#Food intolerance testing
nancykhemchandani · 2 months
Comprehensive Food Intolerance Testing: Improve Your Health with
Suffering from headaches, anxiety, or gastrointestinal issues? Discover how SecondMedic's food intolerance test, covering 217 foods
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facts1590 · 2 months
Comprehensive Food Intolerance Testing: Improve Your Health with
Suffering from headaches, anxiety, or gastrointestinal issues? Discover how SecondMedic's food intolerance test, covering 217 foods, can help you manage and imp
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medilifehomecare · 10 months
Discover Your Food Intolerances with Medilife Healthcare Services LLC in Dubai
Medilife Healthcare Services LLC, based in Dubai, is a leading healthcare provider that offers a comprehensive Food Intolerance Test to help individuals pinpoint and address potential food intolerances. In this blog, we will explore the importance of food intolerance testing and how Medilife Healthcare Services LLC can help you on your journey to better health.
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armstronghealth · 1 year
Dairy Intolerance Test: Are You Lactose Intolerant?
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Do you experience bloating, gas, diarrhea, or other digestive problems after eating dairy products? If so, you may be lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is a condition in which your body does not produce enough of the enzyme lactase, for a dairy intolerance test, Visit and order a testing kit from the Armstrong Health website.
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suzieb-fit · 28 days
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In the interests of my "keep moving, keep smiling, keep fighting" ethos, here I go again....
Insulin pod malfunction through the night. High blood sugar (up to 3x what it should be - 18mmol/ml) ALL night. Even after changing it at 4am, it took hours to come back down.
So not exactly full of vim or vigour this morning, lol.
But up and outside for breakfast. No apple today. New thought is that I'm possibly intolerant. Apples were high on the list of the hair strand intolerance test I took months ago. Cutting them out back then made no difference. But yesterday I realised that I was still eating what I now know I'm allergic to. So it's maybe a combination of allergens AND intolerances. Anyhoo, time will once again tell. Hoping for the recent blood test results today.
It's very bad so far this morning. Has been for at least a few weeks now.
Breakfast today was grapes, macadamia and walnuts. Collagen and inulin coffee, of course. Little stick of liquorice root.
Then a half hour walk.
Head is seriously bad, because of the mucus reaction. I can't let it completely beat me.
So I kept going until I needed to go back into recovery mode.
I powered through, getting on with a lower body strength workout in our little home gym.
Just two pieces of equipment.
30kg bar for the squats and deads, 12kg kettlebell for the single deads and elevated calf raises.
Felt great.
Strength training is "easier" than cardio in this state.
Then bacon, avocado and cheese for lunch.
Handful of lettuce, spring onion, a few mushrooms and nutritional yeast to add a bit of extra interest, crunch, taste and nutrition.
I've also had an hour or so of hard work, helping to clean the outside of the motorhome. That's a workout in itself!
And I've had my two new books delivered, along with high strength vitamin C and zinc. I keep seeing how important those things are, and I'd say I'm very likely deficient.
So to sum up, for now, I'm taking every hour as it comes, rather than the usual "every day as it comes" principle.
A better day overall. I'll take that.
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healingheartdogs · 6 months
How does one go about getting tested for MCAS...
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pulsar-ray · 2 months
2 days no gluten & i haven't felt this good in years. incredible
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wizardnuke · 8 months
just really funny to be 1) borderline severely underweight because of ongoing stomach issues and 2) watch a list of safe foods drastically shorten. getting more tests to see if it's gonna shorten even further. it IS really good to have answers! it's a huge step towards not having stomachaches and once i pinpoint everything that fucks me up i can start not being in pain and gaining weight but like MAN it has to be all my favorite foods and it has to be a syndrome that has a chance of getting much worse over time depending on if i get another tick bite. which i will. and it can skip directly from stomachaches to anaphylaxis
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aroadamparrish · 10 months
first time having pms since getting covid (again)… tummy hurty
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forgotten-daydreamer · 8 months
why is it that every time i eat anything my belly hurts >:( i'm gonna need you to stop doing that right fucking now.
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dirtcola · 2 years
elimination diet update: nuts and eggs (and possibly soy? i accidentally ate some today oopsie) seem to be okay for me. More and more signs pointing towards dairy as the culprit of my allergic reactions... 😳
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catboyhdb · 2 years
can you believe that when trying to buy skim milk they had no 3L bottles so I had to get full cream.
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armstronghealth · 1 year
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suzieb-fit · 28 days
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Well, I got a possible answer to my mucus problem. But it's definitely not the answer I wanted. Been dreading seeing milk on the results. But if it relieves this problem, it will be worth the sacrifice.
I've said again and again, that cutting out dairy in the past didn't solve anything.
But I was still eating eggs every day. Never once considered them. It now turns out I'm both allergic AND highly intolerant to them.
So cutting dairy out didn't make much of a difference.
So ok, another detox day one starts tomorrow.
Back to oat milk in all hot drinks apart from my coffee with breakfast. That will be blended with extra virgin olive oil once again.
I could go to goats milk, but it's far too expensive. Oat milk is the only alternative I like. Plus I'm allergic to almonds and soya anyway, lol! Anyway, that's what I'm doing. Please let this be the answer!
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dardocuae · 4 days
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Create your own lab test by selecting biomarkers of your choice and get super fast results. Customizable wellness in the comfort of our home, what else do we need?
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In an effort to be more mindful of my health:
I have eaten an apple everyday for the past 2 1/2 weeks.
and I think I'm developing an allergy to apples
My arms itch and my stomach hurts about an hour after eating
So "an apple a day keeps the dr away" might be a lie
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