#Warrior bites mini entry
bonefall · 1 year
enough talk about food! what about drinks!! would they make teas? infused water? broth? would medcats infuse water with herbs for cats that absolutely hate eating herbs, or physically can’t for some reason? boil some catmint to make tea…….. make some broths with prey bones and blood and water and herbs mmmm. i am so normal about warrior cats as you can see
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[ID: BB!Blackstar lapping soup from a clay bowl]
ShadowClan is the uncontested CHAMPION of soups. While all Clans make stew in some capacity, usually to prevent perfectly good freshkill scraps from going to waste, ShadowClan's exotic palate and wetland territory puts them in a unique position.
A lot of the water around the territory is still, so to begin with, boiling it was already important for sanitary reasons. On top of that, ShadowClan's favorite spice is common juniper, sometimes called "Poor Man's Pepper" in English. Mix with a dash of rosemary, and they can make just about anything taste good.
And they will eat ANYTHING. Crayfish, insects, eggs, amphibians, frogspawn. RiverClan is known for being a bit snobbish and preferring raw fish, and ShadowClan is their culinary opposite. There are even some poisonous animals, like certain snails, that only ShadowClan is capable of safely eating as a result of their food culture.
But, broadly, Clan cats aren't fond of the taste of leaves, and thus don't drink teas unless they're being steeped and used as medicine. Teas as a medicinal vessel come with a bonus; they help to keep the patient hydrated.
It depends on the plant on if steeping makes it more or less effective, though. Eventually, Shadowsight learns how to prepare a heavy-duty epilepsy medication thanks to the Tribe, using a special process.
When they do make "refreshers," they're made of boiled bones. Simple broths are a delicious treat, and take the place of what we consider 'soft drinks.'
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dyns33 · 3 years
The Tiger and the Rabbit entry : 
Citra was a bitch, so it seemed normal that her mate was a dog.
But she wasn't a real bitch. No, the high priestess was a serpent.
A snake and a dog, it might not have worked, but it was not abnormal. Little and medium beasts.
His sister was very good at turning all the men around her into dogs, brave and faithful little doggies who blindly obeyed her.
Brainless pendejos, who only thought with their dicks.
Vaas had been blinded too, but because she was his sister, joder, and he wanted to make her happy, like a good brother.
The problem was, there were too many dogs on this fucking land. And a lot of them were related to reptiles, so it was hard to know which one was the right one. It wasn't even sure that her mate would ever come to the island. It was not as unique as a tiger with a rabbit.
Citra was very saddened by this, but a mate was not enough anyway. Nothing was ever enough for her.
She wanted everyone to love her and fall at her feet. Everyone.
           "Vaas, you don't need a bunny. A bunny ! That ridiculous little thing isn't worthy of you. You're a tiger, you deserve a more... exceptional mate."
           "Like a shark or a bear ?"
He didn't like where this conversation was going.
           "... Vaas. Together we are stronger. Masters of the world. We can create great things."
           "I'm sure hermanita."
Yeah. Hermanita. Little sister. A sister does not fuck with her brother. He hoped she had understood that correctly.
           "You are a great warrior. A tiger is stronger than a dog. Your children will be powerful."
It was hard to realise that his sister was completely crazy. A real freak. He had really loved her, he really wanted things to turn out differently.
Vaas thought they were stupid, but he felt a little sorry for the poor dogs who crossed her path. Citra didn't like being told no.
Even though he expected her to be angry after his refusal, he didn't think she would attempt to burn his mark and then slice off his skull. Yeah, the Queen of the bitches.
Unlike her, Vaas was very happy to have one mate, only one.
It was not a problem if they were a little rabbit. He didn't fucking care.
He wasn't what people could call a romantic, he had had partners, he wasn't going to wait and stay a virgin, but...
When he thought of his conejita, destined to be his forever, to love him, with whom he could have children. It was nice.
Not necessarily very possible on the island, with his pirate life, but it was a nice dream.
He still thought about it when Y/N slept against him, or when they ran into the jungle together.
The little rabbit was leaping between his paws, and he was tempted to open his mouth and grab her. She would be a little scared, even knowing that he wasn't going to bite her, but only carry her like a baby, purring like a mad motherfucker.
If they had babies, would they be rabbits or tigers ? Something else ? Oh, to have a family of little rabbits.
           "Little you hiding around the camp. Dios mío. A real nightmare Jefe."
           "Shut up Carlos !"
           "But, mini Vaas. They would destroy everything."
           "Yeah, my niños will be real little monsters, strong and powerful. Even if they're rabbits. So watch your sorry ass hermano."
Y/N never talked about having children. The bunny was smart. She also knew it wasn't a good idea here. Too dangerous.
Citra would try to take the little ones and kill them, no doubt.
And if she did mention it, his conejita might give him ideas. He thought about it, he dreamed about it, but as long as she didn't talk about it, it was just a fantasy.
She was not like Citra at all. She was careful, but she didn't manipulate him, she didn't ask him crazy or impossible things, and she seemed quite happy with him.
It was not always easy to make her happy, locked in a pirate camp in the middle of a jungle, on a crazy island, but Vaas was doing his best.
So far, she hadn't tried to run away. The only time she could have had a chance, she had come back.
The best day of his fucking life.
Well, sometimes she would ask if they would ever go away together, but Y/N wasn't stupid, she knew the answer. Even when Vaas would be too old for this bullshit, he wouldn't want to leave. It was his island.
           "... Or else we'll burn everything before we go." he mumbled once, a bit drunk, while he was hugging her. "Then we'll go make baby rabbits wherever you want. You'll be my island. Mi isla."
           "That would be wonderful Vaas."
           "Bebé conejitos, mi cielo. Lleno de conejitos ! En todas partes ! El mundo lleno de conejitos ! Nuestros hijos! Oh, amor mío, eso será demasiado bueno !"
Vaas would fall asleep, purring, dreaming of rabbits and baby tigers populating the island and destroying everything, as Carlos had said.
Hoyt, Buck, and Citra were dead. He and his bunny could do whatever they wanted and it was really wonderful.
One day, maybe. He had to kill the bitch and the other fuckers first. One day.
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erikacousland · 4 years
Real weapons for Dragon Age: Origins characters - Mahariel
Real weapons for:
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Lyna Mahariel & Theryn Mahariel
Dalish Elf Guardian & Ranger
They are twins. And became orphans when they were newborn babies.
1. The
Dalish Knight
As the older one in the twins, Lyna feel she's responsible for caring and protecting her younger brother Theryn, since she realized they are different from other children who have unlimited love from their parents. (They have a loving foster mother, Ashalle, but it's still different.) As she grows older, the responsibility as protector of vulnerable guide her become a maternal leader and fierce defender. If she's a mage, she will become a great Keeper of her clan just like her father was. It is a pity she didn't inherited the gift of magic from him. Play her talent, she became a warrior, guardian of the clan.
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On the big day of her life, the day she wearing on her Vallaslin, became an adult and blade master of the clan. Lyna proudly inherited a set of Ancient Elven Armor from the old master. They were wore by her ancestor, Mahariel the Emerald Knight, back to the time even before the Dales fallen.
My head canon about the Ancient Elven Armor: They will magically change the shape and size of the plates to fit any body sizes. No matter who wearing them - smallest elf, strongest dwarf, bigest Qunari, all of them can find the armor perfectly suited for them, like a layer of metal skin. Despite no many people will trying to wearing these plates looks obviously not suitable for them. They will continuing keep the size of the last owner, until wearing by another person. They're almost unnaturally light, flexible and elegance, will not restrict movements. Despite they're powerful enchanted armour in the modern day, they actually were only munition armour of temple guards back to the age of Arlathan. The Dalish people knowing the magic function of these armour, and keep it secret. The knowledge about how to make them have lost already. (Codex entry: Ancient Elven Armor)
The old master also given her a pair of Veridium blades. They were made in Dales, at the good old day of the elven kingdom.
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I always feel odd when I saw characters holding Dar'Misaan or Dar'Misu on the game. According to the shape of the blades, I think edge on the inside of the curve will perform better than the outside edge. The point will be very useful and powerful when the user hold them on this way, you can also using the little spike (near by the tang) to punching.
In my opinion, they are fantasy version of Dacian falx and sica, with diamond or slight hollow cross-section. I also have a head canon about these elven blade. (About the Dalish…)
Ursici Falx si Sica by Iamandi Cristian as Dar'Misaan & Dar'Misu
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(Screenshot of Skallagrim's review.)
A fine blade of Dalish crafting, made from metal bartered for from human lands.
A blade forged by the Dalish smiths, made from metal bartered for from the human lands.
The Dacian falx is a fearful weapon, even with this single-handed grip. They're very good at bite into the targets and tearing them open, no matter they're bare flesh, wooden shield, or steel armor. I can imagine un-armored, un-trained elves crush armored Tevinter soldiers with these blades and furious energy. (Also with number advantage.)
Lyna using a small shield (Dalish Shield) to pair with her sword.  The shield was central gripped (like a large wooden buckler or a mini viking shield), made of ironwood, emblem of Mythal painted on the leather face. It's about 16"/40 cm in diameter, easy to carryon. When she didn't wearing her metal armors, the shield will be most important protection.
Lyna master the technique of Dar'Misaan or other type of swords with shield. She was also a master of spear. She dreamed of wield her ancestor's spear since she can remember.
Lunate Spearhead by Neil Burridge as "Andruil's Spear"
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Beautiful replica of the Selborne spearhead. The most beautiful European spear in my opinion.
In our story, it's a Volcanic Aurum spearhead, 15.6"/39.5cm, with ash shaft, the spear about 2 meters in overall length. Not very long and relatively heavy. Lyna can using it one-handed with her shield, though, only for thrust. She prefer using it with two-handed. In this case, it's a nimble, powerful weapon, good at both thrust and cut. Years before the origin story, she using this spear to fight dragon.
The spearhead made of Volcanic Aurum, so it's golden and shiny. For Lyna and her people, its origin has been forgotten. For centuries, the Hahrens of the clan only repeated how this golden spearhead reminds them a lovely story about the Andruil's golden spear (Codex entry: Unreadable Elven Writing), so they just call it the "Andruil's spear". Despite in the story, Andruil's golden spear had a shaft of gold, and this one's is only an old ash. The true story about this spear was very unlovely, so someone believed better is let it been forgotten…
"Our clan was one of the first to flee the Dales. When we came to Ferelden, the fiercest of the shemlen were the barbarians known as the Clayne. We didn't wait for them to attack us. Every Dalish clan in Ferelden united to bring the battle to them." We attacked them first? "They were barbarians without honor. They would have slain us without a second thought."
Like any other Dalish, Lyna learn how to shoot a bow and arrow since she learnt walk. It's the only fighting skill, she can't say she is the best of the clan. Even so, she was an excellent hunter still.
In her daily hunting work, she using a longbow. It's accurate, light. Just powerful enough for kill large animals. When she prepare for combat - usually she was at the head of the clan, scout the way when the clan moving, to prevent attacked by bandits - she will using a shortbow, so she can shoot it on the halla's back easily. (She rode halla when the clan in travelling, like the Emerald Knights.) 
vfc Archery 45" Osage Orange Sinew Backed Snakeskin Shortbow as Ironbark Scout's Bow
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Scout's Bow
This shortbow, and others of its kind, are the chosen weapon of Dalish elf scouts. They bear the symbols of Andruil, goddess of the hunt.
Did you see that rattlesnake tail!
Lyna's shortbow made from Ironbark, by Master Ilen. Despite the size, it is heavier and more powerful than most Dalish longbows.
A head canon for Dragon Age lore wise: The Ironbark in Dragon Age like a fantasy super version of real world Ironbark. (Wood of some Eucalyptus species are very hard and durable. Some of them are excellent bow wood.) The Ironbark is stronger and lighter than steel, rare and precious. The Dalish will not waste even the most small pieces - they using them making magic amulets (Rare Ironbark), and probably other small objects. Even little bits of wood has medicinal value (Herbalist's Tasks (Act 1)). With the fantasy background, the bows made of Ironbark are much more efficient and powerful than normal bows in the same draw weight. And by the excellent quality of the wood, Ironbark bows no need backed to make them works better.
The Ironbark bows were rare enough, not every Dalish hunter can have one. But Lyna was the golden girl of her clan, she was everyone's favorite. So she got all the best equipment the clan have. Well, not ALL of them… Lyna's younger brother Theryn was an archer who even much skilled than her, his bow was the best.
2. The
Dalish Hunter
When his twin elder sister spend all her free time on the combat training, Theryn walking in the forest, listening and learning from the nature. He practice his skill of bow and arrow in hunting - it took most of his free time. No land, no crops, no livestock, means hunting is the most important way to get foods and clothing. (Halla are friends, not food.) Theryn want to do what he can to helping every member of the clan will not feel hungry and cold at the end of the day.
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Years before the origin story, Theryn and Lyna, Merrill, led by Keeper Marethari, the group killed a young dragon. Afterwards, Master Ilen using dragon skin made a set of leather armor for Theryn. (Includes sleeves and pants.) The Ancient Elven Helm he wearing here once wore by his sister - she doesn't need it anymore…
Theryn was not only the best archer of his clan, but also the best archer of all Dalish in the period. At the last Arlathvenn, he was showing his great skill on the archery competition, and received an powerful Ironbark longbow as the championship trophy. It made by Master Varathorn - craftsman of another clan.
64" Osage Character Bow by Weylin Olive as Wolf-Killer
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Wolf-Killer was crafted by a master Dalish craftsman. An arrow fired from it will almost always find the heart of the beast it is aimed at.
I chose this bow because this:
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In the game, the Wolf-Killer also have a pair of brush nocks.
The shape of Wolf-Killer was very similar to the one on the very right of this picture.
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It's so hard to find a good bow picture. :(
Theryn generally avoids getting involved in melee combat. Not saying he lacks the skill or courage. Compared to his sister, he may spent only half of time to training with blades. Theryn still is a very talented and skilled swordsman, capable in melee. He carries a pair of fine steel short sword and dagger:
TFW Espada Y Daga as Elven Curved Sword & Dagger
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When I think about "elven blades", there always had an image of narrow, thin, curved long knives. "Poisoned" by The Lord of the Rings films, yeah…
They might looks like a longer and a shorter versions of Legolas' Fighting Knives from the movies - if with the same hilt. But actually very different. The forward curved blades and the balance offer better cutting power. The point and the grip on a straight line. With the false edge it have good thrust ability. For Theryn, who's a very fast and agile swordsman, they're very good weapons. Not only looks elegant, but also very practical. (They're original version of Isabela's sword and dagger.)
With his bow and arrows, Theryn is a deadly killer in battle. If someone get close enough to draw him into melee combat, and was not immediately killed by his blades, they'll find them already become a prey of a fierce giant wolf…
Three years ago, in the hard winter, Theryn found a little puppy wolf in a trap, it was very close to a Ferelden village. He rescued the puppy and fostering her. Tried find the pack send her return to her family, but they were already moving too far for away from humen. So, Theryn have his own animal companion since that: the white wolf name Winter Fang.
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She's adorable, also can be horrible.
Dalish Weapons Kit
When Lyna had to leave her beloved clan and her people, to join the Grey Wardens for get the cure of the taint from them, she only carried some ordinary weapons, left all of her precious equipment to the clan - she will not let them fall into the hands of some dishonest shem, who fishing in her troubled waters.
Lyna give her dear friend Fenarel her Ironbark bow. And he give her the longbow made by himself as return.
Recurve selfbows as Dalish Longbows
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Dalish Longbow
This longbow's elegantly curved limbs are adorned with the symbols of Andruil, the elven goddess of the hunt.
Considering how important hunting is to them, I assume that bow making is a compulsory course for Dalish when they were children.
Most of Elven bows are selfbows, because: They're easy to make and maintain. Elves have their way (with magic or alchemy) to treat bow woods, to make them light and powerful.  They have some composite bows, most of them were only backed with pretty animal skins or painted fabrics, just for the attractive appearances. Horn bows are very rare in the hands of Dalish people, especially for those who living the cold, humid forest of south Thedas. Besides, they don't need bother to making delicate horn bows when they have their simple, powerful enchanted selfbows.
Lyna returned the ancient armor and the Veridium blades to the old master. Take only two old steel blades from the clan.
There is no reason for the Dalish make only curved swords. I imagine they also made versatile, straight, double-edged swords or daggers.
Devil's Edge Greek Xiphos as Short Elven Sword
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Devil's Edge Greek Short Xiphos as Elven Dagger
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Elven straight, double-edged blade is leaf-blade. Yeah, leaf-shaped blades looks definitely "elven". :3 "Poisoned" by The Lord of the Rings films. (Leliana's short sword is a modern Xiphos.)
Lyna give the "Andruil's Spear" to Merrill - the First of the Keeper. Who coveted it for long time… "No, Merrill, that's a spearhead, not staff blade." (WTH a staff blade is, exactly?) 
Her foster mother, Ashalle, give her an old spear. Lyna has used it before she wield the "Andruil's Spear".
Deepeeka Classical Leaf Blade Spearhead as Elven Spearhead 
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Like the straight sword, Elven spear should have leaf-blade.
The Dalish also made tanged spear like these:
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Molten Bronze Tanged Spear
In this case, the spearhead actually is sharp Ironbark. The small pieces Ironbarks were chopped off from the chunk of wood when they making them to bows.
A head canon for Dragon Age lore wise: No land, no mines, the Dalish can get metals only by barter with other races. Or rob from them. The Chantry obviously will not happy about the heretics get too many weapon quality metals. So I think no matter who barter metals to the Dalish, they will use it to get a better bargain. So weapon quality metals will be incredible expensive and treasure to the Dalish.
So, if you are a Dalish, lack good metals and you need to making enough weapons to equip your clan, what would you do? My answer is: making long pointed sticks! I mean: Spear - the King of weapons. Spear is awesome, it much easier to make and maintain than sword. You can using small piece of metal to make light, agile spear. You can also using a lots metals to make a large, heavy, cutting thrusting spear, or partisan. And using langets to reinforces it. With the smaller size, and compact structure, you can make spearheads with low quality metals that too soft or too brittle to making swords, they will still useful. You can make spear very long, like lance. You can make it very short, like the Iklwa. Or you can throw it, like javelin. You can also using it as a walking staff. Not matter untrained small child, or strong skilled warrior. You can equip every member of your clan with appropriate weapons easily. Spear is awesome!
In the end, Lyna and Theryn exchanged their knives.
Molten Bronze Siberian Shaman Knife as Ironbark Knife
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Knives was very important in both the medieval life and the outdoor life. A important knife often shows personality of the owner.
For the Dalish people, I imagine their knives are made from Ironbark, with totem handle to showing they been chosen by which Creator. So Lyna's knife handle is carved into a shape of Mythal's dragon head. And Theryn's knife with a Ghilan'nain's halla head. (Same with their Vallaslin.)
The twins carrying each other's knives, just like part of their heart is always on each other, even when they have to separate. Until one day someone else bring back Theryn's knife to him.
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youexploreus · 4 years
The 6 Best Electric Guitar Of 2020
Finding the best electric guitar for you is a very personal choice. After all, there are countless shapes and sizes to choose from, all of which suit different musical genres and goals. Then, of course, you have to consider your budget at this time and what that amount of money will buy you.
In our expert guide to electric guitars, we've recommended a host of options across several key price points. These cover every base from guitarists just getting started through to gigging musicians and experts, giving all of you tons of inspiration when it comes to finding your next electric guitar.
In addition to this round-up of the very best electric guitars in the world right now, we have also split our expert recommendations down further by price point. So you can also choose to check out the best cheap electric guitars under $/£500 and the best electric guitars under $/£1,000.
You'll find a wide selection of the most highly rated instruments from our rigorous reviews, ensuring that whichever electric guitar you pick, it will provide years of faithful service and great tone, whether you're playing at home or taking your guitar to the stage or into the studio.
From the best Fender Telecasters or Stratocasters to the greatest semi-hollow, shred and guitars for metal, no matter what kind of music you play, we've got you covered with this pro round-up of the best electric guitars.
What is the best electric guitar right now?
If you're on a budget you should consider Yamaha's Pacifica 112V. With classic double-cut looks and the company's renowned build quality, Pacific as have long been a go-to instrument for those seeking quality on a tight budget, making it our best electric guitar choice for newcomers and those on smaller budgets.
If you're after authentic classic rock tones, opt for something from the big players – and that means either Fender or Gibson. The Fender Player Stratocaster is a great all rounder for vintage and modern single-coil tones alike. And Epiphone (Gibson's budget brand)'s Les Paul Standard PlusTop Pro adds contemporary spice to a classic recipe.
Choosing the best electric guitar for you
Investing in a new electric guitar? We've got your back with a few essential hints and tips to steer you in the right direction and help you buy the best electric guitar for you...
Here's the most important choice you'll face: humbuckers or single coil pickups? Very generally, humbuckers have less top end and are suited to heavier styles. Check out Epiphone's Les Paul Standard PlusTop Pro and PRS's SE Custom 24.
Fender's Stratocaster and Telecaster models are perhaps the best known single coil-equipped guitars ever. Try the Fender Player Stratocaster for funky vibes or the Vintera Telecaster for fuller-bodied rhythm and biting country twang tones.
Think also about body shape. Planning to hone your shred chops? Deep double-cuts in the body will help with top fret access – both the Ibanez RG550 and Charvel's Pro-Mod DK24 HSS should be on your shortlist of the best electric guitars for you.
So, are you ready to find the best electric guitar for your playing style, the music you mostly play and the budget you're working with? Then let's dive in and take a look at these seriously awesome axes right now...
1. Squier Bullet Mustang
Not just for kids
Different to the usual Strat/Les Paul duopoly
Not easily outgrown
Not much at this price!
When choosing an electric guitar for a child, there are a number of things to consider. The guitar itself has to be reasonably light to ensure smaller shoulders can cope. It needs to be easy enough to play for small hands, with an appropriately-sized neck. And it needs to look cool. Because, let's face it, at that age the look of the guitar arguably trumps its ability to traverse multiple tonal areas.
There are a few dedicated mini versions of regular guitars, but we've gone for one which is full sized, fully equipped and affordable. The Squier Bullet Mustang features a slightly smaller scale length which, combined with the basswood body, make it easy to get to grips with. But, importantly, its double humbuckers ensure it can keep up with most grown-up guitars. And it looks totally badass.
 2. Epiphone Les Paul Standard
Gibson homage at a fraction of the cost
Ideal marriage of price and performance
Perfect step up for learners
Humbuckers aren’t the most versatile
When we're talking value, one guitar instantly springs to mind. The Epiphone Les Paul Standard has been the go-to guitar for thousands of players over the years, and for good reason. Put simply, this guitar ticks a lot of boxes. It's exceptionally well-made, it sounds great and, importantly, it won't break the bank.
For many players, this guitar hits the perfect sweet spot between quality, price and performance. It's why you see so many people graduate to it as their first 'serious' axe, and why you see so many on the weekend warrior circuit. If a bona fide Gibson is out of reach financially, you can't go far wrong with one of these.
3. Squier Classic Vibe '60s Stratocaster
Period-accurate styling
Performance exceeds price tag
Extremely well made
Single coils not for heavier tones
The entry-level guitar market is in a much healthier place than it was even 10 years ago. Now, manufacturers and brands are employing far higher levels of quality control than they did. This means even 'cheaper' guitars deliver tones, construction and playability previously reserved for mid and higher level models.
The Squier Classic Vibe '60s Stratocaster is the perfect example of this. Previously, an entry-level guitar would tend to last a couple of years, have string action like playing razor wire, and tones like a horde of bees in a tin can. Not so any more.
This Classic Vibe looks, feels and sounds incredible, and even gives some of the cheaper Fender models a run for their money. Style and playability at a price that won't make your eyes water. Progress is a wonderful thing.
4. PRS SE 277 Baritone
Robust construction
Pleasing depth of sound
Stunning finish
Neck can feel tacky
Baritone guitars are pretty unique. By having a longer neck, and utilising thicker strings, you get the advantage of entirely new scales, tones and techniques opening up to you. Granted, the majority of baritone players tend to be metal fans looking for new ways to achieve heavier sounds, but there's beauty in the beast too.
The PRS SE 277 is a perfect example. It combines the 27.7” extended range and deeper, darker sound, with the incredible build quality and attention to detail we've come to expect from PRS' sister line.
The 277 probably won't be anybody's go-to main guitar, but as something a bit different which inspires a different way of playing, it's a great choice.
5. Fender Vintera '60s Telecaster Modified
Classic styling
More tonally interesting than a regular Tele
Neck is a dream to play
Won't satisfy all styles
Vibe is a somewhat nebulous concept. Essentially, it's a guitar which evokes a certain mood or level of cool. While any number of axes could fit the bill, we've gone for the excellentFender Vintera '60s Telecaster Modified.
The Vintera combines a simple Tele layout with some clever tweaks under the hood and oodles of aforementioned vibe.
Underneath the standard alder body, you get access to some pretty unique pickup options. A special four-way switch offers both single coil pickups in series, while the S-1 switch on the volume knob inverts the phase giving you plenty of usable tones to choose from.
6. Fender American Performer Stratocaster HSS
Musically versatile
Ideal studio guitar
Impressive range of sounds
Large headstock not to everyone's taste
For many players, there comes a time when they want to branch out. To try new styles of playing, sounds or genres. And, while it would be nice to have specific guitars for each of these styles, sometimes that isn't possible. So we look for a jack of all trades. The Fender American Performer Stratocaster is one such guitar.
Offering the dual benefits of classic single coil Fender attack, with the extra heft of a bridge humbucker, we get a guitar that can handle most styles of music with ease. Add to that the ability to split the humbucker into two single coils, and you have all the versatility you could ever need. And, being a high-end Fender, you know the sounds on offer are all top notch.
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Bodyguard III: Avengers Assemble (Chapter 11) (B. Urie x Reader)
Iron Man sped towards the incoming army, shooting at them. The Chitautari fired back at him, and he fired more blasts, spinning out of the way as he dodged exploding debris from every angle.
He flew higher, and bam! – he was hit by an alien hovercraft. Shaking it off and righting himself, Tony released mini-missiles at the army, blowing some of them up.
Below, on the streets of Manhattan, fearful citizens were scrambling out of their vehicles and taxis, looking to the sky. As they began running for their lives, the Chitauri came down toward them, blowing up cars, buildings and the streets.
Stark tower landing pad.
Loki walked out onto the pad, his Asgardian armor materialising as he looked out over the chaos below. Suddenly, Thor landed on the lower platform.
“Loki!” he challenged, pointing Mjolnir at the device, “Turn off the Tesseract or I’ll destroy it!”
“You can’t,” Loki laughed, looking up to the sky, “There is no stopping it. There is only the war!”
Clenching his teeth, Thor grumbled. “So be it.”
Leaping at each other, the two brothers began to brawl, a blast from Loki’s sceptre sending one of the letters of ‘STARK’ falling from the building to the ground.
The streets.
Civillians ran for cover, screaming, as several police cars showed up. The officers stepped out of their cars and looked up at the aliens in trepidation.
In the sky, the quinjet fast approached the tower, which was beaming the blue stream to the sky, keeping the portal open and allowing the aliens entry.
Brendon’s voice sounded over the comms network. “Stark, we’re on a three heading north east.”
“What, did you stop for drive-thru?” Tony scoffed, shaking his head, “Swing that park, I’m gonna lay ‘em out for you.”
Iron Man trailed through the air, leading a troop of chasing Chitauri past the tower – where Loki and Thor were still hashing it out. He circled the building and took a sharp turn, causing some of the troop to crash.
Inside the quinjet, Brendon and Clint were piloting. They released a cannon gun from the underbelly of the jet, letting out a stream of continuous bullet fire at the troop of Chitauri as Iron Man led them past in high speed. Flying through the smoke, they climbed up to Stark Tower.
“Sir, we have more incoming,” JARVIS notified.
“Fine,” was Tony’s response, “Let’s keep them occupied.”
The quinjet came around a skyscraper, blasting the army who were firing at them. One of the wings were grazed by Chitauri gunfire, and the jet slowed as it came to the tower.
The brothers were still in battle. Thor smashed Loki’s head into glass on the catwalk of the landing pad.
“Brendon!” you called out, bringing attention to your feuding cousins.
“I see ‘em,” he replied.
Spotting the jet, Loki threw Thor to the floor, then blasted one of the jet’s rotor blades with his sceptre, causing it to catch fire. An angered Thor witnessed the ordeal, and tackled his brother; the two of them threw punches as the quinjet fell to the ground.
Brendon and Clint held on for dear life, while you, Natasha and Steve grabbed hold of the roof as the jet grazed building after building, crashing down to the street.
With the jet now on the ground, Brendon and Clint removed their headsets and opened the ramp, allowing your team to exit.
“We gotta get back up there,” you said, looking up at the landing pad.
The five of you sprinted onto the overpass below Stark Tower, coming to a sudden halt as you spotted a giant armored Leviathan – the warship of the Chitauri – fly through the portal along with more warriors.
“Stark, are you seeing this?” Steve breathed in disbelief.
“Seeing. Still working on believing…” Tony answered over the comms, “Where’s Banner? Has he shown up yet?”
“Just keep me posted.”
From above, Iron Man circled around the Leviathan. “JARVIS, find me a soft spot.”
The alien tore through building after building, roaring thunderously as it did so. On the landing pad, Thor held Loki by his collar, shaking him as he used his head to gesture at the chaos erupting around them.
“Look at this!” Thor yelled angrily, “Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?”
Loki looked around.  “It’s too late,” he shook his head, eyes wide, “It’s too late to stop it.”
“No. We can, together.”
Hearing his brother’s words, Loki paused for a fleeting moment, then slipped a knife into his hand and stabbed Thor.
“Sentiment!” he spat bitterly.
The God of Mischief rolled himself off of the edge of the building, only to land on one of the flying Chitauri crafts. He flew off into the city.
Overpass below Stark Tower.
“We’ve got civillians trapped,” Brendon noted, pointing at various surrounding streets and buildings.
Overhead, Loki flew on one of the Chitauri flying crafts, leading a troop of aliens who made haste of blowing up all visible streets.
“They’re fish in a barrel down there,” Cap said, looking on down a busy street at where the aliens were wrecking havoc.
“We got this. It’s good,” you nodded at Brendon and Steve, hands beginning to glow, “Go!”
Steve looked at Clint questioningly. “You think you can hold them off?”
“Captain,” the marksman readied his bow, “it would be my geniuine pleasure.”
Clint reached over his shoulder to grab an arrow then quickly fired it, hitting one alien in the head. The arrow branched into smaller ones, all of which flew straight into the heads of three other members of the Chitauri.
Sharing a curt nod, Brendon and Steve left the rest of you to fend off the aliens. Running, they jumped off of the overpass and rolled onto a bus and into the street.
You and Natsha continued firing at the Chitauri, her with her pistols and you with your icicles, as Clint helped trapped civillians off of a turned-over bus. Once the vehicle was clear, he rushed over to join you two, shooting arrows.
“Just like Budapest all over again!” Natasha called to him.
He pulled a weird face. “You and I remember Budapest very differently.”
Streets of midtown Manhattan.
Brendon and Steve sprinted through the streets, dodging debris and jumping off of cars as they went. From inside a nearby building, a chorus of screams got their attention.
“I got it,” Brendon spoke, diverting his path to the left towards the sound.
Leaving his teammate to assist the trapped civillians, Steve ran towards the group of police cars just ahead, where the Sergeant was addressing one of the young cops.
“It’s gonna be an hour before they scramble the National Guard,” the rookie informed his boss, who scoffed it off.
“National Guard!” They ducked to avoid a Chitauri blast. “Does the army know what’s happening here?”
The rookie looked at the Sergeant hopelessly. “Do we?”
Just then, Cap jumped down onto the hood of the police car in front of the two cops and began dishing out orders, gesturing with his hands. “You need men in these buildings. There are people inside and they could be running right into the line of fire. You take them to the basement or through the subway, you need to keep them off the streets. I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.”
The Sergeant did not take kindly to being ordered around, and he pointed at Cap angrily. “Why the hell should I take orders from you?”
Two Chitauri warriors appeared and attacked the Captain, but he fought them off with ease, then turned back to the two cops. They stood in shock for a moment, then the Sergeant reacted by turning around and walking back to his men.
“I need men in those buildings, lead the people down and away from the streets,” he instructed, then spoke into his radio, “We’re gonna set up a perimeter all the way down to 39thstreet.”
In the air, Iron Man was firing an endless stream of ammunition at the Leaviathan, which finally took notice and turned to chase him.
“It noticed me…” Tony mumbled to himself, focusing on leading it away, “… yay!”
Overpass below Stark Tower.
After having diffused a hostage situation in a building a few blocks down, Brendon had rejoined you, Clint and Natasha, and the four of you were in heavy battle with the alien army.
Clint tripped an advancing alien, pulling an arrow and stabbing it while behind him, Natasha used her Widow’s Bite on a warrior as she tackled him around the neck.
Kicking one alien in its midsection, Brendon swiped its weapon and used it to fight off another group of its peers. One warrior made an attempt to slice Brendon’s head off, but he skillfully dodged it, sliding down on his knees. Jumping to his feet, he hit the alien in the head with the sharp point of the weapon.
Forming an icicle, you stabbed an alien in the heart, then turned and knocked another out with an elbow to the head. Spinning around, you aimed in the direction of a large group of warriors, and fired an icy blast. Another one charged you from the right side, but you turned and fired at it, too, then unleashed rapid fire on all of them.
Behind you, Clint knocked down a warrior, then grabbed an arrow and shot behind himself, killing another. He then proceeded to get into battle with another warrior, who tackled him to the ground. Groaning, he hastily searched for an arrow and stabbed the assailant, jumping onto his feet. In a blindsided attack, another alien attacked him and kicked him into the trunk of a nearby cab.
Meanwhile, Natasha was taking on three warriors by herself, shooting one, then spinning around and stabbing the other two in the neck. Two more approached her, backing her onto a taxi. They took a swing at her, but she moved her head out of the way and managed to get her footing on the ground and pick up a fallen Chitauri weapon. She tried to hit them with it, but one of the warriors grabbed it and threw her into the air. She landed on the cab and screamed in pain, her breathing heavy.
Across from her, an alien came up from behind and slammed Brendon’s head onto the roof of a car, with another one shoving him onto the ground harshly. The agent was tired, but he continued fighting.
The only one left standing, you put all you had into fighting the Chitauri off, until the rest of your team was able to muster up enough energy to carry on. Not even a minute later, Clint clambered out of the taxi’s trunk, Natasha slid off of the hood of another, and Brendon stood up.
Strength regained, the three agents flanked your sides and aided you in firing at the aliens. They were beginning to surround you, and Cap rejoined the fight, knocking some out of the way.
Clouds began to gather, and Thor dropped down from the tower, killing the lot of them with lighting.
“What’s the story upstairs?” Cap asked him.
“The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable.”
From over the comms, Tony’s voice sounded. “Thor’s right; we gotta deal with these guys.”
“How do we do this?” Brendon looked around, shaking his head.
“As a team,” you answered.
Thor stepped forward, looking at Steve. “I have unfinished business with Loki.”
“Oh yeah?” Clint half-chuckled, readying some arrows, “Get in line.”
“Save it,” the Captain spoke up, wanting to get everyone focused and on the same page, “Loki’s gonna keep this fight focused on us and that’s what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he’s gonna need us to-“
Steve stopped suddenly, the whirr of a scooter catching his attention. Turning, he saw Bruce arrive, wearing clothes much too large for him, on said scooter. The group of you walked over to him as he dismounted the vehicle, surveying the damage.
“So, this all seems horrible,” he quipped, wringing his hands.
“I’ve seen worse,” Natasha clapped back, referring to their earlier altercation.
“No, we could- use a little worse,” she noded.
Steve pressed one finger to his ear, speaking. “Stark, we got him.”
“Just like you said.”
“Then tell him to suit up. I’m bringing the party to you.”
From around the corner, Iron Man flew into view, heading for your group as the Leviathan followed closely behind.
“I-I don’t see how that’s a party,” you furrowed your brows.
Tony drew the creature in low, causing its underside to skim the road. Bruce turned away from all of you and started for the Leviathan.
Steve called out after him, mildly concered. “Doctor Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry.”
With a smirk, Bruce spoke over his shoulder. “That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always angry.”
In an instant, Bruce transformed into the Hulk and punched the Leviathan, smashing it into the ground. Iron Man blasted a missile at the wounded creature, and it exploded.
With the biggest alien threat now neutralised, your team took a moment to regroup, rejuvenated.
The Avengers gathered, standing in a circle. Hulk roared. Hawkeye nocked an arrow. Thor readied Mjolnir. Ace loaded his gun. Iron Man touched down next to Hulk. Black Widow powered up her Widow’s Bites. Snowflake summoned her powers. And Captain America adjusted the strap of his shield.
Hovering above on a Chitauri craft, Loki looked on with contempt.
“Send the rest.”  
Thank you for reading x
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scraplette · 6 years
Lost Light #22 Thoughts & Feels
Goodness. It's been a while since I've written up one of these posts but, now that I'm free of the grips of cosplay, it only makes sense to hop right back in with this issue. And, oh boy, what an issue!
Under a read more for the biggest of all spoilers.
+First off, the Misfire/Swerve team is beautfiful, and I will tear this universe apart to keep them together. Fite me.
+Yay! Megatron is back! I'm happy to see him but obviously Magnus and Rodimus will be a bit miffed. Not like they parted on the best of terms... Yeah, bugger you, Terminus.
+Throwing in one more WHAT for good measure.
+BTW I was wrong. A few T&F posts ago I said that the Council couldn't become even bigger pricks than they are now. I was wrong. They heard my statement and said “Primus, hold our planet sized beer,” and considering what is revealed later in the issue, their hypocrisy has reached all an new levels of prickness.
+”Okay, so you see the fleet of Decepticon worldsweepers? See the green one? That's us. We're in there. I'm waving.”
I hope Megs waves back. It'd be rude not to. Also, the following exchange of “Why are you in a worldsweeper?” “Hm?” is perfect. Say what you want about Autobot Megatron, I will never not love the Rodimus/Megatron back and forth. Even the little admission from Rodimus, that Megatron “isn't that bad once you get to know him”, brought a smile to my face.
+I'm glad that Megatron wasn't the Big Bad like the last issue was hinting at. After everything he went through with the LL crew, plus his second chance in the FU, I would've been super irked if he went “evil” again. It's a shame the current IDW canon is ending, though, I would've loved a mini series detailing Meg's time in the FU. Looks like he's been busy.
+Do something? What can they do, Flame? Flame? FLAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMEEEEE?!
(Yes, I know this one was a bit forced, but it's been forever since I've seen Flame! How could I resist!)
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[Bites on fist] HGGGGNNNN!!! This is really sweet!
+It is hard to conceive of a greater affront to the Mechanica Divine than a multitude of false Cybertrons.”
OH DO FUCK OFF! You're flying around in the biggest possible example of your hypocrisy!You've moved the goal posts so often I doubt you can even see them any more! Later in the issue Megatron explains that the council altered Cybertron itself, allowing it the power of space travel and transformation. Remember how enormous a sin deviating from your Alt-modes original purpose was to the Council? Nah? No worries. Neither do they.
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Nuuuuuu! I wanted Megatron and Pax to be happy together Q_Q
But wait, hang on, did Megatron ever meet FU!Rung? The only contact I remember them having was Megatron seeing FU!Rung's corpse. Bit of a stretch on the Council's part to claim Megs “loved” Rung. Does this mean FU!Rung survived the moon battle? Just another question to  question for Roberts at TFNation.
+Oh no. Terminus died... How tragic.
+Pharma's thirst for Ratchet is so strong, you guys. Even gods struggle against this thirsty boy.
+Adaptus?! COME AGAIN?
+skdgjndfjg Megatron interacting with the Scavenger is just so GOOD!
+I know a lot of folks have been waiting for this meeting between Drift and Megatron. It was short but no less sweet. It's also cool to see the Zero Point used again, we haven't seen it since the Shadowplay Arc where Rung was struggling to bridge the gap. And awww! Megatron became a Medic like he always wanted to Q_Q
+”It's a good colour, Sweve”
+Yuuuup. Really want that Megatron/FU miniseries...
+Again with the Ratchet, Rodimus, Rung, and Tailgate chant. I'm 100% sure The Magnificence has it's own agenda. However, I have no idea whose side it's on.
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Were Grimlock and THUNDERCLASH'S(sighwhataguy) speech bubbles swapped around? THUNDERCLASH seems pretty eager to blow up a planet.
+Right, time for the meat of this issue. If what Adaptus/Pharma says is true then this is possibly the biggest reveal in all of the IDW canon. I'll go over the identities of the other Guiding hand members before moving onto the big boy himself, as I've got quite a bit to talk about there. Oh yes.
I ADORE that Censere was Mortilus. The kind, sombre bot who quietly went about his duty, ensuring that the dead of Cybertron were not forgotten. It's also so refreshing to see the God of Death portrayed in a rather positive light. The only interaction we've had with Mortilus has been through his followers who, if we're perfectly honest, have all been giant edge lords XD I would've loved for them to meet Censere face to face. I bet he would've been horrified by their actions, maybe even invited them into his stronghold for a chat about their life choices. It's so sad that he died the way he did -_-
Tyrest... Gotta admit, not so thrilled about that one. Admittedly, it makes a lot of sense, especially when you start going over some of the details. He lead the research into “spark splicing” and had access to the Matrix, plus he was able to build a portal to one of his fellow gods. I always thought it was odd that his portal, ya know, actually worked because we all thought he was a little nuts. But maybe, just maybe, a little part of him remembered his connection to the Guiding hand. It's also quite tragic to see how the supposed god of wisdom was broken down over the years, his sanity chipped away at to the point of self-harm. Either way, I dunno, I think if we'd seen more of Tyrest after Remain in Light I probably would've liked this reveal a bit more, but it can't be helped since the end is fast approaching.
The Magnificence. The font of all knowledge is also Epistemus... Yeah, I'm fine with that. All good XD
Okay... Primus... right, I double dipped and bought the issue off the IDW app before they recalled the issue, so I've been holding onto this spoiler for a whole week.
[takes deep breath]
My mind is whirling, guys. When I saw that final panel everything clicked into place and it ALL MADE SENSE. The brightest spark, his serial number(reversed it becomes one) his memory problems, his odd habit of being in important points in history(which can't all be linked to Elegant Chaos because Rewind said there were billions of entries), the hotspot on Luna1,his deja-vu upon seeing the Luna 1 portal, no one remembering him. Everything!
I'm just stunned.
Roberts has really earned this reveal. I'm thrilled to bits by it. But now now I'm wondering, since a running theme of MTMTE/LL is the interpretation of myths and legends and how time can alter our perspective of those tales, how much of the creation myth is true. Are Rung, and the other members of the Guiding Hand, actual Gods or just REAAAAAALY ancient Transformers with unusual abilities. Did Rung and Censere really have a punch up? Is Rung truly responsible for the creation of the Cybertronian race?! HOW? Why doesn't he remember anything? How did we go from Warrior God to Nebbish Noodle Arms McCutie? Did he really fuse with Vector sigma? Is he Primus made flesh or a reincarnated spark? I have so many questions about my favourite character being the source of EVERYTHING.
+Love that final panel btw. It's like Rung got bored of everything and decided to have a sit down whilst he figured out how to clean his glasses one-handed. Please, PLEASE, let the first panel of the next issue be him, looking at the stunned faces of his friends, saying “What?”
+It’s such a shame that the comics only have a few issues left, I’d have loved to have seen this storyline expanded upon. Imagine how the Cybertronian race would've reacted to seeing the God for real.
+Oh dear. How are Cyclonus and Drift going to take this? The Knights are fake and the gods walk among you as normal dudes.
+Oh, we still don't know what Rung turns into but it's probably to do with spark creation/storage.
+We also still don't know why Ratchet was fading away a few issues ago.
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sgtbradfords · 6 years
The Strong Warrior
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader; Avengers x Reader
Summary: A relaxing vacation in the Hamptons should be all about sand, sun and relaxing right? Wrong. 
Warnings: Lots of Fluff, Mild Language
A/N: Guess who is back writing after a two year hiatus! This one came to me a few nights ago and I have been working on it since. Also, I am prepared to turn this into a mini-series so there’s that... Enjoy!
The ocean could be heard lapping nearby as the cool wind of the night caused a chill to run down your spine. You pulled the blanket wrapped around you closer, reaching over to grab the brew sitting next to you, taking a sip.
After weeks of the team and yourself, running yourselves into the ground, it was decided that the team should take a much needed and deserved vacation at Tony’s vacation house in the Hamptons of New York.
“You know, I’m not sure I have ever had a s’more before now.” Bruce Banner commented from across the open flame of the fire pit in front of you as he roasted a marshmallow on a stick.
“Seriously?” Clint Barton commented “You have no idea what you have been missing out on then.” He sighed as he shoved another oozing bite into his mouth.
“Clint’s right, sometimes all it takes is a simple s’more to remind you of home.” You agreed.
‘Thanks [Y/N].’ he signed as he smiled at you, chocolate and marshmallow covering his face from one side to the other.
You laughed, “Though I do believe Barnes over there might argue with us.” You said as you pointed over towards the table on the other side of the patio where Bucky was struggling to get the sticky fluff off his metallic fingers.
“Hey Barnes! You know it’s supposed to go in your mouth, not on your fingers.”  You yelled towards him as he flicked you off. You rolled your eyes, taking the last swig of your cold brew before standing. “I’m going to go get me another one, anyone else want anything?”
You were met with a chorus of yes and no as you made your way through the sliding door, back into the house and into the kitchen. You opened the fridge, grabbing the five beers that was requested, when you felt a metal arm slide around your waist, pulling you backwards.
“You know, if you wanted me that bad doll you should have just told me.”  A husky voice spoke.
You rolled your eyes once more “Down boy.” You told him, removing his hand before turning around to face him. “Enjoying the night there Barnes?”
“I’d be enjoying it more if you were-“ Bucky spoke before being interrupted by the loud chime of the doorbell, echoing throughout the house.
“Hold that thought.” You told him as you side stepped him, placing the beers onto the counter before yelling “I’ve got it!”.
You walked to the front door, expecting to see someone standing there, only to find no one. “Seriously.” You grumbled, “I shouldn’t have fallen for-“ when something wrapped in blue laying on the welcome mat, caught your eye.
Your breath caught “Who is it?” You heard Bucky yell as you stepped out and bent down to pick up the blanket.
“Hey little guy,” You cooed as you pushed the blanket away from his face, seeing that the infant was asleep. “What are you doing out here?” You said as you held him in your arms, gently bouncing him when a slip of paper attached to the blanket caught your eye ‘Take care of him.’
“Bucky!” you yelled as quietly and urgently as possible. “James!”
Bucky was still in the kitchen at the back of the house, washing the marshmallow off his fingers when he heard you yell. He took off in a run, immediately thinking the worse.
“[Y/N]! What’s going on?” He yelled back, grabbing the hand gun that was secured under the table in the hall.
He approached the entryway carefully, gun raised and ready to shoot, seeing that your back was turned from him.
“[Y/N]…” He spoke quietly, his voice rough as all the possibilities of what could be happening running through his head.
You turned around slowly, Bucky’s eyes growing to the size of saucers, “Holy shit! Is that-?” he said, lowering his weapon.
“Shh!” you scolded, “Don’t wake him!”
Bucky slowly nodded, “Ok…” he said, taking a deep breath in before yelling “GUYS!” franticly.
The rest of the team had heard you yell that you were getting the door and thought nothing else of it until they heard Bucky yell. Immediately, they casted glances at each other, thinking the worst before grabbing whatever weapon they could get their hands on as they ran to your aid. Natasha grabbed a knife from the butchers block in the kitchen, as Tony called for his suit, Steve activated his shields, as Clint grabbed his bow and arrow from on top of the dinning room table. They each cautiously approached the entry, hearing the sound of a crying baby.
The team looked at each other in confusion, mouths hanging open.
Tony was the first one to speak, removing the front of his mask. “[Y/N]…” he said cautiously “Is that… What? Where did that come from?”
“Well you see Tony, when a Mommy and a Daddy really love each other-“
Tony rolled his eyes, “That’s not what I meant smartass.” he started.
“Listen, all I know is that the doorbell rang, and he was laying on the welcome mat.”
“Are you sure there’s nothing that you and Metallica over there need to tell us?”
You were about to lash out when Steve and Bucky grabbed onto your upper arms.
“Stark, that’s enough.” Steve said as the baby in your arms started to reawaken, a whimpering cry coming from the child.
“Are we sure that he is human?” Bruce said, walking into the room.
“I… I’m not sure.” You said, swaying the child hoping it will keep him calm a few minutes longer. You pulled the tiny hat off the infant’s head, smiling at the head full of peach fuzz.
“He can’t be but maybe a few months old.” Clint said, dropping his weapon to the floor.
“Did you see anyone when you opened the door?” Natasha asked.
“No, I looked around and seen no one, thought someone was playing ding-dong ditch. I was about the shut the door when I seen this little guy.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. pull up the security footage.” Tony instructed the AI. “Roll it back an hour.”
The AI pulled up the footage, broadcasting it through Tony’s phone. There was nothing out of the ordinary up until thirty minutes ago, when a figure appeared on screen. The person, who stature screamed female, never showing their face, could be seen giving the infant a kiss on the forehead before they gently placed the child on the porch, and pressed the button for the doorbell.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y, any images of this person’s face?”
“I’m afraid not Mr.Stark.”
“What are you going to do? You have nothing here to keep a mortal.” Thor stated, bringing up the obvious.
“Well let’s call social services, they can handle this better than we could.” Sam suggested.
“No,” you said bringing the child closer to your body. “I am not putting him in the system.”
The team let out a sigh, quietly agreeing with you. “I know a guy, let me contact him and see if he can get us some more information on what to do. In the meantime, I think someone needs to go get the necessities.” Sam offered.
“Natasha and Wanda, you guys go and buy some clothes and a playpen. Legolas and Capsicle go to the store and buy some formula and baby food. Pointbreak, go with Wilson and find some more information. Banner and myself and going to run some tests.” Tony told the team, taking charge. “[Y/N], whatever you do, keep the thing happy.”
Everyone stood, looking at each other before moving around the house quickly.
Ten minutes later and the house was completely quiet.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Bucky asked, sitting beside you on the couch.
You were quiet for a second. “I’m wondering why she gave him up, why of all the Safe Haven places to take him, she brought him here, to us.” You told him honestly.
“We may never know.” Bucky coarse voice spoke, admiring the little one in your arms.
“Do you want to hold him?” you said, not giving Bucky a choice as you moved the baby around in your arms as you stood.
“No, I-“ he began to refuse as you gently placed the child’s head on his flesh arm before laying the rest of his body in his arms.
You stood, taking a mental picture of the scene in front of you as your heart melted.
“He’s moving! Oh god what do I do?” He stressed.
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “James,” you said softly, trying to calm the super soldier down. “It’s okay, he’s just waking up.” You said sitting back down, moving the infant on top of Bucky’s knees as the small child let out a yawn. “See? He’s okay, I promise. Let’s unswaddle him. He’s been wrapped up for awhile now.” You said, unwapping the blue blanket, letting it fall across Bucky’s legs as the baby’s arms and legs came to life. The infant yawned once again before smiling and opening his eyes.
“He’s so tiny. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve held a baby?” Bucky said quietly, as the baby wrapped his fingers around Bucky’s much larger metal one. “His eyes… they are so vibrant.”
“You know they probably aren’t that blue. As he gets older, more than likely they will change into a different color.” Bruce said as he walked into the room, startling both of you.
“Maybe not, we know nothing of his parents, so he could stay bald and blue eyed.”
“Well let’s hope to change that, we want to run a few simple scans first to see if anything is wrong with the kid and then we need to draw some blood and a stand of hair to find out more of who he may be. And then we can go from there.” Tony said as he joined you in the living room.
“Ok.” You said leerily as you took the infant back into your arms. “I guess the easiest way to do this would be me holding him?”
Tony nodded as he sat down on top of the coffee table in front of you, spraying numbing spray onto the crevice of his right arm.
You could practically feel your heart break as they stuck the infant with a needle, the little guy was not sure what was going on, but thankfully he seemed strong.
“When Clint and Cap get back, we will definitely need to feed him to replenish his blood.” Tony said as he closed off the medical tube and removed the butterfly needle from the baby’s arm, placing gauze and a bandage over the spot. “I’m going to go run this.” He said gesturing to the vile. “While Bruce is going to check out juniors measurements.”
“This might not be accurate since we don’t have the normal lab equipment, but it will at least give us an idea until we can get back to the facility.”
Bruce took you through the motions, having you remove the baby’s clothing before placing him on a scale that was on top of the dining room table. Next he had you place him onto a blanket on the table, so he could measure the infant’s length and head circumference. Lastly, he preformed a physical exam, checking to make sure everything looked to be healthy.
“His weight is good, he is in the 88th percentile and his height is amazing, falling into the 94th percentile. Everything looks to be in working order and his skull is growing perfectly with his brain. If I had to guess I would say he is about three months old.”
“So he is healthy?” Bucky asked, not leaving your side for a moment as the three of you looked down at the infant that was making baby noises and kicking his legs wildly.
“He seems to be, he is very cognitive. He is also going to be very tall, if my calculations are correct I would say he is going to be at least six foot three.”
A low whistle was heard coming from the entry way. “That’s taller than me!” Sam exclaimed. “Why does everyone have to be taller than the little guy?”
“Uh excuse me but I believe I am the little guy here.” Tony commented.
“That means he’s going be taller than all of us.” Bucky said in realization.
“Poor kid will have to duck in all the doorways.”
“Finally, a Migardian who I could see eye to eye with.” Thor grinned, picking up the baby from the table.
You rolled your eyes. ‘Men.’ By the time everyone had returned from their tasks, it was almost eleven and you all had gathered in the living room, the freshly bathed baby laying on a playmat in the floor.
“Ok so let’s start with the important news first. Sam, what did you find out?” Steve asked, taking temporary control over the situation.
“My guy said that for right now we would have to place him in emergency foster care.”
“Ok so one of us can go to social services and fill out the paperwork to foster, first thing tomorrow morning.” Spoke Tony.
“It’s not that simple, there are classes and steps that have to be taken.”
“Stark, can’t you do something?” You pleaded.
Tony ran a hand over his face, as the room became quiet. “What about an emergency adoption?”
The group assembled in the living room, looked from one to another before Steve was the first to talk. “Would it work? I mean he was not taken out of a tough situation, he was just abandoned.”
“Are you actually doubting my connections and capabilities? I have a few lawyer friends, I can call them and have them write something up before we take it to a judge to sign off on.”
You nodded before letting out a yawn “Let’s contact them tomorrow, I don’t want to make them mad by waking them up at almost midnight.”
“Now that that is taken care of, did everyone get everything?”
The next hour was spent watching Steve, Tony and Thor, try to figure out how to put a playpen and a few baby toys together, which was not going so great for them. But much to their disagreement, when Bucky and Clint stepped in, they got everything put together in half the amount of time. As everyone else spent time cuddling and playing with the infant, going through the things that were bought before putting everything to the side and heading off to bed.
It was just you and the baby as you fixed him a bottle of baby cereal mixed with formula, before heading to the couch to feed him, hoping he would go to sleep. A feeding and burping later, and the baby was out like a light laying on your chest as you relaxed on the couch watching the television mounted on the wall. Sometime during the night, you had drifted off, waking up to find no baby.
You sat up quickly, only to find Bucky reclined on the other end of the couch, with the baby cuddled up against him, as he watched the television, his metal arm wrapped around the baby’s tiny body, holding him close to his body.
“What happened? Is he ok?” You said as your motherly instinct kicked in, pushing your hair back behind your ear.
Bucky let out a small laugh “Sweetheart he’s fine, I was getting a glass of water when I heard him start to cry and didn’t want him to wake you.”
“Are you okay?” you asked, taking in his appearance, the bags under his eyes, the roughness of his voice.
“I am now.” He said quietly, giving you a small smile. You pulled the blanket off the back of the couch as laid your head down on his lap, his right hand combing through your hair.
Bucky thought you we’re asleep, his touches became fainter as he himself started to drift off, until your voice broke through the night air.
“Hey Buck…”
Your quiet voice startled him “Yeah?”
“Did… did you ever think about having kids?”
Bucky was quiet, and you thought that he had fallen asleep till his coarse voice spoke “I think… Honestly No. I know it was expected of me but at the time it didn’t feel like it was the right time, even though I was in my twenties. I was more worried about trying to find my next catch than settling down.”
“And now?”
Bucky smiled, looking at the baby on his chest “We will cross that bridge when we come to it.”
You smiled, repeating one word over and over again in your head as you fell back asleep. ‘We.’
“Think we should take a picture?”
“It could make for some good blackmail.” You distinctly heard Tony say.
“Come on guys let them be.” Steve sighed, walking into the room. “They tease each other enough as it is.”
“Fine but not before getting a picture.” Sam countered.
“Do it and I will make sure you will not fly for a year birdbrain.” You heard Bucky threaten, causing you to let out a low laugh as Sam and Tony ran out of the room.
“Morning.” You laughed again, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes.
“Morning,” he laughed “Sleep well?”
You cringed sitting up, “I think I am too old to be sleeping on couches. How’d he do?”
“Slept through the night, which isn’t saying much considering you both didn’t go to bed till two and it is only seven.” Bucky smiled as he stood, cradling the whining baby. “He started waking up a few minutes before we did.”
“He’s probably hungry, I’ll go fix a bottle.”
“I’ll go change him.” You heard Bucky say as you both left the living room.
You walked into the kitchen, grabbing a glass to warm up the water. “You look like shit.” Natasha said from the kitchen table, taking a sip of coffee.
“Thanks Nat, just what every girl wants to hear in the morning.” You told her, rolling her eyes as you fixed the water. “What are you doing up at the crack of dawn, we’re on vacation.”
“We’re superheroes [Y/N], our bodies are programmed to not sleep in.” She said, not looking up from the tablet in her hand.
“Yours maybe, mine on the other hand, I will take any ounce of sleep I can get.” You told her as you measured and placed the formula into the bottle, before adding the water.
“Not for much longer.” She mumbled into her coffee mug as Bucky walked back into the room holding a crying baby. “I’m taking the baby!” She claimed as she stood up from the table, walking over to Bucky and taking the infant from him before walking over to you, taking the bottle. “The детка needs some Auntie Nat time.” She said as she walked out of the room.
“Okay then.” You said as you walked over to the cereal cabinet, pouring two bowls.
A few hours later after everyone had awoken and eaten breakfast, you all sat in the entertainment room as rain fell outside.
“You know what we forgot, he needs a name.” Natasha said from her spot on the floor, where her and Wanda were playing with the baby.
“Anthony.” Stark immediately suggested, causing everyone to roll their eyes as names were being thrown out.
“To popular.” Said Sam.
“To common.” Clint said wrinkling his nose.
“We already have one of those.” Input Steve.
“What about putting both together?” Wanda suggested.
“Barrett Gunnar? Anyone disagree?”
No one spoke. “Barrett Gunnar it is.”
“You know Gunnar on Asgard means Warrior.” Thor commented.
“Barrett means Strong in German.” Bucky shrugged. “So his name literately means Strong Warrior.”
“Why couldn’t I have been named something cool like that.” Sam pouted.
“Bruce did you and Tony get the results back on his bloodwork yet?” You asked.
“Yes, we found out he is a universal donor, type O blood which is great in case god forbid anything bad ever happens to him. The CBC came back clean and clear. And the little guy’s fingerprints are aches and whorls. But he seems to be healthy, other than a mild case of asthma which he might outgrow.” Said Bruce.
“What about genetics?”
“He’s a got almost equal parts of German and Russian, but his ancestry is mainly French and Irish.” Tony informed everyone, throwing a handful of candy into his mouth.
“So he’s going to have one hell of a temper?” Steve asked.
“Pretty much.”
“What about your lawyer friends, did they suggest anything?” Wanda asked, standing up from playing with Barrett in the floor.
“They are in the process of working on writing something up as we speak.” He announced as he threw a piece of candy in the air, attempting to catch it in his mouth. “But there is a catch… They need a couple in a stable relationship to be the ones to adopt.”
Everything happening in the room came to a stop, the conversations, the activities.
“What?” You heard Bucky comment from across the room.
“Yeah, they need proof that the kid is going to grow up in a stable environment.” Tony said casually, throwing another piece of candy in the air.
You snorted, everyone in the room was anything but stable. “So, what do we do now?” You asked, noticing everyone glancing between you and Bucky before it clicked as to what they were hinting at.
“You think? Me and Barnes?” You laughed. “You can’t be serious.”
“Well you two are already sleeping together…” Natasha said, smiling mischievously.
Causing several eyebrows to raise throughout the room.
“Yeah, sleeping together as in all we do is sleep.” You pointed out.
Several months ago, you had just dozed off when the sounds of terror came from next door, sounding worse than usual. You threw your feet over the edge of the bed, stumbling into Bucky’s room, you’re initial plan was to wake him up from his nightmare but that back fired when he awoke, grabbing you by the throat and flipping you onto the bed choking you until you were able to knee him in the crotch, the sudden onslaught of pain bringing him out of the dream. Bucky was immediately apologetic. “It was an accident Bucky.” You told him as you rubbed the now raw spot on your neck. “It’s not ok [Y/N]. I am responsible for my actions, and I am not going to be treated like glass just because of who I am and what I have done.” He told you sternfully. “I wouldn’t expect anything less of you.” You said as you laid down onto one of his pillows, turning towards him, closing your eyes. “What are you doing?” He asked curiously. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going back to sleep. Now lay down Barnes.” That was the best night of sleep that Bucky could have recalled having in a long time, and now, he couldn’t sleep without you.
“It all makes sense now.” Steve thought aloud as the lightbulb went off.
“If we do this-“
“It would only be for paper, though I would suggest the two of you at least trying something. The sexual tension is so thick you could almost cut it with a knife.” Tony said bluntly.
You closed your eyes, letting out a sigh, “Fine. I’m in.” You said, feeling a proverbial weight lifted off your shoulders. “But I do have a few requests.”
“Deal. Write it down and I will forward it over.”
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Jordan Peele Says Some ‘Us’ Theories Were ‘Spot On’
On Christmas morning 2018 Lupita Nygong’o was in Kisumu, Kenya, together with her household when the trailer to her film Us was unwrapped for the world. “It was the top of the day when it was dropping [there]. I had a very poor web connection, so I actually wasn’t a part of the craziness till 24 hours later, once I began to see a little bit little bit of the reactions. However it was actually, actually cool to see folks instantly get into it.” Inside minutes of the trailer being launched, followers started to flood social media with theories, reactions and paintings paying tribute to the movie. Each body of the clip was dissected and analyzed as folks tried to make sense of the shadowy figures wielding scissors, the rabbits and music; The Luniz’ “I Bought 5 on It” was featured prominently with an eerie, orchestral remake. Us is Jordan Peele’s follow-up to his Academy Award-winning 2017 movie, Get Out, however is totally different from it in lots of essential methods. The place Get Out was a biting critique of race and race relations, he asserted from the beginning that Us was not about race. “One of many issues with lack of illustration is it’s uncommon for a movie starring a Black forged and Black results in not be about race ultimately,” Peele tells BET.com. “And that, I feel, is likely one of the packing containers that this business has tried to place us African-Individuals in. So it was crucial for me to make a film that was not about race. You’ve by no means seen a Black individual purchase a ship in a film, and for that second to really feel recent, I feel is a little bit mini catharsis, at the very least.” Us is anchored by very good performances from Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Shahadi Wright Joseph and Evan Alex because the Wilson household, 4 on a regular basis Individuals making an attempt to get pleasure from a calming trip in Santa Cruz, California. Nevertheless, Adelaide Wilson (Nyong’o) is haunted by the approaching arrival of her doppelgänger and her household, merely often called The Tethered. “Adelaide is an all-American mother, and she or he’s riddled by this trauma from her childhood that she will’t actually clarify,” says Nyong’o. “And she or he looks like one thing dangerous goes to occur, and she or he’s confirmed proper when these 4 shadowy figures present up on the prime of her driveway. And her worst nightmare ensues from there. For her and her household.” Nyong’o is empathetic as Adelaide, but faucets right into a reservoir of ache for her portrayal of Crimson, the crimson-clad alter ego hell bent on confronting her. “It was fairly the problem to play each of them and to advocate for such opposing viewpoints. However it’s one of many feats of my profession up to now.” “All people knew it from the primary second she comes on as Adelaide, the principle, she’s an iconic horror heroine,” says Peele. “When she entered as Crimson, the evil character, one thing utterly totally different occurred. The set hushed. It was as if we had been within the presence of evil royalty. Which is strictly what the character is. I’ve by no means seen that form of focus from an actor.” Because the cocky but awkward Gabe, Winston Duke is the polar reverse of his Wakandan warrior character, M’Baku, who stole the present in Marvel’s Black Panther. “He’s there to be the pressure-release valve,” Duke says of Gabe. “When every part will get actually tense, he makes use of comedy and humor to relax it out for a second. He will get to be the reality teller within the movie.” Gabe’s doppelgänger is the silent however lethal Abraham, who’s the brawn to Crimson’s mind. “Abraham is on the opposite finish of the spectrum. He’s outlined by not having plenty of privilege and never having plenty of entry. What occurs to the being with out? They had been two actually related, nice characters that lived on reverse sides of the spectrum.” The one factor Us has in widespread with Get Out is that it defies conference. Even billed as a horror film, there may be a lot to unpack that moviegoers who usually are not followers of the style will discover themselves immersed in its many messages. If two minutes may encourage days’ price of dialog on-line, think about when viewers devour the total movie. “I’ve been so keen and ready with bated breath to simply hear what folks assume,” Peele says with pleasure. “My favourite a part of these conversations is the artwork that comes out, seeing folks impressed and their work comes and conjures up me. Listening to folks’s theories, a few of that are spot on, a few of that are like, “How a lot are YOU smoking?” I imply, there’s nothing higher.” Us in theaters in every single place March 22. http://feeds.bet.com/~r/Betcom-Celebrities/~3/G6WW8Ktf4yU/us-movie-interview-cast-exclusive.html The post Jordan Peele Says Some ‘Us’ Theories Were ‘Spot On’ appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://kartiavelino.com/2019/03/jordan-peele-says-some-us-theories-were-spot-on.html
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bonefall · 1 year
Would clan cats get bacon from hogs? If not, where do they get it from?
Hog bacon is the most prized, delicious type of bacon there is. There's no equal to the fatty taste of sliced pork belly on a grillstone, often soaked in honey or maple syrup to suit the ThunderClan palate.
But all animals can be baconized when there's no hogmeat left to slice up.
The second-best bacon is rat. For humans the strips are too small, but they're just right for a Clan cat! A really big, fat rat can make some delicious meat strips. There's a caveat though; Carrionplace rats taste like the garbage they eat. You'll want wild forest rats who've been eating nuts, berries, bugs and meats.
Muntjacs and roe deer can also be baconized nicely. The best bacon is always from the animals killed in leaf-fall, when they've all put on weight in preparation for the winter. In RiverClan, salmon can also be baconized by particularly adventurous warriors.
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bonefall · 1 year
Couldn’t cats make pudding? I haven’t done too much research into it, but given how your cats have fire, they could make agar from algae and seaweed. Also I don’t know if somebody’s mentioned it yet but sausages would be easy for them- intestines moment.
By pudding if you mean British meat pudding, absolutely!
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[ID: Meat pudding. Also here is a link if you want to try this recipe]
If you mean pudding, as in the American milk-based desert dish, then no. Clan cats don't have access to milk. ThunderClan alone is also the only Clan that pursues sweetness in their dishes, thanks to their population having a high concentration of "Sweetness Tolerance," which is a quirky little gene like human lactose tolerance which turns a cat's ability to taste sweetness back on.
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[ID: American chocolate pudding]
So if I ever refer to 'pudding' in a Clan cat context, I am always referring to meat-based, cakey, loafy puddings. Not American sweet goo.
One of my little "white whales" lately, though, is the very very funnily named classic dish, Spotted Dick.
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[ID: Spotted Dick, a meat-based pudding with fruit baked into it. Golden syrup is being drizzled on top.]
Just to begin with, Spotted Dick Funny Name. I am motivated by things that are funny.
But that aside, Spotted Dick is unironically something ThunderClan would LOOOOVE. It's made from suet, which is a type of hard fat found around an animal's kidneys, with a mild and delicate flavor. It's excellent for cooking pseudo-baked goods like this which look like cake, BUT THEY'RE MEAT BASED!! IT'S PERFECT!
And even more than that, you can suspend dried fruits right inside of it. ThunderClan loves to cook with blackberries and pour honey on stuff, maybe even toss in a couple ants or de-stinged bees for a good crunch. They'd go crazy for Spotted Dick.
Problem I'm finding is... suet is best collected from sheep and cattle. Those are too big for a Clan cat to handle, and obviously every resource I encounter is human-based. I wouldn't think rabbits (leanest animal in the goddamn world) would have any worthwhile suet around their kidneys...
Now, ThunderClan's special, as you probably know from Mr. Shredtail they're Pretty Good at hunting boars, so that's one way to get some workable suet. But it's a fix for one Clan, and really, it's becoming an issue that most Clans are having a hard time accessing fat for their cooking.
Soooo I'm trying to figure out what animals provide the most fat, so I can make a special note of how important that particular species is to Clan cats. Does that make sense? Fat's a really important ingredient, I need to know what small animals in this part of England provide the most of it, and get a general idea of how much of this important ingredient each Clan naturally has access to.
I know for a fact that WINDCLAN has a serious problem here, because rabbits are super low in fat. The way I dealt with it there is for them to rely on Grubcakes like a vegetable, which is a mashed bug fritter, because insects are surprisingly high in fats. But the issue for them remains that fat's a difficult ingredient to acquire.
Ducks and carp seem high in fats and oils, so maybe RiverClan has the market cornered on that... ShadowClan may also have lots of ducks because of the marshland. I wonder how much fat a squirrel has?
Anyway, that's something on the backburner of my mind
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bonefall · 1 year
the bloodcone talk is making me think blood would be delicious. i know this is not true, i’ve tasted my own blood enough to know it is not true. but you’re activating some sort of primal cat instinct in me like yes…. it WOULD be yummy and salty…. i think i just need to eat something with soy sauce on it and calm down
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[ID: A red snowcone. It looks like blood]
You want the bloodcone sooooo bad, anon. Ohhhh yumyum it is soooo salty and delicious and just a little bit irony, ooouuuugh you can't resist it anon
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bonefall · 1 year
Edible frogspawn idea: maybe it could be a pudding, kind of like tapioca. It could be a seasonal "desert" and/or used for celebration feasts!
Thinking about the way frogspawn would taste to a cat, I'm leaning real heavily towards it being like a strawberry boba marble, y'know? Like the outside's pretty tasteless but has a nice texture, but when you bite down on it, your mouth gets filled with a rich, froggy meatiness
Pair that with some gravy and you've got a nice, thick little soup treat going on. Delicious if you're a cat!
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bonefall · 1 year
The clans could legit have pork roasts and, either very lucky one year or Skyclan steal too much honey they give more than half to Thunderclan--honey baked ham!!
ThunderClan has LOTS of honey! Sky and Thunder both have a lot of access to it, Sky is just better at getting it thanks to their Arboreal Perk.
WindClan also has a ton of maples on the moorland. The species in question is the Field Maple, which, unlike American maples, HATES forests. It likes to be alone in open fields where it can scatter its samaras far and wide, so it adores WindClan territory and they often use it as a trade export.
Not to mention how many fruits ThunderClan has access to. Blackberry, apples, pears, plums... any one of these can be made into a reduction sauce for hams.
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bonefall · 1 year
you mentioned shadowclan has access to vinegar via fermentation - how exactly does that work?
Easyyyyyyyy. You can do this at home it's ridiculously easyy.
ShadowClan gets a fruit (They have a thing for damsons in particular) and dries it
They put that dried fruit in a clay jar.
They fill the jar with pre-boiled water (so it's clean).
Stretch a flax cloth over the top
Stir daily.
That's it. The end! After a little less than a month you've got vinegar.
Most Clans HATE vinegar. Most cats in general hate vinegar. It's 100% the sort of thing that ShadowClan alone is capable of enjoying. They add a little bit of it to foods as a flavoring, but also, it makes a FANTASTIC disinfectant.
Very important when they can't get the next best disinfectant from ThunderClan-- honey.
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bonefall · 1 year
Oohh! Would Shadowclan eat fried frogspawn? :D
They would if I can find out some kind of RECIPE FOR IT
I don't know if the spawn of English Toads and Frogs are edible, even though I've tried. It makes sense they would-- but is it like roe? Does it need to be fermented? Can it simply be fried in flax oil?
It would probably taste flavorless and jellylike before anything, but a cat might find that texture super appealing. Frog boba maybe?
Frog boba in a nice thick gravy?
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bonefall · 1 year
Would Shadowclan or Riverclan eat tadpoles
ShadowClan, RiverClan would waffle about it and argue over if it counts as a fish or ""reptile""
ShadowClan is eating them right now. They'll fry em up. Get some crushed juniper on those bad boys. Spike a bunch of em on a stick, made little kitty kebabs. Tad Poles, if you will
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