#What is the date of Pahela Baisakh 2023 in the English year? Bengali New Year
hasirgolpo ยท 1 year
What is the date of Pahela Baisakh 2023 in the English year? Bengali New Year
Pahela Boishakh is a day of great joy for Bengalis. The first day of the Bengali year is celebrated as Pahela Baishakh. As the saying goes, fish and rice are Bengali, so ignore that. We Bengalis eat panta rice and fried hilsa fish on the first day of the new year. And boys celebrate the day wearing white Punjabi and girls wearing white saree as attire. And in the cities and villages, cultural programs are conducted by performing Bengali songs and desi songs in various places on the occasion of Pahela Boishakh Pahela Boishakh celebrations have been celebrated since ancient times. Bengali year reckoning started from 10th March 1584 AD or 992 Hijri but this system of reckoning was implemented at the time of Akbar's accession to the throne. And that time was 5th November 1556. At first this gold was called Fersation and later it was known as Bangabd or Bangla Varsha.
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