#Which is fine if my brain wouldn't either get too distracted or lose interest so fucking fast.. I used to draw and work on these OCs like
Okay I’m fine I’m back. But let’s talk about what happened, because I think it’s an illustration of something important, which is the following: In OCD, it is possible to completely lose sight of whether anything is right or wrong, to the extent that action of any kind, even on a very simple, low stakes topic like whether or not to delete a post, is just totally unfeasible. OCD manufactures dilemmas that can’t be resolved, and the harder you try to resolve them, the harder it manufactures. Over nothing. Over literal small talk. It’s so interesting.
Account of an OCD thought spiral below (mention of illness and moral scrupulosity)
So first, I posted some vents about the illness that I have right now. They were pretty short, but there were kind of a lot of them, because illness is an OCD trigger for me in itself and I was trying to distract myself from that. I think there were five posts over the course of two days.
But now I had a bunch of text posts talking about myself and gross topics, and that triggered the moral scrupulously part. “Why would I put that in front of other people? Of course I CAN, it's my blog, but why would I want to? I could put any thought in front of your eyes, so why not putting a loving thought there instead of something sad and disgusting? I wouldn't wish my thoughts on anyone. And when I post them, I am putting them right into your brains.”
This is where it gets wild (if it wasn’t already lmao). Because what should one do? Delete the vent posts? Stop making vent posts altogether, as a rule? Presumably yes, because it’s making me feel guilty. But…no, that’s wrong too, because my friends make vent posts, so if I shame myself for making vent posts, then I’m shaming them by extension, and that’s immoral too.
So now this is a comedy of errors. I’m triggered about contamination stuff because I’m sick but I can’t do my compulsions about it because I’m not supposed to (it will make OCD worse) so I should go vent but no I can’t vent because that’s immoral and I’ll be compelled to delete it but no I can’t delete it because that’s also immoral and - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
It’s at this point that I realized I had no correct actions available. This is what OCD does: it deletes the exits until there’s no escape. What’s been very helpful for me is noticing when I reach that point and saying, “Oh. Oh we’re in deep. Nothing I’ve been thinking for probably a full day has made any sense. None of it is as important as I thought it was. Let’s just go somewhere quiet and not worry about making judgements of any kind.”
This was all pretty low stakes and I came out of it okay but I just think it’s a prime example of how this process functions. In a person’s mind, everything becomes paralyzingly important while all right answers get reasoned away until only “wrong” answers are available. If that happens, take a minute. Self-sooth. Turn everything off. If you’re doing the wrong thing either way, then it doesn’t matter anyway, right? Might as well breathe and do something fun. Take care of yourselves, ya’ll.
(Also as you can see I did archive the posts and I think I’ll just leave it that way but like…they were very short and innocuous.)
P.S. Just to be clear, vent posts are not immoral lmao. Nor is deleting vent posts if you want to. They’re both fine. It was the OCD brain talking.
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raphaelesbian · 3 months
ok, since you asked (and I GET the "I wanted to write, but didn't") ....ummmm..... would Shini try to sneak Raph into a concert?
Also, if it's not too spoiler-y, what are all three boys' currently theories on where Raph got the alcohol?
Oh I definitely think that would be on-brand for her. One because she definitely is a concert kind of girl and she loves breaking the rules, but also just because, like. Her goal is to stabilize them, basically. She's a little wild, but (mostly) in a "teenage girl" kind of way, while they're very much Losing It. So things like a little makeover montage, or listening to music, or watching silly YouTube videos, and TOTALLY going to a concert, are all things she would think of to try and... "distract them" isn't quite right, but it's close. To break them out of their spiral, kind of.
Anyways fhkdsahglk I think she'd get him all dressed up and probably watch from the rafters or smth a la Bayverse. She'd probably try to convince him to actually go down with the people, because it's dark! no one is paying attention! you'll be fine! but he'd push back on that pretty hard. Poor 12 boys would NOT thrive in a crowd XD Maybe someday in the future she could change his mind though.
Oooh okay that actually is a very helpful question bc I haven't even really thought about it that much 🤔 and I need to!
I think, after Raph stormed off at the end of the last chapter, there was probably some off-screen discussion between them all. For sure they briefly grilled Casey on potentially introducing him to the idea, but he strongly denied the allegations. I think Casey is more of a weed guy anyways lmao. I think, as a group, their mostly likely assumption is just that he's stealing it. He's a ninja, he's never cared much about human society/rules so he wouldn't feel bad about it, and it's the easiest answer. BUT:
Why would he not tell Casey if that was the case? It isn't something Casey would be likely to snitch on; he wouldn't care and would probably join in. So they know there has to be more to it, even if they're correct.
Oof, them turtles are hard to characterize!! This is an excellent question ty for forcing me to contemplate it fhklsdahklg. Donnie is smart, but he's also not the best when it comes to reading people. I think he'd just go down the decision tree of most likely explanations and say "yeah he's stealing it and getting drunk in an alleyway somewhere. god he's annoying (/said with love and frustration)"
mikey is always difficult for me lmao, I love him and I love his relationship with raph, but he's such an erratic character. he's very, like, instinctual (see: monkey brains episode), so I think he disagrees with the consensus, but doesn't have much of an alternative. he doesn't know WHERE raph is getting it, or what he's doing, but he knows that can't be it. which probably makes donnie double down harder on his theory, because mikey has no DATA.
leo has been the one the MOST in the know, even if he's still very much left in the dark. he'd be putting some of those pieces together: that time Raph came back injured and said he was jumped, how tired and withdrawn he's been, the bracelet, perhaps the hint of makeup you can barely see beneath his lopsided mask. he would think that maybe there's someone else, someone he's hanging out with that either is providing alcohol or they're getting it together, but then he hits a wall.
I even think that karai crosses his mind, but between their INCREDIBLY antagonistic relationship during the brainworm incident, and the fact that they just. never liked each other, and raph was always telling LEO to stop trusting her. so he would write that off. but it's there, in the back of his head.
I'm definitely going to continue thinking on this fhdlsdahklg but having to go through that thought process in my head and put it into words was a good exercise I think XD ty so much for asking!!! I hope some of that was interesting lol
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professorsnape394 · 4 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Two: Shrinking Solution
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A/N: This is the second part to my fanficiton ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-16 can be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write!
Pairing: Seveurs Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 2664
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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A week had passed since Severus Snape had stormed out of her grandfather's office in a fit of rage, and Aria concluded that it was time she broke the silence between her and her future mentor. Although Snape and Aria both resided in the Dungeons they had not crossed paths as Severus rarely left his office or his private quarters. She was sure he had the house elves deliver his meals to his office or else he just did not eat. As Dumbledore constantly left the castle grounds this meant Aria often travelled down to eat with Hagrid, the only remaining current resident of Hogwarts. The two of them had become good friends, however this did not stop her searching for friendship among Severus, in the hopes of easing their future working relationship.
Aria left her own private quarters, strolling along the dungeon corridors to Professor Snape's a few doors down from her own. Pacing between his office and his private quarters Aria contemplated whether he would be relaxing in his room or working in his office. Having only met the man once she nevertheless knew exactly where he'd be. Rocking on her heels for a second or two she took a moment to gather her thoughts before knocking confidently on the door.
"Enter." The monotone voice droned after a moment of consideration.
Aria Dumbledore walked into the crowded office covered wall to wall in potion bottles and jarred ingredients. To the back of the room sat behind a desk was a mass of black robes and hair, bent over a stack of books and parchment, scribbling notes furiously onto the parchment. Aria stood there for a minute or two waiting for the professor to look up at her. She wanted him to listen to what she had to say and she wouldn't believe he was truly listening until he faced her.
"Well?" He spoke, face still down towards his notes. "Get on with it."
"I will do so, as soon as I know you are paying attention to me." She spoke clearly, standing firmly on her spot in the middle of the room.
"I'm listening." He droned, scribbling away.
"No." She spoke a little louder, her voice more confident than it had ever been in his presence. this caught his attention. "I want you to look at me, so I know your listening."
Severus nodded in return, motioning for her continue.
"Good." She began, returning his nod, once again trying to remember what she had planned to say. She had been completely thrown off by his reaction to her new position at Hogwarts. From the moment she knew Severus would be arriving at Hogwarts she had made plans in her head to get to know him and his routine. She had hoped they could make a few potions together in order to get more familiar with each other rhythms. She had not yet given up this hope but she knew now it would be a lot harder than she had initially expected. Finally she decided simply being honest with him was the best way to go about it. "I understand this arrangement isn't ideal for you, and I do not agree with the way Professor Dumbledore sprung it on you like that." She started.
"You mean your grandfather." Severus look cut in, his eyes slightly rolling in his head.
Aria cleared her throat, waiting to continue. "As I was saying. I do not want to ruffle any feathers with my being here, however I need this job and there is nothing we can do about it now, so you might as well accept that. Now, in order to familiarise me with your routine I was hoping for the next three weeks or so before term starts that would you tutor me. I just think that it would make the classes flow a lot better if we sort out all of the kinks now rather than later."
"Well, thanks to you and your grandfather I am not sure I will have time to, as you say, 'tutor you'. I have had to complete re-write my entire class curriculum. I am afraid I will be far too busy until the beginning of term. You will simply have to adapt to my way of teaching, whether you like it or not." He droned, turning back to his stack of papers.
Impatiently Aria bit her lip, letting out a small sigh, unsure of where to go from there.
"Like I said, teach me your ways and you will not have to rewrite your entire schedule." She spoke through slightly gritted teeth, becoming annoyed at his lack of cooperation. "We will meet three times a week; Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. No exceptions. I'll see you then." She stated, finally taking control of the situation, leaving the room before the Professor could argue.
* As she arose from her sleep on Tuesday morning Aria opted to dress in more formal attire for her meetings with Professor Snape, as after all this would be a professional interaction, or at least she hoped.
Not wanting to intrude on the man too early in the morning she waited until 1 o'clock in the day, assuming they both would have eaten by then. As the clock stuck 1 she clutched her notebook to her chest and confidently strode along to the professors office.
Aria had spent the previous days carefully planning out a mix of activities and topics to cover in the event that Snape tried to turn her away once more. She was happy with her plan and was confident that Snape could not deem it a waste of either of their time. This thought at the forefront of her brain she gave his door a loud knock before taking it upon herself to enter.
The Potions Master instantly rose from his seat upon her entry, thrusting a stack of parchments into her hands, and immediately set off on a long winded speech he had clearly prepared previously.
She stood aghast by the mans abruptness, staring at him blankly. It was the first time she had properly looked at him since their first meeting. He was tall, taller than she had initially assumed and he towered over her, intimidatingly. He was muscular too, she thought as she focused in on the person standing before her, taking details she had never before noticed. Without the protection of his robes she was able to see his biceps threatening to burst through the material of his black undercoat. Her eyes continued to travel up his body, past his chest that practically touched her own, finally meeting the gaze of the Professor. She instantly noted the exhaustion evident on his face, remembering back to her grandfathers comment on his lack of sleep she guessed the reason for this was not solely caused by the hefty workload of the school year. Despite his tired looking features Aria found his looks intriguing. He was handsome in an interesting sort of way, not in the traditional sense for sure but there was definitely something there, something that made her want to get to know the man more than she expected he would let her.
Severus found himself becoming more and more distracted, losing himself in the woman's eyes as he too fell into a dangerous train of thought.
"Are you paying attention, Miss Dumbledore?" Snape snapped himself back to reality, bringing back Aria with him. She gave herself a shake, her eyes widening realising she had not heard a word the man had spoke.
"Yes. Erm.., no. I'm sorry Severus." Aria stuttered, the blush on her face forming from embarrassment and shame.
"Professor Snape." He corrected, taking a step or too back from her, busying his eyes, focusing them anywhere but on his apprentice. "I will not spend the year repeating myself, Miss Dumbledore. If you cannot prove yourself worthy of this position I'm afraid I cannot work with you. Now, do as I say and we shall get along perfectly fine." He finished, regaining his seat behind his desk, shuffling through yet another stack of papers.
"Actually Professor Snape, I had prepared some tasks for us to get through, myself." Aria begun. "For example, I was hoping today you could go over each years curriculum for the year with me and we could note areas in which I need some revision, which we could tackle later in the week."
"Had you been paying attention, Miss Dumbledore, you would notice that the years curriculum is noted on that stack of parchment I handed you upon your entry. Which I might add showed a complete lack of respect and basic manners. You will knock and wait to be called upon before entering my office from here on out, is that clear." Snape commanded.
Aria glanced at the stack of parchment, noticing the detail in which Snape had gone over the class schedules, it obviously took some time and she was embarrassed she had been too distracted to notice previously. "I apologise, Professor." She said, feeling more like a student being reprimanded than his equal.
The Professor gave a slight nod in response. "In regards to the areas you may need to review, you will have to outline them in your own time, we will visit them at a later date. I do not wish to waste my time with such frivolous things that could so easily been done alone. " He stressed the final word.
It was Arias turn to nod.
The young woman was shocked to find the Professor so prepared for today's meeting, although she was glad he seemed so invested in the cause, she secretly knew he had put in so much effort in order to regain control of the situation. Clearly Aria taking command a few days earlier had not sat right with him.
"As for today." Snape continued. "I have set a task for you to complete, to allow me to analyse your potion making skills as well as your method of brewing."
"Perfect." Aria chirped trying so hard to remember the promise she has made to herself. The man intimidated her she could not hide that fact, but that did not mean she was not a very skilled potioneer. She was determined to prove her abilities to the Professor in the hopes that she gain his respect and therefore develop a balanced working relationship. "What will I be making?" She inquired, taking a step forward towards the Professors desk.
"Shrinking solution." He spoke simply. "I assume, or rather hope, you will not be in need of a recipe? Or should I look out the students text books now and save us both from creating a batch of poison."
"There is no need to be insulting Professor, I am more than capable of brewing a standard OWL level potion. Where will I find my ingredients?" She asked.
Severus Snape lightly rolled his eyes at the young Professor as he focused in on the tattered book in front of him, simply letting out a small grunt and pointing in the directions of a store cupboard off to his left.
Aria ignored her so-called mentor and immediately set to work.
At first Severus let her do her own thing, getting the potion up and running before he decided to interfere and evaluate her work.
He watched intensely as she removed five large and hairy caterpillars from their jar. Skeptically, he emerged from behind his desk, turning up the pressure on Miss Dumbledore.
Unable to contain himself he started to speak. "It helps if you -"
"What? Slice the caterpillars to achieve maximum blood flow." Aria interrupted proudly, knowing he was trying to test her skills. "Surely that would be common knowledge Professor. Now tell me do you prefer to slice horizontally or vertically?" Her confidence getting the better of her.
"It hardly matters." Snape scoffed, displeased by his efforts to belittle the witch.
"Oh I disagree entirely. I found that slicing vertically is not nearly as effective as horizontally. If your doing it vertically.. why it's hardly worth cutting the poor buggers up in the first place." She smirked, feeling like she had achieved a small victory.
The two professors remained silent for a few moments more, allowing Aria to continue her potion while Snape inspected her closely, occasionally jotting down notes and crossing off his personal checklist.
"Don't you have leech juice stocked in your cupboards?" Aria wondered aloud, absentmindedly stirring her concoction.
"I'm sorry?" Severus replied, wondering what she was getting at.
"As you know the recipe calls for the juice of four leeches, though I prefer five." She added slyly. "I had just assumed that a seasoned Potions Master such as yourself would keep readily preserved leech juice in his store cupboard, as this is a staple potion in any school curriculum."
"I prefer to juice my leeches fresh, when it comes to preparing a shrinking solution." Severus admitted through gritted teeth, stunned at the woman's audacity to contradict his methods, when he was supposed to be the one testing her.
"Well each to their own I suppose, I just find it wastes an awful lot of time during the brewing process when a batch of leech juice could easily be prepared beforehand for a many number of potions." Aria Dumbledore shrugged, shooting an innocent smile at her colleague before painstakingly juicing each individual leech directly into the cauldron.
After adding one more shrivelfig and an extra caterpillar, horizontally sliced of course, it was time to let the potion simmer until it reached that perfect green colour Snape anticipated.
And with a wave of her wand the potion was completed to absolute perfection. Aria was confident Severus could find no flaw in her work, although she was slightly nervous that their minor disagreements would only make him more irritable, thus making it more difficult for Aria to gain the approval she now craved.
After five minutes of stirring, testing and inspecting Severus could find no fault with the professor's work to criticise. With a slight hum he returned to his desk, intentionally avoiding looking in the woman's direction.
"As it is, you managed not to create an abomination, therefore I have nothing more to say. Your work is average. I will do what I can to cooperate with you as it seems I have been given no other choice. We are done for the day, you may leave."
"What just like that, and were done? There's so much more we could get through the day is young." Aria pleaded. "I made the perfect potion for you surely that is worthy of your time."
"The perfect potion is expected, Miss Dumbledore. Had you done any less than perfect you would not be qualified to work here. Potion making is an exact science, with very minimal room for creativity. You and I may be daring enough to tread on that line but I have had years of experience, you on the other hand cannot afford the risk of creativity. One day your ego will get the better of you and you may make an irreversible mistake. I suggest you stick to the textbook recipes in the future." Severus raged. He did not appreciate her disobedience or her expectation of a reward for simply doing as she was asked. He saw her open her mouth to object however he managed to get the first and final word in for the night. "Good day, Miss Dumbledore, I have work to get on with." He spat.
And with that he began scribbling some more illegible notes onto his parchment, waiting on the woman to vacate his office.
She stood for a second almost in shock at his rudeness but she had hardly expected any less from him. She supposed she had pushed him far enough for one day and chose to listen to his orders. After all there was not long to go until Hagrid expected her at his home from their meal.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
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"No. Absolutely not. Cancel it." He growled while you made a hurt and desperate sound at the immediate answer of your boyfriend.
"Kai please! My sister don't have anyone else to take care of her kids, and she is desperate!" You pleaded while he only arched one eyebrow at you.
"Then she should had hired a babysitter. Not give trouble for their sibling." He scoffed and returned his attention to the papers in front of him.
You sighed out loud and burried your face a bit in your hands.
"Then I guess I'm sending her a message to take them to my old apartment instead..."
He stopped abruptly on his reading to look at you.
"That won't be possible either." He said nonchantly while you arched a eyebrow.
"W-why not?"
"I sold your apartment." He said normally whil eyou widen your eyes in horror at your boyfriend's words.
"wHAT?!" you almost shouted while he sighed for you to lower your tone of voice "K-k-Kai! Why?!"
"First, you are living in here long enough, so that place won't be useful for you anymore. Second, we were in need of money and I talked to you about it."
"I don't remember you saying ANYTHING about selling my apartment!" He lifted one finger for you to wait before showing you in his cellphone a chat that you two exchanged.
Damn your distracted brain...
"Why do we again need that much money?" You sighed in hopeless.
He... wouldn't talk much about that issue right now... he was first going to talk with Pops. Later you.
"Is just a project from the yakusa angel, nothing to fuss over with."
You sighed again before frowning at your cellphone nuzzling on the pocket of your jeans.
"Anyway. The kids and I are staying in here aparently."
You merely deadpanned at his glare before you heard a muffled honk from the outside.
"You know, I can talk with that sister of yours and then-"
"Kai, no. Thanks a lot, but no. I know how my boyfriend is." You giggled while he frowned and debated with himself if he should lock the door or not...
He never met those one, but... he wasn't a fan of children... in the slightest.
It didn't take much for you to enter house with one girl and one boy holding each hand of yours, the girl had a wary look on her face while clinging to you while the boy looked around with nothing but interest.
"Its such a big place in here auntie (Y/n)!" The boy exclaimed while you laughed at his energy.
"Alright guys, remembering that this house has extremely importance; and quite honestly I have no idea how your parents let me take care of you two in here; so please be careful alrighty?" You crouched down to be eye level with the children, teh girl nodded while the boy smiled and high fived your hand.
Kai watched with a wary look on his face your interactions, sighing in defeat and choosing to place his hands on his pockets and come to you.
"Ah! Kai!" You smiled at him while the boy chosed to tilt his head at him while the girl stared blankly at him back "Those two little precious thing are my nephews! (B/n) and (G/n)!" You looked at them back with a smile that made both ease a bit their nerves.
"I see. Just instruct them to not cause any messes. You know how much I despise it." He said nonchalantly while making his way out... only deadpanning when he heard the boy asking why he said that and you simply answered that he was a cleaning maniac.
He is going to have a long talk with you.
Your laughter along with the kids made him lose focus more than once...
What it was so fun about those little pests? Children are loud, annoying, never follow your orders correctly and dirty... he couldn't get why and even how you could be genuinely happy around one of those.
After two screams of the kids he made his way out, thinking about the worst and his heart almost jumped at seing you layed on the grass with eyes completely closed and the kids shocking you a bit.
"I told you it was a bad idea you idiot!" The girl said in irritation while she shook you and begged you to wake up.
"It was just to be a little scare! Not to make aunt faint!" The boy exclaimed while doing the same thing as his sister.
His jaw clenched as his hands turned into fists, already preparing to demand answers from those brats on what they had done with his angel before you suddenly opened your eyes and screamed to scare them.
"Ha! Think only you two can do pranks?! Take that then!" You grabbed both of the children and gave each one of them raspberries on their necks, the boy succumbed into laughter as the girl squirmed and begged for you to stop, trying her hardest to not laugh.
... huh. So he didn't needed to worry. The sign in front of him seemed almost... cozy even.
Wait... what?
He walked through the halls, screeching a bit his wrist from all of his writing before he heard your voice from the kitchen.
"So you kiddos want what for eating? Already warning that junk food is not a option..." he heard nothing for a bit seconds before you whined "I'm sorry! Please dont do the pouts! I can make something else though!"
"Oh!" He heard the boy's voice "I know something then!"
Curiosity spoked louder than his knowledge so he peaked a bit on the kitchen, enough to look but the necessary for not being caught.
"Peanut sandwich!" The boy exclaimed while the girl arched a eyebrow at him.
"Mommy doesn't let you eat those things." The boy pouted at her before making a 'shh' sound to her while she rolled her eyes at him.
"Thanks for the honesty (G/n). Mommy also told me this due to your allergy mister!" You poked teh boy's nose as he poked his tongue out with a smile.
"Hum..." you brought your hand and poked your chin a couple of times with your index finger a bit before snapping your fingers "How about some sandwiches that are not all boring healthy neither much junky then?"
The kids looked at eachother before nodding while you giggled at their actions and quickly made their specific ones.
He noticed that the girl was by one or two even years older than the boy, and was definitely more reserved than her brother while the boy was simply the energy itself. But even the two being so different, both widened their eyes in awe after they took their bites when you handed their lunches.
"Amazing auntie!" The boy exclaimed before unpolitely digging his food while the girl simply stared in awe.
"Aunt, please cook instead of my mommy. Please."
"God no." You said in exasperation "She might kill me for that sweetie, dont do that."
He smirked a bit at that as he made his way out with hands on his pockets.
"I can see that when we have children she is the one spoiling the brats..." he muttered to himself before abruptly stopping on his tracks and widening his eyes in horror of what he just said.
Him? You? Children? You guys weren't even marriage! Why the hell was he even speaking about damn brats?!
No way that you and him were going to have a kid. Those gave much work, planning and pacience-
"You kiddos want me to what?" His attention got back to you as he listened your voice this time coming from the living room... aparently you just got there since minutes ago you were in teh kitchen.
"Tell is a story!" The boy exclaimed while the girl hummed in agreement.
"You always comes with the best stories aunt, please?" Teh girl asked while he followed your voices, catching the you had sitted down and the kids on both of your sides.
"Alright then..."
You chosed a fairly tale, a not much know of but it was slightly impressive how calm and... gentle you were with your words, the way you carresed the kids hair was similiar with how you carresed his own hair on a bad day..
He never noticed neither catched that you looked like the best example of a... real mother. Caring and loving... his own mother he couldn't point neither convince himself of only one time that she acted like this way with him.
He had so many troubles with his biological... that he never thought that true love with a child was even possible. He owned his life to Pops, but the yakusa was almost deprived of womans, and even some of them were generally like their atmosphere. Rigg, cold, reserved...
Yourself acted like that as well when the necessary time came... but never with him. And aparently you loved your nephews to treat them like he did.
He immediately got out and walked through the houses with a frown on his forehead... thoughts of you holding a baby on your arms and being just as or even more gentle and lovingly with a child that was also... his. A child thhat he had no shame neither disgust to have with you...
Dear lord what was happening?! When his heart started to beat so fast? When he started to care for children in the first place?! God you two weren't even marriage why on hell he was-
"Chisaki?" He snapped from hsi thoughts to see Pops looking at him with a concerned face "My boy, I called you at least five times and you didn't even listened?"
"I'm sick." He said nonchalantly to the elder "I need to find a cure or a treatment."
The old man only got more concerned as he looked at his sucessor.
"What do you mean? You seem perfectly fine at least physically. What is the issue?"
"Ever since (Y/n)'s nephews got here it started." He brought his hand to hold his chin in thought "Maybe it was because of them... I'm not sure, they are too young to have a quirk so it's not that either."
"You're feeling like you have a fever then young man?"
"No. Is not that. Ever since they came I can't stop thinking of (Y/n) with a child on her arms, a toddler or even a infant. That looks like me and her, a mix or whatever."
The elder let out a disbelieving laugh which only triggered Chisaki even more.
"So you're telling me that you're having baby fever?" Thhe way Chisaki's eyes widen in horror were quite concerning for Pops and he almost went to speak if it wasn't-
"You're joking that is a actual illness... Fuck, I need to find a cure, buy it or something-"
"Kai. I raised you better than this... please." The elder interrupted while Chisaki only glared at the man, whose face was just as unimpressed as his.
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dyde21 · 5 years
I wouldn't judge you even if you got inspiration from a Jojo Siwa poster. 😂 For the prompt maybe Percy stressing about coming home from a long day of work/college/volunteering and Annabeths conforts him.
Sorry this took forever! My attention has been drifting around a lot lately, and art and my commissions are still my first priority. But I was super inspired at 3 am so here this is!
The sound of her alarm going off on her phone snapped Annabeth out of her work daze. Pausing with her pencil still on the paper, she really debated ignoring it and going back to work. She had a few more ideas she could pursue, but when she glanced at the alarm and just saw “Percy.” She sighed, smiled and shut off the alarm. Grabbing a sticky note, she quickly scribbled out thumbnails for the trains of thoughts she had. A few years ago she would have easily kept working, probably for another few hours but she knew getting too distracted could be bad for her, it wasn’t always fair to Percy when she ignored him for days or even longer caught up in working. Even if he always insisted he “understood.” It was her job to be there for him too, not just the other way around.
Satisfied she wouldn’t lose any progress, grabbed her phone and headed to the kitchen. Humming to herself, she forced herself to shift her mindset. Instead of all the work she knew she still had to do, she started thinking about all the work she had done. Today had been productive, and that was fine. Her thoughts drifted to Percy as she started rummaging through the cupboards. 
She didn’t normally set a “Percy” alarm, but today was special. It was his first day back from his new job, and she wanted to make sure he would be able to relax when he got home, and that she would be ready to listen to him cause she was both curious about it, and knew he’d be dying to talk to her about it. Just thinking about the way his eyes would light up when she spoke about it had her biting her lip in a small smile, already seeing those tiny laugh lines in her head when he got too excited in the middle of a story. 
Humming happily now, she checked her phone once again before pulling out some chips to go with the sandwich. She had plans for a big dinner, but figured he would need something simple first if he was starving. 
Putting the food out on the table, she moved over to the couch and turned on the TV, letting herself be lazy for a few minutes until she got home. Self care was important after all. 
When the sound of their apartment unlocking reached her ears, her heart started pounding a bit as she awkwardly stood up. The anticipation had really made her miss Percy, as silly as it felt to her. They had woken up in each other’s arms only a few hours ago after all. 
She made her way towards the door when she heard it open, smiling. 
“Hey love.” She said. “I have fo-”
She paused when she saw him. His shoulders were slumped, his eyes were tired, and he looked like he had just held up the sky again. “I made food. It’s on the table.” She continued, stepping towards him. 
He flashed her a tired grin as he shrugged his backpack off his shoulder, setting it against the wall. “You’re the best, you know that?” He said, his tone far too tired for her tastes. 
Stepping forward, she kissed him briefly before hugging him, and he returned the hug a little too tight for normal. It was comfort hug, not a happy hug that she usually got when he got home. She just furrowed her brow as she hugged him back tighter, rubbing his back. 
Eventually, after a deep breath he stepped away from her and headed to the table. He smiled, flashing her one last smile that melted her heart before he sat down and started eating the food. 
Even while he ate though, his gaze was distant.
Annabeth rested a hand on her hip as she looked at him. They had been together far too long for Annabeth not to be able to read him like a book. She knew how stressed he was right now. How much something was bothering him. This was not what she was expecting when she came home from his job. Was the staff bad? Did he hate it? Was he getting himself into a bad situation? Before her mind could spiral and deeper into worried thoughts she moved over to the table. Sitting across from him, she nudged his foot under the table. “Hey. How was work?” She asked cautiously, trying to figure out the best way to approach the situation. Normally she preferred more direct approaches, but he seemed stressed and she didn’t want to accidentally get into a fight if their conversation went south when he was already stressed.
He paused mid chew. “It’s… good. Really cool. Uh… busy.” He said after finishing his bite, only half of her favorite smirk appearing on his face. 
Now her boyfriend wasn’t exactly the most eloquent guy out there when it came to words, but he normally gave her more than that. Especially when coming home from a job he had put himself through college for and suffered long hours. 
“I see.” Was all she said in reply, still studying him. She figured she could at least let him eat before she tried to pry apart whatever walls he was hiding behind. 
Moving over to the couch, she sat down but found the TV was the last thing on her mind. Eventually Percy wandered over to her, laying on it and resting his head on her chest, nuzzling up against the crook of her neck. She hugged him close, rubbing his back reassuringly. He smelled just like the aquarium. “Is everything okay?” She asked again.
“…Yeah.” He reponded, and she felt his shoulders raise and fall in a deep breath. 
“Percy…” She warned gently, knowing he knew she saw through him. 
“Ighjhfjhgdfgd” He mumbled into her neck, making her raise an eyebrow. “I can’t hear you.” She offered, 
He sighed, before turning his head the other way. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
She froze, as she looked down at him. The defeat in his tone was heart-breaking. Especially after how abuzz he had been the past three weeks since he was offered the position. 
“What do you mean? Of course you can.” She countered. “You’ve studied for it for years.”
His arm wrapped around her a little tighter as he hugged her closer. “I know. But.. I don’t think I have what it takes. It’s… too much.”
Shifting, Annabeth sat up properly and shifted him so he was able to look her in the eyes properly. “Percy, what happened today?”
Now that he sat up, he glanced at her, before sighing and looking away, running a hand through his hair a few times that he always did when stressed before looking back at her. “I’m just being a baby. I’ll be fine.” He muttered defiantly. 
Rolling her eyes, she reached out and gently turned his chin to face her. “You aren’t being a baby. You’re stressed, which is fine. But now talk to me, Percy. That’s why I’m here. What happened. What’s going on?” His eyes met hers for a moment, and the smallest smile ghosted across his face. 
“It just feels like… too much. The campus is so big, there’s dozens of workers, even more animals, regulations, schedules, plans, guests. By lunch time I think I’d forgotten half of what they’d told me.” He confessed, looking depressed.
Annabeth’s heart broke seeing her husband like this.
Leaning forward, she rested her head against his. “Hey, it’s okay. Percy, you’re amazing. It’s your first day on the job at a successful aquarium. Of course there’s going to be plenty of stuff you don’t understand. No one could take it all in. But that’s okay, it will take some time but then you’ll be amazing.”
She offered. 
“But… what if I can’t get it? I’ve never been good at all that stuff. I just go with the flow and improvise. But you’re the one who can do great with planning and schedules.”
Annabeth frowned. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. Don’t talk bad about my husband.” She teased before giving him another quick kiss. “You’re the one that made me stop worrying about every little plan and strategy. You’re the one that helped me relax and let my hair down. But I’m not that only one that changed. You aren’t the same little boy that blew up every school he went to. Percy, you got a freaking degree in Marine Biology! That took years of hard work and studying, but you did it! It was all you. Maybe I’ve changed you a bit too, but a schedule and staff is absolutely nothing compared to what you can handle.”
She saw his shoulders square a bit, and slowly life seemed to come back into him. “Maybe…”
“How often am I wrong?” She teased, tilting his chin up.
Her favorite trouble maker smirk crept back on his face. “I don’t want to answer that. We’re having a sweet moment so we shouldn’t start fighting.” 
Laughing, Annabeth joking punched his shoulder. “Well I’m not wrong about this. In no time your dad can promote you to god of aquariums.” She teased. 
For the first time Percy laughed at her dumb joke as she felt whole since he had come through that door. 
“Ruler of all aquatic educational facilities. Generous to all… who pay the 24.99 entrance fee.”
Annabeth just laughed and kissed him, glad to see her seaweed brain was getting back to normal. 
“For real though, I’m here for you. If you need help memorizing things or planning just let me know. I’ll help you out. But surely something good happened today.”
Percy nodded. “I guess it wasn’t all bad… You really should meet Jerry. He’s one of the walrus’ they have there…”
Annabeth just sat back, listening to him as he started to talk more about the various sea creatures he met there more than the actual people. Resting her head against her hand, seeing him so full of life, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him but she didn’t want to interrupt him. They could get to that later.
Thank you for reading! :D I hope it was okay! I actually kinda wanna do a oneshot now of AquariumEmployee!Percy and ArtStudent!Annabeth. Maybe. Either way thank you for the ask and anyone else can feel free to send ideas in!
If anyone is interested, check out my art commissions HERE
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