#Wireless EFTPOS
sonp49926 · 1 year
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Retail stores, small supermarkets,and fruit & vegetable shops all require a POS system equipped with hardware not commonly found on POS installations.
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osacomms · 3 months
Get a Quote for Phone & Data Cabling in Cranebrook Today | One Step Ahead Communications
Data cables are used to transmit information between devices. There are three main types of data cables used to transmit data: twisted pair, coax and optic fibre cables.
These three types of cables are used in different environments. One of the fastest twisted pair cables on the market today is CAT6 cable. Data cable can be for internal or external use. Data cable for external use has a hard jacket and a moisture barrier. 
Your data cable connects the following equipment to other devices and the network:  computer, monitor, modem, printer, fax machine, smart TV, CCTV, wireless router, switch, phones, phone system, VOIP phones, intercom, door station, EFTPOS machine, alarm, and much more. 
OSA Communications can supply, install and terminate all types of cable, such as: Optic fibre, data, coax, aerial IBC, speaker, communication (5pr, 10pr, 30pr, 50pr, 100pr), depending on what is required.  
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that-cheer-up-anon · 5 years
Hey you know what’s great? Constantly losing and wondering where the heck that tiny headphone adapter cord is for my phone, bc the company was like ‘ehhhhhh what do we need to do to get more money? Hmmm... Oh I know! Get rid of the headphone jack so that everyone will have to buy an extra thingymabob that they will definitely use just to be able to listen to their phone privately! Great!’
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sereneceramics · 5 years
Eftpos Tap & Go ...
Brand new POS system for SERENE CERAMICS. Tap ‘n’ Go chip reader, plus reader dock. Bluetooth receipt printer, barcode scanner and label maker still on its way. A super fast way for wireless payments and money transfers. 👍🏻 👍🏻 👍🏻 www.sereneceramics.com
#square #chipreader #pos #possystem #paymentsystem #market #marketing #pay #payments #businesspayments #tap #tapandgo #tapandshop #tapngo #taptap #white #squaredock #squarechipreader #hyojeong #sereneceramics #eftpos #applepay
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oxygenpos · 4 years
Begin Your Journey with Effective Point of Sale Systems in NZ
Have you ever thought about how important Eftpos & POS terminals are for you? Contact one of the top specializations to get the effective point of sale systems in NZ. Besides this, they offer you video surveillance and security, time& attendance & wireless access points.  
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endeavourafrica · 5 years
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If you are looking for first-class advice and service, you have come to the right place. Choosing the right POS system for your business can be frustrating and time consuming.With over 1000 customers we have expert knowledge to help you make the right decision about a point of sale solution for your business.
Finding the right point of sale solution for your small business can be frustrating and time consuming. We deal with many of the leading brands which means we can offer you a totally unbiased opinion on what we believe would be the best POS system to meet your individual needs.
We have point of Sale Systems for
⦁ Restaurants
⦁ Hairdressers and Beauty Therapists
⦁ Dairies
⦁ Mechanics
⦁ Dress stores
⦁ Pharmacies
⦁ Hotel and Motels
⦁ Fuel Outlets
⦁ Retail and wholesale businesses
We cover a wide range of small businesses with our point of sale systems. With our diversified customer base we have the experience and understanding to find the right point of sale system for you.
A typical Point of Sale software system normally includes a computer, a monitor, cash drawer, receipt printer, barcode scanner and eftpos machines are connected to the system.
Many of the modern best POS in Kenya have touch screen functionality built into them. This has the added benefit of reducing counter space and in some cases making the transaction time faster for you and your customer.
The Point of Sale or POS unit provides another most important function which is known as the "back office" or "reporting system". Data from the sales transaction can be automatically tracked for inventory control and purchasing. Simple reports can be instantly produced to let you know how sales are going and what your stock levels are.
We recommend that you also create a function to keep all your customers details in a database so that you have the ability to identify your top customers but more importantly keep in touch with them.
POS Systems are customized for each business based on many different factors and requirements. Restaurants for example use touch screens and hand held wireless devices to take orders and allocate tables.
Hairdressers and Beauty therapists require systems to create appointments for their clients and maybe a roster system for their staff.
The key to choosing the right point of sale system is finding a system that
⦁ High Speed operating system
⦁ Consistent operating system
⦁ Easy to use
⦁ low cost to fit your budget
⦁ Many features and functions for reporting purposes
Point of sale systems have dramatically changed over the years as technology delivers faster and better solutions. We keep updated with the latest information to help our customers.
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businessmindedchick · 6 years
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Amazing Capabilities of a Sistem POS
A sistem POS (Point of Sale system) are computerized software that replaces the manual cash register in businesses which sell goods or services at the tills. The system helps in managing the cash, stock of goods and gives an outline of service available. These utilities help in managing the business in an easier way. POS terminal makes sure that there are invoices and receipts to support transactions, either a printed one or electronically generated. Thus, cash management is made far much easier with low risk of theft and other cash mishandling practices. To fully understand what are the “point of sale terminals”, they can be classified into either:
 o Counter top terminals: These are POS terminals whereby, for a payment to take place the customer and the operator must be within a hand touch distance since it involves manually keying of information by the customer or the operator or both simultaneously. Mostly the terminal device is either a personal computer or other electronic devices. POS terminal with a computer as the terminal involves installing the programs relevant to that particular kind of business in question for example POS software for a food and beverage outlet may contain all the menu items at the terminal point.
 o Wireless terminal: This is a POS terminal which is capable of accepting payment no matter the location and as opposed to the countertop terminals this is designed to be easily mobile. They accept all forms of electronic payments ranging from visa to NFC. It is most favorable to those people who have no one standpoint of sale point for example vegetable vendors, taxi drivers, and even parking lot attendants.
 o Bluetooth terminals: These are POS terminals which have the capability of accepting electronic payments by use of Bluetooth technology to interface the customer and the management. They have security alert systems installed in them to block or warn any unauthorized transaction from automatic activation. The majority accept all forms of electronic point of sale systems which include but not limited to the following: master card Pay Pass, visa pay-wave, Amex, express pay and NFC mobile payment.
 Sistem POS can further be classified based on the following to help know what point of sale terminals to use in different settings.
1. F&B POS:
- These systems are also called restaurant point of sale systems. They integrate the end to end users which are sometimes fully PCI compliant and offer full encryption at both ends to add up security. Also offers back office, inventory, payroll and customer account maintenance in up to date levels. Most of the restaurants and hotels with high frequency and customer turnover also make use of wireless POS which are connected to the local server either in kitchen or a separate room and orders are placed through encryption to audio. Some of F&B POS includes the SIS POS.
2. The point of sale machine:
- A point of sale machine is the actual hardware device that makes it possible for the software to execute its operations. These can be a stand-alone machine or an integrated system of machines. Some of the must have POS machines include barcode scanners, pole displays, POS computers, cash drawers, touch screen monitors, check scanners and receipt printers.
3. Retail point of sale Singapore:
- A retail point of sale generally operates on the principles that the customer places the order and the operator executes it. This can be done by use of weighing scales, scanners, EFTPOS terminals and touch screen input monitors.
4. POS software Singapore:
- Singapore is among the digitalized countries and thus point of sale terminal software are readily available in majority of outlets stores. These are best for use since they increase speed and efficiency.
5. Salon POS:
- These are the point of sale systems which are capable of taking orders and queuing them according to booking time, however, some like i-connect do not require any installation of software. A fully cloud sourced application is among the best for salon cash payment systems as it is compatible with mobile devices. Thus, ease of access even when working on a customer.
6. POS system and software:
- A system is a set of related or related components working together to form a whole or to execute a task. Thus, POS system consists of both the hardware and the software components. For efficient operation, the software should be fully compatible depending on whether it is wireless POS or counter top terminal.
7. Cloud based point of sale:
- Cloud computing is the use of remote servers hosted on the internet to store and manage data and details instead of storing in a local server or personal computer. It only requires a running internet service browser to access the points and is highly compatible with mobile devices and the tablets. It offers the conveniences associated with a location as the terminal can be accessed anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. However to deal with a drop in internet speeds, it is advisable to have some local installation of POS remotely. 
 In conclusion, the nature and size of the business determine what the point-of-sale terminals to use are. POS terminals despite making the running of a business easier they are prone to security threats both online and offline. These problems have been partly solved by cloud computing. It is always good to take the following precautions. 
 o Use metal cash boxes.
o Use proxy software and strong firewall to avoid data theft.
o Use genuine and internet approved Ant-virus 
o Do a thorough analysis before buying any POS terminal to ensure workload balances with the execution capability of the system. This reduces low performance.
o Download software from only authenticated persons.
o Reduce the amount of float at the counter top cash box terminals.
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Just a Normal Day
Hey there! Just a quickie for pre-V-day! The eftpos machine was down at my cafe today, and I attempted to make this joke, and it fell probably flatter than it did for Caroline. Hope you like. 
For one moment, one quiet, shining moment, Caroline Forbes stared longingly out the glass windows, onto the street. She gazed at the faces of those hurrying happily by – the faces of people who weren’t trapped in the grips of Monday employment.
Being a third year college student, Caroline didn’t have all that much time to work, what with class, extra-curricular activities, and a steady social life. But through some horrible twist of fate, she had Mondays completely free. 
Which meant, while all her friends were recovering from their weekends, she had to be peppy and perky while serving perfectly pooncey coffee orders to pretentious patrons who preferred their tri-daily caffeine fix about as complicated as their particularly promiscuous impertinences.
To add insult to injury, the café’s wireless was down that day, which mean no cards whatsoever. Just those little bills that seemed so illusive in the digital climate.
On top of that, it meant that every second hipster complained about not being able to share their almond turmeric latte with a shot of decaf and chai with the entirety of their – rather lacking – Instagram following. The alternative to the Insta-whinger, were the try-hard-hippy-dippy folks who flagellated about how ‘we’re all too involved in the internet’, and ‘how in an age with such connectivity we’re rarely truly connected to others’ and how refreshing it was to disconnect for a while. They made these proclamations as if they didn’t have cell data constantly ringing notifications in like they were going out of style.
Needless to say, Caroline’s day was sucking.
It had been hours of triple caff, half almond, half soy mochas, and the repeated line “I’m really sorry, but our wireless is down at the moment! So, we’re only taking cash!” 
And she was sick of it. 
It was the day before Valentine’s day, and she was feeling absolutely no love toward the customers, her job, her boss, her anything.
“Hi!” she said, faux-brightly to the next customer to step through the door. “It’s typical, isn’t it! The day before Valentine’s and our wireless connection is about as dead as my stale, stagnant relationship! So, just like the hooker I have to hire to get any action these days, we’re only taking cash!”
She had her sunniest smile on when she delivered her line.
But her unfailing confidence completely failed, as she made eye contact with the customer. 
He did not seem amused.
At all.
The scowl he had worn through the café’s door, deepened considerably, and he couldn’t stop himself from saying, “Why anyone believes in this Valentine’s nonsense is beyond me! It is just a normal day, but with all this meaning attached? What? If I don’t bring my loved one a red rose on that day, that means I don’t love them? Ridiculous.” 
Caroline hadn’t expected her joke to fall so flat, but by-gum if she was going to take such petulance from a grumpy stranger with a stick up his butt.
“Oh, how endearing, another man who wants to preach the insignificance of Valentine’s day,” she said dryly, sarcasm dripping from her every pour. “You must be a real hoot at Christmas.”  
The man opened his mouth, ready to fire back an equally sarcastic response when she cut him off.
“If you must know, I don’t have a boyfriend, nor an escort. Some might say I was making a humorous statement, sometimes known as a joke. Perhaps if you pulled your head out of your ass long enough to listen to tone and timbre, you may have got that. What can I get for you today?”
She looked down her nose at him, pursing her lips haughtily, impatiently waiting for his order and the man’s cold exterior cracked, his lips forming a tiny smile. 
“I’ll have a large flat white.” 
“What? No soy milk? No hazelnut? No extra whipped cream on the top? Surely you’ll take an artisanal donut?”
“Nope, just the coffee.” 
“Well, I’ll be damned.”
They stood comfortable silence, while Caroline made the coffee. She was concentrating on her task; he was concentrating on her.
As she handed his coffee to him, he grinned.
“I’ll definitely be back tomorrow.”
“It’s Valentine’s day tomorrow,” she replied, dryly.
“It’s a terrible tradition. I stand by that.”
He turned to go, and was just about to step through the door, when he turned and said, “but red roses are nice, even if it is just a normal day.”
With that, and a wink, he was gone.
Review here.
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simmyseo · 4 years
Hutchinson Technology supports you while running your restaurant in much easy and smoother way. With our POS solution, you can easily manage the system with your mobile phones or a tablet. Our software gives you the facility of taking the order directly using smartphone and get the print transferred directly to kitchen or assigned chef without going personally and reading out the whole order. Also you can easily split the bills according to customer seats by just pushing the total amount straight to the wireless EFTPOS terminals for table payments. With our POS solutions you can manage your orders, tables and payments with great perfection and integrity.
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sonp49926 · 2 years
The 4 Defining Features of EFTPOS Efficiency | Rocket POS
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How can you ensure the best client experience with your mobile EFTPOS machine? Discover the 4 defining features of EFTPOS efficiency & how to maximise them!
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osacomms · 11 months
Data Cabling St Marys | Data Cabling Blue mountains, NSW | One Step Ahead Communications
Data cables are used to transmit information between devices. There are three main types of data cables used to transmit data: twisted pair, coax and optic fibre cables.
These three types of cables are used in different environments. One of the fastest twisted pair cables on the market today is CAT6 cable. Data cable can be for internal or external use. Data cable for external use has a hard jacket and a moisture barrier. 
Your data cable connects the following equipment to other devices and the network:  computer, monitor, modem, printer, fax machine, smart TV, CCTV, wireless router, switch, phones, phone system, VOIP phones, intercom, door station, EFTPOS machine, alarm, and much more. 
OSA Communications can supply, install and terminate all types of cable, such as: Optic fibre, data, coax, aerial IBC, speaker, communication (5pr, 10pr, 30pr, 50pr, 100pr), depending on what is required.  
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forumgroup · 5 years
Don’t Risk Disconnection – Move to NBN Now!
With the rollout of the National Broadband Network (NBN) in Australia, your existing phone system may no longer be compatible with the Internet infrastructure.
Once your area is ready for the service, you will only have up to 18 months to switch to an NBN compatible phone system. So it’s imperative to switch well before the cut off date, or you’ll risk being disconnected.
Read on to find out more about the NBN network and what you need to do to stay connected.
Are Your Devices Compatible with the NBN?
NBN involves the use of new technologies. This means the phone services you use now may be incompatible with the new infrastructure. In that case, the transition will affect your business if you don’t migrate to NBN.
Unfortunately, connecting to the NBN is not automatic, so it is up to you to find out whether your device is NBN compatible.
This is where Forum Group can help. We will check all your devices for compatibility and help you migrate to the NBN service network. We will also advise you on the most suitable solution ideal for your business needs.
Free Guide: Everything about NBN & 5G
Check if your special equipment is compatible to the NBN
While migrating common devices such as phones, laptops and computers is straight-foward, if you have special equipment that operates on a landline phone connection, you will need to check with both your service and device providers whether they will still be compatible with the NBN network. Contact your device providers to check if you need upgrading. 
At Forum Group, we will help guide you through this checklist to prepare you for the NBN connection. Once you have signed up to a plan that suits your business needs, we will work with NBN Co to arrange a technician to install your new service.
The devices you need to check:
EFTPOS or health claim terminals
Existing landline phone services
Fax and teletypewriter devices
Auto-dealers, medical alarms, or emergency call buttons
Lift emergency phones
Monitored fire alarms
Business security monitoring systems
Reach out to the service provider of any special equipment to find out if your devices are compatible with the NBN. Following this, you will work with your service provider to migrate to the NBN. 
If you are not the owner of the premises where you do business, you can inform the landlord that the building needs registration. And if you are leasing a business premise, you need to seek your landlord’s permission before installing the NBN equipment.
What Disconnection Would Mean to your Business
Many Internet and landline services offered via cable or Telstra’s copper broadband networks will stop working. However, the NBN rollout will not affect the services provided over the satellite, wireless, mobile, or fixed-line networks.
An unplanned disconnection may have serious ramifications for your business including:
Lost revenue
Loss of service to your customers
Damaged business reputation
Lost employee efficiency
Note that the moment your area is ready for service, NBN will give you only 18 months to move to their network.
Once you place your order, your existing services will still be available for up to 6 months as you wait for the NBN service.
Why Choose Forum Group?
At Forum Group, we offer a wide range of IT solutions, and we will help you migrate from your current system to the NBN system without a hitch.
With our secure private cloud solutions, we will ensure your data is secure by storing it in Government graded (Tier 3) data centres based in Australia and with back-ups in place.
All our hosting and support are in Australia. When the system is down, we will be able to pinpoint where the problem is and act fast.
 Other benefits you will enjoy from Forum include:
Cost savings: With a traditional phone service, you often pay for local, long-distance and international calls. With SIP, the new communications technology compatible with NBN, pricing is cheaper and costs can be anticipated more accurately.
Immediate ROI: SIP technology requires minimal upfront capital investment.
Network consolidation: SIP lets you combine your voice and data into a single network, saving costs.
No expensive hardware or infrastructure: Traditional phone services may need new phone lines, mobile devices for remote employees and other telecommunications’ equipment.
Mobility: With SIP, you can use a proxy (localised) phone number. Our phone system solution offers flexibility, giving you the option to transfer your existing phone numbers should you move office. Not only does this save time and cost, our solution can consolidate your business locations and remote workers into a single network.
Unified communications: SIP acts as a gateway for IP-based communications (data sent over the Internet). Benefits include collaboration apps, instant messaging, mobility, and other versatile, cloud-based applications for business productivity.
Reliability: As there is no physical infrastructure, SIP isn’t vulnerable to outages.
Easy management: SIP, with VoIP phones (digitally enabled telephone lines), let you manage your own network, including call routing, changing extensions or adding phone lines.
Advanced features: These include easy setup of call unattended, integration with your CRM, and voicemail to email.
Top technology: Forum Group uses Mitel or Yealink – both excellent brands. These come in the Express, Executive and Enterprise ranges designed to suit the size of your business.
An unplanned disconnection due to the NBN will cost your business, so we strongly recommend you to get a head start on migrating your phone system. We make the switch easy, and your transition will be smooth and seamless. If you’d like to learn more about how Forum can help your business be NBN ready, let’s talk.
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thewebofslime · 6 years
LATEST NEWS AUSTRAC suspends two crypto exchanges after arrest Vodafone says NBN Co still providing dodgy speed data Canon Australia to close its R&D operations NBN Co argues 'no strong basis' for fixed wireless fines iTnews Benchmark Awards: The Highlights LOG INSUBSCRIBE GOVERNMENT IT SECURITY FINANCE IT TELCO BENCHMARK AWARDS Google Australia names new engineering lead Anil Sabharwal (Credit: Google) Alan Noble steps down after 11 years. Google Australia has named Anil Sabharwal as its new director of engineering, replacing 11-year veteran Alan Noble. It’s a return to Australia for Sabharwal, who began his Google career in Sydney back in 2009 before moving to California. While in the US, Sabharwal is perhaps best known as the leader of the team that conceived, built, and launched Google Photos in 2015. In addition to running the Australian engineering team, he will “continue to lead Google’s global efforts in personal communications and photos”, Google said in a blog post. Sabharwal’s relocation provides further context to the company’s decision to set up a product team for Google Photos in Australia. As reported by iTnews last week, a new engineering presence is being set up for Photos locally. That is significant because Photos is considered Google’s fastest-growing product ever, and its enhancements are being underpinned by significant investments in deep learning and machine learning. Sabharwal noted that Google’s Australian operations had grown “tremendously” in the five years he had been away. “Australia has some of the most talented engineers in the world, and our Sydney office will continue to work on efforts that make big impact at a global scale,” he said. Much of that growth was overseen by Alan Noble, who has led local engineering since 2007. Noble is headed to non-profit AusOcean, which conducts reef monitoring and ocean environmental protection work. Got a news tip for our journalists? Share it with us anonymously here. Copyright © iTnews.com.au . All rights reserved. Tags:australia engineering google photos software By Ry Crozier Feb 23 2018 4:33PM 0 Comments RELATED ARTICLES Google plans to 'host' a photos team in Australia EU states set to scrap digital tax plan, to work for global reform Google plans to ban political ads before Canada election Salesforce Ventures sets aside $50m for Australia MOST READ ARTICLES Australia's anti-encryption laws ridiculed on world stage AUSTRAC suspends two crypto exchanges after arrest Centrelink deploys NPP for real time emergency payments NBN Co reveals uneven spread of 50Mbps-capable premises You must be a registered member of iTnews to post a comment. Log In | Register WHITEPAPERS FROM OUR SPONSORS Guide to Fully-Composable Software-Defined Private Cloud Is slow data silently killing your business? Here's why you should care. Cloud, AI, infosec: Is your IT strategy keeping up? 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How to recover deleted emails in Gmail Ten ways to speed up your laptop Tip: Your shop can use a smartphone instead of an EFTPOS terminal Hand sanitiser dispensers raise IOT security concern IoT in Action: How data-driven farming can help feed the world Three data problems that can de-rail IOT projects Australia punching above its weight in IOT spending Microsoft Kinect reborn as smart eyes and ears for IOT Contact Us About Us Feedback Advertise Newsletter Archive Site Map RSS © 2019 nextmedia Pty Ltd. OTHER TECH SITES: BIT | CRN Australia | IoT Hub All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in any form without prior authorisation. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of nextmedia's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. ACCEPT By using our site you accept that we use and share cookies and similar technologies to perform analytics and provide content and ads tailored to your interests. 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adelaidecity · 6 years
Telstra outage leaves hundreds of offenders unmonitored for 24 hours
Updated November 05, 2018 00:06:23 Hundreds of offenders have been left unmonitored for more than 24 hours in South Australia following an electronic failure in monitoring devices blamed on a nationwide Telstra outage. Key points:Department of Corrections was unable to track 774 offenders for 24 hoursAn electronic fault in the monitoring devices was reported on Friday morningA nationwide Telstra outage has been blamed for the communication mishap The Department for Correctional Services in South Australia on Sunday confirmed a communication fault with its electronic monitoring system had left it unable to track 774 individuals who are monitored by electronic tracking devices. It said that all offenders had been accounted for except for one individual. The department said the offenders were out for various reasons, including parolees, those on bail and others on home detention supervision. Chief executive of the department David Brown said the outage was brought to his attention early on Friday morning and service was fully restored by lunch time on Saturday. "We've got one offender on intensive-bail supervision who had failed to report to his address after he was released by the court on bail on Thursday night and was due to travel to his address on Friday morning," Mr Brown said. "Any offender who breaches the conditions of an order placed on them by the court is a concern and that offender was deemed suitable to be released on bail by the court and he will answer to the court as to why he failed to comply with the conditions of his bail." Mr Brown said the department and South Australian police already had a contingency plan in place prior to the fault. "It was quickly established that it was a network outage with Telstra that was the root cause of the problem," he said. He said additional staff were brought in to do both phone and home-visit checks on offenders and at about lunch time on Saturday the department had full system functionality back.
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Photo: SA Premier Steven Marshall said this is a very serious breach and a full investigation would be undertaken. (ABC News: Nick Harmsen) 'This is a very serious breach' Premier Steven Marshall said a thorough investigation would be undertaken into why the outage occurred and how to prevent it happening in the future. He said he was made aware of the outage on Friday and it was "unacceptable" from Telstra. "Corrections and SAPOL had already done work to identify that this was a potential scenario and therefore put contingencies in place," Mr Marshall said. "These contingencies were enacted on Friday; the system has now been fully recovered." He said the State Government would be communicating with Telstra regarding the fault and the safety of South Australian people was extraordinarily important. "This is a very serious breach, a very serious outage and there will be a full and thorough investigation," he said. "Clearly this is an unacceptable situation and clearly this is a situation that we cannot afford to occur in South Australia again." Fault was 'totally unacceptable' Correctional Services Minister Corey Wingard said he had spoken to Telstra following the outage and the company was aware of how the State Government felt about the communication fault.
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Photo: Minister for Correctional Services Corey Wingard said he had spoken to Telstra about the outage. (ABC News: Tom Fedorowytsch) He said he was made aware that it was a hardware failure that had caused the outage, with a faulty piece of equipment used by Telstra that was "dead on arrival" during a replacement. "I've spoken to Telstra, this is totally unacceptable, they know very firmly how we feel," Mr Wingard said. "I have two reports coming from them this week and we'll be doing a thorough investigation as to exactly what went wrong and what we need to do to make sure that this doesn't happen again in the future." He said he had been reassured by Telstra that the faulty hardware was now back up and running. Mr Marshall said that following an investigation, further contingencies would be put in place if needed. "I think one of the things that we will definitely do is benchmark our level of coverage with other states around Australia," Mr Marshall said. "If we need to take action, if we need to upgrade the system that's exactly and precisely what we will do." Opposition spokesman LeeOdenwalder said this issue had shown that the current minister in charge of the system was more concerned with other things than really looking after the safety of South Australians. "One of the most important functions of government is to keep its citizens safe and what we've learnt this morning is that on Friday more than 700 criminals have been left unattended, they've been left unsupervised for 24 hours because of an outage in the Telstra system," he said. "This comes shortly after an incident in May where the system went down for two hours it shows that there's a minister that's in charge of the system here who is more interested doing other things than in really looking after the safety of our people. "On top of everything we now have a violent criminal on the loose as a result of this outage. This is unprecedented and we need the Government to get on top of this as quickly as possible." Telstra confirm 'complex issue' A spokesperson from Telstra confirmed the company had been in ongoing contact with the State Government regarding the network outage. The company also confirmed the cause of the outage, describing it as a "complex issue" which technicians had worked through on Friday night. "The issue was caused by a fault in a vendor's network and we had expert technicians onsite to assist them with restoration," the spokesperson said. "A range of machine-to-machine or M2M services were affected, but the biggest impacts were seen on devices such as ATMs and eftpos terminals. "The issue was a complex one involving multiple suppliers across a number of locations we worked through the night to restore services as quickly as possible." Topics:computers-and-technology,wireless-networking,information-and-communication,wireless-communication,prisons-and-punishment,law-crime-and-justice,government-and-politics,adelaide-5000,sa First posted November 04, 2018 12:51:59 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-04/telstra-outage-leaves-hundreds-of-offenders-unmonitored/10463642
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The Affect Of A Point Of Sale System On Restaurant Administration
A POS system reduces overhead by more effectively offering and managing info. A POS system will handle all of those facets for you. You'll speed your sales and enhance customer confidence in your institution. Equally important to the proper management of your establishment is stock management. POS methods help restaurants by offering extra control and security. Margins are additionally improved and protected by this better stock control and monitoring by understanding what and when to order, reducing transport costs and permitting you to reap the benefits of provider promotions. You can add a wireless handheld device to take orders and course of gross sales proper on the table, additional reducing your manpower and potential for errors while improving your buyer's expertise. Have to know an everyday customer's tackle for supply with out having to ask every time? With an in depth file of each buyer's vital info at the touch of a finger in a quick and complete relational database, the days of having to recollect and hand write info are over. White Goods Stores, Furniture Stores and many others. A hand scanner is commonly hooked up to a back office laptop allowing easier stock item knowledge entry.
Debit Card "Cash Out"& can be supported.
Retail Supervisor provides inventory control, in depth reporting and numerous different back workplace related functionalities. By networking a again office laptop to your POS terminals, managers can carry out again workplace duties whilst your POS operators can concentrate on serving clients. The POS system integrates such tasks as credit card processing and receipt reproduction. How about a gift card program? Debit Card "Money Out"& can also be supported. A POS system captures, maintains and updates an infinite quantity of knowledge in a manner impossible for a cash register. A POS system means that you can know exactly what you've gotten on hand, what you want, and when to order it! Retail Manager permits a scale to be interfaced to the POS terminal. Entry POS does not supply EFTPOS terminals as most retailers are provided with a unit as a part of their month-to-month service provider charge. Entry POS has designed software that can be loaded into a Portable Information Entry (PDE) unit that has a seamless interface to Retail Supervisor. The VersiTouch POS software dramatically increases the income and efficiency of your restaurant. The VersiTouch POS software was developed by restaurant operators to provide a full featured, quick and versatile system that is straightforward to make use of.
VersiTouch POS is the solution restaurants have been waiting for. A POS system is a worthwhile funding which will enhance the long term sustainability and profitability of your new restaurant. Hospitality institutions historically see a 10-20% return on investment in the first few months of operation. Retail Manager Software program. Consists of 12 months software program support and license. The elective buyer loyalty software module makes use of the softcube Systems same printer to generate buyer barcode labels for loyalty cards. Retail Supervisor has an inbuilt interface to attach on to a Thermal Label Printer meaning you do not require 'third get together' software to generate in-retailer product barcode labels. A label printer is used to print shelf and product barcode labels for these items that do not include a manufacturers barcode. The principle differences relate to the scanning vary / distance during which a barcode can be read. With a traditional cash register, employees can ring up gross sales with any prices they wish. A POS system at the entrance counter is similar to a traditional cash register in that sales are rung, cash is exchanged, change is given, cash is secured and a drawer is balanced.
Heavy Duty Cash Drawer. For nearly three a long time, eating places have been changing from money registers to point of sale systems. A Point of Sale system is a particularly designed hardware and software program bundle that performs the same cash administration functions as a money register but additionally does an excellent deal extra. Access POS provides the software program 'hyperlink' that enables the EFTPOS terminal to be linked to the Retail Supervisor POS terminal. Retail Manager Software program presents chosen POS Hardware that has proved to be strong, dependable, backed by a trusted manufactures guarantee and has been absolutely tested with the Retail Supervisor POS Software. Acer Commercial Computer. 3 years guarantee. Having mentioned that, the retail industry requires sturdy business hardware that is specifically designed for deployment into this typically hash setting. The hospitality business is amongst the most difficult for an entrepreneur to enter. The distinction lies in how the data is gathered and processed. The shopper Pole Show permits two strains of data. The Retail Supervisor POS System allows EFTPOS Integration to all major Australian banks. By linking your POS terminal to the EFTPOS unit, the transaction whole is routinely sent into the EFTPOS machine avoiding the need to re-key the transaction complete.
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strategyr-blog · 7 years
The Global Market for EFTPOS Terminals is Projected to Reach 54.8 Million Units by 2024
New Technologies and Replacement Demand Drive the Global EFTPOS Terminals Market, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc.
GIA launches comprehensive analysis of industry segments, trends, growth drivers, market share, size and demand forecasts on the global Electronic Funds Transfer POS (EFTPOS) Terminals market. The global market for EFTPOS Terminals is projected to reach 54.8 million units by 2024, driven by new technologies designed to provide a seamless electronic payment experience, rising replacement demand in mature markets of Europe, and increasing preference for non-cash transactions around the world.
Although not completely immune to fraud, theft, and misuse, EFTPOS/Card-based payments are relatively safer than carrying cash, and more secure than online payment transactions. These payments also bring cost benefits to customers by sparing personal checks and ATM fees. Credit/debit cards are presently the most popular non-cash payment medium among consumers. Besides cost considerations and safety reasons, the convenience factor too has been driving strong consumer shift from cash transactions to card based payments. This growing preference for card based payments among customers represents a key factor driving adoption of EFTPOS terminals among retailers. With provision to pay through credit/debit card turning out to be major deciding factor for customers to visit a particular retail outlet or a restaurant, retail merchants and restaurant owners, have been eagerly installing EFTPOS terminals. The addition of PIN authentication for chip-based cards has resulted in the hospitality industry embracing wireless POS terminals as these terminals can be taken right to the customer on their table, thereby enabling secure transactions.
mPOS (mobile POS) enables mobile phones and other connected devices to be used as a POS terminal, thereby eliminating the need for investment in a separate POS terminal. Small businesses without the financial muscle to fund the initial investment for POS terminals benefit the most from mPOS, enabling them to accept electronic payments. Ubiquitous connectivity for mobile devices and latest wireless communication technologies such as 4G providing high broadband speeds are helping resolve connectivity issues, one of the major hindrances for adoption of POS terminals in rural areas.
Near Filed Communication (NFC) enabled POS systems are increasingly being adopted by businesses, especially in the retail sector. Most new cards issued in the recent past feature NFC payment option, especially in the US and Europe. With the consumer able to make a payment by just tapping the card to pay for purchases, NFC integration is expected to emerge as a standard in the near future owing to the convenience provided by the technology. With major mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS providing support for NFC based transactions through ApplePay and Google Wallet, NFC is poised for high growth in the future. Increased and reliable connectivity have enabled merchants to adopt cloud-based solutions with a pay-as-you-go model. With lower upfront costs, cloud-based solutions enable merchants to embrace new technologies at lower costs.
As stated by the new market research report on EFTPOS Terminals, Asia-Pacific represents the largest and the fastest growing market worldwide with a CAGR of 10.3% over the analysis period. Rapid economic development, steady GDP growth, expanding base of affluent middle class population, improving spending power, and emergence of several modern retail infrastructure projects such as malls, super markets, and chain stores in the region, especially in China and India represent key growth drivers in the region.
Key players in the market include Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated, First Data Corporation, Fujitsu Frontech Limited, Ingenico S.A, Keycorp Pty Limited, NCR Corporation, Olivetti S.p.A., Oracle Hospitality, PAX Technology Limited, Smartpay Ltd, Spire Payments UK, VeriFone Systems, Inc., and Worldline among others.
The research report titled "Electronic Funds Transfer POS (EFTPOS) Terminals: A Global Strategic Business Report" announced by Global Industry Analysts Inc., provides a comprehensive review of market trends, growth drivers, innovations and launches, and strategic industry activities of major companies worldwide. The report provides market estimates and projections in volume (thousand units) for all major geographic markets including the US, Canada, Japan, Europe (France, Germany, Italy, UK, Spain, Russia, and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), Latin-America (Brazil, and Rest of Latin America) and Rest of World.
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