#Who is incidentally lusting over the cousin wife
doctorloup · 5 months
So I found an English translation of Icelandic Dracula
This shit is truly unhinged. I've just got to the point where Dracula is straight up saying it's unclassy for a noble Transylvanian to get mad when his hot cousin wife takes a himbo peasant lover because these things should be expected, you know?
Also apparently I still hear all written Dracula dialogue in @bullshotuk's voice in my head.
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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Re-fancast: Joanna Lannister (Yvonne Catterfeld)
Lady Joanna Lannister fue hija de Jason Lannister y su segunda esposa, Marla Prester.
En 259 d.C., Joanna viajó a Desembarco del Rey para asistir a la coronación del rey Jaehaerys II Targaryen y permaneció en la corte como dama de compañía de la hija de éste, la entonces princesa Rhaella. Durante este período se hizo amiga de la Princesa de Dorne, otra de las doncellas de Rhaella. Hubo rumores que afirmaron que Joanna entregó su virginidad al esposo de Rhaella, el entonces príncipe Aerys, y que después de que éste ascendiera al trono en 262 d.C., se convirtió brevemente en su amante oficial. No obstante, estos rumores nunca se probaron y fueron desmentidos por el Gran Maestre Pycelle.
En 263 d.C. se casó con su primo Tywin, hijo de su tío Tytos; en el día de su boda Tywin sonrió, un hecho infrecuente en él. Durante el encamamiento uno de los invitados a la boda, el rey Aerys II, se tomó "excesivas libertades" con Joanna. Poco después la reina Rhaella tomó la decisión de alejar a Joanna de la corte. Si bien Rhaella hacía la vista gorda a las frecuentes infidelidades de su marido, no estaba de acuerdo en que "convirtiera a sus damas en sus prostitutas". Joanna se marchó a Roca Casterly y rara vez volvió a visitar la capital.
El matrimonio fue feliz y Joanna se convirtió en una compañera y consejera de confianza para su esposo. Su influencia sobre Tywin llevó a que se creara el dicho "Tywin gobierna los Siete Reinos" (como Mano del Rey) pero "Tywin es gobernado en casa por su señora esposa"
En 266 d.C. Joanna dio a luz a gemelos, Cersei y Jaime. El rey Aerys le ordenó a Tywin llevar a su esposa e hijos a la corte, sin embargo, ese mismo año Lord Tytos murió y Tywin debió permanecer en Roca Casterly para hacerse cargo del gobierno del Oeste. Al año siguiente el rey, su hijo y heredero, el príncipe Rhaegar, y la mitad de la corte se trasladaron a Roca Casterly y permanecieron allí durante todo un año.
Joanna estuvo presente en el torneo que se celebró en Desembarco del Rey en 272 d.C., para festejar el décimo aniversario del ascenso de Aerys II al trono. En esa ocasión el rey, bastante ebrio, la insultó preguntándole delante de su marido y varios cortesanos si amamantar a los gemelos le había arruinado los senos. Tywin montó en cólera y quiso renunciar al cargo de Mano del Rey al día siguiente, pero Aerys rechazó su renuncia.
Poco tiempo después, de vuelta en Roca Casterly, una de sus doncellas encontró a Jaime y Cersei en actividades dudosas, por lo que Joanna cambió las habitaciones de Jaime al otro lado del castillo y les prohibió a sus hijos repetir el incidente, amenazándolos con informar a su padre de lo sucedido. Quizá para separar definitivamente a los hermanos, Joanna se puso en contacto con la Princesa de Dorne y la invitó a visitar Roca Casterly con sus dos hijos, Oberyn y Elia Martell. Según Oberyn, el objetivo de la visita era arreglar el matrimonio de uno de ellos con los mellizos (Elia con Jaime u Oberyn con Cersei), llevando consigo a Lanza del Sol como paje o doncella al hijo de Joanna que fuera elegido como futuro cónyuge. No obstante, cuando los Martell llegaron a Roca Casterly Joanna había muerto dando a luz a su tercer hijo, Tyrion, y los matrimonios no se llevaron a cabo.
Tywin habla poco de su esposa pero se sabe que quedó devastado por su muerte. Él nunca se casó de nuevo. De acuerdo a su hermano Gerion Lannister, "la mejor parte de Tywin murió con ella". Kevan tomó posteriormente el lugar de Joanna como el consejero de más confianza de Tywin.
De acuerdo a Barristan Selmy, Aerys sentía lujuria por Joanna, lo que causó mucha fricción entre el rey y la Mano. En la boda de Tywin y Joanna, Aerys, borracho, bromeó sobre qué lástima era que la tradición de la Primera Noche ya no existiese y se tomó ciertas libertades en el ritual de encamamiento.
Durante el Asedio de Aguasdulces, Jaime sueña con una mujer que apenas reconoce. Ella le pregunta si él olvidará a su padre como la ha olvidado a ella. Le habla sobre el futuro que Tywin quería para sus hijos: que su hijo fuera un caballero y su hija una reina, y comienza a llorar cuando Jaime le responde que eso han conseguido.
Muy a diferencia de Tywin y Cersei, Joanna al igual de Jaime no tratarían con indiferencia a Tyrion y lo protegería de las burlas de Cersei o el desprecio de Tywin causando tal vez un conflicto en su matrimonio (Es parecido a Eddard y Catelyn con Jon Nieve. Catelyn amaba a Eddard pero, Jon era esa brecha entre ellos). También considero que ella era la única que podía ver el lado mas pacifico y amoroso del implacable Tywin Lannister.
Lady Joanna Lannister was the daughter of Jason Lannister and his second wife, Marla Prester.
In 259 A.D., Joanna traveled to King's Landing to attend the coronation of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen and remained at court as a companion of his daughter, the then Princess Rhaella. During this period she became friends with the Princess of Dorne, another of Rhaella's maids. There were rumors that Joanna gave her virginity to Rhaella's husband, then-Prince Aerys, and that after Rhaella ascended the throne in 262 AD, she briefly became his official lover. However, these rumors were never proven and were denied by Grand Master Pycelle.
In 263 A.D. she married her cousin Tywin, son of her uncle Tytos; On her wedding day Tywin smiled, an uncommon fact for her. During bedtime one of the wedding guests, King Aerys II, took "excessive liberties" with Joanna. Soon after, Queen Rhaella made the decision to remove Joanna from court. While Rhaella turned a blind eye to her husband's frequent infidelities, she did not agree that he "make his ladies his prostitutes." Joanna went to Roca Casterly and rarely visited the capital again.
The marriage was happy and Joanna became a trusted partner and counselor for her husband. Her influence on Tywin led to the creation of the saying "Tywin rules the Seven Kingdoms" (as Hand of the King) but "Tywin is ruled at home by her lady wife"
In 266 A.D. Joanna gave birth to twins, Cersei, and Jaime. King Aerys ordered Tywin to take his wife and children to court, however that same year Lord Tytos died and Tywin had to remain at Rock Casterly to take over the government of the West. The following year the king, his son and heir, Prince Rhaegar, and half the court moved to Roca Casterly and remained there for a full year.
Joanna was present at the tournament that was held in King's Landing in 272 AD, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Aerys II's accession to the throne. On this occasion the rather drunk king insulted her by asking her in front of her husband and several courtiers if breastfeeding the twins had ruined her breasts. Tywin was furious and wanted to resign from the King's Hand position the next day, but Aerys rejected his resignation.
A short time later, back at Roca Casterly, one of her maids found Jaime and Cersei in dubious activities, so Joanna changed Jaime's rooms on the other side of the castle and forbade her children to repeat the incident, threatening to report to his father about what happened. Perhaps to definitively separate the brothers, Joanna contacted the Princess of Dorne and invited her to visit Roca Casterly with her two children, Oberyn and Elia Martell. According to Oberyn, the objective of the visit was to arrange the marriage of one of them with the twins (Elia with Jaime or Oberyn with Cersei), taking with him Lanza del Sol as a page or maiden to Joanna's son who was chosen as the future spouse. However, when the Martells reached Rock Casterly Joanna had died giving birth to her third child, Tyrion, and the marriages did not take place.
Tywin speaks little of his wife but is known to have been devastated by her death. He never married again. According to his brother Gerion Lannister, "the best part of Tywin died with her." Kevan subsequently took Joanna's place as Tywin's most trusted advisor.
According to Barristan Selmy, Aerys had a lust for Joanna, which caused a lot of friction between the king and the Hand. At Tywin and Joanna's wedding, Aerys, drunk, joked what a pity it was that the First Night tradition no longer existed and took certain liberties in the bedridden ritual.
During the Siege of Roughwater, Jaime dreams of a woman he hardly recognizes. She asks him if he will forget his father as he has forgotten her. He talks to her about the future that Tywin wanted for his children: that his son be a gentleman and his daughter a queen, and he begins to cry when Jaime replies that they have achieved this.
Much unlike Tywin and Cersei, Joanna as well as Jaime would not treat Tyrion with indifference and would protect him from Cersei's teasing or Tywin's contempt perhaps causing a conflict in their marriage (It is similar to Eddard and Catelyn with Jon Snow Catelyn loved Eddard but, Jon was that gap between them.) I also consider that she was the only one who could see the most peaceful and loving side of the unforgiving Tywin Lannister.
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samwpmarleau · 7 years
Can I get Elia Princess of Dorne and Consort Arthur reacting to Rhaegar choosing to stash his teenage mistress in her own country while Aerys threatening open war (handwaves Rhaegar's bride as being a cousin through Rhae or Daella).
When the news trickles into Sunspear about the abduction of Lyanna Stark, he thinks it must be a mistake. Some kind of elaborate joke made in poor taste. He’s closer to Rhaegar than he is to his own brother–something like this is not something his oldest friend would do. It’s not true, it can’t be.
Even when the second raven arrives informing them that Brandon Stark had stormed King’s Landing calling for Rhaegar’s head, he holds out feeble hope that the man was simply mistaken. What Rhaegar had done at Harrenhal was appalling, crowning the girl over his pregnant wife, but kidnapping is another kettle of fish.
He knows Elia doesn’t have the same faith, but for his sake she entertains the idea of a miscommunication. At least, until the third raven. She leans against the doorframe of the girls’ room as he puts them to bed, and it’s not until they retire to their own chambers that she lets her disquiet show.
She hands him the letter, a look of simultaneous exhaustion and simmering anger on her face. “This came an hour ago. Care to tell me what to make of it?”
Arthur scans the contents and feels a knot form in the pit of his stomach. “Maybe…maybe her outriders are mistaken.”
“You know Aunt Deria. Would she send this without being certain?”
He does know her, incidentally, and Elia’s right. The Lady of Kingsgrave wouldn’t risk something like this unless it were true. Yet even with the evidence in front of him, his mind has trouble acknowledging it. Not only the taking of Lady Lyanna, but that he would come to Dorne. As though trusting that Arthur would accept such a thing, would shelter him and shame his homeland in the process.
Elia takes his hand in hers. “I’m sorry. I pray this weren’t so.”
“I don’t understand,” says Arthur. “What’s in this letter…Elia, that’s a stranger.”
Elia is quiet for a moment, and he knows she’s choosing her words carefully. “They say a third pregnancy could kill the princess. You’ve told me of Rhaegar’s letters to his uncle at the Wall, and of his…opinions. Is it possible he took this poor girl for that?”
Is it? He’d never taken much truth from those scrolls, but Rhaegar always had. Sometimes it had concerned Arthur, the depth of his beliefs, his calm surety that the Long Night would come, the way he wouldn’t listen when Arthur delicately tried to tell him that trusting prophecies was a perilous road to go down. Even so, in his wildest dreams he wouldn’t have expected this.
“I don’t know,” he says, and the fact that he doesn’t know is a crushing blow. “If I could just talk to him–”
“No,” says Elia sharply. “Absolutely not. If Rhaegar’s done this, there’s no telling what he might do next. Even if he didn’t kill you, he has two Kingsguard who would not hesitate. You are father to our four daughters and the love of my life, don’t you dare ask me to put you at risk. I will not allow it.”
There is true fear in her eyes, and he hates that he put it there. “I wouldn’t go alone. I’d take your uncle, Lady Deria has men-at-arms as well, and I’m a rather decent fighter myself.”
“I don’t care if you’re Aemon the bloody Dragonknight. My answer is the same.” She lets out a heavy sigh. “I know you care for him. But you said it yourself, the man who did these things is a stranger. If it is talking you want to do, then let my aunt’s men go to the tower. If they fail to take him prisoner, then at least my husband will still be alive. If they succeed, then we will go to Kingsgrave and you may speak with him.”
“You’ve been at my side for more years than I can count,” she says. “You think I’m about to let you leave it now?”
He smiles. It’s as good a compromise as he’s going to get. “Send the letter.”
“Since when do you give me orders?”
The fear in her eyes from earlier is gone; in its place, unbridled lust. In one swift movement he carries her to the bed and begins working apart the laces of her gown. “Since now.”
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laannie0803 · 4 years
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Lady Joanna Lannister fue hija de Jason Lannister y su segunda esposa, Marla Prester.
En 259 d.C., Joanna viajó a Desembarco del Rey para asistir a la coronación del rey Jaehaerys II Targaryen y permaneció en la corte como dama de compañía de la hija de éste, la entonces princesa Rhaella. Durante este período se hizo amiga de la Princesa de Dorne, otra de las doncellas de Rhaella. Hubo rumores que afirmaron que Joanna entregó su virginidad al esposo de Rhaella, el entonces príncipe Aerys, y que después de que éste ascendiera al trono en 262 d.C., se convirtió brevemente en su amante oficial. No obstante, estos rumores nunca se probaron y fueron desmentidos por el Gran Maestre Pycelle.
En 263 d.C. se casó con su primo Tywin, hijo de su tío Tytos; en el día de su boda Tywin sonrió, un hecho infrecuente en él. Durante el encamamiento uno de los invitados a la boda, el rey Aerys II, se tomó "excesivas libertades" con Joanna. Poco después la reina Rhaella tomó la decisión de alejar a Joanna de la corte. Si bien Rhaella hacía la vista gorda a las frecuentes infidelidades de su marido, no estaba de acuerdo en que "convirtiera a sus damas en sus prostitutas". Joanna se marchó a Roca Casterly y rara vez volvió a visitar la capital.
El matrimonio fue feliz y Joanna se convirtió en una compañera y consejera de confianza para su esposo. Su influencia sobre Tywin llevó a que se creara el dicho "Tywin gobierna los Siete Reinos" (como Mano del Rey) pero "Tywin es gobernado en casa por su señora esposa"
En 266 d.C. Joanna dio a luz a gemelos, Cersei y Jaime. El rey Aerys le ordenó a Tywin llevar a su esposa e hijos a la corte, sin embargo, ese mismo año Lord Tytos murió y Tywin debió permanecer en Roca Casterly para hacerse cargo del gobierno del Oeste. Al año siguiente el rey, su hijo y heredero, el príncipe Rhaegar, y la mitad de la corte se trasladaron a Roca Casterly y permanecieron allí durante todo un año.
Joanna estuvo presente en el torneo que se celebró en Desembarco del Rey en 272 d.C., para festejar el décimo aniversario del ascenso de Aerys II al trono. En esa ocasión el rey, bastante ebrio, la insultó preguntándole delante de su marido y varios cortesanos si amamantar a los gemelos le había arruinado los senos. Tywin montó en cólera y quiso renunciar al cargo de Mano del Rey al día siguiente, pero Aerys rechazó su renuncia.
Poco tiempo después, de vuelta en Roca Casterly, una de sus doncellas encontró a Jaime y Cersei en actividades dudosas, por lo que Joanna cambió las habitaciones de Jaime al otro lado del castillo y les prohibió a sus hijos repetir el incidente, amenazándolos con informar a su padre de lo sucedido. Quizá para separar definitivamente a los hermanos, Joanna se puso en contacto con la Princesa de Dorne y la invitó a visitar Roca Casterly con sus dos hijos, Oberyn y Elia Martell. Según Oberyn, el objetivo de la visita era arreglar el matrimonio de uno de ellos con los mellizos (Elia con Jaime u Oberyn con Cersei), llevando consigo a Lanza del Sol como paje o doncella al hijo de Joanna que fuera elegido como futuro cónyuge. No obstante, cuando los Martell llegaron a Roca Casterly Joanna había muerto dando a luz a su tercer hijo, Tyrion, y los matrimonios no se llevaron a cabo.
Tywin habla poco de su esposa pero se sabe que quedó devastado por su muerte. Él nunca se casó de nuevo. De acuerdo a su hermano Gerion Lannister, "la mejor parte de Tywin murió con ella". Kevan tomó posteriormente el lugar de Joanna como el consejero de más confianza de Tywin.
De acuerdo a Barristan Selmy, Aerys sentía lujuria por Joanna, lo que causó mucha fricción entre el rey y la Mano. En la boda de Tywin y Joanna, Aerys, borracho, bromeó sobre qué lástima era que la tradición de la Primera Noche ya no existiese y se tomó ciertas libertades en el ritual de encamamiento.
Durante el Asedio de Aguasdulces, Jaime sueña con una mujer que apenas reconoce. Ella le pregunta si él olvidará a su padre como la ha olvidado a ella. Le habla sobre el futuro que Tywin quería para sus hijos: que su hijo fuera un caballero y su hija una reina, y comienza a llorar cuando Jaime le responde que eso han conseguido.
Muy a diferencia de Tywin y Cersei, Joanna al igual de Jaime no tratarían con indiferencia a Tyrion y lo protegería de las burlas de Cersei o el desprecio de Tywin causando tal vez un conflicto en su matrimonio (Es parecido a Eddard y Catelyn con Jon Nieve. Catelyn amaba a Eddard pero, Jon era esa brecha entre ellos). También considero que ella era la única que podía ver el lado mas pacifico y amoroso del implacable Tywin Lannister.
Lady Joanna Lannister was the daughter of Jason Lannister and his second wife, Marla Prester.
In 259 A.D., Joanna traveled to King's Landing to attend the coronation of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen and remained at court as a companion of his daughter, the then Princess Rhaella. During this period she became friends with the Princess of Dorne, another of Rhaella's maids. There were rumors that Joanna gave her virginity to Rhaella's husband, then-Prince Aerys, and that after Rhaella ascended the throne in 262 AD, she briefly became his official lover. However, these rumors were never proven and were denied by Grand Master Pycelle.
In 263 A.D. she married her cousin Tywin, son of her uncle Tytos; On her wedding day Tywin smiled, an uncommon fact for her. During bedtime one of the wedding guests, King Aerys II, took "excessive liberties" with Joanna. Soon after, Queen Rhaella made the decision to remove Joanna from court. While Rhaella turned a blind eye to her husband's frequent infidelities, she did not agree that he "make his ladies his prostitutes." Joanna went to Roca Casterly and rarely visited the capital again.
The marriage was happy and Joanna became a trusted partner and counselor for her husband. Her influence on Tywin led to the creation of the saying "Tywin rules the Seven Kingdoms" (as Hand of the King) but "Tywin is ruled at home by her lady wife"
In 266 A.D. Joanna gave birth to twins, Cersei, and Jaime. King Aerys ordered Tywin to take his wife and children to court, however that same year Lord Tytos died and Tywin had to remain at Rock Casterly to take over the government of the West. The following year the king, his son and heir, Prince Rhaegar, and half the court moved to Roca Casterly and remained there for a full year.
Joanna was present at the tournament that was held in King's Landing in 272 AD, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Aerys II's accession to the throne. On this occasion the rather drunk king insulted her by asking her in front of her husband and several courtiers if breastfeeding the twins had ruined her breasts. Tywin was furious and wanted to resign from the King's Hand position the next day, but Aerys rejected his resignation.
A short time later, back at Roca Casterly, one of her maids found Jaime and Cersei in dubious activities, so Joanna changed Jaime's rooms on the other side of the castle and forbade her children to repeat the incident, threatening to report to his father about what happened. Perhaps to definitively separate the brothers, Joanna contacted the Princess of Dorne and invited her to visit Roca Casterly with her two children, Oberyn and Elia Martell. According to Oberyn, the objective of the visit was to arrange the marriage of one of them with the twins (Elia with Jaime or Oberyn with Cersei), taking with him Lanza del Sol as a page or maiden to Joanna's son who was chosen as the future spouse. However, when the Martells reached Rock Casterly Joanna had died giving birth to her third child, Tyrion, and the marriages did not take place.
Tywin speaks little of his wife but is known to have been devastated by her death. He never married again. According to his brother Gerion Lannister, "the best part of Tywin died with her." Kevan subsequently took Joanna's place as Tywin's most trusted advisor.
According to Barristan Selmy, Aerys had a lust for Joanna, which caused a lot of friction between the king and the Hand. At Tywin and Joanna's wedding, Aerys, drunk, joked what a pity it was that the First Night tradition no longer existed and took certain liberties in the bedridden ritual.
During the Siege of Roughwater, Jaime dreams of a woman he hardly recognizes. She asks him if he will forget his father as he has forgotten her. He talks to her about the future that Tywin wanted for his children: that his son be a gentleman and his daughter a queen, and he begins to cry when Jaime replies that they have achieved this.
Much unlike Tywin and Cersei, Joanna as well as Jaime would not treat Tyrion with indifference and would protect him from Cersei's teasing or Tywin's contempt perhaps causing a conflict in their marriage (It is similar to Eddard and Catelyn with Jon Snow Catelyn loved Eddard but, Jon was that gap between them.) I also consider that she was the only one who could see the most peaceful and loving side of the unforgiving Tywin Lannister.
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