#Where it's all the criteria of Dissociative Identity Disorder but without the formation of separate identity states
kipskiptrip · 5 months
If I see one more person refer to OSDD as a whole as a generalization or synonym of OSDD-1B I'm going to snap the wooden bars of this cage in the enclosures of my mouth and crawl my way out of Hell to Find You.
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shieldedsouls · 5 years
    This is going to be a long post, and I apologise for that. However I do not apologise for putting my boundaries as clear as possible, and will not apologise for doing so. All of the rules below exist for a reason, and I have them for my own comfort. 
It is okay if you don’t agree with them but it’s not okay to ignore them. If you think you cannot follow the posted rules, then do not follow this blog. Thank you !!
  These are the basics, a re-hash of rules that almost everyone has but that I like to cover anyway just in case!
Read ALL important pages: rules, disclaimer, muse list & info for the muse(s) you want to interact with
Use proper punctuation and spellings to the best of your abilities
Mark clearly whether an ask is IC or OOC
No godmodding
No maiming, killing, etc. of my muses without my permission
No choosing of thoughts or big actions of my muses without my permission
Hate, anon or otherwise, will be reported and deleted. Users will be blocked. 
There may be an occasional mention that I do this if there’s some kind of repeat, but I will not place the content itself on the dash.
Asks and IMs are always welcome!!
More in the < Asks & Memes & Messaging > section
tracked tag is SHIELDEDSOULS and is the best chance of getting me to see a post. @’ing me will also work, but please be sure to use my url tag on top that! please also put somewhere which of my muse(s) the post is for.
These are some of the rules that have been established over time for my own sake, and to make everyone’s time on here a lot easier!
Your age must be listed somewhere I can easily find it! I’m not comfortable writing some content with muns or muses who are under 18
If I cannot find that information I am unlikely to follow, and I will not write that content with you, as it’s safer to err on the side of caution.
If you are not comfortable with discussion and usage of DID ( dissociative identity disorder ) please do not follow as it ties heavily into my portrayal of Bucky Barnes and James ( the Winter Soldier ).  
It takes time for me to check through all my followers, so please don’t ask if I haven’t followed back right away or unfollow, unless I post very specifically about dumblr fucking things up.
There’s any number of reasons I may do either, but the more we happily interact and talk the more likely I am to follow or re-follow.
With rare exception, I will not interact with any blogs that contain digits in them.
Please, please, use regularly accepted punctuation within threads.
Do not spam-reblog from me, which is reblogging 3+ posts in rapid succession. It messes up my notifications and I lose other things.
Mark clearly between IC/OOC, and which muse or npc a message is for.
unless I can tell with a glance that there are RP sideblogs attached to them
I love my ships and will not stop writing them for someone else’s sake. I tag all visual content, but if there’s a short tag or something to be added, give me a quick little heads-up and I’ll happily tack it on. Everyone wins!
If I cannot easily navigate a blog for information, I will not follow back
easy navigation includes:
rules page
disclaimer/ooc page of some kind
tagging system
cut posts
this little section is for what to expect from me and my writing preferences, but it is a flexible section!
I do both regular capitalization and zero capitalization for threads, depending on partner and length of the thread
memes and asks will be done in whichever I’m feeling
I do small text ONCE for aesthetic, but will leave text regular size if asked
Headlines will be done in subtext size, again mostly for aesthetic
Parentheses and brackets will be bolded and italicized, on the whole
I will @ the url of the person who sent the ask or is part of the thread
thread partner urls will also have their muse’s name listed after a slash for further clarity
I occasionally use icons, but mostly for asks, dash commentary, or silly things
all icons are 100x100
I enjoy using bold, italics, and strikethrough, but that’s about the extent of my text formatting and I try not to overdo them too much
Asks & Memes & Messaging
Asks are open to everyone!
IMs are ooc and mutuals only.
If a meme is shippy or nsfw, it is mutuals only and will require previous interaction. 
All others are freebies!!
due to asks being fucked for formatting: i will tag the url of the sender on a new post, have a header to show which muse is answering, and tag the user within the post. i will also link it and privately answer the original ask where possible, to help ensure responses are seen.
for the time being I’m putting a graphic in the direct reply to an ask, adding a blockquote for tagging the sender, additional commentary, and the source meme if there is one
Any reply to an ask must be in a new post. Reblogged asks will be ignored.
Any messages saying ‘wanna rp?’ or asking for an IM will be deleted. I’m far more receptive to being approached with ideas to work with
Any messages that do no specify a muse will be deleted.
While not explicitly reblog karma, I am not a meme source and will talk to you if you always take memes from me but never send anything in or talk to me. Sometimes a meme doesn’t work and that’s fine, but there’s no excuse to never interact with me.
I often have a mix of platonic, general, and nsfw/shippy memes at my disposal, but feel free to improv something from the gist or edit sentences to suit our muses better!! Creative fun is why we’re here <3
OCS & Sideblogs & MuMus & Second-Gens
Information must be easy to navigate and read, same as for canons/single muse blogs!
Sideblogs, please list somewhere OBVIOUS what the main blog is called so I know what to look out for.
Mumus, I love you and your dedication, but I am most selective with you. Yes, even as a mumu myself.
The more fandoms covered and more muses included, the less likely I am to hop on board mostly because I prefer a clean dash.
If we’re close friends ooc I’ll likely be far more lenient
OCs with an mcu-canon faceclaim will not be accepted unless the muse has been around longer than the canon being cast or if they look markedly different than the canon ( Karen Gillan with all her hair vs as Nebula, for example ).
more in the < canons & fcs > section
Unless plotted otherwise, they will not know my muses, but they can know of my muses
Second-Gens ( kids of the original set(s) of main canons ) make me uncomfortable for a number of reasons, and so will be interacted with on a case-by-case basis.
I am unlikely to follow unless we know each other very well ooc
Canons & FCs
Again, OCs with mcu-canon faceclaims will not be interacted with unless they meet at least one of the two criteria listed above.
However, if I pick a FC for someone related to this blog that isn’t canon, it’ll likely be shrugged off as uncanny lookalike, or we can otherwise plot around it. 
Animated FCs are welcome, but I’ll admit that specifically anime blogs are unlikely to be interacted with. Sorry
If a canon has an alternate faceclaim: cool! Just have it listed somewhere obvious, please
FCs I will not interact with: Mark Sheppard, Selena Gomez, Mads Mikkelsen, Miley Cyrus, Justin Beiber, Sara Bareilles, Andrew Scott, Zooey Deschanel, Natalie Dormer. The list may be periodically updated; yes, it is okay to ask me about specific names and why these ones are listed.
There will be a good deal of F/F, F/M, and M/M on this blog both in visual and text. 
May ( read: probably will ) include three+somes. 
Implication and mention to graphically clear are likely, and will be tagged.
By default, ALL my muses are single, with the noted exceptions of Frigga ( until Odin chooses to pass ) Dugan and Peggy if it’s circa 1952-after, and Sam who is widowed and single post-2012, unless plotted otherwise.
Please don’t assume there will be a ship between your muse and mine without plotting first, positively or negatively !!
Specific to Peggys: don’t be alarmed by my above warning, Dugan/Peg is my muses only and not something I expect to be followed. I will also not expect a ship with Steve.
specific to Steves: I will not expect a ship with Peggy, Bucky, or Sharon
However, Bucky loves Steve, bordering on obsessively. Whether it’s platonic, romantic, or completely one-sided pining is up to plotting and muse chemistry.
if we are writing stucky, Bucky is the one who will be in it first.
James is incredibly anxious about dealing with Steve for many reasons, and more anxious about the possibility of infringing on Bucky’s territory.
It is one of few ships that will require Bucky’s active participation if you want James involved, because James will refuse Steve otherwise.
if we are writing steggy, it will not be eg-canon compliant
Specific to Peppers: Tony cares ( depending on point in time, deeply ) for her, but I will not expect a ship and it must be plotted out. 
They could be exes, almosts, currently dating, platonically attached, whatever we would like! But it must be plotted.
specifically for Janes: I do not automatically lead with fosterson! My default is somewhere between slow burn infatuation or mutual, friendly separation. Thor adores her in any type of relationship though, and supports her endeavors and enthusiasms
For Bucky and James, dating one of them does not mean you have to be dating the other.
It would be marginally easier depending on time and verse tho
Specifically for Natashas: I include the generality of James being at the Red Room, but we must plot about including the affair or not. It is not my default canon.
if we are defaulting to winterwidow, James is the one most familiar with her, not Bucky. James was the fronting personality when they originally met, and Bucky’s recollection of events will be hazy if present at all.
If you want to ship Nat with Bucky, it must be plotted and must account for the prior/continuing relationship with James
For Sharon, she has no romantic interest in men ( yes including Steve ).
if she ends up with a comics-inclined verse this may change but will still require heavy plotting.
I will not be ship-exclusive with any blogs
I will have mains but it’s on unofficial terms
For all my writing partners: I will happily plot ships, and details! But I won’t have an assumed prior romantic/sexual history between our muses.
Again, I know this bit is particularly long !! But it’s very necessary for my comfort and yours as a baseline of whether we might get along or not. Thank you again for pulling through all the reading; if you’re staying, awesome !! If you’re not, I’m sorry to see you go but I hope you find the writing happiness you want <3
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