#Why does Tumblr delete my additional paragraph breaks
simuran · 4 years
Varya, baby, it's valentine's day so you should have seen this coming: say good and positive things about your favourite ships 💖🌹
Ooooh, that’s an interesting one! Let’s gooo!!!
HarlIvy - the absolute perfection of friends-to-lovers genre, plus the whole let’s-burn-the-world-together-(or-at-least-the-parts-we-don’t-like) schtick is amazing. Fanfics where Ivy helps Harley to beat the Joker black and blue make me soft 😌 Kudo for being canon!
Frostiron - usually has the best Loki hurt/comfort there is. The jokes are endless. Also love it when they create something scientific+witchy together. The height difference makes for hilarious fanart sometimes. Generally speaking, frostiron fandom provides me with happy Loki the way no one else does, bless them for it. I also enjoy the headcanon that Loki was Tony’s bi awakening, because it’s fucking hilarious
Frostshield - mhm, the slow burn of learning to trust each other... Nice
Thorki - Very Hot. So much passion, this fandom has The Best PWPs
Though basically any mlm ship that comforts Loki will do (because I firmly headcanon MCU!Loki as gay, it’s a long story why).
Natasha/Sharon - basically lives in my head only, if there is a fandom, I wasn’t able to find it. But Natasha learning to form relationships with a woman she won’t be made to kill... Sharon not fully trusting her at first but being able to see past her crimes and reputation... Yes 😌 (Also Sharon telling Peggy about this annoyingly hot Black Widow, and Peggy DYING internally, because wow, some things are sure genetic. Like, for example, the weakness for these shady spy ladies sksksks)
Natasha/Yelena Belova (from comics) - the tension! the jealousy! the resent! the hatred! the sympathy! the understanding the way no one else could! the shared trauma! the growth! the affection! Queens <3 Who does it like them <3 <3 <3
Natasha/Nakia - again, haven’t seen much of a fandom, but the potential of jaded, bitter, and cagey postCivilWar!Natasha vs hopeful yet not naive and very loving Nakia is enormous. I just wanna read a slow burn of them on a long spy mission having philosophical debates about Truth, and Lies, and Purpose, and The Nature Of Humanity. I’d read it even if it’s gen!
We need More Natasha in femslash, is what I’m saying, and not just Natasha/Pepper as a background for stony (even though it is lovely)
Yennefer/Geralt (The Witcher) - because Yen Deserves Nice Things. I wasn’t awfully interested in Geralt for most of the show (they really should've introduced the tragic backstory earlier, it kinda hooked me), but he made her smile so sweetly 💜💜💜 Also can’t believe that I’ve finally fallen hard for a m/f ship that’s supposed to be the endgame sksks
Nomi/Amanita (Sense8) - as my tag for them states, The Relationship Goals. The way they support each other unconditionally and make each other so happy is extremely heart-warming. Kudo to writers who knew how to write an established couple entertainingly without breaking them up.
Parker/Hardison/Eliot (Leverage) - what’s to say what hasn’t been said before? Found Family soulmates, who Are Gay and Do Crime together
The Old Guard:
Andy/Nile - Very Hot. I haven’t yet found any PWPs, and I am Disappointed
Andy/Noriko (from the comic) - I’m probably gonna write a bit more about them later in a post with highlights from the second mini-series, but I’m just 💔💔💔 they 💔💔💔
Andy/Quynh - the dungeon scene just broke me, okay, it broke me.
Andy/Achilles (her late boyfriend from the comic) - he 😖 made her want to live again 😖 but then 😖😖😖 she had to leave him 😭😭😭 10/10 heartbreak, would recommend
(I love suffering in The Old Guard fandom, okay)
Phew, done! I thought about including my fave platonic ships, but this has gotten way too long already 😂
Thank you so much for the ask, Giada, I had enormous fun! I love talking about fandom things that make me happy, it seems 😄
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maesterkenobi · 4 years
how I run my blog
Tagged by: as usual I’ve stolen it from @mynameisanakin  Tagging: no one, i am too lazy and i follow like 14 people so. just do it if you want to.
SPEED: is not my forte. I try my best, but there are several factors that work against me in this aspect: 1) I’m a chronic procrastinator 2) I’m scatterbrained 3) I have more than one blog 4) I almost never write replies that are less than two paragraphs and I want it to make sense and be good and be enjoyable for my partner, so it takes time. I almost never reply the same day (MAYBE on discord, because there my replies are way shorter and it’s mostly to my best friend), and you’re lucky if I reply within a week. I really try to be faster on this blog because I made a promise to myself (and I was doing okay until the whole virus thing happened and I ran into a bunch of personal problems) AND I am keeping a low profile on this blog so it doesn’t get overwhelming. Long story short, if you are looking for a super active daily replies partner, I am not it for you. If you’re okay with waiting for a while but getting more developed stories and longer replies in turn, then we should talk :)
REPLIES: Are on the longer side on this blog. I don’t really have the patience for one liners because they tend to go nowhere and then feel like bread crumbs of randomness all over my blog. They’re okay sometimes, but more often than not they feel like crack. Writing replies is really exhausting for me sometimes, but I try to force myself because I WANT to do it, I’m just having issues concentrating on one thing at a time so it takes me forever.
STARTERS: I don’t write welcoming starters because 8 out of 10 times they get ignored or are so random that they lead nowhere. If someone writes me a welcoming starter, it depends on the content but usually I’ll try to make it work for me and reply. I don’t often like starter calls because most people write absolutely pointless starters. For example they’ll write a paragraph of explaining what their muse did all day (unrelated to my muse), then walk into some random place they’ve never been to (e.g. a shady bar) and suddenly get surprised by my muse being there, and/or, my personal favorite, say something like “what the hell do you want from me”? Which I struggle with for several reasons. One, if you create a setting but don’t bother explaining why we’re there, you put the entire weight of explaining that (aka creating the actual setting) on ME, but you add an additional complication by making it something that I didn’t come up with, so now I have to introduce a world YOU invented with 0 idea of why you chose that particular location in the first place. Second, you put my muse in a situation that makes no sense for them and again force me to explain that, without even giving me a good reason to. And third, I play very different muses, but most of them are going to lose interest in the conversation immediately if the first thing you say to them is rude af. So, yeah, I actually really struggle with most random starters. Please just plot with me and then I will love you forever for writing me a plotted starter that I know will not create 400 questions in my head that I then have to bother you with, which makes me feel like a nuisance. (Or at least keep the setting neutral? Or try to come up with something that seems reasonable for my muse? I always try to do that and when I am unsure, I message the person who liked my starter calls.) Speaking of which, I rarely post starter calls, because.. well, like I just kind of explained, it’s comes with responsibility and work. And I’m lazy.
INBOX: is open for memes at all times, and questions of any kind. I often don’t get notified, so I sometimes see certain messages months later - when that happens, I usually don’t reply anymore if they’re anon because I’ll assume that person forgot or isn’t even around anymore. Sorry about that! It’s an issue I’ve had on several blogs and I don’t know how to fix it. Anon hate is deleted without comment, unless I feel there’s a point in replying to it publicly, or if it’s entertaining. I don’t roleplay via inbox and therefore any “ic” questions or interactions posted in there will be treated as a one-time meme, if I can reply to them at all. Asks of sexual nature from complete strangers will usually be ignored because Obi-Wan isn’t the muse for that at all. As I’ve stated in my rules I only roleplay with mutuals and therefore won’t roleplay with someone I don’t follow, even if they ignore that rule and start rping with me via inbox. I don’t mean to be dismissive, but I have these rules for a reason and I ask that people read and respect them.
SELECTIVITY: I am selective with whom I follow because I have limited time and energy for this blog (and all my blogs) and therefore find it irresponsible and pointless to accept 600 followers and threads when I know I can’t possibly reply to even 10% of them. Before I follow someone (back) I look at their blogs; in particular at their writing (to see if I like their style and their portrayal), their rules (to see what they like/dislike and if our general understanding of the RPC, roleplay, and in a way social interactions in general go well together), and sometimes their OOC posts to get a feeling of how the other person is. (Obviously I also sometimes don’t follow back when I don’t know the muse or fandom at all.) Blog rules and ooc posts can say A LOT about a person, and there are plenty of people in the RPC (in any fandom) that quickly rose to tumblr fame with shiny graphics and fancy formatting and dozens of well-developed verses and headcanons, but they straight up suck as people outside of writing. My rules state very clearly that I discourage hateful comments, mob mentality and callout culture, and unfortunately many “popular” blogs use exactly these tools to execute their power (which comes from being admired for all the wrong reasons). So, I know many people think being selective means you only pick partners with fancy graphics and poetic writing, but for me it actually means I want decent human beings as partners. I don’t give a shit if you format your posts (as long as you cut them) or if you have a blog with a fancy theme, or just a rules google doc, or if you use icons or not. If I like your writing and you seem like a nice and reasonable person, I’m good to go. If you talk to me about dogs I’m even better to go.
WISHLIST: I always try to have one because I find it very helpful when looking for plot ideas with new partners. I will look at yours if you like a plotting call or something too, but I know not everyone has a wishlist~
HONEST NOTE: I’m not a teenager anymore and I’ve been rping for over 14 years. I work with lots of strangers, I study for a job with lots of strangers. I think about philosophical concepts a lot, about morality and human behavior and I’ve come to the conclusion that kindness, empathy and compassion are some of the core values every single person should focus on to make the world a better place. I have no patience and no interest in engaging in the absolute toxic and harmful hate movement that’s taken over this website (and other social media platforms) in whatsoever way. Occasionally I’ll make a salty comment about it, but only because I’ve had it up to here. I am here to enjoy fandom the way I used to, and the way it used to be meant to be enjoyed - not to completely ignore real issues like world politics, economical and environmental crises, in order to entertain witch hunts on people who happen to enjoy a fictional ship that isn’t 300% approved by puritan statutes of the 1600s. I am responsible for the content I seek out online, and so are you. Does it suck when I see something I dislike? Sure. Is it the fault of the person who posted it? No. Especially not when I read their rules first, like I’m supposed to, and they clearly state that the thing I dislike will appear on their blog. And even if they didn’t, it was my choice to go on their blog and look at their content. If you can’t handle taking responsibility for the content you seek out online, then you are probably not old enough to use the internet unsupervised. I am free to write, read, and post on my personal blog whatever I want, as long as I am not breaking the law. Liking a fictional ship that involves an age gap? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship that involves siblings? Not illegal. Liking a fictional ship in which one party was abusive to the other at some point? Not illegal. Liking a fictional character who killed your fave? Not illegal. It’s fictional. Get over it. And if you really think that seeing fictional characters or ships online that YOU consider “problematic” is hurting people in real life, then you should join those politicians who burn books that are “corrupting the people’s morals and minds”, who ban video games because they “make gamers violent”, and censor songs from the radio because they “present biased views on people of public importance”. Please reflect on your behavior. Destroying someone’s life because they liked something you don’t, telling them to commit suic/ide, ruining their chance of making friends who maybe share their love for a ship or character.. that’s bullying. Some of the cases I’ve seen on here were so severe, they qualify as serious cyberbullying and should be reported to the police. I don’t give a fuck if you hate Rey/lo or Damon Salva/tore, or the Joker. You don’t go and send someone messages telling them to kill themselves because they RP it. Because that is the real crime. And finally, if you feel the need to “educate” someone you consider “problematic” for whatever reason and you actually approach them - make sure you’re actually there to educate and discuss, not to throw an opinion at them and get aggressive when they don’t immediately magically agree. Because chances are they won’t. If you choose to open a dialogue, make sure it IS a fucking dialogue and not a condescending monologue. Learn how to shape an argument, find evidence to back up your claims - because not only will you become better at talking to people in any kind of situation, you’ll also maybe realize that your opinion wasn’t as well-founded as you thought.
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