hasirgolpo · 10 months
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
What is the date of Eid-ul-Azha 2023?
Assalamu alaikum Husi story website wishes everyone an advance Eid-ul-Azha greeting. We who are Muslims want to know before the coming of Eid, how many dates and on which day will Eid be celebrated?
Today our topic of discussion is Eid-ul-Azha 2023 on what date? Or Eid 2023 on what date?
Through today's post, I will tell you the date of Eid-ul-Azha 2023 and the date of Qurbani Eid 2023? What is the date of Eid-ul-Azha 2023? Eid-ul-Azha and Eid-ul-Azha will be celebrated everywhere in Bangladesh from 10th of Zilhaj month of Arabic year and 28th of June of English year from Wednesday evening to 29th June Thursday evening. Eid is celebrated on sighting of the completed moon yet has a fixed date.
How is Eid-ul-Azha celebrated: The joy of Eid in our country or in foreign countries mainly lasts for two to four days. Let us know that there are some Sunnahs of Eid-ul-Azha and Eid prayers.
Waking up too early.
Cleaning the teeth with a miswak or brush.
Take a good shower.
Wear clean clothes.
Not eating before Eid prayer.
Use good perfume.
Reciting Takbeer while going to the Eidgah Maidan.
Bengali pronunciation: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar la ilaha illallahu, Wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Wa Lillah il Hamd.
Listen to sermon after prayer.
What is Eid al-Adha? Eid-ul-Azha is originally a word earlier. Which means sacrifice festival. On this day, Muslims go to the holy Eidgah grounds and offer two rakat Eid-ul-Azha prayers and come home and sacrifice cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep in the name of Allah according to their ability. We who are Muslims perform animal sacrifice according to our support to please Allah by the order of Allah.
Sacrifice prayer Bengali pronunciation: Inni wazhjahtu wazhhiya lillaji fataras samawati wal arda ala millati ibrahima hanifaw wa ma ana minal mushrikeen. Inna salati wa nusuki wa mahiya wa mamati lillahi rabbil alamin. La sharika lahu wa bi-zaliqa umirtu wa ana minal Muslimin. Bismillahi Allahu Akbar, Allahumma Minka and Laka.
Last word about Eid-ul-Azha:
We have already come to know about the dates of Eid-ul-Azha 2023 and Qurbani Eid. All of us Muslims will sacrifice according to our ability for the sake of Allah. If you like today's post then definitely share and give your valuable feedback in comments.Thanks.
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
What are vitamin D rich foods?
Assalamu Alaikum greetings to everyone from the Laugh Story website. Today we will know what are the foods containing vitamin D? What diseases are caused by lack of vitamin D and about vitamin requirements and benefits. We need various vitamins to keep our daily life healthy. All vitamins have benefits that work in different ways in different parts of the body. And as the body grows, the body's immune system encounters adversity. Today, through this post, we will learn about vitamin D rich foods.
The greatest source of vitamin D is sunlight. We get vitamin D directly from sunlight. But it is not possible to stay in the sunlight for a long time due to which skin irritation and acne effect may occur. Lack of vitamin D can cause various diseases in our body. And later it can become much bigger.
The problems that occur in the body with foods containing vitamin D: Lack of vitamin D can cause various problems in the body. If there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, there is a possibility of arthritis and osteoporosis. Also the problems that occur in the body are:
The body feels tired.
The immune system of the body decreases.
Sexual problems are seen.
Hair falls out.
The body becomes weak.
The bones of the body begin to decay.
Pain is felt in the spine and back.
The possibility of high blood pressure increases.
Hormonal problems are seen.
Various bacterial and viral infections in the body increase.
List of Foods Rich in Vitamin D: Fatty fish mushroom Orange juice Beef liver Cheese butter chickpea curd nuts Egg yolk Vegetables and fruits Oatmeal Fatty fish
Fatty fish tops the list of foods rich in vitamin D. But not all types of moons contain vitamin D. Marine fish is a great source of vitamin D. In addition, small fish also contain a lot of vitamin D.
Another food rich in vitamin D is mushroom. Mushrooms typically contain 130 to 450 IU of vitamin D per 100 grams.
Orange juice
Almost all of us like to drink orange juice. Some people are allergic to milk and eggs. They can remove vitamin D deficiency by consuming orange juice. Because one glass of orange juice contains 100 units of vitamin D.
And the foods that contain vitamin D are on the list, if you eat them in quantity, they will meet the lack of vitamin D in the body.
Last word:
This was our discussion of vitamin rich foods today. Even after eating these foods, if you cannot meet the deficiency of vitamin D in your body, then you can take vitamin D tablets or capsules with the advice of a good doctor.
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
What is the date of Pahela Baisakh 2023 in the English year? Bengali New Year
Pahela Boishakh is a day of great joy for Bengalis. The first day of the Bengali year is celebrated as Pahela Baishakh. As the saying goes, fish and rice are Bengali, so ignore that. We Bengalis eat panta rice and fried hilsa fish on the first day of the new year. And boys celebrate the day wearing white Punjabi and girls wearing white saree as attire. And in the cities and villages, cultural programs are conducted by performing Bengali songs and desi songs in various places on the occasion of Pahela Boishakh Pahela Boishakh celebrations have been celebrated since ancient times. Bengali year reckoning started from 10th March 1584 AD or 992 Hijri but this system of reckoning was implemented at the time of Akbar's accession to the throne. And that time was 5th November 1556. At first this gold was called Fersation and later it was known as Bangabd or Bangla Varsha.
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
5 beautiful district names of Bangladesh
Our Bangladesh is a country full of greenery. In our country, the rivers, canals, plants, houses, roads and everything together make our Bangladesh a beautiful country. That is why there is no end to the beauty of Bangladesh. Some districts like our 64 districts of Bangladesh are more beautiful.
Today we talked about 5 beautiful districts of Bangladesh. From which you can know the names and details of the beautiful 5 districts of Bangladesh. Hope you will benefit from our post today. Rajshahi Undoubtedly, Rajshahi is one of the most beautiful districts of Bangladesh. Rajshahi district is as beautiful as the people living there are beautiful and clean. The most popular beautiful Rajshahi of the country is also widely known as silk. The mesmerizing environment and natural beauty of this district has captured the hearts of Rajshahi city dwellers and people from all over the country. Along with Sunder, Rajshahi district is very advanced towards education. All in all, Rajshahi district is claimed to be the most beautiful in the country.
Cox's Bazar If the beach comes up in Bangladesh then undoubtedly Cox's Bazar beach comes to mind. Cox's Bazar is a popular beach surrounded by natural beauty. Many tourists from the country and outside the country come to visit this place every year. The open space surrounded by the sea on one side and the mountains on the other side will make you mesmerize. That's why Cox's Bazar ranks among the best districts of Bangladesh. If you ever get a chance, definitely visit Cox's Bazar. Sylhet Another district of Bangladesh full of natural beauty is Sylhet. This city is located on the banks of Surma river. Sylhet city is famous for tea production. Along with the tea gardens, there is a charming environment of hills, mountains, rivers, and waterfalls, all of which have decorated the city. That's why if you want to see mountains, rivers, streams and tea gardens, then you can definitely visit Sylhet district.
Khulna If any district comes to be beautiful after Sylhet district then Khulna district. Because Sundarbans is located in that district. And in the Sundarbans there are many kinds of animals, tigers, deer, lions, elephants and many other species of animals. If you want to see nature up close then you can visit Sundarbans. But if you want to travel, you have to be careful because there are many ferocious species of animals.
Bandarban Finally, when talking about the beautiful district, the name Bandarban district comes up. Bandarban district is a hilly district next to Chittagong division located in the south. There are many high mountains. As you ascend the mountain, you will feel lost in the realm of clouds. Because the clouds come very close to you. Surrounded by greenery. Along with the waterfall river and mountain food which is very delicious.
Latest talk about 5 beautiful districts of Bangladesh: Today we came to know about 5 beautiful districts of Bangladesh. If you like the post then definitely comment and share with your friends. If possible, visit these few districts, thanks.
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
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hasirgolpo · 1 year
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hasirgolpo · 2 years
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hasirgolpo · 2 years
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hasirgolpo · 2 years
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