bonefall · 28 days
i NEED to know more about waspwhisker/waspstar now that xey seem to be leader during TBC/ASC. are xey as levelheaded as leafstar or more aggressive? i think it would be fun if xey were willing to defend skyclans separate culture WAY MORE than leafstar was willing to. that would especially bring conflict with the imposter and maybe could even lead to a battle!
I'm leaning HEAVILY towards doing it. Killing off Leafstar during Squirrelflight's Horror by having Juniperclaw poison their food makes perfect sense. He was trying to make them desperate to leave the territory, so they'd invade the Sisters' camp.
Plus, then I can delete the Meadow Saffron subplot. There was no new plant that suddenly showed up like a big coincidence RIGHT as tensions escalated-- Sparkpelt can just have gotten a bite of the poisoned food somehow.
(Maybe a diplomatic meeting... I'll think about it.)
Anyway, here's an Intro to BB!Waspwhisker, and how xey would act as Waspstar in comparison to BB!Leafstar;
Once the ShadowClan family tree is complete, I will be going back to SkyClan's overhaul and making it more significant.
But in the meanwhile, Waspwhisker is a very close family cat to xeir mate Fallowfern, and kids; Plumwillow, Rabbitleap, and Creekfeather.
(Nettleplash might be gone, unsure.)
I really like Creekfeather for absolutely no reason. I just like his name lmao. SO I'm probably going to put him into The Kin so I can get mileage out of him as a villain
Having Waspwhisker have to fight and maybe even kill xeir own son sounds absolutely JUICY. Push this guy to the BRINK
Show, over and over, how Waspwhisker is willing to put SkyClan above everything xey've ever loved.
When The Kin absorbed a significant portion of SkyClan, Waspwhisker took Leafstar's side. Though xey can be tough, xey're always fair and rational.
The reason to exclude Daylight Warriors makes no sense and is just based on pride, in xeir eyes. The Daylight Warriors are not the ones attacking the camp right now, are they?
There are SkyClan Warriors in the gorge that night, and there are traitors.
And if that includes Creekfeather... then so be it. Creekfeather has made his choice.
You might think that Waspwhisker is a mean person. Xey're not.
In fact, when it comes to friends and family, Wasp's compassion is absolutely limitless.
Plumwillow and Rabbitleap get their love of long discussions from xem, as a Ba Waspwhisker was always encouraging their curiosity.
Xey like to answer questions with more questions, and guide kits and apprentices by leading them to the right answer instead of outright telling them.
The thing that makes Waspwhisker so brutal is that, well... xey just don't see the value in being overly generous. Xey want what xey are owed.
Down to the last scrap of fur, the final droplet of blood.
As a warrior who has gone through so much, loved so thoroughly, and serves a people who have lost everything, shouldn't respect come with that?
SkyClan has been cheated, threatened, and betrayed from the moment they were driven from the forest. Waspwhisker believes in reciprocity like it's a bank account-- xey simply want the positives and the negatives to be in balance.
It feels clear to xem that the moment they stepped paw into the new forest, the Forest Four saw them as pitiable.
They were not equal. SkyClan is a mixed-blood Clan of ex-kittypets and loners.
The politeness that defines SkyClan, helped to keep coalitions of cats together at a distance through forgiveness and cordiality, is a funny joke to Forest Four.
Though times are changing in Clan Culture, strength is currently still a stronger value than diplomacy.
Leafstar was playing by SkyClan rules. They have their own values, traditions, even a copy of the warrior code that diverges earlier.
But Waspwhisker can see-- what at first seems "amusing" about SkyClan to the Forest Four is quickly hardening into contempt.
And that contempt is mutual.
Forest Four cats are proud, self-absorbed, xenophobic, and stubborn. And they don't even realize that.
They're so used to only ever dealing with each other. With their big bluffs, political showboating, and ceremonial fights.
To Waspwhisker, it seems as though Forest Four cats see battle like a game. One you play together, with ancient, unspoken rules that SkyClan has been locked out of for generations.
It's been so long since they've known REAL fear that they've forgotten it. SkyClan hasn't.
Claws aren't toys; battle isn't a game. To SkyClan, their skills are a martial art.
To be respected.
In SkyClan's conversation about what "version" of the Warrior Code they will use, and how they interact with other Clans, Waspwhisker has always felt uneasy about the very premise.
Who interprets the Code, to begin with? Us, or them?
If I end up going with this, Leafstar will die of poisoning in Squirrelflight's Horror.
Juniperclaw did it to try and convince SkyClan that the Sisters ARE a threat. He wants them out of ShadowClan territory.
At first, Heartstar is going to refute any accusations of her deputy/nephew doing this poisoning. Nepotism is her consistent weak spot.
Waspwhisker might have died too, but someone tasted poison.
(Maybe I'll have it be the wounded sister they are holding as a prisoner. She can recognize a flower in a spoonful of soup and lurch foward to slap it out of their paw, then dump over the pot. Maybe when Squilf's about to have a bite, so there's a big accusation that the sister only stopped it to try and help the one who's been nice to her)
But in any case, when Waspwhisker finds out that it was a Forest Four warrior who did this...
It really solidifies in xem that xeir uneasiness was right.
Juniperclaw may have acted alone, but his feelings were born out of a deeper spite. One that Leafstar was too optimistic about.
They'll never take SkyClan seriously if something is not done about Juniperclaw. Exile is a JOKE.
The only thing that Forest Four cats seem to respect is brutality.
So xey will GIVE them brutality.
You demand we follow your version of this code?
"We'll start with a true warrior not needing to kill to win his battles, unless it is necessary for self-defense. Understand that I have no reason to believe Juniperclaw would not do it again. This was self-defense."
If the Forest Four can't even be consistent about Commandment 1, then they wouldn't be able to handle how SkyClan interprets the rest.
Xey insist SkyClan matters will be handled by SkyClan. When a law would affect another Clan, then we can discuss it.
Like Bramblestar, Waspstar refuses to be pushed around.
Unlike Bramblestar, they aren't a particularly emotional or biased person. In fact, Waspstar is cold.
That reputation is exactly what xey want, though. Let it precede us. "If they fear us, we live in peace. If they respect us, we live in peace. I offer the choice of which type of harmony we have together."
A good diplomat realizes quickly that Waspstar is not unreasonable, though. Getting xem to do anything is a matter of demonstrating mutual benefit.
Or making a show of goodwill.
Hawkwing is chosen as Waspstar's deputy because of his compassion and commitment.
They're not TOO different as well, and that's a plus to Wasp. Xey want the deputy to see eye-to-eye with xem, but still be bold and emotional enough to launch a challenge if needed.
Xey have thought fondly of Hawkwing ever since Plumwillow's mate went missing, and Hawkwing became a father to Wasp's grandkits.
Unfortunately, I can see Waspstar either respecting the Impostor a lot (for living by the same brutality he demands of other Clans) OR coming to a huge battle against the Impostor (for trying to force SkyClan to live a certain way).
In contrast to BB!Leafstar, who would think Bramblefake is a lunatic from the very beginning.
In a nutshell; If the two leaders heard the phrase, "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind,"
Leafstar would hum and smile, praising the wisdom of the words. There are many ways to win a battle, and she does not want SkyClan to have to lose its peaceful life after enduring so much hardship. "That which cannot be fixed must be broken, and revenge is not something that can be repaired."
Waspstar would gently shake xeir head. That hope died with her. Either SkyClan will choose the change they make, or it will be taken. Our new neighbors respect only one thing, and if we want our kittens to live in peace, then we must study war, "If the enemy has taken your eye, take both of theirs."
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The New Leaders of The Clans.
Here it is. A big spoiler for WCR. I've been working on this for ages, since... God, hang on.
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June 1st, 2023.
That was when I made the choice to replace all leaders of the Clans.
So... If you want to know, keep reading.
If you don't, scroll on. I'll put a cat meme on the end of this post, so you know what the safe point is.
The new leader of Riverclan is....
Minnowtail. A cat without any connection to Starclan, and thus the cursed Moonpool. Her natural Dark Forest connection she was born with acted like a shield, protecting her from Gray Wing's curse and allowing it to be destroyed! Her deputy is Icewing!
The new leader of Windclan is....
Heathertail. Breezepelt, Harestar's beloved deputy, was brutally attacked by the curse's effect, leaving him on the verge of death. He decided that he wanted to become Head Queen instead, pursuing a new passion of teaching Windclan's youths. Heathertail becomes Heatherstar, and reintroduces Tunneling to Windclan. Her deputy is Leaftail!
The new leader of Skyclan is...
Waspwhisker. After his long trek home and a very awkward reunion due to Leafstar having died literally 15 seconds beforehand, Waspwhisker is at the center of a terrible political battle against his will. Skyclan is split in half between Hawk supporters and Wasp supporters, neither man wanting to be part of it and wishing Starclan could just... Maybe give them both 4 and a half lives? When the final vote is cast, Waspwhisker rises to become Waspstar. His deputy is Skybranch.
The new leader of Shadowclan is...
Lightleap. I'm going with the plan I had. The other plan was to reinstate Tigerheart under the new name Heartstar, but I've realized that him giving the finger to Starclan and putting his daughter in charge is a much more in character move. Also... Tigerclaw parallels with Berryheart. Her deputy is Pouncestep.
The new leader of Thunderclan is...
Hollyleaf. After all this time, after near death encounters and corrupt ex-fathers and dealing with Starclan's nonsense... Hollyleaf ascends to become Hollystar, the last leader to use the renewed Moonpool, taking on Bristlepaw as her apprentice, as it seems that the young molly is about to have some Starclan-related issues of her own...
And that's it! What do you think? Let me know!
Anyways cat meme!
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
hiii im in the middle of watching voy for the first time (i just finished watching 6x6 riddles actually) and ive always recognized you as That person who Loves tuvok and i wanted to know your thoughts on neelix and tuvok's relationship? its my favorite aspect of voy personally but im interested in hearing how a massive tuvok fan like you feels about them
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Tuvok & Neelix Thoughts (Fractured): Man who grows flowers for food loves a man who grows them purely for beauty, Annoying4Annoying, Comedy routines, Intricate rituals and the playing up of roles, Aliens amongst humans - to assimilate or remain stubborn?, Bringer of water/Bringer of life, Seeing an angel through the mist, Two people who have difficulty communicating and come off as off-putting to those around them, Unrequited love, Love is stored in the food + kitchen, Family men left without any family, People from impossible moons, Jokes that go too far, Horrific loneliness being masked by something else, I won't leave you alone (pos&neg), Cracks in the facade, People pretending and pretending and pretending, Leolaroot I Can't Help It I'm A Moth To The Flame Required Viewing, I can only admit I like you when no one else is around - when the situation's as bleak as can be - when we're seconds from death - only then will I admit that it's been fun. Apologies in the form of sliced apples instead of words vs Apologies in the form of long and tearful contrition. LET ME IN!!! LET ME IN!!!! Locked door you keep bruising your hand banging against. People who love too much so they: keep knocking, keep their ear against the door.
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My thoughts are that Neelix is a silly goofy little tragic clown of a man and Tuvok thinks he's so much better than him but in actuality whatever they're up to makes them both look stupid <3 /affectionate Neelix having a crush on Tuvok is canon to me - what Tuvok's response to or level of knowledge of that is changes by the day.
#I was halfway through typing all those fractured thoughts when it hit me 'perhaps this user did not mean in a romantic sense'#but I already typed half of that and made that picture thing SOOO#In regards to pure friendship I still love them and think they're very funny together <3#I think Tuvok's feelings towards Neelix are complicated and alien#and Neelix's are more straightforward internally but complicated in that Tuvok usually is making fun of him v_v#I headcanon them both as being poor at communicating honestly with others but they cover this up and proceed in different ways#Neelix is overly friendly and attentive and ignores ppl's comments about him (but he KNOWS)#meanwhile Tuvok is reclusive and doesn't often let comments pass without a comment of his own to counter it#Neelix worries about that bc it means Tuvok won't be as well liked meanwhile Tuvok finds Neelix's persistent friendliness to be exhausting#Neelix is a guy who uses friendliness in some ways as a means of survival and I also headcanon he feels somewhat protective of Tuvok#and indeed everyone on Voyager in a strange way...like 'oh these guys are such idiots...they don't know shit about survival they've lived#such cozy little lives!!' <- eventually said with much more affection than shock/scorn#Tuvok & Neelix: (about one another) You are SO annoying and stupid...godbless.....#Q&A#I h ope this answers your question#waspstar#Tuvok/Neelix#Tuvok#Neelix#I 'm IMMEASURABLY pleased to be The Tuvok Loving Guy HEHEHE <3#star trek relationship aesthetic
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I should make more posts about Waspstar, who was mentioned like once before
I like to think she gets a wife or two...poly shenanigans....
Dynamic ideas:
One .......... Two .......... Three .......... Four .......... Five
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iceclan-iterations · 1 year
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leafpoolstanblog · 8 days
Dewstar dies in a Dark Forest battle. Waspstar chooses Sleekwhisker to be deputy.
Juniperclaw leaves ShadowClan to be with his mate, Fringestar, of SkyClan.
Needletail adopts Rowankit and Birchkit.
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Waspstar (oc)
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siddex · 1 year
i know nothing abt rlm or gorilla interrupted but i love seeing your posts ab siddex but this whole time i thought the guy with glasses was sid and the emo guy or whatever was dex. im very surprised its the other way around
HELP HELP WAIT I KIND OF LOVE IT... no i see it i see the vision . to be fair i never refer to them individually by their names i just always collectively refer to them as siddex
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mirrorfangz · 1 year
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An old friend visits Vipertooth
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bonefall · 28 days
I like that Waspstar's name has some symbolism to it! Real wasps having a reputation of stinging without reason or being aggressive, when in reality they're normally just protecting their hives..
Oooo, thanks for pointing out, that's delicious.
Most of the time, Canon!Waspwhisker has blue eyes since he's a gray and white cat... but none of his kits have blue eyes anyway, and there's too many cats with this color scheme anyway.
So maybe I'll make BB!Waspwhisker have BRIGHT yellow eyes, just like a yellowjacket. I'll even make the gray patch on xeir head resemble the T-shape that a common wasp has. This mark helps distinguish a more "aggressive" common wasp from the passive (but larger) german wasp
Xey're not trying to hurt you, so don't try to hurt xem. Come openly, speak calmly, perhaps make a small offering of meat and sweets and you'll see no problems.
CW: BUG FACE. Insect. Close-up head of a wasp.
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[ID: A common wasp. From top down, its head is striped black, then yellow, then a black stripe connects its antennae and dips downward into a T. A final black stripe defines its mandible and "lips."]
Funfact; the common wasp is rare in the US, but the German wasp has been widely introduced. If the yellowjackets seem "smaller" in the UK, that's probably because you're looking at a common wasp!
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steveconte · 2 years
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Zoom session w/ XTC's Andy Partridge! Who knew that working with your songwriting hero could be so much fun? Every time I write with Andy we end up giggling about something! Can't wait to start cutting tracks for this Wicked Cool record next month... #XTC #AndyPartridge #WickedCool #Records #SteveConte #singer #guitarist #producer #LittleSteven #StevieVanZandt #UndergroundGarage #SteveConteNYC #BronxCheer #Skylarking #EnglishSettlement #DrumsAndWires #BlackSea #OrangesAndLemons #AppleVenus #WaspStar #pinchme https://www.instagram.com/p/CleGwLBuTIK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rainheartrivercat · 2 years
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after 3 million years the first litter of Fishclan has been born, three baby girls born to Waspstar and Sparktail! Also Badgerpond got her warrior name (but there was no notification about it lol)
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warriorzlove · 9 months
thinking about archangel on this fine day. gonna be soooo honest i slayed with him!! and echoclan worked out so well because when people disappeared or left, i could just say that archangel killed those cats and have an even greater reason to stop him and his lil cult of kitties <3 also archangel and chirpbark? i fear nothing will live up to the insanity that relationship was. arch meets chirpbark, they have an oddly calm and civil conversation ( despite being enemies ) in the middle of a literal war, and then archangel goes and kills chirpbark's bestie waspstar. and then in blood moon, arch and chirp's romantic tension ??! despite chirp having a mate and kits and archangel wanting a wife so he can have heirs ?? absolutely crazy.
i will never not think about my ambition to write a 200k word fic about their relationship, how it blossoms, how chirpbark tries to get close to archangel for the betterment of echoclan but it ends up becoming something even greater ... god yeah it's just sooo interesting. these two do fill my brain anytime i return to warriors so who knows, maybe i'll write a oneshot about them!
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Possible Waspstar designs!
Which do you like best?
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phoenix-clan · 3 months
alright here we go! edits of the leader, deputy, and medicine cat of each clan outside of PhoenixClan! dw i will be drawing my own art of these characters eventually too :) i just really had fun editing these sprites, and it has made finalizing a new design a really nice experience
anyways, without further adieu! here they are:
The cats closest to HawkClan, both as allies and as neighbours. The cats of MouseClan live in deep burrows within their moorland home, and were the least affected by the great fire, as they found refuge underground; only their leader fell to smoke inhalation.
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Leader - Foxstar
Female; 64 moons old; sincere; very clever and camp keeper
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Deputy - Nightstorm
Male; 60 moons old; thoughtful; valuable insight and keen eyed
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Medicine Cat - Poppybloom
Female; 16 moons old; nervous; talented swimmer and omen sight
HawkClan's greatest rivals, who fought the fiercest with them on many occasions. They live within burrows in tree stumps, near a TwolegPlace. Though HawkClan was the most devastated by the great fire, FerretClan was also deeply impacted by the fire, losing their leader, deputy, and oldest medicine cat all in one event. The other clans feel... concerned, about the new leadership, though they try not to voice their disdain.
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Leader - Darkstar
Female; 94 moons old; strange; unnatural senses and ghost sight
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Deputy - Stoatpelt
Female; 21 moons old; shameless; incredible runner and incredibly clever
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Medicine Cat - Dawnberry
Female; 71 moons old; strict; fantastic healer and trusted advisor
DeerClan are said to be the oldest and wisest of the clans of the area - however, some of the other clans believe them to be stuck in their ways. Though they were impacted by the great fire, their old ways actually helped them to avoid major losses, allowing their now-ancient leader and medicine cat to survive.
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Leader - Elmstar
Male; 180 moons old; charismatic; incredibly clever and eloquent speaker
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Deputy - Owlstripe
Male; 54 moons old; arrogant; beloved kitsitter and trusted advisor
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Medicine Cat - Deerfang
Male; 130 moons old; cold; prophet and incredibly clairvoyant
AdderClan are incredibly secretive compared to the other clans. These cats always seem to be on their toes, unsure of whether or not they can trust the other clans. Even their camp is located in an isolated grotto that hides them well from the rest of the forest. None of the other clans know if AdderClan lost any cats to the fire, as none have been declared and their leadership has stayed the same.
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Leader - Waspstar
Female; 124 moons old; fierce; renowned hunter and unusually strong fighter
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Deputy - Mosquitofang
Female; 72 moons old; daring; incredible climber and fast as the wind
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Medicine Cat - Plumnose
Male; 34 moons old; insecure; fantastic healer and strong connection to StarClan
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iceclan-iterations · 1 year
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cries. we really got ahstar.
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