#Whenever this show is mentioned I activate like a sleeper agent
jonahmagnus · 2 years
When the
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Q) Why is Johnny dressed like he raided a hot topic
A) Thats how I wanted to dress at 14 so Im living vicariously through him
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cartoon-savant · 4 years
Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego Season 3 Watch Ramblings
So I already said my crack theories prior to this post for Season 3 of Carmen Sandiego before release/watching, so now here are my thoughts on what went down. Spoilers, of course.
- First off, I always love when villains have personality outside of just being evil/the bad guy or doing evil things. Like last season when they were just doing a meeting at the diner. I loved their Halloween fun time shenanigans. Also The Cleaners seem to be having fun with the dress-up.
- So I didn’t know that Season 3 was only five episodes. Guess we reached that point in the Netflix animated series where they cut a season in half to cut down hiatus time and/or stretch the series out. Also, have I missed that opening music and all. It’s so good.
- A little on the nose with the new VILE headquarters but sometimes you gotta do it up classic villain style.
- Carmen still has some PTSD when dealing with Coach Brunt. Like there seems to recoil when she becomes directly confronted with her and I guess that will always be there since she always saw her as a mother figure.
- I did believe Julia would be sidelined someway after everything Season 2, I just didn’t think she would do it herself so forcefully. With The Chief becoming embittered to Carmen after the hack she was less receptive to Julia’s analysis of her activities. She had a whole backup career ready to go and everything. Though unlike Chase she gets to come back whenever due to being a valuable agent. Bringing in Chase was less for his skills and really more for his persistence and knack for always getting close to Carmen.
Side Note: I just love that throughout Season 2 Chase was out of action and little to no mention of him from Carmen whenever she runs into Julia. We get the flip Season 3 and every chance she gets Carmen makes note of Julia’s absence and preference to her in a situation, even after Stockholm and the ACME hack she seems to still trust Julia to do her right.
-So most likely events in Season 4 will have her new job site be the spot for a new caper. Seeing her separated from ACME will probably have Carmen constantly interact with Julia like with Graham when the chance arrives. Though when ACME/VILE gets wind of this in some form it may just complicate things for everyone.
- I wonder if we’ll get new agents besides Spinkick and Flytrap or just for this and next season before new VILE operatives start showing up. Though, with Roundabout no longer being their man on the inside who could pass around “Get Out Of Jail Free” cards to VILE when someone gets arrested, we’ll probably start seeing more one-off agents so they can have ACME start getting wins and possibly making Devineaux look better. VILE lost a major safety net so now they’ll walk a very dangerous high wire. Also Chase’s experience in Season 2 has raised his perception well. If the pieces lay before him he’ll connect the dots. The gears started turning to him thinking that maybe La Femme Rouge is not the person he thought and Julia was right.
- Speaking of agents, Mime Bomb is still MVP for VILE isn’t he? Like even on missions he is a part of that fail it never seems to be on him for the failure. He does his part perfectly, putting up with everyone else’s antics on either side. Watch Mime Bomb never get caught by the end of this series, no longer VILE and just out in the world. Or the moment he gets put out of commission everything just starts to go way south fast for VILE operatives. Also, does this mean Neal The Eel is mind wiped the next time we see him or was Graham really that unlucky with his failure and capture?
- Zack and Ivy seem to be toned down this season. Well, Ivy at least. She feels like her humor factor is being given more finesse so she can still be funny but not obnoxiously so. Zack gets less of a jokester back and forth with her because of it and becomes the funny guy to her straight man. So his antics get toned down to a degree and they show more personality outside of being constant comedy relief or having a showcase episode.
- Player didn’t really get to stand out much this season. Shadow san always get to be at his best and even got an episode for him. So with VILE introducing their own elite hacker in The Troll Season 4 might give Player some great moments to shine as a character.
- Looks like Graham gets to be brought in to meet ACME and whether the mind wipe also left him as a sleeper agent or not I can’t wait to find out. But before that I wonder how ACME will approach him and how he and ACME will speak of their activities with Carmen.
- All in all, when seasons get split like this they sometimes feel more like build up to the next season and this left me wanting more because of how short it felt. Like it was a long Halloween special. There was a building overarching plot but not big enough of a payoff that the season finale couldn’t have happened at any time during the season and Roundabout being defeated and outed as a VILE agent so quickly probably feels better together with Season 4 and its plot. A good season, but just shy of feeling entirely like filler. Depends even more on how key points are brought up next season.
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prcmctheus · 6 years
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beep beep y’all ur resident dumpster dweller kay here in action and ready 2 introduce u all to my Fave Boy misha who uhHHhh p much has rbf and a Thicc ukrainian accent. will this contain anything of substance other than immense rambling ?? whO KNOWS but we’ll go on this journey together but feel free to drop a like if u wanna plot and i’ll pop over to ur dm’s !!
potential triggers: death + mob activity
! ✰ ° — [ CHRIS PINE, CISMALE, HE/HIM ] mykhailo “misha” chernenko, aka agent prometheus is a thirty-five year old tactical agent that has been loyal to mercy twelve years. during that time they were injected with the gamma serum and earned regenerative healing they have a reputation of being the sagacious because they can be pragmatic & diligent. but let’s not forget they’re pretty acerbic & reticent. if you listen closely you can hear another one bites the dust by queen whenever they walk past.
okie to start off ya boy was brought into the world as михайло оландрович черненко ( aka mykhailo oleksandrovych chernenko ) but typically goes by the nickname of misha bc it’s easier and was born in kharkiv, ukraine ,,, he is a proud ukrainian and v much dislikes being deemed a russian ,, don’t do him dirty y’all . . it’s a struggle and one he will never forget n have u on his shit list ,, especially since his accent is still Thicc so any jokes will get u a side eye
his father oleksandr had strong nationalistic views , especially so when ukraine was still under soviet control and following the death of his first wife yulia ( they were visiting her family in moscow when she was caught in the crossfire of russian mob activity on her way home from the store and ultimately died from gunshot wounds ) he became heavily involved anti-russia groups back in ukraine
in 1983 when misha was born, he uHHhhHHhh wasn’t really wanted per say ?? like ,, his dad was hooking up with his mother kateryna and it was a surprise to them both that kateryna was pregnant ?? so oleksandr did the noble thing ( arguable bc he ain’t so noble ) and put a ring on her ,, mainly bc it was expected and kateryna gave him hell so u go kateryna
misha’s childhood wasn’t the best considering his parents argued more than they got along and kateryna really despised her husband from his life of crime ?? definitely didn’t agree with his ties to the ukrainian mob bc of the threat it brought to the family and especially the dirty money so she often put her sewing skills to use and made little of her own money ,, then wOP ,, four years down the line kateryna surprises oleksandr with the fact that she’s pregnant again but this time it ends up being a daughter that they name nadezhda but call nadia
it was an odd thing for misha bc for as harsh and distant as his father was to him, he had put him on this pedestal with a strong sense of idealism of what his father was like if he managed to do something to make him proud ,, despite not fully knowing in depth what his father did in the mob ( aka not good things like murder, drug trafficking and human trafficking ) so essentially that became misha’s goal in his v young life ,, he mimicked his father’s anti-russian views and showed interest in what he did for a living ,, rip 2 misha’s mom bc she nearly had a heart attack when she heard her son acting like everything she didn't want him to end up being
but with kateryna’s dismay came the affection from his father that misha had so desperately wanted and it became some weird take ur child to work day thing ,, this started when misha was around 6 years old and lasted up until he was 13 ( for reasons i’ll get into soon jndsjksd ) where oleksandr would often bring misha after school or even take him our during school ,, as some weird initiation thing of another generation of chernenko dedicating themselves to the cause of ukrainian independence
misha himself is an intelligent boy with a quick witted mind and ability to retain information and was quick to pick up on the russian language around him in kharkiv as well english ,, generally v good at learning languages and i just !!! get a lil emo thinking about the life misha could have had bc of his smarts if he didn’t get himself involved in this spy shit
his father finds it useful to start teaching misha how to properly fight bc #fambonding am i rite ,, also bc oleksandr is a shite dad who was gonna bring misha along to some  attack they were planning near the russian border from tensions between the ukrainian mob n the russian mob that was starting to infiltrate in ,, just dudes being dudes n getting territorial
let’s pray 4 kateryna when she finds out bc it’s when misha is 13 and tags along with his father to this smackdown which ?? ukraine is independent at this point by 5 years so oleksandr is trash n still chilling with the mob and when shit hits the fan and long story short, oleksandr ( along with many others ) gets killed, misha ends up severely hurt and it’s not a good time ,, but things shift bc when misha comes to he’s in a hospital bed and o shIT ,, he’s chilling with the security service of ukraine which deals with counterintelligence activity and terrorism
chilling ain’t really the term but yA KNOW ,, turns out they’ve been keeping eyes on the mob movements and misha attracted the attention of ukrainian intelligence “offered” him a role as a spy with the promise of training and serving his country proudly ,, u know ,, offered is in quotes bc hoe didn’t really have a choice but it wasn’t a hard choice bc misha was eager to help out his homeland
he didn’t officially go out into the field until he was 17 bc of extensive training in combat and espionage to help defend the still young foundation of the ukrainian government especially since it was rocky from the poor economic conditions ,, and after proving both his worth and abilities in several missions, he was activated as a sleeper agent in the russian government to get a hold of information regarding russian intelligence ,, more importantly such impacting ukraine
ya boy excelled in his position, given it wasn’t the most exciting bc it involved a lot of blending in and upholding this russian persona ,, gone was mykhailo chernenko for those three years up until he was 23 since he went by the alias of konstantin vasiliev ,, and he did well !! as someone who excelled in linguistics, his was v fluent in the russian language with a believable accent to match ( one of his best qualities in his ability to take on accents easily and rn he’s fluent in french, german, italian and spanish outside of his ukrainian, russian, and english )
things went well for the three years acting as a secretary for a high ranking russian government official and uh,, u know it helped that misha was attractive and knew how to use it to his advantage and successfully infiltrated into classified information since his superior viewed misha as just a pretty face with minimal understanding of how politics worked ,, meanwhile he was the one who spilled shit during sex so who was the real weenie
due to unfortunate events, misha’s cover was blown and barely made it out of russia alive and it was around his 23rd/24th that mercy got into contact with him and for as much as misha loved his country, he figured for his own safety it would be best to leave the area since lowkey the russian government still had it out for him ,, so he joined the mercy division as a field agent and AGENT PROMETHEUS was born ,, a couple of years into it he was convicted into taking the gamma serum which gave him regenerative healing which helps out v much when he gets shot at or generally hurt
so yeah p much ya boy has been chilling at mercy as a field agent for eleven years and generally enjoying his time here given things can’t ever really get normal as a spy ,, but it was last year that bc of numerous influences, misha decided to accept the offer of joining the tactical agents and retire his days as a field agent.
personality wise ,, misha is v devoted to his job and does this hoe ever genuinely laugh or smile ?? who knows ,, i think there’s a rumor somewhere that he’s actually a robot. def gives into the slavic stereotype where ukrainian’s never smile ,, not to mention his father ingrained into him the ukrainian saying of Сміх без причини є ознакою тупості aka “laughter without a reason is a sign of stupidity” soooOOoo he’s just a bit stoic and has resting bitch face
doesn’t really realize he’s v blunt and forthright in his speak so he can come off as an asshole ( which 67% of the time he doesn’t mean ) ,, has the patience of a saint but if u push hard enough he’ll crack ,, a bit dry on the humor but can def be an asshole when he wants to. doesn’t trust a lot of ppl and it’s hard to earn his trust ,, word the only major ppl he’s trusted was a) his dad b) the security service of ukraine and c) now mercy so kudos on getting on his good side
has no contact whatsoever with his mother kateryna or his sister nadia ,, partially bc couldn’t keep up for security n safety reasons but also bc misha is p much dead to kateryna after following his father’s footsteps, getting involved in the whole mess of ukrainian / russian political n governmental affairs and also dropping his v tiny attempt of college before becoming a sleeper agent for ukraine ,, so ya boy is on his own so u can expect wALLS around him ,, bc u know ,, he don’t do emotional vulnerability or relationships  
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