#Wellbeing cannon hill
brisbanelivewell · 4 years
Brisbane Live Well Clinic provided the Wellbeing Kenmore psychological services for children, parents and families.
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newstfionline · 4 years
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Colorado Snowstorm Knocks Out Power to Thousands and Snarls Travel (NYT) A snowstorm sweeping through Colorado and Wyoming on Sunday was expected to bring as much as four feet of snow to some parts of the region, and has left nearly 30,000 people without power in Colorado. The storm brought heavy, wet snow and downed trees and power lines. More than 20,000 customers near Greeley, Colo., about 50 miles north of Denver, were without power on Sunday, according to Xcel Energy. More than 2,500 people around Fort Collins, about 1,500 near Loveland and about 3,000 people in the Denver suburbs were also without power. A blizzard warning was in effect on Sunday for Colorado’s Front Range, an area that includes the Interstate 25 corridor from south of Denver up through Cheyenne, Wyo. The National Weather Service warned that an additional two to six inches of snow and wind gusts as high as 45 miles per hour could create “nearly impossible travel conditions.”
Florida’s pandemic response gets a second look from the national media (Axios) After a solid year of living with a pandemic, the national press is beginning to ask the question that even Democrats have been quietly pondering in the Sunshine State: Was Gov. Ron DeSantis’ pandemic response right for Florida? More than 32,000 Floridians have died, but our death rate is no worse than the national average—and better than some states with tighter restrictions. On Sunday’s front page, the New York Times explored the positives—from the booming real-estate market to Florida’s low unemployment rate—of an early reopening: “Much of the state has a boomtown feel,” writes Patricia Mazzei, “a sense of making up for months of lost time.” The Times notes that Florida’s unemployment rate is 5.1%, compared to 9.3% in California, 8.7% in New York and 6.9% in Texas. “That debate about reopening schools? It came and went months ago. Children have been in classrooms since the fall.” The closer you are to either loss or to the fullness of life will likely determine how you feel about the state’s response.
Quaking in their beds, sleepless Icelanders await volcanic eruption (Reuters) Icelanders are yearning for some undisturbed shut-eye after tremors from tens of thousands of earthquakes have rattled their sleep for weeks in what scientists call an unprecedented seismic event, which might well end in a spectacular volcanic eruption. “At the moment we’re feeling it constantly. It’s like you’re walking over a fragile suspension bridge,” Rannveig Gudmundsdottir, a lifelong resident in the town of Grindavik, told Reuters. Grindavik lies in the southern part of the Reykjanes Peninsula, a volcanic and seismic hot spot, where more than 40,000 earthquakes have occurred since Feb. 24. Located between the Eurasian and the North American tectonic plates, Iceland frequently experiences earthquakes as the plates slowly drift in opposite directions at a pace of around 2 centimetres each year. “Everyone here is so tired,” Gudmundsdottir, a 5th grade school teacher, said. “When I go to bed at night, all I think about is: Am I going to get any sleep tonight?” Authorities in Iceland warned of an imminent volcanic eruption on the peninsula in early March, but said they did not expect it to disturb international air traffic or damage critical infrastructure nearby.
Vigil To Reclaim The Streets From Vigilance (CNN) Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive, disappeared on March 3 while walking home from a friend’s home in London’s southern neighborhood of Clapham. Her body was found inside a builder’s bag in a wooded area. A 48-year-old police officer has been charged with kidnapping and killing her. On Saturday, thousands of people gathered in Clapham Common to pay tribute to Everard despite planned nationwide vigils having been canceled due to pandemic restrictions. As darkness fell, police officers began grabbing women in the crowd and making arrests. Videos posted on social media showed officers violently dragging some female protesters away and throwing others to the ground and handcuffing them. Women’s rights activists in the UK are reeling from the Metropolitan Police’s heavy-handed approach. There’s also been political fallout, with a member of Parliament reading out the names of 118 women murdered last year. In a new poll, over 70% of UK women said they had been sexually harassed in public spaces. The figure rose to 97% among women aged 18-24. 45% said they didn’t believe reporting the incidents to officials would change anything.
Dutch police break up thousands of anti-lockdown protesters (The Hill) Police in the Netherlands dispersed thousands of anti-lockdown protesters outside the Hague on Sunday, one day before national elections begin in the country. Reuters reports that police used batons and water cannons to disperse the crowd who authorities said were ignoring social distancing rules as well as warnings from authorities. Many of those gathered in the crowd held up yellow umbrellas and signs in opposition that read “Love, freedom, stop dictatorship,” according to Reuters. The country has been under an intense lockdown since January, Reuters notes, with gatherings of more than two people banned and the first night-time curfew issued since World War II. When the lockdown was extended, it sparked several days of rioting across the country. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Netherlands has confirmed over 1.1 million coronavirus cases and more than 16,000 related deaths.
Spain to launch trial of four-day working week (The Guardian) Spain could become one of the first countries in the world to trial the four-day working week after the government agreed to launch a modest pilot project for companies interested in the idea. Earlier this year, the small leftwing Spanish party Más País announced that the government had accepted its proposal to test out the idea. From New Zealand to Germany, the idea has been steadily gaining ground globally. Hailed by its proponents as a means to increase productivity, improve the mental health of workers and fight climate change, the proposal has taken on new significance as the pandemic sharpens issues around wellbeing, burnout and work-life balance. Leftwing parties in Spain—where a 44-day strike in Barcelona in 1919 resulted in the country becoming one of the first in western Europe to adopt the eight-hour workday—have seized on the idea. “Spain is one of the countries where workers put in more hours than the European average. But we’re not among the most productive countries,” said Iñigo Errejón of Más País. “I maintain that working more hours does not mean working better.”
Major European nations suspend use of AstraZeneca vaccine (AP) A cascading number of European countries—including Germany, France, Italy and Spain—suspended use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine Monday over reports of dangerous blood clots in some recipients, though the company and international regulators say there is no evidence the shot is to blame. AstraZeneca’s formula is one of three vaccines in use on the continent. But the escalating concern is another setback for the European Union’s vaccination drive, which has been plagued by shortages and other hurdles. The EU’s drug regulatory agency called a meeting for Thursday to review experts’ findings on the AstraZeneca shot and decide whether action needs to be taken.
Myanmar junta orders martial law in 6 Yangon townships (AP) Myanmar’s ruling junta has declared martial law in six townships in the country’s largest city, as security forces killed dozens of protesters over the weekend in an increasingly lethal crackdown on resistance to last month’s military coup. At least 38 people were killed Sunday and dozens were injured in one of the deadliest days of the crackdown on anti-coup protesters, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, or AAPP, an independent group tracking the toll of the violence. Several estimates from other sources gave higher figures.
Flights canceled during China’s worst sandstorm in a decade (AP) China’s capital and a wide swath of the country’s north were enveloped Monday in the worst sandstorm in a decade, forcing the cancelation of hundreds of flights. Skyscrapers in the center of Beijing appeared to drop from sight amid the dust and sand. Traffic was snarled and more than 400 flights out of the capital’s two main airports were canceled amid high winds and low visibility. The National Meteorological Center said Monday’s storm had developed in the Gobi Desert in the Inner Mongolia Region, where schools had been advised to close and bus service added to reduce residents’ exposure to the harsh conditions. The National Meteorological Center forecasted the sand and dust would affect 12 provinces and regions from Xinjiang in the far northwest to Heilongjiang in the northeast and the eastern coastal port city of Tianjin.
Taiwan’s boom (NYT) Taiwan, home to 24 million people, has seen fewer than 1,000 cases of Covid-19 and just 10 coronavirus-related deaths. Prior to 2020, lots of Taiwanese and dual nationals moved abroad and only came back for a visit. After the pandemic hit, Taiwan closed its borders to almost all foreign visitors. Protocols put in place include temperature checks, hand-sanitizing, mask-wearing (except in schools), rigorous contact tracing, and strict quarantines for incoming travelers. Taiwanese nationals returned, and about 270,000 more stayed than left. As a result, the island is experiencing a real economic boom. Exports have been rising for eight months, fueled by shipments of electronics and surging demand for semiconductor chips. Domestic tourism is exploding. The economy grew more than 5% in the fourth quarter compared with the same time period in 2019. And every day restaurants, bars, aFor Law Enforcementnd cafes are packed, office buildings hum, and schools are filled with laughing, unmasked children. “We just feel very lucky and definitely a little guilty,” said a product manager for a Bay Area tech company who returned to Taipei with his wife and young son last May. “We feel like we are the ones who benefited from the pandemic.”
United States and Iran warily circle each other over reactivating nuclear deal (Washington Post) The United States is willing to sit down with Iran “tomorrow” and jointly agree to full compliance with the nuclear accord they and five other world powers signed in 2015, according to a senior Biden administration official. Iran has made equally clear it shares the goal of going back to the terms of the original agreement, before President Donald Trump pulled out of it. But nearly two months into Biden’s presidency, with Iran’s own contentious presidential election approaching in June, the two sides have been unable even to talk to each other about what both say they want. Iran wants all Trump sanctions lifted and an immediate influx of cash from the release of blocked international loans and frozen funds, along with foreign investment and removal of bans on oil sales. It seeks assurances that the next U.S. administration won’t jettison the deal again. For its part, the Biden administration wants a reactivated deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, to serve as a “platform” to renegotiate its sunset provisions—the future dates when certain provisions are set to expire. It wants to move quickly to discussions about its other problems with Iran, including Tehran’s ballistic missile program and its use of proxy forces in Iraq, Syria and beyond, and human rights abuses. Both sides continue to wait for the other to prove its good faith with “you, first” rhetoric.
‘Republic of Queues’: 10 years on, Syria is a hungry nation (AP) The lines stretch for miles outside gas stations in Syrian cities, with an average wait of five hours to fill up a tank. At bakeries, people push and shove during long, chaotic waits for their turn to collect the quota of two bread packs a day per family. On the streets in the capital of Damascus, beggars accost motorists and passers-by, pleading for food or money. Medicines, baby milk and diapers can hardly be found. As Syria marks the 10th anniversary Monday of the start of its uprising-turned-civil war, President Bashar Assad may still be in power, propped up by Russia and Iran. But millions of people are being pushed deeper into poverty, and a majority of households can hardly scrape together enough to secure their next meal. “Life here is a portrait of everyday humiliation and suffering,” said one woman in Damascus. Her husband lost his job at an electronics store last month, and now the family is drawing on meager savings that are evaporating fast. With two kids and an elderly father to care for, she said life had become unbearably difficult and she is gripped by anxiety for the future. Until recently, she could smuggle in her father’s medicines from Lebanon, but now Lebanon has its own meltdown and shortages.
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Season 2 Live-blog Part 1
Oh, plot thickens, Jon’s plotting. Shit, I’m intrigued now. I’m not just casually listening. I’m excited about where this is going
The thing about knowing JonMartin is going to be canon is that I catch the signs of it. If I didn’t know I’d be just as clueless as Jon and my brain would refuse to believe in JonMartin existed until it was actually cannon. On that note, I love Jon’s logic of ‘he cares about my wellbeing and it turns out he isn’t an idiot. He must be plotting something”
I think I could piece together the larger story going here if I didn’t have a horrible memory and didn’t forget like half the info of an episode the second it ends. I think I’m supposed to be going “oh, that Leitner, yeah he’s from episode_” but it’s more like “who the hell is this person? “ Yeah, part of the reason I didn’t want to live-blog at first was because I think people want me to start figuring the show out. Guys, no there going to put a whole bunch of clues that this character is behind everything and then as soon as they reveal it I’m going to be like “Who?”
(Ep 47) Oh nice, Jon believes her. Also, I might be imagining it but I think they emphasized her leaving the door.
So unreality and the uncanny valley is a theme this season?
On one hand I know there’s something wrong with the Institute and that Jon has a good reason to be paranoid on the other hand his reasoning of Elias being suspicious is “he told me to stop spying on my coworkers” is sending me
(Ep 50) I really like all the historical episodes. I sense some Edgar Allan Poe inspiration in this one.
Weird architecture is another theme. Nice, I dig weird architecture
Does Jon not catch on to how weird Sasha’s acting? (It could just be that the transcript and wiki both call her Not!Sasha, so I already know something is up)
(Note that throughout all these episodes I’m very worried about Helen and where she is)
Things I am Learning: weird scent means paranormal activities
I really like Gertrude so far. She seems like an intelligent, well read, and intuitive person
Martin is so sweet and he just wants to make sure everyone’s okay. I’m worried about Jon. I know he has a good reason to be paranoid but boy, stop working so late, putting yourself in dangerous situations and stalking your coworkers (and baby, the ethical implications of that aren’t going to lead to anything good.)
Can we just talk for a minute about the ridiculousness of the phrase “flesh hive”
I was about to get so mad at Jon for talking to my baby Martin like that but then my niece distracted me and I had to pause it. Now I’m letting Jon get off but only on very thin ice. I hate saying I told you so but no, I told you this would end badly. I’m making cake right now and I want Martin to know he can have it. Jon can get some when he learns personal privacy and also gets therapy for the obvious stress his job is costing him
I’m reading up on this so I can help Jon out:
(Ep 58) I don’t think this is the intention, but for some reason the way they introduced the “he’s leading us so that he can eat us” comes off as very funny. Idk it reminds of that Tumblr post of the best way to cook children or when my second grade teacher used to threaten to teach us when we were acting up
“Between Robert Sinclair, Ivo Lensik, and Father Burroughs” ah yes, I know who those people are and what there story is. Just like I remembered that they’re all connected to Hill Top Road /s
I heard about Jon being a disaster but I did not expect him to be this big of an idiot.
“At the very least I have been rather unfair to them” Jon, honey, Jon, at the very least?
I’m still worried about Helen
Final thoughts: I like that I’m getting more attached to the main characters which I feel like last season lacked. I know I’m mad at Jon, but I still really like him as a character (and his incompetence is really funny). Extra not, from glances at the wiki and a couple posts I see floating around, there are things called entities? Which I’m guess are like personifications of negative traits and are the causes behind all the supernatural stuff that’s happening. I guess I’ll find out about that later. As for theories, uh, I don’t really come up with theories while I’m listening to things I just sort of soak everything in. I do like how it’s a bit easier to see the wider story this season and that this season has a clear mission. I’m excited for what happens next.
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bonnieafawcett · 4 years
Revised Research Text
There are many different aspects that play into a students wellbeing and different strategies to improve student wellbeing within highschools. I am looking at the need for student spaces to be intentionally designed for wellbeing. There are a variety of wellbeing categories, all of which are equally important and addressed differently. Social wellbeing is an important aspect, showing the need for quality relationships and collaboration. Students crave friendships, a sense of being heard and belonging. Along with social connectedness is the value in personnel reflective practices. These issues have been addressed by other educational spaces such as Cannon Hill College and Nottingham Trent University, both of which I will look at and discuss their techniques and successes. Therefore, gaining a broader understanding of this topic of student wellbeing and establishing techniques to further improve my designing.
Student wellbeing is an undeniably important factor within high schools. “The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents : Report on the Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing”, is an intriguing article showing the statistics of mental health and wellbeing for highschool students. Taken from the answers of teenagers aged between 11-17, it explores how serious of a topic this actually is. Based on the answers of over 6,300 families it documents the prevalence and type of mental health problems, along with the impact of those problems on families and young people. Showing the need for wellbeing based design within highschools. “Around one in ten adolescents (10.9%) reported having ever self-harmed. This is equivalent to 186,000 young people aged 12-17 years who had deliberately injured themselves.” Showing the statistics on how real of an issue this really is. With modern day increases of different stresses such as social, exams and home stresses, students are struggling to cope. Spatial design offers the opportunity to address this stress, intentionally designing to decrease stress and bring down the devastating statistics.
‘Children’s and Young people’s voices on their wellbeing’ was an interesting study which looked at children and teenagers' opinions on their own wellbeing. This study showed data about students and what they valued as important in their education, home life and towns. This was interesting concerning their opinions on what a school should provide for them and what affects their wellbeing. The study had three main points “Quality of relationships, quality of environments, and self and Freedoms.” Dex and Hollingworth identify these categories to be the three most important points of student’s wellbeing. “Listening to children’s voices has produced a large number of elements they see as affecting their wellbeing.” Some of the data they looked at from their study was “Relationships that are important to children and young people, their rank of importance, and the qualities that are important in each particular set of relationships” For example what these young people look for in a teacher are qualities such as, “caring, listening, supportive, praise and respect/fairness” These qualities should all be mirrored in their school environment as well, in order to validate students need for those qualities. Other things the study looked at were “The characteristics of children’s and young people's environments that affect their wellbeing” This focused on home, school and neighbourhood. Showing that what these young people valued in school was “Friendships, Safety - (bullying, abuse, intimidation), Achievement opportunities and learning opportunities. This was interesting showing the overall sense of what students wanted their schools to look like. This study is interesting as it sheds light on student’s opinions of what a school should look like in terms of wellbeing. It showed how they valued safety, opportunities and friendships the most, along with being understood and having a sense of belonging. These are key qualities to consider for my design, as these also pull over into common spaces for students as the overall school intention and feeling.
Tuomas Sahramaa looked at placemaking techniques within Duke University campus, aiming to create a communal area for students. Paying attention to the high levels of stress and anxiety within schools he wanted to reduce these by creating a positive atmosphere by addressing and improving student wellbeing. By focusing on a collaborative space within the university he addressed students' need for relationships. “Duke University commissioned a study in 2002 that revealed that while an open plaza at the center of the campus was designed to be a focal point and gathering place for students, it was in fact greatly underused.” Looking into student wellbeing he argued that students' wellbeing improved when they had confidence in their ideas and work. He noticed that students who were connected with other students improved academically, through collaboration. This idea of collaboration built up relationships between students as well as confidence and growth from feedback. It broke habits of isolation and loneliness. “The University then sought to redevelop this space to create a central, democratic space to serve as a public forum for student activities, a place for casual encounters, and a space for the entire student population to unite as a whole.”  Sahramaa changed the space to a lively, friendly space for students to come together in collaboration, building relationships and decreasing stress.
“Participatory Principles in Practice: Designing Learning Spaces that Promote Wellbeing for Young Adolescents During the Transition to Secondary School” was an interesting project of The Cannon Hill College, where they looked into student wellbeing and designing for them with this in mind. What they discovered is that wellbeing is primarily made up of four key areas: Mental wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, social wellbeing and intellectual well being. Each of these areas had different influencers and different outcomes. “Emotional wellbeing can be enhanced through a strong sense of school connectedness, personal values and reflective practices.” This idea supports the previous claims showing the importance of student relationships and collaboration in creating a school community. Also talking about the idea of personal values and reflective practises brings through the idea of unique difference and students learning to fully embrace this with confidence. As previously iterated, the positive influence this has on emotional and social wellbeing. “For adolescents in an unfamiliar school environment, social wellbeing is tested by the complexities of new relationships with peers and teachers, and changing academic expectations. Many authors have identified key influences on student social wellbeing which include peer acceptance connectedness and a strong sense of belonging” From this research the project adopted a participatory approach to ensure that the designing process and product would foster a sense of community, belonging and ownership amongst the College community. “The challenge for Cannon Hill College was to design a series of learning spaces that promoted the capacities associated with student wellbeing, while at the same time permitting twenty-first century and Middle Years learning to be integrated successfully into authentic classroom experiences. This challenge was addressed through participatory designing.” The project was then worked on by a large group of architects, landscape designers, contractors, students and staff. Bringing a sense of collaboration to the space, and a confidence for students when their input was used.
Nottingham Trent is a large University accommodating over 26,840 students in different study areas and campuses. NTU Student union is a large building and a well designed space, focused on the student community. This is an interesting case study as it tackles having such a large amount of students well considering their wellbeing. The space is a vibrant, welcoming space. It incorporates soft natural colours and materials with bright, fun colours and innovative modern styling in order to create a lively welcoming space. The modern glass exterior welcomes creation and friendships well the interior considers different students and their individual needs. With several spaces the university incorporates a cafe eating space, study space, fitness centre and even a bar. The space has a clean clarity to it with it’s simple soft building colours and textures, well the furniture and lightening bring the space to life. The building is effective in its attempt to create a safe space for students to come together, collaborate and build each other up. The overall sense of the space is one of positivity and creativity. It’s use of different spaces brings different kinds of students into the space. Students who value keeping fit enjoy using the fitness centre well the cafe brings in students needing team work spaces, and those looking for a hot coffee. The openness of the space turns it into an effective multifunctional atmosphere focussed on students' productivity and connectedness. This idea of productive community builds positive student wellbeing for those within the space.
In conclusion connection is an important aspect within student wellbeing. The startling statistics about student mental health and wellbeing show the growing need for awareness and intentional student wellbeing design. Surveys from students themselves show their desire for friendships, safety and a sense of being understood and belonging. Different educational spaces such as Duke University, Cannon Hill College and Nottingham Trent student union show their approaches to wellbeing. Each facility focussed on the importance of student connectedness, collaboration and building relationships. Different techniques bringing students together through participatory designing, collaborative spaces, multiple different spaces and intentional designing were successful in improving student wellbeing.
Lawrence, D., Johnson, S., Hafekost J., Boterhoven De Haan, K., Sawyer, M., Ainley, J., & Zubrick, S.R. (2015) The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Department of Health, Canberra.
Dex, Shirley. Hollingworth, Katie. Children’s and Young people’s voices on their wellbeing. Childhood wellbeing research centre. Sep 2012
Sahramaa, Tuomas. Community-Forward Campuses: Fostering the Sense of Community at Universities Through Placemaking. 2013, p. 33.
Nastrom-Smith, Christopher, and Hilary Hughes. “Participatory Principles in Practice: Designing Learning Spaces That Promote Wellbeing for Young Adolescents During the Transition to Secondary School.” School Spaces for Student Wellbeing and Learning, edited by Hilary Hughes et al., Springer Singapore, 2019, pp. 199–219. DOI.org (Crossref), doi:10.1007/978-981-13-6092-3_11
Nottingham Trent University Student Union. England. 2014
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unibirmingham · 7 years
Top 5 Places to Relax During Exam Season
When you have your head buried in books and are busy studying for exams, it can be hard to remember to take some time to chill out. Getting out into the fresh air and doing something you enjoy can help you feel refreshed and ready to take on your next challenge.
So where can you escape to while studying here at Birmingham? We have some top tips: 
1. Winterbourne House and Gardens
Covering seven acres, it’s easy to find a quiet spot in Winterbourne’s stunning botanical gardens. AND entry is free for University of Birmingham students!  The gardens are on the east side of campus, making it the perfect escape between study sessions. As a bonus, it’s very Instagrammable too!
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Image: askewphotography
 2. Lapworth Museum of Geology
Dust off those exam blues by visiting Roary the dinosaur – he’s a great listener! The Lapworth Museum explores life over the past 3.5 billion years, through fossils, volcanoes and earthquakes. It’s an amazing gem on campus and a great place to while away an hour or so. 
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 3. Barber Institute of Fine Arts
Monet, Rossetti, Renoir, Botticelli, Poussin, Turner, Van Gogh . . . Unwind amongst the world’s greatest artists in the University’s very own art gallery. The Barber is tucked away on the east side of Edgbaston Campus and is another one of the University’s hidden gems. 
With over 150 major paintings, more than 800 drawings and prints, sculptures, decorative art and portrait miniatures from the world’s finest artists, it’s often described by visitors as an ‘unexpected and inspiring’ place.
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Image: barberinstitute
 4. Highbury Park
Strolling through a park, taking in the fresh air and thinking about the sky and the greenery can be a great way to let go. Take a trip to Highbury Park to explore the former residence of Joseph Chamberlain, the founder of this University.
The park is a 10 minute drive, or half an hour bus journey away.
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Image:  the_lux_life_uk
 5. Midlands Arts Centre (MAC)
Independent cinema, dance, theatre, music, spoken word, comedy, exhibitions and workshops - it’s not hard to find something to take your mind of exams at the Midlands Art Centre!
Getting creative can be a great way to de-stress. The MAC has a whole host of workshops and courses from pottery to film making or you can go along to one of the MAC’s film screenings, comedy nights or theatre shows.
The centre is less than two miles from the University and inside Cannon Hill Park, so you could take a walk round the park while you are there.
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Image: captureeventsphotographer
NOTE TO STUDENTS: The University’s Counselling & Wellbeing service is  also here to provide support when needed - from mindfulness workshops to one-to-one consultations.
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bbcphile · 7 years
Turning Over the Sands of Time
Title: "Turning Over the Sands of Time"
Author: BBCPhile
Word Count: 1759
Pairing: Horatio Hornblower/Archie Kennedy (in the background)
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10534998
Summary: “It’s an injustice, Horatio.” Witnessing one cruel beating recalls the remains of another, ten years past, that Archie had hoped was long dead and buried under the sands of time.
Trigger warnings: Flogging, PTSD flashback, memory of past rape, blood, suicidal ideation
Written for the Shifting Sands Hornblower fic challenge on LiveJournal.
“Eight,” Archie murmured as the cane in Matthews’ hand struck its target again. Another mark of injustice, carved on the innocent in the name of His Majesty’s navy. Another boy, another child, brutalized, while no one intervened. Not that incompetent, spineless fool, Buckland. Not the sycophantic Mr. Bush.
Not even Horatio.
Archie clenched his jaw and shoulders to suppress a shudder. Of course, Horatio wished to obey the chain of command for as long as possible, particularly since he was in as much danger of being beaten with it by that vengeful, bloodthirsty tyrant as poor Wellard. But still, for Horatio to insist to him, to HIM, that it was merely discipline—
His hands started to tremble as memories he had long hoped were forever locked away began to shake free. He swallowed, as though the mere action were sufficient to push them back to the recesses where they belonged. Not now. Not on this blasted ship, where Sawyer was as hungry for weakness among his officers as the foxhounds on Father’s estate were for their quarry.
Archie forced himself to breathe slowly and deeply, tried to recall the beautiful hills and lake of the estate that he had once called home, tried to feel the loving caress of Horatio’s hands as they roamed over his body at their last shore leave--
The thwack of wood against flesh. “Eleven.”
Archie’s legs carried him from the scene and to his cabin before he had consciously willed it. He sat down heavily on his cot, his head in his hands, as he tried to regularize his breathing.
Those days were long dead. He had nothing to fear from mere memories. He was a lieutenant now—merely a 4th lieutenant, of course—but an officer nonetheless. There was no excuse for this embarrassing, unmanly behavior. Even young Wellard, withstanding his unjust beating with such stoicism, such bravery, was putting him to shame. He was a fraud, a pathetic, mewling, useless, disappointment of a—
“--midshipman. Oversleeping? Missing from your watch? Your indolence could have jeopardized the entire ship! What do you have to say for yourself, Mr. Kennedy?”
Archie forced his eyes to stay the course instead of dropping under Eccleston’s irate inspection. He swallowed. “I--”
A rustle to his right. He glanced over. Simpson had slunk nearer, a menacing, triumphant smirk on his face. Of course that bastard would insist on front-row seats from which to celebrate his triumph. Despite the August heat, Archie became suddenly chilled and forced himself not to shiver. “I – I h-have no excuse, sir.”
Eccleston narrowed his eyes at him and took a step closer. “Mr. Kennedy, this behavior is unacceptable. Midshipmen must serve as an example to their men, not lounge about, modeling nothing but dereliction of duty and inveterate lassitude. Birching should teach you a lesson. 12 strokes will do the trick.”
Archie’s breath caught in his throat. The instant they made him kiss the gunner’s daughter and forcibly yanked down his breeches, the shameful evidence of Simpson’s abuse--the throbbing injury that had rendered him unable to sit, to sleep, even, apart from the rare moments his exhaustion plastered over the agony--would be laid bare for all to see. His eyelids fluttered as the vitriol, the shouts, the mockery that would rain upon him echoed in his ears. And soon, rough hands would close around his shoulders and shove him into the hold, where he would remain, hated, fitting, and alone, until the rope closed around his neck. He forced himself not to shudder. Perhaps it would be a quick death. And if not, well, there were worse things than death. And, perhaps, if he had some small degree of good fortune left rattling around somewhere, he could drag Simpson down with him. Dying might be a price worth paying if it could but purchase that.
He glanced at Simpson, who had begun to blanch, his smirk faltering, as even he, dunce though he was, did out the calculation of how this would end. Archie mustered the courage to meet his eyes, a last gesture of defiance before he’d see him in Hell. He braced himself and, head held high, met Eccleston’s eyes.
“Aye aye, sir.”
They led him to the gundeck. The boatswain approached, rattan in hand, and he was shoved rudely over the cannon. His heart hammered in his throat and he felt his legs grow weak with terror at the memory of the last time he was forced onto his stomach, his arse sticking up in the air, bracing for the inevitable humiliation and pain. He closed his eyes and tried not to flinch as hands touched his breeches. Not much longer now—
“No need for that. Breeches on,” Eccleston announced awkwardly to the boatswain. Archie glanced up, his entire body frozen in shock. Eccleston looked straight ahead, as though Archie weren’t splayed out in front of him, as powerless as a newborn babe.
He knew.
No other explanation was possible.
He knew. He knew, and he was turning a blind eye. Did Simpson have some hold over him? Over the Captain? Did he not want the scandal of a sodomy conviction on the ship?
“Aye aye, sir,” said a gruff voice behind him, and the hands disappeared.
What must everyone think? Was it such an open secret? Good God, then he truly was Simpson’s molly, and he’d been whored out with the blessings of those who had the power to stop it.
No one was coming. No one would intervene.
And not even execution would free him from Simpson’s talons.
He heard the whoosh of air before the sharp crack filled the air and blinding pain coursed through him. He bit his lip to keep from crying out.
Another swoosh, another lance of agony. His lip began to bleed.
A third impact. Lights flashed before his eyes. The searing sting and heat as recent scabs tore open. The world shimmered, then narrowed to a point as his eyes fixed on a small knothole in a board. All else faded into the distance.
Voices. Numbers. Cracks. Moving air. All far, far away. Below him. Elsewhere. A different world, a different life.
“Let that be a lesson to you, Mr. Kennedy.”
Hands on his arms. The world shifted and swayed. The knothole disappeared. Stairs. Canvas. A cocoon from which he was doomed to emerge. A caterpillar to the bitter end.
Nothing would ever change.
A gentle hand on his shoulder. He blinked as the world wobbled into focus and turned his head. Clayton. Good old Clayton. Not that he ever lifted a hand to intervene. “That’s right, Archie, rest now. You’re not needed on deck until the next bell.”
On deck? It almost seemed laughable. Could he even move? He tried to shift his position and whimpered as white hot pain seared through him.
Clayton winced in sympathy. “Just . . . try to find something to occupy your mind: a task, or your favorite sonnet or soliloquy. It may help pass the time.”
Archie came to himself with a gasp, then looked about him. He was in a cot, not a hammock. He knew this cabin, separated by only a thin partition from where his beloved Horatio slept, and the wardroom just outside. He ran a shaking hand over his face and wiped away the tears that had fallen. It was over. Almost a decade had past. Everything had changed.
Or had it? The actors had changed, but the play had not. Sawyer, Hobbs, Randall, Eccleston, Keene, Simpson—a rotting weed by any name would smell as fetid.
He sighed and shook his head. Horatio’s method had failed. He refused to stay silent and let Wellard suffer. And if he became Sawyer’s new target, well, then that was a price he was willing to pay.
Archie set his jaw and slowly rose from the cot. He splashed water on his face to cloak the manner in which he had spent the last several minutes. He straightened his clothes, then his shoulders, and left his cabin to return to the deck before someone would notice his absence.
He stepped out into the sun-soaked deck, half-hoping to see Horatio, and to feel the calming presence of his gaze, and half-dreading the concern that would cloud it the instant Horatio glimpsed his expression. Horatio had worries aplenty without needing to add Archie’s wellbeing to the list. Perhaps they would speak more freely the next time Horatio came off watch.
Instead, Buckland was the first officer he encountered. Archie attempted to avoid eye contact and to plot a course around him without being openly mutinous. Bush, too, he gave a wide berth, though they shared the deck. He didn’t yet trust himself to speak, in case the diatribe he was holding in decided to make itself heard.
His opinion of the second lieutenant plummeted further when he watched the casual indifference with which he greeted Wellard, as the young man stiffly hobbled his way on deck: no sympathy, no compassion, no attempt to help. Archie bit his tongue to keep from saying something he would regret and forced himself not to clench his fists. Open insubordination at this point would help no one.
He had to do something. Wellard needed to hear a friendly voice. But what? He took a few paces towards him, then paused, scanning the deck for some reason to speak to him without rousing suspicion. Archie glimpsed the sandglasses, lying ignored and forgotten, on the table beside Wellard, and suddenly his course was clear.
Archie hardly knew what instructions he gave to the boy as he walked toward him, desperately hoping his acting prowess from what seemed a lifetime ago still held fast. He wanted to comfort him, to take him far away, safe from all this, to promise him he would never let something so unjust happen again.
But decorum and spies made that impossible. So he gave Wellard all that he had, and hoped he would understand:
“Concentrate on the task in hand,” he murmured. “It’ll help to keep your mind off the pain.”
It wasn’t enough. It could never be enough. But, from the look Wellard gave him, it was sufficient to get him through the watch.
They would survive, one day at a time, until the sand ran out.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
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Natural Therapies & Naturopath in Cannon Hill
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capecoddaily · 6 years
Deck: Busy time for Plymouth Police…Towns: PlymouthTopic: Police BlotterHub Category: Police and FireAuthor: CapeCodToday StaffTeaser: Busy time for Plymouth Police…Main Image: Thumbnail Image: Body: Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 1 Dispatch Log From: 07/30/2018 Thru: 08/01/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/01/2018 For Date: 07/30/2018 - Monday Time Call Reason Action 0602 Disabled MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: SUMMER ST + PILGRIM RD 0707 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY 47] ROSSI, CULLEY - DINAH PATH 0811 Motor Vehicle Complaint Gone on Arrival Location/Address: DEIRDRA DR 0812 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: GREAT WOODS RD 0835 Malicious Michief Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P03160] STONEBRIDGE CLUB - STONEBRIDGE RD 0842 Vandalism Report Location/Address: WILLARD PL 0855 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: THEATRE COLONY WAY 0858 Disabled MV Services Rendered Location/Address: ROUTE 3 0917 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: LAKE DR 0924 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: FAIRWAY DR 0926 Disturbance General Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 1053 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: SHORE DR 1102 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: NORTH GREEN ST 1103 Larceny Report Location/Address: [PLY P02754] STOP & SHOP - SAMOSET ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-17409-AR Arrest: CINCOTTA, DANIELLE Address: 1 ALGONQUIN TER Apt. #T21 PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 28 Charges: SHOPLIFTING BY ASPORTATION 1105 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: CANNON RD 1130 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: CLARK RD 1132 Police With Ambulance Report Location/Address: CLARK RD 1135 Attempted Service Summons Served In Hand Location/Address: HIGHLAND TER 1138 Harassment Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03873] PRESTIGE ASPHALT PAVING - HEDGES POND RD 1143 Transfer Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P02430] SOUTH BAY MENTAL HEALTH - ALDRIN RD 1210 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 2 Dispatch Log From: 07/30/2018 Thru: 08/01/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/01/2018 Location/Address: WAYSIDE PATH 1221 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: QUAIL RUN 1222 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: FOREST AVE EXT 1227 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P02203] PLYMOUTH POLICE DEPARTMENT - LONG POND RD 1229 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: WAMSUTTA AVE 1233 Keep the Peace Services Rendered Location/Address: OLD SANDWICH RD 1326 Building Check Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: OVERLOOK TER 1332 Police With Ambulance Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P03260] BANK OF AMERICA - SAMOSET ST 1425 Suspicious Activity Unfounded Location/Address: [PLY 262] BUCKLEY, JOHN - LONG POND RD 1440 Missing Property Report Location/Address: COLONY PL 1441 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY 3] MASAC - BUMPS POND RD MSF 1451 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P04682] SEASONS CORNER MARKET - HOME DEPOT DR 1512 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: [PLY P02672] BERTUCCI’S RESTAURANT - COMMERCE WAY 1518 Motor Vehicle Complaint Services Rendered Location/Address: [PLY P04178] LEVIN MANAGEMENT CORP - SHOPS AT 5 WAY 1519 Warrant Service Attempt Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P03081] GOV CARVER MOTOR INN - SUMMER ST 1538 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P02849] TALBOTS - COLONY PL 1601 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P01244] FEDERAL FURNACE SCHOOL - FEDERAL FURNACE RD 1606 Motor Vehicle Complaint Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P00214] MARTHAS CYCLERY - COURT ST 1622 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 113] PERKINS, CHESTER - COBB’S HOLLOW 1623 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: [PLY P01826] FIREHOUSE VETERINARY - HEDGES POND RD 1624 Check Wellbeing Area Search Negative Location/Address: NORTH GREEN ST 1628 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P01789] PLYMOUTH SOUTH MIDDLE SCHOOL - LONG POND RD 1631 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P02192] PLYMOUTH PUBLIC LIBRARY - SOUTH ST 1636 Disabled MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: CHERRY ST Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 3 Dispatch Log From: 07/30/2018 Thru: 08/01/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/01/2018 1646 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: HERRING POND RD 1648 911 Accidental Call Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P04548] 1620 HOTEL - WATER ST 1652 M/Cycle Atv’s Area Search Negative Location/Address: WEST POND RD 1658 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: GARRETT PL 1717 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: WINTER HOLLOW 1744 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 1750 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1835 Assist State Agency Area Search Negative Location/Address: [PLY P02179] MCDONALDS REST-EXT 5 - LONG POND RD 1844 Larceny Report Location/Address: [PLY 451] CVS PHARMACY - COURT ST 1857 Alarm Sounding Cancelled Response Location/Address: [PLY P01244] FEDERAL FURNACE SCHOOL - FEDERAL FURNACE RD 1903 Warrant Arrest Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: SANSOME ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-17456-AR Arrest: FINNEGAN, SHARON M Address: 4 SANSOME ST PLYMOUTH, MA Age: 45 Charges: WARRANT-DEFAULT WARRANT-STRAIGHT 1915 Found Property No Services Necessary Location/Address: CHERRY ST 1925 Keep the Peace Services Rendered Location/Address: SHALLOW POND LN 1930 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: ABIGAIL’S PATH 1955 Disturbance General Spoken To Location/Address: MUSKET RD 2001 Assault Gone on Arrival Location/Address: [PLY P02080] EAST BAY GRILL - WATER ST 2002 Noise Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: SAMOSET AVE 2003 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: RYDER WAY 2009 Tresspassing Unfounded Location/Address: CLARE RD 2112 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2153 Attempted Service 258E Unable to Serve Location/Address: SAMOSET ST 2201 911 Accidental Call Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P04170] BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS HOSPITAL - SANDWICH ST Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 4 Dispatch Log From: 07/30/2018 Thru: 08/01/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/01/2018 2339 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03457] STEPHENS FIELD - SANDWICH ST 2348 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03639] Plymouth Long Beach - WARREN AVE For Date: 07/31/2018 - Tuesday 0007 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: WARREN AVE 0016 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STANDISH AVE 0025 Suspicious Activity Report Location/Address: COURT ST 0101 Alarm Sounding Cancelled Response Location/Address: [PLY P04679] PLYMOUTH TOWN HALL - COURT ST 0125 Assist citizen Report Location/Address: MANOMET POINT RD 0329 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY P04679] PLYMOUTH TOWN HALL - COURT ST 0352 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04397] LAURELWOOD ASSISTED LIVING - GOLF DR 0423 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: SANDY BEACH RD 0524 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: ALDEN RD MSF 0619 Suspicious Activity No Action Required Location/Address: CHERRY ST 0625 Assist Other Agency Services Rendered Location/Address: ALDEN RD MSF 0639 Police With Ambulance Report Location/Address: WOODVALE AVE 0818 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: SAMOSET ST 0834 Motor Vehicle Complaint Area Search Negative Location/Address: HERRING POND RD 0840 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: VERONICA RD 0842 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03224] MUTUAL BANK - PILGRIM HILL RD 0922 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: CONCETTA DR 0933 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P03027] ROBBINS WHARF CONDOMINIUMS - ROBBINS RD 1140 Suspicious Activity Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P03639] Plymouth Long Beach - WARREN AVE Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-17498-AR Arrest: RUSTRAIN, ALFONSO Address: 9 FOX RUN Apt. #3 MARSHFIELD, MA Age: 45 Charges: ACCOST/ANNOY PERSON SEXUALLY Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 5 Dispatch Log From: 07/30/2018 Thru: 08/01/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/01/2018 LICENSE REVOKED AS HTO, OPERATE MV WITH 1148 Check Wellbeing Report Location/Address: MERCHANTS ROW 1153 Attempted Service 258E Unable to Serve Location/Address: SAMOSET ST 1158 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: STATE RD 1225 Motor Vehicle Accident Info Exchange Location/Address: STATE RD 1239 Motor Vehicle Accident Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1308 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: LONG POND RD 1351 Disabled MV Assisted Party Location/Address: COLONY PL 1510 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: CYPRESS ST 1544 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P03769] BAYADA NURSES - NORTH PARK AVE 1620 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P04049] VINFEN - SOUTH POND RD 1627 Police With Ambulance Transported to Hospital Location/Address: [PLY P00058] HIGH POINT TREATMENT CENTER - STATE RD 1632 Motor Vehicle Accident Report Location/Address: CLARK RD 1652 General Services Removed Hazard Location/Address: ROBINSON ST 1654 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1702 Transfer Fire Transfer Fire Location/Address: SOUTH MEADOW RD 1707 Transfer Other Agency Taken/Referred to Other Location: WHITE HORSE BEACH 1710 Civil Complaint Report Location/Address: [PLY P03956] Court Street Animal Hospital - COURT ST 1716 Civil Complaint Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 1731 Check Wellbeing Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY 139] BODIE, JACK - BOOT POND RD 1744 General Services Cancelled Response Location/Address: SEVER ST 1827 Motor Vehicle Stop Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [PLY P01918] BANK OF AMERICA - SAMOSET ST Refer To Arrest: 18PLY-17524-AR Arrest: PACHECO, LEON R Address: 32 KENNEDY DR CARVER, MA Age: 36 Charges: WARRANT-STRAIGHT, DOCKET # 1625CR001620 LICENSE REVOKED AS HTO, OPERATE MV WITH, (SUBSEQUENT - DCKT# 1560CR00958C REGISTRATION SUSPENDED/REVOKED, OP MV, SUBSQ.OFF, DCKT# 1134CR003420C Plymouth Police Department Media Log Page: 6 Dispatch Log From: 07/30/2018 Thru: 08/01/2018 0600 - 0600 Printed: 08/01/2018 UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE NUMBER PLATE VIOLATION TO CONCEAL ID (ATTACHING PLATES) IDENTIFY SELF, MV OPERATOR REFUSE LICENSE NOT IN POSSESSION 1828 Fraud Report Location/Address: [PLY P04263] Cameron’s House - SAVERY’S LN 1832 Found Property Report Location/Address: [PLY P03235] SHELL GAS STATION - HOME DEPOT DR 1848 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02920] STAFFORD HILL ASSISTED LIVING - STAFFORD ST 1945 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: APT T11 - ALGONQUIN TER 2000 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: RAYMOND RD 2020 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY P01267] BARTLETT NUCLEAR - INDUSTRIAL PK RD 2037 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P03366] HELYOPTS - SOUTH MEADOW RD 2049 Disturbance General Unfounded Location/Address: MADLYN ST 2119 Fraud Report Location/Address: CENTENNIAL ST 2129 Suspicious Activity Spoken To Location/Address: MAYFLOWER ST 2152 Alarm Sounding Accidental Location/Address: [PLY 70] PEARSON, RICHARD - LAKE AVE 2157 Community Policing Activity Community Policing Location/Address: [PLY P00073] ALGONQUIN HEIGHTS - ALGONQUIN TER 2208 Suspicious Activity Area Search Negative Location/Address: DREW RD + ROCKY POND RD 2214 Alarm Sounding Building Checked/Secured Location/Address: [PLY 400] CARDI’S FURNITURE - COMMERCE WAY 2221 Attempted Service Summons Unable to Serve Location/Address: VERNON ST 2228 Transfer Ambulance Transfer Ambulance Location/Address: [PLY P02920] STAFFORD HILL ASSISTED LIVING - STAFFORD ST 2259 Check Wellbeing Transported to Hospital Location/Address: STATE RD 2345 Disturbance General Report Location/Address: [PLY P02214] BLACK RASPBERRY PUB - CORDAGE PARK CIR For Date: 08/01/2018 - Wednesday 0029 Motor Vehicle Complaint Spoken To Location/Address: [PLY P04156] NELSON PARK - WATER ST
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bedlambroadcast · 7 years
These FREE workshops are being held at mac Birmingham for mental health service users, carers and staff. Book places for the workshops here: https://macbirmingham.co.uk/bedlam-broadcast-workshops 
All workshops will be held at: mac Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park, Queen's Ride, Birmingham, B12 9QH.
Email [email protected] with any questions.
Tuesday 22nd August, 13:30pm - 15:30pm Designing Spaces Room: Sculpture Studio In this workshop we will imagine ideal conditions and requirements for space that promotes well-being (or other positive states of being), including gardens, houses and other spaces. Run by Emily Warner. _______________________________________________________________________
Thursday 24th August, 12:30-15:00 Photography and Wellbeing Room: Bryant Room Come and spend time taking photos with other people who share a love of photography and use photography to enhance your health and wellbeing. Bring along your camera if you have one, it can be any type of camera including a phone. Please bring the cable you need to connect your camera to a computer. Wear appropriate clothing for going outside. All levels of experience welcome. Led by Kate Green. _______________________________________________________________________
Friday 25th August, 10.30-12.30 Story-telling: Objects and Materials Room: Sculpture Studio This workshop will explore narrative and story-telling, using found objects and abstract materials. Run by Emily Warner. _______________________________________________________________________
Friday 25th August, 13:30-15:30 Drawing and Painting Room: Sculpture Studio Come along to this open painting and drawing session to explore materials and techniques in an informal way. All levels of experience welcome. Run by Sarah Taylor Silverwood.
Tuesday 29th August, 13:30-15:30 Sharing Stories Room: Painting and Drawing Studio "If you don't know your story, someone else will tell it for you." This workshop is based around this quote. We will explore writing down our stories, and the importance of sharing them with others. We will practise shared reading, reading aloud, and look at how it makes us feel telling someone else's story and also having our story told for us. All levels and experience of writing welcome. Run by Bethany Slinn. _______________________________________________________________________
Wednesday 30th August, 12:30-15:00 Photography and Wellbeing Room: Bryant Room Come and spend time taking photos with other people who share a love of photography and use photography to enhance your health and wellbeing. Bring along your camera if you have one, it can be any type of camera including a phone. Please bring the cable you need to connect your camera to a computer. Wear appropriate clothing for going outside. All levels of experience welcome. Led by Kate Green. _______________________________________________________________________
Thursday 31st August, 13:30-15:30 Theatre of the Everyday Room: Painting and Drawing Studio Exploring theatre making exercises and using performance as a material to explore daily interactions. Run by Emily Warner. _______________________________________________________________________
Friday 1st September, 13:30-15:30 My Mental Health is Beautiful Room: English Studio Sometimes what's going on in your head can feel ugly. This afternoon we'll be transforming some of these thoughts and feelings into poetry and pictures through words. Along with artist Hannah Swingler, we'll explore how we can turn these words into pieces of visual art, and into something beautiful. All levels and experience of writing welcome. Run by Bethany Slinn. _______________________________________________________________________
Tuesday 5th September, 11:00am - 13:00pm Romantic Poetry & Mindfulness Room: Randle Studio The romantic poets were constantly inspired by the nature around them. In this workshop we'll look at reading and writing more traditional poetry, using modern techniques of mindfulness. We'll use the calm greenery, sights and sounds of Cannon Hill Park to inspire poetry to soothe busy minds. All levels and experience of writing welcome. Run by Bethany Slinn.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
Brisbane Livewell Clinic have professional experts for parasite cleansing in Brisbane and make your life happier and healthy.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
Naturopathy is an alternative method of treatment, where the healing power of nature is used to restore your health and sense of well-being. Book an appointment with Brisbane Livewell Clinic offering naturopathy Brisbane located in Chermside and Cannon Hill.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
Brisbane Livewell Clinic offers natural therapies treatment for restoration of your health issues and wellbeing in Chermside.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
Brisbane Livewell Clinic is a great option for the treatment of acupuncture in Brisbane in order to get relieve from headaches and migraines. Don’t rely on painkillers.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
Brisbane Livewell Clinic has the professional therapist in order to get the best services of weight loss in Brisbane. Our experts start with diagnostic process and provide you with the best solution to help you lose weight.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
Consult our professionals for the naturopathy in Brisbane, a form of alternative medicine focuses on using the body's natural abilities to cure itself to avert illness and maintain its health.
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brisbanelivewell · 5 years
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Brisbane Livewell Clinic provides the best therapies of naturopath in Cannon Hill. Our experienced therapists are always ready to support you with health related issues.
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