#Wargird's Armor
creativerogues · 6 years
Legacy Items: Part 2!
So... Here we are again!
After receiving a lot of feedback, it seems like the general public view is that Wargird’s Armor seemed to be a pretty good start.
People liked that the item kept a lot of the same features and abilities of the 3.5e version, and no one seemed to dislike the Item’s features and abilities, though a few were asking questions about numbers and balance for the more powerful spell effects like Haste and Stoneskin.
And as one person voiced, they’d like to see a bit of a change in the way a Legacy Item’s Abilities are “Unlocked”.
Rather than simply achieving a high enough level to unlock an ability, they said that the Rituals from 3.5e, the Least, Lesser and Greater Legacies, could be further implemented into the Item, even allowing for the DM to use it as a way to add more to the Story, as the Character goes out to complete these Legacy ‘Quests’ , that help the Character bond even further with their Legacy Item, and help unlock the Item’s full potential.
Now, one of the major things that people seemed to love was the removal of the penalties from 3.5e. Since in 3.5e, a Character would have a permanent penalty due to the Item, even if they weren’t carrying it or wearing it, or even if they unattuned or lost the item, they would still suffer from the penalties...
The removal of what was essentially a big permanent penalty was something people really liked, but others were quick to voice their own opinions, saying that it was too easy to gain all the abilities of a Legacy Item... and that would make the Character and the Item overpowered.
Now, Yes, a Character could very well decide to complete all 3 Legacies one after the other with relative ease, but the Level Requirements to use a Item’s Abilities seems to be a much better way to stop a Character from simply just grabbing a fully unlocked Legacy Item right out the gates at Level 1.
And a Level Requirement and adding Prerequisites seems to be much better than a permanent penalty or something similar...
Now, looking at Wargird’s Armor, no one seemed too confused on wording, though as I suspected there were some spelling and grammatical errors, and many of the Lore Nerds loved the history behind the Item, and liked how they could very easily drop it into their Setting.
The only thing that seems to need any change up is the way in which the Armor’s Abilities are “Unlocked”.
So think of this Version as a ‘Variant’ of sorts. With these Least (now renamed to ‘Minor Legacy’), Lesser Legacy and Greater Legacy Rituals more as a way to restrain a Character from becoming too powerful too quickly.
And as a bonus, it gives the DM some Story Seeds and Ideas for completing the Rituals.
So, like last time, read everything first, and if you have any criticisms about the Item’s Balance, Mechanics, or Features, leave a Comment or Re-Blog and I’ll be reading the Feedback and adjusting these sort of Magic Items in the future, so you can use them in your D&D Game!
And as a note going in, if you think that the previous version of Wargird’s Armor was better in any way from this one, such as the “Attunement” Section, let me know! 
And to view the Original Post for Wargird’s Armor, simply click HERE!
Wargird’s Armor
Armor (+1 Breastplate), Varies (Legacy), Requires Attunement by a Non-Evil Creature
Wargird’s Armor is a breastplate designed for a military officer. Its entire surface is etched with beautifully symmetric patterns and runes.
Wargird’s Armor is an Item of Legacy with abilities that can be unlocked as its wielder completes certain tasks. Wargird’s Armor has a Minor Legacy (Spark of the Anvil), a Lesser Legacy (Misplaced Youth) and a Greater Legacy (The Journey Home).
The Minor Legacy must be completed before the Lesser Legacy, and the Lesser Legacy before the Greater Legacy, if the wielder is to unlock the Item’s full potential.
There are three rituals required to unlock the abilities of Wargird’s Armor, first you must attune to Wargird’s Armor, then you must complete the following rituals:
Spark of the Anvil (Minor Legacy): You have to construct a breastplate without assistance and at your own expense. The breastplate must be given to a deserving warrior to whom you have no relationship.
Misplaced Youth (Lesser Legacy): You are required to choose a side in a war you think is just, volunteer as a soldier, accept no pay, and actively participate in at least one battle.
The Journey Home (Greater Legacy): You must seek out the barbarians of the frozen highlands and learn the identity of the young berserker who bonded with Wargird’s Armor.
Features & Abilities
The wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
All the following are the legacy item abilities of Wargird’s Armor:
Easy Movement 
Prerequisites: Character Level 5th, learn and perform the Minor Legacy Ritual of Wargird’s Armor
Beginning at 5th level, Wargird’s Armor is treated as light armor for any purpose related to your movement.
Warrior’s Surge 
Prerequisites: Character Level 5th, learn and perform the Minor Legacy Ritual of Wargird’s Armor
At 7th level and higher, once per day when a melee attack reduces you to 0 or fewer hit points, you can choose to drop to 1d4 + 1 hit points instead (minimum of 2).
Awakened Spirit
Prerequisites: Character Level 11th, learn and perform the Lesser Legacy Ritual of Wargird’s Armor
Once you attain 12th level, the spirit of the young berserker warrior, who bonded to Wargird’s Armor so long ago, awakens.
As an intelligent item, the Breastplate is Neutral Good, and has an Intelligence of 10, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
The armor communicates by transmitting emotion to the creature wearing it.
Prerequisites: Character Level 11th, learn and perform the Lesser Legacy Ritual of Wargird’s Armor
Starting at 16th level, five times per day as a bonus action, you can benefit from the effects of the Haste spell for the duration of 1 round.
Resistance to Cold
Prerequisites: Character Level 17th, learn and perform the Greater Legacy Ritual of Wargird’s Armor
Once you attain 18th level, you gain resistance to cold damage.
Prerequisites: Character Level 17th, learn and perform the Greater Legacy Ritual of Wargird’s Armor
At 20th level, once per day, you may speak the armor’s Command Word and gain the benefit from the effects of the Stoneskin spell for the duration of this effect.
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creativerogues · 6 years
Legacy Items: Items That Level With Your Character!
Wargird’s Armor
Armor (Breastplate), Varies (Legacy), Requires Attunement by a Non-Evil Creature
Wargird’s Armor is a breastplate designed for a military officer. Its entire surface is etched with beautifully symmetric patterns and runes.
Feralion Ordel made the breastplate that became Wargird’s Armor. The armor was never meant as anything more than a functional breastplate for the type of field lieutenant who issued commands from horseback, well away from the fighting.
Feralion was a military smith accustomed to churning out arms and armor, making new when he had to, repairing what he could, and replacing what he couldn’t. He often had no time to take pride in his work.
During a long campaign, Feralion was ordered to forge a new breastplate.
The smith went to work as he had many times before, but never had the final product turned out so completely devoid of flaws. Feralion couldn’t stop marveling at his own craftsmanship, growing unable to part with the breastplate. He hid it instead.
The breastplate had been ordered for a newly commissioned lieutenant, a replacement for another officer fallen to a single arrow. The damage to the dead lieutenant’s breastplate was minimal, but the replacement lieutenant was of noble blood, and he expected a fresh outfit. 
Feralion hid the flawless armor, working hard to repair the dead lieutenant’s breastplate, adjusting the fit to the replacement officer.
When the self-satisfied lieutenant unceremoniously donned the seemingly new breastplate, Feralion felt justified in his deception. If the whelp couldn’t tell the difference between new armor and old, he deserved the hand-me-down.
Feralion then toiled endlessly on his prized breastplate, lovingly adorning it with symmetric patterns and runes.
One day, the regiment Feralion served came up against barbarians of the frozen highlands.
The enemy showed up in unexpected force, dwarfing the regiment’s numbers. Outraged at the civilized kingdoms for invading their ancestral lands, the berserkers brutally plowed through the regiment’s defenses, forcing the officers to retreat almost immediately.
Feralion had to defend himself, but having anticipated as much, he had already donned Wargird’s Armor. With an ordinary sledgehammer in hand, Feralion stood against the ravening horde quite prepared to die. But the longer he continued fighting, the more the smith realized he could not be struck—his armor simply wouldn’t allow it.
Feralion broke through the berserker lines, giving the officers enough time to rally their remaining soldiers and drive the enemy back.
Although the barbarians held their ground against the counterattack, Feralion had turned sure defeat into a stalemate.
He was promoted to lieutenant on the field. What Feralion didn’t realize was the spirit of a berserker youth he killed that day had bonded with the breastplate.
Feralion and Wargird’s Armor became legendary. He was a leader who fought at the front of the ranks, leading charges in many successful battles.
His iconic status, however, made him a target.
Assassins and mercenaries alike were hired by the enemy to target Feralion in the field. The few times an attack did strike Feralion’s armor, he flew into such a violent fury that his opponent was usually dispatched shortly thereafter.
Attempts were even made to steal Wargird’s Armor, but something always kept Feralion alert, foiling all such plots.
Only the stalemate when first he had donned his flawless breastplate haunted the smith-turned-soldier. Feralion then sought permission to lead several regiments against the barbarians of the northern highlands, and he was given leave to attack as he saw fit.
The battle should have gone well—the enemy was outnumbered—but the barbarians used nature against the intruders.
As Feralion and his army marched through the frigid passes, barbarian drums echoed through the region and shook thundering walls of snow down upon the attackers.
Avalanches completely buried everyone, preserving their bodies in crypts of shattered ice and frozen powder. Wargird’s Armor has presumably been buried there ever since.
There are rituals required to unlock the abilities of Wargird’s Armor, to attune to Wargird's Armor, you must complete the following ritual:
You are required to choose a side in a war you think is just, volunteer as a soldier, accept no pay, and actively participate in at least one battle.
Prerequisites: Most wearers of Wargird’s Armor are fighters or paladins, although any character proficient with medium armor might be interested in the item.
Features & Abilities
The wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.
All the following are the legacy item abilities of Wargird’s Armor:
Easy Movement: Beginning at 5th level, Wargird’s Armor is treated as light armor for any purpose related to your movement.
Warrior’s Surge: At 7th level and higher, once per day when a melee attack reduces you to 0 or fewer hit points, you can choose to drop to 1d4 + 1 hit points instead (minimum of 2).
Awakened Spirit: Once you attain 12th level, the spirit of the young berserker warrior, who bonded to Wargird’s Armor so long ago, awakens. 
As an intelligent item, the breastplate is Neutral Good, and has an Intelligence of 10, Wisdom of 16, and Charisma of 16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
The armor communicates by transmitting emotion to the creature carrying or wielding it. Haste: Starting at 16th level, five times per day as a bonus action, you can benefit from the effects of the Haste spell for the duration of 1 round.
Resistance to Cold: 18th level, you gain resistance to cold damage.
Stoneskin: At 20th level, once per day, you may speak the armor's Command Word and gain the benefit from the effects of the Stoneskin spell for the duration of this effect.
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