looybi · 1 year
Mamadingo, Yeti Moo
MUSIC: https://looybi.com/music/-mamadingo-yeti-moo-looybi-samedi-27-mai-1685443092974?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
dingoes8myrp · 3 years
False Positive Gives it Away in the Opening
Movie: starts. Justin Theroux.
Me: "He did it."
Mom: "Who?"
Me: "Justin Theroux."
Mom: "Did what?"
Me: "Whatever it is. He always did it."
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looybi · 1 year
Mamadingo, Yeti Moo
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dingoes8myrp · 4 years
Mom: Want me to lock the door?
Me: Yes please.
Mom: I'll take my key then.
Me: You can knock. I'm here.
Mom: Then you have to come to the door. What if it's a killer?
Me: Do the shave and a haircut knock.
Mom: No, all the killers know that one!
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 3x08
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 3x08.
Mom: (on Gendry) "Obviously our blacksmith friend has some power he doesn't know about."
Mom: (on Arya) "Oh no! The Hound has her now!"
Mom: (on the absence of Theon in the recap) "Oh, wait! Did he die?! Who was that guy torturing him?! Another new person! Do we find that out?!"
Arya and The Hound
Arya: *picks up a rock and goes over to the sleeping Hound*
Mom: "Oh, kill him."
Mom: *just as surprised as Arya* "Oh, he's taking her to Robb!"
Gendry and Melisandre
Mom: "She's gonna bed him and make a demon."
Mom: "Oh, she's gonna bleed him!!!"
Mom: "Oh, we have to stop this. This cannot happen."
King's Landing
Cersei and Margaery
Cersei: "If you ever call me sister again I'll have you strangled in your sleep."
Mom: "Bitch! Report back to your grandmother. She is wicked."
The wedding
Joffrey: *takes Tyrion's step stool*
Mom: "Why'd he take his stool away?"
Me: "Because he's a dick."
I can't believe she was surprised by that.
Melisandre and Gendry
Mom: "Wait, she's gonna have sex with him?"
Me: "Gendry is just as bewildered."
King's Landing
Tyrion does not bed Sansa.
Tyrion: "And so my watch begins."
Mom: "Too young! Fourteen? My God!"
Dario sneaking into Daenerys's room
Mom: "So this guy's gonna try and kill her. This is gonna be funny. Does he know about the dragons?"
Dario: *drops 2 severed heads on the floor*
Mom: "Oh!"
Sam and Gilly
Mom: *casually* "There's a lot of crows out there now."
Crows caw louder. Figure emerges from the woods.
Mom: "I see it!"
Sam stabs the white walker with the dragon glass.
Mom: "No, go back for the dragon glass!!!"
After the show
Mom: "What about the guy in the dungeon?!"
She thinks he might be dead.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones, 1x01
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 1x01.
Mom: "Where'd the bodies go?"
Me: "Exactly."
Mom: "Oh, this guy's a dick. I hope something eats him."
Guy That's a Dick: *gets murdered*
Mom: "Good. Wait, oh no!"
Wight: *appears*
Mom: "Are there zombies in this?!" *excited*
Me: "Yes."
Catelyn Stark: *glares down at Jon Snow*
Jon Snow: *sheepishly glances up at her and goes about his business*
Mom: "Obviously those two are fucking."
Me: *spits my hummus in shocked laughter*
Ned: *beheads the wayward ranger*
Mom: (about Ned) "I hope a white walker eats your ass, dick."
Ned: *wants to kill 5 baby dire wolves*
Mom: "Oh, this guy fucking sucks."
Jon Snow: *negotiates the saving of the dire wolves; becomes my mom's BFF for life*
Mom: "Where are we now?"
Me: "King's Landing."
Mom: "Where were we before?"
Me: "Winterfell."
Mom: "Is that where the wall is?"
Me: "No. That's where the Starks are. The wall is waaaaay north. King's Landing is the capital, like the big city. It's where the king sits."
Mom: *blinking deadpan at me like 'what do you think I'm an idiot?'* "... No shit King's Landing is where the king sits."
Jamie Lannister: *says something mildly witty and dirty about the king*
Mom: "Ooh, I like him."
Mom: "I'm gonna guess your favorite characters."
Me: "No you're not."
Mom: *challenge accepted* "The guy who just sat down for a shave." (referring to Jon Snow)
Me: "No."
Mom: "Really? Hmm. The guy who was joking with the blonde?" (referring to Jamie Lannister)
Me: "No."
Mom: *baffled*
Bran: *climbs down from the roof of Winterfell*
Mom: "Ooh, this kid can climb. That's gonna save his life."
Arya: *runs outside in a knight helmet to see the arrival of the king*
Mom: "Okay, that little girl in the knight helmet is awesome."
Robert: *greets Ned and Catelyn warmly and is warmly received*
Cersei: *greets Ned icily and throws a glare at Catelyn*
Mom: "Okay, the queen is mean."
Mom: (referring to Viserys) "Woah, who's this creepo?" *a few minutes later* "THAT DICK IS HER BROTHER?! Oh, fuck that, I'm out."
Handmaiden: "The water's too hot, my lady."
Mom: "Not for the mother of dragons, it's not."
Dothraki roll up.
Mom: "Oh, hello."
Me: "Really?"
Mom: "IS THAT AQUAMAN?! Yes, really."
Every time someone refers to Viserys as the true king, or Viserys talks about being the king...
Mom: "Hah! Her, not you."
Sansa: *gushes to her mother about marrying Joffrey*
Mom: "This Joffrey kid's probably an asshole."
Mom: "What is this 'Winter is coming' shit?"
Mom: "Wait... Wait... Who's the queen fucking?!"
Me: "Her brother."
Mom: "Did he just throw a little boy out the window?!"
Me: "Not so funny now, is he?"
Mom: "Oh, this is fucked up."
Not sure if she's in or not, but I'm amused so far.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 1x05
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 1x05.
Mom: (on Bran) "So the thing with the third eye. The kid's, what, traveling in his sleep?"
Oh, she's good.
Mom: (frustrated) "Jon’s gotta teach Sam how to do SOMETHING."
Mom: (on Robert) "Look at that stomach! It’s so bad!"
Pretty sure Mom thinks a sturdy chair would be a better king than Robert.
Loras: *gives a rose to Sansa before a joust*
Mom: "Oh, he’s gonna get killed!"
Catelyn: *is ambushed on the road with Tyrion*
Mom: "Oh shit! OH SHIT!"
Tyrion: *bashes a guy's face in with a shield*
Mom: "Okay, I like him. He saved Catelyn. And he really made sure that guy was dead."
Robert: *fires Ned*
Mom: "He’s the only one he can trust! And he knows he’s going to be killed! What a dipshit!"
She might be rooting for Cersei at this point.
Lysa: *says about three words*
Mom: "Oh, she’s totally lost it."
Tyrion: *is led to the sky cell*
Mom: "No one's getting out of this place alive, are they?"
Jamie: *stabs Jory*
Mom: "Oh no! What?! Ned, take his head!"
You have no IDEA how hard it was to say nothing to that.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom and I React to Game of Thrones 5x10
Daenerys rides the dragon
Me: "I love how Tyrion's just looking like 'holy fuck.'"
Me: "Is someone gonna light this fucking candle or what?"
Mom: "She grabbed, like, a corkscrew."
Me: "Good. She's gonna stab that motherfucker."
Mom: "I can't believe they did that."
Me: "I don't want to talk about it."
Mom: "It's, like, a pact with a demon. You better win, motherfucker, 'cause you just killed your heir."
En Route to Winterfell
Stannis learns half his men deserted
Me: "Hah."
Mom: "Because of what they saw."
Stannis finds Selyse has hung herself
Mom: "Yup."
Stannis learns Melisandre left the camp
Mom: "Who?"
Me: "The witch took off."
Mom: *gasp* "BITCH!"
Stannis and co marching
Mom: "So they have no horses. She left because she knows he's gonna kill her. He lost his family, lost half his men, he's probably about to die because of this bitch."
Sansa busts out of her chambers
Mom: "Oh, she's getting out!"
Sansa drops the corkscrew
Mom: "She left it behind! What a tard!"
Pod sees Stannis marching
Mom: "Shit! They're not gonna see the candle!"
Brienne and Pod leave just as the candle's lit
Mom: "FUCK!"
Team Bolton comes charging out
Mom: "They're gonna get killed! Twice as many, on horses. That lady lied!"
Mom: "And poor Sansa waiting with her candle and no one's gonna see it."
Me: "Well the only reason she could light the candle was because no one was there to see her... because they're all out there."
Mom: "Oh my god! Fourteen times as many. They're all gonna get killed!"
Me: "But Sansa sees her opportunity to run."
Guy crawls along the ground and we both realize he's just a torso
Me and Mom: "AHHH!"
Two guys go for Stannis
Me: "Really? They don't want to grab him? For questioning or whatever?"
Stannis kills their asses
Mom: "Oh, yeah. He's bleeding like crazy."
Brienne walks up
Brienne: "I was kingsguard to Renly Baratheon."
Ramsay stabs some dude
Me: "See? That's why she could leave. He's out there."
Mom: "But what is she DOING? Is she going back to her room? Are you kidding?"
Theon shoves Myranda off the balcony
Me: *GASP* "Holy fuck."
Mom: "He's gotta get her back real fast."
Me: "No, he's gotta get her out of there!"
Theon and Sansa hold hands and jump
Me: "Holy shit. You jump, I jump, Jack."
Mom: "Fuuuck."
Me: "I guess they're both like 'anything's better than this.'"
Meryn whips girls - eeww
Mom: "Oh, that's her. She's gonna get him."
Mom: "Yup."
Arya stabs Meryn's eyes out
Me: "Jesus fuck!"
Mom: "Yeah! Both eyes."
Me: .....
Mom: "Wooh! She can do it! But she was supposed to kill the other guy."
Jaqen and that creepy girl find her
Me: "Uh oh."
Jaqen drinks the poison
Me: "What?"
Arya takes a bunch of faces off the corpse
Me: "What. The. Fuck."
Arya goes blind
Me: "Whaaat?"
Mom: "Oh my God."
I... I don't know what happened. But it's going to give me nightmares.
Mom: "So winter doesn't go there?"
Me: "What? I don't know."
Like I control the climate of Westeros
Jamie: (to Marcella) "Your mother's desperate to see you."
Mom: "She's not there!"
Me: "Jamie missed a lot of memos."
Jamie: "There's something I have to tell you..."
Me: "Oh God."
Mom: "Shit."
Jamie: "We don't choose who we love."
Mom: "Fuuuuck."
Marcella: "I'm glad that you're my father."
Me: "Well, she's gonna die."
Mom: "Yeah, the good ones always die."
Mom: "Poison on her lips. Kiss of death."
Marcella starts to die
Me: "Hot damn."
Mom: "Just like her brother."
Mom: "OH, turn the boat around, head back, and grab that bitch."
Me: "I really don't like them."
Seriously, Oberyn's bitch spawn and hell skank gots to go. They don't even make sense.
Tyrion, Dario, and Jorah all chilling on the steps
Mom: "What do they do, while she's off on the dragon?"
Varys: "Hello, old friend."
Mom: "Oh Em Gee!"
Wherever the fuck Daenerys is with Drogon
Mom: "It's so pretty. Where do they film this?"
Me: "I can't look it up until we're done with the show. I can't look anything up."
Daenerys tries to get Drogon to take her back to Meereen
Mom: "He's like 'I need sleep.'"
Dothraki khalasar rolls up
Mom: "Shit."
King's Landing
Cersei in the cell
Me: "Meanwhile."
Cersei: "Am I free to go?"
High Septim: "After your atonement."
Me: "Uh oh."
Scrubbing and head sheering
Mom: "She's gonna have them all beheaded."
High Septim says she'll make her walk of atonement
Me: "Well, that doesn't sound good."
Mom: "She's gotta walk through all them."
They disrobe her
Me: "OH!"
Mom: "Naked!!"
Walk of shame
Me: "Oh, these guys are fucked."
The walk keeps getting grosser
Mom: "Oh my God, when she gets back there."
Uh... The Mountain?
Mom: "Noooo! The Mountain!"
Me: "What the fuck?"
Shit's starting to get real weird, guys.
The Wall
Davos tries to get Jon to rally his men for Stannis
Mom: "Stannis is dead."
Me: "He doesn't know that yet."
Melisandre arrives and says nothing
Jon reads a bunch of scrolls
Mom: "What's he seeing if he can get help?"
Me: "I don't know what he's reading. It doesn't look like good news."
Ollie tells Jon there's news about Benjen
Mom: "Oh, good. He needs him."
Me: "How is he still alive?"
Me: *gasp*
Stab stab stab
Mom: "No!"
Me: "But he's in the new ones. He was in that coffee cup screenshot."
Mom: "Yeah, what the hell?"
Ollie stabs him
Mom: "Sam would've died too. Good thing he left."
Mom: "Something magical's gotta happen."
Me: "Well, obviously."
Mom: "He's in the new ones."
Me: "I knew that kid was a shitty steward."
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 1x04
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 1x04.
Mom: (on Tyrion) "I like him."
Me: "You like him now?"
Mom: "He’s a snob, but he’s a realist and he’s smart. But, he thinks that white walker stuff’s made up."
Mom's very into the white walkers.
Bran: *has his first crow dream*
Mom: "Oh, it’s the third eye! Ooooh!" (excited)
Sam: *arrives at the wall*
Mom: "Oh, they’re screwed."
Ned: *pokes around about the book the previous hand was reading*
Mom: "Is that a family tree this murdered guy was looking into? Oooh."
Mom: (on Samwell Tarly) "He doesn’t see well and he’s scared of heights. Are you kidding me?"
Mom: (as soon as Gendry appears) "Holy shit, that’s the king’s son!"
Always two steps ahead of Ned.
Jory: *tries to give Ned's damning letter to Jamie to give to the king*
Mom: "Oh God, no!"
Jamie: *refuses with some shade thrown in*
Mom: "Lucky Jamie's an asshole and doesn't want to read that. Jesus."
Jon: *tells a story about Roz to Sam*
Mom: "Jeez, everybody knows Roz."
Mom: (on Robert) "This guy’s just a drunk. Worst king ever."
Wait until she sees the other possibilities.
The Mountain: *kills the shit out of Hugh in a joust*
Mom: (horrified) "Ohhh God! That mountain guy doesn’t fuck around."
Cersei: *pops in to visit Ned*
Mom: (frustrated) "The knife’s sitting there and the book’s open. What the fuck, Ned?"
Two steps ahead again!
Tyrion: *recognizes Catelyn in the inn/tavern*
Mom: "Shit! Shit! You little shit!"
Catelyn: *starts pointing out all her friends*
Mom: "Damn. Who knew Catelyn had friends?"
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 1x02
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 1x02.
Cersei: *comforts Catelyn at Bran's bedside*
Mom: (surprised) "I thought she was gonna be a bitch and say 'put him out of his misery' or something... but I also didn’t think her brother would push the kid out the window."
In a surprise turn of events, Mom is warming up to Cersei.
Jamie: *talks shit to Jon Snow*
Mom: "That guy is such a dick. SUCH a dick."
Mom's fondness for Jamie is no match for her love of Jon Snow.
Jon: *says goodbye to Ned and starts riding for the wall*
Mom: "Wait, so they just send him to the wall with all the zombies and crap?!"
Robert: *talks about his fear of Danaerys Targaryan and how people think he's an usurper*
Mom: "Why can’t everyone just get along? What the hell?"
Me: "You're not gonna like the rest of the show..."
Drogo: *enters tent*
Mom: "He wants sex again?! Oh, God, this poor little thing."
Sidenote, every time Jason Mamoa appears on screen my mom sits up straight and says "Oh, boy."
Joffrey: *encourages Sansa to drink wine while they're walking along the river*
Mom: "Bow-chica-wow-wow."
Her second wrongest prediction so far.
Arya: *disarms Joffrey, tosses his sword, and takes off*
Mom: "That little girl’s a badass."
Ned and Robert debate what to do about Joffrey, Arya, and the wolf.
Mom: "All over this little pussy boy?!"
Cersei: *orders the death of Lady the direwolf*
Mom: "I changed my mind. Her brother is nice compared to her. She’s the one I hate."
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom on Game of Thrones 8
Mom: "Okay, I think Margaery's going to kill Joffrey. Probably with the crossbow he teaches her to use. Blog it."
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 3x09
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 3x09.
Before the show
Mom: "I want to know what happened to the guy who got his thing cut off. Who is this guy torturing him? You know what I think? I think those were his kids or something that he burned. He must be torturing him for a reason."
Oh, if only there were a reason.
Phone rings
Mom: "Oh God." *lets it ring*
Screenshot comes up of Robb and Catelyn at the Frey hall.
Me: *agonized groan*
Mom: "What?!"
Me: "My back hurts."
I can't tell her, guys.
Sam and Gilly
Mom: "Those blades! They kill them! He shouldn't have left that blade behind."
The Map and Theme Song
We like to find new places on the map when they come up and we hum the theme song. It's like a little game. Whoever spots something new on the map first wins. The prize is nothing.
Mom: *distracted by the cat*
Me: "The Twins! New place!"
Mom: "Oh, damn it! I missed it!"
Robb and Catelyn talk about going after Casterly Rock.
Catelyn: "Show them how it feels to lose what they love."
Mom: "No mercy."
Me: *pretends to pay close attention to something on the computer because uuuugh this is gonna suck*
Walder Frey brings out all his daughters and granddaughters.
Mom: "How many girls? Jesus."
Mom: "They're all in rags."
Mom: "Which one's the other guy gonna pick? I'll bet Mary. She's probably the prettiest."
Sam nerds to Gilly about stuff.
Mom: "He's such a history buff!"
Gilly: "You learned all that from staring at marks on paper? You're like a wizard."
Me: "He's not used to people thinking he's special."
The Hound helps a guy put his wagon wheel back on, then punches him.
Mom: "OH!"
Bran and Rickon casually talk shit about wildlings.
Osha: *gives them an annoyed look*
Rickon: "Old Nan said they turn your skull into a cup and drink ginger and blood out of it."
Osha: *annoyed look*
Rickon: "That's what Old Nan said!"
Mom: "Hah!"
Bran and co in the tower.
Mom: "It's so creepy."
Bran silences Hodor with that weird eye thing.
Mom: *gasp*
Mom: *realizes Jon's with this group of wildlings* "No! He's right there!"
Summer and Shaggy appear.
Mom: "Jon, see the wolves!"
Bird starts pecking at Jon.
Mom: "AHH!"
Dario leads Jorah and co through the door.
Mom: "Trap! This is a trap!"
Frey wedding
Mom: "Is it Mary?"
The bride is revealed.
Mom: "Oh, the pretty pretty one!"
Mom: "Hah, he's looking at Robb like 'Yup, you could've married her. You missed out, buddy.'"
Me: "Well, he didn't parade that one out anywhere."
Mom: "No! He hid her, the bastard."
Bran and co.
Mom: "Jon was right there!!!!"
Jojen: "You got inside Hodor's mind."
Bran: "You can't do that north of the wall?"
Jojen: "No one can do that anywhere."
Mom: "Oh!"
Mom: "Now he's in shock he has this gorgeous wife now."
Me: *trying so hard to keep a poker face*
Oh shit, guys. I don't want to watch this again. Hold my hand. Go back in time to before I posted this and hold my damn hand through the computer.
Hall doors close and the band abruptly changes songs.
Mom: "... What is going on?"
The Hound rolls up with Arya.
Mom: "Oh, she's gonna get to see her mom! But they closed the doors..." *confused*
Me: *digging my fingers into the blanket so I don't cringe*
Bolton: *covertly shows Catelyn his armor*
Mom: "Armor?! What? No!"
Talisia: *gets stabbed*
Mom: "AHH! NO! WHAT?! NOO! OH, GOD!"
As things get progressively worse
Mom: "Oh no! OH NO!"
Arya sneaks around outside.
Mom: *to Arya* "Let the wolf out!"
Grey Wind: *gets slaughtered*
Mom: "No!!!"
Robb: *gets stabbed*
Mom: *gasp*
Catelyn: *kills Walder's wife*
Mom: *GASP*
Catelyn: *gets her throat slit*
Mom: "OH!"
Mom: "SHIT!"
Me: *quietly crying*
Mom: "Shit."
Me: *composing myself* "I watched this season before I read this book. And Robb was my favorite. I did not want to watch this again."
Mom: "Oh my God."
There may be more once we recover. This was a rough one.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom on Game of Thrones 4
Mom: "Well, how many seasons are there?"
Me: "They're on eight now."
Mom: "Eight?!"
Me: "This is the last one."
Mom: "What?! It's ending now?"
Me: "The show is, yeah."
Mom: "How many would we have to watch a day to catch up?!"
Me: "Mom, I have a job..."
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 3x07
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 3x07.
Mom: "A bear! Oh no! A bear?!"
Me: "I don't remember what happens with the bear."
Mom: "Well, it must be important!"
Mom: (on Ramsay) "This guy is so sick!!!"
Mom: (on Brienne) "Why is he keeping her?! This is terrible!"
Mom: (on Robb) "A selfish king. He married someone he loves and he's making the other guy marry some chick he doesn't know."
Mom: "Damn! Everyone's naked."
You don't realize how many sex scenes this show has until you're watching with your mom.
Talisia: (to Robb) "Can you leave the war for one night?"
Mom: "No, he CAN'T leave the war for one night!"
Mom: "The wine! Why is the camera focused on the wine?!"
She's now convinced everyone's wine is poisoned always.
Joffrey: *appears on screen*
Mom: "I hate this kid. I hope his grandpa kicks the crap out of him."
Mom: "Hah 'I'm running the show now.'"
Locke: "Don't worry about your friend. We'll take good care of her."
Mom: "Shiiiitt."
Theon, Myranda, and Violet
Mom: "Something's not right. Something's not right at all. He's drugged or doped or something."
Mom: "Oh God."
Mom: "He can't even fight back! What's wrong with him!"
Mom: "Oh God!!"
Mom: "Is he drugged?"
She really hopes this isn't about to happen.
Mom: "He's gotta go back and help her!" (on Jamie and Brienne)
Mom: "Get her! Save her! Oh God!"
Mom: "What the bear?! Are you kidding me?!"
Mom: "Help her!!!"
Jamie: "I'm taking her to King's Landing unless you kill me."
Mom: "Yes!!!"
Pretty sure my mom ships Jamie and Brienne.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 3x04
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 3x04.
Daenerys: *appears on screen*
Mom: "Love her."
Craster's keep.
Mom: "What do they do with the babies?! Do they eat them??
Theon: "My real father lost his head at King's Landing."
Mom: "His real father!!!"
Theon: *back at the rack*
Mom: "Oh no!!!"
Olenna: "Seduce away! It's been so long... What happens whtn the non-existence bumps up agains the decrepit?"
Mom: "Hah!"
Night's Watchman: *talks shit to Craster*
Mom: "Oh!"
Other Night's Watchman: *goes after Mormont*
Mom: "Oh!!"
Mom: She can't leave without her dragons!
Daenerys: "Dracaris."
Mom: "FIRE!"
Mom: "So good! She's so badass! She understood everything he said!"
She's here for Dany and her army.
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dingoes8myrp · 5 years
Mom Reacts to Game of Thrones 3x02
My mom wanted to know "the deal with the dragon lady" she saw on Ellen a few weeks ago. So, we're watching Game of Thrones. Here's what happened. Spoilers ahead for episode 3x02.
Mom: (on Joffrey and Margaery) "He is so hot for this girl. She's hot and brave. Everything he's not."
Roz: "Watch out for her with him."
Mom: "Oh, yeah. If he can't have Catelyn he'll take her daughter."
Looking at the map.
Me: "Oh, Winterfell's all smokey and burned now!!!"
Mom: "Oh, it is!"
Me: "Okay, Slaver's Bay is the new place. That's where Daenerys is."
Mom: "Oh, where the guy cut the dude's nipple off. Jesus Christ."
Me: "Wow. I didn't notice how big Bran got between season 2 and 3."
Mom: "He did! He's almost as tall as Jon and Robb!"
Bolton: "Word from Riverrun and Winterfell."
Mom: "Oh no!"
Damn right, oh no.
Theon: *wakes up strappedto a board*
Mom: "Oh, God."
Theon: *gets his fingernail stabbed*
Mom: "OH JESUS!"
Lady, you don't know the half of it.
Jamie: "I would've noticed your dour head smacking into the archways."
Me: "He's such an asshole."
Mom: "He's a dick."
Loras: *escorts Sansa to meet with Margaery and Olenna*
Mom: "Oh, goodness."
Olenna: "Once the cow's been milked, you can't squirt the cream back up her udders, so here we are."
Mom: "Hah!"
Olenna: "Has this boy mistreated you?"
Mom: "Yes! Tell her yes!"
Mom: "She got it out, thank God! Don't say he's great, he's awesome, he's fantastic."
Catelyn: *talks about sitting with one of her baby boys all night when he was sick*
Talisia: "Which boy?"
Catelyn: "Jon Snow."
Mom: "Aww."
Catelyn: *reveals she prayed to the gods for the boy to die and he got the pox*
Mom: "Oh."
Catelyn: *says she prayed for him to live because she was awful*
Mom: "Ah."
Catelyn: *says she promised to love Jon and make him a Stark*
Mom: "Oh!"
Catelyn: "I couldn't keep my promise."
Mom: "Oh, for Christ sake."
Warg: *sees through the bird's eyes*
Mom: "Oh!"
Jojen: *shows up and backs off Summer*
Mom: "Who is this kid?!"
Theon: *screams in agony*
Mom: "What're they doing?!"
Mom: "What's it called when you watch a thing all at once?"
Me: "Binge watching."
Mom: "People wait a week to see a new one of these? Are you kidding?"
Wait until I tell her how long between books.
Mom: "Who is this kid?! And why was he in Bran's dream?" (on Jojen)
The Hound: *is unhooded*
Mom: "No!"
The Hound: "What in seven hells are you doing with the Stark bitch?"
Mom: "Oh, God."
Jamie: *talks shit to Brienne*
Mom: "She's saving your life along the way, you dick!"
Jamie: *manages to get a sword*
Brienne: *pulls her sword*
Mom: "You wanna start?! He's got chains on! The fuck is he doing?"
Mom: "Get him! Get him!"
Brienne: *beats Jamie*
Mom: "Yeah! Fuck you!"
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