#With a bit of luck I'll finally have Sunday AND Monday off
silvertsundere 1 year
Silver Talks AniManga (10/09/23)
no zom next week cause it'll be a recap and post will be 1 day late since jump will be on monday instead of sunday 馃槧 anyway start of new serialization round this week so that's fun, all the artists are newbies so good luck to them surviving the trial by fire
blue - finale/completed green聽- new series/new to me
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Pokemon Horizons Ep21
it's funny how this worked out cause I called she was gonna catch hatenna before we even got the episode titles for this so great job myself. regardless it was a good ep, good to see riko get some spotlight and her finally catching a new mon too. some action next week with the baddies coming back so that should be nice
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Atelier Ryza Ep11
nice ep, it was nice to see ryza get to show off her big brain and get recognition from (most of) the village. considering where it's gonna end next week I won't be surprised at all if they announce a cour 2, I expect it to happen even, but we'll see soon enough I guess
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Zom 100 Ep7
nice ep, good to see that bastard get his comeupance cause seeing how he treated akira had me HEATED god. shizuka is very cute also, lots of good shots of her this ep. no ep next week cause it's gonna be a recap (oof) but hope that means 8 and 9 will be on time
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Tenmaku Cinema Ch21 (Finale)
it's really a shame tenmaku couldn't last longer while something like nue is gonna outlive it by a bit. I really liked it, only a 7 cause it got axed prematurely so it had to rush quite a bit but it was quite good regardless. tosh's art is as good as ever and you could really see tsukuda's love for movies and knowledge coming through. the only complaint I have is how fast the mom plot got resolved since it wasn't really set up beforehand but that's a result of it getting axed early. it's a shame the jp readers didn't like it but I'll be looking forward to this duo's next work. tenmaku is getting a special chap in some months (I assume it's gonna be them after the timeskip) and next year they're doing a one shot so that should be good
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MamaYuyu Ch1
new serialization round babey let's go. the only thing this author has done in the past was a one shot around this time last year but it wasn't related to this new series. the first chap was... alright. felt like a one shot really. it had some weird paneling but with some neat ideas for them a couple of times. the art's good for the most part but some of the chosen angles led to some goofy lookin faces. the monster design near the end was CRAZY tho. not really much more to say about it tho, the chap didn't set up that much. we know there's demon lords and heroes and that they've been fighting since forever but they've been at peace for 18 years now. curious to see where it's going from here since, well, they're at peace. is it gonna be isekai with the mc going to other worlds to help them? is his world gonna get invaded by more demons from other worlds? will it just be slice of life? who knows but we'll see how it goes in the next couple chaps
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Dandadan Ch120
figured this chap would be to wrap up the reiko plotline, and set up the next arc, but it was fun seeing her tease momo like this. cool to see the next big baddie is a human (looking) guy since it's just been monsters so far, he has a sword too so expecting some pog stuff
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Blue Box Ch116
nice chap, it's good to see taiki fired up and finally going all out against someone. it was also good seeing some progress on the ayame kyou romance cause I've been saying that was gonna happen for ages and there's been little crumbs before but today there was a really big one
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Martial Master Asumi Ch12
time's flying in mma and skipping right to the fight, all while hiding nito's super move, but it makes sense, no much point spending time in a "training arc" when nito has trained all his life. looking forward to the fight next week
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Cipher Academy Ch39
good chap, setting up the next arc and also giving us tayu's backstory and also saying that all this time she has been holding back which is very spooky. I'm also curious who iroha is gonna convince, my guess it's yosaimura since she said no right away but they have a really good relationship but we'll see. other guess is anonimity but I doubt it
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yamithediaperdork 3 years
Welcome to baby land (Ben 10)
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it was a tale as old as time, one that had happened before, would happen this day and despite the fall out from today's events would happen again in the future.
A young boy, fueled by fetish desires and spending hour after hour, day after day bringing himself to the peak as he looked at his chosen fetish, only to pull back last second.
Because the boy knows for what he wants, for what he's going to do.. he needs that desperate pent up denial of release to shut down his common sense. to make him nice and dumb.
His name was Ben Tennyson, and up until a short while ago he had been the hero of the universe and earth. But that was before the watch had been taken, and given to his cousin Gwen who had been picked as being a most reasonable hero. with cutting remarks that he would of never gotten the watch for as long as he had had it's marker realized who was wearing it, and being called to immature.. was it any wonder a bitter and dejected Ben cut himself off from his extended family and drove into the world of porn?
never mind he had beaten off a alien invasion, a 'pants peeing doofus' couldn't be trusted with the watch.
Fine. whatever. if they wanted to look at him as a stupid big baby.. that's what he'd become.
He didn't even like diapers at first when he started, but well.. porn has a way of warping a young boy's mind. Looking at picture after picture, caption after caption and reading the stories Ben for all intents and purposes turned himself in a diaper boy, and a humiliation junkie.
Taking birthday money he even found and brought a package of punishment diapers meant for shaming (though he got it at a discount as the shop was being put out of business) that were super thick, boasted how they could hold any mess.. and also claimed they didn't keep any stink from being contained and guaranteed diaper rash if used.
For a porn addicted loser like Ben, this was pure gold and since he paid for rush devilry he got a enema bag and a small bottle of little crampers, the enema for brats.
Ben knew what he wanted, total, public humiliation but he kept ruining it for himself with self pleasure driving the need out of his mind before he could do it.
finally, Mid October the little porn fueled loser decided enough was enough, he was gonna stop wasting his time and the diapers he'd paid for and set himself up to goon. For a week strait he subjected himself to it, and by the time he was done on Sunday night, Monday morning the little loser set himself up to fail.
waking up early, Ben used the whole bottle of little crampers even though it said to just mix 1/8 with a litlre bag for a enema kit, and groaned and whimpered as he used it, hot water and a dash of castor oil in the big enema bag, only his bulky white and black t-shirt hid the preggo belly he gave himself.
getting back to his bedroom and cramping, the soon to be ruined diaper loser looked at the pack of his punishment diapers and having not worn one till today, toyed with layering at first but they just looked too thick.
Settling on one of the bulky diapers with it sobbing crybaby design, he taped it on then tried the tapes, blushing as the package lived up to it's name.
Once taped on it would take 2 hours for the tapes to come back off, he was truly trapped. again a normal boy of Ben's age would of been panicking, realizing they had gone too fair but Ben just breathed fast, and smiled as he picked his baggiest pair of pants and was delighted that they still only JUST hid the diaper, if he bent over his padded shame would be CLEAR.
Getting down stairs and getting breakfast in himself, he was already seated as his parents came down and made small talk with them even as the delightful cramps started to build. (he'd never admit it, well at least before today's events unfolded but he'd grown to like pain, it made his heart beat fast and smile)
Still he couldn't help but squirm and groan a little bit, and got looks of concern from his parents as he finished his bowl of cereal.
"Benny you feeling alright?" His mother asked, coming over and putting a hand to his forehead. "You can stay home today if your not feeling good."
"N-No I'll be alright. just worried about a math test." Ben said, mixing truth with lies,then added: "Besides, you and dad said you were BOTH gonna be out all day today. who'd stay with me?"
"Heh, He's got a point there.. and good on you Ben. I'm proud your being mature enough not to try and get out of a test." His dad said, totally misunderstanding the happy giggle Ben let out.
His father might of thought it was Ben was so happy he was proud of him, But for diaper bitch Benny, the irony of the comment almost made him ruin the fun early.
If Ben's plan had one flaw (well one he'd admit to) it was the fact that he hadn't taken into account how much slower he'd be having to waddle his massive diaper butt to school with the added fun of having to stop 3 times to force himself not to spoil the fun early.
He'd even left a little sooner then normal, his parents had been quick with their breakfast and he 'accidentally' left his house key on the desk in his room and after making sure the front door was locked, went out the back door as you could lock it from the inside while the door was open.
'No getting out of this by running home!' Ben gleefully thought.
He barley made it into homeroom before the bell rang, though since he was known to be tardy from time to time it didn't raise too much attention, get getting a snide comment from his homeroom teacher about gracing them with his presence.
Even better, home was also his math class and that was going to be first period (which was a good thing for the ever so full little perv as his 'chocolate mud baby' wasn't going to stay in him much longer.)
Mr. Fillawick wasted little time in handing out the tests and after a standard warning that he'd tolerate NO cheating and there was going to be NO bathroom breaks, he offered anyone who had to go a chance to use the potty now.
'OK..this is it..your last chance.. you could just say you need to go, and sneak out the school.fill your diapers in the woods and get out of them once the tapes give up.' Ben thought to himself, biting his lip.
it wouldn't be destroying himself in class and getting him labeled stinky baby for the rest of the year, but it would land him in hot water with the school and his parents and he'd run the risk of being seen outside right?
He almost started to raise his hand when his inner pervert took over and he just turned it into brushing his hand though his hair.
"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you. you'll have a hour to do the test. good luck." Mr. Fillawick said and shrugged, going back to his desk and sitting down, doing whatever it was teachers did.
Five minutes later and Ben was in a mixture of heaven and hell. he was twitching and sweating a little bit, his pencil twitching in his hand even as he started to leak in little bursts against the front of his diapie.
the cramps were at the point of no return and even if Ben said fuck it and got up to run, he wouldn't of made it more then five steps.
all he'd managed to do so far was write his name on the test and the date, then the cramps had gone over board.
'Ok..Ok.. this was a mistake.. I've leaked enough boy milk to see that.. maybe.. maybe I can still just.. get out..of..' Ben thought, going white knuckled as he gripped the side of his desk with his left hand as a powerful cramp hit, a low rumbling fart coming out his backside though the sound was mostly muted.
the smell however was not as the diapers lived up to their claims and Kids around Ben wrinkled their noses and looked around looking for the source of the smell and eyes zeroing in on his as he was blushing.
"Mr. Fillawick? I think Ben needs to go to the bathroom." A redhead boy behind him said. "Or at Least can he be moved to the back of the classroom.
"Mr. Tennyson had his chance for that Mr. Randal. and I prefer he stay where I can keep a eye on him." Came the teachers amused answer.
even as the class giggled and laughed, two more rotten poots escaped and there was open cries of disgust.
"Gah, at least open a window!"
"What did you have to eat this morning, a skunk!?"
Ben whimpered and squirmed, he had the whole class basically looking at him now and the teasing and taunts had brought his pervert side back up to full power.
'It's now or never.' Ben thought, though he also knew wasn't really a option. it was more like Now or never if he wanted a semblance of control over the act.
it helped he was trembling lots now but Mr. Fillawick who'd never cared for Ben much since he was a rowdy student only watched with sadistic glee.
Ben's Pencil 'accidentally' shook out of his hand and rolled off the desk and onto the floor, and Ben made a show of just reaching into his desk to find anther one.
"Mr. Tennyson, whatever your habits in your own room may be, I run a clean Classroom." the smirking teacher said. "Bend down and point up that pencil."
"Uh..but..If I-" Ben started, putting the perfect crybaby whine in his voice.
"You'll what? fart? like you haven't been doing that already?" the teacher shot back.
Putting on a show of being embarrassed and scared (he was embarrassed but his heart was beating fast) Ben leaned over the right side of his desk and there was a gasp from the students behind him as one thing he hadn't planned on happened.
"A BABY DIAPER!" a blond girl added.
"More like a BIG baby diaper!" Randal noted with amusement.
Somehow his pants must of lowered enough to flash off his embarrassing diaper! Oh god! for all of 2.4 seconds trued to stop what was about to happen but the act of leaning over had been the final trigger.
as the enema finally worked it's magic and the back of his diaper started to swell up Ben could only hear the roar of his mess and though tear filled eyes almost could swear he could see image of him in just diapers and a bib, tapping a shovel on a grave that had been filled in. the tombstone read:
RIP Ben's self respect.
as the force of the mess made Ben fall forward, landing face down and ass up, his pants failing down more so everyone could watch his diapers load up in the back (thankfully they wouldn't be able to tell what he was doing in the front!) The image of baby Ben came over and looked down with a grin at the real one.
"Welcome to baby land~ no going back now."
As Ben's life was ruined, and he was designed to never be able to get that 'excited' again unless he was crapping brains out(heck, he was going to be pulled from school and his parents would begin his new big baby life, treating him like the baby they thought he wanted to be, not knowing he was just a humiliation junkie) Charmcaster smirked in her jail cell.
Sure having to watch all the events unfold from sitting into of a toilet wasn't the way she'd hope to see the spell play out, not to mention it had been that bitch Gwen she had targeting, but this worked out in the end.
Gwen would suffer being the cousin of the big stinky baby and would likely end up having to change him and it wouldn't be too long now before her uncle broke her out. wincing as Ben started to baby babble though she did have one moment's regret.
'I mean, I'm evil and wanna take over the world but was making him a diaper perv too far?' She wondered, then smiled. 'Naaaah!'
The end
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starstuffatsea 3 years
I just need a place to talk. Ignore if you don't want to read my personal life stuff.
It's not sad or anything, not a rant, just getting my feelings out bc I don't exactly have someone I'm confident going to with my personal thoughts. But that's anxiety for ya, I guess.
Spoiler: it all works out in the end, I'll get there, I just have to go through the stressors first, and feel those emotions fully.
So my dad had open heart surgery today. I haven't told anyone because how do I bring that up, jeez. He should be okay, doctor said the prognosis is good, but it was a very sudden thing that was happening. We all found out that he needed it 2 days ago. Literally two days ago.
I was avoiding thinking about it, because class and shit. I was already falling behind in my classes because I was on a show the last 2 weeks, and had almost no free time, plus was up later than usual, so I slept through my classes pretty consistently. I actually slept through my Japanese oral midterm last week, and didn't do an assignment that is 10% of my grade there too. So I was very much overwhelmed.
Didn't help that because I was sleeping in, I couldn't take my adhd meds or I wouldn't sleep at all the next night, fucking my sleep schedule even further.
But the show ended on Sunday, and we had a fall break of that Monday and Tuesday. I was feeling optimistic. I slept almost all day Monday, and then started playing Animal Crossing again. For the first time in 6 months actually. Doing great on Monday.
I took my meds on Tuesday, because I was up early enough for it. And my friends had a plan to go hiking together. Was going to be good.
Then my mom called me with the news that my dad was going to have open heart surgery. He had had walking pneumonia earlier this month, but was starting to get better. Except he had worsening chest pain. Oops turns out that he had 2 blockages in his heart, according to the procedure where a camera goes up in there through his leg, into the main artery. So that happened on Tuesday.
I did end up hiking with some of my friends later in the day, and it was great. Probably because I didn't let myself think of what was going to be happening. So I could actually have fun and not be on edge with worry. It was really fun though. We climbed some rock ledges. Very fun.
Some of my other friends went to celebrate a birthday after I got back, so I tagged along. It was fun, we got cookies.
But then I had class in the morning. I did wake up for it, which is good. I grabbed breakfast with one of my friends first, we ran into another friend at the dining hall. It was all in all good. In class, I was way behind, but I just needed to get into the groove of speaking Japanese again. Then the professor asked me if I would be able to make up the midterm after class or on Thursday. Anxiety said no, not today. So Thursday was the date.
Then I got a text from my mom saying that Thursday was when my dad was getting his surgery. Thursday really was the date, huh.
Instead of studying on Wednesday night, or thinking about my dad, I went to a Halloween party that one of my friend's clubs was throwing. It was fun. I ran into yet another friend on the walk home. And then it was back to my dorm for bedtime. I did do the assignment that I was supposed to do a week ago though. And the due date before points started being taken off for being late was before class that morning, so I wasn't too late. And finally, bedtime.
Of course I couldn't sleep, though. Just my luck.
So my alarm went off, this morning. I was already awake. Midterm day. Got breakfast with my friend again, went to class, and was doing better overall. Someone in my class told me about the Halloween event for the Japan club, with curry and Boba tea, and she was really cool. New friend. We were partnered up for a bit of practice and we had fun and were productive. Always good. I told her that I was making up my midterm after class, the first person I told that I was doing so. With everyone else, I either chose not to talk about it with, told them I'd rather not talk about it when they asked, or just treated the midterm like it was always meant to be today. Avoidance at its finest.
After chatting with her, I was feeling pretty confident in my ability, though. So then it was time.
And I did okay in the midterm. I didn't struggle too much, I didn't feel out of my depth really, and if I was a little lost, I asked for assistance in Japanese and my professor was cool about it. She rephrased the questions I didn't quite get, and it was super useful. She and I were just chatting. It ended up being pretty fun overall.
And then I started in on some of my other homework, reading a collection of monologues from interviews about the LA riots in '92. Pretty fascinating. Then I got a text from my mom.
She told me that my dad was out of surgery, and it seemed like he would be good. 3 months of serious recovery, but then he's good to go.
And so, it seems like things are on the up and up. I still have a little catching up to do, but not too bad. My dad is going to be ok, my midterms are over with decent grades, I even got a new alarm to hopefully get me up in the morning if I sleep through my other ones.
So glad to have this out of my system now. It was all just bottled, so I guess tumblr is now my diary. It's off my chest though, so I'm good. 馃榿
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