#Want my wife back by voodoo spells
Nica!chucky x fem!reader
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Right now you were sitting in the pouring rain on the porch of Tiffany valentine. After being in asylums with nica,going with chucky to insure she doesn’t die then getting betrayed by Tiffany and going to jail 2 months after you turned 18 ,you lied and said that nica forced and lied about the doll after SHE killed everyone.
Just what they wanted to hear.
And you didn’t feel bad about it because you knew that nica had turned her back on you. You had stayed loyal for years then when you met in another asylum after 4 years she had believed that it really wasn’t the doll. Called you out of your name and lead you on.
Tiffany was away and nica was asleep. It was the perfect time.
You had snuck in through the window and went to her and Tiffany’s shared room.
You look at her peaceful expressions. It had sadden you how you enjoyed her looking so nice and peaceful after everything she caused you. If only I would’ve never did that much for her. You thought.
Then got straight to chanting
You made sure to keep it at whisper. You were bringing back chucky. Well…the part that was in nica at least.
“…damballa…awake!” You had the heart with you so it made sure it would work.
It’s not working!
you frustrated and instead of chanting “ade due blah blah blah” again and decided that it still might not work….even with the heart
You groan
“Fucking cunt” you whispered breathing out.
Just then there eyes snap open.
You gasp
“What…what the fuck! Is going on?!” Yep…that’s definitely chucky.
He then looks at you dead in the eye. You can’t help but blush and look down.
“She cut off nicas limps a year ago” you said starting to look up.
He tilts his head to the side less confused and more angry now.
“She…what?!” He then looks down.
“Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me” he says with a sigh.
“I-“ “what the hell has happened?!” He cut you off.
“Well after your bitch of an ex fiancé got me sent to jail I came here to get my revenge.” You say with obvious hate in your voice.
He then looked shocked. “Oh I’m gonna kill her slow” you smiled. “And so you mean…I’ve been like this for over a year?” “Yep” you say with an eye roll.
He started chuckling. “Wow! You know- I-I I really gotta give it to her! That bitch done really really got me!” You knew he was ready to kill her as soon as she walked through that door.
“Well first…you need a new body. Or fixed limps” you said with a sigh sitting your cold,wet ass on the bed.
He sucked in heavily. “How?” You knew just the answer. “There’s a voodoo spell. All have to do is find limps like nicas and sew them back together. Then with the voodoo spell it will immediately heal them and make them fully functional.” You said with a smirk.
He once again tilted his head to the side.
“Well well well…look at what sweet little y/n has planned.” He says with a chuckle.
“Where are we gonna find the body parts?” He asked. “Tiffanys bitchy neighbors.” You said smiling.
“Mhm well ok” he said smiling. “Well then let’s not waste anytime because we don’t know how long she’ll be gone but I suppose probably the whole..well till in the middle of the night sense it’s 5 and she’s busy being Jennifer Tilly and nica was already asleep and ate so I think in the middle of the night.”
You honestly didn’t know but you hoped.
He smiled. But a dangerous smile. “Good girl.” You blush and then went off to the neighbors house.
You had also saw a note that wasn’t for nica but someone else Tiffany forgot to mail to. Probably her neighbors.
“Yup…definitely back in the morning” you sighed out
You came back 5 minutes later with the wife knocked out then got to working which only took 15 minutes.
Then you went up stairs with the wife bleeding out on the ground and most likely dying.
(But you didn’t care)
You made it up the stairs with the body parts and laid everything down like stuff to make sure no huge messes and got ready having chucky in a chair as you kneeled in front of him.
“Sorry. This is really gonna hurt.” You apologized and he just sighed.
“It’s ok.” He nodded his head.
Then you started getting to work completely focused and made sure to attach and Stich on the limps perfectly. You had been done at 7 and it was less bloodier then you thought.
Way faster then you thought to.
And instead of cleaning it up you just immediately started the ritual.
“Shit!” He yelled. “What?! What’s happening?” Yiu asked. Then he calmed down.
“It worked.” He whispered then slightly lifted his leg.
It worked? It worked!
He then stood up stretching his arms and you decided to get up from your kneeling position.
He turned around to you after looking in the mirror.
He put his hand on your cheek.
“Thank you doll”that made you blush so hard
“You’re welcom-“ then all of a sudden…he kissed you! Before you could even really register it or kiss back,he pulled away and smirked.
“W-well I need to get this all cleaned up” you gulped.
He looked over you. “Ok n/n” he then plopped back down on the bed. You quickly got all of the stuff and went downstairs.
As you made your way down the stairs you knew you heard him yell “you know you killed her right!?” You just sighed because you knew and just continued.
As he was up there you had tiny discussion between surgery about how you were gonna get back at her to start off.
He decided to make a phone call.
It ringed three times “hello?” Tiffany spoke.
“Hiya tiff.” Chucky said amused.
“There’s- there’s no way! NO!” Tiffany exclaimed.
“Oh yes but there is. And with the help of my little precious y/n here…I’m back.”
“That bitch!” Tiffany said with venom.
“Ah ah ah! I wouldn’t say that if I were you.”
“Well…what are you gonna do with them chucky?!” She questioned.
“Well let’s just say…you ain’t never getting ya bitch back.”
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witchbydavidcain · 7 months
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Witch by David Cain Prologue part two 
  She frequently talks to animals and plants and clay and food. I think they listen to her. And I’ve never heard any voices but I suspect some of them respond. Stuff goes on that I really don’t get.
   There is evidence in the first time we met; I think being a witch made my wife an incredible photography model. She is still the best I’ve ever worked with. From time to time, I get inquiries about some of the photos we took and we didn’t take that many. Search for “witch photo” and one of her pictures will be in the top two-hundred fifty hits, six years after we took them. And, believe me, there are lots of witch photos on the internet. Way lots.
   Of course, our photography sessions were the weirdest sessions I have ever been through. Not just once, but twice. And then the pictures worked out in a way that I think I can fairly claim only a witch could have arranged. That’s my theory, anyway.
   Being a witch certainly made her a superb business manager. Compared to me, no question. When we met, I was pretty much floundering, trying to get enough work to get enough cash to get my business started. I barely made rent, sometimes.
   Back then, When I made contact with someone who hired photographers, I would bug them daily trying to get work. They’d usually tell me they’d find something for me but not now, later and later rarely came. Sadly, that’s how I got most of my work, annoying everyone I knew until someone gave me a job, taking pictures, doing design work, arrangements, junk like that.
   Pushing so hard, my popularity, never my strongest suit, started really crumbling. People wouldn’t answer calls, stopped responding to emails, started crossing the street to avoid me because they knew I’d have to say what I had to say, that I’d ask them for work and they’d have to say no.
   Even so, I did all right, most of the time, but I wasn’t getting ahead. I started having doubts about my career choice, and considered getting a desk job somewhere. I might have given up. I was getting desperate. That was when I met a witch.
   When she was arranging work for me, she’d call some guy up and hand me three jobs. Then she’d call another guy and I’d have five more. In the first week, she arranged more work than I found in six months. There was hardly enough time to do all the work she found. She kept me on track. I started to get ahead.
   After a while, the grind of production started wearing me thin, so I told her that I wanted to change our direction, take me out of the trenches and start letting me provide the visions. Two weeks later, I had a new office and a whole new game plan. It was like she snapped her fingers and made it all happen. I didn’t even struggle with the transition. She told me what I needed to know, where to be and what to do. I paid close attention, did as I was told and the inevitable victory was won.
   With a witch, I’ve gathered, success is just business as usual. When obstacles arose, she took care of them. I can’t swear there was magic involved but the way our troubles vanished was clearly incredible. Our deliverables were on time and our competition invariably fell short. Her grasp of the details was nearly perfect. I don’t remember her ever missing a trick. Unbelievable, really. Fantastic. Supernatural.
   As a wife, as a friend, as a partner, a witch is where it’s at. She knows me and knows my needs and desires. She knows what to say. She knows how close I want her to be. She guides me through life casually, sweetly, delightfully. Every day is a pleasure.
   Am I spell-bound? Am I under her control, voodoo hexed and enslaved? Am I happy because she has cast a spell that makes me happy? Am I her minion, her human familiar? Do I have any free will at all?
   I’m sure I’ll never know. But I don’t mind.
   Having said all of that, I feel a bit stupid, saying my wife has magic powers. I’m not a child, immersed in wizard novels about fairy tales and fantastical elf-lore. I don’t even like that stuff, really. Some of it, maybe, I mean, I’ve watched the movies but I don’t take it seriously. I keep my feet on the ground.
   I’ve always believed in ghosts and stuff like that. I don’t know if I’ve actually seen a ghost but I have felt some creepy paranormal stuff, energy and cold and unexplained noises while hanging out with friends in abandoned buildings when we were younger. We’d try to contact the spirits when we were feeling bold mostly because we were drunk. Once there was a loud crash in the distance when someone shouted at the ghosts we couldn’t see but we’ve all had supernatural experiences. It’s not that weird. The world is full of dark energies.
   And witches, apparently.
   I know what most people know about paranormal stuff, the occult, hauntings, vampires, wizards, all that junk. I watch the shows, see the movies. Some of it seems cool but most of it’s just for fun. I’d never really given it any thought. I never really thought it would impact my life.
   When I think about it, though, apart from your basic Halloween witch decorations, I didn’t know that much about witches when this started. It wasn’t even a question I thought to ask, no more than I’d ask about mummies. They’re Halloween costumes. I wonder if werewolves are real. Shapeshifting is cool.
   I used to work with this young woman sometimes back when I first started taking pictures. Annette would be like my assistant when I had big jobs that needed more than one person. I don’t know how we started working together but we had a rapport that made getting the job done easy.  
   I didn’t really know Annette that well but we talked sometimes during the downtime we’d have to endure during some of our jobs. One day, she casually mentioned that she was a real live modern day witch. I made some stupid jokes which I could tell annoyed her but then she told me lots of stuff I never knew about witches. That’s what got me thinking, when Annette said she thought my wife was a witch.
   She was the first to say so and the only person who has brought the subject up since. Maybe there’s some kind of spell around my wife that prevents people from noticing. Maybe Annette is protected because she’s a witch too. Something to consider.
   When she told me that my wife was a really a witch. I asked her how she knew and she told me. She was right about everything.
   I’m no authority on witches although I do have personal experience with one or more of them. From what I have gathered, witches could be described as people who still follow the oldest religions. They come in every shape and size and nationality and walk of life. No culture or time period has been free of witches. Because they observe pagan ways, they are connected to nature far beyond your average tree-hugger; the connection isn’t rational or even emotional. The connection between witches and nature is spiritual. This other-worldly connection is the root of their power. They can do things, they know things, they can see things and foresee things. Yet you may never know when a witch is right next to you, even though you see them every day.
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mgangakenya · 4 months
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I can't believe that I'm Keeanu Reeves I remember Killeen Texas in the heart of Texas 1995 my pops box of movies was the movie speed classic I must of watch it so many many times he always washing his car and PT physical training in Fort hood Texas we lived off base man that was my favorite movie for him to be me as Neo in the Matrix series and then John wick in his John Wick series I said wow thank you so much truly with tears in my eyes I cry too much my bad with all I been through in life man thank you man I love it man I feel great give it up for Keeanu Reeves remember him from the movie speed no beard no mustache that's him all of our favorite movie star playing as me in the Matrix series and the John Wick series thank you so much I'm honored I will cherish it for the rest of my life . On another issue somebody control me and is destroying me from now on I promise to not use profanity or disrespect anyone or use any racist slander towards any one people I don't like it and it don't fit me I love the way New York City is multicultural diversity is the best thing ever , I love it , I love people I love the sunlight I love people I love books that is why I have my own library now and hospital soon I will get a children's Mental health hospital in my honor next but in honor of me cleaning my act up on this computer I will give myself a break and chill out for a day and really think about the people that I love that is looking at me like we suppose to be friends you can't carry on conversations like that on a computer like Joyce Meyer I want her to be like she has the task of breaking the curse on me Free World also known as Allen Henry and that I made it through that curse the voodoo on my life and be the first that I know to break that I already accomplished everything else even my best friend Joel Osteen and his wife Victoria they believe in me and believe I could pull through I don't want to be a disaster no more I want to be able to say yeah I may have had a not so sunny start in life but look at all I accomplished without the unnecessary curse words the profanity and disrespecting words about women that just pushes women more away from me and I do love women I love women bro they are fine all of them every man loves all women no matter what but seriously I got people that I love that I want to respect me as a good man a good person I love them I'm going to fall back today and get some rest and back to the outside world tomorrow I apologize and love my brother 50 Cent I love your stuff bro keep going . I'm getting to myself and leaving the Nation of Islam ministers in charge of the black politics and on subjects of that matter the black community isolated issues and their audience that follow that I love your book Nuri Muhammad a well made man I bought it paid for it very good book I love it you guys seem to be the crowd favorite and you get along with people I couldn't so I will leave to your audience so I get to live my life now and walk off in the sunset 🌇 , thanks to the public it has been great and glad I was able to help to help redeem myself from all my mistakes in the past , I love you mom and yes I will be taking my offer from Jay it is a gimmick though a role a script I'm playing as Sir and a whole series from that again I'm getting my rest to calm down and break this spell wish me luck that I pull through to be the first to win against being a target by the media , FBI and NYPD that is what 50 Cent is saying to me in his new movie I caught them building a case against me they got me as a bad force in this world bad energy and shout out to Nas I still got love for the brother my big Brother Nas I love my big brother Nasir Jones that's not gay I'm not gay anyway I'm gone I gotta break this curse on my life like Batman in Dark knight rises I love the ladies only women for me thanks only the ladies and I'm keeping my accomplishments hopefully see you when I'm healthy full functioning properly and individually myself again if I ever was but goodbye and thanks for letting me help the people .
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dr-mohammed-kanje · 1 year
Love spell in London
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Dr. Mohammed Kanje
- Love spell are usually what initially draw people to witchcraft, whether it is to be draw in a new lover, end arguments in an existing relationship, heal a broken heart, or the ever popular reunite with an old flame.
Lost love spells
- A lost love spell ritual focuses on manifesting a lost love goal. When you lose someone you love, you don't get over it; instead, you become accustomed to the situation. Why live in the pain when you can do something about it? (performing the lost love spell). By the time you're reading this page, i guess and I know you already believe in love and in the power of sending out a strong positive intention to bring back your lost lover. Bring back your lost lover - The person who you love completely has walked away and yet you can bring them back with this "bring back lost love spell." I personally know it doesn't mean that the love is over? It's Just like any other energy created in the world, it doesn't disappear, the love energy is still there but it just needs you to cast the lost my love spell to rejuvenate your love life. Binding love spell - The binding love spells connect two people in such a way that they appeal each other till the spell work. The binding spells are mostly cast to attach or hold effects. The binding spell are so effective that the person on whom it is cast will keep love and will be joint even if even if there comes misinterpretation between the lovers. Voodoo love spells - It doesn't matter whether you a die-hard romantic or simply wish to make to make someone fall in love with you; love spell can be your rescue. Yes, if love seems to be falling away, it is the time to try some magic.  It is everyone's dream to have a loving and loyal partner but it’s hard to do it without this voodoo love spell.  Attraction love spells - A very powerful set of spells is attraction spells. These spells affect perception of oneself or others. How can we make someone understand our attraction or love when we can't express it? These attraction spells reciprocate feelings, regardless of duration. Advanced love spell - This love spell is intended to attract the perfect mate and partner. In the circle, ground and centre. Meditate on all the preconceived ideas you have about the perfect partner. Maybe you have a particular candidate in mind for romance. Release the thought of that person. Release all notions of what your perfect lover will look like. Marriage spells - Ladies, marriage spells can help your man commit to you. It's not about lack of love, but showing your readiness to seal your love. These spells create a lasting bond with your partner, ensuring a permanent connection between you both. Divorce love spells - Consider trying divorce spells if you feel it's time to end a painful relationship that has caused you suffering. In marriage, the pain can be even more overwhelming, especially when you've invested your love and commitment. It's disheartening when your partner disappoints your genuine feelings. Have you reached such a stage in your relationship? Curse on divorce - People cast spells for divorce when they need to separate from their wife/husband or want to be free from their partner. They also do it if they are unhappy with their relationship/marriage and wish to leave their partner. In other instances, they perform it to permanently end a friend's or relative's relationship/marriage. Gay love spells - People cast a gay love spell to attract affection from someone of the same sex. Similarly, a gay love spell is simpler than a regular one. This powerful spell ensures your lover's unwavering loyalty, faithfulness, and constant support, unless you're the one tired of the relationship. Have you considered the ongoing divorce process in your life? You can get help from the effective spells to stop a separation from your partner from happening. They say that the eyes are the window to our souls. Lesbian love spells - The lesbian love spell is designed in such a way that it will attract only the female partner or love towards you and so is the lesbian love spell. So if you're heartbroken that your partner has left you or you want to find a female soul mate, or the person you love is losing interest in you and you don't want your love to fade, this is the best spell for you. Lust spells - A great solution to spicing up your love life is to cast these lust spell. It is very common to hear of various couples getting frustrated over the lost zing and zeal or sexual attraction just seems so dull and boring. Do you feel that you want to get to the early beginnings of your relationship? You wish that your love life could be equivalent to the first time that you two met and fell in love. Candle love spell - Candle love spell are magical and can make someone love you, even without a spark. They open energy channels and harness natural forces on your behalf. To maximize results, ask the universe to send the right person, avoiding wasted time and energy on someone who may not reciprocate your desired care. A spell to get over someone - This spell helps you forget past hurts caused by exes, family, or friends. It doesn't change your life magically, but aids in changing your mindset, suppressing thoughts and memories for your well-being and theirs too. Nursing a broken heart, even when you know that breaking up is for the best, is never a fun time. But it also can be a really exciting moment to focus on self-care and creativity. Erotic spell - Wouldn't it be great if your lover gave you that erotic look, conveying an immediate desire for intimacy? No waiting until later or in a few minutes. It's about the here and now! Imagine heading to the bedroom, quickly discarding clothes, and embracing each other with intense passion and desire. That's the power of the erotic spell, creating a lasting, enchanting connection between partners. A spell to heal a broken heart - A healing spell to mend a broken heart can help to let the pain subside, why live a broken heart, aching head, sleepless night and swollen eyes when you can always take full control of your love life. A spell to mend a broken heart can help heal your pain and bring comfort and hope during this difficult time. A spell to keep your lover faithful - Many people are unaware that they can perform spell casting to ensure the faithfulness and commitment of their husband, wife, or lover. This spell aims to maintain your partner's unwavering loyalty to you while eliminating all negative influences that may lead them astray. You don't have to worry about your partner cheating on you after you have finished the casting of this very. Break up spell - At times, you may disregard the consequences, pain, or time invested to separate a couple for your future happiness. We believe Heaven doesn't endorse tearing love apart without just cause. If you've been hurt by adultery or if your spouse continues negative behaviors, and you seek resolution, consider traditional and effective breakup spells. Contact Dr. Mohammed kanje Call / WhatsApp +27745090311 Website: https://dev-dr-mohammed-kanje.pantheonsite.io/ Read the full article
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Love Spell in Dubai Bengali Black Magic is the most powerful and ancient spiritual black magic in the Al Ain, Ras-Al-Khaimah UAE. It is older than Egyptian magic and African Voodoo. It has the power to do anything, but only a few people are left in the world who can perform it as it should be and by God’s blessing, Baba Kaasam Khan Ji can perform it well and there is no one who can cut his spells in whole Dubai. Once you give him your work, go and take a rest, your work will be considered as done.
If you have tried a few best astrologer Baba, spell casters, voodoo casters, and famous magicians but couldn’t get any results, you must contact Baba Kaasam Khan Ji and get a solution, or you can take free advice over the phone
Baba Kaasam Khan Ji has performed thousands of works in his lifetime in Dubai, Sharjah UAE, and he is a specialist in breakups, love spells, divorce solutions, and property cases in court, so if you are having a problem in your life, you can find a solution here.
Note : Please be sure to take Best Astrologer in Dubai his services because if once he starts so there is no stopping unlit you get results for example if you want to get your ex-Love back and after your work started you can’t say my mood is changed or I don’t want him/her back now his Spirits will not stop until it’s done of course his Spells are very safe and fast you no need to worry about anything but you can’t stop in between so if you are facing Love triangle problem, Divorce problem or Property dispute so please feel free and get solution here. best astrologer
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changeyoulifenow · 1 year
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the-daily-body · 3 years
Welcome to the 21st Century
By @cinaedefuri
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Deangelo wasn’t sure how he had scored the house in New Orleans. It was pretty big, and he thought it was outside of his budget, but he put in an offer just above the asking price, and it was accepted! Deangelo did get some strange looks when moving into the house, but they weren’t because of his tattoos or the fact that he was Latino. His neighbors were just shocked that someone as young as him was moving into a house that big all by himself. There were quite a few rooms in the house, and a spacious attic as well.
Deangelo was cleaning out the attic a couple weeks after moving in when he slipped on some fabric on the ground. He was fine, and he soon learned it had been covering a portrait. The portrait was of some incredibly attractive man with ruddy skin and the perfect amount of facial hair. The hair on his head was perfectly coiffed as well, and he had one cross earring in. Deangelo was a bit turned on by the portrait, but he didn’t recognize the guy. He snapped a picture of the portrait with his phone to see who it was.
He cleaned some more and then searched the picture with Google while he was eating lunch. This guy was apparently Percival “Percy” Pendelworth, and he had a reputation in New Orleans as a notorious playboy. Most biographies noted that while a different woman could be seen leaving his house every morning, she was usually a front. Percy was gay, but since it needed to be somewhat of a secret in the 1900’s, having a woman wait in the guest bedroom wasn’t too bizarre. Unfortunately, he was killed by a homophobe who also thought Percy had been sleeping with his wife too, infecting her with his homosexuality.
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What only a couple biographies noted, and not the ones that Deangelo read, was that Percy was also into voodoo magic. In some circles, he was called the Voodoo King, and like most voodoo practitioners, he could do some real magic. Percy had been expecting to be killed any day now at the time of his death, so every morning, he cast the same spell. That fateful day, it finally worked, unfortunately, as his spirit possessed the portrait he had made of himself, a la the Picture of Dorian Grey. Percy was smart enough to have a will even at his young age, and his brother gained possession of the house.
However, he never actually moved in, and it exchanged hands a few times before finally ending up on the market again and Deangelo buying it. Now all Percy needed to do was wait for Deangelo to walk back into the attic and he would be able to possess the unsuspecting stud and get to live again! It was later that day when Deangelo went back to the attic, and Percy thought of the phrase he needed when Deangelo was close enough. The Latino stud didn’t feel a thing as he lost control of his body, as Percy gained complete control over his mind and his body.
While the take over itself was practically seamless, Percy’s spirit adjusted to Deangelo’s body for a little bit. The poor man got stretched out a little bit as he and Percy merged together in a way. One dramatic difference was in his height, Deangelo’s body stretched a few inches so that Percy was now the same height he had been when he was alive. His hands and feet also grew a little bit in size to match his new frame, but none of Deangelo’s muscles, not even his cock and balls, changed either. Right now, it would be quite difficult for anyone to realize that Deangelo had even been taken over in the first place.
“Fuck, it feels so good to be back in a body again!” Percy said to himself, as he went down to the bathroom to check himself out in the mirror. “Hmm, not too shabby, but not my ideal body. If I can’t go back to my old body, I’ll just make this one perfect!” Percy quickly adapted to using a cell phone, but he really only used it for calling and “written communication” right now, as in texting. He wanted to explore the world again, and looked inside of Deangelo’s closet. He was shocked when the man only had one suit, up against the wall in his closet.
Percy picked out a button-down and some chinos, along with boat shoes before making his way outside and walking around. He noticed that most people had those phones in their pockets or in their hands, and also that society seemed to have changed a fair bit since he had last stepped foot on this Earth. Before, it would have been scandalous for a man to walk around in his undershirt. Now, most men did that, and their pants were made out of entirely different fabrics as well, and no one seemed to care!
No one really seemed to care what he was wearing either as he made his way to the center of the city. There were many buildings he still remembered, but they had new shops in them now or were converted into housing. Percy wanted to check out one old bar, the Phoenix. He wasn’t sure if it still existed. It had been a budding gay bar around the time of his death, although it was hidden from the general public. He walked inside the Phoenix and was surprised to see it full of men in various states of undress.
Quite a few were wearing leather on their bodies, and the room reeked of a strange combination of cum, piss, weed, and musk. Percy found his cock twitching, getting turned on for the first time in his new vessel. He had considered himself a libertine in his day, but now there was a whole group of libertines right out in the open. It wasn’t long before a drunk couple sauntered their way over to him. “Hey, bro, you look so *hic* hot!”
“Yeah, man! Wanna *hic* come back to our place?”
“But aren’t you two already a couple?”
“Like, yeah, dude, but we’re both *hic* poly, bro!”
“You’re just openly admitting you’re polysexual now?” The couple didn’t respond, moving on to the next guy that they wanted to fuck, as bagging Percy was taking too long. Percy was shocked at just how brazen they were in asserting their sexuality, as well as the fact that they wanted a third. Percy had considered himself into more than one man at once back when he was alive, but very few men shared the same sentiment, especially in New Orleans. He ordered a drink and then looked around the Phoenix.
He had overheard it enough times to know that it was called a “gay bar” now, and in addition to people being open about their sexualities, many fetishes and kinks were out in the open as well. Just a few stools down from him, Percy watched as a young man was hungrily licking an older man’s hairy foot. He then recalled that people were calling them twinks and bears in today’s slang. Across the room, he watched some sweaty dude get worshipped by a small cadre of guys, which included sniffing his ripe pits.
There were men in different types of leather, rubber, and a number of different costumes, many of which Percy didn’t recognize. He did want to go home with a guy tonight, so he looked around for a man that would suit his fancy. He stumbled across a shirtless muscular man wearing tight leather pants, tall shining boots, and rings that pierced his nipples and a rainbow-colored mohawk. He also reeked of weed, but Percy indulged in that often when he was alive anyways.
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“Hello, I’m Percy. And you are?”
“Hot!” the dude laughed, and Percy chuckled when he realized what that meant. “For real, though, the name’s Dre. Why don’t you take your fuckin’ shirt off, dude?”
“It’s unbecoming of a man to be shirtless in public.”
“What the fuck, bro? Are you from the 1910’s or something? Have some fun!” Dre ripped open Percy’s shirt, buttons flying everywhere as his toned and tatted body was exposed to everyone at the bar. Percy had to admit, seeing his dominance was a bit of a turn-on, and Dre seemed to be into him as well. The two danced for a little bit, strange dances Percy had no clue how to do, but that Dre seemed to love. It wasn’t long before Percy found himself leaving the bar with Dre and going back to his place.
Dre called some kind of taxi called an “Uber,” which wasn’t even yellow, much to Percy’s dismay. The Uber reeked of weed and musk on the way back to Percy’s place, and try as he might, he couldn’t help but chubbing up. Naturally, Dre noticed that and started making out with Percy in the back of the Uber, even feeling up his date as well. This Uber driver had seen it all, especially since he frequently drove around where the Phoenix was, but he would add an extra surcharge for the probable mess that he would have to clean up.
Thankfully, the two of them didn’t go as far as he thought, but Percy’s shirt was now completely off and neither man tried to hide their erections as they walked into Percy’s place together. Percy led the way to his bedroom, and once they were there, they wasted no time stripping and showing off their impressive cocks to one another, Dre only having to take one thing off, of course. Before they decided who was going to be bottoming tonight, they sixty-nined, although they didn’t suck on each other’s cocks. Instead, they sniffed the other dude’s pits in this position, both men leaking a fair amount of pre-cum and Dre taking a couple more hints from his blunt before finally pulling away.
“So, you’re gonna be the bottom, Percy. I want you to fuckin’ choke on my dick. But first, you need to lick my boots clean, bitch.” Percy was a bit shocked at just how straightforward Dre was in what he wanted, and it had been quite some time since he had licked another man’s boot, literally. Without hesitation, he dropped to his knees and stuck his tongue and began cleaning Dre’s boots. There was caked-on cum and other liquids dried on there that neither Dre nor Percy recognized. Dre chuckled at just how eager this dude was to clean his fuckin’ boots! He knew that some preppy guys could be quite kinky, but he wasn’t too sure Percy was the preppy guy he thought he was.
“And before you start fuckin’ choking on my cock, bitch, I wanna see you wear what I wore tonight.” Unfortunately, Dre did only have his jockstrap with him, but it was a leather one with spikes all around, and a size too small for him and Percy too. Since he was bottoming anyways, Percy slipped it on, loving the feeling of Dre’s sweat on his body and the feel of the jockstrap in general. The jockstrap was obscenely bulging but thankfully wouldn’t tear as Percy began sucking Dre off and choking on his dick, of course. Percy actually didn’t know if Deangelo was gay or not, but he didn’t have any problem swallowing most of Dre’s shaft before choking on it, and having sex came back to him just like riding a bike.
The sex was hot and steamy after that, the room reeking of a pungent yet erotic mixture of sweat, cum, musk, and weed as Percy continued to suck on Dre’s cock and also got fucked by him. Percy was also a bit shocked to realize just how open Dre was with his fetishes and kinks. He loved to verbally degrade his sub bottoms, and Deangelo did happen to have some dildos and other sex toys in his room that Dre found easily and used without a second thought. It was nice to see Dre be so open, though, and it was pretty fuckin’ hot too! Both of them eventually came on their own sweaty chests, but they ate the cum from each other’s chests. Dre did have to leave, since he worked an early shift, but both men loved the sex regardless.
From that day on, Percy adjusted to his new life in Deangelo’s body. He first wanted to find a voodoo practitioner to see if he could access some of Deangelo’s memories while still regaining some of his own. He found one, and he happened to be gay as well. Stephen helped him with the voodoo magic and was also his mentor, getting him up to speed on the queer community and any other advances in technology or changes that Deangelo’s memories didn’t cover. The two of them never dated, but Percy was still thankful for his help.
It did take some time for the former libertine to come to terms with just how much life had changed since he had died, especially when it came to sex. He was pleased to find out that locker rooms in gyms, no longer called gymnasiums by the general public, were still a hotbed of gay sex. He worked out every day, with help from a personal trainer at first. He was a bit shocked when he found out that most people could easily purchase the services of a personal trainer, but Percy was soon getting bigger and bigger and having more and more sex.
Of course, much of that was in a poly relationship. There were a whole lot more men who were out as poly, and out overall as he had learned that first night, but still not as many who were gay or bi. Still, Percy started his own polycule, since he had his house back that was big enough for quite a large polycule. He loved having a pick of men that he loved to fuck, and found that he got a bit turned on by cuckolding as well! Similarly, he loved that most kinks were now things people talked about outside of the bedroom.
There were still some limits, he learned, but Percy loved hearing men just openly talk about their night as a urinal at a party or that they were double-fisted by some burly bear at the club. Percy had quite a few stories to tell as well, as edging was still quite popular, and sometimes, men even paid Percy to edge them! A few months after Percy had possessed Deangelo, he had finished turning him into his perfect vessel. He had gained all of the muscles that he wanted and added some more tattoos all over his body.
Getting tattoos was quite interesting for Percy, who was still adapting to life in the twenty-first century. There were now tattoo parlors on every corner, it seemed, and many tattoo artists showed off their work on themselves. Color in tattoos was much easier to apply now, and tattoo artists were pretty much unfazed by what their customers wanted. Percy did start off small at first, but it wasn’t long before he found a guy that he liked, and he got a skull tattoo on his left bicep done, a pretty big one done in one long session. He also had the current year tattooed across his chest, as a reminder of when he returned to this earth.
In addition to the muscle growth and tattoos, another way that Percy changed was in his fashion sense. It actually hadn't changed too much since he had first walked on Earth. However, instead of hiding the clothes he wanted to wear and only putting them on in his bedroom, Percy could now dress in leather and studs, even chaps for fucks’ sake! Of course, he did get some looks occasionally, but for most people, they barely batted an eye as another leather punk walked the streets of New Orleans.
Also, being a punk himself was something that was seen in somewhat of a better light. Percy learned to be wary of the cops still, but with all of the technology now at his fingertips, it wasn’t long before Percy had found punk groups that met up right here in New Orleans. Some of the meetings were quite a sight to behold, men dressed in leather with colorful mohawks and quite a few piercings all over their body having scintillating discussions about philosophy. Of course, they also talked about how to wash leather and what areas on your body hurt the most when they were pierced. He now talked and acted like he had been born in the late twentieth century and not the early, and he had a growing polycule that was open to all of the kinks that he loved. He knew that his life could not get any better than it was right now.
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kamyokyalangton · 9 months
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hazzoranstories · 4 years
Damon Salvatore x Reader One-Shot | Emily’s House
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Requested by anonymous
A/N: I don't know if this would count as a Damon one-shot, but I can't think of anything else to categorize it as. Also, sorry this sucks, but I've had a little writer's block. Last thing, would you guys like more human/past Damon or would you like present day?
Includes: Blood, angst, several murders, mild language, and triggering
"Y/N? Tell me, damnit!" Kol screamed at his best friend, who merely smirked it off and popped her neck. She examined the "home" Klaus designed for the Mikaelson family in Mystic Falls, with Kol trailing after her.
"You just got out of a box after a century, and you want to know about my past love life? Kinda sad, Kol, not gonna lie," Y/N snickered, and Kol ran up in front of her, stopping her from walking into the dining room. Encouraging her to continue her story. The girl sighed and placed her hands on her friend's shoulders. Letting him into her memories.
*Mystic Falls, Virginia; 1864*
The sound of Y/N's sobs rang through the empty Salvatore house. Despite Giuseppe's earlier attempts to usher the girl out, her rage was much stronger than her sadness. She would never forgive Giuseppe for what he did. Shooting his own sons was a heinous act, even for the man who beat his eldest child. Y/N hadn't actually witnessed the murder, but she heard the gun firing. And neither Salvatore brother had returned in the last two days. She went around town to check, and once she saw Giuseppe drawing sympathy for his lost sons, she rushed back inside.
"Y/N, you must leave. Return to your family --" Giuseppe said, somewhat irritated.
"I no longer have any family, Giuseppe. You killed them in cold blood, remember?" Y/N snapped, cutting off her crying to glance behind her shoulder and notice the horrific man at the door. Giuseppe glared at his deceased son's wife and growled lowly, storming into his office. As much as he loved Damon getting married and even expecting a baby, he desperately hated Y/N. She was a nice girl, but man, did she have a temper. A temper so bad that it blinded most people about what they liked about her. But not Damon. He considered it attractive, and Giuseppe always thought that was the reason he married her. I guess he'll never know now.
The night following, Y/N escaped through her window out the house. She wanted to visit her friend Emily for comfort. The Salvatore wife was still in denial and assumed Damon or even Stefan would bust open the door any moment, but neither did. They were gone, but she didn't want to admit that to herself.
She was too lost in her thoughts to notice a figure following her in the shadows of the thick woods on the way to Emily's house. Emily lived near the Quarry, so it was a long but worthy journey. The figure had a female curve to it, but her large dress made her look thinner. In seconds a wrist was forced across Y/N's lips, with the metallic taste of blood spilling onto her tongue. Y/N tried to scream, but a thick stick was shoved into her stomach before her mouth could part. The attacker looked down at her struggling victim and chuckled darkly.
The bleeding light of the sun burnt through Y/N's eyelids the next morning, and she winced. It wasn't like any morning where she didn't want to get up, but it hurt her. Physically. She sat up and saw she was lying in the woods. Left for dead by whoever attacked her. But how could she be alive? A stick was plunged into her abdomen, and no one could aid her. She gazed down at her stomach, which was drowned in blood. Not just her own. Y/N's eyes widened, and a scream finally fell from her lips.
Her cries began again as her shaky hand fell onto her fully healed wound. But the blood remained stained on her dress, which was just a reminder about what happened. She stumbled up, and her first thought was how close Emily was. Her legs carried her weak build across the woods, and not much later, she reached Emily's house.
She pounded on the door, and soon it was whipped open by the witch herself. Emily noticed her friend's state and immediately got anxious. Y/N began weeping again and engulfed Emily in a hug. The black girl was shocked but closed the door and raced Y/N to the living room. "What happened, Y/N? What's wrong? Why do you have blood on you? Is this yours?" she interrogated eagerly, but Y/N kept shaking her head to try to bring him back. She couldn't lose her baby boy, too, not after losing Damon.
"I -- I think he's go -- gone. He's gone, Em- Emily," the Bennett girl knew of Y/N's pregnancy since she was in her third trimester, and people tend to point it out.
"What? What do you mean he's gone? What happened to you? Why is there blood on your dress?!" Emily panicked. Usually, she was relatively calm, but she couldn't contain herself.
"Emily? What's happening in here?" a male's voice asked as he walked in with caution. Stefan stopped once he saw his brother's wife, and both girls looked at the youngest Salvatore. Y/N gasped, and her breathing increased dramatically.
"Stefan? Stefan, how are you here right now?!"
"Y/N! You need to calm down!" Emily yelled and grabbed Y/N's face, forcing the girl to look at the witch's calming brown eyes.
"No, no, what's Stefan doing here? He died, Emily. Giuseppe shot him I --" Emily cut Y/N off with a shush, placing her hand on her stomach, which was flatter than it should be.
"Are you sure?" the Bennett questioned. Y/N nodded and sniffed. Emily stood up and ran around the house to try and find a spell to heal the possibly dead baby.
"Are you not going to explain how my husband's dead brother is here?!" Y/N shouted towards Emily, who didn't reply. The wife looked to Stefan with hopeful eyes. "Is he alive too? Is he here?" Stefan nodded and gestured outside. Y/N didn't hesitate to run out.
She saw Damon sitting near the water, tears falling from his eyes mercifully. "Damon?" Y/N cried, and the brunette whipped around, every action of his stopping. His jaw flew open, and he stood up. The Salvatores sprinted into each other's arms, both bawling. "Ho -- how are you alive? I thought --"
"I'm in transition," Damon interrupted his wife, who broke the hug.
"Katherine, she gave me her blood before I died," he explained, but Y/N was still confused. "Are you okay? I heard a commotion going on inside and thought it was just Emily doing some witchy voodoo. I never expected you to come out that door," Damon smiled in joy, but Y/N's face fell.
"I . . . . last night someone stabbed me in the stomach," - Damon's expression became worried - "he's gone. Emily is trying to find a spell, but . . . . my attacker killed our boy in the process of trying to murder me," Y/N muttered, and Damon stepped back. A look of pain shot across his face, and he choked on the right words to say.
"Do -- do you know who --?"
"No. I don't even know how I'm alive right now, but I'll have Emily figure out that later," Damon put his face in his hands before tugging at his curly dark hair.
"He's not gone. I refuse to believe that. Emily!" the oldest Salvatore snarled and sped inside. Leaving Y/N to leer out at the flowing bay.
*Mystic Falls, Virginia; Present Day*
Y/N let go of Kol and huffed, snatching up a bottle of bourbon, an obsession she picked up from Damon. She strutted past Kol and into the dining room, plopping into one of the seats. She took a swig of the alcohol as her best friend came back down to Earth. "Wow. I had no idea -- "
"Yeah, I know. Only the Salvatores and my friends in 1864 knew I was pregnant. Oh, also that bitch Katherine. She was actually the one that did the deed," Y/N answered, sipping some more.
"Katherine? As in Katerina Petrova? She turned you and killed your unborn child while doing so?" Kol gawked. He had his fair share of drama, but this was a whole new ball game for him. No one, not even Klaus, would stoop that low.
"Bingo," - another drink - "would you like a special star or something?"
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letterstoseven · 4 years
Killer Queen [Ch. 2]
✏︎ pairing: klaus mikaelson x reader, elijah mikaelson x reader, kol mikaelson x reader
✏︎ summary: y/n Silvius –– daughter of the Alpha of the most respected and powerful pack of the first were-witches (werewolf + witch). She needs to find the remaining Crescent Wolf Pack members as the Elders are planning to reunite the seven packs, namely: Crescent Wolf Pack, Northern Wolves Pack, Moon Shine Pack, River Pack, Lycan Blood Pack, Midnight Stone Pack and the Malraux Pack. On her journey, she met the family whom the witches and werewolves warned her about, The Mikaelson Family.
✏︎ a/n: this is sooooo long but this is when y/n talks about her departure to their hometown and her arrival in New Orleans! thank you so much for taking your time to read chapter 1! here's the chapter 2 :)
✏︎ Chapters: one, two, three, four, five
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After the meeting with the Elders, you and your family went back to your own homes. "I'm going to pack and then take a sleep. Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad." You hugged them both tightly. "Dear [y/n], come here. Your dad and I would like to talk to you before you start your journey in finding one of the Crescent Wolf Pack members."
You walked towards your fireplace and sat on the floor in front of them, "What's up?" Your dad, Adoff Silvius, sat near you and told you something about New Orleans, while your mom, Leah Silvius, got the book of the Ancient History of the Wolves.
"Back when I was on my way looking for the Moonstone, I befriended some of the folks in New Orleans. His name is Alaric Saltzman, a history professor. Of course, he never knew me. The people in Mystic Falls thought that the wolves are not real. However, when one of the Lockwoods, Tyler, I think, activated his curse by killing a person, one of them saw it and that's when they know that legends are real. Eventually, I was able to lure the young Lockwood and got the Moonstone before Aiden's dad." He smiled at you. However, that smile faltered when he started talking about New Orleans.
"Okay, Dad. Now, what does your story have to do with my journey to find the Crescent Wolf Packs?" You looked at them both. Your mom, opened the book of the Ancient Wolf Pack, and said, "You, my dear, will be the one who's going to unite the packs. One of my friends in the New Orleans, Vincent, has told me that it would be best if you try to not do any magic and even use your wolf side. The guy running the town, Marcel Gerard, is known for killing the wolves and the witches if they did not abide by his rules." You are saddened by this fact. You know that it's hard for the witches and werewolves to leave their territory as it is where their powers reside. "You have to find the brother of the Hybrid, Elijah Mikaelson. One of the Original Vampires. He can help you. My guy, Vincent, has told me that he can be reasoned out to." You are now starting to get curious about these Originals, the Mikaelsons.
"Back in the day, the wolves are powerful because they are united. The seven packs and us, being the leader of the seven packs, was able to maintain peace between packs. While the Crescent Wolf Packs needed to kill someone to activate their wolf side. While us, coming from the Sanguine Pack, the curse chooses us if we are deemed worthy. That's why there are some members of the family of the Sanguine Pack that until now, at their 30s, 40s and 50s, still not able to activate their werewolf side." Your dad explained that the reason why some of the packs left is because of a misunderstanding. Some packs thought that they don’t need the help of the other pack. Now, your mom is the one who's going to tell you about the situation in the New Orleans.
"If they are the Original Vampires, aren't I walking in a sacred place and might as well get killed in the process?!" You are in distress. All these ancient history talks are now spiraling in your head. "The Mikaelsons, as the Elders would tell us, are the dangerous, and well dysfunctional family in the world. Legend says that they will do anything for their family even if it means killing or sacrificing their loved ones." Now you are scared. "However, they are the only chance you have to find one of the Crescent Wolf Pack members as his brother is a Hybrid. The hybrid's name is Niklaus Mikaelson. He's got a witch sister too, Freya Mikaelson."
You thought to yourself, Thank God at least there's a witch in the family.
"Now, dear. Your father and I loves you so much. As much as we wanted to help you, this is part of the process. We believe in you. Our daughter, our heir. You are the most powerful were-witch of your generation. And in no doubt, you will be the first female Alpha of the pack." Your parents hugged and kissed you. Well, being an only child has its pros sometimes. You said your good night to them.
You started packing your grimoires, your weapons, a weapon that is made from the ancient white oak stake - legend says that this ancient white oak stake is the best wood to kill or to protect yourself from. That's why ever since you started learning how to create a weapon, you used them to create one.
The next day, you and Aiden trained in combat and learned protection spells as the next day, both of you will start your journey to become an Alpha. "How are you doing, [Y/N]?" He sat beside you. "You know, Aiden, when we were young we've always been competing side to side. Now that it has come to this, I now wish for us to stay alive in the process. Good lord, vampires out there? Crazy." He drank the water and said to you, "If I become the Alpha, you can still be an Alpha. The wife of the Alpha. Marry me, [Y/N]." You chuckled and said, "Aiden! You're like one of my closest friends in the pack! Never gonna happen!" Aiden smirked, "I know that's going to be your answer. Just stay safe and stay alive, okay? Either of us has only one goal: to protect the Sanguine Pack and unite the seven packs." Both of you hugged and went on your homes for the night. Tomorrow is the day when both of you are going to each of your tasks.
Today's the day. Before you and Aiden left the pack, the Elders gave you two a powerful protection spell to ensure your safety and whatever happens, the two of you will come back alive. And as for you, your mom made you drink vervain. She said that it’ll help you to not be compelled by the vampires. You bid your good-byes to your friends and family. Your parents told you that if it is an emergency, then you'll have to call them as soon as possible. Your pack's residing in the Appalachian Mountains in Virginia. You thought to yourself that this is going to be a long ride.
After almost 12 hours of driving, you now reached New Orleans. As soon as you stepped in the New Orleans, you can see that the city’s full of life. Different to the place you’ve grown up to. In the mountains, the life is chill. But in this city, it’s also chill but there’s always a buzz everywhere you go.
Before you go out of the car, you messaged your mom and told her that you just got in the city. After checking in the Palace Royal Hotel, as you were walking, you saw a voodoo shop called Jardin Gris. You went inside and asked for some herbs, and a girl named Sabine asked you, “Are you a witch?” You were shocked by the question, “Uh, no! I was just passing by. I’m a tourist! I’m [y/n]!” Sabine looked at you from head to toe, “Well, I thought you were a witch. You were wearing some kind of necklace that only a person who knows a powerful witch can have. And I can sense it too.” You are now literally breaking into sweats when a blonde girl walked in, “Hey, witch!” You heard the girl talk to Sabine. You tried not to pry but when Sabine asked the girl, “To what do I owe the displeasure, Mikaelson?” You asked yourself, a Mikaelson? The Original Vampire?
“I need a camphor. Now.” You saw the lady Mikaelson wait for the witch. She’s gorgeous, you thought to yourself. You realized that like you werewolves, they’re blending in the humans too. When she went out, you sneakily followed her but you when you went out, she’s gone.
You continued your tour around the place. The night time came and the city’s been livelier than ever. Parties and drinking everywhere. You went inside the bar called, Rousseau’s. A bartender girl named Tanya, greeted you, “Ohhh, new face. What’s up?” You seated at one of the stools in front of her, “[y/n]. Just a tourist from Virginia. Scotch please, thanks.”
After awhile, you feel yourself getting drunk. Someone sat beside you, the blonde girl from the shop and a guy wearing a tailored suit. The guy looked expensive, you thought to yourself.
You heard them talking about a girl named Sophie and about a bunch of witches are plotting against their brother. “We need a witch to do an unlinking spell, Rebekah. It is for the safety of our niece and Hayley.” The girl beside him replied, “We need a witch to do the spell. And after that, I’m leaving this bloody town, Elijah.” You thought to yourself, “Unlinking spell? That’s so basic.” You weren’t sure why but the two of them stared at you, and you asked them, “What?” The guy asked you, “Do we know you? It seems like you’re new in town.” They waited for your response, “What’s with this town and that they keep on asking me if I am new in town?” The blonde girl smirked, “I like her.” However, before they speak again, you left them.
While you were walking, the alcohol starts to leave your system. You sat in one of the bench at Jackson Square. The square is empty, however, there are three vampires who started hovering around you.
“What the hell? What do you want?” One of them started leaning towards you, it looks like they are trying to compel you. But you said to them, “Freaks!” You ran as much as you can but due to you not being on your werewolf form, you cannot ran as fast as you can. “Stop right there! How can you not be compelled? Damn it! Vervain’s in your system. I thought we’ll have a dinner for tonight.” You thought that they were walking away, however, you used magic and you snapped their heads. You ran back in your hotel, and you pray that no one knew that you just practiced magic.
After showering, you heard a knock on your door, you recognize him as the guy from the bar. “Hello, I believe this is yours.” He was holding your necklace, you checked your neck, and you realized that it’s gone. “Give that to me!” The man won’t give it to you. “You realize that you just used magic in New Orleans where a vampire, who runs the town, forbids the use of magic.” You stopped trying to get the necklace and told him, “I just did. I’ll be damned if I let those psycho blood suckers kill me.” The man in front of you gave your necklace, however, there’s a catch. “I’ll give this to you but you need to help me break a link between two persons.” You furrowed your eyebrows and said, “And who are you? Why would I help you then?”
“I’m Elijah Mikaelson, and I need your help.”
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thecasperanfamily · 3 years
Can we get a sock monkey part two? Maybe taking place in the present?
(Link to Part One)
I am sooooo sorry about the delay on this one. First I had a solid week of ADHD Brain Doing Its Thing, then a dentist appointment, then my bedroom flooded, then a migraine...ANYWAYS I hope this was worth the wait!
They say that behind every great wizard, there is a great witch. Whether or not this was a universal truth or just a nice-sounding sentiment someone came up with to discourage squabbling between witches and wizards, Lin couldn’t be sure. But he did know that it was true in his father’s case, if nothing else. Hisirdoux Casperan was an immensely powerful wizard in his own right, capable of feats of magic unlike anything seen since the age of the great Merlin Ambrosius. But he was also what Lin’s mother liked to affectionately call “a mess. An absolute disaster. Gods, it’s a marvel you’ve survived this long.” To which Douxie would inevitably reply with, “The only marvel is you, my love.” And Lin would always immediately leave the room because he had no desire to witness whatever came after that. But Douxie did have a point, albeit one that felt a bit lost underneath all the sap and sentimentality. The fact of the matter was that Master Wizard Hisirdoux Casperan likely couldn’t be a Master Wizard without his wife. Archie could protect Douxie in battle, Nari could heal and encourage him, but Zoe was their last and strongest line of defense. Be it a desperate struggle against an ancient and horrifying monster or simply keeping the household running, when all others fell, she continued to stand, often pulling them back up and keeping them on their feet with her own strength. Douxie once said that he could face his own fears because he knew Zoe was standing fearless by his side.
In hindsight, he really should have chosen his words more carefully. Because when Lin handed his mother his oldest, most beloved toy from childhood and asked her to repair it, “fearless” certainly wasn’t what came to mind when beholding the look of intense discomfort on Zoe’s face as she eyed the offending object.
“...It looks normal to me,” she said stiffly.
“It....there’s a massive rip on her side?” Lin replied hesitantly. “That’s not supposed to be there. And Comet tore off one of her eyes, too.” The boy shifted awkwardly, still cradling the abomination in his hands, since Zoe had refused to touch it. “I-I mean, I know it’s stupid, but Georgina--uh, I mean, this old thing...it means a lot to me. Been with me for a long time, and all. I just--”
“Fine, fine, I’ll patch it up for you,” Zoe blurted, snatching the cursed thing from his hands. “Now go get ready for school. You’re running late as is.”
“...It’s Saturday,” Lin reminded her.
“Then go bother Archie or something. I can’t fix this thing if you’re breathing down my neck the whole time. Restorative magic requires concentration.”
“...I’ve seen you piece a broken mug back together in five seconds flat while also fighting the endgame boss of War Dudes 7.”
“Out, Lin.”
“Alright, alright!” He raised his hands placatingly and swept out of the kitchen, calling back over his shoulder “Thanks, Mom!”
The moment he was out of sight, Zoe pitched the sock monkey as hard as she could against the opposite wall. It landed on the counter with a sad little flop, looking no less abominable for its current state of disrepair.
“I hate you,” she told it quietly. “I know you know I do. I can see it in your one remaining eye. I’ve endured your mockery of me for the past seventeen years for Lin’s sake, but this...” She raked her fingers through her bangs furiously. “...Oh, get a grip, Zoe,” she muttered. “It’s just a stuffed animal. It’s only ever been a stuffed animal. It will never best me. I’m one of the greatest hedgewitches of my time. I am Zoe Casperan, I am she who remains when the masters have fallen, I am--”
“Introducing yourself to someone, are you?”
Douxie was very fortunate that he did not touch Zoe when he spoke up from behind her, because the pulse of electricity that surged through her veins would have certainly laid him flat on his back for at least a week. As it was, Zoe’s wand was pointed at his throat before he could so much as blink, a few angry pink sparks spitting from the end.
“Woah, woah, okay, nope, bad time for jokes, I got it! Take it easy, love.”
“Don’t do that!” Zoe hissed, stuffing her wand back into her belt as her cheeks warmed with embarrassment. “I could have hurt you.”
“Trust me, I’m well aware,” Douxie replied, taking one of her hands and pressing an apologetic kiss to her knuckles. “I didn’t mean to startle you, I’m sorry.”
“Stop being sweet.” Zoe grumbled. “It’s distracting.”
“Distracting you from what, exactly?”
“Lin wants me to patch up that...thing that Barbara gave him all those years ago.” She flapped a hand at the sock monkey sprawled pathetically across the counter.
“I didn’t even realize he still had that,” Douxie remarked, taking in the damage with a critical eye. “Mm. She’s certainly seen better days.”
“I want it to see worse,” Zoe seethed. “...But Lin still loves it, gods only know why.”
“Bit of a moral conundrum, eh? Take your vengeance on your worst enemy and break our son’s heart, or grant her mercy for Lin’s sake.”
“This isn’t funny, Douxie.”
“It is, just a little bit.”
“You know I can’t stand even looking at that reject voodoo doll. How am I supposed to cast a restoration spell when all I want to do is douse this thing in gasoline and throw it on a bonfire?”
“Attempting a restoration spell with that mindset would likely end very badly,” Douxie agreed. “My feelings towards the lady in question are far less hostile. Perhaps I should take this one for you.”
“No! No, I-I...” Zoe sighed and ran a hand through her bangs yet again. “...I don’t want this thing to get the better of me. I’ve never backed down from a challenge before, and I definitely don’t want this to be my first time. Besides, you’re pretty sloppy when it comes to restoration magic. Lin will know right away who performed the spell just by looking at it, and I don’t want him to feel like I let him down.”
“With the utmost respect, Zoe,” Douxie replied hesitantly. “I think Lin would prefer a messy patch job over the many ways this spell could backfire if you’re the one performing it. You do understand that swallowing your pride isn’t the same as cowardice, right?”
“Pride or not, I will not let my son experience the shame of knowing his mother was defeated by an ugly stuffed animal,” Zoe countered. She stalked up to the counter and arranged the bedraggled sock monkey carefully, nose wrinkling in disgust as she ran her fingers over the material.
“Zoe, darling--” Douxie tried to protest again.
“Shush. I need to concentrate.”
“I really think you ought to let me--”
“I said shush, Douxie. I know I can do this.” She brandished her wand and, with a few quick motions, guided her aura to surround the sock monkey, which began to float a few inches off the counter. She pushed back against the wave of revulsion that crashed over her as her spirit made contact with the cursed object, and managed to spit the spell out through clenched teeth. “Refectio.”
The moment the spell was activated, Zoe knew she had made a mistake. The feeling of disgust she had tried so hard to stifle refused to detach from her aura. Her magic flowed out of her in a hot, angry rush, and the sock monkey writhed and contorted as though possessed.
“Zoe!” Douxie pulled her back from the counter, arms wrapping around her as his own aura flared defensively. The sock monkey gave one final shudder, then flopped back onto the counter.
“It’s fine!” Zoe insisted. “Look, see? It’s fixed.” Indeed, the sock monkey appeared to have been restored to mint condition. The rip had closed, the missing eye had returned from wherever Comet had hidden it, and the old stuffing had softened and puffed out again. “I told you I could do it.”
“That could have been a disaster, Zoe,” Douxie scolded.
“Any spell has the potential to be a disaster,” she argued. “But I had to try. And I feel so much better now that--”
The sock monkey twitched.
Douxie’s arms tightened around her, and Zoe instinctively brandished her wand again. The toy twitched again. Then it shuddered. Then it flopped over. And then, like a phantom from a nightmare, rose to its feet and slowly turned to face them, black button eyes cold and lifeless.
“...Okay, yeah, this is a disaster,” Zoe breathed. The sock monkey hovered in place for a moment longer.
Then suddenly, it was zooming across the kitchen. Douxie shoved Zoe to the side, but the vengeful toy didn’t seem to notice her at all. It gleefully slammed into the Master Wizard’s head and began wrapping itself around his face. He stumbled back and fell against the counter, sending a few dirty dishes crashing to the floor as he clawed at the soft little demon that was attempting to suffocate him.
“NO!” Zoe screeched, and before she could think twice, there was a blinding flash of bright pink light and the crackling snap of a thunderbolt. The sock monkey exploded into a cloud of stuffing and fibers that fluttered to the floor and dissolved into ash.
Zoe dropped to her knees, wand still outstretched in her trembling hand. Douxie leaned back against the counter, sucking in huge gulps of air.
“...Well,” he wheezed. “At least you finally got your revenge.”
“...No. Oh, no no no,” Zoe whimpered, dropping her wand and burying her face in her hands. “Oh gods, what have I... Lin is going to... Gods, Douxie I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” She emerged from her hands to see him giving her a thumbs-up and a sympathetic smile.
“The only damage done was emotional,” he assured her. “...At least where I’m concerned.” His gaze drifted across the floor, taking in the ashes scattered all over it. Silence hung between them for a few long minutes. “...What do we do now?”
“...Do you have your phone on you?” Zoe asked. Douxie nodded. “Give it here.” He pulled the item in question out of his pocket and tossed it over to her. She scrolled through his contacts list until she found the name she was looking for, then pressed call. Douxie pulled himself to his feet and began searching for a broom. There was a click on the other end of the line.
“Barbara Lake speaking.”
“Hey, Barbara? It’s Zoe. ...Yeah, I’m using Douxie’s phone. Long story short, we’ve had a bit of an accident and I need to know where you got Lin’s sock monkey from...”
“Hey, Lin.” Lin looked up from his sketchbook to find his mother standing in his bedroom doorway. “Catch.” She tossed a familiar grey and white figure at him.
“Wow. She looks like new,” he observed, turning the sock monkey over in his hands. “...Very new.”
“Yeah. That’s...why it took me longer than usual to fix her. Take good care of her, alright? I don’t want to have to fix her again any time soon.”
“Yep. Thanks, Mom.” He watched her leave, then looked back down at the toy. “...Huh. I don’t remember you ever having these tags, Georgina...” The sock monkey smiled up at him benignly. “Weird.” He shrugged and sat the stuffed animal up on his desk before bending over his sketchbook once more.
Meanwhile, Zoe went to brew herself a very strong cup of herbal tea.
A very special thanks to @poetryinmotion-author and @rikalovesrice for helping me with this one, and to @dreamsarelikedragonflies for beta reading. ✨
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440mxs-wife · 4 years
The Hunter’s Princess Chapter 1: Another Dimension
Pairing: Dean x OFC Kira (eventual), Prince!Dean x OFC Lady Kira. Other Characters: Sam Winchester, Prince!Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, Gabriel, King!John, Queen!Mary, Lucifer and assorted minor characters.
Chapter 1 Word Count: 3800
Warnings: Mention of parents’ death, a little angst, mostly fluff. Each chapter will have individual warnings as needed.
A/N: This is from some material that’s been rattling around in my head from another project that changed direction. Couldn’t let all this content go to waste, though, so here it is. It’s a work-in-progress, and I will try and update as regularly as I can. If you want to be tagged in this series, send me a message!
Thank you and happy reading!
It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Kira Thomas was bored.
There hadn't been a hunt in over a month and she was starting to get cabin fever. Dean was giving the Impala a tune-up, while Sam was catching up on his serial-killer documentaries. Rowena had stopped by to research something in the Book of the Damned for some crazy spell she was working on. Castiel was off who-knew-where, doing who-knew-what, and Kira didn't want to bother him just because she was bored.
Gonna have to find something to do, she thought to herself.
Kira Thomas had been in the hunting life with the Winchesters for as long as she could remember. Her parents, James and Ava, were among the top hunters for their generation, but semi-retired so that they could start a family.
Once Kira reached a certain age, her parents resumed their hunting career. That meant Kira was often left in the care of their friend, Bobby Singer, owner and operator of the local scrapyard. Bobby was a gruff old man and mumbled "idjits" a lot, but one look at Kira's sweet face and he melted.
Another hunter, John Winchester, also sometimes had to leave his sons, Sam and Dean, in Bobby's care. John was on the trail to hunt down the monster that killed his wife and the mother of his sons. This was how Dean met Kira.
At first, Dean didn't want to have anything to do with Kira. She was three years younger than he was, and only one year older than his brother, Sam. She followed Dean nearly everywhere, wanting to do whatever it was he was doing. If he was running errands for Bobby, Kira wanted to tag along.
When Dean started weapons training to prepare him for going on hunts, Kira was right there, training along with Dean. More than a few times, Bobby was able to give Dean a batch of grief because Kira had performed better than he did. Those were the days that Dean tended to give Kira the silent treatment. Until she figured out how to bake a pie, that is, then all was usually forgiven.
The day his dad took him and Sam out on the road with him, Dean was heartbroken. It meant that he wouldn't see Kira every day and didn't know when he would again. Kira didn't know it, but Dean's feelings for her had grown beyond that of her best friend. And Dean had no idea that Kira had begun to realize that her feelings for him had shifted to more-than-best-friend territory.
After Bobby died, Kira settled into her own room at the bunker, where she continued to hunt with Sam, Dean and now Castiel. There were so many times with Dean and Kira, the line between friendship and more was very nearly crossed. Drunken near-confessions of love, shameless but harmless flirting and lingering touches all had a way of building up. Everyone was telling the two of them to quit tiptoeing around each other and take the leap of faith, but neither of them could.
Until something happened to force the issue.
Kira wandered the halls of the bunker, and for some reason stopped in front of Room #17. It was the room occupied by boxes of her parents' possessions. Boxes that were full of the things left to her after their house was sold. She had never had the time or courage to go through the boxes, but for some reason, today seemed like the day to do it. Kira took a deep breath, turned the knob on Room #17 and flipped on the lights.
Dean had finished giving the Impala a tune-up and had returned to the inside of the bunker to get himself cleaned up. He noticed how quiet it was and thought it was odd that Kira didn't have any music playing. Dean decided to shower up then go looking for Kira to see if she would want to watch a movie together. Maybe then he'd have the courage to tell her how he felt about her.
When he was properly cleaned up, Dean went from room to room, trying to find Kira. He didn't find her in her bedroom, the kitchen or the firing range. As he walked back to his room, he heard soft laughter and occasional sniffles coming from Room #17. Dean poked his head in and a smile broke out across his face.
"Hiya, sweetheart," he said softly, not wanting to startle Kira.
Kira hastily wiped the tears from her face and took a deep breath before looking up. "Hey, Dean. Everything okay?" she asked.
"I was just about to ask you the same thing. Whatcha got going on here, darlin'?" he inquired.
"Well, seems like everyone had something to do today, except me. I started wandering the halls and ended up here. It occurred to me that I haven't gone through any of these boxes of my parents' stuff since they died. Figured it was about time I did," Kira finished.
"There's no reason to push yourself if you're not emotionally up for it. But, if you're set on doing this, I'm here for you," Dean remarked.
"If you're all done with what you had going on, then yeah, I'd love the company," Kira replied with a smile.
Dean and Kira each opened a box and started looking through them. Most of what they found was paperwork, like Kira's old school report cards, along with some photographs. A couple of the boxes had some old lore books. Dean placed those boxes by the door and made a mental note to take them out to the library later.
They were down to the last two boxes, which contained items found in Kira's parents' bedroom. The really personal stuff, like her dad's cologne and her mom's hairbrush. Towards the bottom, Kira found her mom's jewelry box. She knew her mom had some heirloom jewelry, passed down from each generation of mothers to daughters.
One piece in particular caught her eye, and that was her mother's locket. She carefully drew it out of the box and dangled it in front of her face, then fastened it around her neck.
"Whatcha got there, sweetheart?" Dean asked.
"It's my mom's locket," she whispered. Kira popped open the locket to reveal her tiny kindergarten photo kept within. "I never asked what she kept inside, and she never told me. Just that it would be passed down to me when it was time," Kira recalled. For some reason, the locket started to glow in her hand. "Dean...." she said as she held it up for him to see.
"What's--I think you'd better put that back in the box, honey, nice and slow," Dean remarked with more calm in his voice than he currently felt.
"Dean! I can't take it off," Kira exclaimed as she started to phase in and out of sight.
From the library, Rowena's head shot up and her eyes glowed purple, a sign that she was in the presence of a powerful magic. "KIRA!!" Rowena shouted as she ran down the hall to Room #17. She got to the doorway in time to chant something in Latin, then Kira completely disappeared.
"KIRA!! NOOOOO!!" Dean roared as Rowena slumped to the floor.
Sam came rushing around the corner. "What the hell just happened?!?" he thundered then looked around the room. "Where's Kira?" he asked.
"I don't know!" Dean growled. "One minute, we're going through these boxes of her parents' stuff, and she came across her mom's jewelry box. The next minute, her mom's locket is glowing around her neck and she disappeared! Oh, but not before Rowena here cast some spell that I have no idea what it does," Dean retorted.
Rowena slowly rose up from the floor. "It was a tracking spell. Your wee Kira is fine....for the moment. Her mother's locket is a powerful charmed object that's been passed down from one generation to the next. It allows the wearer to move between dimensions, which is what each mother is supposed to tell her daughter. Unfortunately, Kira's mother died before she could explain," she shook her head sadly.
"So this whole multiverse is an actual thing? She can travel to other places, other timelines?" Sam asks.
"Look, who cares, we need to get Kira back. Rowena, do whatever hoodoo voodoo you have to do to get her back," Dean ordered. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to call Cas to see if he could somehow help. He had no idea what it was going to take to get Kira back....assuming they even could do so.
Kira tilted the mug as she held it under the tap and began to fill it with the frothy amber liquid. She looked around to see if she could figure out who the drink belonged to. Her eyes settled on the outstretched hand of a dark-haired man with squinty dark eyes. He paid for his beer, grumbled his thanks and returned to his table.
With no customers to serve for the moment, Kira reviewed her surroundings. It was a decent sized pub, with four taps for beer, a jug of wine for the more adventurous and a bottle of what looked like scotch. There were seven seats at the beautiful mahogany bar, with several tables on the main floor. Two men were occupied by a dart board in the corner, while four others were huddled around a billiards table.
A woman with curly strawberry blond hair came up to the bar carrying a tray with empty glasses. "Oy, Kira, those blokes in the corner were getting kind of fresh. One of them tried to back me into a corner and pinch me backside!" she exclaimed.
Kira looked at the two men playing darts. For some reason, one of them looked familiar, like she'd dealt with him before. "Don't worry, Ella, I'll take care of it," Kira promised, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Kira walked out from behind the bar and over to the men in the corner. Loudly clearing her throat, she demanded, "Excuse me, which one of you has been harassing Ella?"
The shorter of the two men sauntered over to me and stood so close that Kira could smell the number of drinks he'd had. "Why 'ello, there! Fancy a throw at the board, Love?" he held out the dart with one hand while he tried to pinch Kira's backside with the other.
Since he was so close, Kira grabbed his ear and pulled upward. "I believe I told you that if you misbehave again in my establishment, you would be kicked out. You tried to pinch Ella's and my backsides tonight. That counts as misbehaving, so you are leaving," Kira said as she dragged him towards the door. He tried to squirm out of her grasp, but she held tight and kept moving until she was able to throw him out of her pub.
His friend started to intervene, but Kira cut him off with a death look. "Unless you want a piece of this, I suggest you back off," she remarked ominously. He had the good sense to return his attention to the dart board. After throwing out the offending individual, Kira dusted off her hands on her apron and returned to her place behind the bar.
As the night wore on, Kira busied herself cleaning the glassware and wiping down the bar as customers started to filter out. Just before closing, the door burst open and a woman with long wavy red hair sauntered in. She was wearing a dark-colored cloak, a long pink dress and carried a large satchel. She eased up onto a barstool near where Kira was working and said, "Kira, dear, we need to talk."
"Rowena," Kira whispered.
"How in the name of holy water did you get here, Rowena?" she hissed.
"Just before you disappeared, I cast a tracking spell on you, dearie," she replied. "How much do you remember before you ended up here of all places?" she asked.
"Last thing I remember is Dean and I going through some boxes of my parents' stuff. I came across my mom's jewelry box and found this locket," Kira lifted it to show Rowena. "It started to glow, I called for Dean, then I ended up here," she finished.
"Well, let's start with the basics. What do we know about this place?" Rowena asked.
"From what I can tell, I'm the owner of this pub. I have three servers that work for me, Ella, Jolene and Miranda. Apparently I've kept my hunting skills, because I just threw out a drunk moron just by holding on to his ear. He was pinching backsides without permission," Kira remarked.
As Kira finished bringing Rowena up to date, two new customers walked in. One was taller than the other, with chestnut hair and hazel colored eyes. The other wasn't as tall, but not short by any means. He had dark blond-ish hair with bright green eyes.
"We're almost closed up, gentlemen, but you have time for one or two drinks before last call. What'll it be?" Kira asked.
"Well, what do you have for beer?" Mr. Green Eyes inquired.
"That depends. We have four of them on tap, and it depends on whether you like it light and crisp, or dark and chewy," Kira quipped.
"Hmm, interesting description, I like it," he continued. "Surprise me, as long as it's not the dark and chewy one," he grinned.
"Can do, and for you sir?" she asked Mr. Hazel Eyes.
"I'll go with scotch, neat," he replied.
"On the way, thank you sir," Kira acknowledged.
Kira pulled the tap to fill a mug of beer for Mr. Green Eyes, and when that was done, she poured the two fingers of scotch for Mr. Hazel Eyes. Kira placed the drinks in front of them, and they paid the tab for the drinks.
"Excuse me, Kira?" Kira looked and Rowena was trying to get her attention. "Might I have a word with you, dearie?" Rowena asked.
Kira walked down to where Rowena was sitting and asked her what she needed. "Those two men? They are not what they seem," she said mysteriously.
Kira looked at them and asked, "What are you talking about? Come on, Rowena, they're a couple of guys who stopped by for a drink late one night," she remarked.
"There's something familiar about them. Can't quite put my finger on it, but it's like they're men of great importance," Rowena insisted.
"Rowena, they look like two regular guys. A little family resemblance, brothers or cousins maybe, but normal, thirsty guys," Kira observed. Wait a minute....Nah, it couldn't be.
Kira was finishing up her chat with Rowena when she heard, "Oy, Lady Kira?" Jolene motioned with her eyes that Mr. Green Eyes needed a refill on his beer. Then she took the next round of drinks out to a table.
Out of the corner of her eye, Kira could see Mr. Green Eyes had nearly finished his beer. After he drained the last drop she took his mug, dropped it in the dishwater and picked up a fresh one. "Same selection?" Kira asked.
"Depends. Which one was that?" he asked with a grin.
"I started you off slow. That one was the light and crisp. I'll pour you the next one, and maybe I'll let you name it," she teased.
"You're on, Lady Kira," he smirked.
A sharp pain pierced Kira's head, momentarily clouding her vision. She grabbed the edge of the bar to keep her balance. Suddenly it dawned on her who these men were. It was Sam and Dean, but also....not them. Like Rowena said, something familiar about them, but they're more than just hunters in this dimension.
Kira poured his beer, but before handing it to him, she leaned in so her face was a few inches from his. "Listen. We keep the 'Lady' part of my name a secret. If everyone knew who I really was, I couldn't do half the things I do for these townfolk. I don't want recognition for any of what I do. I try to make their lives a little easier with some charity while letting them keep a bit of their pride," she finished. As Kira plunked the beer down on the bar, some of it sloshed over the edge, hopefully conveying her annoyance.
Rowena flagged Kira down again. "Now do you believe me, darlin'? I saw that look on your face. You know that's Sam and Dean, but they're different here than they are at home," she remarked.
"Yes, I'm with you now. They're still hunters, but that's not all they are. Like they have a more important 'day job'," Kira mused. "Although Dean in any dimension is still going to be a smart ass from time to time. Likewise, Sam is still the more cautious of the two," she replied with a soft laugh.
At that moment, the door opened and a man with dark hair and piercing blue eyes stepped in. "Sirs? I think it's time we set out for home," the man said.
"Just finishing up one for the road, Castiel," Dean replied. He drained the last of the beer from his mug and tapped on the glass to get Kira's attention. She looked up from the mug she was drying off and tilted her head. "Thank you for the hospitality this evening. Hope to see you again," he said as he winked at her.
"Safe travels, gentlemen. May your journey home be swift and free from incident," Kira remarked as they departed.
Kira looked around to see that the rest of her customers had also made their way home, or at least out of the pub. Jolene, Miranda and Ella picked up any remaining dishes and brought them up to the bar. While Kira washed the glassware, Miranda cleaned tables while Jolene swept the floor. Ella took care of the restocking duties, checking the taps and bringing up another bottle of scotch.
When all closing duties were done, everyone filed out the back door and went their separate ways, except Rowena stayed with Kira. They walked towards a large carriage house not far from the pub. Kira pushed open the heavy, decorative oak door and was immediately greeted by her house manager, Alfred. "Good evening, Lady Kira. I see you've brought a guest with you. Will she be staying long?" he asked.
"Good evening, Alfred. May I present Lady Rowena of the Scottish Highlands. She will be staying with us for an undetermined amount of time. Please see her to one of the open rooms upstairs, while I check in with the rest of the staff," Kira requested.
"Very well, Lady Kira," Alfred replied. To Rowena, he said, "Should you be in need of refreshment or anything else, please be sure to ring, madam."
"Thank you, dear. I am a wee bit tired, so if you could please show me to my room. Lady Kira, I shall see you in the morning," Rowena promised. Kira nodded in agreement then headed off towards the kitchen.
After a quick meeting with the staff, Kira learned that a morning supply run would be needed to replenish some of the items in the pantry. It was in need of coffee, flour, sugar, most of the basics, including fresh vegetables. Kira provided her head chef, Stefan, with the funds necessary to purchase what was needed at the town market in the morning.
The head housekeeper, Coraline, notified Kira that sheets had been freshly laundered. There also were plenty of clean towels in the wardrobe in each room. Once she got the full report, Kira trudged upstairs to her room. She didn't even bother to get dressed in her nightclothes. She pulled back the blankets and crawled beneath them. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell into a deep sleep.
As the three men approached their destination, they were greeted by Collins, the head of the stables. He was a short, white-haired man who had worked for the family for many years. He remembered when the figures approaching on horseback had been mischievous young boys. He felt privileged to see them grow up into the fine young men they were today.
"You boys had better get on up to the main hall. Your parents have been looking for you, and they are not too pleased at how late you've been out," he gently chided.
The men dismounted from their horses, so that Collins and one of the other stablehands, George, could lead them to their stalls. As they walked from the stables to the main hall, they thought back to events of the past evening.
They were called in to take out a vampire nest in one of the eastern provinces. There were only supposed to be seven or eight vamps, which was certainly manageable for the three of them. Turns out there were more like twelve, which made things a little more difficult, but not impossible.
They approached the main hall where their parents were waiting. The green-eyed man walked up to his mother and knelt before her, touching the backs of her outstretched hands to his forehead. He repeated the same gesture with his father, as did the man with hazel eyes. The blue-eyed man knelt before them, but crossed his chest with his right arm, placing his right fist above his heart.
Their father looked sternly at his sons as he settled back in his seat. "Do you mind telling me what the crown princes of this land have been out doing at all hours of the night?" he asked. "Your mother was worried sick about you, pacing the floor until word arrived that you had come home!"
The hazel-eyed man spoke first. "Father, we received word of an attack in one of the eastern provinces. On our way back, we happened to stop by a pub owned by a woman named Kira. Had a couple of drinks, then Castiel told us it was time to go back, so we left," he explained.
"Is this true? Dean?" his father, King John asked.
"Yes, Father, Samuel is correct. The threat in the eastern province has been neutralized. For now, anyway. I had a couple of beers in the pub and was enjoying some nice conversation with the owner before Castiel pulled us away," he grumbled.
"If you had just told someone where you were going, I--we wouldn't have worried so much," explained his mother, Queen Mary. "Your father and I have a matter of great importance, which we would like to discuss with you. Castiel, would you please excuse us?" she asked.
Part 2 here!
Tags: @janicho88 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @swiftlymoniquesblog @lyarr24 @miss-nerd95 @distefano123 @hobby27 @deanwanddamons @jessica-noel94 @wayward-mikaelson @jawritter @gabrielslittleangel @jensengirl83 @deangirl93 @ellewritesfix05 @supernatural-jackles
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: The Mother Chapter 12 - The Ballet of Amanda and Joseph Seed
Warnings: Mentions of infantcide, and Mandy being a mom to John. [not really a warning]
Word count: 2.1k
Where it all began. 
Summary: With everything falling into place, Mandy continues with her role as The Mother until the New Moon.  
Guest OCs: Dawana Floyd (FC: Anna Diop)
Guest Characters: Raphael [Supernatural; female vessel], God/Chuck [mentioned], Metatron [mentioned]
Note: I made up the names for Joseph’s wife and daughter. This is gonna be a somewhat short chapter.
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With everything falling into place, Dawana has Mandy continue her duties as the Mother until the New Moon. Raphael agrees and wants her to keep her role until they can properly do the Invocation of Invisibility to shield her from God and help get her out of the Cult. 
With the help of the Whitetail Militia they can help her get out, and also play the role as an FBI agent to keep her undercover. 
So not being seen with any of the Project’s enemies will help her out, and make sure she is committed to her position, or at least make her look like she’s committed. 
A week has passed, Mandy has been the Mother for 3 in a half months, and time has seemed to move by very, very slowly with everything that has happened. 
“You must play your part” Dawana tells her. 
“I know” Mandy responds, “I have to. Raphael told me that I must, until we get to the New Moon and do the Invisibility spell. Hiding me from Chuck”. 
Because he is God and he can see everything, and everyone. He’ll still see her playing her part as The Mother, but that will all be an illusion to him while the real Mandy will be plotting against him and the Project. Along with the Archangel and the Voodoo Priestess.
“Good” she responds, “It’s still a long time until the New Moon".
Being cleansed by Joseph, confessing and reaching atonement. To top it off marrying Joseph Seed. 
She spends time with Joseph, pretty much every second of every day they spent. She decides to check up on John since she hasn’t seen, or even heard from him since her atonement and her “wedding” to The Father. 
Driving to his ranch house in Holland Valley, she pulls into the huge driveway and approaches the gigantic house. 
John steps out and sees her. “Amanda” he says, surprised, putting emphasis on the A, “I wasn’t expecting you to come over”. 
She lets out a soft exhale, “Well I haven’t seen or heard from you. I just wanted to check up on you”. 
He tilts his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed “Really? Why?”. Surprised that she would even care about his well-being. 
She shrugs, “No reason, I check up on Faith all the time. Jacob doesn’t really need to be checked on, and I live with Joseph, I pretty much see him everyday. I just wanted to see how you’re doing”. Putting on her caring, loving mother act, it’s not really much of an act, it’s just the type of parent she is. 
He lets out a soft chuckle, “Well that’s very sweet of you”. He takes a few steps closer to her, “I’m doing great. Thank you”. 
She smiles at him, “That’s great to hear”.
“So is that all you came over here for? To check on me?” he asks. Crossing his arms.
She nods, “Well I was in the area. Also I haven’t been in Holland Valley in quite a while. Kinda forgotten what everything looks like”. She chuckles, making the youngest Seed brother chuckle as well. 
She crosses her arms, putting on her best typical mom voice, “So, have you been taking care of yourself?”. 
He laughs, scratching his beard, and sarcastically says, “Yes, mother I have”. 
“Good, I ask Faith the exact same questions” she tells him, “She knows my route already”. 
She stays at John’s house for another 20-30 minutes before going back to the church. She got to know a little more about John, and his upbringing with the Duncan’s, and him going to Law school. John also got to know a little more about Mandy as well. She’s half Italian, was married before, lived in several states before moving to Montana, and she can speak 3 languages. 
"Really? Say something then" he asks her. Looking at her in amusement.
"Prendersi cura di se stessi" [Take care of yourself] she responds in Italian.
He looks at her in confusion, he in a way wasn't expecting her to actually respond back in another language. She laughs at his reaction to her speaking another language.
Back at Joseph’s compound, one of the Cult’s followers approaches Mandy once she arrives at the church grounds.
“Mother Amanda” he tells her, “Joseph is inside the church waiting for you”. 
She nods her head, “Thank you” and proceeds to enter the church. 
The dark church with a few candles lit inside, Joseph has his back to her, facing the wall in front of him. 
“You were waiting for me” she tells him, standing a few feet away from him. She can hear him take a deep breath before saying, “I haven’t been entirely honest with you”.
Tilting her head sideways, confused. “What do you mean?”. He faces her, “I haven’t told you everything about me. There are things from my past, I feel the need to tell you”. 
She stands before him, with her hands clasped in front of her, wearing white blouse, dark jeans and black boots. Her hair is down in its natural style, wavy. 
Looking up at him, her eyes pointed up at him. Anticipating what he’s gonna tell her. He places his right hand on the back of her neck, while his other hand is caressing her cheek. He goes on to tell her that he was once married, and had a daughter. 
“Did you know I had a wife?” he asks her, showing her his tattoo of his wife, “So beautiful, isn’t she?. We were pregnant with our first child. We were just babies ourselves, and I was terrified.Becoming a father, mostly about money”. 
She stares up at him as he tells her the story about his wife and child. 
“She wasn’t worried, she had faith that things were going to work out. She always had faith, and then one day. She was going to visit a friend. There was an accident, and The Lord Taketh”. Seeing the pain in his eyes, Mandy knows the same pain losing a significant other, she knows that pain too well. 
“They rushed me to the hospital and put me in a room with this little pink bundle stuffed with tubes, and they said I had to be strong because my little girl was going to live. God was looking out for our daughter” he continues to tell her. 
Feeling like time had stood still, painfully still. Almost like the whole church got darker as he tells her this, “And they left me alone in a room with her. I just stared at my daughter. So helpless. So innocent, and all she had in the world was me. A nobody from nowhere with nothing, and in that moment I knew that God was testing me”. 
He moves his hands, both his hands on the sides of her face. Cupping her face, standing very close to her. 
“He was laying out a path before me and all I had to do was choose. So I put my hand on my little girl's head, and I leaned in and I could smell”.
Finding out that this man was once married, and had a child at some point, made her think how he could’ve turned out. Would the Cult still be a thing? Would he still be a lunatic that she married?. Getting lost in her thoughts the next thing he said made her snap back into reality. 
Joseph continues to tell her about his past life and everything before the Cult grew, “And we prayed together, prayed for wisdom. Prayed for strength then I knew. I heard God’s plan for me, and I took my fingers and I put them on that little plastic tube that was taped to her angelic face, and I pinched it shut”.
She looks up at him in horror, this man killed his infant daughter because Chuck told him to do it. Mandy is no saint herself, and she’ll tell you that she has killed innocent people to protect her own family, it may not be the same thing, they both have skeletons in their closets. 
Joseph might have more in his closet than she does, she witnessed him killing an innocent man several weeks ago in front of 30 other people. Gouging out his eyes.
“And after a little while her legs began to kick and kick, and then nothing. Stillness. Release. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh. Pain. Sacrifice” he finishes off. 
Looking up at this man in horror, standing in the middle of the church, frozen in fear. Giving her chills throughout her body. 
“Raphael I need you here now!” she prays in her head. Internally panicking 
Within a few seconds Raphael makes himself present, in his female vessel, only visible to Mandy and not Joseph. 
“You prayed?” he asks. Seeing what’s happening. Look of concern on his/her face. 
“Is what Joseph said true?!” she asks him in her head, while looking up at Joseph pretending that she’s listening to him, “Did he really kill his infant daughter because Chuck told him to?!?”. 
Joseph steps away, and continues to talk to Mandy about his life and upbringing with his brothers. Trying to listen to both her “husband” and her Archangel. 
Raphael sighs, “Yes, it’s all true. Joseph was married. His wife Anna, and their daughter Mary. The accident Anna was in, was orchestrated by God to put him on this path, and also to make him start the Project”. 
Mandy looks over at her Archangel with wide eyes and back to Joseph who is still telling her about his upbringing. His voice is basically a background noise to her and the Archangel’s conversation. 
“So all this has been happening for several years?!?!” she asks in her mind. Raphael snaps his fingers, freezing time. Allowing Mandy to actually speak with him, freezing Joseph. 
“Yes, everything is on Chuck” he tells her, “I can’t say no more”. 
“But, but. But why is Chuck doing this?!?” she asks him, voice shaken “Why is Joseph so important to Chuck?”. 
Taking a few steps closer to her, “He’s not. That I know of, Joseph Seed is not that important to God, the only thing Chuck wants is for someone to spread his word. Prepare for the end”.
She looks at him confused, “What?!? What does that even mean?!”. 
He breaks it down for her, “Think about it. When the world ends, and very few people survive. What’s the first thing that comes to mind?” he asks her. Walking around the somewhat dark church.
She shrugs, “I don’t know!”. Looking confused at the Warrior of God.  
“An act of God” he tells her, “I really can’t say more because that’s all I have on this whole situation. I wish I had more, but I’m sure Metatron has all that information, but If I were you, I wouldn’t waste my time trying to get it. He won’t give it to anyone”. 
He snaps his fingers to unfreeze time, but before he does, he gives her a slight chance of hope. 
“And one more thing Mandeline” he says, she looks over at him, “I believe in you. I know you can get yourself out of this, and I left you something that can help you. I left it under your pillow in your room”.
He disappears from the church. Leaving Mandy alone with Joseph. She looks over at Joseph, he is unfrozen, and continues his talking about his life. Having to pretend she was listening to everything he had said. 
“Now that I have told you about your past” he says, turning around to face her, “What do you have hidden from me?”. 
She looks down at the floor, “There’s too much for me to say” she responds, “I have lived through a dark past. That I wish to forget about”. Looking and sounding ashamed, reminding herself about the horrible things she has done in her lifetime. 
He approaches her, placing his hand on her cheek, caressing it. “I wish to know your past” he tells her, “I want to be the savior for your regrets. For your mistakes, for your sins”. 
She rests her head against his chest, as he holds her close. Hearing his heartbeat slowly, his slow, soft breathing
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
Magic Dance
Joseph Joestar x female reader
This was inspired by the song: Magic Dance from Labyrinth by David Bowie
I would like to thank @lostinthe-jojos​ for giving me the idea to write this!  
Modern AU
Please enjoy!
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The crying had been going on for a good while now and no matter what [Name] or Joseph tried, nothing seemed to calm their baby daughter, [Daughter’s Name]. They had tried feeding her, changing her, playing with her and nothing at all helped. [Name] had assumed that she was developing a fever yet her temperature was normal. All they knew was that this continuous crying was becoming a bit much for them and they wanted to soothe their baby. 
Joseph had been told to keep an eye on her while [Name] quickly ran to the shops to pick up some shopping for their dinner that night, and he kept a close eye on his daughter, concerned at what was bothering her. 
“Shh, [Daughter’s Name]. Everything is alright.” He tried again to soothe her and it proved fruitless as she continued to cry. The sight broke his heart. Maybe putting the television on would help? That sometimes soothed babies crying. As he turned the television on, he thought of something. It was a long shot but it was worth a try at this rate. He quickly set the channel to a radio and then typed in the title of a song he knew very well and loved. Hell, he sung it to [Name] on their wedding. 
As the song begun, Joseph stood up and quickly made sure the living room was clear and safe for him to walk about, which it was. 
“You remind me of the babe, what babe? The babe with the power, what power? The power of voodoo, who do? You do, do what? Remind me of the babe.” 
Joseph’s voice matched up with the song’s tone and rhythm perfectly as he began to move around the room, twirling around a few times and keeping a secure yet comfortable hold on his daughter. This new event seemed to stop her crying and peak her curiosity at what her father was doing. 
“I saw my baby, crying hard as babe could cry, What could I do? My baby's love had gone, And left my baby blue, Nobody knew,”  
Again, Joseph twirled around the room a little bit, avoiding the table and keeping him moves fluent as he swung his arms a little to rock his daughter. The song filled the room along with his singing as he kept in tune with the song, much to his daughter’s enjoyment as the tears stopped flowing and were replaced by that bright smile he has been wanting to see. Just for the effect of the song, Joseph brought one hand to his face as if confused at the situation as he continued singing. 
“What kind of magic spell to use.  Slime and snails, Or puppy dog tails? Thunder or lightning, Then baby said.”
[Daughter’s Name] smiled, giggling happily as she clapped her hands together at all this, babbling nonsense that no one could understand but that didn’t faze Joseph as he smiled brighter, spinning slowly around the room and moving his daughter a bit to make her feel like she was dancing. Much like her father, [Daughter’s Name] had a lot of energy to use daily and unable to sit still for five minutes. Whether it be fidgeting or something like that.
“Dance magic, dance, dance magic, dance. Dance magic, dance, dance magic, dance. Put that baby's spell on me.”   
His movements became only a little bit faster but his hold on her remained unaltered, not willing to risk any harm to his daughter, he would never forgive himself. Though, by how she babbled happily, she didn’t seem to mind this as he continued to sing.  
“Jump magic, jump, jump magic, jump. Jump magic, jump, jump magic, jump. Put that magic jump on me, Slap that baby, make him free.”
He stopped moving and rose [Daughter’s Name] above his head at this part then lowered her down before very carefully throwing her up in the air and catching her. This was always the highlight of the song for him and seeming to be [Daughter’s Name] too by how she laughed happily. As the brunette was lost in the song and his daughter’s joy, he didn’t hear the front door open and close. [Name] set down the shopping bags and leaned against the doorway, arms folded and with a warm smile on her face at this. 
It was moments like this that made her stop and simply admire what she had. She had a wonderful husband who would do anything to get his wife and daughter to smile, and an amazing daughter who had so much potential. It was everything she could ever have wished for and more. She has never felt like the most luckiest woman in the world until this moment. 
“Dance magic, dance, dance magic, dance. Dance magic, dance, dance magic, dance. Put that baby's spell on me.” 
Her own singing caught Joseph’s attention as he looked over, a warm expression painting his features as the [Hair colour] woman walked over to him and [Daughter’s Name], bringing her hand up and caressing her daughter’s cheek a bit as she sung along to the song. A small yawn slipped their daughter’s lips, worn out from all her crying as she snuggled against her father’s chest, a sense of secure safety washing over the baby as her eyes fluttered shut. 
“Dance magic, dance, ooh, ooh, ooh Dance magic.” 
With that, he gently placed her down in on the couch, tucking the blanket around her and placing a pillow next to her head to make sure she didn’t roll off in her sleep before standing back up and smiling at [Name]. As she turned to go put the shopping away, Joseph gently grabbed her hand and interlocked his fingers with hers, bringing that hand up as his other rested on her waist. She smiled and placed her other hand on his shoulder. 
“What kind of magic spell to use. Slime and snails. Or puppy dog tails. Thunder or lightning. Something frightening.”
The two sung softer as the song began to lead towards its end, savouring the last moments of the song as they carefully stepped around the living room, holding one another close; much like how they did on their wedding day. [Name] truly was the most luckiest woman in the world. 
“I love you, [Name].” Joseph spoke, pressing a soft kiss on his wife’s lips which she returned with equal softness and love. 
“I love you too, Joseph.”
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