#WhatsApp Business API India
tanlakarix · 6 months
Design a WhatsApp marketing strategy for 2024 Benefits and best practices.
How to maximize value and return on investment (ROI) when utilizing WhatsApp as a marketing medium, along with the most recent tactics.
With the introduction of the WhatsApp Business Platform, which allows marketers to engage with the 2.79 billion users that use the app regularly worldwide, WhatsApp changed the game.
This post explains the benefits of using WhatsApp in your marketing campaigns and how to create an effective plan that yields tangible outcomes.
13 reasons to use WhatsApp as part of your marketing strategy.
WhatsApp is more than just a messaging software thanks to its extensive media sharing capabilities, widespread global usage, and security. The well-liked chat software allows businesses to lower advertising and service costs while improving user engagement and customer interaction.
1. Global reach: WhatsApp is the most widely used chat app worldwide; it was identified as the primary means of communication for smartphone users in 2022. With support for 70 languages, it is utilized by over 2.8 billion individuals across 180 countries.
2. It is used by all Customers of all ages to use WhatsApp: which makes it possible for marketers to contact customers in all demographics through a single channel and greatly streamline marketing initiatives. Furthermore, its user base is always expanding, in contrast to certain other social media sites. There was a 12% rise from 2021 to 2022.
3. Users of WhatsApp are incredibly involved: The average user worldwide checks the app twelve times a day and spends seventeen hours a month using it.
4. The public has confidence in it: Due to WhatsApp’s stringent policies requiring marketers to gain customers’ opt-in, users are considerably more inclined to open and interact with messages since they have greater confidence in their legitimacy and relevance. Additionally, WhatsApp has no advertisements to divert consumers from your marketing messages, encrypts chats, and doesn’t share information with outside parties.
5. High open rate, low bounce rate: Compared to channels like email and SMS, WhatsApp messages have a remarkable 98% open rate, which can be attributed to this trust.
6. Simple API integrations: WhatsApp provides a programmable API, making it simple to include into any company’s current marketing stack to facilitate WhatsApp chatting on a large scale.
7. It has a tonne of features that are good for marketers: product lists, broadcast capabilities, surveys and polls, ads that click to WhatsApp, support for QR codes, and the ability to send detailed messages with images, videos, and links are just a few of the intriguing features that WhatsApp offers.
8. Full-funnel interactions: With WhatsApp, you can communicate with users via a single channel from the point of discovery to the point of purchase and beyond, maintaining their interest and loyalty.
9. Create customer journey flows: The WhatsApp Business Platform’s dynamic and flexible WhatsApp Flows feature enables marketers to use the app to create interactive, organized customer journeys.
10. Perfect for business users: Brand messages are delivered to users’ inboxes via the WhatsApp Business App and Business Platform, which offer features and capabilities tailored especially for business use cases to businesses of all sizes.
11. Simple automation: WhatsApp is a great channel to start with marketing automation because it’s so easy to construct chatbots for it. These may be anything from basic rapid replies to complex digital assistants who help clients with purchases and renewals.
12. Conversational marketing is made possible: It’s the perfect medium for implementing a more conversational marketing approach, whether you use marketing chatbots or human agents.
13. Accept payments: You can now accept payments from clients in Brazil and India directly within a WhatsApp conversation, saving them from needing to visit an external website.
Decide how you will use WhatsApp.
You can utilize the WhatsApp Business App or the WhatsApp Business Platform, depending on your company’s size and the marketing use cases you want to cover.
In general, smaller businesses will profit more from the app, but larger enterprises will gain more from the WhatsApp Business Platform because of its scalability and automation capabilities.
You should read our helpful information on the distinctions between the WhatsApp Business App and WhatsApp Business Platform before making your decision.
Accessing the service
WhatsApp Business App: All you must do to begin the consumer opt-in process is download the app and set up a business profile.
WhatsApp Business Platform: You must collaborate with a supplier such as Infobip to use the service; they may assist you in integrating the WhatsApp Business API with your current systems.
Define your WhatsApp opt-in strategy.
Meta has tight guidelines on how brands can communicate with app users using WhatsApp. Primarily, companies need explicit consent from individuals who want to stay in contact with them. To begin, become acquainted with the guidelines, which can be summed up as follows:
Before you use WhatsApp to message a customer, opt-ins must be gathered. This implies that the consumer must always start a WhatsApp discussion with a brand. Opt-ins, or customer consent to receive messages from your brand, are stored by the firm.
When collecting opt-ins, you must:
Indicate unequivocally that a person is consenting to receive messages from your company via WhatsApp.
§ Indicate clearly which firm a person is choosing to receive messages from.
§ Respect all applicable local and meta-regulations.
§ After that, you can think about how to maximize opt-ins.
§ putting an opt-in link to your social media profiles and website.
§ Think of using click-through ads to advertise on Facebook and Instagram to WhatsApp. Allow individuals to initiate contact with you and choose to receive pertinent messages.
§ Incorporate calls for opt-ins into your company’s processes. For instance, when a client is checking out, explain to them the advantages of signing up for delivery alerts, assistance with product registration, or exclusive deals on similar items.
§ Utilise QR codes that, when scanned, open a WhatsApp conversation with your business on product packaging and outdoor advertising.
Identify key use cases and message types.
Examine your present marketing approach and funnel to ascertain the most effective ways to leverage WhatsApp for increasing engagement. Maybe you have trouble generating leads, or maybe your conversion rate is low.
Determining the message types you will use — such as list messages for scheduling appointments or showing previous orders, CTA buttons for quick responses, maps for location services, and other rich media to enhance your interactions — should be a part of this process.
Define your target audience and build personas.
Because they must be WhatsApp users and have given their consent to receive messages, the individuals to whom you send marketing messages on the app will represent a subset of your entire client base. Apart from those shared characteristics, their expectations and needs will differ greatly. Think carefully about who you are targeting, what they need, and how you can utilize WhatsApp to support them in achieving those goals.
You can gather and centrally store customer data with the aid of a customer data platform. After that, you may construct thorough client profiles that will assist you in identifying the personalities you want to reach and the best ways to reach them.
Set measurable goals.
Once WhatsApp is a part of your plan, list quantifiable key performance indicators (KPIs) that will allow you to monitor your progress. Conversion rate, cost per conversion, and campaign click rates are a few examples of this. Establishing measurable and explicit marketing objectives can assist you in determining how WhatsApp is affecting the accomplishment of your company’s objectives.
Define your brand persona for WhatsApp messages.
WhatsApp is used by users to communicate privately and stay in touch with friends and family. They anticipate having the same kind of experience when interacting with brands through the app. Verify that the chat app can effectively display your brand character and tone of speech.
It’s an excellent chance to highlight the lighthearted and relatable aspects of your company, which leads to more interesting marketing exchanges. Chatbots and monotonous exchanges are not appropriate on WhatsApp.
Create workflows.
Create routines that utilize WhatsApp to send the appropriate message at the appropriate moment. By using an omnichannel customer engagement platform like Moments, you can plan your messaging to take use of WhatsApp’s special features and advantages.
Create a product catalog.
You may add up to 500 products to the WhatsApp chat that users can browse through, complete with photographs and thorough descriptions, thanks to this feature of the WhatsApp Business app. The API may be used to implement this feature as well. If someone wishes to buy something, they can finish the transaction by clicking through to your website’s checkout page, or if they are from Brazil or India, they can finish the payment process right there in the chat window.
Introduce a WhatsApp chatbot.
Connect with customers over WhatsApp by using an automated chatbot. Your chatbot’s messaging style and visuals should be consistent with your brand persona. It’s the best strategy to execute your marketing initiatives and keep up the dialogue with your target audience.
For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/whatsapp-business-api/
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messagingbulk · 1 year
How WhatsApp Business API is Revolutionizing Business Communication in India: Features, Pricing, Benefits, and Case Studies
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WhatsApp Business Solution | WhatsApp Business API
Across several industries, you can use WhatsApp to notify, converse and engage with customers through their most preferred messaging app. WhatsApp can act as a dynamic platform to drive two-way conversations and improve customer satisfaction. Also, the fact that customers do not have to download an additional app poses a major motivational factor for them to engage with businesses via an app they already use and trust.
WhatsApp presents two possibilities.
Brands can use the platform to send out communications to notify consumers. If the consumer reaches out with a query or a response, two-way communication between users and the brand is possible, provided the brand responds within the 24-hour window.
Additionally, users need to first opt in via the brand’s website or any other such channel to be able to receive messages on WhatsApp.
Let us break this down via each industry for you.
·        Banking, Insurance & Financial Services (BFSI)
·        Travel & Hospitality
·        Automobiles
·        Retail
·        E-commerce
·        Medical and Healthcare
·        Consumer electronics, Appliances & Durables
Banking, Insurance & Financial Services (BFSI):
Customers today would rather carry out most transactions digitally rather than talk to an agent or visit the branch.
Banking, Insurance, and Financial Services can carry out most of their processes that require agent interactions and high wait times for customers with ease on WhatsApp.
Whether it is updating KYC or a mutual fund risk preference, helping a customer understand the account opening process or something as critical as reporting fraud/loss/block of a card, banks, and financial institutions can use the WhatsApp Business solution to simplify processes and make them convenient for their customers and employees alike.
Enterprises can also use the medium to notify and keep their customers informed for processes such as transaction alerts, OTP authentication, trade summary and confirmations, portfolio updates, policy renewal reminders and so much more.
Alternatively, customers can chat with a customer care agent to request the program to retrieve information for mini statements, and even update important information such as adding on an insurance nominee for example.
The platform can also be used to address customer grievances and locate ATM and insurance branches and calculate insurance premiums and loans.
Additionally, with Karix, the WhatsApp Business solution can easily be integrated into existing APIs.
Travel & Hospitality:
Adding WhatsApp to your communication suite will make you a more reachable and better-connected host and travel partner.
You can carry out an entire buyer’s journey end-to-end in WhatsApp.
For example, the interested customer can initiate a ticket booking inquiry with a WhatsApp message which can be responded to with seat availability and prices.
After the customer shares his preferences, you can next help the customer with the booking by sharing a URL where the customer can make the payment.
You can close the transaction by sending out a confirmation message after the payment has been made and next share the ticket, invoice, and PNR number.
Before the flight, the customer can enquire about the flight status and complete his web check, all via the same platform.
The platform can also be used to keep customers informed about important reminders and updates. Additionally, if the company opts to integrate Karix’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine into its ecosystem, customers can reach out to retrieve airline miles or even with an unstructured query and retrieve instant responses from the brand.
Use WhatsApp to provide a better overall customer experience.
Before a sale, you can let potential customers locate a showroom, schedule an appointment or a test drive and manage dealers within the same application.
After the sale, for existing customers, you can share insurance processing alerts, smart car functions, updates, and roadside assistance.
Customers can also directly reach out to you if they want to check on their invoice, insurance status, warranty information, and feedback on the entire process.
If you opt for Karix’s Conversational solutions, WhatsApp can also double up as a round-the-clock customer care service to address customer grievances, unstructured queries, and FAQs.
With the rise of e-commerce, retail enterprises need to put in more effort to retain their customers. An investment in WhatsApp will result in higher customer retention numbers and eventually a higher annual ROI (return on investment).
Use WhatsApp as part of your retention strategy to inform customers about holidays and maintenance activities. You can share gamification messages and offer them to look for product information when you are expecting long wait times outside trial rooms during sales. After a purchase, share transaction details and collect feedback.
Retailers that decide to add Karix’s Natural Language Processing Manager (NLP) can use the platform to support two-way communication with their customers and help them with several services.
Existing customers can seek information on the purchase or want to update their profiles, while customers interested in making a purchase might want store locations – and all this information can be shared via WhatsApp with rich text content supported by images.
E-commerce is a digital medium that attracts people because of its convenience must factor in the need for upgrading their customer experience consistently.
It is important to develop key touch points with customers since the whole process for an e-commerce player is virtual.
To supplement the sales process, information such as transaction success, order processing, and shipping status can easily be shared via WhatsApp.
E-commerce players can also easily avoid any negative feedback or losing out on their customer base if they
Share information on delays, order cancellations, refund status, and delivery rescheduling with their customers ahead of time.
In case things escalate, and you need to manage customer grievances, you can use WhatsApp for live customer care and FAQ channel and take up unstructured queries via the medium, provided you opt for Karix’s chat interface.
Medical and Healthcare:
With platforms now available to review and recommend doctors, the perspective on healthcare as an industry has changed drastically over the years. Customers now expect more value, best-in-class facilities, and a higher level of expertise from a healthcare service/institution.
WhatsApp can act as a mediator and facilitate several urgent requests from sharing test reports to updates on insurance processing and outstanding balance.
Leverage WhatsApp to share reminders and updates for appointments to avoid long queues outside waiting rooms and disgruntled patients.
You can also share available appointment schedules and allow them to reschedule appointments in case of delays or changes of schedules on either you’re or the customer’s end.
The platform can also be used for a host of other services by customers like browsing services, package selection, and FAQs.
 Consumer electronics, Appliances & Durables:
There is no dearth of new products and appliances in the market today. With innovative technologies and so many new products available across channels, how does a brand develop and maintain brand loyalty with its customers?
The answer is simply by valuing customers, taking note of their grievances and queries, and providing better customer support. And all of this can be easily executed via WhatsApp.
Whether a new software version or update is available or if the warranty is about to expire, Karix can help you send out automated WhatsApp messages to your customers.
Information like product verification, warranty details, and service center location can easily be available at their fingertips with the WhatsApp Business API with an add-on to Karix’s Knowledge Repository service. You can make it easier and more convenient for customers to now book service appointments, and request warranty extensions, all via the same platform.
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Suit Up For The WhatsApp Business Solution | WhatsApp API.
With over 1.5 billion people using WhatsApp every month and 2 billion voice and video calling minutes every day, it is safe to say the app is connecting and bringing people closer virtually via smartphones.
WhatsApp is becoming a part of Indian society
In India, more than 200 million people use WhatsApp every month which is over 35% of the country’s internet user population.
And that brings us to the question
If everyone’s on it how can a big business remain far behind?
Big businesses needed an application that they could integrate with their existing platforms at scale. That’s why the WhatsApp Business API was rolled out in 2018. It is available for bigger enterprises via third-party service providers like Karix.
WhatsApp API? What’s that?
The WhatsApp Business API (Application Protocol Interface, basically a tech term for a connector) enables medium to large businesses to connect their existing communication systems to WhatsApp. So, messaging that otherwise would be sent to customers through other channels such as emails, SMS, or phone calls can now be redirected through their favorite app.
Why the API is great news
Apart from the fact that the WhatsApp Business API enables companies to get through to customers on a channel where their communications are most likely to be read and responded to, the API route offers a host of other benefits.
With the WhatsApp Business API, businesses can send WhatsApp messages to their customers at scale.
The ability to send out rich media communications
Companies can now send out sparkling images or documents if they choose to when offering customer care. Add in all kinds of media such as audio, rich text, and emojis and you’re speaking the lingo the customer is most familiar with. When you wrap up all of this, with the API’s ability to seamlessly integrate with a business’s existing CRM systems, core applications, and customer apps, the possibilities are endless.
The API enables seamless two-way communication
Customers can reach out to and interact with a business, request transactions, updates, and information — all of which can be automated at the business end through artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) software — as well as interact with human agents when needed.
WhatsApp does not want users to be spammed or businesses to suffer. Therefore, only users that opt-in to receive messages via an outbound channel can be sent those messages.
Integrations to Enterprise Applications
Just as Email is integrated with Support, Sales, and Internal Communication. WhatsApp is soon becoming an alternate channel of business communication. And, to help it fit into various tools and systems such as Ticketing tools, Sales CRM, Channel management, Inventory management systems, and more, it becomes important to have WhatsApp easily integrated via API.
Sound too good to be true, is there a catch?
Like with every other technological advance, businesses need to internally support the development of WhatsApp technology skills and spend money on hardware and network resources. Also, the systems need to be monitored 24/7, and resources are factored in for system integration, security, upgrades, and maintenance.
Karix can rescue businesses from getting sucked into infrastructure, deployment, and maintenance woes. Karix’s platform has a team with ready infrastructure which can either be set up on-premises or in the cloud. With a trained deployment and 24/7 support team in place, businesses do not need to waste bandwidth getting their hands dirty with implementation and maintenance challenges. Cloud deployment also takes care of scalability and unplanned spikes of traffic.
The two-way street to the customer’s heart
The WhatsApp Business solution is a giant that no business can afford to ignore anymore. And with the right collaboration, the platform can be leveraged to unlock the potential for creating engaging customer experiences at scale that can help companies establish long-lasting customer relationships.
For more info:
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WhatsApp Business API
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whatsappverified · 4 months
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WhatsApp is a powerful tool for businesses to engage, nurture, and convert leads. Through WhatsApp marketing, marketers can reach a large audience, cultivate enduring client relationships, and boost sales. WhatsApp Marketing app is a normal chat between companies and clients. MsgClub provides your business to a strong and user-friendly framework for automating business processes. The capabilities of these automation tools include data translation,send broadcast, WhatsApp templates, chatbot and designing workflows, as well as exceptional security and optimum uptime.
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whatso001 · 6 months
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tanlakarix · 9 months
What Not to Do On The WhatsApp Business Platform
The WhatsApp Business Platform has been a game-changer for businesses worldwide. The ability to tap into WhatsApp’s potential audience of over 2 billion people, most of whom use the app daily, has opened a whole new universe of possibilities for brands who want to reach out and engage their customers, offer real-time support, and sell products and services.
But while getting a WhatsApp business account for your business might be a straightforward process, the dynamics of succeeding on the platform require a lot of planning and attention to detail.
Today, we will talk about some of the most common pitfalls of using WhatsApp for your business. As you will come to see, offering a great customer experience over WhatsApp is often a question of what NOT to do.
What not to do on the WhatsApp Business Platform
1. Don’t spam people
This is the prime directive of WhatsApp Quality Based Marketing – do not send people information or offers they don’t need or didn’t ask for. If they initiate a conversation with you, you can use the 24-hour conversation window to share any relevant offers, or promotional content or cross-sell something they may be interested in.
WhatsApp’s Quality-Based Marketing guidelines clearly state that it is a good practice to make users go through an unambiguous opt-in process where they explicitly agree to receive marketing communication from your business.
If you start sending unsolicited WhatsApp promotional messages en masse, you will most likely get marked as spam by a significant portion of your potential audience. This will reduce the quality score of your account, leading to issues with the deliverability of your messages and in some cases, getting your account banned altogether. Make sure you also use your WhatsApp channel to send important notifications, and updates and initiate conversations with your customers to provide some actual value.
You should also have a clear way for people to opt out of some or all messaging from your business and honor opt-out requests when you receive them.
2. Don’t set the wrong expectations
While the option to reach your business over WhatsApp is a great value-add for your customers, make sure that you communicate clearly what your WhatsApp channel is going to be used for.
Are you going to use the channel as a 24/7 hotline? Can customers expect to receive any special coupon codes or discounts over WhatsApp? Can customers find and buy products you are selling over a chat conversation? Can customers call your WhatsApp number if they have any support queries? Will they occasionally receive promotional offers from you if they opt-in?
Map out your use cases beforehand and make sure you don’t overpromise and underdeliver.
3. Promote gambling, drugs, adult, or other restricted products
WhatsApp has strict content guidelines that are aimed at making the overall experience of using the app better for all its users. One of the main ways this is enforced is by disallowing certain business verticals from using the WhatsApp Business platform.
Verticals that are prohibited include.
Adult content
Alcohol products
Tobacco and its derivatives
Dating or relationship offers
Animal sales
Any type of weapons/ammo or defense-related content
4. Don’t send too many emojis
Emojis are like hot sauce – they are best used in moderation and only when they enhance the impact of the message you want to send out.
Using the odd emoji to convey a tone (happy/excited) or underscore a call to action (e.g., call/email emojis) is fine. Just make sure you don’t go overboard. Our rule of thumb recommendation would be to use 4 or fewer emojis if possible.
5. Don’t make spelling and grammatical mistakes
Let’s say you were reading the brochure for a financial advisory business, but the whole text was formatted weirdly. Or maybe you receive a free-form message from the business that wants you to entrust them with your finances, but every paragraph is filled with glaring spelling mistakes. Would the grammatical snafus make you more likely to sign on as a customer of the said business? Probably not.
Bad grammar and spelling can get your message templates rejected by WhatsApp outright. But even if they aren’t, it will hurt your chances of being taken seriously by the people you reach out to.
Make sure you double and triple-check for any grammatical issues before you send out any messages to your customers.
6. Don’t make it unclear what the user needs to do next after reading your message
So, let’s say you have crafted the perfect promotional message that both represents an emotion you’re going for and aligns with your brand voice. However, if you don’t include a clear call-to-action (or include too many) you are going to dramatically reduce your chances of conversion.
Do you want your users to call you after they read the message? Is there a PDF you would like them to download? Should they visit a certain page on your website? Let them know.
Always include a clear call-to-action at the end of your messages when appropriate and include Quick Reply buttons to enhance the overall customer experience.
7. Don’t misuse user data
As we have established, you need to comply with WhatsApp guidelines and other regulations that may apply according to the law of the land when collecting user data such as phone numbers, addresses, behavioral data, etc. Don’t ask people to share other sensitive information such as account numbers, social security information, or card details.
Make sure the only time you use this data is when you are providing contextual support to them within the context of your WhatsApp conversation. You are not allowed to share information that one customer may have divulged to you with a different customer you are chatting with.
The WhatsApp Business Platform is meant to drive higher-quality conversations between businesses and their customers. By steering clear of the mistakes, we have outlined above, you will automatically set yourself way ahead of most of your peers.
If you would like to improve your WhatsApp marketing even further and learn some more insider tips, make sure you bookmark the Karix blog and read through the other detailed articles we have on this topic!
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karix · 1 year
All About New Whatsapp Business Platform Pricing
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It has been a while since WhatsApp revised and introduced a new pricing model for using WhatsApp Business Platform. However, understanding how the new pricing works still remains one of the most frequently asked question by users. Since the new pricing came into effect starting Feb, 2022, the model only goes on to reflect the conversational nature of business-customer relationships more accurately. In this blog, we try to simplify and make it easier for you to understand how conversations initiated on WhatsApp between businesses and users are charged.
Under the new model, the conversations are charged basis who initiated it. Broadly, there are two separate conversation types that are priced differently.
User-initiated conversations:
Business-initiated conversations:
This is when a user initiates a conversation by messaging a business. If a business replies to this message within a 24-hour customer service window, the message will be attributed to a user-initiated conversation.
When a business messages a user a message outside the 24-hour customer service window, it is counted as a business-initiated conversation. Businesses need a pre-approved message template to initiate such a conversation.
Every conversation is measured within a fixed 24-hour window. The 24-hour conversation window begins when the first message from a business within the conversation is delivered – either initiated by the business itself or as a response to a user message. Within this 24-hour window, any number of messages (including template messages) may be exchanged between the business and the user without incurring any additional charges. Each 24-hour conversation window incurs a single charge.
To further understand how these two conversation types are charged on the WhatsApp Business Platform, let us take a look at some use cases. We will consider a hypothetical customer Rajesh and two fictional businesses – Acme Sport (online fitness store) and Acme Air (airline).
User-Initiated Conversations Use Cases
1. User makes a general customer service request
Rajesh: Hi, I just wanted to confirm that my order for running shoes has been accepted? I did not receive any notifications from the app after my purchase.
Acme Sport: Thanks for contacting us, Rajesh! Your order #6421 for Size 10 Nike Air Running shoes has been accepted and should be at your doorstep shortly!
As soon as Acme Sport’s reply is delivered to Rajesh, it starts a user-initiated 24-hour conversation session. Within this 24-hour window there is no charge for individual messages, encouraging the business to reply to support queries in a timely manner.
Rajesh: Ok, thanks
If Acme Sport continues the conversation after the 24-hour window has ended, they will be charged for a new conversation. Additionally, they will be required to send a message template to start a conversation, and the new conversation will be a business-initiated conversation.
In this use case, Rajesh gets the information he required, and Acme Sport gets charged for one user-initiated conversation.
2. User initiates a conversation that requires two separate message template replies
Rajesh: Hey just wanted to check when my last order is going to be delivered. I haven’t received it yet.
Acme Sport: Your last order #6421 has been shipped and should be arriving on or before 15th May.
User-initiated conversation begins as soon as Acme Sport’s reply is delivered.
Rajesh: Thanks a lot for the quick response!
Acme Sport (More than 24 hours later): Hi Rajesh! Your order #6421 has been delivered.
Acme Sport sends a message template to tell Rajesh that his order has been delivered outside the user-initiated conversation window, beginning a new business-initiated conversation.
In this case, Acme Sport is charged for one user-initiated and one business-initiated conversation.
Business-Initiated Conversations Use Cases
1. Business initiates the delivery of notification via message templates
Our fictitious airline, Acme Air has decided to update customers over WhatsApp when flight timings change, or other important updates need to be conveyed. They do this by using a message template.
Acme Air: Hi Rajesh! Your flight to Mumbai on 16-MAY 6.45PM IST has been delayed. Your new departure time is 7.45PM IST.
Acme Air: Hi Rajesh, your flight to Mumbai on 16-MAY 7.45PM IST is departing in 30 minutes. Your departure terminal is 4B.
In this example, Acme Air conveyed a schedule change to Rajesh via a message template and sent a follow-up via another message template within the 24-hour message window. As a result, Acme Air will only be charged for one business-initiated conversation.
Key Takeaways About the New Pricing Model
Conversations within the new pricing model for the WhatsApp Business Platform will be measured in 24-hour windows or sessions. These sessions are either initiated by the user or the business, leading to different pricing tiers.
Businesses can send free-form messages to users within the fixed 24-hour conversation window that is initiated after the first business message within the conversation is delivered. If the initial 24-hour window has concluded, the business must send a message template to re-initiate the conversation, which will be charged separately as a business-initiated transaction.
The first 1,000 messages per month for each WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) are free. Additionally, conversations that are initiated by users who click on a Click-to-WhatsApp ad or a CTA button from a Facebook page are not charged.
Charges for user-initiated and business-initiated conversations vary depending upon the country or region the account holder is located in.
The new pricing model represents Facebook’s push towards the usage of WhatsApp as a two-way communication tool between businesses and customers, encouraging rapid resolution of customer queries and personalized conversations.
Since conversations are based on 24-hour sessions or windows, businesses need to optimize for speed when dealing with customer support queries over WhatsApp. If your existing support team is barely keeping up with the volume of customer queries, consider partnering with an official WhatsApp Business Solution Provider like Karix to build an AI-powered chatbot solution that can automate the resolution of common customer service queries.
For more details click on karix.com/products
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fonadain · 11 months
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voicebrodcasting · 3 months
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bulksmsshop10 · 1 year
WhatsApp for Business is a Variation of the Well-Known Messaging Service
Business WhatsApp is a version of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp, designed specifically for businesses. With Business WhatsApp, businesses can create a verified profile, interact with customers, and manage their communications from a single platform. Some of the key features of Business WhatsApp include:
Business Profile: Businesses can create a verified profile on WhatsApp that includes information such as their business description, address, website, and contact details.
Messaging Tools: Businesses can use messaging tools such as quick replies, automated messages, and labels to manage their communications more efficiently.
Catalog: Businesses can create a catalog of their products or services within the app, which customers can browse and purchase directly.
WhatsApp Web: Businesses can use WhatsApp Web to manage their communications from their desktops.
Business Businesses of all sizes can successfully and efficiently interact with their clients by using WhatsApp.
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whatso001 · 6 months
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