#What can I say I’m a sucker for guy who gives unconditional praise and affection X guy who acts so normal about it but is not in fact norma
corviddrawsstuff · 10 months
ME WHEN IMP + SKIZZ ‼️💓✨💖💞💫‼️‼️🔈📣💓💞‼️✨💫💖💖 ME WHEN XBRALIS 💖💞‼️🔈📣💫🔈💓‼️💖💓💞 ME WHEN CLETHUBS ‼️💓🔈📣🔈✨💖‼️🔈📣💓💞💫🔈📣💖
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I don't know it this would be more of a scenario or headcannon but I always loved the idea of Notenrique getting a sort of human mother, parent figure. Like they take him in when Enrique is returned. Give him affection, reassurance, praises when he does well and love. You know things changelings don't normally get. Things they my think the aren't suppose to get.
Decided to go ahead and do headcanons for this one ^^ sorry for being away for a few days guys I was over at my art blog getting some stuff done but I’m back now to tackle some more requests! :D (they’re still open btw just to let ya’ll know ;3) Hope you enjoy anon!
After the whole fiasco getting Enrique back home to his family NotEnrique’s plans would have probably consisted of wandering around Arcadia doing whatever he wanted and popping in from time to time to pester the Trollhunter and co., so imagine his surprise when he suddenly finds himself taken into your care.
At first he’d be baffled and confused - how the hell did he end up in this kind of arrangement? Why bother trying to take care of him when he can take care of himself? What was in it for you anyway? - he wouldn’t understand why you’ve essentially adopted him and decided to take care of him.
Once the surprise is gone though he is absolutely going to be living the high life making sure to take advantage of your kindness and milking his new situation for all it’s worth, he reasons he might as well make the most of it since you’re offering, right? You better have a stash of socks because your sock drawer’s going to be taking some heavy losses with him around, not to mention you’ll probably lose whatever catches his eye, mostly because things sometimes will end up being broken (it’s accidental though…most of the time), aside from that though he definitely isn’t the worst to have around.
For the first while that you try to act as a parental figure in his life he’ll take advantage of that fact because to him, heck who wouldn’t? All he’ll see it as is a free roof over his head, free food and endless hours of entertainment being pampered and taken care of, and in face he doesn’t see it as anything other than that for quite a while.
After some time however is when NotEnrique probably starts to question things the more he starts to notice things; the fact that you don’t boss him around or expect anything from him, or how you don’t get mad at him whenever things get broken or he gets roped up into some kind of trouble - hell the only time you’ve ever raised your voice at him was when he’d nearly gotten himself hurt (which he wouldn’t have given he’s far less fragile than humans) and you’d worried yourself sick about him.
He doesn’t like the affection at first and finds it kinda smothering if you coddle him too much, he says it’s because he thinks it’s weird having you fawn over him but in reality he’s not sure how he should react - all of these lovey-dovey reassuring gestures aren’t something he’s used to as a changeling or in general, after all his job before all of this was to blend in and get his job done not to waste time being affectionate and caring for one another.
He does warm up to it eventually though (which is a long while given how touch-and-go things would undoubtedly be between you two at the beginning) but once he does things end up settling down quite a bit; sure he’s still a mischief maker when he wants to be but there isn’t as much havoc around the house if either of you can help it and he sticks closer to you rather than going off and doing his own thing, the whole unconditional parental love thing is something he doesn’t 100% grasp but whatever it is he thinks it’s something he can get used to (plus the promise of all the dirty socks he wants is a sweet bonus too)
He’s a sucker for praises even is it’s for the most miniscule thing if you tell him he did a good job or praise him for something he did (like helping out around the house and such) he’ll puff out his lil chest and act like it’s the biggest accomplishment while completely dismissing it at the same time; being praised for doing something right isn’t what changelings like him are used to so he’ll hang off of every word of praise directed to him - he acts like it’s no big deal but trust me, it means a lot.
He’s a lot more grateful for you taking him in than you probably realise, and it’s because of this from time to time you might find him trying to return the favor sometimes - like things you swore you misplaced showing up where you can easily find it, or finding clutter (somewhat) sorted when you come back to it - if there are days where you fall asleep while working on something you’ll probably find yourself waking up with a pillow right beside your head as well (he probably tried to put it under your head but gave up but hey it’s the thought that counts!)
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