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smilesbydrm49519 · 8 months
How orthodontist can transform your life with orthodontic braces?
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Radiant smiles are widely recognized as symbols of success, contentment, and confidence. On the other hand, many people find it difficult to flash that alluring smile due to misaligned teeth. Although regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are essential to maintain oral hygiene, they are not enough to eliminate misalignment. This is where an orthodontist in Wyoming, MI, can help with the appropriate practice. If you don't want your flawed teeth to affect your life negatively, learn from below how orthodontists can make your life easier.
Make your teeth easily manageable by straightening them
Orthodontic braces can also lower the risk of cavities, gum disease, and jaw pain as they straighten your teeth and make them simpler to clean and maintain. Moreover, a straight smile reduces headaches and chronic discomfort as they realign the jaw and bite. Your Orthodontist Care in Byron Center will help you choose the best brace-type options. Moreover, they can help enhance your speech and chewing and promote a diverse diet that enhances the quality of life.
Boost your smile and confidence
Wearing orthodontic braces is not just to treat tooth problems; orthodontic braces can boost confidence and promote general health. Nowadays, subtle cosmetic changes may be achieved without making it visible that you are receiving treatment. Your orthodontist in Grand Rapids can include options like ceramic braces, lingual braces, and transparent aligners. With these more modern options, people may have a more appealing smile without the stigma associated with traditional braces.
When you get the right treatment from your orthodontist, your dream smile and its transformative impact on your life can be within your reach. Get in contact with Align Orthodontics to receive your ideal orthodontic treatment from the experts.
For more details about Invisalign Dentist in Grandville please visit our website: smilesbydrm.com
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adwebassociates · 8 months
Voice Search Optimization: A Game-Changer for Grand Rapids Businesses
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential for businesses to remain competitive. One strategy that's been making waves in recent years is Voice Search Optimization. As a bustling city in Michigan, Grand Rapids is no exception to this trend. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of Voice Search Optimization and discover how it's transforming the way businesses operate in Grand Rapids.
The Rise of Digital Marketing in Grand Rapids
Grand Rapids, a city known for its vibrant culture and thriving business community, has seen remarkable growth in the field of digital marketing. The digital age has ushered in a new era of marketing, where businesses are no longer confined to traditional advertising methods. Digital marketing agencies in Grand Rapids have played a pivotal role in helping businesses establish a strong online presence and reach their target audience effectively.
Digital Marketing Agency Grand Rapids: Your Partner in Success
A digital marketing agency in Grand Rapids is your trusted partner on the journey of online success. These agencies specialize in leveraging various digital marketing strategies to boost brand visibility, engage with customers, and drive revenue growth. Whether you're a startup or an established business, a digital marketing agency can tailor their services to meet your unique needs and objectives.
To stand out in the competitive Grand Rapids market, you need a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This should include search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media management, and of course, Voice Search Optimization. By working closely with a digital marketing agency in Grand Rapids, you can ensure that your business is equipped to excel in the digital realm.
The Growing Importance of Voice Search
The way people search for information online has evolved over the years. While traditional text-based searches are still prevalent, voice searches are rapidly gaining popularity. Voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon's Alexa have become an integral part of people's lives. Users are now comfortable speaking their queries into their smartphones, tablets, and smart speakers. This shift in user behavior has made Voice Search Optimization a necessity for businesses.
Understanding Voice Search Optimization
Voice Search Optimization refers to the process of tailoring your online content to be more accessible and relevant to voice searches. Unlike text-based searches, voice queries tend to be more conversational and longer, making them unique in their own right. Businesses in Grand Rapids need to adapt to this change in user behavior to remain competitive.
The Impact of Voice Search on Local Businesses
One of the remarkable aspects of voice search is its strong connection to local businesses. Many users rely on voice assistants to find products, services, and information in their vicinity. For Grand Rapids businesses, this presents a golden opportunity to connect with local consumers in a more personalized and efficient manner.
SEO Services Grand Rapids MI: The Local Advantage
SEO services in Grand Rapids, MI, have a pivotal role to play in Voice Search Optimization for local businesses. Local SEO is all about optimizing your online presence to attract nearby customers. It involves enhancing your website's visibility in local search results, getting listed on local directories, and ensuring your business information is consistent and up to date. Voice Search Optimization complements local SEO efforts by aligning your content with the conversational queries of local customers.
For instance, a user might ask, "Hey Google, find a Mexican restaurant near me." If your restaurant has incorporated Voice Search Optimization, your chances of being recommended by the voice assistant are significantly higher. SEO services in Grand Rapids, MI, can help businesses implement these strategies effectively.
How Voice Search Works
To effectively optimize for voice search, businesses need to understand how voice assistants process and provide information. Voice Search Optimization involves making your content easily interpretable and relevant for these digital voice entities.
The Role of Digital Assistants
When a user initiates a voice search, their device transmits the audio to remote servers. These servers, hosted by tech giants like Google and Amazon, process the voice input and generate a text version of the query. Then, they retrieve the most relevant information from their vast databases and deliver a spoken response through the user's device.
For Grand Rapids businesses, the challenge lies in aligning their content with the algorithms and databases that power these voice assistants. It's a task that requires in-depth knowledge of how these systems work and the expertise to make your business stand out in the voice search results.
Key Strategies for Voice Search Optimization
Voice Search Optimization involves implementing various strategies to ensure your business is visible and accessible through voice searches. Here are some key strategies to consider:
1. Natural Language Keywords
Voice queries are often longer and more conversational than text-based searches. People tend to use complete sentences or questions when speaking to voice assistants. As a result, businesses should incorporate natural language keywords into their content. Consider the questions your customers might ask and create content that directly addresses these inquiries.
2. Structured Data Markup
Structured data markup, such as Schema.org, can help search engines understand the content of your website better. This is particularly important for voice search, as it helps voice assistants provide more accurate and relevant responses to user queries. By implementing structured data markup, Grand Rapids businesses can improve their chances of being featured as a voice search result.
3. Mobile Optimization
Since many voice searches occur on mobile devices, it's essential to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. A responsive design and fast-loading pages are critical for a positive user experience, which can impact your voice search rankings.
4. Content Quality
High-quality content is always a priority, but it's even more critical for voice search optimization. Your content should provide clear and concise answers to common user queries. The more helpful and relevant your content is, the more likely voice assistants will recommend it to users.
5. Local SEO Optimization
As mentioned earlier, local SEO is closely tied to voice search. Make sure your business information is accurate and consistent across all online platforms. Encourage customer reviews and ratings to boost your local SEO rankings.
The Role of a Digital Marketing Agency in Voice Search Optimization
While Voice Search Optimization is undoubtedly a powerful strategy, implementing it effectively can be complex. That's where a digital marketing agency in Michigan comes into play. These agencies have the expertise, resources, and experience to help businesses in Grand Rapids embrace voice search and leverage its potential to the fullest.
Why Work with a Digital Marketing Agency
A digital marketing agency in Michigan can provide invaluable assistance to businesses in Grand Rapids looking to optimize for voice search. Here's why you should consider partnering with one:
1. Expertise in Voice Search
Digital marketing agencies stay updated on the latest industry trends and technologies. They have a team of professionals who specialize in voice search optimization and can implement best practices to ensure your business ranks high in voice search results.
2. Customized Strategies
Every business is unique, and a digital marketing agency can tailor a voice search strategy to meet your specific goals and requirements. Whether you're a restaurant, retail store, or professional service provider, the agency can create a strategy that aligns with your brand and target audience.
3. Access to Advanced Tools and Resources
Digital marketing agencies have access to advanced tools and resources that may not be available to individual businesses. These tools can streamline the voice search optimization process and provide valuable insights into user behavior and trends.
4. Consistent Monitoring and Adjustment
Voice Search Optimization is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustments. A digital marketing agency can ensure that your strategy remains up to date and effective, making the most of your investment.
The Collaborative Process
When working with a digital marketing agency, the process of implementing voice search optimization typically involves several key steps:
1. Initial Assessment
The agency will assess your current online presence, content, and SEO strategies to identify areas for improvement. This includes analyzing your website's mobile-friendliness, content quality, and structured data markup.
2. Strategy Development
Based on the assessment, the agency will create a customized voice search optimization strategy for your business. This may involve keyword research, content creation, and technical adjustments to your website.
3. Content Creation and Optimization
Creating high-quality, voice search-friendly content is a crucial part of the process. The agency will work on crafting content that directly addresses common voice queries in your industry.
4. Technical Implementation
The agency will make technical adjustments to your website to ensure it's voice search-friendly. This may include optimizing page speed, implementing structured data markup, and ensuring mobile responsiveness.
5. Monitoring and Reporting
After the strategy is implemented, the agency will continuously monitor its effectiveness. They will provide regular reports and make adjustments as needed to improve your voice search rankings.
Measuring the Success of Voice Search Optimization
For Grand Rapids businesses investing in voice search optimization, it's essential to have a clear understanding of how to measure the success of this strategy. After all, data and analytics are at the heart of digital marketing, and voice search optimization is no exception.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
To gauge the effectiveness of your voice search optimization efforts, you can track several key performance indicators (KPIs):
1. Voice Search Ranking
Monitor your business's rankings in voice search results for relevant keywords. A higher ranking means that your content is being recommended more frequently by voice assistants.
2. Organic Traffic
An increase in organic traffic, especially from mobile devices, can be a strong indicator of voice search success. Check your website analytics for changes in user behavior.
3. Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Analyzing the CTR for voice search results can help you understand how well your content captures the attention of users. A higher CTR indicates that your content is resonating with the target audience.
4. Conversion Rate
Ultimately, the success of your voice search optimization efforts should translate into increased conversions and revenue. Track the conversion rate for visitors who come to your website via voice searches.
5. User Engagement
Pay attention to user engagement metrics such as bounce rate, time on site, and pages per session. These metrics can provide insights into the quality and relevance of your content.
Continuous Improvement
Voice Search Optimization is not a one-time endeavor; it's an ongoing process. By analyzing KPIs and staying updated on industry trends, Grand Rapids businesses can continually refine their voice search strategies for maximum effectiveness.
Getting Started with Voice Search Optimization
Embracing Voice Search Optimization can be a game-changer for Grand Rapids businesses. To get started, consider the following steps:
1. Assess Your Current Online Presence
Begin by evaluating your current website and content. Identify areas where you can improve your mobile responsiveness, structured data markup, and content quality.
2. Partner with a Digital Marketing Agency
Consider enlisting the expertise of a digital marketing agency in Grand Rapids to guide you through the voice search optimization process.
3. Create Voice Search-Friendly Content
Craft content that directly addresses common voice queries in your industry. Focus on natural language keywords and provide clear, concise answers.
4. Optimize Your Website
Make technical adjustments to your website to enhance its voice search-friendliness. This includes improving page speed, implementing structured data markup, and ensuring mobile responsiveness.
5. Monitor and Adjust
Regularly track your voice search performance using KPIs. Collaborate with your digital marketing agency to make necessary adjustments and improvements.
Voice Search Optimization is undoubtedly a game-changer for Grand Rapids businesses seeking to enhance their online presence and connect with local customers. By adapting to the changing landscape of digital marketing, businesses in Grand Rapids can position themselves for long-term success.
In this dynamic environment, a digital marketing agency in Michigan plays a crucial role as a strategic partner. They bring expertise, resources, and a personalized approach to help businesses in Grand Rapids embrace voice search optimization and harness its full potential.
With Voice Search Optimization, Grand Rapids businesses can not only survive but thrive in the digital era, providing valuable services and products to the local community while expanding their reach beyond city limits. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to make your mark in the world of voice search. Get started today and stay ahead in the competitive landscape of digital marketing in Grand Rapids.
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marketgridsblog · 2 years
Digital Marketing Agency In Grand Rapids, MI, Marketing Agency Grand Rapids, MI
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No Drama, No Stress. Simply put we will be your “do it all” Digital Agency from building your website to graphic design and so much more to help you boost your business.
A New Approach to Marketing. Simple. Scalable. Reliable.
Whether you have considered hiring an in-house marketer, designer or copywriter, tried to manage a freelancer, or even worked with other marketing agencies, we know it sucks. Market Grid is all about making your life easier. All for one flat rate.
Market Grid is the a creative digital marketing agency in Grand Rapids, MI. Digital Agency from building your website to graphic design and so much more to help you boost your business.
Fast Turnarounds -
You want your case studies, marketing collateral, ads, website, and other graphic images created in days, not weeks. With Market Grid, turnaround time for most requests is just five business days for our Essentials Plan and even Faster times with With a custom tailored plan for your business. Contact Us Details
Unlimited Requests and Revisions -
With Market Grid you can request multiple concepts as needed — even if you’ve already submitted tons. Plus, with unlimited revisions, we’ll keep revising until it’s perfect.
Phone, Email or Chat Communication -
The intuitive Market Grid platform offers a streamlined way to request plans and communicate revisions and request.
We’re here for you -
Our support team is friendly, personable, and always available to help. You can expect a real human to answer your support questions.
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kilgoresecurity · 3 years
Business email
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grapidsinformed · 3 years
Grand Rapids Informed
Looking for an authoritative directory? Are you in search of local small business listings? You're in the ideal place. Welcome to Grand Rapids Informed!
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We offer a unique platform to both businesses and viewers. Through our comprehensive internet business directory, people can search for local businesses in their region. Additionally, businesses can market their business and boost their online presence.
There are a variety of categories to choose from. From banking and finance to accounting, healthcare, education, insurance, and
legal services, our company listings are categorized into various classes. It will make it easier for you to get the right spot
for your directory list no matter what type of companies you run.
Whether you are a lawyer, dentist, or retailer, your clients are more likely to find you on the Internet via our platform. It can
empower your clients to view your small business info, hours, reviews, locations, etc..
Claim or add the local business, respond to reviews, and keep your pages current. Together with Grand Rapids Informed, you will
have the ability to get call reports applicable to your business and a lot more. It will make your small business grow faster
while stimulating the local market at the exact same moment.
Update information such as telephone numbers and hours to help individuals reach out to you. Manage your page whilst adding
up-to-date information on your business to showcase your company at its very best. Our platform will give you access to be
recorded online and convert website visitors into customers. It is a great way to increase your visibility and drive more traffic
to your business site.
In Grand Rapids Informed, we assist businesses to connect to their community through social networking classes. It will increase
your chances of standing out to an online community of people willing to visit, buy, and employ. Let folks ask questions, make
appointments, and get quotes. Respond to testimonials and engage to your potential customers.
Build reliable relationships with neighborhood leaders in addition to prospects and partners.
Build Your Business Profile and Expand Your Network
Let us understand what sorts of buyers you want referrals to and begin to get more referrals for your business and get actionable
reports. This can help you understand how people interact with your company listings. Join the rapidly expanding network of
companies and companies who've already added their regional business to our platform. A Grand Rapids Informed listing is one of
the key parts of the digital advertising arsenal for both large corporations and small regional businesses.
Contact us now! We'll find the Grand Rapids Informed Directory that's ideal for your small business website. Increase traffic to your site and start generating leads for your regional company!
Grand Rapids Informed 956 3 Mile Rd NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544 [email protected] +1 616-747-8074 http://grandrapidsinformed.com/ https://grandrapidsinformed.business.site/ 
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truetherapy1-blog · 4 years
True Therapy in Grand Rapids MI. is a licensed professional counselor & psychotherapist that handles anxiety, depression, and a variety of mental health services.
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True Therapy is a licensed professional counselor & psychotherapist in Grand Rapids MI.
Some of my services as a Counselor:
- Depression management: Cognitive and behavioral techniques to reduce depression and spend more time on meaningful activities. Empathic, strength-based, and solution-focused frameworks utilized.
- Anxiety management: Evidence-based treatment of generalized anxiety, social anxiety, and specific phobias.
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Years of experience in providing Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) treatment of OCD.
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Significant experience and comprehensive training in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for PTSD.
- Substance-use disorders, alcohol disorder, and addictions: Individual CBT, motivational enhancement, and relapse-prevention techniques to help clients achieve and maintain sobriety or reduce substance use.
Marriage Counselor
- Couples Therapy: Utilize ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), problem-solving, and Gottman's marital therapy modality to help couples, both married and committed, to improve their relationships.
- Therapeutic Framework: More than 10 years experience in counseling, utilizing ACT, CBT, DBT, Motivational Enhancement, Solution-Focused, and Strengths-Based interventions to treat a wide range of conditions and concerns for individual adults ages 18 to 65.
Mental Health Service
- Provide assessment, therapy, consultation, treatment planning, resource linkage, supports coordination, and referral services.
Join the many others I’ve helped over the past 10-plus years who are no longer controlled by fear, who spend their time on the things that matter:
fun, hope, love . . . life!
True Therapy at 1430 Robinson Rd. SE Suite 203 Grand Rapids, MI 49506
(616) 259-5442
Contact Us:
True Therapy Address: 1430 Robinson Rd. SE Suite 203, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, USA Phone: (616) 259-5442 Email: [email protected] Website: http://truetherapy.net
External Links:
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Counselor in Grand Rapids
Anxiety in Grand Rapids
Depression in Grand Rapids
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Grand Rapids Therapist
Grand Rapids Counselor
Grand Rapids Anxiety
Grand Rapids Depression
Therapy near me
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ontargetseomi-blog · 4 years
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On-Target SEO Grand Rapids
We are an internet marketing company specializing in Local SEO for small and mid-sized businesses. In business for over 9 years, we offer Website Design & Development, Website SEO, Local Business Listing Optimization, AdWords Pay-Per-Click Marketing, Facebook Marketing, and Review Management.
Address: 2084 Fawnwood Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508, USA Phone: 616-862-2274 Website: https://on-targetseo.com
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riddermanoil-blog · 5 years
What Should I do If I Run Out of Fuel on the Road?
2019 is a tough year, and I was thinking I got everything under control. I never anticipated to be stuck nowhere, in the middle of the road while it was raining, on my way to the airport for a major life-changing career opportunity, but I did.     It can happen to anyone of us. Running out of gas and stranded in the middle of the road, is one of the most feared phobias that every driver has to overcome.  Let Ridderman Oil, the fuel experts of Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo, help you overcome the driving phobia through our step by step tips on what to do:   Step 1: Prioritize Your Safety.The moment when your car has run out of gas in the middle of the road, stay focus and do not panic. A controlled presence of mind attitude is important whenever you are in a crisis situation. Turn on your hazard lights and get over to the side of the road as safely as possible. Put your car in park and leave the hazard lights on (This is important after dark and during daylight to alert other drivers that you’re immobilized). Step 2: Conserve Energy. Do not waste your phone’s battery in killing time by surfing the internet or playing an Apps game, while waiting for someone to pass by. Be sure to put your phone’s alerts are set to a ringer, rather than vibrate, to reduce battery use.        Step 3: Immediately Do not Waste Time and Determine Your Whereabouts.Commonly most drivers would wait for somebody to pass by and ask for help, however, do not take the dangerous risk of taking chances to pure luck. Use your phone in determining your location by activating an Apps tracking your location(Check with your mobile telecom about an Apps tracker). Step 4: Search for the Nearest Gas Station.If you are in the countryside and aren’t sure exactly where you are, look immediately for road signs or, if it’s dark out, for nearby lights that could indicate an off-ramp leading to a nearby gas station. And if you are in the city, just ask someone for directions to the closest gas station, or use an Apps tracker for gasoline stations. If you are on a busy highway or freeway do not take risk crossing the road, or walking in dark or unsafe areas. It’s better to take your time and wait for help to arrive. Step 5: Call for Assistance.-Call family members, friends, or relatives who are nearby or available in times of need-Contact the insurance company or AAA if you have a membership. (AAA Member Services Hotline: 1-800-564-6222; phone app for iOS and Android.)-Check the Operator (411) they should be able to advise about nearby gas stations. -Call 911, as a last resort in case your phone doesn’t have another service. Under FCC rules, even a phone with no signal can reach 911. If you are in a remote area, it’s best to wait in your car for help to arrive (do not wander off). Stay inside your car with hazard lights on with doors locked until help arrives. Step 6: Keep Moving after waiting some time and still no help arrived, nor somebody passes by for a friendly lift to a nearby gasoline station, your next step may be to walk. Stay focus without making yourself lost in the wrong direction.  If you are stuck in rainy or stormy weather, consider staying in your car, with hazard lights on, until the storm passes by. Do not take the risk that would put you in a harm’s way.    As a last resort, consider the help of a Johnny-on-the-spot who can give you a lift to the nearest gas station or simply give you gas. Exercise extreme caution if taking a ride from a stranger. Use your gut instincts before making some decisions.   Prevention and Preparation.  Thinking ahead, being prepared, and not letting your gas tank dip below the half-full mark is the best way to avoid such a situation. Another is downloading an App on your phone to locate gas stations. Making an organized system to know when and where you’re going to stop. That will keep you from passing the last gas station for several miles and ensure that you get to your destination quickly and safely. Or you can apply with Ridderman Oil’s Fuel Management Program, to assure that your car would not run out of gasoline and if in need of emergency services, Ridderman Oil’s service technicians are available on 24/7 on-call duty service. We can give you the peace of mind, so you can travel safely with no worries. Summary:Having no car gasoline and being stranded in the middle of the road is a nightmare. Steps can be taken like prioritizing safety, conserving energy, proper time management/know your location, find a gasoline station, call for help, and always keep moving. Call now Ridderman & Sons Oil, your fuel oil delivery Grand Rapids Company and fuel oil delivery Kalamazoo, MI company at (269)685-5825, for your non-ethanol, diesel fuel, and lubricant needs.   You can directly contact us at , for inquiries with your fuel oil delivery Kalamazoo, Michigan, diesel fuel Kalamazoo, Michigan, and other fuel products and services for Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and surrounding areas. We also offer oils from bio diesel, diesel(on and off-road), wholesale gasoline, and heavy-duty motor oil; and also supply fuel for a wide variety of machinery like hydraulic oils and fluids, industrial oils, automotive oils, and heating oils. For more details please visit our website at  https://www.riddermanoil.com/ or visit our service areas at Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids.  
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bestsigncompany · 3 years
What Signs Do You Need To Effectively Manage A Property?
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Managing a property is no mean feat. There are many matters that will require your attention every single day. Signage probably won’t be at the forefront of your mind very often, but property management signs can make your job much easier.
Building And Business Signs Are The Cornerstones Of Good Property Management Signage.
Every building needs some kind of sign on it, even if that’s just an address sign. But if you manage a property that people are going to visit, you need to identify it. A “building sign” can be any sign that is installed on a building that identifies that building. Building signs are required for everything from commercial businesses in Allendale, to residential condo or apartment buildings in Grandville, to Western Michigan University buildings on their Grand Rapids campus.
You have several options for building signs, but 3D lettering and 3D signs are often excellent choices. 3D signs stand out better than two-dimensional sign panels and they often look more official.
Directional Signage Is Often Necessary To Help Guide People Around Your Property.
It’s important that your directional signage, and all your property management signage, looks similar.
SIGNS BY D9N DESIGN is a sign business in Allendale, MI. We can make the perfect property management sign for your property in Allendale, Grandville, Grand Rapids, or anywhere nearby in West Michigan. To learn more, please contact us via our website or call 1-888-992-1688.
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Animal Removal and Pest Control in the Lansing MI — Stewart Pest Solutions
Stewart Pest Solutions is a place where you can control animals. We are a full-service pest and animal management company that serves Lansing and the entire state of Michigan. Stewart Pest Solutions is proud to serve a variety of residential, commercial, and municipal customers as a one-stop-shop for humane pest and animal solutions. We are service industry pioneers, combining the most effective components of nuisance wildlife removal in one package.
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Pest Control Services in My Area
It’s critical to use a pest and wildlife management business that is familiar with the area. Animal control issues are considerably better handled by a company that understands the local ecosystem than by a nationwide phone center. Stewart Pest Solutions is a locally owned and operated business, not a franchise.
When choosing a pest and wildlife control company, it is important to get someone local to the area. A company with knowledge of the local ecosystem is much better equipped to deal with animal control issues than a national call center. Stewart Pest Solutions is locally owned and operated; We have years of experience trapping animals and working in animal and pest management in Michigan, and our technicians are on the job every day in Lansing.
All Animals — All Insects
Though precise trapping and animal removal methods will vary based on the scenario, the key to all nuisance wildlife removal is attention to detail, thoroughness, and a thorough understanding of specific animal species, all of which Creature Control excels at. Creature Control is Michigan’s unique wildlife control company that can handle both animals and insects, which are generally handled by different companies. Are there squirrels in the attic? Under the deck, are there groundhogs? In the kitchen, are there carpenter ants? We’ve got this! We offer a variety of services, including:
Boxelder bugs
Bed Bug exterminator
ants bees control services
Rodent Exterminators
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cobbsandra1989 · 4 years
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rv insurance michigan, I did not think that any insurance agency like that would be a very good plan. In fact, I think that the best insurance company is the one that can cater to customers and even clients who do not wish to have it their own way. The key is to have the best insurance company that suits your personal situation. That is why they need to have both the best insurance policy that suits your situation and also a good insurance policy. My advice to anyone looking for insurance is to do you research and make your own choices. It is not worth spending one month looking for the same level of insurance over the internet if you do not want to think about it for a couple of days. Otherwise, you can do your research by going to the website of your life insurance provider and filling out a short questionnaire about your health, vehicle and your last name. There are many websites that have information about how insurance underwriters process your medical records. If you choose a web site where you ask questions about your. rv insurance michigan. They have one of the best customer service. They are super friendly with very good help, and affordable, with a great staff – and even the coverage – is great. The only issue is your agent, or the customer service at this insurance company, is super-long and busy. I could only see it as a question. I will be keeping an eye out for any further questions regarding these. I just want to find you a good insurance policy. Any tips on any of these. The worst thing this company has ever seen, but can you help us find a good insurance company? I would not recommend them to anybody.. It was super annoying.. It is considered a credit risk – a claim will be reported to an insurance agency (sometimes multiple agencies at once) but there are insurance companies that will use credit scores to determine premiums. To save on your  a year, avoid this risk and keep your history with your car. rv insurance michigan, so she can insure herself. She is licensed to provide insurance and financial planning for a variety of industries including banking, banking, credit, insurance, retirement and asset management (with the help of her financial advisor). When not employed she serves as a policyholder and executive consultant for the company. She does not have an insurance license nor do she possess any insurance license, but does own her own property and casualty business in general and as a member of a retirement plan. Ms.W.A. is a proud member of, and resident in North Dakota which is within three miles of Fargo. She is also a member of the M.B.A.G and the W.O.P.M.T.G. program at the University of Minnesota Medical Center. G.W.A. has been active in the community and has been recognized for its financial strength, performance, and integrity in the insurance marketplace, and for its dedication to serving the communities it.
Get an RV insurance quote for your motorhome or travel trailer
Get an RV insurance quote for your motorhome or travel trailer, and then the company will help you in selecting the right policy that is best for you. We make it easy for you to find all the RV insurance rates you deserve. It’s fast, quick, and easy to find good rates for your RV insurance coverage needs. It doesn’t matter if you just paid for your RV Insurance policy. In most cases, RV coverage will include your home and personal possessions, personal liability, medical payments, and even trip cancellation coverage. Our company can help you secure the right RV policy for your needs. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality insurance for every aspect of your RV. Whether you are traveling to Cuba, in the country where there are numerous tourists, or you simply want to get started traveling to Cuba with your children - we are here to give you the insurance coverage required by your country of residence. Most of us are familiar with our RV insurance policy because our company is not the first choice when it comes to securing a policy..
Protect Your Recreational Vehicle with Michigan RV Insurance
Protect Your Recreational Vehicle with Michigan RV Insurance! We offer low cost RV Insurance in Michigan! At RVInsuranceInGrandpa Michigan, we offer superior quality coverage for any car or motorcycle. The type of coverage you see on our website or on your quotes can always be customized to fit your insurance needs. Whether your vehicle has a high bumper or a low-risk category, RVinsurancecan provide you with the coverage you need at a good price. We offer a wide variety of coverages for the best value with the lowest rate possible. A person’s financial responsibility status is another factor to consider before purchasing an RV. If you are on the road for a weekend vacation or a weekend vacation to visit friends or relatives or have an automobile, our can help. Call today for free, no-questions asked rates and non-questions answered! We’re a licensed, comprehensive independent insurance agency located in Grand Rapids, MI. We can help with insurance options for you and your family. We offer multiple.
Get an RV insurance quote. Save today. Vacation tomorrow.
Get an RV insurance quote. Save today. Vacation tomorrow. If you have one or more years of recreational driving experience, you’ve found yourself in a major traffic jam, and you’re eager to learn how to avoid getting stuck in traffic while you’re out on the open road. You may be wondering, who has the best car insurance in Oklahoma? We’ve got you covered. From state regulations with specific insurance requirements to the insurance discounts you can get to save some money on your insurance premium, you’ve found for many of the auto insurance companies in Oklahoma, it’s a good idea to get multiple quotes from multiple providers. What does it mean for insurance? So far, we’ve provided the cheapest car insurance quotes from at least three providers. However, this information will change based on your location and driving record as well as your individual needs. Some companies offer cheaper rates. This is one of many factors when it comes to auto insurance in Oklahoma. Here are the cheapest carriers in Oklahoma for.
Ways to Lessen Rates in Your Michigan RV Insurance
Ways to Lessen Rates in Your Michigan RV Insurance Cost Survey As you can see in the chart below, the average policy cost in Michigan is lower than it costs in California! You can read more about each of our insurance companies in our resources section or simply click to to find the best deal for you. Michigan residents can expect to pay between $65 and $290 a month for insurance, according to a new report by the Insurance Information Institute. Although Michigan has some of the most expensive car insurance rates in the country, many businesses and consumers still benefit from the high levels of coverage. There are opportunities for the type of coverage that suits your employer s needs and the amount of coverage you may be applying for, but most are not available in their default state. To get the coverage you need, first you will need to get quotes for the coverage you need. The process is really easier in Michigan than most.
RV Insurance Coverage With GEICO
RV Insurance Coverage With GEICO can provide customers with the cheapest possible insurance rate and the most effective coverage for their driving needs. When the time comes to compare low rates and the best car insurance companies in Oklahoma, is the best way to choose a low rate. Looking for cheap car insurance? Get free quotes right now. In Oklahoma, you can save on your car insurance policy through out the first 30 days of coverage with GEICO. Then, you can lock in low rates and enjoy the advantages and stability you deserve. You could even save your entire policy without having to pay a single down payment by picking a lower than average rate. GEICO Insurance Agency, Inc. has partnered with to provide insurance products. When you click Continue you will be taken to their website, which is not owned or operated by GEICO. GEICO has no control over their privacy practices and assumes no responsibility in connection with your use of their website. Any information that you directly provide is subject to the privacy posted on their website.
Things You Should Look For Your Michigan RV Insurance
Things You Should Look For Your Michigan RV Insurance. When you rent a RV or your RV in Canada or Mexico, having your own insurance policy is a major no-brainer. However, when you rent an RV in Canada or Mexico, you will need insurance as well. You will need to purchase your own RV insurance policy. Most rental insurance policies require you to purchase a certain number of days of Rental coverage when you rent a vehicle. So, if a person has physical damage to your vehicle and they don’t have enough insurance, that vehicle can become a serious liability. This is why most rental companies will provide you with separate RV insurance. You will often find yourself in an even-handed situation where you choose to purchase your own RV policy. It can be possible that your own RV insurance policy will not provide you with sufficient coverage. Your personal insurance might only cover your personal liability, but that’s not the end of the story. It’s important to remember that your personal vehicle is a unique risk to insurers.
What are the travel trailer insurance requirements in Michigan?
What are the travel trailer insurance requirements in Michigan? The average Michigan driver must have their own travel trailer insurance policy. This is true in this state as well. It is not necessary to shop around to find the best rates on your own. The Michigan state minimum insurance requirements will cover damages that occur if you are involved in motor vehicle accidents and were driving an uninsured vehicle. Your liability limits will not allow you to pay for all of the damages or losses but it is an option if it is not an option. It provides protection for these costs if you are involved in an accident. What kind of travel trailer insurance is required in Michigan? Travel trailer insurance covers damages that occur, if you are in an accident while driving an unregistered vehicle. You can purchase travel trailer insurance as basic coverage on your trip with minimum state minimum requirements, although you will be fully protected by the vehicle used for travel. The amount of the travel trailer insurance required depends on the insurance required under an individual state-sponsored travel trailer insurance plan. The information below will give you an.
Pro tips for quoting RV insurance
Pro tips for quoting RV insurance Auto insurance rates vary by state. In general, auto insurance rates are a bit higher in states with large local populations than in states where sparse population is an issue. Rental insurance policies vary in whether the insured driver will be covered by the rental company or the rental company’s own auto insurance policy. If you are asked to provide your personal information (like Social Security number) during a rental and you decline the offer, the policy would pay the rental company’s injury benefit. You should purchase a policy that covers your spouse’s medical costs even if they are not injured in a car accident. Avoiding false insurance claims can help you avoid being sued. Most RV policyholders will still be covered when traveling, but if you don’t file a claim for any reason, you need to discuss that with the insurance company. VIP coverage may make it easier to insure multiple RV’s for multiple renters, condo, and homeowners insurance needs.
Save big with one of the best RV insurance companies
Save big with one of the best RV insurance companies for your coverage needs. For a quick online form and quote on RV insurance, check out some examples of best RV insurance providers. When shopping for RV insurance, you will find a plethora of different providers out there, making it important to do your research to pick the right one. We strongly encourage to visit our (available in every state except for Alaska, Hawaii, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Texas) for helpful tips and information. At The Zebra, we are not independent. We keep our reviews strictly for our and offer unbiased reviews that are designed to save you time and money when insuring your RV. The Zebra is not an insurance company. We partner with many highly rated insurance providers. There’s nothing quite like hearing a news headline to remind one s mind of an important fact; however, even the best news can’t be perfect. We don’t want to tell you what the future holds, but.
Do you need insurance for your RV?
Do you need insurance for your RV? We talked to an RV insurance specialist to get some guidance on getting coverage that will ensure that you are protected by the law. A full service RV insurance specialist can help you find RV insurance coverage for your RV and any of the  from  many. Check out the with additional information for RV insurance in your area! This website provides information for the reader to choose to request more information, including information on insurance by state, Zip Code, and more…We’ve been helping people buy life insurance online for companies and individuals for over 50 years. Whether you purchase directly from an insurance agency or from a third-party, we’re your go-to source for all of your life insurance needs. Call us today at (888) 998-3344 for your personalized assistance. The vast majority of people own their own personal vehicle. While it can be overwhelming, we’re here to help simplify even the most complex things, so that you have an overall clear.
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Posted by najir11islam on 2019-10-30 20:47:06
The post I will do 24h design best health, dental, medical, hospital logo appeared first on Good Info.
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techyblogger · 5 years
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My company out of Grand Rapids, MI is adding a remote SEO / PPC employee. https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/dhzc7i/my_company_out_of_grand_rapids_mi_is_adding_a/
What started as a 2 man operation now has 5 full-time "marketers". More help is needed! This is a remote position, we offer competitive salary. You will be required on-site a few times a year, but other than that you'll be using your own office.
Here are some of the standard tasks you'd need to be capable of completing :
Use a provider to obtain articles, to help with a local businesses SEO.
Research an implement ideas to improve SEO on clients web sites.
Manage a new website overhaul for a client, working with our providers. You will be the project manager making sure the programmers are accomplishing exactly what the client is looking for.
Create weekly ad's on several platforms promoting a business, for example today I was making ad's on snapchat and FB for a "Haunted House" in Ann Arbor Michigan.
Talk to Clients about new projects, this usually entails a current client setting up a meeting to discuss a new web-based project, or application. You take notes, and work with our programmers to come up with a quote.
Manage your customers expectations vs reality. I spend a couple hours a day, using software to show the customer what they are spending in advertising, and what that means in terms of sales / leads.
Overall, the individual we are looking for is a very diverse in terms of marketing.
We don't really have any "requirements" as we've learned in the past that this position is very fluid and no single requirement is going to guarantee success. We are more looking for someone who is enthusiast and enjoys working with a team, yet can be trusted to accomplish their tasks without much supervision.
Let me know if you have any questions. This job hasn't been posted publicly yet.
submitted by /u/normdogg [link] [comments] October 15, 2019 at 05:18AM
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haulix · 7 years
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New openings (September 24)
Coordinator, Consumer Relationship Marketing (WMG - NYC)
The CRM Coordinator’s primary role is to support hands on, the design and implementation of processes, solutions and tools Fan Engagement programs as outlined by the Sr. Director of CRM Platforms. What you will work on will reach millions of music fans around the world and contribute to the careers of some of the best and biggest ar. You will work with people all over the world across many functions and have a voice on ways to engage fans, brainstorm marketing strategy and adopt new technologies. You will be required to perform tasks including but not limited to email production, reporting, data management, platform administration, presentations & content creation.
Content Lead, Strategic Marketing (Spotify - NYC) 
Spotify’s global Strategic Marketing team is seeking a full time Content Lead to lead the industry-facing content strategy for Spotify for Brands, overseeing the primary channels and stories that inspire and drive demand with our external audience of advertisers and brand partners. This person will help relaunch our global Spotify for Brands website, guiding the content that fuels this destination along with key industry-facing pieces across formats and channels, from written and interactive to video and audio. The right candidate has a strong editorial mindset, foundation in digital content development and leadership skills, with a proven track record of driving cross-functional workstreams and aligning content strategy to strategic business bets. Interest in research and the intersection between music and marketing is a huge plus. 
Eccentric Cafe Marketing Assistant (Bells - Kalamazoo, MI) 
The Eccentric Café Marketing Assistant will provide support for the daily marketing and promotional operations of the Downtown Retail Campus (DRC), with attention to concerts, events and entertainment, while maintaining an enthusiastic and friendly demeanor to internal and external customers. 
Campaign Specialist (Pandora - NYC) 
The Campaign Specialist will partner directly with Sales Account Executives and will be responsible for working internally and externally to ensure that we execute strategically and flawlessly for our advertising partners. The right individual will be a key contributor in Pandora’s Client Services team and responsible for operational development, implementing, maintaining and enhancing these campaigns.  This position involves sales and client support, project management, execution and reporting.   
Marketing Analyst (Apple Music - Santa Clara Valley, CA) 
Apple is seeking a proven Marketing Analyst to join the Apple Music Analytics team As part of a centralized team, you’ll act as a thought partner and domain expert on marketing and growth analytics. In this role, your objective is drive customer growth and engagement by understanding the customer and monitoring marketing channels inside and outside of the product. You’ll work closely with our stakeholders and leadership team to understand analytics needs, independently solve problems, and communicate complex analyses with ease. 
Digital Content and Events Manager (Cumulus Media - Grand Rapids, MI) 
We are seeking a Digital Content and Events Manager for our 5 stations: WBBL, WHTS, WJRW, WLAV and WTNR. Candidates will be extremely detail oriented and have extensive experience in creation of digital content as it applies to websites and social media, including but not limited to graphics design. This position also requires the creation and execution of station on-site events, on-air content and working closely with our sales and programming teams to ensure successful revenue and ratings generated promotions.   
Assistant, Digital Media (WMG - NYC) 
You’ll provide support to the EVP as well as the department as a whole. You’ll wear a lot of hats and work on various projects as they come, crossing all parts of the department. You’ll have the opportunity and responsibility to get involved in all aspects of our digital strategy.  If you love all things digital, don’t mind listening to loud music all day and can participate in spontaneous brainstorms, then this is the place for you.
Associate Campaign Specialist (Pandora - Dallas) 
This individual will work with the Campaign Specialists and the Sales team to help support the day-to-day needs of the region’s advertising partners. The right individual will be a key contributor in the Client Services organization and will be responsible for assisting with media planning and campaign execution; drafting media plans, providing advertising creative deadlines, technical specifications, reporting; and tracking and optimizing delivery.
Marketing Specialist, Digital Music (Amazon - Seattle) 
Amazon Music seeks a driven merchandiser to join the Digital Music Engagement team who will be obsessed with showing our customers the right music at the right time. This role will own the strategy and execution of driving Amazon Music engagement, free-trial conversions, and upgrades across the Amazon Music apps, drive product improvements across multiple product teams, and manage (or create new) content merchandising processes. A successful candidate will have a passion for understanding customer behavior and be able to communicate this to stakeholders on the business and product teams. They will have an interest in testing, from creating the testing plan to communicating the results upwards and using the data to inform future business decisions. And, as we are a global organization, this role will also work regularly with our global counterparts in creating and sharing best practices. The ideal candidate will be highly organized, have strong communication skills, be comfortable with ambiguity, and have the creativity to challenge our status quo. The merchandiser’s responsibilities will include owning the Amazon Music engagement, free-trial conversion, and upgrade merchandising strategies in the Amazon Music apps, communicating the Amazon Music plans to multiple stakeholders weekly, working closely with multiple product teams to drive improvements across all of our apps, and creating best practices to be used globally.
Marketing Coordinator (San Francisco Symphony) 
The Marketing Coordinator will provide ongoing support in all areas of the marketing department for the San Francisco Symphony. The Coordinator supports the development and execution of marketing campaigns through promotions, media partnerships, events, college student campaigns, and other activities. Working with an 8-member Marketing team, this position reports to the Associate Marketing Director and works collaboratively with them across multiple departments including Creative Services, Box Office/Patron Services, PR/Communications, Operations, Volunteer Council, and Development divisions.
Coordinator, Digital Marketing (Music Choice - NYC) 
Execute digital marketing strategy and tactical marketing plans to cultivate growth of the Music Choice digital products, including maintaining website/app consumer messaging with engineering
Lead and develop digital marketing projects, including execution of landing pages, organizing tactical requests for partnerships, maintenance of email marketing assets and subscriber lists, etc.
Team up with the Research Analyst to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and measurable goals tied to all digital initiatives to forecast growth, direct optimization of tactics, and identify impact on ETV
Monitor competitive landscape to identify and pursue emerging technologies, partnerships, tools and platforms in the digital and social space for marketing opportunities
Paid Media Marketing Manager (Amazon - Seattle) 
Amazon is looking for a talented, customer-obsessed Paid Marketing Manager to manage Amazon Music’s paid media channel marketing budget in US, with specific leaning toward mobile app install and paid social channel management. We are looking for someone who has demonstrated ability to create and execute effective paid acquisition strategies, launched new marketing programs, built relationships with networks and publishers, and optimized for return on investment and cost efficiency. You will also work with marketing agencies to purchase display inventory on third party exchanges, directly with key publishers and home audio device partners to run campaigns across web, mobile and devices. The Paid Marketing Manager’s goals are to acquire new customers to our service, engage customers with Amazon Music’s full catalog, and increase our brand and content awareness.
Promotions Assistant (Cumulus Media - Kansas City, KS) 
Cumulus serving the Kansas City area is seeking qualified applicants for a part time Promotions Assistant. We offer a creative, business-oriented environment for the pursuit of professional excellence. The Promotions Assistant is responsible for general office duties, assisting the Promotions Directors with daily tasks, event planning, managing of station prizes, ensuring all recaps are done and received by our sales department in a timely fashion.Work with Promotions/Sales/Programming Departments to execute successful promotions for the Kansas City Radio Cluster including: 95.7 The VIBE All the Hits (Top 40), Magic 107.3 Kansas City’s BEST Mix of R&B (Urban), 94.9 KCMO Kansas City’s Greatest Hits (Classic Hits), 102.5 JACKFM (Adult Hits), X105.1 Kansas City’s Alternative, 101 The FOX Kansas City’s Classic Rock and Chiefs Radio Network(Sports).
Marketing Manager (Future Publishing - NYC) 
Future is seeking a Marketing Manager based in our NYC office to support the sales and corporate marketing efforts across all brands. This individual will be an integral part of the marketing team to deliver high quality collateral, data, and support for the overall business. Specific areas of responsibilities include, but are not limited to, driving corporate marketing initiatives, public relations, sales marketing, research, marketing collateral, project management, and events. The ideal candidate will have at least five years of marketing experience and enjoy a fast-paced environment with a creative eye. Candidate must exhibit a self-sufficient, go-getter attitude with the ability to jump into projects and begin managing quickly. This full-time position is based in our Manhattan office, working closely with our marketing team in San Francisco.
North America Music Publishing Business Development Manager (Facebook - Menlo Park, CA) 
Facebook is seeking a North America Music Publishing Business Development Manager who is passionate about the changing music ecosystem, technology and supporting our goal of connecting people through social media, the mobile eco-system and business strategy. This role will lead Facebook’s strategy and negotiations with music publishers and societies in the Americas, as well as collaborate with our product and media partnerships teams to ensure a coordinated and best-in-class licensing structure. The position is full-time and based in our main office in Menlo Park.
Older posts (7+ Days)
Associate Digital Merchandising Manager (Sound United - Vista, CA)
Reporting to the Digital Marketing Manager, the Associate Digital Marketing Manager- Merchandising will be responsible for driving the strategy and business results of an assigned online category of business with the goal of meeting/exceeding sales, turn and margin. The Digital Merchandise Manager is responsible for optimizing customer experience through digital marketing and site presentation. The position will be located at our Worldwide Headquarters in Vista, CA.
As the Associate Digital Marketing Manager, you will support merchandising strategy and execution across multiple brands/divisions. The ideal candidate should have ecommerce merchandising or buying exposure with a blend of analytical and creative skills. This role requires partnerships with several cross-functional teams including Brand, Marketing, and Trade teams to come up with new strategies for growing the direct ecommerce business across all brands.
Digital Marketing Manager (Ernie Ball - San Luis Obispo, CA)
The Ernie Ball Inc. Digital Marketing Manager will execute the day-to-day tasks associated with managing the organic and paid digital marketing, email, social media, blogs, and forums for the Ernie Ball Inc., and Ernie Ball Music Man family of brands. They will help in development and execution of Ernie Ball Inc.’s world class digital marketing, social media and community marketing strategies. The Digital Marketing Manager works with the Creative, Marketing and Artist Relations departments and reports directly to the Director of Marketing. The ideal candidate not only “lives and breathes” social media, but also has a strong understanding of both the analytical and creative aspects of the role.
Publications Manager (Aspen Music Festival and School)
The Aspen Music Festival and School seeks an experienced arts publications manager to create a wide variety of effective marketing and storytelling publications to meet its marketing and communications goals.
The publications manager oversees all of the Festival’s marketing pieces, including the season brochures, Festival magazine, annual report, and recruitment pieces, as well as all ads, promotional posters, banners, postcards, flyers, stationery, and internal reports. To create these publications, the Publications Manager is responsible for understanding the goals and target tone of each piece, engendering collaboration among departments, creating and managing the production schedule, writing the copy, choosing the photos, working with an outside graphic designer, overseeing all revisions, staying within budget, and handling printing and distribution. Powerful editorial, advertorial, and marketing writing skills, and exacting attention to detail are a must–this person is the final set of eyes on any project before it goes to print.
Candidates should wish to work in an environment with high standards and with a desire to always strive and improve projects and processes. Springs and summers are fast-paced and have an all-hands-on-deck spirit; schedule flexibility and commitment are important.
Studio Manager (11th Street Studios - Atlanta)
Managing a music recording studio, experience in audio engineering, studio tech, project management, preparing quotes/ bids, marketing, sales, new client acquisitions, client services, invoicing, and team building. With the acquisition of a 2nd facility 1-mile away, 11th Street Studios will be a combined 12,000 SF with over 10 of the cities finest working rooms. Already one of Atlanta’s premiere music recording studios, we look to quickly become one of Atlanta’s top audio post facilities to support the advertising, film, television, and gaming industries. Connections in major labels, publishing companies, artists, producers, managers, songwriters, a&r’s, and indy labels a plus, especially in Atlanta. Familiarity with Pro Tools, QuickBooks, various CRM’s, HR/OKR, SEO, SEM, SMM, CMS, CRO, & BI software a plus. Looking for someone Highly Organized, some Technical Skills, Outgoing, Pleasant, Goal-Oriented, and willing to put in the extra time and effort when needed. Bachelor’s Degree or greater preferred.
Monetization Product Marketing Lead, Formats (Spotify - NYC)
Spotify is looking for an experienced monetization/ads product marketing leader to join the Global Marketing team to shape the advertising experience for millions of fans and the businesses trying to reach them. The Lead role will lead a high performing team to drive the development, communication, and execution of monetization product marketing strategies for our free music business. This candidate must have a proven track record as an innovative thinker that has global go-to-market (GTM) experience with ad format products across audio, video, and display media types. We are looking for an experienced leader with a background in product strategy, inbound marketing, go-to-market, and growth execution. This position will report into the Global Director of Product Marketing and is a full-time position, based in New York.
Senior Marketing Manager (SeriesFest - Denver, CO)
Develop and manage the year-round marketing and advertising plan for SeriesFest. This individual is detail oriented, able to think independently and exercise judgement in order to identify marketing opportunities, create compelling marketing campaigns and handle requests and issues that vary across internal and external partners. This individual will work remotely most of the time.
Culture Marketing Manager (Red Bull - Santa Monica)
The Culture Marketing Manager (CMM) drives the development and execution of regional culture-focused marketing initiatives (e.g. music, art, dance, fashion, film and social innovation initiatives). Through events, artists, and influencers, the CMM builds local and regional brand affinity while paying into Red Bull’s global strategies.
Digital and Social Media Producer (CBS Radio - Los Angeles)
Looking for an ambitious, motivated producer who has an eye and ear for digital media and understands how to grow an audience online. You live and breathe MUSIC - with a particular interest in pop music and know how to identify the best moments, viral video or news to post to drive social engagement, web traffic and video views. You know exactly what your audience wants on social media and can provide video, photos and snappy copy for all platforms. You’re a go-getter who can work with radio station jocks, producers and staff to offer best practices for posting on social media, and know how to market content for a digital and national audience. You can roll-up your sleeves, write an article, produce a video and can post it all online.
Sr. Product Marketing Manager (GetRockBot - Oakland, CA)
So what does it mean to work at Rockbot? You will be joining a small, agile team dedicated to working harder, better, faster and stronger - (thanks Daft Punk). We have a lot of fun here, too (you’ll like the occasional happy hours). We offer competitive salary and benefits, a great office location right above Bart in Oakland and a fantastic team of really smart people. We are looking for an experienced product marketing leader who can lead the charge in developing compelling messaging and positioning, and ensure our sales team has all the right materials to effectively sell our products and services.
Coordinator, Marketing Administration (Sony - Nashville)
The Marketing and New Business team at Sony Music Nashville (SMN) develops marketing campaigns that create exposure for our roster of industry-leading artists. We’re looking for someone who relishes behind-the-scenes roles, someone who would enjoy being responsible for administration tasks that keep a department running.
VP Marketing (Cumulus Media - TBD)
Cumulus is currently searching for a superior leaders to join us as a VP-Market Manager.
Identify, recruit and develop high-performance sales talent and build a successful team to ensure continued top-line growth
Lead the local and regional sales effort and focus on diversifying the broadcast sales portfolio and penetrate growth business categories
Drive sales, deliver growth, exceed goals and live in the details of the business
Work across departments to proactively support each other’s endeavors and optimize execution
Contribute your talents and time to meeting challenges, solving problems and rising to the opportunities
Ensure that there is a thoughtful game plan to tactfully execute each decision and activity
Responsibility for your teams efforts and outcomes while celebrating successes
Content Marketing Associate (ArtistWorks - Napa, CA)
As our Content Marketing Associate you are ArtistWorks’ “editor-in-chief” and will work with production, technology, and marketing peers to create highly engaging, authoritative content related to the ArtistWorks learning experience. Your primary responsibilities will be increasing high quality organic traffic to the ArtistWorks site, converting those visitors to leads upon visit, and engaging current members.
This position mashes up creative and analytical skills, and requires an agile intellect that can blend customer intelligence, storytelling, data manipulation, and technology to craft world-class original content.
Sr Manager, Entertainment Marketing (T-Mobile - Bellevue, WA)
The Sponsorships and Events team is chartered with providing a single point of accountability for the strategic development, oversight, and execution of brand sponsorships and events. We are seeking a Senior Marketing Manager of Entertainment that will be responsible for overseeing partnership development, management, and execution of T-Mobile’s entertainment portfolio, which includes partnerships such as T-Mobile Arena, Dick Clark Productions and other media sponsorships, festivals, talent partnerships and celebrity influencer program.
The individual should have a passion for entertainment marketing, particularly music, an ability to demonstrate extensive knowledge and experience in building entertainment marketing platforms for brands, and a fundamental understanding of marketing principles. The role will lead the entertainment marketing team in strategic partnership planning and development, execution, communication, and measurement of entertainment marketing partnerships that support T-Mobile’s brand and business strategies. The role will work closely with the Sr. Director of Sponsorships and Events on the overall portfolio strategy and negotiation of key partnerships, and will work cross functionally with multiple internal departments, properties, agencies, and senior-level leadership.
Creative Operations Lead, Ad Creative (Pandora - Oakland, CA)
As a Creative Operations Lead, you will provide senior level project management to drive innovation in new advertising opportunities on Pandora. You will serve as a strategic partner to creative teams across Pandora, as well as leaders in Product, Ad Product Strategy, Sales, and Engineering to create and maintain the highest standards of quality and efficiency for ad products and amplified features. The ideal candidate is an expert project and programming manager who is creative, flexible, insights-driven, strategic, extremely savvy with design and advertising worlds, an expert communicator and collaborator, passionate about problem-solving, and dedicated to excellence.
Interactive advertising enables Pandora to bring advertisers and listeners together with creative that drives engagement and increases time spent listening. Our team specializes in crafting advertising and station experiences that resonate with the Pandora listener and artist through a personal, targeted listening experience, mirroring Pandora’s personalized delivery of music. From strategic rich media solutions to dynamic audio experiences, we take pride in creating content that is innovative, relevant, and effective.
We are looking to develop our strategic operations leadership within Advertising Creative, and your role will be crucial in enabling our multi-disciplined and multi-faceted team to produce new, dynamic advertising experiences. This job is located at our Oakland, CA office.
Choral Club / Print Music Marketing Manager (World Music & Church Resources - Nashville, TN)
Word Music & Church Resources is one of the world’s leading contemporary evangelical church music publishers. Based in Nashville, we are owned by Lorenz, one of the country’s largest publishers, manufacturers, and distributors of printed music for the school and church markets. We are looking for amazing people to join our Word Music & Church Resources (WMCR) team in Nashville, TN.
As a team member of WMCR/Lorenz, you’ll help shape our image and help expedite meaningful products that help our customers succeed. You’ll work closely with your peers in various departments. At WMCR/Lorenz, you can be yourself, work in a casual work environment, and know that you work with people who are dedicated to creativity, growth, teamwork, openness, improvement, and good stewardship.
Senior Music Licensing Manager (Amazon Studios - Santa Monica, CA)
We are seeking a Music Licensing Executive to join the dynamic music team supporting Amazon Video and Amazon Studios. The Director of Music Licensing will work closely with the Head of Music Licensing and will perform an integral part in negotiating global PRO deals for the Amazon Video team. The successful candidate will be highly organized and have experience in music licensing and managing relationships specifically with collective management organizations (Performance Rights Organizations). The role requires a deep understanding of the landscape and network of global PROs. In addition, the candidate will be expected to leverage strong negotiating and interpersonal skills in order to partner effectively across internal divisions and with external partners. This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to broaden their entertainment experience at a growing company. Our team culture is goal orientated and fast paced. We are motivated by the challenge and success to produce premium content in the ever-changing digital entertainment business.
WQXR Product & Project Manager (New York Public Radio)
WQXR, the nation’s largest classical radio station, is looking to make a change. After 80 years on the air, we’re asking what classical music can mean to an entirely new generation of listeners, and we’re looking for a product + project manager to help build new experiences to reach them.
Within the year we’ll be launching a channel that marries modern, experimental compositions together with names like Tom Waits, Sigur Rós, and The Pixies. You’ll help us develop a product that doesn’t just stream audio from our station but also facilitates listener engagement—from interactions with the host all the way to joining as a member donating financial support.
We’ll also be researching completely new products and experiences that might speak to our audience. As the leader of the product team, you’ll use tightly iterated explorations to spec functional prototypes, test hypotheses, and eventually launch full fledged products, all the while overseeing the schedule and execution of the rest of the product team members.
Product Manager, Platform (Spotify - NYC)
We are looking for a passionate and seasoned Product Manager that will join the Creator team – a cross functional group dedicated to helping artists thrive. Creator builds features and services that help artists (and the team around them) grow, engage, monetize and understand their fans. Spotify as a company is dedicated to creating a platform for creativity that brings artists and fans closer together. You’ll be at the center of that mission.
Music Scene Expert (Zeeno - Philadelphia)
Zeeno is looking for local Philadelphians who know the music scene here in Philadelphia. If you’re a musician, sound technician, music blogger, or just love to go out to listen to live music, we are looking for your unique perspective. So whether you’re in college or you have lived here for 50 years, everyone has their own spin on Philly and we want to hear it.
Sr. Technical Program Manager, Alexa Music (Amazon - Seattle)
Want to transform the way people enjoy music, radio & books? Come join the team that made Prime Music, Spotify, Pandora, Live radio, Audible books, Kindle books, Podcasts, and more available to Alexa customers. This is an exciting opportunity to change the way customers listen to Music via Alexa. You will do this by leveraging Alexa Science and Language tools, voce modeling and building delightful customer experience. We’re seeking a Sr. Technical Program Manager who will be responsible for scoping and delivering large projects end-to-end. Responsibilities include collection of business and systems requirements from internal and external customers, writing specifications, driving project schedules from design to release, and managing the production launch. You will lead and coordinate design/implementation efforts between internal teams and outside merchants and vendors to develop optimal solutions. You will be expected to make appropriate tradeoffs to optimize time-to-market, clearly communicate goals, roles, responsibilities, and desired outcomes to internal cross-functional and remote project teams. The right candidate will possess a strong program management background, will have demonstrated experience leading medium to large projects, and will have a well-rounded technical background in current web technologies. You must be able to thrive and succeed in an entrepreneurial environment, and not be hindered by ambiguity or competing priorities. This means you are not only able to develop and drive high-level strategic initiatives, but can also roll up your sleeves, dig in and get the job done. As a Sr. TPM, you will anticipate bottlenecks, provide escalation management, anticipate and make tradeoffs, and balance the business needs versus technical constraints. An ability to take large, complex projects and break them down into manageable pieces, develop functional specifications, then deliver them in a timely manner.
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