detroitlib · 11 months
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Studio full body portrait of unidentified young woman in profile, holding rose, wearing ruffled Victorian dress with lace accents. Stamped on front: "Wilkinson, Detroit."
Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library
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rapeculturerealities · 7 months
Murder victim Kelly Wilkinson repeatedly visited police in fear. They said she was ‘cop shopping’
In the final frantic days before she was murdered, Kelly Wilkinson visited multiple police stations, warning she was in danger. Official police notes say she was “cop shopping”.
On Wednesday, Wilkinson’s estranged husband, Brian Earl Johnston, a former US Marine, pleaded guilty to her murder. A court has previously heard that Johnston tied Wilkinson to a clothesline and set her on fire on 20 April 2021.
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valend · 1 month
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It’s crazy how they were all so jealous of how much #y2k #bling #playboy cunt Wilkinson was serving
He needssss to be interviewed by those “how much does your outfit cost” tiktokers
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"Mask of Life of Dolores Wilkinson" by George Hoyningen-Huene, 1933.
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crushedoranges · 1 year
Changed "recovering" to "recovered" coke addict in my pinned bc honestly I'm definitely not an addict anymore and I don't have constant cravings anymore. Could definitely do once at a party and not get hooked again.
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ofrolysdogs · 1 year
Commission Fanfic: Chapter One
Fandom: Willy Wonka Franchise
For: @reviss-dragonlord
Authors note: just to clarify, I'm not apart of the wonka fan base, I do have a good glimpse of the plot however I'm not exactly sure if the characters are in character despite headcanons and whatnot, figuring out a lot as I go on through this chapter, thx for understanding.
this should be 3k words (for a very odd reason (laziness) I can't write over 2k words sorry, but I tried my hardest to add as much as I could.)
for anyone who wants to commission me, dm me but first, read this so you can understand what I'm willing to write and whatnot!
the once light blue sky above was growing darker, the sun was setting down, and the stars were to be twinkling in a moments notice, the two, middle aged men, were standing outside, staring into the sunset.
"wilkin.... my dear... can I ask you something?"
the man, who would only be called wilkinson, had heard the others voice, looking to his right he sees him not batting at eye at the man beside him, but only focused on the array of colors in the distance as the sun sets.
"I already told you not to call me that."
wonka let's out a small huff. "why not?"
"it sounds dumb."
a small huff turns into a laugh. "dumb?" he noticed the light pink blush on wilkinson's face.
"just get on with the question, please." he felt embarrassed, slightly, but it's mainly because he thought it was adorable.
clearing his throat, wonka turns over to his love, he grabbed his hand, with both of his own, brining it to his chest, wilkinson was still not used to this type of affection despite it being only a few years into their relationship, wonka definitely had plans on marrying him, in his eyes, he was just the one, the one he saw himself walking down the isle for, the one he kissed, the one who stayed through everything, even when wonka was at his lowest he was there, despite not being the most vocal or the one to show many emotions, he could still see that wilkinson cares.
"do you remember the first time we met?"
wilkinson definitely didn't have a perfect memory but he did remember certain things about their first impressions, for one, wonka was definitely someone with a unique personality, it was almost an act to him, an actor taking his role a bit too seriously, but the more he started to learn about him, the more he finds out why he acts the way he does, and the more he fell for him, he tried his best to suppress this feeling of love, but he couldn't, he loved him, so, so much, it almost felt like he was attached to him..
"I do, everytime I come here it's a reminder everyday, I'm reminded of the first time I walked through those doors, it's almost nostalgic... sometimes I wish I could go back..."
he didn't want to cry, realizing how much he had grown back then, what he had learned, what he had experienced to make him the person he is now, though it doesn't feel like it, he definitely has changed, obviously for the better.
- + - - + - - + -
sometime ago, there was an ordinary man working an ordinary job for someone of his not exactly ordinary class, it was a boring job with a decent pay especially for something like your average office job, it was enough to keep him by for the moment, but it got tiring and depressing doing the same, unfulfilling thing for what could seem like eternal loophole.
but wait a second, who was this man? a mysterious man, to the outer surface a mysterious past, personality, everything! he always kept to himself, not in a secretive way but more in a "if you would've asked, I could tell you" way and, even then, you'd only get half truths.
outside of work however he lived alone, no wife, kids, or family it seems, any remaining family was gone, not dead, just gone, lonely he was, but unfazed he remains, or that's what it appears like on the outer surface, of course he wasn't completely lonely, there were close acquaintances he would speak to on an occasion but that's all there is to it, occasions, though days would come that he wished for the deep companionship of someone else, just like in the movies, of course a movie isn't the best realistic example, but it was a start, but he wasn't even sure about who he even was first, did he even deserve such? it seemed unlike him to have someone like him, let alone love him, or that's what he thinks.
he rarely spoke to his co-workers, the occasional hello, lengthy meetings of business chit chat, and a goodbye, their existence is forgotten about until the next day, being reminded of their faces once more.
his boss was almost the same way, nothing personal would be brought in to his work, he didn't feel as if it was necessary, in fact he liked the mysteriousness everyone saw in him, he was a puzzle most couldn't put together, and in the only times where he is noticed is when someone is bothering.
"you're so quiet" is what they would say, it was true, he was a secretive individual, he spoke very little unless spoken to, what's so wrong with that.
no matter.
a usual day begins, waking up, getting dressed, eating breakfast and heading off to work, whilst eating breakfast at a nearby coffee shop since he didn't feel like making his own, a simple hot cup of coffee with a sausage egg roll for a few before he heads out the door.
whilst walking down, almost a few blocks to his workplace for the remaining hours, he looks over to his right, a somewhat normal sized building, it looked to be in the middle of construction, he didn't think much of it, and continued to walk past and off into the distance he could see his job.
once he walks in, the cool air hits him, summer is right around the corner, and the humidity outside was growing, he disliked summer because of the humidity, it's hot and uncomfortable, but a good swim doesn't hurt once and a while.
he got down to his desk and started to work, finding emails, loads, that he needs to reply to, a huff leaves his nose as he begins to type, staring at the screen as words begin to appear, until a moments notice.
"excuse me, wilk, do you mind seeing me for a bit, it shouldn't take too long?"
a woman's voice, he looked up at the lady, the bosses secretary that he swore was a mistress, ah, yes, he had a bit of insight on drama relating to job, of course he observed from a distance but knew as much as he could, nonetheless, he stood up from his desk and walked past the woman without a single word uttering his mouth.
"he was always a man of few words, isn't he." the woman behind him spoke lowly to herself, as low as she could.
the main office wasn't exactly far from the desk he sat at, and through the office window he saw the man himself sitting at the desk, opening the door, the smell of something musky, like sweat, had hit him.
"come in, have a seat."
it was an odd atmosphere, it felt like something was going to go wrong, he sat down anyways pulling the chair up to the desk to comfortably sit with his arms resting on the desktop. the boss fixed his glasses, a relaxed expression on his face, letting out a cough before words could come out, and after a while of the boss speaking and speaking on, he gets to the final point, of him behind fired.
but what for? he asks not because he's begging to stay but rather wondering what's the reason.
apparently, a woman is accusing him of some form of name calling and harassment, in fighting is strictly forbidden, though expected everyone won't get along, but straight up insults is where lines were being drawn, the question is, who would accuse him of such? why him? he was pretty much left behind and forgotten by almost everyone around him, never invited to parties hosted by those around him or any outings, not that it bothered him much since he could care less about their existence, but he did sometimes wish he could experience a bit of it.
after the conversation was ended, things were being packed and now it was time to finally go for good, how exactly did he feel about this situation at hand? well, it was planned on a while back anyways, he just never had the right time to tell his boss, no, his former boss anything so far, he went on to pack his things and head out the door, all he could do now is pray that a better job was ahead, better pay, maybe more interesting co workers, whatever awaits his future is there.
he had forgot that because his job was only a 15 minute walk away from where he lived, he didn't necessarily need to bring a car, but because of the things he packed it did sure come in handy, but complaining internally won't do much, so, he walks the same way he came.
after about a few minutes he runs into that building, some more work had been done to it, including a poster that is stapled to a pole nearby the building, it shows that the building being developed was being turned into a chocolate factory, and they're looking for work, and once you walk inside that building you would be interviews for hire, it seemed interesting and he was inclined to give it a bit of thought, though he walked back home anyways, not thinking much about him being fired or much more, but in all honesty, he felt like something deeper was going on, I mean, he wasn't the type to speak much to let alone harass a woman, not that he's misogynistic but rather, he just didn't, nothing deep within it.
but even then, right now it doesn't matter anymore, that's all in the past, but it did feel a bit hurtful, almost comparable to getting a flu shot, he had worked there for a few years and had some pretty interesting memories.
once arriving home he sets his things down on the coffee table that sits beside his couch, next to his laptop, he goes off to his room to change into something more comfortable, and returns to the living room shortly afterwards, and then it hits him; that chocolate factory.
he had to admit that he did like sweets, even as a small child he loved the taste of chocolate, he hasn't had as much now as he did back then, he is getting old, the older you get, the more weight you gain, and the more likely the health issues you get from eating such things, not that he cared much about his health but.. yeah, he kind of did, he had to.
did he even have enough time to go down there to see an interview? he never bothered to check the schedule, it was late but not dark out, late because that's usually the time he would stay indoors before starting the next day, but should he make this day the exception?
ah, it didn't matter, he was far too tired anyway, today was exhausting, all he wanted to do was to fall asleep, and not have to worry about anything, other than what could happen tomorrow, so he walked back to his room to go to bed, finally.
- + - - + - - + -
8:30 am, the next day finally rolls in, his eyes flutter open, still tired as he isn't able to move, his thoughts begin to roll in, reminders of the days before the others, until it hits him once again, he needs to go to that building to be hired.
he slowly rises up from laying down, stretching before he hops out of bed to start the morning: washing his face, brushing his teeth, and then to find out what to wear, it took a bit of thought but he decided to go with a navy blue suit top with a black tie, the same, black pants he wore and dress shoes, and to not forget his glasses.
he goes into his kitchen to see, what could he eat for this morning? buttery waffles, drenched in syrup with a side of sausage links with an undecided drink will do for today, almost every time he would just go down to that coffee shop but today was just different for him, as he waited for his waffles to cook he gathered a bag of frozen links, and got to cooking.
it had been a bit since he cooked anything, so, mistakes could happen here or there, the sausage was a tad bit overcooked and he accidentally put to much waffle batter in the iron, it not like it was a complete disaster though.
he ate nonetheless and watched the television, he watched the most interesting thing that was on, and he had to admit that the food was actually pretty good despite it's imperfections.
and now it was finally time to leave, he locked the door behind him and headed off, walking down his usual route, showing that nothing much has changed so far, other than the relocation to keep him housed.
it took a lot quicker to reach the building than to his old job, standing at the entrance that leads to a trail in the building, he inhales, and exhales, preparing for whatever could come, first impressions shouldn't be too bad as he's decently dressed, would they look into his history on the fact that he got fired just yesterday?
he told himself not to panic too much, he felt the same way when he applied for his first, second and last job, this one shouldn't be to different now?
anyway, he took his first steps into the entrance and walked down the isle, he felt his legs start to tremble and wobble but kept his usual blank expression, it didn't take him long to reach the entrance, he didn't know wether he needed to just simply walk in or to knock but considering that it's not exactly open to the public, he opens the door slowly, peaking in to see.... things he had never seen before.
he took his first steps in, wandering the surrounding area, it looked almost like a children's play area, it wasn't the most colorful, but at the same time, vibrant, like it was all painted just moments ago, he hadn't seen something like this in ages, and he-
"excuse me sir?"
a voice was heard in the distance, but the echo makes it seem like it was closer, he turned his head front, back, left, right, forwards, backwards, only to see the man standing behind him, a top hat, a velvet red colored tailor coat, everything underneath was black from the suit to the shoes, there was also a distinguishable cain, he was also relatively tall as well, or maybe, the hat kind of made it out to be that way.
"oh, hello there, you must be the one that works here..?"
"why yes I am, are you looking to work here?"
"umm.... yeah I am."
the man in the top hat claps his hands together joyfully. "great! now if you will follow me to the office and we can get started!"
from what was gathered, this man seems so... interesting? not in the same way he was, you know, the stern and quiet type but this man however... he was more on the joyful side, if joyful was even the word to use, he had a certain style, a certain elegance that he didn't see in real life, it was surreal to say the least, was he putting on an act?
once in the office, the man in the top hat goes on to sit down in front of his desk, he uses his cane to push back the seat that sits across from him, going to sit down, the man slides his seat up to where his arms can rest comfortably on his desk.
"alright, so, for this interviewing process, I will ask you a few questions, then afterwards we'll see if you are eligible, that doesn't sound bad does it?" a smile on the mans face, before it disappears, like he had saw something..?
"oh wait! goodness me, I almost forgot to introduce myself, you can simply call me wonka, but, willy is my first name, and as for you, well... what is your name?"
clearing his throat to speak.
"my name is..... you can simply call me wilkinson."
wonka's expression grew blank, showing confusion, he stares him boldly in the eyes, from the point of view of wilkinson, this isn't good?
"well, that's quite the interesting name, wilkinson! don't worry, I've met people with even weirder names!"
the guy who's name is quite frankly willy wonka is joking about names being weird, but then again it could be a stage name, also, wilkinson is his last name, his first name can be john, or terry, any basic middle aged white man names.
the job hiring process was being completed with multiple other questions, in between chats about personal but not too personal details about ones lives, it seemed like everything was going smoothly, wilkinson could feel himself loosen up slightly and speak more, it felt so refreshing considering that he never met someone that he can truly feel at ease with, it was a very special feeling.
it feels like he had learned a bit too much about this man, like, a close friend perhaps? it's not a bad thing obviously but it was something that was a bit questionable.
"honestly, I can't wait to have you work here with us, you'll fit right in!" wonka opens the door to his office as he allows wilkinson to move past him with a low "after you," closing the door behind the both of them they walk down the hallways of the factory in construction, looking around him to see the walls he walked past not too long ago.
"well, it is still rather early." wilkinson speaks to himself as he looks outside through a small window, the sun was still beaming with clouds coming by to cover it every few minutes or so, the weather before he came in was almost perfectly in the middle, he didn't even need to wear this fancy suit.
"why yes it is, its only noon, I must say, out of all the applications, you seemed to have stood out! I mean just look at this outfit! it compliments everything about you!" wonka smiles, continuing to walk in front of wilkinson.
there wasn't much else to do from here, the job here was done, he was hired on the spot, most people consider it a red flag but since this was a starting career, it was almost expected.
"when do I begin my work?" wilkinson asks.
"when do you want to begin working?" wonka responds in playful sarcasm.
"I prefer in a week, I just need time to figure out some personal situations first, if that's fine with you?"
"that's perfectly understandable!"
once reaching the entrance, wilkinson walks out of the double doors, but is stopped by wonka's call, stopping in his tracks, he turns half body to the man walking behind him.
"you don't mind that maybe, we can have a chat over lunch one of these days? I would like to get to know you just a little bit more."
wilkinson wasn't uneasy, of course not, but it did feel a bit.... strange, of course wonka seemed lovely of course..
"sure, why not..?" wilkinson hesitantly agrees to the offer, before giving the man a professional hand shake, and leaving once more, not much else was planned for the day, he's so used to working for these long hours answering to emails and whatnot but for today, resting is what was planned, it had been a while since he had taken an afternoon nap, or caught up with a series of what not, this will happen for an entire week
as he walked, he found himself passing the coffee shop he always goes to, he debated to himself wether or not he wanted something from there, but he wasn't exactly hungry, so he walked past, he would probably regret it later but .. oh well.
his house now wasn't far, walking in after unlocking the door, he did himself a big stretch before walking back to his room, flopping himself on the bed face first, the memories of today replay in his mind, he didn't want to overthink about his soon to be job, but, he couldn't help it to a degree, it's a natural feeling.
the day wasn't over yet, so what? he had all the time in the world right now to take a nice nap, and that, is exactly what he did.
little did the man know, the decision he made would change his life for the better.
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veocc · 2 years
I absoluetly love "Portals" by Sub Focus & Wilkinson. I've had the mixmag mix for the album on loop for MONTHS.
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I tried recreating the album cover using the camera mode in Splatoon 3 and photoshop!
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I really love how it turned out and thought y'all might to!
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markpickardlife · 2 years
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I recently bought a new set of 6 electric guitar tuning machines (tuners; pegs) because I need to replace the tuning machines that are on an old Squier by Fender Strat that I'm repairing and modifying. I decided to try the Wilkinson E-Z-LOK 6 tuners with mini oval pegs. This is the first time that I'll be using Wilkinson tuning keys. I think they look good but the string posts are kind of tall. I'll install them soon and see how they look and good they are. I bought this set on Amazon Japan from Musiclily Direct Japan for ¥3,188 (just about $25.33). Here's the link to this product on Amazon Japan: https://amzn.asia/d/42KnCOa Here's the actual information from the listing on Amazon Japan... Wilkinson E-Z-LOK 6 Row Mini Oval Button Fender Strato/Telecaster Electric Guitar Pegs, Chrome Features Fits many electric guitars with 10mm (25/64") peg holes and 45 degree screw hole, like Fender Strat/Telecaster style guitars. Note: These peg sets are not actual locking pegs 1:19 gear ratio for smooth tuning. Modern 10mm (25/64") peg holes Mini oval buttons E-Z-LOK feature makes tuning your guitar easy and easy. Please check the product image for installation. Note: All E-Z-LOK tuners use the same "M" height post, so you may need a string tree to use this tuner Full metal, sealed design, quality electroplated finish and hardware 6-row, mounting accessories included #amazon #amazonjapan #guitar #electricguitar #wilkinson #musiclily #tuners #tuningmachines #tuningpegs #tuningkeys #ギター #エレキギター (at Naha, Okinawa) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clr8wT7Phhh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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richardmurrayhumblr · 2 years
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Elvis Mitchell Interview side Alissa Wilkinson for Is That Black Enough For You Honoring Screen Living Legend Betty Gabriel West Coast Blues Society Caravan of All Stars - soundcheck from Ron Wired SGT SMOKING BLACK animated trailer FROM DEMUZ COMICS https://aalbc.com/tc/profile/6477-richardmurray/?status=2156&type=status #rmaalbc #model
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hoiyanshing · 6 months
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poprocklyrics · 6 months
What if we just keep our eyes closed? We can dream that we're on an open road Another place, another time
Freedom, Sub Focus, Wilkinson & Empara Mi
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pascal-testet · 10 months
(Werbung) mein aktueller Test aus dem Hause Wilkinson Sword mit dem „The Icon“ 🪒Ablauf: das Produkt bekam ich auf dem Postweg zugesendet 🪒 Fazit: ikonischer Rasiergriff aus Premium rostfreiem Stahl, entworfen von den Designern Barber & Osgerby, Rasiergriff aus 90 % recyceltem rostfreiem Stahl (Mix aus PCR & PIR) diamantbeschichteten Klingen für Schärfe und Langlebigkeit, Gleitstreifen vor und hinter den klingen, um Irritationen zu reduzieren. Fünf klingen mit idealen Abstand für außergewöhnlichen Rasurkomfort & einfaches durchspülen, Konturenklingen auf der Rückseite des Klingenkopfes, mir gefällt die durch Schiebemechanismus angebrachten Abdeckung auf den klingen, der Rasierer liegt handlich, fest beim rasieren in der Hand, Verpackung aus 90 % recyceltem Papier #produkttester #produkttest #pascal_testet #wilkinson #wilkinsonsword #wilkinsonswordtheicon #influenster @wilkinson_men
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Harriet Wilkinson Leeds, 2023
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detournementsmineurs · 9 months
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"Indian Palace" de John Madden (2011) avec Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Celia Imrie, Penelope Wilton, Ronald Pickup, Tom Wilkinson, Diana Hardcastle, Dev Patel, Tena Desae et Lillete Dubey, décembre 2023.
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Last Visit to WILKO (WILKINSON) in Newcastle Under Lyme I Staffordshire ...
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