wrap them in a certain way while they’re growing back in, so the shape is a little more controlled. 
For example, Io tends to keep his about half that length, and has shaped them to keep a similar curve, but a little tighter to his actual head, so it’s easier for him to maneuver. 
Luvi has almost exactly like this, because up until recently, he wasn’t really given the time or opportunity to trim and shape them any differently. Zahine used to do it for him when he was younger, though.
Two of Nirbhi’s ex-deciples, (that will be on the side muses page soon!) are also Shevulich demons. The elder of the two, Aaksi, actually has his horns only a little bit shorter than this, with slightly more accented curves closer to the head and neck, to make it easier to dress, and allow his shoulders/arms free range of movement. Mikra, the younger of the two, keeps his short-- maybe a quarter of the length-- and shaped so that the curves are much more shallow, so they grow up his head toward his face and stop just about in line with his eyes, or a little longer. They also have a sister that has shaped hers into a somewhat looser spiral curl to either side of her head.
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soulsxng · 7 months
A random headcanon for y'all on this chilly morning, about how the muses walk with their s/o!
Jaspern is the type of person to, while walking with his s/o, keep a hand in their back pocket, to keep them close to him. Very effortless and smooth, but also affectionate. Same with Io, I feel. Also JJ, because he grew up seeing Jas do that, tbh.
Pythius is similar, but he's more likely to hook his fingers in his s/o's belt loops to tug them over, before putting an arm around their waist or something. If he's walking behind them, he'll do it if he needs to "steer" them a little, or wants them to slow down. ("I want attention", essentially) Aro, Zikiriel, and Sarakael also do this one, on occasion.
Aro and Eleare will curl their tail (or a few of them) around their s/o, or drape one over their shoulders. Or will alternatively stand/lay on their s/o's shoulders in their little fox forms.
Cilatyve actually doesn't care too much for flat out holding hands-- he uses his to navigate too much to feel super comfortable with that, especially if he trips or something. Instead, he likes to coil his tail around their thigh, wrist, or arm. Arin and Jaey, if their tails are out, will also curl the end around their s/o's wrist or thigh when walking. Otherwise, it's more common for them to just coil around their s/o entirely once they've settled from going somewhere together.
Zikiriel will, instead of wrapping an arm around his s/o, keep a wing curled around them sometimes. Keeps them close, and gives them a bit of privacy on top of that (he's not a fan of people staring at his s/o, sue him)
Nirbhi, Ezra, and Sarakael like to keep their hand their s/o's back while they're walking, or occasionally rested on their shoulder. That way, they and their partner can walk at whatever pace they want! But if something happens, it's easy enough to tug their shirt or give them a little nudge or something to avoid or draw attention to whatever it is.
Enoch, Pereux, Bleddyn, and Shilo tend to shift positions when they're walking with their s/o a lot. Eno and Jinnie tend to walk slightly behind, Bleddyn slightly in front, and Shilo not really having a preference...but if someone unknown approaches their s/o, or they go to pass someone, etc, they'll automatically move to position themselves between the other person and their s/o. Actually, Kade also fits here. Huh. That's a lot more muses than I'd thought would be put here.
Baphomet...man, I don't know. He's clingy. As always. Please be careful not to trip. Niesal can surprisingly also get like this, when they actually fall for someone, so I guess it's hereditary.
Sivel and Alsina, when walking around with (or especially traveling with) their s/o, their wings will almost always be buzzing in a very specific pattern. It's sort of announcing that they're with their person. And that they're excited, because they're going somewhere. With their person! They don't even realize they're doing it, honestly.
Fele and Laisren tend to do the more refined offering an arm to their s/o. Keeping them at a slight distance, and separating to take their hand instead to help them down stairs, or over a curb or puddle, or whatever else.
Zahine (and Kade and JJ, during the times that they're not in their other categories) likes to do the closer linked arms thing. Where he has one arm linked with his s/o's, and he's leaned on them or encouraging them to lean on him a little while they walk. Makes it easy to sneak a cheek kiss or something in, if he wants to!
Ber, Eluvias, Ezzion, and Vanyllo tend not to touch their s/o much while they're walking. Luvi, because he's used to not being able to touch people much without them being hurt by his poison. The other three...mostly just because they don't want to, for one reason or another. All four of them do constant check-ins, though-- looking back at their partner frequently, or engaging in really brief touches, to make sure they're doing alright. Another thing they tend to do is that little "curls their just the tips of their fingers with their s/o's" thing whenever they stop or slow down. As a sort of "I'm still with you" thing.
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soulsxng · 1 year
📁 Zahine
@arcxnumvitae | Random headcanons | No longer accepting!
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📁- Growing up, Zahine's parents never really got along well. They chose to take Zahine in at a point when their marriage was failing, in a misguided, last ditch effort to "fix things". It, instead, only served to make things worse. As he aged, he watched them slowly grow to hate each other. Constant fighting, avoiding each other, hurting each other-- and after all of that, Zahine promised himself that he would never let himself fall into a relationship like that. He promised himself that he would find love. A true, all encompassing, whirlwind love, in which someone would sweep him off his feet, and never let him go.
...And oh, he found it alright.
He married Mattias when the both of them were still young, and while things started off exactly how Zahine had always hoped, he quickly learned that there was such a thing as too much love. For that was exactly what happened with Mattias. His love for Zahine became so much, that Mattias held him on a pedestal high above anyone and everyone else. Made him unattainable-- untouchable-- even to himself, and because of this, tried to make it so that he was the only person that Zahine had.
Mattias went too far because he loved Zahine too much, and Zahine had no choice but to kill him because of it...but in the process of all the pain leading up to that happening, he found his true loves in Melchior and Eluvias. His Braveheart and his Little Love. No matter how old they get, they're always going to be Zai's babies, and they mean absolutely everything to him.
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