#What am i going to do prevent it? I'll try ofc but yeah if it fails then whatever
ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Hello are you still doing the SAGAU for reader gets mad and blowing up at people for certain characters? If you are can you do traveler or Lumine if you don’t want to do a general head cannon and fischl still? I’m so angry about how many NPC world quests that now seem like a pattern of traveler helps and then gets backstabbed and left to die and just really think those NPC need to under stand the gravity and anger of the players.
Hello, @celestialsiren! Yes, supposedly, I am still doing this series lol—I don't see why I should end it, seeing as there's always new characters that people request for. Ofc I'll do the Traveler!
Click Me For Part 1!
Click Me For Part 2!
Click Me For Part 3!
Reader Defending the Traveler! (Also No Vice Versa)
(Disclaimers: This May be OOC, And This Post Will Mainly be Using Lumine as "The Traveler." However, This Post Still Can Be Read as GN!Traveler or Aether.)
To be frankly honest, I think you (the Reader) would feel pretty connected to Lumine. She's understanding, she's calm, and most importantly, she gets what it's like not to be from Teyvat. She's passed the celestial atlas to venture the world that is Teyvat, only to be prevented by the Unknown God.
Safe to say, you both were like two peas in a pod. And you were willing to travel with her and find her brother. Lumine gets you a lot, and you refuse any harm coming her way.
That includes verbal complaints. Like, honestly—Lumine's done so much for Teyvat for an outlander, and this is how they treat her?! You weren't having it.
So you planted your foot down, and boy, was your glare menacing. Your words were harsher than the blizzards of Dragonspine, and your glare was as menacing as the Dead Skeleton of Orobashi in Watatsumi Island.
Anyone who you deemed as enemy—in this situation, these good-for-nothing, took-for-granted gossipers—was paling at the seems of the Almighty Creator stomping their egos down. And, not gonna lie, Lumine kinda likes watching some of them. Some of the insults you used were actually used in other worlds—something only Lumine would know, but others didn't. It was kind of hilarious.
Alas, she can't have you go around and go all out all the time. Someone needs to make sure that the Creator doesn't try to decimate random folks, even if they are pretty infuriating.
"Your Grace." Lumine puts her hand on your shoulder. "Let's hurry up and finish this commission. We still need to get those rewards." You huff, but you let the insulters go, without a threatening note.
Yeah...she was not expecting to be an occurrence with so many other characters, but hey! Lumine's not gonna stop you :)
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: And we're done! Sorry if it's really low quality lol—I am so tired as I'm writing this :') I do hope you guys enjoyed it, though! Don't feel discouraged to keep sending me requests!
At this rate requests are probably the only thing that's keeping my blog alive. My blog is on constant life support LOL
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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penkura · 21 days
I feel like I annoy you. I am so sorry if i do and feel free to ignore it.
After you wrote feverdream so beautifully I was so overwhelmed. (Ofc i do love all of your work)
Tbh Penguin with a dominant side lives free in my head. Especially if he maybe isnt too fond of reader during a miscommunication (or other scenarios). I am weak for an enemy to lover trope. Even so we know that our boy is mostly totally sweet and most likely to become friends with everyone in an instant.
So if you are interested in it or find inspiration I would love to see the result.
Otherwise if you prefer pure fluff. It would surely be funny for either Penguin or Law tonget hit by a truth fruit kinda power. So they have to be completely honest for a short period of time and i can totally see them going to hide so they cant spell their true feelings towards you.
Either way have a fantastic day and i sure hope work will treat you good and you can take a break soon ❤️
Since you've been doing the Truth Truth Fruit posts, I'll do the first prompt! 👀 I got an idea that I hope is to your liking, and everyone else's of course!
More Penguin prompts please I love him sm
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Penguin doesn’t get you at all.
He’s tried, every day since you joined, to be nice and accommodating, he tries to include you in group card games, attempts to help you with whatever chores you’re assigned, and stays up to sit with you on night watches. The problem, though, is you, how you don’t even talk to him when he tries to speak to you or anything really. If he calls for you, you stare at him with your eyes slightly wide, which confuses him greatly. If he has something for you or Law needs you, all you do is nod in response and leave, not even thanking him.
What the hell is your problem, what could he have done to make you act so coldly towards him? He just wants to be your friend, even when Shachi tries to suggest it’s more than that is what Penguin wants, but he just rolls his eyes at his lifelong friend. There are zero ulterior motives, he’s just trying to be nice and a good crewmate, that’s all it is.
If only you would talk to him, let him prove he’s not a bad person, but he’s just so frustrated at this point that he’s given up, Penguin has started to ignore you just the same as you’ve done to him. He only speaks to you now if Law needs something from you, he doesn’t even ask you to join in cards night or to go with him and Shachi into towns anymore. If you do hang out with everyone on game nights, you’re more inclined to sit off to the side with Law and watch everyone, mostly talking to your captain.
Penguin has mostly given up, you won’t talk to him or anything. You must dislike him, that’s the only thing that makes sense, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s it. You don’t like him. He can’t make you like him, so he won’t try anymore, he won’t bother. He stops talking to you entirely, even if someone else needs you. He just gets Shachi or Ikkaku to talk to you.
It does annoy your crewmates, to see the two of you at odds and not wanting to talk to each other for…what was the reason again? Shachi isn’t sure, but he’s tired of it just like the rest of them.
It's why he brings up the idea of leading you and Penguin into one of the supply closets, separately, before locking you both in and setting someone as guard to prevent anyone from letting you out until you’ve talked about things. He’s lucky that your crewmates are willing to help, Clione easily leads you in and the makes an excuse that he needs to ask Law something. In reality he went to get Penguin with the same excuse of needing to look for something, pushing the older man into the closet and causing him to nearly knock you over, before the door is pulled closed and locked from the outside. Penguin really tried to open it, for several minutes, before he sighed and gave up. You’d already decided to sit in a corner and let him be, even while he kicks an empty bucket out of frustration.
“Stupid, all of them.” Penguin sighs and sits across from you the best he can, though it’s still close enough that your shoes are touching.
You don’t say anything, you’re confused why you and Penguin have been locked in the supply closet. You know he doesn’t like you, you’ve known from the start, believing he’s always pretending to be nice when he invites you for games and the like. You were used to that, from men and women, but you’d come to trust Ikkaku and Clione more than anyone. Shachi was working his way into your circle, but you felt like Penguin was just messing with you all the time, even when your crewmates swore he wasn’t like that and he really did want to be your friend. It’s hard for you to believe that, even harder to accept it despite your growing feelings for Penguin.
Part of you wonders what you did to develop a crush on someone who doesn’t even talk to you anymore.
“…any idea why they locked us in here?”
Penguin shrugs, ignoring the fact this is the first time he’s heard your voice in the last few months you’ve been with them.
“Probably trying to make us talk or something. Bet Shachi came up with it.” Another sigh whole he takes off his hat for a moment to brush his hair back, barely taking note of how your eyes widen a little and you look more nervous, “Just cause we’re on the same crew doesn’t me have to like each other…”
“Oh,” your shoulders drop a bit but you nod, you figured he didn’t like you after all, “Yeah…I guess so…”
Odd, he didn’t think you’d sound so disappointed. If you two are locked in here though, he might as well try some small talk. There’s nothing else to do unless you want to make a supplies list.
“Can I ask you something?” Penguin has to think of how to word it when you nod, even as you keep your eyes off him, “Why don’t you talk to me?”
It takes you a few minutes to come up with a response, Penguin thinks you’re not to answer so he doesn’t hold his breath for one. It stands to reason, you don’t talk to him normally anyway.
“My last crew, well, just a couple of them, they’d invite me to do stuff then go without me or tell me it was a joke,” you sigh a little while Penguin watches you, seeming to understand a little more, “I guess I just let that get to me when you started being so friendly, I was expecting the same things. I should—”
“I wouldn’t do that to you. I wanted to be friends with you.”
“Shachi told me that but I didn’t believe him…I’m sorry, I should’ve trusted that you weren’t like them.”
“…I probably should’ve taken things slow, sorry.”
You both stay quiet for a bit after that, not sure what else to say or talk about. It feels so awkward, you hate this kind of forced small talk. Penguin eventually stands up, holding his hand out to help you up, and not letting go after you’re on your feet, giving you a slight smile.
“Let’s start over, yeah? We’ll pretend the last few months didn’t happen, and work out a friendship together.”
“I think I’d like that, Penguin.”
You two will move past this, you’ll become real friends and spend more time together, especially after Shachi lets you out of the closet and Penguin chases him down for it, threatening to lock his friend in their next. The next time Penguin invites you to play cards with everyone, you join and end up beating him during a far too long game of poker. He’s shocked but the grin on your face makes his heart feel weird, and he can’t help the smile that comes across his own face.
Man…maybe Shachi was right and there is more here…
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chipped-chimera · 1 year
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WIP WEDNESDAY - 12/07/23
AND IT'S ACTUALLY ON A WEDNESDAY! Thanks @theviridianbunny for the tag <3 I regret to inform you ... it's more hair again @.@ (this one is actually different, I swear)
More under the cut, as usual~
Soooo if you've been following me you probably know I've done a few things since my last WIP Wednesday, namely more tattoo stuff, and more recently ... more hair stuff.
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After a LOT of agonising over it I finally consider the neck 'done' ... or done enough (vaguely ... thinking about doing something more in the transition between the tattoo and the jaw but I probably should stop honestly or I'll never stop). This means I probably have enough done to get away with taking screenshots while I work on the rest of it. Been pondering drawing up an actual plan for the rest beyond what I've been doing so far - mostly winging it and smashing things together. Might get stuff done faster, who knows.
Anyway I am back on my hair shit, yet again that's going just about ... as well as you'd expect ...
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Okay okay, I'll be honest, this has been fixed but I gotta say after spending a whole 12 hrs staring at lines of code, changing entries and having to redo them several times because I'd fucked up some file name or changed my mind or found out 'no that is not where you should be putting that folder you absolute dingus' and this was the best I could do was kind of hilarious. 😂
The important part was I'd gotten it IN, which was a process and a half, considering THIS time I'm using a custom made 2048px hair texture (alpha is 4k) and a higher poly mesh - which means yeah, this is the same hair rebuilt from scratch.
After some additional fiddling ...
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... and a very unamused Ven (I'm sorry hun) ...
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I got it in. All of it. No missing textures, no hair cards in the hair cap slot. The physics look janky but it's somewhat intentional - this is a minimal effort rigging job based on the alt rig, the priority was to get this hair texture IN so I could see how it looked in game and how everything sat before I dug myself further into a sunk cost fallacy over this second version of the hair.
And I'm actually pretty happy with it? There is some curl distortion yeah but it's not as bad as it was last time - and considering I'd rigged that one PROPERLY is saying something. Higher poly + textures are making a big difference here. It's pretty obvious in the comparison -
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Also yes I am aware this one is WAY too shiny, but that one is a considerably easy fix now I know how Vertex Paint actually affects this value. I was a bit too generous on the highlight gradient so I've already repainted what I have so far, using side-by-side references with existing game meshes to try and get it 'equal' but it's likely gonna be a lot of back and forth calibrating with that one.
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Excessive shiny-ness aside I'm actually REALLY happy with how the side curl is sitting nice and neat in her jacket collar this time! Also man ... doesn't that look silky ... (ok maybe some shine is good lmao)
I guess that's kind of it on the mod front. I've got other projects in a very initial stage (it's fanfic. Ofc it's fanfic) but work on both the tattoo bodysuit + hair is eating up a lot of my daily spoon allowance so that one will happen when it happens I guess (and probably when at minimum, this goddamn hair is done).
Oh and this hair is using UUH4V. I GOT IT TO WORK. Which means I'll be able to use multiple rigs which will hopefully prevent these carefully crafted curls from getting minced beyond recognition, fingers crossed.
Anyways until next time!
(Uh, I tag anyone who read all of this. Yes you. sorry I don't know many people yet and I'm shyyy)
p.s. yes hair tutorial. soon. In the case you are similarly frustrated and desperate as I was and working on hair please note I AM VERY OPEN TO TELLING YOU ALL THE INFO just ask me. Cause tutorial might take time unfortunately. But it's in the works.
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miraclemagnet · 2 years
BIG ASS TEXT WARNING ⚠⚠ poured all my heart on this tho
regarding this post of yours - how do i start? LIKE YEAH IK THIS SOUNDS STUPID but let me explain myself. i don't know if i should end my limiting beliefs (and even how to do it), how to work on self concept etc.. (HOLD ON i'll get to the point) like- ik what a mental diet is but i slip off way too much and dont even know if thinking a bit about this will affect anything (like me saying nobody notices me, i'm bad at maths etc.. few examples happening to me rn). like wtf am i even supposed to say to fight those thoughts back. and how to get rid of this old story? u can scream at me for my dumbassery but rlly idk BUTTTT I KNOW I WANT TO GET BETTER, Have a goodass self concept etc, but i have so little time... will i still be able to fix it quickly and get all my shit? LOL NOW IKK this is annoying u, but.. ik I'm god ik I'm the master of my reality but well when u have trauma and issues with that.. it's hard to think otherwise. so i guess what I'm asking is, how to send my limiting beliefs thru the window, how to get a good sc quickly, how to stop my old story from preventing me from living.. oh also my motivation.. GODDD i have executive dysfunction and it's stopping me from living the way i want omg. pls, PLEASE if u see this try addressing all the stuff i said. not your obligation ofc but it would be RLLY helpful as i like your style and the way ur so brutally honest. not putting u on a pedestal i just got a shitload of stuff as doubts so yeah HAHA but thanks anywayy if u read this
BIG ASS TEXT WARNING ⚠⚠ poured all my heart on this tho
[Alright back to normal.]
"will i still be able to fix it quickly and get all my shit?-" YES BITCH YOU'RE THE FUCKING GOD OF THIS WORLD BRUH *rolls eyes*.
"i have executive dysfunction and it's stopping me from living the way i want omg-" Its alright bestie, this can't stop you from manifesting because nothing can stop you from getting what you want.
"i don't know if i should end my limiting beliefs-" You should. Start affirming "I don't have any limiting beliefs. I never doubt myself and my potential. I never get any intrusive thoughts because I'm God." and keep on persisting.
"like wtf am i even supposed to say to fight those thoughts back.-" ...............
BITCH WHAT? LIKE- Alright. So let's say you are manifesting your desired body right now,
If your mind goes "I don't have my desire yet", you immediately think "I already have my desire omg I'm so happy" and keep on repeating it. If you see something unwanted in the 3D, just don't think about it, forget it and think about your desire. You HAVE to control your thoughts bestie.
"Have a goodass self concept-" Start affirming:
I have an amazing self-concept.
I'm extremely happy that I have the perfect self-concept.
I'm the fucking master of manifestation because I said so because I'm God.
The 3D always conforms instantly.
"it's stopping me from living the way i want omg.-" Nothing can stop you from getting what you want bestie. You can get absolutely ANYTHING you want in literally seconds. YOU ARE THE FUCKING GOD OF THIS WORLD BESTIE.
"how to get a good sc quickly, how to stop my old story from preventing me from living-" You already have a perfect self-concept. The old story never prevents your manifestations from coming to you. YOU ALREADY HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT BESTIE BECAUSE YOU FUCKING CONTROL THIS WORLD.
Here are some aff's to help you with your old story. JUST KEEP ON PERSISTING BESTIE.
Bestie, take a break and relax. Prioritize yourself for sometime alright? Then get back on track.
Persisting = Knowing that you already have what you want.
Let's goooo!
Love, Moon.
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briarpatch-kids · 2 years
if you comfy with it, can you talk a little about your experiences with muscular dystrophy? i am suspecting it or something similar and just want to hear from people with it. ofc no pressure if too private etc!
Yeah, so basically I have mitochondrial myopathy which is under the muscular dystrophy umbrella because it causes progressive weakness and similar medical issues to muscular dystrophy, but it's not a "proper" one the way something like Limb-Girdle or Duchene are so your mileage may vary.
Growing up I always felt like I had to work a little harder than the other kids, I was always tired, and I'd get sick really easily and stay sick for a long time. I still was able to make up for things by sheer "you have no other option" willpower, combined with not being too sick yet.
I did well enough to pass military fitness tests at 18 and 19, but by 22 I had developed heart problems and dramatic exercise intolerance despite being very active. For years it looked like POTS and EDS to the point where I was misdiagnosed for a couple years. I was also having weird muscle twitches in my legs at night and the beginning of the muscle rigidity, but I thought it was just side effects from taking some hardcore psych meds when I was 20.
From there it kind of seemed like every time I'd get my shit together, horrible pain would set in and I'd start getting weird medical symptoms. Like, three months into it I'd be in 9/10 pain in my whole body, half delirious, and my whole body would be locked up in a muscle spasm. I once lost the ability to lift my arms over shoulder level for a month during finals week in college. That was a party.
The weakness is a lot more insidious, I thought it was the other medical symptoms until I got diagnosed. Because like, when your heart is beating at 180bpm, you need a sternum rub weekly to breathe from muscles locked, and you're swaying side to side while walking so hard you keep hitting door frames and bruising, you don't really notice that it's harder to get up and down than it used to. Or that maybe you're swaying side to side because you can't hold your whole body up reliably not because you're dizzy.
A lot of the other weakness related symptoms have been insidious. I have periods where I feel really tired and sluggish and like... Dim? Then I'd put on my CPAP for a nap and it would perk me back up. When we had a covid scare, my mother in law bought an oxygen monitor and it turns out during those times, my oxygen has been dropping to lower than what's healthy. (91-93 which is low enough to be concerning but not enough to need oxygen)
(EMETOPHOBIA WARNING) For the digestive issues it was more of the same, I just kind of lost my appetite, then it felt like I was "forcing food through" to keep things moving, then I started throwing up old food because my digestive system just kinda quit due to low power. Nowadays it's give or take, I can have a solid meal once in a while but I mainly live off milk watered down with coffee or protein shakes watered down with coffee. They're too thick without being thinned out and I'll be damned if I drink plain watered down Ensure instead of making a fancy coffee lmao (END EMETO WARNING)
A lot of it nowadays is realizing I can't go quite as far as I used to, meaning I can make it out, but I need help getting back. I'm trying to keep as much muscle as I can, but it can only really make you the strongest version of yourself rather than prevent muscle loss over time if that makes sense. I can push myself through a 3 mile wheelchair run, but I can't sit up reliably in my wheelchair without more support. Someday I won't be able to do the wheelchair runs, but when that happens there's powerchair football. (soccer)
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this was originally part of the kris headcanon post but i kinda spiraled halfway through into what i think about deltarune's narrator situation plus other assorted headcanons, so here it is in a separate post
like with chara's buttercup plan i don't think they're someone who always fully understands the exact scale and scope of the consequences to their actions (which kinda ties in with what they say at the end of no mercy. everyone in undertale is a master projector in their own ways). you can see this in a smaller way with kris in how they shook the ferris wheel ride with noelle. personally i see their pranks at her as kind of a love language, because she likes scary things as long as there's someone to comfort her + kris is one of the people who she can comfortably tell off, so obviously the intention behind the ferris wheel shaking was harmless but i also think there's a possibility kris might have overestimated how sturdy ferris wheel carriages are lol
anyway i kinda see both kris and chara as "this major problem has a potential solution -> i will carry out this solution even if this hurts me -> due to my lack of hindsight i am not the only one hurt......well well well if this isn't the consequences to my actions". so, like, martyr complex. we know this already with chara, but this kinda ties in with my headcanon for kris.
so um, i kinda view deltarune's narrator as kris themself. you're welcome to disagree ofc i know this isn't the most favorable read of the game, but i'll explain why i think this way. this is mostly because of how much the narrator knows about kris's life and childhood memories and preferences that it would've been creepy if it was anyone but them, or at the very least, someone who's really really close to them. we can rule out everyone we've seen, and i personally don't think it's asriel even though that would make for an interesting fic, and narrator!december is also a headcanon that i cherish with my entire heart but that's a post for another day. this is also because the contrast between undertale's narrator (chara my beloved) and deltarune's narrator is very stark.
so if you go through undertale's narration, you'll see that chara actually almost never railroads you into or prevents you from making a choice. they'll snark at you, yeah, and make sarcastic comments about your poorer decisions, but they never outright tell you to do anything, and most of the times even after they make a suggestion they immediately offer you a choice. the only exception to this that i can think of is the ending of no mercy where they really have had enough of your shit. in contrast, deltarune's narration is one hell of a backseater. they warn you over and over before making decisions, they don't let you drop lancer and rouxls, they won't let you go back inside the computer room after gathering everyone up, they won't even let you wash your hands at the sink.
easiest way i can compare this is these narrations where you drop the ball of junk and undyne's letter. DR's narra gives you a warning against this but UT's narra just snarks at you.
(You took it from your pocket. You have a very, very, bad feeling about throwing it away.)
(You really didn't want to throw it away.)
(Despite what seems like common sense, you threw away the letter.)
i know that this basically plays up to the themes of the respective games where all of your choices have consequences in undertale and none of your choices matters in deltarune, but that's from a writing perspective.....
from a character perspective i feel like it boils down to chara and kris as two versions of the same kid in two different universes. and btw yeah i'm aware this is putting the eggs before the basket or however the saying goes, and so i'm really not trying to convince anyone of this. and this is a headcanon post anyway. but basically i feel like chara is really holding back on backseating in undertale because the last time they tried to do that on a shared body............yeah, we all know what happened. so as we can tell kris is also not a normally really bossy person (as per noelle), and tbh i think neither is chara, but in situations where they have a plan to carry out they can get very tunnel visioned. and kris doesn't have the misfortune of hindsight to know what could possibly go wrong with a haggle for control in a shared body, so they try to keep us on track on whatever it is they're planning. (which is why they don't let us get distracted by reading books, because they think we're wasting time...)
but how do we even get here?
i don't really have a guess. it can be anything. but what we do have so far is that they need the red soul to seal the fountain, and with how they can rip it out at will (though not for long) and how we control the soul, it's fair to assume the soul isn't theirs.
i like to think that the person intercepting gaster at the very beginning of chapter 1 wasn't chara. it was kris. don't get me wrong i 100% believe that their speech pattern is the exact same as what chara uses at the end of no mercy, both in the english version and in the japanese localisation, but we have never heard kris talk directly. not only that, but we also know that chara's speech pattern as the narrator and their speech when they were trying to intimidate us at the end of no mercy are also different. and we know that kris also has a way with words (saying 'unknown' instead of 'i don't know', practically waxing poetic during swatchling's fight, making an emotional toast to the queen, the spiel they went on just to eat the moss in chapter 1.....like, hell, their mom is still toriel across the universes).
so basically i see that contact scene as gaster preparing a vessel for us, and then kris is like WHOOPS SORRY I NEED YOU WITH ME YOU'RE ME NOW HELP ME OUT. i don't even wanna think about what could be so dire that they're willing to undergo possession for it (finding dess? preventing the roaring? other yet to be explained plot reasons?) but we already know now that both kris and chara suffer from a martyr complex just like how both UT asriel and DR asriel suffer from a guilt complex.
i mean, regardless of whether this is with approval or not from kris's side, possessions hurt. they can't play the piano properly, they look sickly and pale, they act and sound different from what they used to do. it's all still painful regardless of the original circumstances. (is this how asriel feels when chara involves him in their suicide plan...........) but i think most painful of all is when they start to realise that this might bring out even more awful problems than what they started with.
yeah, snowgrave.
so like, unless i missed something during my read through the dialogue dump and my playthroughs, the narrator is very railroading, yes, but this is only very noticeable in the light world. they exert considerably less influence over you in the dark world and theyre powerless over what you do in battles. i don't think i've ever seen the narrator do anything but, well, narrate, and carry out the ACTs you've chosen in battle. they snark at you for backtracking in the cyber city (presumably because you're wasting time) but they can't stop you here.
and a bulk of what constitutes as snowgrave is carried out through battle. you backtrack. you order noelle to use iceshock and eventually snowgrave. when you go to force noelle to freeze the addison the narrator inundates you with choice options to overwhelm and dissuade you from continuing the route. i feel like the thought of how you could possibly step off the button to let noelle die didn't even cross their mind that they didn't realize they should probably stop you (and i feel like this is why this point is the turning point of snowgrave? like, the tune to indicate youre in the route now, the music change, etc. happened here. this is probably where kris realized that bringing you in was more damage than it was worth). and like, as i said i don't think they can do much in-battle. outside of battle they can move - to protect susie, to protect noelle.........but in-battle? shit, i don't think they have the power to cancel battles or flee from it, and with how we still have power even when kris is down and how noelle's HP won't go lower than 55 it's kind of impossible, isn't it?
sjsjshsjshdh i've been going on for a while acting like it's a sure thing that kris is the DR narrator, and in some ways yeah that's my go-to headcanon, but again there's a reason this is a HC and not a theory. but i like how kris is noticeably breaking through our control/possession as the chapters progress (they control the delivery of the options, now). i can't wait to see kris break free and do whatever it is they need to do. (assuming their plan /is/ safe to do!!! kris please i just want you and everyone you love to be safe and happy). i hope they kick our ass into the outer space for snowgrave the way chara did for no mercy. but in a normal route, i hope they get whatever it is they wanted to get when they did a driveby kidnapping through gaster's void.
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ppangjae · 3 years
i just caught up on what happened this week… and i am beyond angry at the shit you had to listen to. i really hope anons like that don’t make you feel unmotivated (although it would be 100% understandable) and that you can see that there’s so many more people that support you and your work. i absolutely love your tropes and i go back to reread them all the time! you’re one of my favourite writers and as i’ve said before on another ask i send, i absolutely love waiting for writing lol it makes me appreciate the writing so much more. and also the other anon saying you should finish one story instead of releasing others in between… bruh if you didn’t do that they would probably be complaining about you taking ‘too long’ to release updates like you really can’t win with these people. anyway fuck them <3 i’ll always be here to support you and hype you up if stuff like this happens again and i know for a fact a lot of your other followers are too!!
🥺 thank you for being so understanding. running a blog all by yourself ain't easy skdjfhsdjkhf this shit be hard as fuck
but yeah, i've been taking time to myself and i've been feeling a lot better! i'm trying to get back into writing again, slowly but surely. it's just frustrating because i posted two fics back to back and i honestly felt like i had truly overcome my writer's block which prevented me from updating fics. but ofc things like this happen and it sets us all back sjdhsjdhf
but i'll be okay!
thank you so much ♥️ and i'm happy to hear that you enjoy the wait! kjsdhfkjshdf the wait is pretty long though skjdhdjkf
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