#Windup Girl Dolls in a Box
zegalba · 1 year
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Takato Yamamoto: Windup Girl Dolls in a Box (2004)
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redrum-alice · 5 months
ABA x Paracelsus HCs that live in my mind rent-free, even though I haven't played the game--
Some of these HCs include other characters involved in their arcade mode.
ABA is no stranger to stalking people. So when she came across a lookout point, she saw many couples, mostly teenagers, making out and going on romantic dates. She wonders what it would feel like to be young and in love, rather than just declaring someone whom she met first glance as a "husband"
ABA's collection of keys were hidden somewhere in the pocket dimension. She sometimes uses them as accessories to adorn herself, despite the like of knowledge in fashion (the girl wears pants as a top--)
There are many shades of blue that ABA can pick from. Since Paracelsus turned himself blue, the shiny surface reflected more colors than just blue, inspiring her to try and appreciate other colors near the blue gradient.
Added to the color stuff, she eventually tries variation of outfits with other colors, but with blue as the base.
Paracelsus knows when she's feeling fatigued. When she's at her limit, he opens the pocket dimension and lets her rest there until she wakes up. ABA sees this as his love language, but unintentional on his part
Both ABA and Paracelsus have no clue on how homonculi biology works, and Paracelsus hates to admit he feels bad that ABA may be at risk of getting herself hurt without him knowing what to do
Paracelsus wishes he knows more about human anatomy because its the closest one to ABA's physiology.
Since ABA is clairvoyant, she often hears the spirits of their victims which she tries to ignore, and probably because she doesnt know the correct response to a wailing dead person wanting justice. When its too much, she asks Paracelsus if what theyre doing was justified and that she begins to regret her rage filled jealousy directed at those that dont even bother them.
Paracelsus keeps telling ABA that she needn't to worry because it was a necessity for the both of them-- something he deeply regrets to say because he knows she has strong principles that she live by despite not being a human
Paracelsus, deep down, is ashamed of himself for tainting ABA for the purpose of tending to his bloodlust. He saw how genuine and pure hearted she is, but it turned into malice because of his demonic origin. He begins to wonder what ABA would be like if she found someone else years ago.
Just like ABA, Paracelsus has an unspoken fear of abandonment, but since he lacks capacity to feel other emotions, he doesnt notice this.
Ever since Elphelt and Testament approached her with good intentions, ABA wanted to make more friends like them, but is scared that others have ill intentions toward her and Paracelsus.
ABA's favorite book would be Alice in Wonderland when she was still in Frasco, specifically the part where Alice was trapped in a room or multiple doors with the smallest door being the exit. ABA admires this because of the concept of escaping, especially that there's a key involved. (Im biased bc my name's Alice and i like this story--)
Besides door keys, she also collects windup key and smaller keys for chests and compartments. She sees this as a symbol for discovering new things, especially music when she came across a music box that needed a key
Speaking of music boxes, she associates this object with Elphelt bc of her musical talent (and that she may as well look like the ballerina spinning on the music box)
Other than doors, music boxes, and compartments, she also came across a small doll that needed a key. After she winds it up, it began walking and talking towards her and freaks her out. But when it said "mama" in a robotic voice, ABA contemplates and wonders if she was ready to become a parent somewhere in the near future when Paracelsus has a body. An impossible thought, but one could never be sure, and it scares her.
Butterfly Pea tea with brown sugar, or sparkling butterfly pea lemonade with honey would probably her favorite drink because of its color. She shares this with her hubby 🥰😋
There comes a time that her bandanges would get uncomfortable and smell bad from blood stains and wounds, so Paracelsus tells her she needs to change them before she gets an infection. He does stop her midway because he realizes she isnt wearing any undergarments and proceeds to take her in the pocket dimension.
Elphelt offers ABA to shop with her to pick clothes suited for her. The first thing she sees at the boutique display was a wedding dress and begins to day dream a wedding with Paracelsus. Without her looking, Elphelt happily buys the wedding dress with matching tuxedo and gives it to ABA, despite Paracelsus' protests (the fact that he hears them chatting about setting up the wedding next day had him ded on the spot :P)
ABA watches home video tapes left in houses unoccupied by their owners (abandoned or they went on vacation; ABA is a home intruder lol). She finds a tape labeled "Happy Day" and it plays a recording of a newly wed couple dancing at their reception. The way the couple moved gracefully tickled an idea in her brain and insisted she and Paracelsus should dance. But since the large key doesnt have any legs, her attempts in waltzing with him went nowhere 😅 (and this gave more reason for ABA to find a body for Paracelsus)
At late nights when ABA is asleep, Paracelsus wonders that if he had a body, would ABA still be shorter or they would be in the same height? Either way, he was impressed that she can keep herself up with that low weight despite her tall stature, more so on how she was able to carry him around without much muscle mass.
When he sleeps beside her, her hair unwittingly falls on his bow and feels how soft it is. A very pleasant feeling he won't admit.
Everyday, Paracelsus keeps reminding ABA that she needed to eat to gather strength. ABA often forgets to eat because its not hard wired in hr system, nor that it was even natural for her to eat in the first place.
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ducktracy · 5 years
91. those beautiful dames (1934)
release date: november 10th, 1934
series: merrie melodies
director: friz freleng
starring: n/a
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back to color, permanently this time! now we’re using two-strip technicolor, focusing on red and green as opposed to the red and blue two-strip cinecolor process. this seems to be a follow up to the shanty where santa claus—a poverty stricken girl longs to have toys of her own, and it seems her wish may be granted after all.
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parallel to the introduction of the shanty where santy claus lives, a little girl trudges through the snow, hugging her shawl close for warmth. she stumbles upon a toy shop and eagerly glances inside, enticed by the happy and warm nature of the toys. the scene is staged nicely—i love the detail of the street lamp in the background bent slightly.
forlornly the girl continues her trek, wrapping her shawl around her and bracing against a terrible wind. the scene of her walking against the wind overstays its welcome slightly, stretching on for awhile, but it isn’t supposed to be a scene that’s urgent anyway. and, of course, friz’s love of butt gags prevails as the wind blows some snow inside the girl’s pants. can’t have anything too sad, now!
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she approaches a tiny little shack and warms herself up by the stove conservatively. even the mice are starving—a mouse that’s all skin and bones checks the contents of a bread box, thoroughly disappointed. the meager flame inside the stove is also disappointing. a few blows inflate it ever so slightly, but melting ice on the inside of the stove extinguished the flare with ease. the poor girl cries herself to sleep as she situates herself in the chair. the first half is drawn out, but again, there’s no need for urgency, and it establishes pathos quite effectively. you instantly feel bad for the girl.
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the fun enters once one of the toys from the toy store approaches the shack, a gang of toys approaching behind her. tentatively the leader creeps inside, finding the girl asleep at the chair. the coast is clear—the toy motions for the others to stroll on in.
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a very cute scene as the toys spruce up the place as a nice little surprise. firefighters eject red paint on the door, a horse spreads glue with its tail on some wallpaper waiting to be hung, and a bulldozer spreads the wallpaper, driving up the wall. the gags aren’t entirely original, but they’re very cute. the newness of the color enhances the scene entirely. i’m sure that same magic wouldn’t be there had the cartoon been in black and white, not that the black and white cartoons are dull by any means because of their appearance, but the cheeriness translates better in bright greens and reds. it’s a fitting cartoon to test out the two-strip technicolor process.
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hours fly by as indicated by a church clock (a very moody and pretty scene). the hands whirl from 9 to 12, and we spot the finished interior. a hearty fire roars in the fireplace, the wallpaper is cheery and happy, there are rugs and chairs galore... the girl has a proper home. all of the toys crowd around the slumbering girl and cheer, waking her up. she glances around in bewildered glee, absolutely delighted.
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a few dolls launch into the titular “those beautiful dames”, harmonies beautiful as always. there’s a quick tap dancing sequence from a windup jazz toy (featuring blackface caricatures as always... ugh) and all the dolls sing: a monkey and a trowel, a clown and a paintbrush, a bear with a hammer and saw... two more blackface dolls (ughhh) singing about how they made a chocolate cake for the girl, etc. the girl claps on the performance, thrilled. we have a tap dancing number between two jack in the boxes. nothing too exciting, but the backgrounds are especially nice, the gaudy green and red floral curtains a nice touch. the color will definitely boost the enjoyment factor in these merrie melodies, adding some much needed charm (though black and white cartoons are just as beautiful... i suppose it all boils down to quality of the cartoon, which isn’t the say of the original creators).
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elsewhere, a toy dump truck gorges itself in chocolate cake as the dance rages on. rude! this poor girl is starving! both scenes go on for awhile, the dance and the eating, until a doll catches the truck in the act and scolds it. the truck mopes away like a dog with its tail between its legs.
the girl approaches a toy phonograph and gives it a few good cranks, putting on a record of “those beautiful dames”. the animation of the teddy bears dancing on the base of the phonograph is very fun, very smooth, very well articulated, especially when they shuffle along to opposing sides (“turning corners” is the best way to describe it). even more amusing to watch the dance halt, the bears all hopping on one leg and ogling at the record as it skips. the girl fixes it and the dance continues on. some amusing moves from the girl herself as she boogies down to the melody. this cartoon isn’t anything too fascinating, but it’s a lot of fun, even if it’s not necessarily funny.
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two toy soldiers march in front of a set of doors and trumpet a fanfare. the doors open to reveal a marvelous, sugar coated feast for the girl, all of the toys cheering and whooping in celebration. very cute to watch the girl happily walk along the table and fix herself a seat. a little pep is added to the scene as the girl turns the meal into an eating contest, declaring “one, two, three, go!” and all the toys indulging in plates of ice cream. this is a very feel good cartoon, even if it’s not the most exciting. i found myself smiling like an idiot at this part. how can you feel down watching a crane shovel ice cream into the mouths of various toys while happy jazz blares in the background?
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now, time for the girl to indulge herself. some nice animation as the girl antics, reeling back to really get a good shovel full of frozen cow juice. unfortunately for her, her ice cream is a protective layer to hide a jack in the box that springs out at her. she’s a good sport, though. iris out as the girl joins in with the giggles and jeers of her fellow companions.
interesting to note, the merrie melodies sign off would gain a new mascot. the tradition used to be that the star of the cartoon would sign off, either saying “so long, folks!” or “that’s all, folks”. it got to be quite entertaining when the sign offs with particular characters were reused often—piggy, who had starred in only 2 merrie melodies, was used quite frequently as a sign off. though it is pretty hard to keep up with a new sign off for EVERY cartoon, new voice and everything. pretty hard and pretty costly. the jester would serve as the “mascot” for the 1934-1935 season.
a very endearing cartoon, much better than the shanty where santy claus lives. it didn’t have much going for it, and was relatively... not exactly boring, but mild. nothing really stood out to me (except the occasional blackface caricatures, which, at this point, i shouldn’t be surprised by seeing anymore. still needs to be addressed as always). however, that’s not always a bad thing. this cartoon was very cute, very endearing, very sentimental. the ending was extremely feel-good and warm. i caught myself smiling like a goof while watching it. the girl, although without any discernible personality, was a character you wanted to root for, and thus it was satisfying to see her house all spruced up and to see her reunited with her toy friends. worth a watch, especially towards the second half where the toys come in.
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ぜんまい仕掛けの子守唄 -Album-
Clockwork Lullaby album booklet content
Date sent: Year 1001, August 10th,03:00
To: Kiril Clockworker
Subject: A final email
Hey, we haven't written in a while, huh?
Are you doing well?
The Third Period is all finished.
The world has been saved.
Though perhaps it wasn't in the form of the salvation you had hoped for.
You didn't complete all twelve music boxes in time, it seems…
But ah well, you needn't fret over that.
You've completed your goal for the time being, after all.
The spirits have already begun to migrate to the new world.
Though I hear there are still some remaining in the Third Period as they are yet.
If you have anyone you want to go see, I recommend you take care of that in good season.
The gate is open.
You should decide for yourself what you want to do after this.
You can stay in Angolmois as is, or you can deepen your friendship with your old cronies in the Third Period's ruins.
Or…I won't stop you from traveling to the Fourth Period.
I no longer have the right to.
You are free.
Though it's possible we will never meet again…Well, as there's no more need for you to keep making music boxes, you may do whatever you wish after this.
Be merry with your wife, hm?
Well then, farewell.
I wish you two the best wherever you go.
Clockwork Lullaby 01/Clockwork Lullaby -Key Of Word-
<Turns clockwise>
The first music box has commenced operation without a hitch.
After turning the windup key it plays a somewhat stiff tune
And at the same time fulfills the purpose of turning a gear of karma
To me the tune it plays is something I don't quite understand,
However I am sure that this is to be the start.
Alice's prophecy.
I must ascertain the truth of that.
For that is the mission for my atonement that was assigned to me.
Clockwork Lullaby 02/Girl of the Miniature Garden
Little sister
<Turns counter-clockwise--connected by 01>
I don't have much information.
I needed to start from what was within the scope of my reach.
The song of a doll in the distant future.
Making the music box for that was simple.
My reasons are clear.
It was because to me,
She was none other than the being closest to me.
Like me,
You too ended up becoming a castaway of time.
The blue spoon…
From this song I was able to faintly sense Adam.
That could perhaps become one of the clues I have to go on.
Clockwork Lullaby 03/Re_birthday
Black box
<Turns counter-clockwise--connected by 01>
What has become essential to completion of the music box
Was contact with a god.
And I ended up succeeding in that much sooner than I expected.
TALOS…It seems that he had regarded me as dangerous because of the Leviantan Catastrophe.
But I was able to prepare several counter-measures to outwit that bat.
Because thanks to that catastrophe--
I was able to recover the memories of the "original".
In the end, TALOS gave up on trying to control me,
And instead offered his assistance.
With that I was able to incorporate a black box system into the music box.
And then…as for this song's contents.
I shall keep it a secret yet from TALOS.
Because, at any rate,
This boy hasn't even been born yet.
Clockwork Lullaby 04/ Heartbeat Clocktower
<Turns clockwise--connected by 02>
What sort of person is Adam?
I decided to investigate into the man who was said to be the son of Alice.
At the end of it, I knew that Adam was by Irina's side,
But at the same time that brought up a new question.
As far as I know, the two of them barely even knew each other.
So then why
Is Adam trying to help Irina?
…Right now,
I don't even have the parts to formulate a hypothesis yet.
I shall aim for the land of Angolmois.
Though it is a place where even knowing of its existence
Is beyond the paygrade of a normal person…
But if you're me, on the other hand.
Clockwork Lullaby 05 Chrono Story
<Turns counter-clockwise--connected by 01>
For now, I decided to continue on in my work
From a different angle.
And then,
I finally discovered the appearance of the person I love most.
A witch conversing with the god of the forest.
That face, her hair, her arms and legs…
It was none other than Elluka.
That was unmistakable.
--I quietly shed tears alone.
She had undoubtedly died.
And she would never be resurrected.
…It was something else.
I desperately repressed
An overflowing wrath.
Because if I was taken over by it,
I would never finish the twelve music boxes.
Clockwork Lullaby 06/Capriccio Farce
Unusual Event
<Turns clockwise--connected by 04 through the Alice BB>
How many years have passed
Since that catastrophe?
I'd stopped keeping track of time
Long, long ago.
Upon arriving in the land of Angolmois,
I was able to proceed with the compactification of
The BB system, which was a long-pending problem, at once.
At the same time I was able to supply myself components to make a new music box.
…However, this one was error-prone.
Due to the insertion of the Alice BB,
The sixth music box has started to play a different tone
Than I had initially expected.
--At present there are no particular flaws that stand out in it.
But there's no guarantee anywhere
That this song is the truth.
Clockwork Lullaby 07/Seven Crimes and Punishments
Deadly Sin
<Turns clockwise--connected by 05>
I have finally become able to follow history in its sequential order.
The beings called demons
And the disorders of the world that the people they contracted with caused.
The answer to Alice's prophecy is surely at the end of all that--
I've had it verified that my theory is correct.
It's become clear that it will destroy the world
As I thought.
In other words…
That means the main cause of all this
Is me.
Because after all
I am the one who caused it
To descend to the Third Period
Clockwork Lullaby 08/The Song I Heard Somewhere
Red cat
<Turns clockwise--connected by 02>
I have found the one who will destroy everything.
Next I must find the one who will save it.
There are several candidates…
But the most prominent would of course be Irina.
I know well the power that she hides.
Maybe I could be able to communicate somehow
With the "original" who saved Irina from the brink of death.
…Someone is knocking on the door of my house.
But, there shouldn't be anyone outside of me who can reach Angolmois.
--Who the hell is that?
While holding my gun in hand,
I slowly opened the door--
Clockwork Lullaby 09/Swear an Oath on that Bridge
<Turns clockwise--connected by 05>
…Ah, god.
This may be the first time that I have been grateful to TALOS from the heart.
Now I have become able to listen to the ninth song with a tranquil heart.
While this may be a crazy thought--
I have come to think this way.
That while "it" is undoubtedly the destroyer…
If she were able to regain her heart as a "person"
Might she at the same time
Have been able to be a savior?
When I asked the opinion of she standing by my side, she gave me a small smile,
And nodded.
Clockwork Lullaby 10/Banica Concerto!!
<Turns counter-clockwise--connected by both 06 and 07>
<Connects further to the big gear through the Seth BB>
Finally I succeeded in getting one of the large gears to rotate.
I'm a little stunned.
To think, that evil food eater would become a savior.
What sort of face will TALOS make when he learns that?
I'd like to see.
Naturally this is also thanks to the BB that my wife had been looking after from the "original"--
But it seems the BB's usage invites an unexpected state of affairs after all.
The rotation of the large gear
Ended up going opposite to what I'd assumed it would.
With this, it can't be called true salvation.
The new world will just end up becoming
A different take on the Third Period.
Clockwork Lullaby 11/The Karma of Evil Will Not End
<Turns counter-clockwise--connects by 08>
<And to the big gear>
Adam had a realization.
On the truth that Irina was his mother.
Thanks to the "Re_Birthday" time wound back.
And so Irina will once more become Adam's…
And Eve's mother.
I can only hope.
That Irina will sever the karma of evil,
And bring about true salvation.
This isn't sufficient.
The gear's power is not enough.
With this the karma of evil will not end.
It'll just repeat the same things again.
And now, in that world…
There are no gods.
Everything will probably be reduced
To a farce.
Clockwork Lullaby 12/Song of the Third Period
<Turns counter-clockwise--connects by 09 and 03 through the Sickle BB>
<And to the big gear>
The singing voices of the Third Period have even reached the land of Angolmois.
This unfinished twelfth music box has begun to move and turn the large gear on its own.
Right now I'm reclining in a chair in an exhausted state.
…There had never been any need to make such things as this.
Even without the music boxes people are able to play the songs.
That is what this means.
These people singing…"VOCALOID", huh?
Ah well.
As a musical accompaniment,
It may serve as some aid to them.
For that purpose,
I shall set about making the final music box.
Is that truly so?
I took out my pocket watch
And looked upon its surface.
I see…So that's it!!
From: Kiril Clockworker
Date sent: Year 1001 August 10th 15:00
Subject: RE: A final email
You are a liar.
Certainly, on the face of a clock there are only 12 numbers written.
But in time…
The total number of songs is not 12.
Is that not so?
I've decided to head out from Angolmois.
With my wife, of course.
As for where I'm heading…I'll leave it to your imagination.
Perhaps I'll see you again once more there.
I don't have an exact goal in mind.
But…as long as songs exist there--
I will continue to make music boxes.
Well then, until we meet again.
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