#We're not getting kid Jon back either. I can deal with that.
erb23 8 months
Begging and pleading for DC to give Damian his friends back.
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rainbowmess823 2 years
You absolutely cannot change my mind about this:
- Steve is the mom, Robin is the dad, Eddie and Nancy are the step parents, and Jonathan and Argyle are the really cool uncles.
- Steve definitely mothers everyone, there's curfew, there's a carpool scheduled, and, even if he doesn't admit it, he has definitely got into a shout match with a ref or another mom about his kid and another kid.
- Robin definitely fits the dad, she helps out with the kid's homework (especially languages classes), she has thrown one punch at a jock for picking on one of the kids tho she made them swear never to let anyone know that she punched someone for them, and her arsenal of dad jokes help.
- Eddie and Nancy both are step-in parents when the kids can't find either Steve or Robin, there's usually a threat of violence involved and the kids feeling extremely safe with the two tho both Steve and Robin scold all of them for it.
"No, Eddie! You can't say you'll summon Satan if they pick on Dustin."
"Nancy don't flash them your revolver please, I know they shoved Lucas but bullets wont solve this."
"I'm not mad but...when we agreed to talk I imagined the talking with less threat of bodily harm and more of 'Hey! that's my brother so back off or else.' But it works."
- Jonathan and Argyle are very much the chill, laid-back uncles for when the kids just want to vent or want to see a different kind of perspective.
- Steve and Eddie parent Dustin and they have Sunday morning put aside for sci-fi movies in their pajamas.
- Robin parents the Sinclairs who loves that they get Robin to themselves on Mondays bcos they get milkshakes and talk about easy stuff like how their week is so far or Robin teaching them new shit.
- Eddie and Robin share custody of Will with Jonathan and all four of them have a bi-weekly gossip session at a diner, they talk shit about ppl and judge jocks.
"He's so stupid but so cute."
"You are down baaaad, mini Byers."
"He was terrible in California, I wanna hit him."
"I'll hold him down and you can handle him."
"I like the way you think, Buckley."
"We have a deal, Byers."
"Remind me never to get on your bad sides."
"Please don't."
- Robin and Nancy parents Max and they have a day-in every Sunday morning where they play music and do their own thing, Nancy's working on her article, Robin is reading her other language book, and Max is playing tea party with Holly (who sneaks her way in every morning to play with her new big sister Max).
- Nancy and Jonathan parents Mike and it a more of a subtle parenting caring thing bcos all three of them are emotionally constipated, there's casual check-ins and subtle reassurances.
- Argyle and El are the communal uncle and child, respectively.
- The kids go to Argyle for advice about anything under the sun and loves his relax attitude on life.
- The teens love El and makes sure she gets a semi-normal childhood which mean cartoon Friday with Steve, learning new things with Robin, shopping with Nancy, listening to new music with Eddie, bedtime stories with Jonathan, and advice about what life can be with Argyle.
- Everyone is absolutely terrified of Jonathan and Robin that when being scolded the two are used as a threat.
"Mike you better be down here on time or I'll have Jonathan and Robin teach you about punctuality!"
"I said no, Henderson! I swear to God, I'll have Jon and Rob take you for the week instead."
"Usually I'd say "hell yeah, red!" But Jonny and Buck scare me as much as they scare you and they'll find out we did this so I'm gonna have to say no."
- Jonathan and Robin get along so well and together they can get so scary.
- When the entire party are hanging out together they get scared when both Jonathan and Robin being scolding them bcos it's scarier than Nancy and definitely scarier than the Updie Down.
"I told you it was a bad idea! We're gonna get I trouble!"
"Relaaax, Eddie wouldn't care, Nancy's always telling us to do it ourselves and Steve won't know."
"I don't think stealing booze from the cabin counts, Michael."
"Don't call me, Michael!"
"They can't say anything all three of them drank waaaay more at our age anyway."
"Dustin, you may have a point but that's not what I'm worried about."
"Will's right you guys. Robbie and Jonathan are here so maybe we shouldn't be doing this."
"We'll be fi--"
"What do you four think you're doing?"
"That better not be alcohol, mini dinguses."
Tadaaaaa? I just find it funny just how scary both Jonathan and Robin can be. Just imagine for a bit how scary those two can be together when any of the kids are theirs for the week. They'd be so chill but as soon as you do a wrong they can be so firm that none of the older teens would dare cross both of them. Anyway! Tadaaaa
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What I really love about Sherlock Holmes Chapter One is that this game does not hold your hand through nearly, if not, everything that you encounter. Cases, evidence, deciding which conclusion to go with, since each chapter allows you to make your own decision, hinging on consequences that you may have to bear with for the entirety of the game.
So not only do you truly have to feel like a fool sometimes when you don't have a direction (which would probably be the case for me if I were a detective, because I'm just that terrible) but you're also dealing with Mr. Drama King in the back of your head.
Yes I'm talking about Jon. I've (to the best of my ability) grabbed snippets from his journal of his personal thoughts about you when you so much as do something this little potato doesn't approve of.
Though let's be real, a few of the reactions he gives are mostly just him complaining about his impatience with you. I'm going to leave all this under the cut so that it's not some HUGE text that blocks everything on your dash:
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First of all, I'm not that smart when it comes to finding certain articles, at least not in every case (I will say I think the main story paper digging feels a lot more generous than the DLC ones, my word I felt stupid sometimes). You take two seconds to flip to another police document or news article and Jon pretty much moans behind you like "Hurry up I feel like I'm aging" and it's like "I don't see you helping honey, PLEASE."
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Yes I'm struggling in archives because I accidentally looked up the wrong thing. Now he's just being a little brat. He acts as though you dragged him to the grocery store like he was your youngest kid and makes him walk on the side of the cart always. And no he can't get a toy from the toy section and he's going to pout about it. The best thing is leaving the screen to retrace your steps or figure out what you missed and all you see is this 馃憥and it's like would you calm down, I'm doing my best!
He's also super sarcastic. Since Jon is a portion of Sherlock's own personality that seeps through, mostly the playful and self-loving sort of aspects, his humor is also as dry as his, which is probably why they're able to run each other into annoying circles without actually pissing each other off. You never win and you never lose when you argue with yourself do you?
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I dunno which I prefer more: Jon's incredibly witty and improvised liners out in the free world where you can roam and he occasionally makes his presence, or his down-right back handed comments in his personal notes.
Though don't get me wrong, I understand when things don't mesh well with someone that you know better than anyone else could ever know someone and things don't add up or something happens.
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My weakest points when it comes to figuring out the cases was definitely the recreation process. I feel like this is where the two kind of combine heads. This is where they're seemingly more in tune with one another. I really enjoyed having Jon be the one to piece together what happened, as though they were walking through it together without saying a word. Finishing each other's sentences with each point that was connected.
Making mistakes you couldn't pin-point precisely, and then when you finally get it you either feel accomplished or a little defeated because it's like "Okay well you knew that you just had a few steps to get there" and Jon's in the corner being like "We're supposed to be a team y'know" and it's like I know, I just suck at being a detective.
Jon's reactions to what you do in the cases almost each and every step of the way is what sold his personality for me. He's rounded enough to have himself as a separate entity to Sherlock, with his own opinions and thoughts and sense of morality. He's a fantasy nerd for goodness sake, drinks and smokes a lot more than Sherlock probably ever implies, and is never afraid to speak on the sensual things (I'm talking about Sherlock's unmentionables comment as well as the painting in the caravanserai)
Which means he's very capable of calling Sherlock out when he does something wrong. A healthy relationship with anyone you assign yourself to isn't immune to having arguments or disagreements. Much less, you're allowed to tell someone you utterly made a mistake.
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Both of them have a sense of mortality and a sense of justice. When someone is wrongfully accused or being blackmailed, or even shot down, that's a red flag in their books. The only reason I'm calling him dramatic in this sense with these images is because I had been nearly a full clear on two separate bandit lair occasions, and scuffed the very last one at the last possible second and left the dude a corpse on the floor. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.
Though however, the consequences of your actions that give you Jon's comments do in fact alter the image of his visage when you open his notes. If you've done this type of accident enough, it makes sense. Sherlock does not act this way, this is not Sherlock, what the hell is going on? Jon would have no ability to step in and take away the automatic to defend people. It's immoral, and the two of them don't need to stoop to a lower ground to gain justice for something else.
You're a detective, you do not get a say in who stays above ground and who goes, that's not your prerogative. And that's why I love reading these notes. A lot of them are not mentioned here because 1) they're mostly positive because more often than not I had some sense of understanding of what I needed to do, and 2) they're repeated in certain situations. Though I'm very tempted to have a playthrough of where I get more negativity in Jon's responses to see if there are any other quotes that I've not seen before.
There were already at least 30 pages worth of comments - but I really love his little doodles. This game lets you mess up, it's not going to reach forward and say "this is what you need to do" there's no hint whatsoever. You're bound to make these mistakes, and it's the comments given that makes you feel like you're truly a part of the action and story you're walking through.
You're not alone when you travel here, and what you do is painting a certain image of yourself to someone that cares about you. This is your story, and you're free to make these mistakes, you're free to take the information you learn, dissect it and learn what happened - but in the end, it's you that makes the ending decision. There is no one correct answer, but there are many consequences.
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dingoes8myrp 5 years
Mom and I React to Game of Thrones 8x05
Before the Show
Mom: "I hope we don't cry. They're killing characters. That poor girl just got beheaded and she was totally innocent."
Me: "I don't think we'll cryat t his one. I think we'll cry at the last one."
Mom: "I just wanna see The Hound kill The Mountain."
Cat hears the recap and hops over to the bed. We haven't watched all week and he's missed it. We hummed the Game of Thrones theme during the Handmaid's Tale recap but it wasn't the same. He knew.
Mom: "Stupid, Jamie. Stupid. Stassi's gonna kill him."
Cersei. She means Ceresi.
The Map
We hum the theme with gusto to make up for trying to fake the cat out yesterday and the day before
Me: "I can't tell what's on the ring. A dragon and something else."
Mom: "Okay, I couldn't tell either."
Varys writing a scroll about the true heir to the iron throne
Me: "Ohhh Varys!"
Mom: "Ohhh shit!"
Tyrion watches Varys talk to Jon
Me: "He's going to tell her."
Sure enough
Daenerys decides Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, and Varys all betrayed her
Me: "Oh, man. She is LOSING it."
Varys writes on a scroll
Mom: "He's sending them everywhere."
Me: "He's not going to get to send them out."
Varys hears footsteps and burns the scroll, takes off his rings
Mom: "He's about to get killed."
Varys is escorted out and Tyrion tells him he was the one who told
Me: "Tyrion knows! He knows she's out of her mind!"
Mom: "He thinks he can influence her."
Daenerys: "Dracarys."
Me: "Look at Jon eyeing her like 'What the fuck?'"
Daenerys dismisses Grey Worm but calls him something else
Me: "Did she rename him at some point?"
Mom: "I think so."
Daenerys tries to kiss Jon
Me: "They're related and that weirds him out."
Mom: "They're not really, though."
Me: "She's his aunt."
Mom: "But... He's only half Targaryen."
Me: "Her BROTHER is his FATHER. She's his fucking aunt."
Mom: ".... Oh."
Tyrion: "Please, if you hear them ringing the bells, call off the attack."
Me: "Oh boy."
Mom: "She's not gonna have any mercy. She's going to kill them all."
Me: "I never thought I'd be rooting for Cersei to win."
King's Landing
Mom: "What are all these people moving in?"
Me: "Yes. Cersei's bringing the townspeople inside the walls so Daenerys will have to kill all the innocent people to get to the castle."
Mom: "SO THOSE PEOPLE ARE JUST BARRIERS FOR HER?! Oh, this is fucked up."
Arya: "I'm Arya Stark. I'm here to kill Queen Cersei."
Me: "Hah!"
Tyrion goes to see Jaime
Mom: "Stooge."
Me: "Tyrion's gonna have to let him out."
Tyrion produces a key
Mom: "Well, they're both dying now."
Tyrion tries to convince Jaime to escape with Cersei
Me: "He's like 'You don't get it...'"
Tyrion tells Jaime to convince Cersei to surrender the city
Me: "This whole thing hinges on Jaime?! FUCK."
Tyrion: "You were the only one who didn't treat me like a monster. You were all I had."
Me: "Aww. He's so scared for him."
Mom: "He knows he just sacrificed his life for that. Ring the goddamn bells. Do you think it's gonna matter? I don't think she's gonna care. She just wants revenge, they're all gonna go, because those people don't love her. She's gonna fill the city with her own people who live her."
The armies prepare for defense
Mom: "She's not gonna leave. She is not gonna fucking leave."
Me: "Jaime's gonna leave her."
Mom: "He's gonna die with her."
Arya and The Hound
Mom: "I hope she kills her and I hope he kills The Mountain."
Me: "He's gonna have to kill The Mountain for her to get to the Queen."
Jaime walking with his golden hand plainly visible
Mom: "COVER YOUR FUCKING-- Oh, he IS dumb."
Daenerys's army is revealed in full
Mom: "Oh Christ!"
Me: "Well because now they also have the wildlings and the northmen."
Mom: "She's not going to surrender. But she doesn't know The Hound and Arya are coming in. Shit, they closed the gate! They didn't get in!"
Me: "Arya and The Hound got in."
Mom: "Oh. Oh, HE didn't get in! But he knows the castle like the back of his hand."
Me: "Hah!"
Mom: "Oh! That wasn't even on purpose."
The army waits
Mom: "The air's changing. She knows about the harpoons so she's gotta have a plan."
Me: "Coming at them from behind maybe?"
Drogon comes barreling down
Mom: "Ooh right in the middle so they have to spin around to aim."
Me: "They can't spin them fast enough."
Mom: "And they gotta reload. Not fast enough."
Me: "Jaime's gonna see all this and go 'Fuck.'"
Grey Worm, Jon, and the Essos army
Me: "These guys are just waiting."
Mom: "She's not done with the fleet yet."
Mom: "WOW! She just took them all out."
Me: "And this guy doesn't even know what happened."
Mom: "Dead."
Me: "She's got people on foot, people on horseback, and the dragon in the sky."
Mom: "And there's only so many harpoon things and he's burning them all."
Me: "And this isn't taking very long at all."
Cersei watches
Mom: "And she's watching it all."
Tyrion walks through the carnage
Mom: "No bells."
Me: "Nope."
Kyburn gives Cersei the rundown
Cersei just nopes him
Me: "So she's just delusional then."
Jon and co get to the castle guard
Mom: "Throw your arms down."
Me: "Tyrion's waiting for the bell and nothing's happening."
Mom: "Nope."
Dragon lands and the castle guard all look at each other and drop their weapons
Me: "She's still gonna do it."
Mom: "They're all yelling to ring the bells."
Me: "Jaime's gonna do it. He's just gonna run up and ring it."
Mom: "The queen hears it."
Me: "Daenerys hears it too."
The bells ring
Me: "She's gonna do it anyway."
Daenerys hears the bells and looks psychotic
Me: "This is like Carrie 'They're all gonna laugh at you!'"
Mom: "She's flying right for the queen."
Drogon lights up the townspeople
Me: "Jon's going to lose his shit."
Army starts attacking
Me: "Jon can't believe this. Because they surrendered. Jon's gonna kill her for this. He's horrified."
Mom: "He's gonna kill Grey Worm."
Me: "No, he and Grey Worm are in the same boat."
Brutal carnage
Me: "This is horrifying."
Cersei just stands there
Me: "Bitch, she is COMING for your ass. Like, grab a sword. Do something."
Yuron: "Kingslayer!"
Me: "Oh!"
Yuron vs Jaime
Me: "Really? This is what we're watching right now?"
Yuron gets a stab in
Jaime wins
Me: "I guess he's not dead yet."
Yuron: "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister."
Mom: "No one's gonna know it, dingaling."
Castle legit is falling apart
Mom: "So much for the iron throne. She's not gonna have one."
The Hound: (to Arya) "You come with me, you die here."
Mom: "He saw it in the fire."
Ceiling caves the fuck in as Cersei and co are running down the stairs
Me: "Oh my fuck."
Mom: "Nothing left! It's all open."
The Hound: "Your Grace." *cuts down some soldiers*
Me: "'Sup? No big deal."
The Mountain kills Kyburn and abandons Cersei and Cersei awkwardly shuffles out
Me: "She's like 'Um... byyyyyye.'"
Cersei crosses the map on the floor
Me: "Is she gonna go right by Arya?"
Mom: "No! Jaime!"
Me: "He's about to die. He's bleeding out."
Mom: "They're both gonna die."
Me: "He's gonna tell her there's a boat, or try to get her there if he makes it."
The Hound vs The Mountain
Me: "All he has to do is throw Big Bubba over the side."
Mom: "He stabbed him!"
Me: "Yeah, but he's inhuman now."
The Mountain shoves The Hound down the stairs
Mom: "Arya's gonna go back to help him."
Arya's gauntlet run
Me: "She's gotta get the fuck out of there. She didn't see any of this She got in before this happened."
Arya falls
Me: "OH NO!"
Keeps switching between The Hound and Arya
Me: "Did this become Inception? The fuck?"
The Hound keeps trying to stab The Mountain
Me: "Head! Eyes!"
The Hound stabs him in the head
The Hound tackles The Mountain off the side
Me: "They dead."
Green explosions
Me: "The fuck is that?"
Mom: "Wildfire."
Me: "Oh fuck!"
Jon sheaths his sword
Me: "Jon's like 'Fuck this. I'm out.'"
Arya passed out
Mom: "Oh no!"
Me: "I don't think she's dead."
Arya gets up, then gets quickly blown aside again
Me: "Jesus fuck!"
Arya finds survivors and tries to usher them to safety
Me: "Arya, MVP as always."
Suddenly we're in the tunnels
Me: "..."
This rapid scene switching is ridiculous
Mom: "It's all caved in! They can't get out."
Me: "That's what you fucking get, Jaime. You dumb fuck. You could've had a happy life with Brienne, but NOOOOO."
Cersei finally realizes she's not fucking immortal
Cave in
Mom: "That's it, they're dead."
Mom: "She destroyed the whole place. So where's your fucking throne, under rubble? There's nobody left."
Me: "Jon is going to fucking kill her for this. She just murdered an entire city and made his people do it too."
Mom: "And they surrendered."
Me: "Arya! There's Arya! She can't believe it either. She's like 'What the fuck?' There's the little girl and her mother she tried to save, burned alive. And those were innocent people. She's like 'What the fuck?'"
Mom: "Oh, a horse! Get on the horse!"
Arya rides off
Me: "BYE!"
Mom: "She went insane! She just went absolutely insane."
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