#Wilbur can’t pair with bbh
hushimstressed · 1 year
Luzu getting an f ticket just tells me that Tilín gets three dads
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rnelodyy · 3 years
c!Dream and the rules
(/dsmp /rp, all names refer to characters, not content creators)
I think one of the most striking parts of Exile is something that I rarely see talked about, and it’s Dream’s rules. Or rather, how his rules were made to be used as justification to hurt Tommy.
The thing about exile is that, outside of the initial rule of “Don’t go back to L’Manburg”, Dream never told Tommy the rules, yet constantly operated under the assumption that Tommy already knew them, and had accepted them. The rules also changed constantly, without Tommy ever being notified until he was already in trouble.
The second time Dream told Tommy to put his armor in the hole, he didn’t tell Tommy to do that right away. Instead, the conversation went like this (slightly edited to remove stammering and unrelated dialogue).
Dream: Do you have, uh… something you wanna put on the floor here? Tommy: Yes. (drops two pieces of red concrete as Dream digs a hole) Dre-eam! You’re evil. You’re evil. Dream: Anything else, Tommy? Tommy: Nope! Dream: Oh c’mon, I know there’s something else you wanna drop down here. Tommy: (panicking slightly) No, there… (messages BBH “take this and run”, throws him the disc BBH had gifted him earlier) Um… I don’t reckon there is! (pause) Dream: Okay, are you suuuure? Tommy: YES. Dream: Alright… How ‘bout your armor, Tommy? Tommy: Well, no, this is- I actually earned this myself. Dream: I know you did! Tommy: Leave me alone. Dream: Just drop it in the hole, Tommy. Tommy: Wh- no, NO, you can’t just come and demand things from me! I’ve been exiled, I’ve done your shit, what do you mean?! Dream: (sing-song) Tommy… Tommy: What? (Dream hits Tommy with his axe, taking over half his health) Tommy: (screams, drops his armor) OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY!
The only rule Tommy was aware of at this time was that he wasn’t allowed to go back to L’Manburg. Dream had taken his armor the night before, but there was no indication that he expected Tommy to do this constantly. Taking his armor upon initially arriving at Logstedshire made some kind of sense, allowing Tommy to keep it would run the risk of him trying to fight his way back into L’Manburg. Taking his new, very shitty armor (seriously it was an iron chestplate and a pair of golden leggings he got from a ruined portal chest) made no sense at all, so the fact that Tommy was confused and refused to cooperate at first isn’t unexpected in the slightest.
And the thing is… Dream was aware of this fact. Throughout the conversation, he never really sounded annoyed, and was actively teasing Tommy at times. This isn’t a good thing btw, it’s a sign that he was fully aware that Tommy didn’t know what he wanted from him, and that that would create a situation where Dream could “put him in his place” as it were.
If you’re a parent, and your kid does something that’s not allowed, without knowing it’s not allowed, you don’t start off with a beating. You sit them down, calmly explain the rules to them and explain why those rules are there, then send them on their way with the knowledge that they shouldn't do it again.
This interaction wasn’t an instance of Tommy acting out and Dream correcting him. This interaction was a trap. Dream set Tommy up to fail by not telling him the rules beforehand, and when Tommy offered even the slightest bit of resistance and asked why he needed to drop his armor, Dream jumped straight to beating him. It’s a powerplay, plain and simple.
This is demonstrated again with the destruction of Logstedshire. Dream got pissed that Tommy disobeyed him by having hidden chests with gear under his house, and retaliated by destroying everything Tommy had built, destroying every item he’d collected, killing his pet and only foodsource, barring him from the Nether, banning everyone except himself from visiting, and telling him to start over from scratch after a whole lecture about how Tommy betrayed him.
Again, I wanna point out some specific lines from this lecture that illustrate my point very well.
Dream: You were lying to me! You were lying to me. Tommy: No- Why was I lying?! Dream: What do you mean, why were you lying?! Tommy: I wasn’t hi- I wasn’t- Dream: You hid things in a chest knowing they were things I wouldn’t want you to have! And you hid it in a way that way I would never find it!
Except Tommy didn’t know that. The contents of the stash were all items that Tommy had obtained previously without any issue (diamonds, emeralds, iron, ender pearls, some pickaxes, and some purely sentimental items like flowers, a jukebox, and pictures of Tubbo and L’Manburg). In fact, the vast majority of them came from Tommy’s aboveground storage, which Dream had full access to, and had looked through before!
Dream also never said Tommy wasn’t allowed to hide stuff, and there was nothing to suggest he didn’t want Tommy to keep secrets from him.
There’s been a theory floating around for a while that Dream knew about Tommy’s item stash beforehand, since it was a very strange place to dig a hole (like, right in front of the house in the center of Logstedshire itself, instead of out in the plains where the TNT wouldn’t damage any structures), and Tommy had previously forgotten to cover up the entrance ladder. While Dream hadn’t looked inside the house, he would’ve definitely heard Tommy place the block back.
If this theory is correct, then this was yet another trap. Dream knew Tommy had a hidden room, and instead of just saying “hey, I don’t want you to have a hidden stash, go put this back and fill in the room” (which would’ve still been bullshit btw), he went COMPLETELY ballistic, destroyed EVERYTHING Tommy had, and while doing it, kept admonishing Tommy for betraying him, said shit like “I thought we were friends”, and even accused him of preparing to attack Dream. Again, a powerplay.
Hell, even the exile conflict itself is this! Tommy was exiled for griefing the king’s property while being a high-ranking official in L’Manburg. Except Fundy, the then-president’s son, CONSTANTLY griefed Eret’s shit after the L’Manburg war, ranging from ripping down one of their towers to “shrink” it, filling another tower with water, and multiple elaborate plots to steal the throne from under their nose. But apparently, between all of that shit and the exile-conflict, the rules were silently changed, meaning Dream could exile Tommy for breaking a couple blocks and placing some rude signs in George’s house. Even the punishment itself was changed without warning, as Tommy went from being exiled from L’Manburg to exiled from “everywhere that’s ever been touched.”
...I was originally gonna make a different point here. I may put it in the reblogs, because I still think it’s very interesting. But, in the middle of writing this essay I had to stop because it was late, then I spent the entire next day packing up because I’m in the middle of a move. It's now the next evening, I'm sat in my new room, on my camping bed, I opened this doc because I pretty much forgot what I typed, I reread it, and then I realized… This isn’t an isolated series of events. This is a pattern for Dream.
Before Tommy first joined the server, there were only three set rules: no stealing, no griefing, and no killing people. Except by that point, those rules weren’t enforced at all. In fact, Dream broke all three at once at one point, by killing George and burning his diamond armor because he didn’t feel it was fair that George got to run around in full diamond when everyone else still had iron.
Tommy joined the server, and broke the rules like everyone else. He stole shit, broke shit, killed George for funsies… and he got exiled for it. Seriously, they dumped him in an empty snowfield for breaking rules that nobody had enforced for weeks. So technically, the Exile-arc isn’t even the first time something like this has happened to him!
During the events that would eventually spark the Disc War, Sapnap stole a bunch of Tommy’s items (including the only Netherite chestplate on the server at the time), and told him he’d only give the stuff back if Tommy helped him with a conflict he had with Ponk. Long story short, Dream tried to intervene and was killed by Tommy and Sapnap, and Dream stole Tommy’s discs to force him to apologize. He then kept the discs, and the Disc War followed. Sapnap, despite being the aggressor and arguably forcing Tommy to participate in the conflict, was never punished.
This proves not only that the rules can change whenever Dream feels like it, but that they’re arbitrarily enforced. Dream refuses to punish his friends for the same crimes he endlessly fucks over Tommy for.
L’Manburg was created in part because of the fact that the rules were unevenly enforced. Tommy, Wilbur, and later Tubbo were repeatedly killed, stolen from, imprisoned, and even held hostage for very minor crimes, while the people killing, imprisoning, kidnapping and stealing from them were able to do so without impunity.
This was also the point where Dream just started making up new rules; there was no rule against having governments on the server, or making a separate area where Dream’s rules wouldn’t apply, so Dream banned governments, and used this new rule as an excuse to kill them, take their items, and tear their land to shreds.
And that’s another thing: the punishments for breaking Dream’s rules are INCREDIBLY harsh.
Kill him non-canonically one time? Your most prized possessions will now be dangled over your head and used to hurt you for the next few months.
Make a country with different laws that doesn’t infringe on anyone’s territory, has no desire to expand, is explicitly pacifistic and open to trade negotiations? You’ll be forced to fight a war you’re in no way equipped to fight, you’ll be betrayed and murdered and have your land destroyed in front of your very eyes until you literally have no choice but to surrender.
Mildly vandalize the king’s house, which nobody else has ever been punished for? You’ll be dragged into court, exiled from your home, and subjected to weeks of abuse until you believe that all of your friends hate you and you actively want to kill yourself.
Hide some stuff in a secret chest? Your only shelter will be exploded, your pet/only food source will be killed, all your items will be destroyed, you’ll be banned from the Nether, and none of your friends will be allowed to come see you.
This is all such disproportionate retribution it’s ridiculous. It’s like punishing someone for speeding by blowing up their car with a ballistic missile.
So to sum up: Dream’s rules are arbitrarily enforced, and he can just straight up make them up on the spot if he feels like it. Sometimes, he won’t tell you a rule exists until you’ve already broken it, and you’re treated as if you broke it out of malice instead of genuine ignorance. And if you do break a rule, and he decides you have to be punished, it will always be a punishment so harsh it doesn’t even ATTEMPT to fit the crime.
I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty fucking corrupt and tyrannical to me.
When people say Tommy deserved exile, or made Dream spiral into villainy, or abused Dream somehow (seriously I’ve seen this take multiple times and every time it makes my brain melt) by breaking the rules, I would invite them to take a step back and ask themselves, why did that rule exist? Did Tommy know it existed? Was it enforced for everyone other than him as well? Does the punishment fit the crime?
Dream has a bad habit of making up rules, or enforcing old ones that were never enforced before, to punish those who threaten his power. None of the Dream Team were ever punished for anything, despite committing the same crimes as the L’Manburgians. That is, until they founded Mexican L’Manburg (i.e. went against Dream’s rule), at which point they were attacked by Dream and George was dethroned for “not being neutral enough.”
Tommy should’ve faced consequences for what he did. But those consequences should’ve come naturally, and been carried out by the people he hurt. Like, if Dream hadn’t intervened, griefing George’s house would’ve resulted in George griefing Tommy back in revenge. In fact, he DID do that, by turning Tommy’s entire house into granite and putting the Jump In The Cadillac picture on his front lawn.
These are natural, proportionate consequences. Exile was none of that. The Disc War was none of that. Everything that happened to L’Manburg was none of that.
Dream’s rules and how he enforces them are inherently corrupt and tyrannical. To pretend it’s anything but is disingenuous at best.
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agatadasz · 3 years
I have been thinking a lot after checking out the newest part of Ponk lore... The couples on dsmp really just can't stay happy. Like there is not a one pair that is just doing good. Hell we can start with Sally and Wilbur then we have Schlatt and Quackity (whatever they had going on there), Sapnap Karl and Quackity, Sam Ponk and Foolish too... Even Bee duo isn't doing good right now (not to the point of divorce but like they are not doing as good as before). We also have George and Dream as well as Fundy and Dream or even Niki and Puffy... Oh and I forgot about Skeppy and BBH... Even the very platonic duos like Niki and Jack or even Tommy and Tubbo (not saying that they aren't close anymore but like in compared to the beginnings Tubbo became much more independent)
Like seriously the only pair that I can think of that is happy are the platonic soulmates, best friends immortals Techno and Phil. This is just really sad...
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nocturnal-dreams · 4 years
Mayhaps... some gender neutral streamer reader x BBH? Couple a wholesome lads just vibin'
Of course beautiful anon :)
My Muffin :)
Pairing: BadBoyHalo x GN!Reader
Warnings: fluffy
I’m glad that people love Bad as much as I do :) Also AntFrost just being that supportive friend we all need in this because yes!
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“Let me go give Bad a little kiss.”
You said happily in your stream, crounching your character and moving forward towards an afk Bad, pretending to give him a kiss. Bad had to leave his stream for a bit to go let Rat go outside to do her business, he had asked you to entertain his stream for him while he goes. 
You sat back in your chair spinning around waiting for Bad to return, occasionally talking with your chat and thanking donations. You didn’t expect to get this bored without Bad’s company but you had anyway.
Before you had announced your relationship Bad, fans had always speculating that you two had been more than friends. It was damn impossible to hide the relationship between you two. The plan between you two at first was to wait at these three months, just to make sure you guys were gonna last before you got the fans hopes up. 
The only issue with that was that three months into your relationship, Bad had been at your apartment more than he was home. Which you loved. However, since you were primarily a streamer and Bad was not exactly good at being quiet... people were naturally gonna notice, especially since Bad’s voice was such a noticable noise. 
The following list of things happening in your streams that had started to give away the relationship:
1. A bark coming from your kitchen, your fans knowing damn well that you didn’t own a dog but that Bad did
2. You saying that you were cold and a hoodie would be thrown at you out of nowhere
3. Someone that would come into your office out of frame and give you a muffin
4. Everytime you would leave the stream to go to the bathroom, someone would be talking to you in the background, barely audible but still audible if you listened hard enough
5. And lastly, just the flirting you’d do with Bad on stream just to hear the boy stutter and get all flustered
Your fans were certain it was Bad. The voice they heard was way too familiar to be anyone else and Bad had been hinting at dating someone on his streams with Skeppy. So they knew you were together. They just needed you to actually announce it.
You loved to annoy the fans that were on Bad’s streams too, occasionally just walking right into his stream, completely ignoring all the fans questions about your relationship with Bad. Ruffling Bad’s hair until kissing him on the head and leaving him to stream.
Eventually you were playing Among Us with Bad. Dream, Corpse Husband, Wilbur, Nihachu, Sykkuno, Rae, Ant, and Toast. You guys were all currently arguing over who had killed Rae, all the evidence pointing towards Wilbur who had been stuttering and laughing, unable to find a story for himself so he had gotten voted off. 
Wilbur Soot was the Imposter
“Seriously Wilbur? One round, you couldn’t even last one round,” you laughed outloud, even Niki couldn’t help but laugh at the foolishness of her friend.
You all went mute for the next round, waiting for the second imposter to out themselves or finish all your tasks. You smiled crossing your legs in your chair as you thanked another donation, reading the comment below, “where is Rat? Oh Rat is probably with Bad in his office, she’s always prefered him over me, rightfully so though I think, I mean Bad is great.”
You smiled looking at the monitor as you were struggling to do the card swipe, either going to fast or too slow.
Another emercency meeting was called, this time by Ant who started going on about seeing Dream vent with little to no evidence backing him up, Toast defending Dream by saying that he watched Dream scan in medbay.
Not wanting to take any risks, Ant was kicked out.
Ant was not an Imposter
“Dang it,” you bit your lip, you had literally no clue who could be the imposter and somehow Corpse and Sykkuno were dead and no one had found their bodies. Before you muted your mic, you quickly caught Bad’s attention, “Bad meet me in medbay, we should stick together, I don’t trust Dream.”
Bad let out a small laugh, his angelic laugh flustered you, your chat going crazy watching your reaction. “Don’t worry, if things get too rough I got your back, BadBoyHalo will protect you.” That laugh sent shivers down your spine as you melted in your seat.
Round after round you admired Bad, just getting to play with him made you all happy inside. Getting to walk up to his character and pretend to place a little kiss to his cheek. But as the game finally ended and everyone slowly left the chat only Ant, Bad, and yourself remained. You had nearly forgotten to exit the discord chat when you hear your name brought up. “Anthony… can I tell you something? It’s about Y/N.”
Ant sounded a little surprised but continued. “Yea. Of course, you can.”
“I’m just so happy that you introduced us, like I’m already a really happy guy but with Y/N I feel like I just can’t stop smiling.” You had to cover your mouth as you listened so that you didn’t let any happy sounds out. Your finger hit the mute button as you let out a squeal. Of course Bad always said this stuff to you, especially after streams or when you guys would walking Rat outside and he’d just start going on about how much he loves you but for some reason, just getting to hear him say all this without knowing you’re there just makes you want to squeal.
Ant had looked down at his discord and had noticed your bubble still being in the chat, but as he tried to catch his attention he was ignored. “Bad… uh... “
“I love them,” Bad smiled just looking mindlessly at his monitor, “like I can’t see myself dating anyone else. I’ve actually been saving up money for a little something, I just wanted to know that it was all cool with you, y’know, you being their best friend and all.”
Finally Bad stopped talking and Ant let out a sigh, “you do sound like you love them, I’ve never seen them so happy, I’ve only ever wanted the best for them. And I’m sure they’ll say yes if you’re planning what I believe you are.”
Bad chuckled nervously again. “Are you sure that they’d say yes?”
Bad laughter grew louder as he replied. “Why don’t you just answer him Y/N?” Bad’s laughter stopped as he looked down at his phone to see your bubble in the chat still.
You slowly cleared your throat and unmuted yourself. “I’m sorry. I should have told you that I was still in here, but I wanted to hear what you had to say.”
Ant hated that he had to interrupt, but he replied quickly and saw his way out. “I tried to tell you before you even started talking, but you didn’t hear me. Have fun, you crazy kids.”
You laughed hearing Ant leave, Bad still being silent on his side. You quieted down, “Bad?” You heard Bad hum a response on the other line, “it’s a yes from me.”
Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to like and maybe even repost as it really does help me :)
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aressss1 · 4 years
Through Fire and Ice Chapter 2
(Technoblade x Reader)
Chapter 2
< Prev Chapter | Next Chapter >
Note: I’m slowly but surely posting these here, but there are a few more chapters posted on AO3.
Phil stood at the head of a long dining room table in the middle of his house, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy and Ranboo stood to the right of the table while Wilbur, Dream, Sapnap, and George stood across from them on the other side. Phil eyed them all, before clearing his throat.
 “Techno still hasn’t come back,” Phil spoke grimly, “Whether or not there is an end to the storm, I’m going out there for him, if he’s not back by tomorrow.” Silence hung in the air. Ranboo gripped on to the chair in front of him. He had taken a liking to Techno. At times Phil could understand why, they were so similar in so many aspects.
 “I’ll go with you,” Ranboo spoke up with a waver in his voice. Phil gave him a soft smile and shook his head. Ranboos green and red eyes flicked up to Phils for a split second questioning him, before he hastily looked away. Phil heard a soft enderman sound escape from Ranboo. He was taking the news about Techno hard.
“Ranboo, I need you here,” Phil said frankly, “Techno can take care of himself. The man has the sheer willpower to keep living. I am going alone just in case the inevitable has happened and because I can cover more ground,” Phil motioned to the wings of the elytra. “This is where the rest of you come in…” Phil leaned forward his hands on the table. “I don’t think that this is a regular snowstorm.” His eyes flicked to Dream who had his arms crossed and his face covered by his mask.
 “Do you think it will ever stop?” George asked from behind Dream. Phil shook his head his eyes lowering to the pattern of wood on the dining room table.
 “Maybe?” Phil shrugged, but that was the coldest chill that Phil had ever felt. Not even the tundra felt that cold to him. “But I can’t ignore the fact that when the dragon was slain this started happening… In the middle of summer.”
 “Alright,” Dream spoke up. “You have us here, what would you have us do?” Phil thought about it for a second, his nails digging into the wood of the table.
 “We may have to go underground boys.” Phil straightened himself up, “I can build something to keep us warm underground, but first I have to find Techno.” Phil’s eyes flicked to each person in the room. “Ranboo, Tommy, and Tubbo, you will need to start a mine one big enough to hold as many people as we can,” Phil looked between Wilbur and Fundy, “I need you two to find and bring as much livestock, saplings, and seeds back to the mine” Both Wilbur and Fundy nodded. “Dream, Sapnap, and George are the rescue team for anyone out there.”
 “I can ask Antfrost, to scavenge around, maybe BBH will help him with that as well.” Sapnap offered leaning on the table toward Phil. Phil nodded.
 “We will need all hands on deck for this one boys,” Phil straightened up. “I would get started immediately. Make sure to stay warm.” With that the group nodded and scattered to do their tasks. Ranboo stayed back, his eyes trained on the floor.
 “What if Techno is gone?” He whispers. “I don’t want to forget him…” Phil’s heart ached for Ranboo.
 “He’s not, I promise Ranboo.” Phil was unsure, but it had been hours since they had departed from the desert. He had to keep Ranboo stable. “Techno and I have lived in tundra’s before, if anyone knows how to survive this mess it’s him.”
 “But this isn’t like any tundra I’ve seen Phil.” Ranboo clutched his memory book to his chest. His fingers twitching over the cover. “What if you get hurt out there too? Then you both won’t be here.” This caused Phil to put his hand on Ranboo’s shoulder.
 “I know the risks, Techno did too when he separated from us. I will find him Ranboo, and I will bring him back. That is a promise.” Ranboo kept his eyes to the ground.
 “You… Promise… Okay,” Ranboo let out a sigh. “Just know, if you don’t come back, I’m going after you too.” Phil thought about this for a second.
 “Alright… But I sure as hell am not leaving Kristin.” Phil squeezed Ranboo’s shoulder slightly. “I am coming back. I have to.” Ranboo nodded.
 “I believe you Phil.” He finally said after a second. “I’m going to go help the others with the mine now. You should rest up for tomorrow.” Ranboo waved over his shoulder and left to go find the others, leaving Phil alone with his thoughts.
 You were still unconscious, Techno had wrapped you up in several blankets, because the cold was starting to get to him even with his fireplace on full blast, he couldn’t imagine how you felt. He thought you would have woken up by now, and it was starting to worry him that you weren’t waking up. He was lost in his thoughts. Resting an arm up on the mantle he watched the flames dance around the boiling cauldron of water. He had filled his bathtub for you a while ago and he was worried it would get cold at this rate.
 The rustle of the blankets could be heard, and he turned to look over his shoulder at you. You had balled up on your side. The blanket exposing your back which was still caked in blood. Your body was shaking, and he could see your eyes weakly open. He let out a sigh of relief and he turned to you, kneeling to cover your exposed back with the blankets. His fingers lightly grazed your back, touching some of the blood.
 ‘Kill her.’
 Techno flinched, withdrawing his hand from you quickly. Swallowing down the lump in his throat he made eye contact with you.
 “Who are you?” You managed to get out. When you spoke it invoked a coughing fit that made you dizzy. When you had stopped coughing you couldn’t stop shaking.
 “Technoblade,” He replied in his monotone voice acting indifferent to the fact that even the smell of your blood was causing the voices to come back. “Just Techno if you live.” You frown, not knowing whether he was joking or not.
 You gave your name as you coughed into the blanket; your lungs started burning.
 “Do you think you can manage a bath?” Techno asked. You nodded sitting yourself up. Your muscles started aching and you winced. Techno watched your every movement, you were definitely swaying a bit, you could feel it, and the movement made you dizzier and dizzier with each moment passing by.
 “I just need a moment.” You refused to ask him for help. You shut your eyes tight, hoping that would help your dizziness. Your nose was stuffed, and you had to rely on breathing through your mouth. You started to push yourself up off the ground. The blankets falling off your body, causing a shiver to run down your spine at the cold air rushing to your body. The muscles in your legs screamed at you to stop but you kept pushing through. Technoblade hovering over you as a safety net. You only got to two steps before you started falling forward. Techno dove for you wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing you to his chest.
 “You’re not getting anywhere on your own.” Techno towered over you. Watching you pout your lips out in determination. He could tell you were agreeing with him. His grip tightened on you, and he carried you to the bathroom with ease.
 ‘Look how pretty the blood looks on her skin.’
 He had to stop himself from shaking, this was proving harder to deal with than he thought.
 ‘You know you wanna.’
 The voices taunted him, and he wasn’t sure if you could see it in him. He let you grab a hold on the tub for stability.
 “Call if you need anything.” Techno was desperate to leave the room. You gave a little nod and with that he had strode out and shut the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief happy to be away from you. It wasn’t you but it was the situation you were in. He damned himself for not being able to control the voices.
 “I’m so weak.” He spat out, his nose wrinkling in disgust at himself. The urge to stab something was still strong and he made a move to the food he had prepared ahead of time to cook.
 The water around you had turned to a rust color by the end of your bath, the heat was soothing, especially in the cold but it wasn’t long before the water started to run cold on you. Leaving you shaking in the water once more. You pushed up from the bathtub. Looking around, you find a towel sitting there with a change of clothes- his clothes. You sat on the edge of the bathtub drying yourself off, afraid you were going to fall. That would be awkward for both parties if you lost your strength again when you weren’t clothed. You felt your cheeks start to heat up from him catching you earlier.
 “You’re ridiculous,” You whispered while you internally screamed at yourself. You didn’t want to owe this man your life but here you were. Being in debt to someone wasn’t something you wanted to be in. You wanted to be alone, that way no one could use you. You were done with that. Or at least you thought you were. Your lungs burned and you felt another coughing fit sneak up on you. You spit up what you could in the sink. Your nose was still stuffed up, which annoyed you. The cold air rushing around your body was almost too much.
 You looked down at his clothes that he set out for you and sighed. When you put the brown pair of pants on, they were loose, and you were grateful for the belt he left for you as well. The white blouse was too big but doable. Stabilizing yourself on the wall you walked out of the bathroom to see Techno cooking steak potatoes and carrots. He motioned at a chair sitting next to the fireplace and you promptly sat down eager to get as much heat as you could. Before too long Techno had a plate of food in front of you.
 “How are you feeling?” He asked. Shrugging, you felt his eyes on you, he sighed and before you could stop him, he put the back of his hand on your forehead.
 “You’re burning up,” Techno said flatly, “Do you want me to waste all this effort on you just to have you die on me?” You felt a stab of guilt and shook your head. “You need to tell me these things.”
 “I’ll be out of here in a few days…” You looked him squarely in the eye. “I won’t be a drain on your resources for much longer.” The silence was deafening, and you both were left in a stare down.
 “That’s not really the issue here Y/N.” He kneeled so he was eye level with you. “Wasting resources is one thing, even in this… Whatever this is.” He motioned to the windows which showed the everlasting snowstorm. “I know you don’t want to die. So, let’s help each other out. I have places to be, places that are much safer than out there, you can stay there. I can’t get us there if you’re hiding things from me and making yourself even more sick.” You nodded averting his gaze.
 Stabbing your fork into a carrot, you sighed, you couldn’t taste most of the food you were eating, because your nose was stuffed. He huffed out and stood above you. Making a move to look out the window.
 “You’re acting like the snow won’t stop… Why?” Your question caused him to look over his shoulder at you. His golden eyes reaching your gaze. Before too long he was facing the window again.
 “…Just have a feeling, given the circumstances.” He didn’t want to tell you the full story, at least not now. When you didn’t question further, a wave of relief washed over him. The less you knew at this point the better. Some time had passed and the both of you had eaten. His eyes move over to the ruined blood-stained cloak.
 He bent down and picked up the clothing hastily throwing it out the front door onto his porch. Night had fallen over the world, the air still as the snowflakes were falling peacefully from the sky. The snow wasn’t too deep just yet, and there was still a part of him that hoped that the snow would stop. He had to wait and see if that was the case. He had only just stepped out of his house onto the covered porch for a second, and he couldn’t stand the cold. His thoughts were interrupted by your violent coughing. He turned to look at you. He had to find something to ease your sickness. He never got sick, and so he never needed to gather herbs that would help a sickness. That would be tomorrows job, going to the nearby village to see if the villagers were around to trade.
 He walked into the house closing the door behind him. Grabbing the blankets off the floor, he started wrapping you in them one by one. The fire wasn’t doing too much for you it seemed. He just had to watch you. Your body shivered next to him; your hair was still wet from your bath. He felt guilty for rushing you to take a bath, no wonder you were freezing. You had leaned into his touch unconsciously. Your eyes closed just a bit before your head started bobbing forward, you were fighting sleep.
 Techno sighed, picking you up and setting you on the ground closer to the fire. His bedroom was too cold to sleep in, so this was where both of you were going to sleep, until Techno figured out what to do. But there was a question looming in his mind.
 What was he going to do with you?
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grimaussiewitch · 3 years
The elytra event is in a few hours so here’s some my headcanons. Also, I have a post about my elytra headcanons so go there if you want to read me ramble on and on.
Tubbo: I really like tubbo to be both a bee and goat hybrid so probably built the elytra to assist in his wings. If he can make a nuke, he can make an elytra.
Tommy: Test tube baby grew wings after years of being a lab rat. The wings started to grow after he was revived but he hadn’t realised they were they.
Ranboo: Damn bro, your end heritage is showing. He has wings like the ender dragon and either forgot or didn’t want to show them.
Wilbur: Has wings like Phil, he didn’t have them until he was revived.
Techno: Most likely built his elytra after escaping prison. But I also came up with that after helping Phil so much, lady death came to techno while he was sleeping, did some magic and now techno wakes up screaming “HEH?” at his angel of death wings.
Phil: I know everyone wants Phil’s wings to have grown back or healed, but I like the idea that someone (most likely techno or Ranboo) built the elytra to assist his damaged wings. Fluffy angst people!
Quackity: Duck wings! He has hid them with bandages but with Dream in prison and thinking he has escaped, it’s time to sure who’s boss.
Charlie: Slime wings that covers over a very old elytra.
Niki: Either built her own with the help of either Jack or the syndicate. If not, has Phoenix wings that she feels comfortable showing now.
Jack: Mother f*cker built his elytra out of spite.
BBH: He just straight up has demon wings but never felt the need to bring them out because he thought it would be rude if he could fly but no one else.
Skeppy: Probably stole the elytra from Dream XD.
Fundy: Damn bro! You’re a salmon, a fox and a bird!? His grandfather’s genes finally appear.
Karl: Ends up with an elytra on his time travelling trips but doesn’t remember where, when or how. One side is black while the other is white. Probably later on paints the elytra with multiple colours.
Sapnap: Demon wings his dad. Really wanted to use his wings for so long but Bad kept saying no. Decided “f*ck this” and his fire like demon wings are here to stay.
George: He gains a pair of angel wings from Dream XD. That’s one way to wake up.
Dream: He stole them from the ender dragon and added some mechanical additions. It’s stored away in his ender chest.
Puffy: Helped a god once, they gave her the blueprints for making an elytra. It was stored away in her ship and only now has she got them back.
Foolish: Has always had wings but being that he is with mortals and such, he had to limit a bit of his powers. Decided to bring them out since he can’t use his lightning powers at the moment.
Eret: I love the idea that she grows monarch butterfly wings or has unlocked some of herobrine’s powers and can just straight up fly, the elytra is just part of the game, not the storytelling.
Eryn: Lab rat? Yes! Has grown wings because of their lab rat past? Yes!
Boomer: He brought the elytra with him and nobody could stop the froggy man!
Purpled: He is an alien! The elytra is from space! It got damaged when he crashed to earth so he has been fixing them for a while.
Hannah: I’ve seen people say plant wings so maybe that or she stole it from purpled’s ufo.
Punz: Definitely bought the elytra off of someone sketchy. I also like the idea of bee hybrid punz too.
Ponk: She’s a doctor and has spent time around Sam so he knows a thing or two about elytras. (Or they stole the blueprint from sam lol)
Sam: Like tubbo, sam is very smart so he definitely built the elytra. For extra angst, it was originally for Tommy.
Michael: Listen, I listened to WTNV, this man as a radio host has the same vibes. Dude just straight up has the creepy biblical angel wings and I refuse any other ideas.
Tina: She said she is a demon so Tina has demon wings but claims every cat person has them. (Much to the confusion of H and Ant)
Hbomb: Magical girl powers. That is all.
Ant: He wakes up to a mysterious red and white gift. It’s an elytra! There is no sender. It couldn’t be… you know… right?
Connor: If Connor had an elytra from smp live, probably just bought them back to the dream smp but was too lazy to use them.
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unincised · 4 years
Okay, let’s break this down:
We need to sit down and have a discussion about the current lore in the Dream SMP, guys. Especially after today’s stream (w/ Quackity). This doesn’t make any sense ‘cause I’m tired but OH WELL WHO CARES?!
Also, remember this is all roleplaying, and when I discuss this it is in terms of lore. Be respectful during bits and know that no one truly wants to brutally murder the other (hopefully). :D
My predictions for the Factions that will happen (along with those that already are):
I’m definitely missing a lot of people, but these are the main players in the game.
Connor (?)
Mexican L’manberg
Karl (yes, I put him twice. He’s a bit of a wild card when it comes to picking sides)
Dream SMP
Punz (technically a merc)
Puffy (which might also mean Niki, since... marriage?)
Tommy (I’m almost guaranteeing this, you can @ me if I’m wrong tomorrow)
Why Tommy and Techno should not team up with Mexican L’manberg or the Badlands:
Techno is anti-government. L’manberg is government, Mexican L’manberg is government, the Badlands are an oligarchy (their land is neutral, but it’s still overseen by Bad and friends). Therefore, Techno has no reason to team with any of them. He is a wanted, exiled man -- not exactly an assassin-for-hire.
Tommy has a personal agenda that doesn’t line up with any of the factions’ endgoals (at the current moment). Taking over the Dream SMP w/ Mexican L’manberg and The Badlands might help him with retrieving his disc -- especially since Skeppy would be on his side during it -- but we aren’t too certain that’s all Tommy has going for him. He loves his discs, yes, but he also cares a lot about Tubbo. Going against Dream could get Tubbo targeted for use of leverage (and that’s a whole can of worms I’d like to open :D).
Why George was a “bad” king:
Dream’s one rule for Kingship was for George to stay neutral. He claims this was the case for Eret’s crowning, but Eret technically bought his title in exchange for the betrayal of L’manberg during the First Revolutionary War.
Of course, Eret was dethroned after his siding with Pogtopia during the “Final” War, and the crown was given to George on account of his neutral stance during it all.
But George, immediately after given that little bit of power, went and abused it.
Chopped down the L’mantree
Griefed L’manberg (built a mushroom house in front of Tommy’s) even though he was specifically instructed not to enter the walls on account of safety and diplomacy)
Taunting Tommy during his trial
Became VP of Mexican L’manberg w/ Quackity
Used his role as a protection, subsequently making Sapnap and Dream shields in order to stay alive after getting in trouble.
Why Sapnap is betraying Dream:
Sapnap is hurt. He’s been overlooked many times by both Dream and George. He’s often viewed as more of a grunt than a friend. Their trio dynamic has been off for the past few arcs -- being paired together by mere formality than loyalty -- and it’s finally past the breaking point.
Dream’s speech during the Tommy fiasco seemed to have pushed Sapnap over the edge, thus sparking his whole rebellion arc and general hatred of Dream. Dream does still care for them both, in my personal opinion, but Sapnap is taking Dream’s “I only care about one thing on this Server” to a personal level. It’s completely understandable, and I was actually waiting if it’d ever be addressed, but in practise it is becoming a lot more than just a friendly dispute.
Why the Badlands are asking for so much land:
Simple: They don’t really want to establish borders, per se, but more of a general consensus that the Badlands would be overseen by Bad and Friends as a neutral territory. A wilderness in an otherwise governed Server. As for the amount -- their reasoning is that no one is currently using the land, nor will it ever be used on account of distance. If flying was enabled on the server, there would most definitely be structures further from the mainland, but everyone’s main transportation is walking... so...
What alliances does Dream even have anymore?
To be honest, not much. We can’t rely too much on Techno, since Dream’s loyalties lie on the server’s best interest and Techno’s is to just create chaos.
Dream has Punz (hired), Eret, Purpled, possibly Ponk, and if Techno teamed up with them I wouldn’t be too surprised -- but it would be off character. Along with that is Dream’s access to creative mode (which I’d doubt he’d do just to win a fight, but it’s still an opportunity he has) along with his pride that will give him more of an edge than anything.
Why Tommy is getting the blame:
Tommy has been against Dream for most of the SMP. The only time they paired together was because they had a common enemy: Schlatt. From the beginning, however, it’s been constant squabble. The discs, Spirit, Revolution, Wilbur’s corruption, Manberg’s Last Stand, etc. So, in Dream’s eyes, Tommy is the main man to blame for all of this chaos happening now.
But Tommy is a kid (we’re still talking Lore, don’t forget!) who has lived through nothing but war and betrayal, now with a mindset of “nothing stays, cherish it while you can”. So he’s always trying to be the one coming out on top, to help stem any more of his treasures getting stolen, killed, or hurt. This ends up leading into wars, and going against the peak of the hierarchy -- Dream.
(Dream should know better than to blame children, tut tut.)
Also, please send help I’ve been writing this while the Dream SMP is building a wall of cursed George pics. I keep losing my train of thought. This was supposed to be a meta post but I’m literally just crying over G R O G.
So, apologies if this doesn’t end up making sense. It’s 12 AM and I’m tired, haha.
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cursedcataclysm · 4 years
I should be doing my APUSH work right now but if I have to read one more sentence about Columbus I will tear out my own eyeballs so-
Summer Camp AU
feat. Dream Team, BBH, Sleepy Bois, Tommy and Tubbo, Fundy and Eret
One of the boy’s cabins counselors, helps out at the waterfront sometimes
Has this white snapback hat with a black smiley face embroidered on the front, refuses to take it off, somehow never gets dirty
Also this lime green sweatshirt, he wears it around his waist if it gets too hot though
Often paired with George as co-counselors, they’re absolutely chaotic together but surprisingly good at leading the campers, they’ve got the whole play-fighting dynamic going on and nobody is really sure if they’re dating or not, they wear each other’s clothes so often they just share a dresser at this point
Whenever there’s a spider or a bug in the cabin Dream is the designated one to kill it (or take it outside)
Actually really close friends with Techno but they have a whole fake rivalry going on at camp for the ✨ drama  ✨ (not really, they just got in an argument once and it spread across the entire camp, now it’s basically just part of camp lore that they’re ‘enemies’)
They play it up a ton at camp events and team games, but they almost always sneak out to the docks at midnight after and talk for hours
Dream and Sapnap together almost always means trouble
They’ve been friends for as long as anyone can remember
The shenanigans they get up to usually ends with them both on kitchen duty
Loves climbing trees?? Can be found just chilling in trees sometimes
Known for being a really cool camp counselor though, intimidatingly tall and won’t hesitate to step in when breaking up a fight or disagreement, has a way with kids
Also a boy’s counselor
George has these awful white sunglasses he won from an arcade on a staff trip, nobody has ever seen him without them, he wears them on his face when he’s in a bad mood (only Dream can talk to him without being ignored when this happens)
George is known for being a stickler for the rules, but surprisingly he’s often the counselor who starts the annual prank war, he somehow managed to dye Dream’s hair bright green in his sleep once 
A bit awkward with the campers, but he loosens up around Dream and Sapnap
Constantly steals Dream’s green sweatshirt
Makes Dream and Sapnap friendship bracelets once, is a flustered mess when he gives the bracelets to them, muttering excuses about them looking terrible because he’s colorblind, Dream and Sapnap wear them on their wrists at all times (even though the colors clash just a little bit) 
Also a boy’s counselor, hosts the game nights in the main lodge every week
Has a white bandana tied around his forehead, Dream yanks it down over his eyes sometimes and they end up chasing each other around the camp for hours (and then they end up on kitchen duty, obviously)
KING of the ropes course
Spends most of his time there, actually
Ends up in the infirmary more times than he probably should after trying to do obstacles blindfolded or without a harness
Can and will carry a grudge for months on end
References a meme or vine every other sentence
Unironically wears crocs
Starts water balloon fights with Dream every opportunity he gets
Yells ‘parkour’ every time he does something cool on the ropes course, even if it’s not actually parkour
Loves giving out hugs, very physically affectionate, will sling his arm around your shoulders or punch you gently on the arm
Wrestles with Dream
Which leads to kitchen duty
In charge of sports/archery/rifle range
One of the nicest counselors, always chides the other staff (and campers, sometimes,) for cursing, helps out in the infirmary whenever he can
Campers trust him with their secrets, he knows a little bit about almost everyone but he’d never let any of it slip, he’s well aware of how important it is to the campers to have someone they can absolutely trust
Helps sort out disagreements between campers, he’s probably the best one with kids
Scarily good with a gun, holds most of the top camp records
Constantly reminding people to wear sunscreen, carries around three different types in his bag
Also a bunch of individually wrapped muffins, he gives them to campers if they want a snack
Definitely the worst at telling ghost stories
Has a lot of survival skills, will teach campers how to tie ten different types of knots in his free time
Only one who consistently wears his staff t-shirt
Everyone’s favorite counselor, at least according to him
Often paired with Techno
Grey beanie for the aesthetic, but also because his hair is absolutely a mess and if he shoves a hat on it it immediately looks better
Carries his guitar with him most of the time
Went through the ropes course one time with his guitar on him because of a dare
Really good at telling scary stories, but usually plays campfire songs on his guitar instead (sometimes with a kazoo if he’s in the right mood)
Absolutely torches his marshmallows and insists it’s the only right way to eat them, once ate a flaming marshmallow whole (for fun, apparently)
Coffee addict
Pretty much spends the entirety of breakfast at the coffee table
When Wilbur was a CIT he gets this black bandana from Philza, he never wears it but keeps it tied around his bed frame every summer, until one staff campfire when Tommy is a CIT. They’re all sitting around a fire and singing and joking around and Tommy surprises Wilbur when he knows all of the lyrics to one of Wilbur’s songs, and Wilbur impulsively gives Tommy the bandana (Tommy makes a joke about how it’s ‘rather plain, innit?’, Wilbur rolls his eyes and punches him on the arm, they both know how much it means to Tommy though)
Kind of sarcastic, mean in a nice way 
Technically a counselor but nobody knows where he is most of the time
Has pastel pink hair and will 100% help kids dye their hair too, but not before a long lecture about bleach damage and regret
Also a pink face mask (for fashion), only takes it off to eat or swim
The best at making friendship bracelets, it gives him something to do with his hands
Teaches the campers how to make friendship bracelets in the art cabin
Gives his closest friends a pink and black friendship bracelet (it’s not confirmed to be him, they just show up on your bed overnight, but everybody knows it’s Techno)
One legendary summer, Dream and Techno were paired as camp counselors for a cabin, the campers from that year all have matching pink and green bracelets, there’s still whispers about what went down then
A god at toasting his marshmallows to perfection, golden and crispy on all sides with just the right amount of melting
Gets the best care packages from home (so many cookies!!)
CIT with Tubbo
Only his second year at camp, but he hit it off really well with all the other staff and Philza so they offered him a position as CIT
(which he accepted, obviously)
Likes to claim it’s for all the free stuff and staff perks but secretly really wants to learn how to be a good counselor
Curses like a sailor though
BBH has to threaten to take away his access to the staff coffee table to get him to stop cursing as much around the campers
Chaotic gremlin, probably shouldn’t be put in charge of children
He’s actually very responsible when he needs to be though, likes to joke around a lot but looks out for the campers as much as possible
Self-proclaimed king of the gaga pit
Seriously, can hit the ball so hard he’s bruised some people a couple of times
Always covered in scratches and bruises and bandaids
A little too eager to throw a punch
Has a black bandana (from Wilbur) and wears it around his neck at all times, keeps it as clean as possible (even when he’s covered in dirt from various scuffles the bandana somehow stays clean)
Goes absolutely ham on a kazoo during sing alongs
Him and Tubbo sneak out one night and take a paddleboard out to the middle of the lake to look at the stars, the only reason they get caught is because Tommy falls off as they paddle back to shore, Philza yells at them for ten minutes straight but it’s worth it
Basically never wears his staff shirt
Also a CIT
Has been going to the camp for years
Brings his ukulele with him, sometimes he plays with Wilbur at campfires, loves sitting on the dock and playing random little tunes for the campers
Hangs out at the waterfront a lot
Volunteers for kitchen duty, surprisingly
He actually really likes cooking and hanging out with Fundy, whenever he and Bad are in the kitchen together they make muffins
Makes flower crowns!! Absolutely vibes while sitting in the fields, loves the bees, teaches campers how to weave flowers together
Lets Tommy drag him off into all of his shenanigans
Is definitely the type to laugh off insults
Very, very hard to anger but when he gets mad, he gets mad
He and Tommy have only had one disagreement ever at camp, it started with a screaming match for an hour at the waterfront, they ended up not talking for days. Wilbur’s never seen Tommy that quiet, and Eret watches Tubbo with concern when he just sits on the dock for hours, not moving. One night Tommy shows up at Wilbur’s cabin, covered in scrapes and blood in the pouring rain, he just starts crying and Wilbur carries him to the infirmary before finding Tubbo, the two finally talk for a couple of hours after BBH bandages up Tommy’s wounds, the next day they’re back to talking and laughing and causing chaos together like nothing ever happened
Tubbo still feels guilty about that
Loves hanging out with the campers, everyone is excited for when he’s an actual counselor
Wears his staff shirt most of the time, but it’s under his green flannel so you can’t really tell anyway
Camp director obviously
Basically a tired dad, wears a green and white bucket hat, has a fanny pack and will use it
Curses a lot but hides it from the campers
Constantly reminding everyone to wear their staff shirts even if nobody listens to him
Loves telling the campers embarrassing stories about Wilbur and Techno as often as he can
When giving Tommy a tour of the camp to prepare for being a CIT Tommy somehow manages to climb onto the roof of the dining hall, Philza has to hide his laughter while yelling at him to come down
Tommy just stands and yells “POGCHAMP” as loudly as he can, Wilbur records it on his phone and makes sure to send it to all the staff in the group chat
Refers to Wilbur and Techno as his ‘sons’
And eventually Tommy too
Also references vines and memes
Waterfront manager/lifeguard
Really chill vibes
Also makes pride friendship bracelets for the campers!! It’s kind of a tradition, if you come out to him you get a bracelet
You also can get a bracelet if you ask for one
Has a whistle, loves to sneak up on the other counselors and blow it as loud as he can
Brings a lawn flamingo to camp every year and stakes it outside of his cabin
Really close with Tubbo
Helps Bad in the infirmary sometimes
Also hangs out with Sapnap at the ropes course, loves climbing the rock wall and sitting on the top
One of the best counselors to go to for advice, along with BBH
You better have your buddy when he blows his whistle twice
Tubbo helps him organize the swim tests and give everyone the appropriate tag to hang on the buddy board
Fundy absolutely cannot be trusted as a counselor, so Philza sticks him in the kitchen as head of the kitchen crew
Fundy doesn’t actually mind, he doesn’t have to do much and he gets access to all of the snacks
Extremely chaotic when handing out snacks to the campers- sometimes he throws them, sometimes he just dumps them out into a pile on the ground, sometimes he hands them out individually, there’s no way to predict it
Needs at least 8 hours of sleep or several cups of coffee before he’s ready to interact with campers
Very sarcastic
Plays piano in the main hall sometimes
Bullies Tommy with Wilbur
A picture of him in a fox costume surfaced in the staff group chat and now everybody calls him a ‘furry’ 
He hates it
So much
Capture the flag games that go for days on end, Dream and George captaining a team against Wilbur and Techno, spies and sabotage and elaborate heists, Eret betraying his team during one of the games, water balloon skirmishes, color war but Intense Mode
Prank wars between the counselors and campers
Building epic pillow forts in the cabins and the counselors sneaking in snacks even though there’s not supposed to be food in the cabins
Just, so many possibilities
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Loss of a Hero
Hi, Admin Anesthesia here :). I’m so sad. Still crying over Tommy. Based on this. There's also a reference to the wonderful song letter to a dead friend by Precious Jewel Amor.
Summary: After Dream kills Tommy, Sam tells everyone. How will all of them deal with the loss of a hero?
Trigger Warnings: Implied Suicide, Spoilers, Death
Content Warnings: Swearing
Sam was pacing around the prison area as he tried to look for the woman.
“Sam...you okay?” Puffy asked as she appeared behind him with worried eyes.
Sam jumped before sighing and nodding, “Puffy...I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry about?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He continued to mutter.
“Sam, what happened?”
“I failed him. I promised that I’d protect him and I didn’t. I waved off the idea because I didn’t think he was capable.”
“Sam?” Puffy asked, fearing the worst.
“He’s dead, Puffy. Dream killed him because I didn’t want to kill Dream.” Sam couldn’t look Puffy in the eyes, “I’m sorry...I know I promised I’d protect him.”
“Tommy?” Puffy’s voice was a whisper, not wanting to confirm the truth.
Sam’s little nod made Puffy’s heart sink. “Oh...Sam, you couldn’t have known.”
“But I did. I could’ve stopped it.” Sam finally faced Puffy, tears streaming down his face, “I’m sorry, Puffy. He was just a kid.”
“I know, I know,” Puffy replied, pulling Sam into a hug as her tears started to come down as well.
Sapnap first heard about Tommy’s death when he was talking with Quackity.
“Hey, babe.” Sapnap smiled, kissing the top of Quackity’s head. He thought Quackity was praying because Quackity was kneeling down, but upon closer inspection, he knew that wasn’t the case.
“Hey, Sapnap.” Quackity gave a small smile to his fiance as he looked up at him. Quackity’s face was strewn with tears.
“What’s wrong?” Sapnap’s face immediately melted into worry, “Who hurt you? I can-”
“Tommy died.”
“Wait...what?” Sapnap’s worry turned into denial, “It can’t be. Dream didn’t have any weapons. Tommy could easily fight back.”
“He was just a child. He was my friend.”
“He...couldn’t have died. Tell me you’re joking….please.”
“Sam told us this morning. Dream beat him to death. That sick fuck even looked happy about it.”
Sapnap didn’t like Tommy that well, but the few times they got along, Tommy was a good teammate. He was just a kid. He had so much to experience still.
Tommy reminded him a lot of his younger self. Aspiring to be more than fate wrote him. So when he felt something roll down his cheek, he knew he was grieving for the boy that could’ve been so much more. The boy who would have achieved a lot more than Sapnap did.
“I have to go do something.” Sapnap muttered as he walked away, “Dream...what did you do? I told you not to do anything bad, and here you are, wishing for your death.”
Tubbo didn’t believe that Tommy was dead. Why should he?
Sam had told Tubbo that he was alive and well the day before. The last time he thought Tommy was dead, he ended up being alive and well. Sam was probably just trolling with him. Besides...
Dream didn’t have the balls to do this.
Tubbo, at least, thought this until he had gotten Tommy’s compass from Sam.
“I think Tommy would’ve wanted you to have this,” Sam whispered as he gave the compass to Tubbo.
Tubbo’s smile faded as he pulled out his own. The compass was spinning nonstop and it didn’t land on Tommy’s anymore. It was broken.
“Sam...Sam...why is it doing that?”
“Doing what, Tubbo?”
“Ghostbur gave it to me. He said that it pointed to Tommy’s compass. Theoretically, it should still work, right?” Tubbo asked, “Tommy’s not dead. He isn’t! How could he be? Dream’s never defeated him before.”
“Tubbo... I don’t know if you want me to answer that.” Sam looked regretful.
“Please...tell me.”
“They were bound to your souls. Once one of you die, it breaks because it has nothing to bound to anymore.”
Then a heavy feeling was placed on his shoulders as he realized that his best friend was gone. And he never got to say goodbye to him.
He was too busy trying to compete against the Big Innit Hotel and goofing off with Ranboo that….he didn’t pay enough attention to Tommy.
Tommy told him that he was going to face his abuser one last time. Tubbo was so proud of him. Sam told him that Tommy was stuck in the prison with Dream. That was fine, Tubbo knew that Tommy could fight through it. After all, it was only one week.
Tubbo thought that Sam was joking when he said that Tommy was dead.
“Sam….I never got to say goodbye to him.” Tubbo whispered as he crumbled to the ground, looking at his broken compasses.
“I know.” Sam sighed, “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I should’ve protected him from Dream. I’m sorry.”
Why wasn’t he crying? His best friend just died. Did he not care enough? Why did he feel so insensitive?
“Tubbo?” Sam asked as he knelt down beside the shaking boy.
“Sam, why am I not crying? He was my best friend and I don’t even care about it. Why am I not crying?”
“Tubbo, you don’t have to cry to show that you’re grieving. You’re just a boy still. Just...come here.”
Sam pulled him into a hug and that’s when Tubbo felt his tears come out.
“He’s gone. I was supposed to be there for him when he got out. And he’s gone.”
“He died protecting you.”
“WHAT?” Tubbo asked, standing up.
“Dream threatened Tommy that he’d kill you if he got out, and Tommy died to his hands, telling him that he’d never lay a hand on you.”
Tubbo felt everything rush to his head. It was all too much. How could he? How could Dream?
He felt angry. He needed to get his revenge. So he pulled himself together and started walking back to his base.
“Tubbo, where are you going?”
Tubbo smiled, “I’m going to finish what Tommy started. I’m going to make Dream lose his last life.”
“Sam, he killed my best friend. He manipulated me. I’m tired of playing his games. It’s time I made the rules.”
Sam sighed and before Tubbo could leave, Sam just handed him the compasses. “Keep them safe. After all, Tommy’s compass still works, right?”
Tubbo sighed, “Right.”
Quackity was sitting on the signature bench and he had Wilbur’s guitar in hand. He guessed that it was about as a good time as any to sing for the soul they had just lost. The strums of the guitar echoed throughout the entire Dream SMP area and soon, people were gathering around him.
“I heard there was a special place, where men could go and emancipate the brutality and tyranny of their rulers. Well, this place is real you needn’t fret, with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Eret. It's a very big and a little bit blown up L’Manberg.”
“My L’manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg.” Tubbo started to sing, sitting down next to Quackity as he started to sing with him.
“For freedom and for liberty, our nation sought to build on these, a victory for all under democracy. Well, the darkness came, and then it went, we built a home and watched it sink, and there from rubble, there emerged L’Manberg.” Quackity sang at the same time that Tubbo had sung the verse of the ad-libbed on the day L’manberg was destroyed.
They both laughed it off as they started to sing again.
“My L’manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg. My L'Manberg.”
Tubbo had to stop because he had started to cry. “Tommy….”
Quackity just continued. He knew that Tubbo wanted him to continue the symphony. Tommy would’ve liked to hear it.
“With bloodied hands and weakened knees, our people rose like the phoenix, our empty fields and canals ‘round L’Mantree. With sweat and tears we armed our ranks, we laid foundations in our land, and from every lips fro here up to infinity.” Quackity looked at Tubbo to make sure he was okay.
Tubbo just nodded as he continued to wipe away the endless stream of tears.
And as they came to the final verse, everyone around them started to sing with them.
“We sing L’Manberg. We sing L’Manberg. We sing L’Manberg. To our L’Manberg.”
As soon as the song was done, everyone went to hug Tubbo, grief surrounding all of them.
No one thought that Tommy would be gone so soon, especially Tubbo. The one person Tommy cared about more than the discs.
“Ranboo….what’s wrong?” Technoblade had asked as soon as he saw Ranboo’s defeated face. “Who hurt you? Was it BBH again? I can-”
“No...nothing like that.” Ranboo shrugged it off, “It’s just….Sam told me that Tommy died today.”
Technoblade snorted, raising an eyebrow, “You know he’s probably joking, right?”
“I don’t think he is.” Ranboo whispered, “Sam told me to give this to you.”
Techno raised an eyebrow before Ranboo dropped something small into Techno’s hand. Something splattered with blood.
“It can’t be.” Techno’s voice was barely a whisper.
No...that was the friendship emerald Phil had given Tommy. Techno had seen Tommy wear it as an earring during his exile time period. Techno knew that Tommy still wore it. There would be no reason for him to lose it, and more importantly, lose it with blood splattered on it.
“I’m sorry, Techno.”
Techno felt a heavy weight on his shoulders. He knew that Tommy wasn’t ready to go just yet. Techno never got to say he was sorry for betraying the boy.
“Why are you sorry?” Techno laughed, “It wasn’t you that killed him, was it?”
“He was like a brother to you, right?”
“Tommy meant nothing to me.” Techno replied coldly as he sighed, “But I’m sorry for your loss, Ranboo. I know that Tommy was your first friend.”
Ranboo just broke down, “I never even got to say goodbye to him. There were so many things I wanted to say to him. Tubbo and I were going to compete with him with our hotel. And-”
Ranboo was caught off guard by a pair of arms wrapping around him. Technoblade was hugging him.
“He meant a lot to me too,” Techno whispered as Ranboo wrapped his arms around Techno as well.
They stood there in silence, just hugging each other for the longest time until finally, Ranboo separated. “Techno...I have something to admit.”
“Your enderwalk state was the one to trap Tommy in the prison? I know.” Techno sighed, “But that’s not you. And you can make it up by coming with me and helping me kill the green Teletubby.”
Ranboo smiled as he took the sword Techno passed him, “Let’s do this.”
“Niki, I don’t think I want to do this plan anymore.” Jack sighed as soon as he saw Niki approaching him with plans to try and kill Tommy.
“Why not? Are you really backing out?”
“Niki, look at us. We were blaming a child for something that he’s already trying to fix. You’re blaming him for Wilbur’s death, but you know just as well as me that Wilbur was not in his right mind. He chose to die at the hands of his father.”
“Jack, where is this coming from?” Niki scoffed.
“Dream killed Tommy today. Beaten to death by his abuser in a tight space, according to Sam. It got me thinking.”
“Wait...what? Tommy’s dead.”
“Niki, you never wanted Tommy to be dead, did you? You just needed someone to blame while you were grieving.”
“No, no, no, no, no, he can’t die. We still have plans to make. We were supposed to make his death happy. He was supposed to see Wilbur and face his consequences. What do you mean Dream did it? That could’ve been the worst way for him to die.”
“Niki, we just wanted to feel important to him again. He ignored us, so we forced ourselves into his story. Look back…”
“Wilbur...did choose to die, didn’t he? It wasn’t Tommy’s fault. Oh god…” Niki sobbed, “I tried to kill him. And I couldn’t focus on having fun with him. Now he’s dead.”
Jack nodded, “Me too…”
Niki just went to hug Jack, “How can I ever forgive myself?”
“Time,” Jack whispered, knowing fully well that he needed to forgive himself too.
But for now, they felt ashamed of their actions and thoughts leading up to Tommy’s death.
“At least Dream did it instead of us,” Niki whispered. “That way, we saw clearly before we made the mistake.”
“He was just a kid, Niki.”
“I know...Tommy, we’re sorry.”
“Tubbo...did Sam tell you?” Ranboo asked as soon as he entered the Bee N Boo hotel.
Tubbo nodded, holding up the broken compass he was looking at. “Please tell me we’re just in a dream and that Tommy is still in the prison alive, waiting for Sam to let him go.”
“I’m sorry, Tubbo.”
Tubbo slumped down, “I never even got to say goodbye to him. We thought it was over when we put Dream in jail. Sam told me he was still wearing his compass when Sam went into the cell.”
“He was my first friend.” Ranboo whispered, “Of course, we immediately got into a war crime, but he was still nice to me. I’m sorry.”
Tubbo just stood up, “Can we go and get some more blocks to finish the hotel? I don’t want to think about it.”
“Sure...come on.” Ranboo gave a small smile, “We can even go and get some red and white dye to have a memorial for Tommy in the hotel.”
“That sounds nice,” Tubbo mumbled as he allowed Ranboo to pull him towards the flower field.
“Hey...what’s up with you two? Why so gloomy today?”
Ranboo looked up at Phil, only holding out something red.
Phil raised an eyebrow as he took it, only to realize it was the bandana he gave Tommy a long time ago.
“You guys are fucking with me, right?”
Techno shook his head as he took out Tommy’s friendship emerald, “Dream killed him in prison.”
Everything came crashing down at that point. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, he can’t be dead. Tommy’s the main character. He was supposed to show me the hotel after he got out of prison. I promised myself that I’d be a better father for him and that I would move on from Wilbur’s death. What do you mean that he’s dead?”
“I’m sorry, Phil. I know how much Tommy meant to you.” Techno sighed, putting a hand on Phil’s shoulder. “We’ll leave you alone to think about this.”
“Thank you, Techno.” Phil sighed.
Before Ranboo could leave though, Phil asked, “Did Tommy ever tell you anything about me?”
“He told me once that he missed the dad that was there for him. He said he knew you were getting better and still healing, as was he, but he was tired of you leaning on his misery in order to cope. He just wanted to have a dad again.”
With that, Ranboo left the room, leaving Phil to collapse on the ground, caving in to the voices that were telling him that he was a bad father.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Phil sobbed, “I failed you, Tommy, and it’s all my fault.”
Tommy opened his eyes to see that he was somewhere. And nowhere at the same time. He didn’t know where he was.
He heard Wilbur and he turned around to see his brother. “Wilbur, where are we?”
“Oh, Tommy, when I meant see you soon, I didn’t mean this soon.” Wilbur pulled Tommy into a hug, “You’re in the afterlife.”
“That son of a bitch did it, huh?” Schlatt snorted, “I can’t believe he did it.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.” Schlatt rolled his eyes, “But I can’t believe that Dream killed you. To prove that the book is real.”
“Is it real?” Tommy asked.
“Nah, I’m a drunk alcoholic. How the fuck am I supposed to get a necromancy book? No...I gave him something else.”
“A script.”
“A script?”
“Our script. See, Tommy, I was supposed to be the idiot, but I managed to be one step ahead of Pogtopia. Because I knew what was going to happen. So I gave the script to Dream in order for him to win. I knew I would die in the end and that you would get a happy ending. So I needed you to continue losing. So he became self-aware. He kept causing problems and blowing things out of proportion so that there would still be a story. Without one, he wouldn’t exist. He needed you to continue doing stuff. So in the end, he knew it was him or you. And he decided to choose you. To keep the story going for a bit longer.”
“Schlatt, you sick fucker. You never told me that.” Wilbur hissed at Schlatt.
“Well, there was no reason to. We might as well become friends again in the afterlife. There’s nothing to do here. But-”
“Tommy, we’re going to get you back and you’re going to kill that son of a bitch because it isn’t your time to die.”
“How though?”
“By the same way Dream convinced you to let him live. We’re going to guide the people to find a necromancy book and we’re going to bring you back to life.”
“Wilbur, what about you? What if I just like being with my brother again?”
“You have forever to talk to me when you die, but you still have unfinished business with the rest of the Dream SMP.”
Tommy smiled, hugging Wilbur, “Okay...let’s do this then.”
They were going to help the others revive Tommy.
Tubbo walked to Tommy’s house. Dozens of flowers laid across the doorway and items of value were on the ground for Tommy. Tubbo was the last person to not put something there.
“Hi Tommy.” Tubbo gave a small smile, “I’m sorry it took me so long to visit your house. Everyone seemed to already give you so many flowers. I don’t know if you’d like more, but I picked them out for you.”
He knelt down at the doorway, placing the flowers.
“I also got you some of the things I’ve kept. Like blue premium bonds, blaze powder flavor therapy, signs from our pranks, swords I grinded for, blocks from my house, and-”
Tubbo couldn’t continue as he held back a sob.
“I miss you so much, Tommy. Why did you have to go?”
He put the items down before walking towards the bench. It felt empty next to him.
Opening his ender chest, he found one of Tommy’s discs in there. He put it into the jukebox next to him as a familiar tune came up.
When Tommy and Tubbo had reunited, Tubbo had shown Tommy his letter he wrote for his best friend he presumed dead.
Tubbo took out the crumpled paper from his pocket.
“I miss you. The memories flashed back tonight. I want to tell you, but I’m sure you’re alright. I can’t move on from the pain and the loss that I gave you. My world is silent right now. I finally live in peace, but it seems like everyone’s been fooling me. I thought that I was fine, but now that you’re gone, I wish I had more time. Don’t you remember you call me your Tubbo? I once assured you, together we’ll grow, but now I’m alone and I don’t know what to do. Everything just leads back to you. I miss you as I sit by the horizon myself. It’s not true, I won’t forget the good times we shared. You told me it was us against the world and I’m sorry I have left you all injured and hurt. My world is silent right now. Don’t you remember I call you my Tommy? I used to tell you that I’ll never leave, but now that I did, and I don’t know what to do. I’m sure everything will lead back to you.” Tubbo read out loud, the tears dropping from his face onto the paper.
And for some reason, he couldn’t stop reading the last sentence. It made sense.
“Everything will lead back to you. Everything will lead back to you.” Tubbo sobbed. Everything he had done was for the good of Tommy or L’manberg. He just wanted to be back with his best friend again.
“Sincerely yours, Your Tubbo.” Tubbo whispered as the song ended and he put everything back into his ender chest.
He felt exhaustion come over him and he laid down on the bench, his tears still flowing down his face. Sleep came over him soon as he cried himself to sleep.
Tommy was gone for real this time and Tubbo couldn’t do anything to reverse it.
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cursedcataclysm · 4 years
Ok ok ok hear me out
None of my thoughts are coherent and I haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep in a week but-
Summer Vacation MCYT AU
If you ask me what that means I literally cannot answer you because I don’t know either, this is honestly like 5 different AUs kind of lumped into one (high school? beach? amusement park? lowkey family dynamic??), honestly it’s more of a storyline than an AU but that is entirely besides the point, info dump below the cut because this idea hit me like a truck at dinner and now I can’t stop thinking about it
- Tommy and Tubbo are best friends, and Tubbo is going to this beach house for the entire summer. He’s invited Tommy along and he (obviously) agrees, what better way to spend their last summer as high schoolers together?
- They drive up to the beach town together (road trip au,,,), it’s like an eight hour drive and they’re both absolutely wiped by the time they pull into the driveway, they’re greeted by the sun setting over the ocean and Tubbo insists on running down to the beach for a bit even though they’re both absolutely exhausted
- First day around they decide to explore the town and the boardwalk, there’s an arcade and a small amusement park and shops and restaurants, being chaotic teenagers with no parental supervision they go absolutely ham and decide to visit as many places as they can in one day
- They meet a bunch of people along the way- Dream (lifeguard at the beach), George (runs the snack stand/gift store at the beach with Sapnap), Wilbur (general employee at the amusement park, typically runs the ferris wheel), Philza (manager of the amusement park and arcade), Techno (they don’t actually meet him, only hear about him in passing, apparently he works as a lifeguard/arcade employee/amusement park employee, basically mysteriously shows up at a bunch of different places, practically an urban legend, has a friendly-ish rivalry with Dream), BBH (manager for the beachfront, often found scolding Sapnap for stealing the merchandise), etc
- Tommy and Tubbo spend most of their time at the beach and amusement park, Wilbur always sees Tommy at one of the shooting games and they start chatting, Tommy is absolutely terrible at basically all of the games (except claw machines, for some odd reason) and Wilbur gives him crap about it as much as he can (and he’ll never tell Tommy, but he’s lowkey impressed with his determination). They’re often found having showdowns at the air hockey table in the arcade. Tubbo meets Eret, who’s a lifeguard/swimming instructor at the beach, and they hit it off almost instantly, Eret lets Tubbo take the paddleboards out without paying all of the time (BBH pretends to be mad but he doesn’t really mind).
- Philza crashes one of Tommy and Wilbur’s game nights in the arcade, and they’re all chilling at the air hockey table when Techno shows up (it’s the first time Tommy has ever seen him, he tries to play it cool but really he just looks like a dork). They end up playing air hockey together for hours on end, they all pretend like Tommy is really annoying and roll their eyes at his jokes but Wilbur finds himself snickering sometimes, Philza pulls Tommy aside at the end of the night and offers him a job at the amusement park
- Tommy accepts immediately, he basically spends all day there anyway, and some extra money for college couldn’t hurt
- Philza starts him off at the ticket booth but soon he’s allowed to man some of the game booths, he and Wilbur trash talk each other from their separate posts whenever they’re within yelling distance, Philza would yell at them but it attracts customers and he can’t complain about that
- Sometimes after work Wilbur sits on the boardwalk and plays guitar, if he attracts a crowd he usually escapes to sit in the ferris wheel or on top of one of the game booths (Tommy figures out how to climb onto the roof as well and scares the absolute shit out of Wilbur one time, they chase each other around the abandoned park for a solid hour and Philza makes them work an extra hour for the next week as punishment for the mess they made)
- Tubbo often just drifts about on the sea on a paddleboard, he accidentally falls asleep one time and Eret has to swim out to make sure he’s not dead, all the sun exposure gives him a whopping tan, wearing sunglasses turns out to be a big mistake and Tommy mocks Tubbo endlessly for the sunglasses tan he ends up with
-   Dream usually spends his break at the snack stand with George and Sapnap, they smuggle him free food and Dream tells them stories about all the weird people he encounters on the beach
- George and Sapnap abuse their employee discount as much as possible, somehow George can pull off all those awful tourist t-shirts, Sapnap buys a pair of bright red crocs and refuses to take them off during work (regardless of how often Bad threatens to fire him), Dream has one of those lifeguard hoodies but lime green (nobody knows where he got it or why it’s lime green)
- Bonfire style, ofc, they all meet on the beach at 10pm and they roast s’mores, Wilbur plays some songs on guitar (accompanied by Tommy on a kazoo), there’s endless rounds of volleyball and even Techno shows up, briefly, beating Dream in a match of volleyball before disappearing again (there’s a lot of screaming after this), Tubbo takes Tommy out to sea on a paddleboard and they watch the stars together for a bit (Eret and Wilbur share smiles at the sight of them peacefully laying on the paddleboard next to each other), Sapnap manages to convince everyone to go swimming (luckily the water is pleasantly warm), Dream procures a bunch of water guns from who knows where and they’re all running around and splashing each other, Bad is watching with an amused smile until Sapnap ‘accidentally’ sprays him in the face (they’re all laughing until Bad snipes Sapnap from fifty feet away with a water balloon), Philza allows them into the amusement park and they all pile onto the ferris wheel, intense sandcastle building contests
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