#Wednesday thinks Enid hates her spending time with Yoko. And she's right!! For the wrong reasons.
krikeymate · 1 year
I think Wednesday and Yoko should become friends.
Yoko is an interesting specimen, on good terms with her sire - rare these days - and snarky enough to keep up with Wendesday, but doesn’t seek to challenge her directly, like Bianca. She also favours black, which instantly makes her more agreeable to be around. Crucially, Enid cares for Yoko, and as someone who also cares for Enid, Wednesday decides that it is her duty to at least be as amicable as she is able with Enid’s bes- othe- previous best-friend-who-is-still-a-very-close-friend.
Enid hates this.
Wednesday doesn’t notice at first.
She’s taken to dedicating her entire attention to Yoko when they speak, determined to unearth and discern every aspect of her and trusting that she can at the very least rely on the vampire to warn if not protect her if danger appears. Trust. It’s a new thing. A very new fragile thing.
It - shamefully - take a week of interrupted conversations before Wednesday turns her eyes back to Enid and a mass of strange behaviours unravel at her feet.
Anger; growls and claws and scowls. Beautiful and unfamiliar and wrong. Enid has developed a short-temper recently, it seems. There’s a bitterness to her, she’s even short with Wednesday, something which throws her entire day out of wack. Pathetic; out of sorts because a girl snapped at her. Her ancestors are rolling in their graves, the next family reunion will be abysmal.
Wednesday is a clever woman however, the cause is pitifully easy to determine. It’s her. As usual, Wednesday is the problem. Wednesday began talking to Enid’s best friend, and now she’s upset. Perfect. Even when she’s trying to do something right, she’s doing something wrong. Not for the first time, Wednesday curses herself for caring at all, and briefly considers actually cursing herself. No, no, the chance of backfiring is too high. She’s an Addams after all, what if she begins to care more. The risk is too great.
So, as someone who has an invested interest in Enid’s state of mind - they live together after all - she disengages with the fledgling friendship. Actually, perhaps she should recede from the social group entirely, the relationship is entirely casual and interaction is hardly regular anyway, but it clearly makes Enid uncomfortable. Yes, that’s the best cause of action.
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rachelsfav-queer · 4 months
Valentine's Day
Summary: Valentine's Day just hasn't been the same for Enid Sinclair for a very long time.
Warning: Very sad, like just so much sad
Valentine's Day. It's meant to be a day about love. A day about spending time with that special someone or someones who just make your heart feel full. Right now, there's probably thousands of people that are doing just that, just embracing the time they're blessed to have with the ones they love.
But... there's one woman who isn't. Enid Sinclair.
Enid is spending today in the Addams Family graveyard. She's always hated graveyards, she still does, really. Though now, for entirely different reasons. Back then, when she was younger, they just creeped her out.
But now…
They remind Enid of her.
Now, Enid sits by that gravestone. How lonely it looks, Enid thinks, like it shouldn't be there yet and there's something, someone missing.
It's strange, almost. Enid used to be so chatty. She could hold entire conversations with anyone, even herself. Finding the right words was never all that hard for her. So, of course now, the werewolf struggles to find her own voice. What can she even say? All the things she wants to say, they'd all go unheard anyway. The only person she would ever speak those words to, she's gone now. Forever.
Enid reaches forward and touches the stone for a second, only a second, and yet, it breaks her entirely. She collapses forward as sobs wrack through her body, not a sound escaping her beyond a pained squeak, giving away her true despair. Enid lies on the cold, hard dirt, weakly pounding the tiny patches of grass with her palm, and she continues crying. The ground beneath her grows wet with the tears and saliva and snot falling from her face as she sobs violently. The blonde can feel her body growing weak from exhaustion, though her crying doesn't slow.
As Enid continues sobbing, she can feel her consciousness fading, and her vision begins to darken. As she passes out, the last thing Enid sees is,
Here Lies Wednesday Friday Addams
When Enid wakes up, she’s no longer on the cold ground. Instead, she's in a warm, familiar bed. Opening her eyes, it takes a moment for the girl to recognize the surrounding room, but soon realizes where she is. The guest room of Yoko and Divina's house. When Enid pulls away the blankets, she sees she's not in the same clothes as before, instead now in fuzzy warm pajamas. Enid looks toward the window and sees it's now dark outside.
Enid gets out of the bed and puts on the slippers she spots by the door before she leaves the room and heads toward the joint living room/dining room. She sees her friends sitting at the table, drinking tea. There's another mug of tea at an empty spot on the table, still steaming.
Yoko sees Enid enter and smiles sadly, her best friend's disheveled state reminding her of the agony she's been through. "Hey pup," Yoko greets softly, "Did you sleep well?"
Still groggy, Enid rubs her eye and mumbles out, "What happened?"
Divina answers, "Morticia found you passed out by- she found you and brought you inside. She called us, said it'd be better for you to get away from the house for a bit."
"Oh, right," Enid responds sadly, "And how'd I get in these?"
"Oh uh, that was me, actually," Yoko says awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck nervously, "Your clothes were covered in mud and your hair was too a bit. So I changed you while you were asleep and cleaned out your hair as best I could. Sorry, I just didn't want you to wake up uncomfortable."
Enid shakes her head and sits down, taking a sip of the tea, "No, it's alright... thank you, Vamps."
Yoko smiles sadly again and responds, "No problem, Wolfie."
Silence sits heavily over the three women, no one having any idea what to say. They all know what's wrong, to ask would be pointless and would probably only hurt them all more. Yoko and Divina weren't that close with Wednesday, not as close as Enid was at least, but they still are feeling her loss just as heavily. Yoko especially so since Enid has been her closest friend forever. Seeing her best friend so distraught is practically tearing the vampire apart by the seams, even more so knowing that she can't do anything to rid her of this pain.
Eventually, Enid looks up at the couple and sighs, she breaks the silence, "I just- I miss her."
Enid's voice cracks and then the dam breaks once again, she's in tears again. Enid covers her face with both hands as sobs once again wrack painfully through her body. Yoko and Divina quickly stand and rush over to comfort Enid. There's not much they can do, they know that, but they hold Enid close between them and let her cry. The only way for her to get through this is by feeling everything she's going to feel.
Enid has no idea how long she cries for this time, but it barely feels like a few seconds. Slowly, her breathing slows down and her tears begin to dry. And after a moment, she laughs softly. Only a short chuckle, but it worries her friends for a second before she starts talking, "It's funny, Wednesday was always so dark... and yet, all that time I knew her, those were the brightest years of my life." Enid laughs again. "Oh gods, if she heard me say that, she'd probably kill me," Enid jokes and it brings laughter to the three women, all of them remembering fondly the short girl's pessimistic attitude.
It's a short moment of bliss that unfortunately goes past them far too fast. Enid looks at both her friends on either side of her and smiles weakly and tells them they can sit again. The room falls into silence again, the only sound being tiny sips of tea now and then. Enid breaks the silence once again when she whispers, "I don't know how to live without her."
"You don't," Yoko says simply.
"Wh- what?" Enid says, taken aback for a moment. She trusts her best friend, but she's not sure about where she's going with this.
"Don't live without her," Yoko reaches to take Enid's hand and smiles softly, "Keep Wednesday with you, in your heart. Take her with you, everywhere. Take her to the store to buy groceries. Go watch a movie with her. Eat Chinese takeout with her, I don't know, anything! Just... don't leave her behind. Don't ever forget Wednesday Addams, okay?"
Enid begins tearing up at Yoko's words and she nods, "Okay... okay, you're right. You're right. I'm not gonna let her go, never. I love her, Yoko."
Yoko nods and moves to hug Enid again, "I know, babes, I know. And you know she loved you too. You were everything to her, Enid. And wherever she is, she'd much rather be with you."
Enid nods and hugs Yoko tightly. Once they separate, Enid looks at Yoko and Divina seriously and says, "I think- I want to go back, there's something I need to do."
Divina stands and rests her hand on Enid's shoulder, "Whatever you need, we've got you, Enid."
After making a short trip to the store, the three women finally arrive back at the Addams Mansion. Enid sits in the back seat of Yoko's car with a bouquet of Black Dahlias in one hand and a raven plushie in the other. Taking a deep breath, she straightens out the non-existent wrinkles in her beautiful black dress, one she had bought years ago for another Valentine's Day, but never got to wear. Until tonight.
Divina notices Enid's fidgeting and gets out of the car and walks around, opening the door closest to the blonde. Holding out a hand, the siren helps Enid out of the car and gently grasps her shoulders, "You look beautiful, Enid. It's okay, she's gonna love it. I promise."
Enid nods and thanks the couple for helping her. She gives Divina a hug and walks off towards the graveyard, heading directly towards Wednesday's tombstone.
The werewolf stands nervously before Wednesday's grave before she finally steps forward and lays the flowers and plush down against the stone. Enid kneels down, careful not to dirty her dress and she smiles sadly. "Howdy roomie," Enid whispers, "Happy Valentine's Day."
End <3
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